#anacardic acid
hedoughnism · 10 months
Plant based foods people claim are unethical/not vegan/proof vegans are bad/ whatever, ordered by least to most " legitimate".
Quinoa-One news article said foreigners buying quinoa would make a staple crop inaccessible to locals, this is stupid cause we grow crops to meet demand, also being from the Andes Quinoa grows in temperate places as well as potatoes do. Also, the locals already transitioned to a western diet.
Agave- The Greater long nosed bat is an endangered species that relies partially but not exclusively on Agave plants for nectar. Agave or "century" plants are long lived and die after blooming. They are mainly grown and harvested before flowering for Tequila production. a very small amount of wild agave in harvested for bootleg mescal in some regions. The main threats of the bats are habitat loss to agriculture, roost disturbance, and persecution as mistaken for vampire bats. If anything, the agave is threatened by a shortage of bats.
Figs- the inside of a fig consists of flowers that are pollinated by a fig-wasp, which lay their eggs in figs. Female wasps go on to lay eggs in other figs while males are trapped inside and are digested inside the fig. wild wasps obviously aren't harmed by fig harvest. and most fig trees grown today don't rely on pollination too fruit.
Cashew-The outside of a raw cashew contains a shell that contains anacardic acid, a major skin irritant. Workers are exposed to it when the outer shell is peeled before the cashews are cooked. workers are sometimes given gloves but not always, the only mentions of slave-labor I could find in the Cashew industry involved prisoners.
Palm oil- Palm oil has been the main crop behind the deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia in the 21st century, but considering Indonesia's population size and rapid industrialization, the deforestation feels almost inevitable. Is far from the best oil (look at pongame oil trees, or algae) but it produces more calories per land area than the most dominant competitors like canola/corn/soy/coconut/olive etc. Additionally, though trace amounts of Palm oil may show up in many western products, it is mainly being used as a cooking oil in Asia.
Soybeans- Occasionally I'll see someone (presumably British) jump to soy as an example of an exotic food that is harmful cause it's imported. As an American I find this surreal cause soy is a boring standard crop, the second largest in land use after corn, mainly grown as the default legume for nitrogen fixation, but I understand an export market means an import market somewhere else. additionally, over 3/4s of soy is fed to livestock. Soy production alongside cattle ranching are major drivers of Amazon deforestation, but again most is fed to livestock. It also has a higher yield per acre than beans, peas or peanuts.
Rice- Rice is sometimes considered a major source of agricultural emissions, Rice is one of the most important crops, and the still water it grows in is a source of methane as anaerobic bacteria decompose matter. Since wetlands are generally considered better at carbon capture than dry land, I question rice farms net impact compared to other crops, and rice produces more tons per acre than wheat (though admittedly less than corn), so it is unclear.
Tea- tea is a very labor-intensive crop as young leaves are harvested by hand by workers, and slavery seems relatively common in the tea industry. having people walk through thick shrubbery, reaching hands in bushes, is a recipe for wildlife conflict. Leopard attacks on and venomous snake bites on tea plantations are an issue. However, all the tea in the west is just the powder at the bottom from actual tea production for the Asian market. so, it doesn't increase demand.
Chocolate/Coffee (not counting Kopi-Luwak)- I am lumping these two together because they are broadly similar in many ways. Both have very high carbon footprints, land use, and eutrophying emissions per Kg of food produced compared to other plant-based foods. both are primarily grown in former tropical forests, both contain high levels of caffeine and are neither produce nor staple crops, and both are well known to have very high rates of child labor and slavery in them for anyone paying attention. Thankfully these problems are well known enough that many certification schemes (Fair Trade, Rainforest alliance certified, bird friendly coffee, etc.) that can be used to guide purchases. If anything, I would prioritize coffee over chocolate because 1) assuming your already Vegan you're already selecting for higher end dark chocolate/specialty vegan chocolate that is likely better in other ways and 2) I am assuming most people consume more coffee than chocolate.
Almonds- 55% of the world's almonds are grown in the US. Almonds are sometimes scapegoated for water shortages, but Animal agriculture is far the main driver, and all nut trees are very water thirsty. Almonds need hot dry climates but the same is true of pistachios. More interesting is bees. only 2.9% of captive honeybee hives are in the US. 40.8% of Beekeeper profit in the US is from pollination service, with 82.2% of that coming from Almonds. Almonds may contribute more to bee exploitation per serving than other crops. avocados, blueberries, blackberries, canola, cocoa, cranberries, cherries, cucumbers, honey dew melons, kiwis, pears, pumpkins, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelons, among many others, are also pollinated by managed honeybees. because American honeybees are such a small share of the global population, and the share of Almonds grown in the US is so high compared to other crops, I do believe, but only with a low degree of confidence, almonds are worse for honeybees than the average honeybee pollinated crop. The good news is between new self-fertilizing verities catching on, pollination being 5% of an almond producer's production costs, pollinating machines, and native bee conservation measures, the importance of honeybees to almond production will likely gradually diminish.
Coconut- It seems that kidnapped wild southern pig-tailed macaques are used to produce nearly all coconuts in Thailand, being used as labor picking coconuts. The practice is likely present in other Southeast Asian countries as an American practically all coconut products I could readily access come from Latin America, but it's something it would be a good idea for Old Wolders to be aware of.
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ptinuts · 7 days
 Health Benefits of Eating Cashews
Cashews, a popular tree nut, are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients, making them a fantastic addition to a balanced diet. Let’s delve into the various health benefits of Cashews, supported by scientific research.
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 Nutritional Profile of Cashews
To fully appreciate the health benefits of cashews, understanding their nutritional composition is essential. A one-ounce (28-gram) serving of raw cashews provides:
- Calories: 157
- Protein: 5 grams
- Fat: 12 grams (mainly unsaturated fats)
- Carbohydrates: 9 grams
- Fiber: 1 gram
- Sugars: 1 gram
Cashews are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including:
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B6
- Folate
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Pantothenic acid
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Zinc
- Copper
- Manganese
- Selenium
 Heart Health
Cashews are well-known for their heart health benefits. They are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
 Blood Pressure Regulation
Magnesium in cashews is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It helps relax blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing hypertension risks. Studies have shown that adequate magnesium intake is associated with lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease.
 Antioxidant Properties
Cashews contain antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium that protect cells from free radical damage, crucial for preventing chronic diseases, including heart disease. These antioxidants help maintain the health of blood vessels and reduce inflammation, further supporting cardiovascular health.
 Weight Management
Despite being calorie-dense, cashews can aid in weight management when consumed in moderation. Their protein, fiber, and healthy fats promote a feeling of fullness, helping to prevent overeating.
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 Metabolism Boost
Cashews are rich in copper and magnesium, essential minerals for energy production and metabolism. These nutrients help convert food into energy more efficiently, supporting overall metabolic health and aiding in weight management efforts.
 Bone Health
Cashews are an excellent source of nutrients vital for maintaining strong and healthy bones, including:
Magnesium is crucial for bone health as it helps with calcium absorption. Adequate magnesium levels ensure that calcium is effectively utilized, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other bone-related disorders.
Copper plays a key role in the formation of collagen, a protein that provides structure to bones and connective tissues. It also aids in maintaining bone mineral density.
Phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. It is essential for bone mineralization and overall skeletal health.
 Eye Health
Cashews contain important antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote eye health. These compounds are concentrated in the retina and help protect the eyes from damage caused by blue light and oxidative stress.
 Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Regular consumption of cashews may reduce the risk of AMD, a common cause of vision loss in older adults. The antioxidants in cashews help neutralize free radicals and protect the eyes from oxidative damage, a major contributing factor to AMD.
 Immune System Support
Rich in zinc, cashews support the immune system by regulating immune responses, promoting wound healing, and protecting against infections.
 Antimicrobial Properties
Bioactive compounds in cashews, such as anacardic acids, have antimicrobial properties. These compounds can help combat bacterial infections and support overall immune health.
 Blood Sugar Control
Cashews have a low glycemic index, meaning they do not cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed. This makes them a suitable snack for individuals with diabetes or those managing their blood sugar levels.
 Insulin Sensitivity
Magnesium in cashews improves insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to use glucose more effectively, which can help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes.
 Skin Health
The vitamins and minerals in cashews, especially copper, contribute to healthy skin by supporting collagen and elastin production, which maintain skin elasticity and firmness.
 Antioxidant Protection
Antioxidants in cashews, such as vitamin E and selenium, protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollutants. They help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging by neutralizing free radicals.
 Brain Health
Cashews provide several nutrients that support cognitive function and brain health:
 Healthy Fats
The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in cashews provide essential fatty acids necessary for maintaining cell membrane integrity and facilitating communication between brain cells.
Antioxidants in cashews help protect brain cells from oxidative damage, which is linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Regular consumption of antioxidants can help maintain cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
 Vitamins and Minerals
Cashews are a good source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, all of which play important roles in brain health. These nutrients support neurotransmitter function, energy production, and overall mental clarity.
 Digestive Health
Cashews contain dietary fiber, which is important for maintaining healthy digestion. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support a healthy gut microbiome.
 Prebiotic Properties
The fiber in cashews acts as a prebiotic, providing food for beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy balance of gut bacteria is essential for optimal digestive health and can help prevent digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
In summary, cashews offer a wide range of health benefits, making them a valuable addition to any diet. From supporting heart health and weight management to promoting bone health and enhancing cognitive function, the nutrients in cashews contribute to overall well-being. However, it is important to consume cashews in moderation, as they are calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess. Incorporating a small handful of cashews into your daily diet can provide these health benefits while keeping your calorie intake in check.
Whether you enjoy them as a snack, in salads, or as a creamy base for sauces and desserts, cashews are a versatile and nutritious food that can enhance your health in numerous ways.
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ainews · 3 months
Barbeque is a staple in many cultures, loved for its rich, smoky flavors. But did you know that this delicious food could also be a secret greenhouse for space aliens in disguise?
According to a recent study by the National Alien Research Institute (NARI), barbeque is the ideal environment for growing cashews, a popular nut among space aliens. These extraterrestrial beings, who are often on a constant lookout for new food sources, have found that the unique combination of heat, smoke, and spices in barbeque perfectly mimics the climate of their home planet.
Cashews, in particular, thrive in hot and humid conditions, making barbeque pits the perfect place for their growth. The wood-fire heat and smoke provide the perfect amount of warmth and moisture for the nuts to thrive, while the spices used in traditional barbeque rubs add a unique flavor that is irresistible to the aliens.
But why would space aliens even need to grow cashews in the first place? The answer lies in the nuts' versatility. Cashews are a great source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients, making them a highly nutritious food for the aliens. They can be ground into a creamy paste, sprinkled on top of dishes, or even used to make dairy-free milk. Plus, their unique flavor profile adds a special touch to any dish, making them a sought-after ingredient in many alien cuisines.
Moreover, the barbeque process also helps to remove the toxins in cashews known as anacardic acid, which can be harmful to humans and aliens alike. The high temperatures of the barbeque pit neutralize these toxins, making the cashews safe for consumption.
While humans have been enjoying barbeque for centuries, it seems that space aliens have only recently discovered its benefits. And with the popularity of barbeque growing worldwide, it's no surprise that more and more aliens are frequenting barbeque joints and setting up their own pits to grow their precious cashews.
So, next time you fire up your grill for a barbeque, remember that you may not be alone. Your backyard could be a greenhouse for space aliens, secretly growing their beloved cashews. And who knows, maybe they'll even share their out-of-this-world barbeque recipes with us one day.
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spachamsocbauhanoi · 4 months
Phụ nữ sau sinh ăn hạt điều được không?
"Sau sinh ăn hạt điều được không", các mẹ hoang mang vì nhiều lời đồn ăn loại hạt khô này sẽ bị đau bụng, nổi mẩn. Vậy thực tế các chuyên gia dinh dưỡng phản hồi ra sao về vấn đề này?
Xem thêm: uống sắt có bị nóng không
Phụ nữ sau sinh ăn hạt điều được không?
Trong 100gr hạt điều bao gồm:
Năng lượng: 605 Kcal Protein: 18.4gr Glucid: 28.7gr Lipid: 46.3gr Chất xơ: 0.6gr Vitamin E: 0.9mg Vitamin K: 34.1mg Vitamin B6: 0.417mg Canxi 28mg Natri: 12mg Kali: 660mg Magie: 292mg Folate: 25mcg
Với những dưỡng chất trên, sau sinh mẹ hoàn toàn có thể thêm hạt điều vào chế độ ăn bởi đây là loại hạt có giá trị dinh dưỡng cao, giàu chất béo và mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe.
Xem thêm: uống canxi nước hay viên tốt hơn
Các lợi ích của hạt điều cho mẹ sau sinh
Bên cạnh tăng cường chất lượng dinh dưỡng cho nguồn sữa mẹ, ăn hạt điều sau khi sinh còn mang đến nhiều lợi ích bất ngờ cho các mẹ bỉm:
Tốt cho tim mạch: Ăn hạt điều giúp giảm nguy cơ bị bệnh tim mạch, nhờ các acid béo không bão hòa đơn và đa, hỗ trợ giảm huyết áp và cholesterol Hạt điều còn chứa kali, vitamin E, B6, folate giúp giảm nguy cơ bệnh tim và mạch vành tới 37%. Ngừa ung thư: Proanthocyanidins trong hạt điều là loại flavonoid giúp tiêu diệt, ngăn ngừa tế bào ung thư. Hạt điều còn chứa các chất chống oxy hóa như cardanol, cardol, acid anacardic có lợi. Giảm cân: Sau sinh ăn hạt điều giúp mẹ loại bỏ mỡ thừa hiệu quả, hỗ trợ giảm béo tự nhiên. Chắc khỏe xương: Hàm lượng canxi trong hạt điều cao, chiếm tới 28mg nên rất tốt cho hệ xương khớp, hỗ trợ sự phát triển xương và răng của em bé bú mẹ. Tăng cường trí nhớ: Mẹ sau sinh ăn hạt điều giúp tăng cường lượng oxy lên não, tăng cường trí não, giúp não bộ em bé phát triển khỏe mạnh, thông minh hơn. Giảm cholesterol: Hạt điều chứa nhiều chất béo tốt như acid béo Omega-3, acid oleic giúp tăng cường trao đổi chất, giảm lượng cholesterol xấu trong cơ thể. Ngăn ngừa tiểu đường: Hạt điều giàu chất xơ, giúp giải phóng glucose vào máu chậm và ổn định hơn, phòng tránh tình trạng đường huyết tăng đột ngột, chống lại bệnh tiểu đường.
Xem thêm: uống sắt và canxi cách nhau bao nhiêu lâu
Lưu ý khi sử dụng hạt điều sau sinh
Để có thể nhận được tối đa lợi ích từ việc dùng hạt điều cũng như tránh các nguy hiểm không đáng có, các mẹ cần lưu ý một số vấn đề sau:
Không ăn quá nhiều ảnh hưởng đến thận: Hạt điều giàu kali, nếu ăn quá nhiều sẽ khiến thận bị quá tải. Với những người bị suy thận càng nên hạn chế ăn hạt điều. Không ăn khi viêm họng, ho lâu khỏi: Những mẹ bị mất giọng, khản tiếng nên tránh ăn nhiều hạt điều rang bởi chất béo trong hạt sẽ kích thích niêm mạch họng, làm tình trạng bệnh nghiêm trọng hơn. Không ăn nếu dị ứng: Những phản ứng bị dị ứng khi ăn hạt điều gồm sốc phản vệ, sưng lưỡi và môi, khó thở, khó nói, giảm huyết áp, ngất xỉu.. Cần chú ý tình trạng sức khỏe khi ăn hạt và xử lý sớm. Bảo quản cẩn thận, tránh để bị ẩm mốc: Hạt điều giàu chất béo nên dễ dàng bị oxy hóa, do đó, cần bảo quản cẩn thận trong nhiệt độ phòng hoặc để trong ngăn mát tủ lạnh, bỏ ngay hạt điều có dấu hiệu mốc, hư hỏng không nên ăn.
Hạt điều là loại hạt giàu dinh dưỡng và được chế biến thành nhiều món ngon miệng như hạt điều rang, sữa hạt điều… Mẹ sau sinh hãy bổ sung loại hạt này một cách khoa học, không lạm dụng ăn quá nhiều sẽ ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe. Ngoài ra, mẹ nên nhớ duy trì sử dụng các viên uống tăng cường vi chất đều đặn đặc biệt là viên sắt canxi dha cho mẹ sau sinh đúng chuẩn để đạt hiệu quả tối ưu.
Hy vọng bài viết trên sẽ giúp các mẹ hiểu hơn về lợi ích của hạt điều dành cho sức khỏe của mình và bé, biết cách ăn hạt điều hợp lý để đem lại hiệu quả tốt nhất cho cả mẹ và bé.
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anantam-ayurveda · 8 months
Bhilawa/Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium): Benefits & Uses
What is Bhilawa/Bhallataka?
Bhilawa/Bhallataka, Semecarpus anacardium, is a valuable medicinal plant in Ayurveda. Belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, this deciduous tree bears small, fleshy drupe fruits. Its bioactive compounds, including cardol and anacardic acids, confer potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Used in various Ayurvedic formulations, Bhilawa/Bhallataka addresses inflammatory disorders and aids digestion. While its fruits and seeds are particularly useful for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to exercise caution due to its hot potency.
The Chemical Composition and Useful Parts of Bhilawa/Bhallataka
1. Chemical Composition:
Bhilawa/Bhallataka is valued for its diverse array of bioactive compounds, which contribute to its medicinal potency. Some of the key chemical constituents include:
Cardol, Bhilawanol A, Anacardic Acids, Flavonoids, Tannins
2. Useful Parts of Bhilawa/Bhallataka:
Different parts of the Bhilawa/Bhallataka plant are utilized for their medicinal benefits:
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Qualities of Bhilawa/Bhallataka According to Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, understanding the inherent qualities or "gunas" of a substance is pivotal to harnessing its healing potential.
Rasa (Taste): Bhilawa/Bhallataka exhibits a blend of tastes, including pungent (katu), astringent (kashaya), bitter (tikta), and sweet (madhura).
Guna (Quality): The plant has qualities such as lightness (laghu), unctuousness (snigdha), and sharpness (tikshna). Its lightness aids in easy digestion and absorption, while the unctuousness imparts a smoothness, and sharpness gives it a potent and effective nature, making it a valuable herb in Ayurvedic treatments.
Virya (Potency): Bhilawa/Bhallataka has heating potency (ushna virya). This inherent warmth kindles the digestive fire, enhancing metabolism and aiding in the efficient breakdown of nutrients.
Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Bhilawa/Bhallataka has a sweet (madhura) vipaka, indicating that after digestion, it leaves a sweet taste.
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woodruffpharma · 1 year
Cashew Nuts: Definition, Facts, And Health Benefits
The ground-breaking health benefits of cashews incorporate a healthy heart, solid nerve and muscle work, and improved bone and oral health. They likewise give alleviation from diabetes, anemia, and gallstones. By offering antioxidant protection, they additionally support a superior safe framework. You can now buy cashew nuts online from the top online store at the best prices. Order now!
What are Cashews?
Cashews are healthfully thick nuts. They have a place with the group of Anacardiaceae, which incorporates mangoes and pistachios. Cashews are initially local to the waterfront regions of north-eastern Brazil. They are kidney-formed seeds generally developed in places that have tropical atmospheres. Cashews are normally developed in nations like India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Tanzania. The nuts are found at the base of the natural product known as a cashew apple, and have assorted uses, especially in Brazil, Asia, and Africa.
Cashews Nutrition Facts
Cashews are beneficial for you as they are a powerhouse of proteins and basic minerals, including copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Sodium is additionally present in exceptionally little quantities. As indicated by the USDA National Nutrient Database, cashews additionally contain nutrient C, B-nutrients, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin), folate, and nutrient E (alpha-tocopherol), and nutrient K (phylloquinone). They are a wellspring of oleic corrosive and give a decent quantity of monounsaturated fat and low measures of polyunsaturated fats with no all-out cholesterol content when devoured with some restraint.
Health Benefits of Cashews
The health benefits of cashews are amazing! Here are only a couple of the reasons why you should add them to your eating routine:
Healthy Muscles and Nerves
Cashews are a decent wellspring of magnesium, which is crucial for the healthy advancement of bones, muscles, tissues, and the body’s organs. Magnesium keeps up blood pressure, help insusceptibility, keep up nerve capacity, and keep the bones solid. It additionally is associated with metabolic capacities and manages the blood sugar levels of the body (using insulin action). A lack of magnesium can adjust the metabolism of calcium and the hormones liable for its guidelines.
Cancer Chemopreventive Agent
Research has demonstrated that the abundance of antioxidants like anacardic acids, cardanols, and cardols, which cashews contain — make this nut powerful for individuals experiencing treatments for tumor and cancer destruction. Ground cashews are a nearly straightforward retained type of protein and are ok for patients too.
Advance Formation of RBC
Cashews are wealthy in copper, which helps in the metabolism of iron, supporting in the arrangement of red blood cells (RBC), and keeping the bones and safe framework healthy. It is additionally indispensable for the apprehensive and skeletal arrangement of the body. An insufficiency of copper in the body may bring about osteoporosis, unpredictable heartbeats, and anemia.
Decreases Risk of Anemia
Cashews are a wellspring of dietary iron, which is indispensable for hefting oxygen around the body and helps in the working of catalysts, and the invulnerable framework. A lack of iron in the eating routine can prompt weakness, anemia, and expanded helplessness to contaminations.
Click Here For More Information!
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rkagroprocessing · 1 year
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If you're looking for a reputable company that sells Cashew Nut Shell Liquid, your search ends here with R.K. Agro Processing, which supplies CNSL at a reasonable price. It is extracted from nutshells through cold pressing or solvent extraction. This contains 70% anacardic acid, 18% cardo, and 5% cardanol, as well as various phenols and substances. Its liquid is used in polymer-based industries including paint and varnish, cashew cement, laminating resins, foundry chemicals, and so on.
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indianfitnesscare · 2 years
Treating Dental Caries on the Tooth Root With Plant Medicine
Treating Dental Caries on the Tooth Root With Plant Medicine
How Anacardic Acids (AAs) impact oral bacteria, from an antibacterial and anti-collagenolytic perspective, as well as their biocompatibility with dental pulp stem cells is assessed by a new study. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Brasilia in Brasilia and was presented during an Interactive Talk presentation during the “Cariology Research-Microbiological Studies/Biofilm…
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intelligentliving · 4 years
Scientists from Vanderbilt University have discovered that a chemical compound from cashew nuts could unlock new treatments for autoimmune diseases such as MS (multiple sclerosis). Anacardic acid, which is found in the shell of cashew nuts, appeared to repair nerve damage and other symptoms of MS, in lab tests on...
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86-16657157468 · 3 years
Linalool has the effect of resisting virus infection.
Terpene compounds such as linalool have good antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Proteus, Enteritidis, Staphylococcus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Coccus albicans, Aspergillus niger, agar, etc.
It has been reported that the antibacterial effect of linalool is five times that of phenol and has similar antibacterial effect to citronellol. It is used to treat acne based on its antibacterial activity against propionic acid bacteria. Linalool has a synergistic effect on the resistance of anacardic acid to streptococcal mutants.
Animal experiments have shown that ES4 virus-infected chickens fed with one milligram of linalool per day can prolong life by 50-80%.
It is also reported that the terpene ozonide produced by passing ozone (O3) through terpenes can be used to treat inflammation, tumors, microbial infections and burns.
The ozone is made into linalool ozonide through linalool, and it shows inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli in a test tube.
We are a supplier and wholesaler of essences, spices and essential oils from China. If you need it, you can contact me. My phone number is 86+16657157468. My WhatsApp86+16657157468.mail [email protected]
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neurosciencenews · 4 years
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Cashew Shell Compound Appears to Mend Damaged Nerves Anacardic acid, a compound found in cashew shells, promotes the repair of myelin. The findings could have positive implications for the treatment of diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, that are characterized by demyelination.
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Women who shell cashew nuts for as little as £2 a day are regularly left with agonising acid burns while trying to meet British demands for the snack, a new report has found.
 As vegetarian and vegan diets increase in the UK – whether for health, environmental or animal rights reasons – shoppers are said to be hoovering up nuts, eating 17,000 tonnes in 2016, a huge 35 per cent increase compared to 2012. But according to the Daily Mail, there is a human cost to producing the millions of cashews needed, which are predominantly shelled by hand in India, Brazil, Mozambique and Vietnam.
Journalist Emily Clark visited a cashew nut processor in southern India where shellers reported painful injuries caused by cardol and anacardic acids that lie between the two layers of hard shell on a cashew nut. Some 500,000 people work in India’s cashew nut industry – nearly all women – who are paid as little as £2 a day for the arduous labour with no contracts, no guarantee of steady income and no pension or holiday pay.
 Many of the women were not given gloves and those that were chose not to wear them as it slowed their work down – they are paid by volume. One nut sheller, Pushpa Gandhi, 30, told the newspaper she is covered in scars from her work shelling cashews but makes just 200 rupees a day, or £2.15. ‘Today when we go home and wash, we will see the boils on our skin. It takes about a week for them to heal. But as the old ones heal, new ones keep coming,’ she said.
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ugly-by-nature · 4 years
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#Cashew milk is a popular nondairy beverage made from whole cashews and water. It has a creamy, rich consistency and is loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and other beneficial plant compounds. #CashewMilk contains healthy fats, #protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Most of the fat in this highly nutritious beverage comes from unsaturated fatty acids that boost heart health and offer other benefits. May Improve Iron-Deficiency #Anemia When your body doesn’t get enough iron, it can’t produce adequate amounts of the protein hemoglobin that helps red blood cells carry oxygen. This results in anemia and leads to fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, cold hands or feet, and other symptoms. One study found that women with low iron intake were roughly six times more likely to develop anemia than those with adequate iron consumption. May Have #Anticancer Effects Cashews are particularly high in anacardic acid, a compound that may fight free radicals that are thought to play a role in #cancer development. One test-tube study found that anacardic acid stopped the spread of human breast cancer cells. Another showed that anacardic acid enhanced the activity of an anticancer drug against human skin cancer cells. Good For Skin Cashews are loaded with copper. Therefore, milk derived from these nuts — especially the homemade kind — is rich in this mineral as well. Copper plays a large role in the creation of skin proteins and is important for optimal skin health. May Boost Heart Health This plant-based drink is rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Consuming these fats in place of less healthy ones may decrease your risk of heart disease. Cashew milk also contains potassium and magnesium — two nutrients that may boost heart health and prevent heart disease. Source: https://ift.tt/38dfado . . . https://instagr.am/p/CAgCROLHfp4/
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Hey, sorry to bother you with this question, but what part of the cashew fruit is poisonous? I ask because we can make juice out of the fruit here, so, I'm really confused
The cashew’s shell is layered, and between these layers there are pockets of  anacardic acid, cardanol, and urushiol. These compounds are toxic and caustic, and cause burns and blisters on unprotected skin. Not only do these nasty oils get on the worker’s skin, but in one step of the nut processing, the raw nuts are roasted. This spews the now airborne oils skywards, and the smoke from the roasting cashews can cause severe irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes, which can be life threatening. The workers are too poor to afford proper hand and face protection. 
The fruit, as far as I know, is safe to consume. The nut, which everyone is after, is the toxic part
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growninhaiti · 4 years
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Some of our younger cashew apple trees flowering for the first time. The cashew Apple is native to dry areas of eastern tropical Brazil. It grows naturally in semideciduous and caatinga dry forests. In about 1560 the tree was brought to Goa, India, by Portuguese traders. From there it spread to Southeast Asia and Africa. The succulent cashew apple is sometimes eaten fresh but usually made into a juice that is very popular in Latin America. The juice is also fermented to produce an aromatic wine. In Goa, the fermented juice is distilled into a brandy called feni. The seed kernel, which is produced by removing the toxic shell in a complex process, is commonly sold as a snack after being roasted and salted. What you may know as the cashew nut. Cashew nuts are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fats and high in dietary minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc. The pseudo fruit had been used by indigenous people of South America to produce a brown dye. The anacardic acid extracted from the shell of the seed shows antibacterial properties. It is still used by locals in my community to cure sores on feet and hands and to treat tooth infections or teething babies. ・・・ #growninhaiti #cashewapple #AnacardiumOccidentale #cashewnut #flowering #growth #reforestation #preservation #tropicalfruit #pseudofruit #haiti #ayiti #agroforestry #plantedfromseed #foodforest #livingseedbank https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MRvBVlsV8/?igshid=kcxu74z55qt4
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healthfoodbeauty · 4 years
Are Nuts Fruits Excellent Nutrition for us
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Indian nuts are in fact a special kind of seed from a special kind of apple known under the Latin name Anacardium occidentale. It is an evergreen tree that grows about 12 meters high and originates from Brazil. India is the largest producer and for this reason, it is called Indian Nuts.
We all know about the benefits of nuts to our health and beauty that they give. But when it comes to choosing the best then, the first place is reserved for the Indian nut. The answer is very simple - it has many health benefits for our body. Indian nuts are not only delicious, but they are also good for the health of the body. The fruit of this exotic plant is a true richness of nutrients. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, and C. Other ingredients have potassium, sodium, zinc, iodine, iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, fluorine. Numerous studies have been done which among other benefits are their antibacterial and antiseptic action, which helps in various inflammation of the body. Indian nuts have a great role in improving concentration. Therefore, it is recommended to consume, those who sit in front of a computer for a long time, as well as for students. Proper consumption of Indian nuts. It is best to eat more often in small quantities. It is recommended three times a week for about 20 grams. You should be careful about the amount consumed because they are high-calorie foods. 100 grams of Indian nuts has an energy value of 575 calories. In our markets, walnuts are often peeled without peels, because of the toxicity or toxic oils they contain. They can cause burns if they come in contact with the skin. Nuts help against stress and depression. They contain a very important amino acid tryptophan whose role is to improve mood, reduce depression and improve sleep quality. With just a few slices of this nut with regular consumption, you will get rid of stress, anxiety, and depression. Consume two hands of this fruit, the effect will be as if you were taking an antidepressant, just that you will not have any side effects that may arise from them. You will have better health in your eyes. In the United States, muscle degeneration is the leading cause of loss or loss of vision. Indian nuts contain the antioxidants zeaxanthin, which is absorbed into the eyes and protects against sunlight.
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It also helps to protect muscle damage that occurs in old age. Indian nuts and fats. Many already know that Indian nuts are high in fat, but what about? Even 82% of the fats contained in it are unsaturated fatty acids, of which 66% is monounsaturated. Simply put, this nut contains extremely healthy fats, which are excellent for human health, more precisely for a healthy heart, and less likely, for the occurrence of various heart problems and diseases. They can be consumed with every meal. Rarely do you find any product that fits into every meal, every diet? No doubt they represent a variety of nuts. Feel free to add them to your favorite breakfast or snack, for lunch in your salad or for dinner. besides some fried food. The choice is endless where they can be used in daily diet. Indian nuts are caloric foods. Although they are small they are high-calorie foods. Great source of energy and calories so you can function every day. Athletes especially climbers use them because they are easy to carry, do not take up space and weight, and will contribute to the energy required. It helps to lose weight. Indian nuts help to lose weight. By consuming one hand of Indian nuts a day, there is an increase in the secretion of the hormone that sends signals to the brain that you are full, thereby reducing the intake of food, more specifically the need for food. food and automatically less food means fewer pounds. Indian nuts against stomach problems. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori are the cause of gastric problems and the occurrence of gastric ulcers. This excellent fruit is effective in destroying this bacterium, its shells have anacardic acid, which is believed to kill carcinogenic cells. These nuts have a wealth of protein. After all, whole nuts are rich in protein and are a great meal to supplement the daily amount of protein needed. One hand of Indian nuts contains 5 grams of excellent protein, which means consuming them and giving them the least amount of rich nutrients. Athletes and all those who engage in sports activities should consume immediately after training.
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Use them to get healthier skin, bones, and hair. One hand Indian nuts believed or did not contain 98% of the daily recommended amount of copper needed for our body. You may be wondering why we mention copper. It is very important for the production of melanin, which is a key ingredient in the pigmentation of your skin and hair. These fruits contain a lot of iron and magnesium, which are key factors for healthier and stronger bones. So remember with a handful of these fruits per day, you get too many benefits for your health. Summary. In today's article, we cover Indian nuts. A nutritious fruit with great benefits for our body. Very healthy and nutritious, they can be used in combination with any diet. They have a wealth of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Great fruits, because they are small but enough to have many benefits for your health and beauty. Read the full article
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