#and . i dunno. the people calling it like . gross and grimy feels. really. bad
maddestmewmew · 2 years
"folkpunk is so #goblincore #trashcore its all grimy grody men with slimy guitars" cool. actually i think this genre mostly populated by poor, poc, and/or queer people shouldnt be associated with. grossness. actually.
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ufocafe · 5 years
tag meme :~)
i was tagged once again by @theinvisiblemonsters ty v much <3
a. age: i’m 17 but i turn 18 this year which is absolutely disgusting and should not be allowed to happen
b. birthplace: connecticut, one of the nicer cities too that i wish i actually lived in instead of just being born there but i’m confined to the gross part of ct where there’s absolutely nothing to do
c. current time: 1:36pm as of typing this specific part
d. drink you had last: orange juice, right out of the container like a teen in an original disney movie who’s about to miss the bus
e. easiest person to talk to: all of my best pals! except jam because all our convos are him bullying me and i can’t even tag him in this bc he has me blocked ;(
f. favorite song: ever? cars and telephones by arcade fire. but currentlyyyy idk  mayhaps sound of silence by simon and garfunkel like i said on a previous post only cause i’ve been listening to it a lot since contrapoints latest vid
g. grossest memory: when i got food poisoning at disney world. it was sososo bad, basically any experience where i’m sick is gross to me. otherwise i avoid any experience that will entail dirtiness or grossness. i’m not a germophobe i just hate feeling grimy
i. in love: only with my dog
j. jealous of people: honestly i’m just a really jealous person, i don’t mean to be i just am. i think i handle it good though because even if i am jealous of someone getting a better grade than me or my friends having other friends they could like better, etc etc. i don’t act on it like i don’t let it get me angry and i don’t blame it on other people, i’m aware it’s just my own personality flaw
the letter k got lost in the void rip in peace
l. love at first sight or should i walk by again: i don’t really believe in love at first sight, just ‘owo that person is cute’ but whatever happens happens
m. middle name: it’s celeste, i just go by it :^)
n. number of siblings: technically 3 i guess? i have two older brothers who are the same age, one on my dad’s side and one on my mom’s, but with the one on my dad’s side we didn’t even know of each others existence until i was 14 and we didn’t meet until i was 15. even now we don’t talk but he’s not a bad dude. so it really just feels like it’s my older brother on my mom’s side, me, and then my little sister
o. one wish: just to get through my entire college experience with good grades and hopefully the rest will fall into place
p. person you last called: if you look at my call logs it literally only calls from my mom or unknown callers/people tryna scam. i hate calling people and try to exclusively text
q. question you’re usually asked: “so why do you go by celeste instead of your first name?” that’s the main one, my reply is usually that i like it more which is true but also it’s a name that’s feminine and masculine (though normally it’s used as a girls name) so that’s why i prefer it over my very feminine first name
r. reading anything right now: currently 1984 by george orwell for english class and also animorphs kinda because my friend has been talking about it and i wanted to see what was up
s. song you last sang: stayin’ alive by the bee gees dhfadjkfds
t. time you woke up: 12pm, i skipped school bc i was tired ;( 
u. underwear color: black, when you’re emo everything you wear has gotta be black, thems the rules
v. vacation destinations: anywhere my friends are so florida, texas, georgia, canada, etc etc. but otherwise i wanna go to greece or maybe france so i can apply all these years of french classes
w. when was the last time you really laughed: i dunno, probably when i was texting my pals last night or the night before bc they make me laugh. that or from a meme/youtube video in the past week. there’s probably been a more recent one that i laughed at but the one that first comes to mind is THIS  fuckin video oh my god it’s so funny i think about it everyday
x. x-rays: the only times i’ve gotten x-rays are when they do it on my teeth at the dentists idk if those really count. it usually ends in them telling me i need braces and me going yeah totally then never getting them
y. your favorite food: idk it changes everyday, if i’m not really craving a certain food or type of it then it’s hard to me to eat anything else which is not a good trait to have as someone who’s poor and has to eat what’s given to them but honestly i rly just like sweet junk food (that is until i eat too much of it and then it switches to needing savory stuff)
z. zodiac sign: libra, but i don’t fit the stereotype at all
tagging: literally just anyone, i h8 tagging ppl cause it makes me feel annoying even though it’s not annoying but if you wanna do this then do it and feel free to tag me in it this is my guarantee that it will not annoy me ok bye
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