#an electric scooter.... zoomed too fast
leonleonhart · 11 months
i fell off of a scooterrrrrr
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Foldable Electric Trike - Tressel FOLD
There are rules about these mobility devices and this one follows them no it's got too much power and it goes too fast and the batteries are too big you can have big batteries people figured out that you just change the battery out and use the scooter and you can go all over the place her son says you simply take out the huge middle panel and you put a smaller one in and you can put pedals in there and you've got a power assisted vehicle that you can throttle and it would solve the problem and we're building them and it folds like this one but it has pedals you can put your feet back or forwards now you have to put your feet on the pedals and that's the problem for people but that's how you get away with it you can't just do it and get away with it and it didn't listen and it turned an e-bike into a scooter and then advertising it wrong they're a bunch of assholes are so mean and this happens to them all the time I'm sick of these people they're so damn stupid
Thor Freya
I'm going to recommend something that people stop pissing him off on purpose by spending all the time doing stuff that's completely useless.
He's really doing something stupid and these people are so f****** dumb they're not going to realize they're dumb until they're all dead we must take advantage of this when you say is I'm going to waste your time now talking about something I had them do which is a waste of time because he's confident he can take over stuff and take over the ships and stuff thinking that he took over the economy when they did not really do that they suck they don't really build stuff and they're not really consumers they're sitting around in four flats or with like eight of them in a room some of them have houses and their pigs and drive around and stuff falls apart and they're not consumers and they go around saying they have everything and people who are still Max and pseudo empire are running partially businesses that they took over and said that they run they were not it was an easy out it was 3 months of covid-19 and they were done I'm tired of hearing this s*** I'm tired of seeing it I'm tired of these dumb f****** assholes it's so freaking stupid and running around saying this stuff because they think they can take over like this supposedly took over the businesses which was a fraud they defrauded themselves how can you talk to people who fooled themselves with someone else's illusion
Zues Hera
This kind of makes sense I sold everything out because I got beat really quick and it was really easy and they were already there and he's been saying it we're sitting there fighting over it and you're this a****** trying to get people to fight and you suck at that too I looked at him the other day and I said this poor guy is trying real hard and I'm bothering him he's the only thing holding us together probably from the the max just taking over and I wept a little and I figured out something they're fighting over Cheyenne and other places and was setting it off and the max have a long-term plan that involved that but for Christ's sake you people suck we need these for us I'm tired of doing it too I went around doing this this is idiocy foreigners needed we need it we get injured you have a bicycle like this as a seat that's not so obvious it can go into grocery stores and all of them and just go down the road I mean this is disgusting how stupid we are he says you have to change the seat out and put a crank in I mean what a pain in the ass
I'm probably going to build one because this is such a douchebag session he says there is one but it's not foldable and I saw it it's true you zoom down the road instead of going 1 mile an hour
And it's a business and you can charge real money you can decide it so it's pretty neat and works and it's running and it has smaller tires and you can translate three or four grand I don't know why I don't do that it's true cuz the federal government pays for it
This is a concept I looked at it's a great concept for handicapped people and you can take the bike right into the store and it looks like this a little and it's not bad to have the seat like this cuz it's obvious that it's a scooter and I started to say something you people loaded up with a stupid s*** and you're ruin it you have to go in with it looking like it does it would be perfect if it had pedals it could fold them in and put something else out would be nice and it's so easy to do I might look into making something like this
We're going to start making these everybody says they want to he says the concept is real simple you can lose like moped pedals or you can have like a folding thing that comes up and goes over the pedals so good idea and we're going to start looking into making one and getting it going and we have designs and we can make money and use it and people would buy it like these people like they did to us for years I want people who are motivated to do it to come to me now
Thor Freya
There's several people like us we want to do it and we hear why and we're getting to it and it's a good idea it's a trike and it's a scooter you have some redundancy even if you're handicapped and you can go down the road without going like one mile an hour it's viciously slow you'll see them stalled out and stuck it's just disgusting the seats have been aggressive and some options that you can do you can fold it back and there's a lot of things you can do to make this work better number one is it folds up so small it has to be too small but he says the scooter size and I get that and it's true too you don't want this big bike so we have to be careful of designing it right it's about the right size you need more carrying capacity but he said that could be expanding and they used to be this you can use so I'm starting to figure out something just saying that these are in high use and they're not really people use the car center in the grocery store and that's how they're doing it but it could be in how you use and they want to make devices and we want to be able to track those so we're going to do it ourselves and hear it
Frank Castle hardcastle
It's not really to help you get mobility devices but you guys want to see who it is and just make it impossible so I'm going to use his idea and start with microfactories and they have scooter areas and we're not really involved but they might pick up on it and make something that people can actually use it's evolved into something different
It would save their businesses they have tires and wheels that are small enough and big enough at the same time
Duke nukem Blockbuster
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caoimhesphotos · 2 years
Week 2: Shutttter speeeed!
My biggest struggles with shutter speed were; getting the exposure right, and focusing on the right element of the photo.
Nevertheless I was quite happy with the outcome of a few of these cool shots!
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Blurr on Blurr, the whole image has a ghostly feel to it with both the subject and the background blurring into one hazy picture.
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2. Lightening McQueen style in this one. Electric scooters these days are too fast to capture. I liked how focused the main body of this photo was compared to the fuzzy image of a person flying by on a scooter.
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3. Quite the opposite in this picture, you can really see the speed of the scooter in this image as it blurrs the entire background. This was probably the closest picture I got to having full focus on the 'moving part' of the photo.
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4. This one has to be one of my favourites. An experimental shot playing with the zoom as well as the shutter speed, a nice combination that created some what of an edgy photo.
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tobinheath · 3 years
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Leah Williamson and Keira Walsh have shared enough “written in the stars” moments in their 23 years to make them feel that they were fated to be best friends. Since meeting on an England Under-15s camp, their football careers have played out with a striking, almost eerie, similarity. They each play for their childhood clubs — Williamson for Arsenal, Walsh for Manchester City — and have a knack of picking up the same injuries at the same time.
They both received their first senior call-up on the same day in 2017. The 2019 World Cup was their first senior England tournament: they called each other to celebrate even before they called their parents, which resulted in Williamson shrieking “bloody hell — what have we done here?” in tears outside a London branch of Nando’s.
Most memorably, Williamson made her England debut coming on for Walsh, in the final six minutes of a World Cup qualifier against Russia in 2018. “My mum’s just framing my shirt, pestering me for that picture,” Williamson says.
Walsh interrupts, giddily. “I think that’s the only time I’ve actually done a full-teeth smile. I was so buzzing.”
“Yeah,” remembers Williamson, “because I was game faced, and you proper smiled at me and I went…” before jerking her mouth into a tight-lipped, nervous smile, chuckling.
“If it was anyone else,” Walsh picks up, “I’d have been, like: ‘I don’t want to come off’. But as soon as I saw it was Leah, I was buzzing.”
This is life at the top for two of England’s most talented young players: phenomenal success and too many good memories to count.
Today, best friends will turn opponent and they will face each other in the Women’s Super League (WSL) for the first time this season — hosts Manchester City are fourth, four points behind second-placed Arsenal — with Williamson pointing out that in a pre-COVID-19 world, she would have stayed after the match with Walsh’s family in Rochdale, where Walsh’s mother Tracy is “just like my mum”.
Over the hour they spent together on Zoom, they are gloriously good fun: warm, ebullient and habitually careering into laughter. They balance each other out, Walsh says: she is “shy and awkward” — though you would not know it here — and Williamson is the “buffer” in certain situations, and the more “logical” one of the two. Williamson views Walsh as the honest one, sometimes brutally so. “I have to step in sometimes and give it a smile and keep it balanced,” she says. “If I play a game and I’m not actually sure how it went, I would text Keira, because I know I’d get the most honest answer from anybody, even if that means it’s not what I want to hear. I think that is where the respect comes from.”
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To track the pair’s football careers has been to often forget how young they are. Walsh made her City debut a few months after her 17th birthday and in November this year, Williamson played her 150th game for Arsenal. It is common for those in women’s football to grow up fast but in conversation, one is reminded of the duo’s gleeful, wonderful youth. There was the time, for instance, they rented electric scooters one afternoon at the World Cup in France to explore with Walsh’s Manchester City team-mate Georgia Stanway. The room-mates — Stanway with Williamson, Walsh with Lucy Bronze — had a group chat titled “The three best friends and Lucy”. Stanway, the youngest England player at the tournament, sped ahead on her scooter and they had to “rein her back in”, Williamson says.
“You were being a bit of a Cautious Claire, weren’t you?” teases Walsh, turning to Williamson, “probably as you should do at a World Cup. I think we were just enjoying being kids, weren’t we? Obviously, we were playing, and the reason we were there was to win, but we have so much free time that we were just enjoying being the younger ones.”
“All the older ones… that’s what they kept saying to us,” says Williamson. “Kaz Carney was like: ‘Make sure you enjoy your time now, because hopefully one day you will be the senior ones and there’ll be a lot more pressure on you. Just have the best time ever, make as many memories as possible. Jill Scott — I mean, she was a bit more wild than we are — said she’s got some of the best memories ever from those early tournaments and she wished she could do it again. I don’t think we wanted to waste a second.”
Do not presume, though, that the pair are anything other than serious competitors. By 20, Walsh had won every domestic title going: the WSL, FA Cup and League Cup. Williamson has won the league once, the FA Cup twice and the League Cup twice, finishing as runner-up in the latter to Walsh’s City in 2019. Walsh, an artful holding midfielder in the mould of Sergio Busquets — she grew up watching clips of him and David Silva with her father — will be among the most important players in the England squad moving forward and Williamson, capped 17 times, is touted as a future England captain.
It has not always been easy, though. An early test came in the form of Williamson’s ankle injury, sustained playing for Arsenal against Walsh’s Blackburn Rovers in the FA Youth Cup final. It was so traumatic Walsh admits there are still occasions she will search for Williamson’s results, see her friend has come off and think, “Please tell me it’s not her ankles again. My mum mentions it to me. She’ll say: ‘Did you see Leah came off?’” She addresses Williamson. “Because I’ve seen you in person do it, I feel like I automatically panic. When I see you at camp two weeks later, you’re like: ‘Maybe I was being a bit soft when I came off — it’s nothing to do with my ankles’. But I know what you’ve been through with them, so it is the first thing I think about.”
Williamson, in her own words, “basically just snapped my ankle and everything in it” after misplanting her foot. Stretcher, gas and air, a wheelchair, a doctor advising her to go straight to hospital. “I’m trying to fight back the tears and she’s nearly crying looking at me as well,” Williamson remembers. She stayed at the game because Arsenal had lost the season prior and she wanted to collect her winner’s medal.
“I think I played most of the game thinking, ‘I just hope she’s OK’,” says Walsh. “The only thing I actually remember from that game — not the goals or anything — was afterwards, I saw Leah on the side in a wheelchair with an Arsenal bobble hat on, having to wheel herself on to get her winner’s medal.”
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A few months on from Williamson’s injury, Walsh damaged her ankle ligaments — it was an impact injury, and on her laptop, Williamson has pictures of her and Walsh “in wheelchairs at different times”. Walsh collected her second ankle injury at a training camp in La Manga, by which point Williamson’s ankles had betrayed her again. “We were both sat on the bench laughing because it was just crazy luck that we’d both done it again,” Walsh smiles. “I knew I couldn’t sit there feeling sorry for myself next to you.”
During their separate rehabilitation processes, they maintained the habit of visiting each other as often as they could. Their close friendship meant they were never allowed to share a room on international duty to ensure they didn’t isolate themselves from the rest of the group. Walsh was the class clown and Williamson the captain, meaning that “Leah would always get told off for me. They’d always be like: ‘Leah! You need to tell Keira she needs to be a bit more professional!’”
What it all meant was they had lost time to make up elsewhere. Each Christmas, Walsh would come to London from Rochdale and Williamson’s mother Amanda “would treat us to something from Jack Wills. That was like an annual little thing that we did, because I don’t think that I’d ever heard of Jack Wills, being from the north, until I met all these southerners at camp that used to wear it. I think I actually used to go down to see Amanda more than you, to be honest.”
What did they think of each other when they first met?
“You first,” says Williamson.
“No — you go,” Walsh replies.
“I’m going to big you up here,” Williamson begins. “Keira’s always been… she was always one of the best there, and you always want to be mates with the good ones.”
Walsh returns the favour: “I think I was quite jealous of you when you first came because everyone was like: ‘She’s amazing. I was thinking, I want to be amazing, as well, so I want to be friends with her.”
“That’s good, that we both thought the same thing.”
“There you go, then. That’s why we’re friends.”
“I’d say I’m your fangirl, Keira. I’m your hype man.”
Walsh has always been Williamson’s biggest supporter — “when you scored your first goal for England, I think I was happier for you than I would have been if I’d scored” — but probably has good reason to worry about Williamson calling herself a hype man. Before the World Cup, Williamson visited Cex, the second-hand goods chain, and spent £50 on some DJ decks to master during downtime at the tournament.
“I just looked across the corridor and I was like, ‘What is that noise? I’m sure that’s Leah’s room’,” Walsh recalls. “I opened the door and you had these big headphones on, mixing the decks. I saw Georgia just lying on the bed and I was like, ���What is going on in here?’ They had the balcony door open and you were like: ‘Wait for the drop. Wait for the drop’. I was like: ‘OK – I’ll wait for the drop. You like your music, you are good with music and you actually might be very good. I trust you’. And the drop just never came.”
Williamson hoots with laughter. “Never came. I thought it would be so much easier than it was. It was so hard.” She shakes her head, jokingly rueful. “Massive flop. Massive flop.”
“I feel like you just try your hand at loads of random stuff,” continues Walsh. “I see you on camp and you’re like: ‘I’m doing the harmonica now’.”
Williamson says she has “found her calling” playing the piano in lockdown, but Walsh is unimpressed. “It’s just you try to give off this cool vibe and I feel like people don’t really know you. It just makes me laugh. What have you got — a lightsaber pen? And Star Wars pyjamas? People would just not think that. When you see the exterior of Leah, you would just think, ‘No – not Star Wars’. She’s done all these photoshoots, she’s dead cool, and then she just whacks out the craziest stuff and just makes me laugh.”
Williamson holds up her hands. “It’s true. I can’t deny it.”
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The World Cup was particularly testing for Walsh, for whom fierce social media criticism left her questioning whether she wanted to continue to play football. Walsh has spoken numerous times about the impact on her confidence, but what was it like for Williamson, who did not feature as much as Walsh, to witness? She pauses. “I think it’s hard,” she begins, “because you just feel so powerless when you’re not playing. It’s not even like I can go on the pitch and have a shocker to save her from the criticism,” she laughs. “If I tell Keira she’s great, there’s a slight bit of her that’s… I’m her best mate, so I’m going to try and pick her up as much as possible.
“The main thing, especially from a squad perspective, is that we all know how valuable Keira is to us and how — I’m bigging you up here — she’s the centre of what we’re doing as a team. It just annoys me. I wish I could eradicate all those other people because we, as a team, appreciate her so much. That’s all I ever said to Keira – if anybody was picking a team, you’d be the first name on the teamsheet. But it’s hard to get… like I say, I’m her best mate, so I’m honest with her, but at the same time, she probably needed to hear that a little bit more.”
They didn’t talk about it so much, Walsh says. “Because you weren’t playing, I didn’t want to put that on you because I felt like it would be selfish,” she adds. “I thought, at the time: you know what? We’ll just make the best of it off the pitch, and I think that’s why we had such a good time.” Williamson’s first appearance, from the bench in the round-of-16 match against Cameroon, changed Walsh’s perspective “because I was just so happy for you that I didn’t care what people would say about me at that moment. People could say whatever they wanted because I’ve just played in a World Cup with my best friend. Not many people can say that.”
To be best friends, as professional athletes, is a balancing act: in any other walk of life, they would — could — rage at each other, moan, weep, get angry. As professional footballers, they are wary of distracting the other. “I know what you want to achieve, so my problems taking a back seat is fine with me if I know you’re going on to achieve what you want to achieve,” Walsh tells Williamson.
To Sunday, then, and what will happen when two best friends turn competitors for 90 minutes. Walsh smirks. “I feel like you try and keep a really focused head, and then I’ll just be like…” she cups her hands for a high-pitched whisper and springs up like a Jack in a box. “’Leah!’” Williamson rollicks back with laughter. “Then she’ll turn around and she’ll start laughing, but I do it because I know she’s going to laugh and I know that she’s trying to focus. I feel like I’m a lot more relaxed than you. You’re like, ‘Game face, game head, here we go’, and you just have that annoying friend in the background.”
Stanway is the worst, apparently, to the point where Walsh and Williamson will intervene — Williamson with a stern “we’re not having that today” when Stanway inevitably flattens her early doors. “We always text each other a couple of days, speak to each other earlier on in the week before we play each other,” says Williamson of her and Walsh.
“In the game and stuff, we have our little tiffs, and if I say something and she doesn’t agree with it, we’re both playing for the win, and we both understand that,” Walsh concludes, “but then afterwards, we’re straight over to each other.”
She starts to sign off, but Williamson beats her to it. “See you Sunday,” they chorus, in unison.
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yyxgin · 3 years
oh so thé barman is coming on a double date w the other barman 😐 to our workplace (i think). the girls are pretty can’t lie,, bruv i better be working that day,, one of them (barman, i think we know it’s not our beloved electric scooter rider) pisses me off so much. the other is a little fucking sweetheart (not when he’s staring at ass, he pointed one out to me today, although it is funny seeing how he is an ass man over boobs which i didn’t think he would be).
side note: i got to ride his scooter‼️‼️ n then i was scared by my coworker calling my name out of her car window and fell off but it’s okay. i was zooming 💨
i once dated a guy who crashed his dad’s car (without telling him he was going out to drive it) and did dr*gs on another occasion while i was ft-ing him so. p sure you’re doing better than me.
my problem now is, i’m TIRED of being alone and not constantly having someone to talk to/ask to fo out with bc i feel like i’m awful to my friends bc of my shitty rota meaning if i have a day off of work like, we have to go out on that day or nothing. or, i go out before the dinner shift but have to rush back home to run to the bus stop (aggressively power walk) to get the bus in time. it’s like, i don’t wanna have to do that. plus ew sweaty n all that don’t need that before i’ve even started work yuck 🤮 rounding back to me being lonely and praying for a pretty boy,, the new kp at work is hella cute. i went to starbucks on my break and got him coffee today but he left before i got back, like 😐 getting stern words tomorrow. i’ll probably be upset (but not surprised) if he tells me he has a girlfriend. he’s sweet, only a year older than me (i like my men younger than me, if my track record has anything to do w it… OKAY BUT NOT PEDO YOUNG LIKE MY BOYFRIENDS HAVE ALL BEEN A FRE MONTHS YOUNGER THAN ME but still in the same academic year) i also have a thing for maknaes bc they bias wrecker me 😐 im awfully down bad for jungkook and hwasa and i.m. and (i’m scared of jeongin from skz tbh bc he’s too close to me in age) and bambam (ik hes not the maknae but he almost is) so on and so forth
um😩 idk what else to chat to you about but it is almost 3am so i think a goodnight is in order, my love ~ 🌻
awwh im sorry to hear that 😩😩 has the double date already happen ?? do we have any info on that ?? spill the tea bestie
SJSKS WHY IS THAT ME. i am so clumsy,, i rode my best friend's neighbour's like,, electric scooter thing and almost drove into a car and died. these things are scarily fast and i dont like it.
i- yes. you know what, maybe my ex boyfriend wasn't as bad. sure, he was into my best friend, sure, he did tell me i look ugly while wearing a ponytail, but at least he didnt take drugs <3
i totally get that :// it sucks w your work and everything, but nobody can really blame u for wanting to hang out w them on your days off.
DNSKSK how did it go w the second guy ?? so rude of him to leave before getting the coffee smh 🙄🙄 at least u had 2 then <3 also i get your obsession w younger men, i had like 3 crushes on boys one year younger than me 😩 miss girl was very desperate as u can see.
i was lowkey shocked to find out hwasa is the maknae. i totally thought it was wheein. also jungkook is and will forever be my first ever ult i can never get over that boy. jeongin is my other ult too so 🤩🤩 he is too powerful. also he's close in age too but i mean he's still older than me by 2 years so its all good. i get weirded out by groups where there are people younger than me. like enhypen and p1harmony lowkey scare me, why are there babies. literal babies. they should be at school and not getting overworked-
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eridesolutionsau · 3 years
How to Choose the Right Electric Scooter for You
In this day and age, electric scooters are becoming more and more visible on and off roads. This is because it has proven to be an effective transportation alternative, and a fun and thrilling form of excitement. Adding to that, a lot of people have also discovered its benefits on one’s health and fitness.
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Along with other electric rides in the market, e-scooters have gained global popularity. It’s widely-known and appeals to people of all ages. Surely, electric scooters are a good investment. But, how do you know if it’s the right electric scooter for you?
That’s what we will find out in this article!
A Brief Background on E-Scooters
Before the battery-operated scooters that you see today, manual kick scooters dominated the sidewalks. These were two-wheeled scooters that relied on the rider’s kick to push them forward, or weight to put them to a stop. These scooters were mostly enjoyed by kids and were usually seen in front yards or parks.
Years after that, electric scooters came to life. The now heavily-upgraded scooters are powered by batteries, high-performance motors, and wider wheels. Unlike its older version, e-scooters can be put into motion by a simple press of a thumb throttle. Because of this, riding through unfriendly paths and steep inclines are made possible and easier.
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Now, scooters aren’t just made for the sidewalks. They can be enjoyed off the roads too, and you’re sure to have the time of your life while you do!
What Makes a Good Electric Scooter?
There are a lot of things one needs to consider before buying an electric scooter. Sure, style and aesthetics can be the first thing that catches one’s attention. But, just like buying a car, or any gadget that you plan using on the daily, you have to pay attention to the littlest of things too.
Knowing what constitute a good electric scooter can mean the difference between investing on something that will be useful for the years to come, and splurging on something that will end up being stored in the garage for a long time.
So, before you purchase an e-scooter, it’s best that you consider these things first:
Before anything else, safety should be your top priority. Because of their open build, electric scooters seem to attract more hazards than other electric rides. That can be avoided when you choose a ride that puts a serious note on safety, more than others.
One of the biggest factors of e-scooter safety is knowing how the ride’s brakes work. Of course, an electric ride with top speed would be favorable, but you have to know all about its braking power as well. Hydraulic, rear, and disc brakes are some of the best types that would get the work done. A good e-scooter wouldn’t only have focus on how fast it can go, but on how safe it can stop as well.
Additionally, you should also make sure that the scooter follows the legal speed limit for it to be used on main roads. It should also have adequate lighting if you need to zoom in on it during the night.
Whether you’ll use it for leisure or as a form of transport, comfort should be one of the things you consider the most. A good electric scooter would normally have suspension or air tyres. When they do, you would be able to ride them on uneven pavements, and specifically anywhere else. It should also have a powerful motor that can ensure a stable ride.
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In addition, some e-scooters would have detachable seats that you can opt to install if you need to travel long distances, or if you have standing problems. This will give you additional comfort during your ride. Either way, seated or not, your electric scooter of choice should provide you with options that will fit your needs as a rider.
This might be the easiest thing to look for in an e-scooter. Most of these electric rides are foldable, but the best electric scooters would usually fold in seconds, some even with just one push of a button. Other factors you should also consider are the following: Where do you plan to store it? What kind of environment you encounter every day when you travel? Do you need it to fit in buses or trains? Do you care about the time that it folds or unfolds?
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For some, portability is important, but not that much for others. But, if you want to make the most out of electric scooters, then portability should be one thing you should keep an eye out for.
This would be one of the prime features a good electric scooter would have. Performance would include the range, speed, and battery life / power of the electric ride. You should be aware of what kind of riding experience an e-scooter will be able to give you.
The best electric scooters will give you your money’s worth, that’s for one. But if you choose to buy one that’s within the lower price point, it doesn’t mean that you should settle for something that compromises quality.
Remember that your satisfaction would rely on how well your electric scooter serves you, and not how much you spent on it.
How to Find the Right Scooter for You
Now that you what makes a good electric scooter, let’s delve into how you should choose the right scooter for you.
A lot of factors can affect the choice you would make. There’s your preference, budget, need, and even your height! So, to guide you with that, here’s a few things to keep in mind!
Make sure you know what kind of riding you will do. If you only plan to use your electric scooter for commuting to and from work or other errands, then you wouldn’t need that much power. A good e-scooter with 250-500 watts would seal the deal for you. However, if you plan to use it for off-roading, you should opt for a ride that will give you at least 1000 watts.
There are brands like Bexly who offer e-scooters with a wattage of 2000W. Although this may not be legally allowed to be ridden in public in most Australian states, you can always give them a whirl in any private property.
Knowing the purpose of buying an electric scooter will save you not just time and effort on research, but also on extra bucks that might be spent on the wrong investment.
Stick to a budget you’re comfortable on spending. As we have stated earlier, your satisfaction would rely on how well your e-scooter serves you, and not on how much money you spent on it. If you are not comfortable on splurging on more expensive scooters, then there are budget-friendly scooters like the Bexly 8 Electric Scooter, or the Zero 8 Electric Scooter that will get you from point A to B safely.
But, if you are looking for more durable and high-performing e-scooters, then you could opt for the pricier ones like the Phantom Electric Scooter from Vippa. At the end of the day, it will still boil down on your preference, and how you plan to utilize your trusty ride.
Know the suitable dimensions, height, and weight capacity. Just like choosing the right e-bike size, it’s also important to know whether an e-scooters dimensions fit you and your frame. If the handlebar height is comfortable enough to use, and doesn’t put much pressure or stress on your arms, then that’s the perfect height for you. But if not, then you should definitely find another one. Don’t fret though, there are electric scooters with adjustable handlebar heights. If that’s the case, then you’ve hit the jackpot!
The foot deck is another thing you should check. If you have slightly bigger feet, opt for an e-scooter with a wide deck, so you can make sure that it will accommodate you perfectly. But even if you have smaller feet, and you want to use your ride for off-roading, you would need more room to shift around. A wide-decked electric scooter will be suitable for this too.
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Another thing you should consider is the scooter’s weight capacity. Remember that your e-scooter’s performance will also depend on the payload. If it carries a load that’s over the capacity, then it might not be safe for you and the e-scooter as well.
Will the range be enough for your need to ride the electric scooter? Riding style can affect the range an e-scooter can give. There are a lot of variables that can have a direct relationship on how much range your ride can give you.  In this aspect, you have to make sure that you ride smarter, smoother, and be able to help your scooter when it needs the extra push on harder slopes.
Additionally, how you maintain you e-scooter can have a direct effect on is performance. Given this, it’s the safe choice to opt for an electric scooter with higher ranges, and you’ll sure be satisfied.
Be sure you know the top speed your e-scooter can give. The logic is simple, you’d want to but an electric scooter to avoid heavy traffic jams, and to get to places faster with less effort. Moreover, if you are an adrenaline chaser, then a powerful and speedy e-scooter will probably catch your eye first.
Once you know how fast you want to go, you can choose an electric scooter that can keep up with you. However, you should also consider weather conditions, safety regulations, and street laws before making this decision.  In some Australian territories, motorized scooters are only allowed to travel at a speed of 10 to 25km/h, not more than that.
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Remember that speed limits are there to ensure your safe riding experience, and it’s your responsibility to abide by these laws.
Find a distributor that offers reasonable warranty. This is something that most buyers would easily overlook. Before you purchase an electric scooter, make sure that it comes with warranty that you can depend on. An online electric ride store that offers a 12-month warranty is reliable enough, and it’s a bonus if they use safe and reliable couriers as well.
While checking the specifications of you e-scooter, it wouldn’t hurt to double check what kind of warranty it comes with. This will save you from a lot of trouble from the future, in case things go askew and you’ll need a refund or replacement on your electric rideable.
These are some of the crucial aspects you need to consider when choosing an electric scooter. Other than these things, you should also know how to maintain your electric scooter. We have a discussion for that on a separate blog post, you can check it here.
Once you have ticked all off these boxes, then you are sure to have picked the e-scooter that will serve you for the miles and years to come!
Buy Electric Scooters from E-Ride Solutions
Committed to giving our customers only the best electric rideables in Australia, E-Ride Solutions offer only the best and the most affordable e-scooters in the spectrum. Our variety of motorized scooters come from reputable brands that are known for their good performance, and top-rated quality.
We make sure that you will find the right scooter for you from our wide range of choices ad prices. We offer scooters from brands like Bexly, Mercane, and Segway—all of which are know for their versatile e-scooter models.
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If you are ready to tick all the boxes on the list above, feel free to visit our website. You can also reach out to us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagrampages. Our friendly staff are available and skilled to answer your queries, and we’ll be there with you every step of the way, until you find the perfect electric scooter!
For more information on other electric rides, do not hesitate to visit our online store at www.eridesolutions.com.au , and explore the wide collection that we have in store for you!
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keenregine · 4 years
I miss hearing those airplane engines Words. .ideas. . thoughts. . I’ve been struggling these past few days attempting countless times to write an entry. This doesn’t mean I’m anywhere successful, because even up until now no ideas are coming. This will be my ninth try. I’m glad I decided to do this at home and not at work where there are tons of distractions. Oh wow, how clever, ugh. If I think about it intensely, it has been almost eight months since my last out of country get away. And that mere vacation was not even at my homeland. So, to count it correctly; it’s been about a year since I set my foot in the comfort of my own home. Surprisingly, I’m not bothered by it (maybe in a painful medium amount, don’t kid yourself). Yes, I miss my parents terribly and my dog, my friends, even inhaling the oxygen within the Philippine air space, which is most probably contaminated by about 75% right now idk. But even then, I wanted to go home so bad. If I came into frustrations like these, I just try to wipe those worries away by thinking, once everything is settled, once it’s safe to fly, once the virus completely goes away (I believe nowhere close) then it’s time to finally achieve that chance in a risk free and practical way. And I know, I’m not the only one overseas who feel the same way. Anyways. . Moving on, a little story time perhaps. And when I say ‘little’ uhh you’ll see. Since I was a kid, I was always fascinated riding scooters. (hence, my Paris story) Not the electric ones available today, but those manual kick-scooters. It was a big hit back then. I was in elementary school, around grade four I’d say. My mom would not allow or buy me such thing. Luckily, right at the back of our old ancestral house was a store that rents out kick-scooters. Yey, awesome. Me and my friends would ride all afternoon until we hang our tongues out from all the fun and exhaustion brought about by kicking endlessly. That was the one of those memorable experience I had with it. I never learned how to ride a bike, even with its massive and convenient availability, and honestly I had no valid reason why. Or maybe I’m not just plainly interested to learn it first hand. Aww. Fast forward to the present time. When I went to Paris, that childhood memory of mine was awoken once more riding the scooter, in a best fun way due to its fucking electric ability. Then the worst part of the pandemic began and riding bikes became popular. To suppress my frustration of inability to do the same, I thought I should buy a scooter instead. Light bulb! I went online, which is my daily norm to relieve stress. And I saw one up for sale. Add to cart, check-out; the next day it came during work and one of my colleague was nice enough to help me carry a massive coffin looking box. I was so excited to try, and ride it home. I threw away the vampire bed box and zoom. Then again fast forward to recent happenings. My colleague planned a mini overnight get together, we had so much fun during the entire night and the next day I was shaken by one of them to share with me a bad, rather confidential news. She was crying helplessly. Out of all the person in the room, she chose me to vent out all of the sadness. Given she told me most stories of her life, maybe that’s why. I can’t stress enough how ineffective I am when it comes to comforting someone who’s depressed. Being that, I don’t know the exact words to give, the right advice to tell. I might even come off as sarcastic or harshly straight forward which may not be very supporting. It was too late for me to avoid the situation, one other person was with us during the incident. I was in disbelief with myself how I said all those impressive reassuring things. Is this me? Am I a changed person after all? Huh, maybe. I just want to make things clear, the scooter story has got to do something with this entire story, and it’s gonna be stupidly funny, I swear. If not, then you’re just mean. Most people say that the most effective way to console someone is just listen, at least I got that part right. I consider myself an ambivert, I can get along fairly with any kinds of people. And in times, I prefer being alone. Well, most times the alone thing. Lol. I swear, I really find it satisfying being alone, whether at home or outside, to the point that I tell myself “Wow, it feels nice to be alone”, like I’ve never been alone in some events of my life. Example, many of my solo hiking journeys which always ends up me having new set of friends. My solo travel, and my upcoming travels. Oh God, please let it happen soon. The perks of being alone, I could write about that some other time, to elaborately express my solitary thoughts. Lol what? Knowing myself, maybe another 48 years delay on that one. So anyways, my lonely friend asked if she can stay with me for few days. In my mind “Oh no, I have plans to do exactly nothing, and I’m looking forward to be in that scenario after this get together.” I came straight forward as I cited earlier, and told her I understand everything but I also need some time alone for myself (that’s not understanding it, is it?) and at some point she needs to deal with whatever she’s going through all by herself, that way she can think more clearly. I felt dreadful saying that afterwards, and I eventually agreed to what she’s pleading for. Then I thought, she really needs to be someone right now, someone to at least lean onto. She went straight to my place, and reassured me that she will not disturb me in any way, and go ahead do my own things, and that she just needs to be around someone whom she truly trust, comforting and non judgmental like me. Those words alone fucking hit me right in the chest, am I really that kind of person? I regret refusing at the first place. Now, with all the heavy guilt I’m carrying, I noticed she won’t eat anything or even drink water. I offered her things I know she likes, but I know it’s not also therapeutic to force her with things she don’t feel like having. I don’t know what’s gotten into me that time, but I’m constantly thinking how can I make her atleast take some fluids. Here comes the interesting part that I promised. I very well know she likes chocolate drink or anything remotely sweet, I don’t like sweets (about how many times I need to tell you this), a valid reason for me not to have that random kind of drink sitting on the fridge. I planned, I should get her something in the store. While she’s sleeping, I wore the usual hoodie and sweat pants. I recently bought a standard baseball New Era cap, the same one I lost that has probably worn out by now wherever it is. I took out my scooter and head outside, a blazing sand storm was happening. I can’t back out and I won’t give up just yet. I continued on, as I was starting my journey I felt the heavy wind and dust pushing back against my forward direction. The front bill of my cap keeps lifting off my forehead, and I was scared it would be blown away. I ignored that and carried on. In the mid part of my said journey, the wind became more aggressive and my velocity increasing, I felt the sensation that my cap was completely lifting off. I totally ignored everything else and unconsciously, I let go of the right handle bar in the hopes of fixing my dearly fucking cap. Too bad, I was also unaware that I’m about to approach a hump. And there we go. .I’ll forgive anyone who’s going to laugh at my miserable accident. Even I, was laughing after it happened. Damn you baseball cap. Lol. Wait, it doesn’t end there. Imagine me, in the middle of the air catapulting above a small hump. I’m not carrying any bag or purse that time. But all things in my hoodie pocket bursted out, my keys, wifi modem, phone, and a 20sr bill, entirely spread out. The exact incident happened around five in the afternoon, no random people saw my tragedy, but one. A hospital bus heading out from parking saw the whole thing, the good side though, I knew he was not carrying any passengers, perhaps only the driver himself or another friend. The bus was on my parallel side when I fell, I saw him going slowly, idk maybe laughing, recording me to make it viral or seeing if he can offer any help. But much to my pride and preventing further embarrassment, I stood up at once like nothing happened. Even if my knees was already partially burning, so he went on. I let the bus pass by far enough before I went ahead to the store, I was ashamed. I managed to ride the scooter as it is still functioning well, with minor scratches. And of course I didn’t wore the cap anymore, only during that time though. Lol Up to this very day, I can’t explain the possibility how I only got a simple knee scratch, it was bleeding the right amount, but still I was really thankful that’s all I acquired. The scar it might leave, I will deal later on. Because from the way I see it, I went like a fired canon, seriously no joke. But my face, elbows, palm, my teeth oh God oh God, if that happens. Luckily, everything went gladly fine and almost untouched, even my walking was just as fine. I went home, gave the drink to her and she didn’t want to take it at first. Although she felt sorry for what happened to me, then I said I would feel much better and relieved if she at least drink what I brought her, and she did, ahh finally. In conclusion, I’m alive. Yeah! I may be over reacting, but it was a life long lesson, to what? Never wear a cap again on a sand storm? Take a chill pill and stop being forceful to cheer up a friend? For what it’s worth, somehow my small deed has paid off. Plus, I made people laugh telling my tragic story. I have no regrets. Did I stop riding my scooter? No. Quite traumatic, but I learned something. Be careful! Did I stop wearing that darn baseball cap? No. I love it too much. Uwu. Do I go the same speed as I did that day? Yes. There’s a reason they set the maximum 25kph.
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3 August 2020: Remote work: reply later. Amazon: free London grocery delivery. Tech industry: regulation?
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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Remote work: reply later
Many organisations have been “working from home” for a few months now, and there are obvious advantages and disadvantages to being remote. You don’t need to spend time or money commuting, you can work the way you want, etc. On the other hand, you might be trying to care for and homeschool children while also working, which is exhausting and impossible.
One of the non-obvious disadvantages of remote work is that if you try faithfully replicate the experience of being in an office there are additional cognitive costs. Doing a Zoom meeting is slightly harder work than doing a meeting face to face because many of the social cues that help make a conversation happen are lost in the “Can you hear me/I think Marina dropped out/I didn’t catch that” dance. So after a tough day of back to back meetings on the Zoom grid, you are finished.
Here’s an article that argues that remote workers are more productive than their present-in-the-office counterparts, and that asynchronous communication is the reason. If people send messages and avoiding demanding an instant response, recipients have freedom to fit replying into all of their other work. So there are fewer interruptions (related: Basecamp - how we communicate). You can see that even if messages are happening more slowly, more work will probably get done.
But it is also obvious that making remote work work isn’t easy. Nor is it the right answer for every situation. This is the negative argument: Our remote work future is going to suck: “remote work makes you vulnerable to outsourcing, reduces your job to a metric, creates frustrating change-averse bureaucracies, and stifles your career growth”. So there’s work to do to make sure that remote work doesn’t end up like that!
Amazon: free grocery delivery in London
Amazon takes on supermarkets with free food delivery. Same or next-day delivery will now be free for Prime subscribers in London on orders above £40. Amazon says “members will get fast grocery delivery - free with their Prime membership ­­- starting today [28 July] in London and expanding to millions of members across the UK before the end of the year”.
Last week the newsletter looked at how grocery delivery services that fully or part-subsidise delivery suffer significant margin erosion. So bundling delivery free into another service is a big move. This might be a classic “land and expand” plan. The free delivery is a loss leader to win Amazon customers who will later be loathe to switch supplier once they’ve committed. (And Amazon has the cashflow machine to outlast others.) 
Another way to look at it: Amazon is just following shopper behaviour: people want convenience, and recently they’ve got used to groceries being delivered (also everyone now lives in a world where “popping to the shops” involves queues and having to wear masks and worry about getting ill, so a push of free delivery works fits with that).
Or Amazon sees it in terms of the ecosystem. Shoppers would like free delivery, so Amazon adds it to Prime, and Prime gets slightly harder to cancel, even though its annual cost keeps nudging up. This approach only works if Amazon are consistently good at working out what shoppers value. If they make a mistake, Prime starts looking like a bad deal and cancellations will grow. But if it works, Prime is the recurring membership fee that eventually looks like essential life infrastructure.
Last week: the shop inside the self-scan bleeper.
Queues and retail news
Sainsbury's tests virtual queuing system. Shoppers will be able to join the queue from a remote location, such as their car, using a smartphone app, avoiding the need to stand outside the shop. Previously on queues: Could online supermarket queues do good? and Managing queues inside and outside Co-op stores during the pandemic. 
Good list of local, independent retailers in the US, many of them co-operatives.
The Book of Dreams closes: Argos is going to stop printing its massive catalogue. “Many declared childhood had been "ruined" by the news and decrying that children will never know the joys of circling potential birthday and Christmas gifts.” (The Book of Dreams has its own website, which is worth a visit.)
Tech industry: regulation?
Last week the Big Tech company leaders got hauled into the US congress’s Zoom chat to talk about whether they’re too big and whether the US gov should use anti-trust action to break them up. Here’s a summary.
Traditionally US competition law has seen monopolies in terms of price fixing - they’d ask if consumers are getting fair prices. On that basis, companies like Amazon usually don’t look anti-competitive because they generally force prices down.
However you’d think that regulation is on its way for a couple of reasons. First, market power now comes from controlling demand rather than supply. So the traditional price-fixing measure of monopoly damage may not be sufficient - and academic thinking on monopoly power is now evolving. Second, if you step back from anti-competition law specifically, regulation looks inevitable as the tech industry becomes ever larger and subsumes other industries, remaking them with software and data. It’s natural that the technology industry should face more regulation to limit its harms to consumers, other companies and wider society, its negative externalities, its unexpected consequences:
“Some time between 1850 and 1900 or so the industrial world worked out that regulating industry is necessary, and since then we’ve been arguing about how and how much, industry by industry, from industrial food to banking to airlines. Now that gets applied to tech.”
Related: I tried to live without the tech giants. it was impossible.
Uber’s algorithm and other mobility
Uber drivers to launch legal bid to uncover app's algorithm - this is interesting. if you work for an algorithm (the algorithm tasks you, and determines how much money you make) then it is deeply in your interest to understand how it works.
Also Uber: the company has cancelled plans to provide digital wallets and other financial services. They’ve committed to being profitable soon, and (thanks partly to the virus) the corporate emphasis is on Uber Eats.
Elsewhere in mobility data… the county of Devon will use data from running app Strava to prioritise popular cycling roads for repairs. And some global data on electric scooter rideshare use (nb electric scooters became legal in UK in July).
Co-op Digital news and events
The Federation House team is running weekly drop-in chats for the community every Wednesday at 10am: Join us here. See our online events. You can also see how The Federation is planning for a safe return to the co-working floor.
Other free of charge events 
Andy’s Man Club – Gentleman's Peer to Peer Mental Health Meet Up – Mondays 7pm 
Self Care – Online Workshops – Various dates/times in July 
Northern Azure User Group – Meet Up – 5 Aug – 6pm 
Virtual Data Expedition – Online Workshop – 11 Aug – 10am. “Do you wish you had more confidence with data? Do you want to use data to better inform what you do? Whatever your data skills, wherever you are, you're invited to join a Virtual Data Expedition being led online for the first time by Open Data Manchester, with the support of charity data experts 360Giving. A Data Expedition is a way of working with data from 'start to finish' – from identifying a question you have, to finding and using data to try to answer it, to telling a story with it. Sign up to join a series of guided workshops on a journey of data discovery.” 
NW Drupal User Group – Meet Up – 11 Aug – 7pm 
Beginners Guide to Retrofit – Webinar – 12 Aug – 6pm 
Women in Tech – Networking – 13 Aug – 8.30am 
LGBTQIA – Hackathon – 28-30 Aug 
 Paid for events 
Invisible Cities - Online Tours of Manchester or Edinburgh – Various Dates & Times 
Mandala Yoga – Online Yoga Sessions - Various Dates & Times 
Tech Ethics – Meet Up – Various Dates & Times 
Thank you for reading
Thank you, beloved readers and contributors. Please continue to send ideas, questions, corrections, improvements, etc to @rod on Twitter. If you have enjoyed reading, please tell a friend! If you want to find out more about Co-op Digital, follow us @CoopDigital on Twitter and read the Co-op Digital Blog. Previous newsletters.
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With so many types and options, these aren't your common scooters they usually're not only for children anymore! 
Each adults and kids can acquire from the pleasure and comfort of electrical scooters. Whether or not your youngsters need a enjoyable method to zoom across the neighborhood, otherwise you're faculty pupil with out transportation to class, or your work commute is just too exhausting in your toes, nearly anybody can profit from an electrical scooter.
Most electrical scooters are simply compactable, utilizing no harmful fuels, have quick charging occasions, and quiet motors. Experience your scooter to work or faculty and retailer it below your desk. Save time and skip the stroll, lower your expenses on gasoline, and even do a small favor for the atmosphere. Not solely are electrical scooters sensible, they're enjoyable!
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With quiet using electrical scooters, there aren't any smelly fumes and no have to mess with gasoline gas. Plus scooter batteries are recyclable. Whereas many riders select scooters for the leisure worth, these earth-friendly automobiles are a smart different to cars.
There are dozens of scooters to select from, corresponding to ZAP, GoPed, or Razor simply to call just a few. Your first step towards buying your new scooter is to make an inventory of what you are on the lookout for. Producers tailor some scooters for youngsters, with a weight restrict and a decrease most velocity. However different scooters go sooner and additional, supporting greater than 200 kilos.
Scooters can value from below $200 to over $1,000. No matter your wants, you are positive to discover a scooter in your worth vary. You may even select an electrical scooter with a seat.
Electrical scooters are battery powered and rechargeable. Most charging occasions are lower than eight hours. Your scooter might actually have a fast charger.
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Do you wish to journey in type or do you simply wish to play within the yard? There are stylish seated scooters full with a headlight and rearview mirrors, normally priced round $2,000. Extra primary stand-up varieties fluctuate in speeds and vary. There are even off-road and stunt scooters for the extra adventurous.
Even when your scooter is designed for a large number of makes use of, make sure you observe security. Put on correct apparel and obey site visitors legal guidelines. Keep away from fast shifting or congested site visitors, give pedestrians the appropriate of means, and function your scooter defensively.
Ensure that the scooter's age advice fits your kid's talents. For instance, Razor makes a simple to manage, three-wheeled scooter appropriate for youngsters as younger as two.
Similar to studying to drive, it's best to totally learn the customers guide and apply sufficient to really feel snug earlier than heading out to the open street. And identical to your automobile, do not drive your scooter whereas ingesting alcohol. It is likely to be a toy, however it could actually nonetheless be harmful. Discover out your native legal guidelines relating to scooters in public locations. Whereas gas-powered scooters are usually not allowed on public transportation, you could possibly tote your scooter on the bus.
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Handle your scooter and it'll give you years of leisure. Since there are comparatively few shifting components, electrical scooters are dependable and sturdy. Many scooter producers promote alternative components on-line. Most adults can assemble and restore components. Nonetheless, having some bicycle mechanic information definitely helps. The drive belt that powers the scooter is just like a bicycle's chain system.
As soon as you discover your good electrical scooter, be sure you are prepared for curious questions and amused onlookers. Scooters are rising in reputation. Producers are creating extra inventive designs and revolutionary options annually. Get able to enter a brand new world of enjoyment and comfort together with your new electrical scooter.
The Razor Electrical Scooters E300 are manufactured with the most recent know-how and is taken into account to be essentially the most superior child's scooter out there in the present day. It's a scooter that's eco-friendly and on the identical time can provide a powerful journey. It's properly made, powerful and streamlined in its design. This makes it extraordinarily sturdy. The Razor Electrical Scooters E300 are for youngsters of age 12 or older however will be even utilized by adults.
As the ability supply is a battery, the Razor Electrical Scooters E300, is eco-friendly. It has a two 12 V sealed lead acid battery system, which when absolutely charged, permits you to journey the scooter repeatedly for 45 minutes. The battery must be charged for eight to 10 hours as soon as the cost is low. You may then zip on the Razor Electrical Scooters E300 at 17 miles per hour. The motor is highly effective sufficient to accommodate weights as much as 220 kilos.
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The Razor Electrical Scooters E300 has an additional huge ten inch pneumatic entrance and rear tyre which supplies for a clean journey. The tyres are created from polyutherene supplies that are each sturdy and elastic. The scooter is chain pushed and of a single velocity. As a consequence of this mix, the Razor Electrical Scooters E300 provides you with a quiet journey. You speed up or decelerate by the use of a twist grip situated on the appropriate deal with. The Razor Electrical Scooters E300 has heavy obligation rear brakes as an vital security measure and is operated by controls on the left deal with.
The motor and battery of the Razor Electrical Scooters E300 are situated close to the rear wheel. There may be an on and off change situated on the left facet of the scooter and on the fringe of the deck. When you want to use the scooter,all you need to do is, on the change and a purple mild signifies that the scooter is charged and able to go.The battery charging cable can also be situated on the left facet of the deck. For ease in parking,there's a kick stand offered.
The primary options of the Razor Electrical Scooters E300 are
• They're simple to deal with and weighs solely 52 kilos. • There isn't a noise air pollution. • It's eco-friendly, as the ability supply is electrical energy. • The scooter may be very quiet resulting from its chain pushed motor. • The scooter is sturdily constructed and may deal with weight ranges as much as 220 kilos • The acceleration and braking are easy operations. • Kids from 12 years of age and adults can even use the scooter. • The battery is able to being charged 250 - 300 occasions.
The Razor Electrical Scooters E300 is definitely enjoyable to journey. However we have to make sure that sufficient precautions are taken by youngsters earlier than they journey the scooter. Helmets, gloves and pads are mandatory for a protected journey. They need to not journey on the roads or highways by themselves. We should always make sure that they use it solely in protected areas like parks or areas close to our residence. All stated and accomplished, this scooter is unquestionably the one to have to your children.
Visit our main website to know more information 
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almostdaily-doppio · 5 years
TOP 5: Best Electric Scooter 2019
Electric scooters are convenient for running errands and commuting short distances. Although I haven't given up my car yet, I can't ignore scooters' advantages. First, electric scooter ownership is definitely less expensive than automobile ownership. Because they are battery operated, electric scooters do not require trips to the gas station for costly fill-ups and have zero emissions to boot.
Also, you won't need to worry about finding or paying for a parking spot. Before we get started with our video detailing the best electric scooters on the market, we have included links in the description for each product mentioned, so make sure you check those out to see which one is in your budget range. Starting off with the best overall electric scooter we have the Glion Dolly Adult Electric Scooter.
Appealing to students, commuters, and even riders age 60 and above, the Glion Dolly Electric Scooter earns great reviews. With eight-inch-wide never-flat tires, its ride is as smooth as silk with a maximum rider weight up to 255 pounds. Topping out at 15 miles per hour, this electric scooter has versatile speeds and goes "as slow as a granny walking and as fast as a bicycle" as described by a user on Amazon, where it earned four-and-a-half out of five stars.
In fact, Amazon users attest to its good lithium-ion battery life that offers plenty of juice to power a 15-mile range. A couple of riders over 200 pounds climb hills on this model daily with little problem. With a short charge time of three-and-a-half hours, the Glion Electric Scooter is perfect for scooting to campus or the office, recharging during the class or workday if necessary, and riding back home.
And each way, you'll enjoy a quiet ride with its 250-watt engine that purrs. The Glion Electric Scooter uses anti-lock electromagnetic regenerative brakes that are steady for some but jerky and a little slow for others. Rated best overall scooter by Life wire and one of the top models by Ride Two Wheels, The City for Millennials, and ThrillAppeal, the Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter has a sleek design that folds up and rolls like stand-up luggage with a pull-handle dolly.
Finally, customers praise the manufacturer's customer service highly. Next up we have the best budget electric scooter which goes to the Razor Power Core E90. When most people think of kick scooters for kids, they think of the Razor brand. Don't count it out in the electric scooter game, either. The Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter is a zippy and economical model. With a top speed of 10 miles per hour and a maximum ride time of up to 70 minutes, this fun and the sturdy scooter is an excellent deal.
The Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter is a wallet-friendly way for novices to dip their toes in the electric scooter transportation pool. Reviewers describe it as easy to assemble, ride, and maintain. In fact, Best Reviews named this model "best bang for Buck," Life wire chose it as "Best Budget" scooter, and EnvyRide selected itas one its top five "budget-friendly" models. You might not expect much power from a budget model, but the Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter defies expectations.
With a surprisingly long life per charge, the scooter's battery allows for up to 70 minutes of continuous use. A lot of reviewers say they simply charge the lead battery overnight. You kick-start the scooter to get it going, and then the in-wheel hub motor takes over. It also has a push-button throttle and handbrakes.
Most feedback from Amazon shoppers was from parents and grandparents about experiences of their kids and grandkids (ranging in age from five to 10 years). Nonetheless, many adults tried scooter and loved it. In fact, despite the scooter's advertised maximum rider weight of 120 pounds, several grownups over 150 pounds found it quite peppy and rideable.
We gathered from comments, however, that theRazor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter is best for kids or lighter, shorter adult riders. About 72% of the almost 400 Amazon buyers gave the Razor Power Core E90 Electric Scooter four or five out of five stars. This scooter is a great deal but many wish for a warranty longer than 90 days.
Up next we have the best electric scooter for commuting while sitting which goes to the Razor EcoSmart Metro. Perfect for commuters and riders ranging from young adults to senior citizens, the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter is designed for stability, convenience, and good looks. Its solid bamboo deck and padded adjustable-height seat help you balance and rest your feet while traveling. A large detachable rear basket holds items for safe, accessible transport on errands.
ThrillAppeal notes how this model sports a"vintage bike vibe" with its 16-inch pneumatic tube tires on spoke wheels. Excellent for commuting, the Razor EcoSmartMetro Electric Scooter tops out at 18 miles per hour and has a ride time up to 40 minutes. Amazon shoppers report riding distances of seven to eight miles on hilly terrain and up to 12 miles on level roads on a full battery after charging it for 12 hours or overnight.
With a 36-volt lead battery and a 500-watt motor, this model carries up to 220 pounds, including the rider and cargo in the basket. The Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter has a hand-operated rear disc brake that works fine on level ground but can get hot. Many riders wish this model had a front brake as well.
Voted "Best Speed" by Life wire, "Most FunCommuting Scooter" by ThrillAppeal, "Ideal For Short Trips" by Transportation Evolved, and one of the top seven scooters for adults by Ride Two Wheels, this model earned four or five stars from 78% of almost 300 Amazon reviewers. Next, we have the best for electric scooter commuting while standing which goes to the GOTRAX GXL Commuting.
Enthusiastic feedback from students and computers make the GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter sound like a cool replacement for your car— well, sort of. Shoppers love traveling while avoiding traffic and parking hassles as well as saving money on gas. For lengthy commutes, go green by combining this scooter with public transportation: ride the scooter to a transit station, lock it on a bike rack, and then hop on a train, bus, or subway to finish your journey.
If you do ride it all the way to your destination, the scooter folds up into a compact, portable package that is easy to stash under a desk. With eight-and-a-half-inch pneumatic tires, the GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter delivers a smooth ride over bumpy roads. After just four hours of recharging, its 36-volt, UL-certified lithium-ion battery provides up to 12 miles of range or 12.
5 hours of ride time. The 250-watt hub motor powers up to a top speed of 15. 5 miles per hour and hauls a maximum weight of 220 pounds. The GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter is easy to assemble and constructed of high-quality material. Reviewers feel reassured by the scooter's dual hand and foot braking system that stops the scooter well.
It also has a headlamp but no tail light. Don't be dissuaded by the relatively low number of reviews for the GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter on Amazon — 72% awarded if five out of five stars. It earned 4. 7 out of five stars from a pool of thirty-four reviewers on Walmart's site. Plus, My Pro Scooter named it "Best electric scooter for Commuting" and Ride Two Wheels, Livewire, Best Reviews list it among their top picks for electric scooters.
And for our last pick, we have the best electric scooter for kids which goes to the Razor E100. Recommended for riders age eight and up, theRazor E100 is a scooter you can feel confident about when your kid is zooming around outdoors. Having won a Parent's Choice Award, this scooter was named "Best Electric Scooter for Kids" by The Strategist of New York Magazine and highly rated on Top Ten Select.
More than 1,400 Amazon reviewers rated it five out of five stars. With a top speed of 10 miles per hour and a kick-start feature — the scooter must be moving up to three miles per hour and the rider pushes a button before the motor engages — the Razor E100 Electric Scooter prioritizes safety.
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The handlebar adjusts to different heights and houses the handbrake and twist-grip accelerator/throttle. Some people feel reassured by this scooter's slow acceleration while others think it accelerates quickly, but not too quickly for concern. After twelve hours of charging, the 24-volt lead battery can provide up to 40 minutes of continuous ride time.
Although the Razor E100 Electric Scooter has a maximum weight capacity of 120 pounds, many "big kids" weighing much more than that have tried this model for short rides with satisfactory results. This model is easy to assemble, a godsend for parents of kids eager to hop on and ride right away. You can also know about the best electric skateboard.
It has an eight-inch pneumatic front tire, a urethane rear wheel, a sturdy an all-steel frame that holds up well, and a handy kickstand. A  drawback of the frame's low clearance is that the underside and motor can scrape the ground when your kid makes sharp turns and rides over curbs.
If the Razor E100 Electric Scooter seems too small, try the highly rated Razor E300 Electric Scooter. Recommended for riders age 13 and older, this model is the next step up, with similar but some larger features: wider (nine-inch) pneumatic front and rear tires, a taller frame, and a greater maximum weight capacity of 220 pounds.
Teens will love this model that zips up to15 miles per hours and engages the motor from a standstill position. So that sums up our top electric scooters of 2019.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 6 months
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the frame configuration is way off but the style is right. and no need for the large rectangular post. though appears like an ebike. ok. but not needed here revere the fame that is above the batery to the standard p ositiono use the top bar and put the rectangle on forthe ebike. use a gas tanke and angled if a motorcycle. use tires for both not the mountain bike rims now are lightwieght adn one pound assmbly more. worth it. hydrolic disks the same for ebike and motorccle scooter. lightwieght alloy frame cast. and tons do it now but it has been and is bing done. the size right for cast though it is not and is hard to make. very hard ok. the rear fok sturdy anough. and he wants us to make them in our areas and w recycled material and we shall. and to call it Gogswell well we think on it and ok shall. lol. and interchangable. and a reconfig to standard of the rear shock and one to make it appear to be a moped or ebike or emotorccle or motorcycle depending on the application one frame msotly the same wheels and tires same fork lights and more. electroncis
on teh ebike we use standard batteries you can buy hawae and so on. same for the motor. replacemetn allover. and
sameon the e motorcycle. same frame and tires and fork suspension lights.
the ebike has a different chain. and drive system on the rear wheel or middrive.
we use a hub still on the e motroccyle and it is used to mount thegear box a very sturdy connection.
we us it on the motrccyle and to mount the engine new chain and sprockets for the engine and e motorcycle same on both a bit higehr perf than msot e motrorccles. and
cast frame. solid. the whole thing. no add ons needed chain ttensioner is the ATK design. your axles solid. well the rear motor is uality we use a 750 hd or better and usually load of 330 or better. but the bike normally will be 500 lb laod .
and we start now same look same colors is classy. and we love the lettering. need it. is idea yeh but the do it for cosmetics. we do it for real. and yeh the batery is wrong. not neecessary to be there.
we ma add a lower bar like the top adouble and smaller top bar but the same and integral tank almost modled. and for safety.
tank inside it. and space yes no middle bar except the ebike for looks. but electric motorcycle the batery is below and a acase to block issues above thinner and access the battery remove the case and tons of room. stronger yes. and yeh for the suspenions is a good idea. we like it use it
solid cast frame too. and cross braced. and yeh this is cool
top speed ebike after reprogram stock 55mph for 100 mls
add titanium lithium top speed 65 for 130 ms
mid drive stock battery top speed 70 for 200 miles
mid drive tit lith top speed 120 for 250 miles
we use the motorcycle parts and scooter lightwieght and are rated for it
e motorcycle mag wheels and rear drive top speed 80mph for 100 miles change option lity titanium 180 mls
e motorcycle mid drive engine and gears stock battery top speed 120 distance 200 miles w dot package
e motorcycle mid drive engine and gears titanium lith battery option an yes hvac motor standard 200mph for 200 at 65mph and yes is very fast for the size.
e motorcycle standard battery are those you can buy online for motorcycles are solid and more expensive not much. his he found was less than his ebike a lot less and uner 200 dollars.
and the scooter
scooter 49cc same parts and frame add the dot package by us we install top speed 65 mph
scooter 110cc same parts and frame dot pacage top speed 250 mph
motorized gas 250cc top speed 250 mph cowel included
motrozied gas 300cc top speed 350 cowell and ferring inclued and yes scooter and motroccycle all liquid cooled
we make these now some have started. use the framethough we do thaat and mod them now. and the aebie it is lcose new lith titanium and zoom fast and goes 60 mph and for 150 mles can fit it well easily
Thor Freya
we help he needs a few dollars to risk aftermarket batteries now too
Olympus we hear it and ok need it replace it will have it
0 notes
basshouse · 5 years
The only thing more ridiculous than a person running in heels is a grown man riding a little girl’s bike.  And maybe these things.
I have never been a fan of the GoPro or most people who have one on them. I mean, if you’re not a pro at something really cool to watch, or at least on a reality show where pro editing and production can turn your footage in to bona fide drama or make someone look real bitchy, then why are you accumulating the digital equivalent of more ego-driven trash than could fill an house on Hoarder’s?  Does the world really need it?!  But, listen, I feel mean saying that because you too deserve the same kindness and respect as all other humans and maybe I just don’t understand you. Also, there have been a few times since we moved here that I REALLY wish I had the ability to constantly record what was going on around me, and sometimes  I am just not fast enough on the draw, or I am driving (on the wrong side of the goddam road) and I can’t capture the image I need to send you.  Will words work?  I’ll try, but that picture...well, I’ll try to keep it under 1,000 words here and see if I can do these events just a little justice. 
Some of the times I wish I was recording the world since we arrived in New Zealand: 
The time we saw an adult man self-powering himself, seated on a skateboard, up a super steep hill in a Lyttleton neighborhood using a power drill that fixed as socket on to the nut of one of the skateboard’s wheels.  Seriously DIY and seriously cool. And the hill was super steep. He rolled past us with a smile. 
Shopping carts two ways:  one full of what I assume were Christmas gifts – kids’ toys, anyway -- being pushed IN FRONT OF a bike up a hill; like, the guy on the bike  somehow was managing to reach the back of the cart with his hand or his front tire and was pushing it up a hill over a bridge on one of the busier roads in CHCH...what could go wrong?  The second grocery cart was carrying 3 teenagers away from the grocery store to the neighborhood pool a few blocks away; I thought this was emergency transportation or just laziness, turns out it’s a relatively common way for people to get around the neighborhood over the summer holidays. Between that and Lime Electric Scooters with two to three people on them at once zooming at high speed all over town, it’s pretty obvious that people like to enjoy themselves and litigation is not a big thing here. 
James and Anily jumping off a bridge into the Raglan Estuary.  I actually did have my phone out for this one, but I pulled a total Lois and ended up with a few random videos of my feet. 
The Epic Capsizing of James and Ashley on the Whanganui River (title of our movie if we’d had a GoPro or a Drone.  Karma?  Dammit!)  Ok, so in this case we got a picture shortly after: Jason and Anily, who were ahead of us when we hit the stump in the middle of the final rapids at the end of a 4 hour paddle, actually turned around and paddle up river, not to help us, but to get a picture.  
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Now if we’d had video you would have heard James say “this is the best one yet, mom!” as we navigated into the rapids, right before we hit a tree stump side-on and flipped ourselves upside down. Since I did not catch it on video, I cannot say how far we flew when we launched out, but I like to think I earned the massive bruise on my arm by catching some serious air (though it was more likely a basic plop).  We floated downstream (my hat stayed on the whole time!), laughing and arguing with Jason from the water about the best strategy to deal with our boat and ourselves; when he announced he was going to get out of his boat and help us manage the canoe we got our shit together and got ourselves to a little beach on the bank of the river before he could embarrass us, at which time James promptly stepped on a bee and dropped an impressive string of obscenities that echoed off the walls of the Whanganui canyon. Oh, also we saw 4 wild pigs!  And we smelled one that had been taken out by a landslide, ew.  For some reason seeing these pigs was really cool to all of us.  City folk. 
Also, here’s a dog and some Basses on the jet boat we took up river, before we started canoeing back down: 
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0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Wildfires Rage Across Arizona as State’s Covid-19 Cases Surge
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6/18/2020 8: 07AM     
Firefighters are battling three large blazes across Arizona as the state also grapples with a jump in coronavirus-related hospitalizations. Photo: Christopher Brown/Zuma Press
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topfygad · 5 years
The Photo Management App You Need for Your Next Trip
My camera roll is a polluted ocean. For one, it’s a deep abyss full of too much garbage—accidental screenshots of my alarm clock when I mean to hit snooze, one too many selfies of sunburns and a heap of unsolicited Air Drop bombs from bored strangers on long-haul bus rides.
But deep in the rolling tides of my photo albums are also some hidden gems—the precious pearls and brilliant corals and iridescent seashells that are my cherished memories.
I typically save these photos in my Favorites album so I can find them without doing too much digging through years of travel.
It’s the album I whip out when I meet a new friend in a hostel discussing our shared experience running from rogue monkeys in Ubud, Bali. And it’s the album I open up when my friends back home refuse to believe that I really did eat a scorpion that one time in Cambodia and went scuba diving with menacing, toothy eels in Honduras.
But even my Favorites album is a disorderly muddle of photos from years of traveling all over the world. The last 10 items in that album make just about zero sense:
A blurry photo of me dancing with a mosh of strangers at Nos Alive music festival in Lisbon, Portugal.
A screenshot of my license that was in my stolen wallet in Barcelona.
A portrait of me sitting on a sailboat on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.
An action shot of me sand-boarding down the dunes at sunset in Huacachina, Peru.
An exciting sighting of a blue-footed booby in the Galápagos.
An incredibly awkward photo of me nervously feeding a llama in the middle of the world along Ecuador’s equator.
An admittedly deceptive shot of me surfing in Costa Rica.
A favorite snap summiting Volcán Acatenango in Guatemala.
A selfie showing off my totally phallic-shaped henna tattoo in Udaipur, India.
An aerial view of Cappadocia, Turkey’s fairy chimneys from a hot air balloon.
What I need to better organize my travel memories is an app that can do it all for me.
Enter: Mylio.
Mylio is the free photo organizer every traveler needs. It works for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android, and it manages all of your photos and files from all of your devices and online services like Facebook and Flickr.
It’s more than just an organizational tool, however. The app boasts a number of impressive features that help me to organize, edit and access my safely stored photos.
Mylio works on all devices.
1. Organize Your Photos in Various Ways
I’m the kind of person who remembers my life in terms of countries perhaps more than dates. You’ll often hear me saying something along the lines of, “The last time I got a vaccine was Thailand,” instead of “The last time I got a vaccine was in January.” Or, “I haven’t talked to that friend since Colombia, so maybe I should reach out,” instead of “I haven’t talked to that friend in six months, so maybe I should reach out.”
Since I started traveling full time, my brain just operates in country-chunked memories rather than chronological time. As such, being able to organize my photos on a map makes it a lot easier to find specific ones.
Mylio’s map is intuitive and elegant; photos are grouped by location with a pin that shows how many photos were taken in each place. You can zoom into the map using pinch-in and pinch-out on touchscreens or use the plus and minus signs in the bottom right corner of the map. As you zoom in, Mylio separates your photos into more defined pins, allowing you to better see where each set of photos was taken.
You can also utilize Mylio’s search from within Map view to find a specific location. For instance, you can type “Bermuda” in Mylio’s search bar to automatically be taken to the island of Bermuda and shown the photos taken there.
Mylio’s map view
Of course, in Mylio, you can also organize your photos by date, so if you do think in terms of months or years, you’ll be able to go back to specific times and find your photos.
Likewise, Mylio allows you to organize by faces/people, folders/events and tags/flags/stars. When you want to see all your photos of a friend or family member, simply type in that person’s name, and Mylio will show a custom album of that person.
You also have the option of organizing photos into folders or events, which is another way Mylio makes it easy to find a particular photo.
And of course you can use the search filter to find specific photos, as well. Overall, if you’ve ever felt like you’re drowning in photos, Mylio is a ready-made and free lifesaver!
Another huge Mylio bonus is that migration is seamless. If you’ve spent a fair chunk of time organizing your photos, the thought of moving to a new photo management system can be daunting. Luckily, Mylio migrates not only your photos but also the folder structure you have them in. That way, all the sorting you’ve already done comes with you!
2. Edit Your Travel Photos without Being a Professional Content Creator
Mylio makes any traveler look like a content creator. And if you want to show off the best of your travels, you know the importance of editing photos before uploading or sharing. Using Mylio’s editing tools, you can crop, rotate and straighten your photos to highlight what matters.
And what’s more, the edits you make to a photo on one device are automatically made on all your other devices! So if you crop a photo on your phone, the same crop will already have been made when you next get on your tablet or computer.
You can also apply and/or change presets, as well as use editing controls. You can even batch edit multiple photos at once to give them some uniformity. The tools range from one-tap filters to precision treatment sliders.
Editing photos with Mylio
Mylio also makes rating a fun and fast process with its auto-advance feature, which automatically moves on to the next picture after you rate each photo so you can rate as efficiently as possible!
And, if you ever need a specific tool that Mylio doesn’t offer, you can send your images to another editor to make those changes for you. And once they’re saved back to Mylio, Mylio will automatically pick up those edits and sync them between all of your devices.
As you’re probably starting to see, Mylio makes photo management easy across multiple platforms and devices.
3. Access Your Photos Any Time, Anywhere
As a traveler, I’m busy wiping out on electric scooters down cobblestoned alleyways and navigating rivers snaking through jungles by canoe. I spend my time living in the moment, and seldom have time to be editing photos from my past.
That said, I’ve been on enough long-haul buses and overnight trains to know that the WiFi never works like it’s advertised. And when I’m not journaling during those journeys, it’s an ideal time for me to catch up on editing photos. Except that too many of my photos are stuck in the cloud, and I usually need WiFi to access and sync them.
With Mylio, you can access and sync your photos any time, anywhere. Unlike cloud-based services, all your pictures are on all your machines, so they are always with you. You can view them on any device, with or without internet. That means you can efficiently use your travel time and make the most of your adventure time!
In the background, Mylio’s smart software frees up space on your phone by distributing your photo originals across your devices (like laptops and tablets) that have more storage space.
Access Mylio anywhere, anytime.
4. Rest Assured That Your Photos are Safe
Mylio is not a cloud service. Rather, Mylio utilizes the storage on the devices that you already own to keep copies of your files. You can also designate a device with a lot of storage space as a Vault; a Vault (ideally a computer or external drive) will automatically store your original, full-sized files so you can free up even more space on your smaller devices.
For added protection, Mylio can also integrate with some cloud providers to use their storage as Vaults, too. This ensures an offsite copy of your files that you can use to restore your library in case something happens to one of your travel devices.
If you do indeed choose to use the cloud as an added layer of protection, you can encrypt your images. This will ensure that your data is not available to anyone with unauthorized access to your cloud service.
So whether you’re planning to island hop around Laos’ 4,000 Islands or taking a food tour across Italy, Mylio is there to help you at every stage of your photo journey. And you can rest assured that you’ll be able to easily edit, organize, and share those cannoli pics like a seasoned foodie.
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/the-photo-management-app-you-need-for-your-next-trip/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
The Peloton IPO (bull vs. bear) – TechCrunch
http://tinyurl.com/yxvyj6xg Hi there and welcome again to Startups Weekly, a publication revealed each Saturday that dives into the week’s noteworthy enterprise capital offers, funds and traits. Earlier than I dive into this week’s subject, let’s catch up a bit. Final week, I wrote in regards to the proliferation of billion-dollar companies. Earlier than that, I famous the uptick in beverage startup rounds. Keep in mind, you possibly can ship me ideas, recommendations and suggestions to [email protected] or on Twitter @KateClarkTweets. Now, time for some fast notes on Peloton’s confirmed preliminary public providing. The health unicorn, which sells a high-tech train bike and affiliated subscription to unique health content material, confidentially filed to go public earlier this week. Sadly, there’s no S-1 to pore by way of but; all I can do for now could be speculate a bit about Peloton’s long-term potential. What I do know:  Peloton is worthwhile. Founder and chief government John Foley mentioned at one level that he anticipated 2018 revenues of $700 million, greater than double 2017’s revenues of $400 million. There may be sturdy investor demand for Peloton inventory. Javier Avolos, vice chairman on the secondary market Forge, tells TechCrunch’s Darrell Etherington that “investor curiosity [in Peloton] has been constantly sturdy from each institutional and retail buyers. Our view is that it is a results of perceived sturdy efficiency by the corporate, a transparent path to a liquidity occasion, and traditionally low availability of provide available in the market as a result of restrictions round promoting or transferring shares within the secondary market.” Peloton, regardless of initially struggling to lift enterprise capital, has accrued almost $1 billion in funding thus far. Most not too long ago, it raised a $550 million Sequence F at a $4.25 billion valuation. It’s backed by Tiger International Administration, TCV, Kleiner Perkins and others.   A bullish perspective: Peloton, an early participant within the health tech house, has garnered a cult following since its founding in 2012. There’s something to be mentioned about being an early-player in a burgeoning trade — tech-enabled private health tools, that’s — and Peloton has definitely confirmed its bike to be genre-defining know-how. Plus, Peloton is definitely worthwhile and everyone knows that’s uncommon for a Silicon Valley firm. (Peloton is definitely New York-based however you get the thought.) A bearish perspective: The marketplace for health tech is heating up, largely on account of Peloton’s personal success. Meaning elevated competitors. Peloton has not confirmed itself to be a nimble enterprise within the slightest. As Darrell famous in his piece, in its seven years of operation, “Peloton has put out precisely two items of {hardware}, and appears unlikely to ramp that tempo. The price of their tools makes frequent improve cycles unlikely, and there’s a restricted discipline when it comes to different {hardware} varieties to even take into account making. If {hardware} innovation is your measure for fulfillment, Peloton hasn’t actually proven that it’s doing sufficient on this class to fend of legacy gamers or new entrants.” TL;DR: Peloton, in contrast to another firm earlier than it, sits evenly on the intersection of health, software program, {hardware} and media. One wonders how Wall Avenue will worth an organization so different. Will Peloton be yet one more instance of an over-valued venture-backed unicorn that flounders as soon as public? Or will it mature in time to triumphantly navigate the unsure public firm waters? Let me know what you assume. And If you need extra Peloton deets, learn Darrell’s full story: Weighing Peloton’s opportunity and risks ahead of IPO. Anyhow… Public firm nook Along with Peloton’s IPO announcement, CrowdStrike boosted its IPO expectations. Except for these two updates, IPO land was fairly quiet this week. Let’s test in with some not too long ago public companies as an alternative. Uber: The ride-hailing big has let go of two key managers: its chief working officer and chief advertising officer. All of this comes only a few weeks after it went public. On the brightside, Uber traded above its IPO price for the primary time this week. The bump didn’t final lengthy however now that the funding banks behind its IPO are allowed to share their bullish perspective publicly, issues might enhance. Or not. Zoom: The video communications enterprise posted its first earnings report this week. As you might need guessed, issues are trying nice for Zoom. Briefly, it beat estimates with revenues of $122 million within the final quarter. That’s development of 109% year-over-year. Not unhealthy Zoom, not unhealthy in any respect. Must reads We cowl lots of startup and large tech information right here at TechCrunch. Typically, the actually nice options writers put lots of time and vitality into fall between the cracks. With that mentioned, I simply wish to take a second this week to focus on just a few of the nice tales revealed on our website not too long ago: A peek inside Sequoia Capital’s low-flying, wide-reaching scout program by Connie Loizos On the road to self-driving trucks, Starsky Robotics built a traditional trucking business by Kirsten Korosec The Stanford connection behind Latin America’s multi-billion dollar startup renaissance by Jon Shieber  How to calculate your event ROI by Sarah Shewey Why four security companies just sold for $1.5B by Ron Miller  Scooters gonna scoot In case you missed it, Bird is in negotiations to acquire Scoot, a smaller scooter upstart with licenses to function within the coveted market of San Francisco. Scoot was final valued at round $71 million, having raised about $47 million in fairness funding thus far from Scout Ventures, Imaginative and prescient Ridge Companions, angel investor Joanne Wilson and extra. Chicken, in fact, is an entire lot bigger, valued at $2.three billion not too long ago. On high of this deal, there was no scarcity of scooter information this week. Chicken, for instance, unveiled the Bird Cruiser, an electrical car that’s basically a mix between a bicycle and a moped. Here’s more on the booming scooter trade. Startup Capital WorldRemit raises $175M at a $900M valuation to help users send money to contacts in emerging markets  Thumbtack is raising up to $120M on a flat valuation Depop, a shopping app for millennials, bags $62M Fitness startup Mirror nears $300M valuation with fresh funding Step raises $22.5M led by Stripe to build no-fee banking services for teens Possible Finance lands $10.5M to provide kinder short-term loans Voatz raises $7M for its mobile voting technology Flexible housing startup raises $2.5M Legacy, a sperm testing and freezing service, raises $1.5M Equity In the event you get pleasure from this article, remember to take a look at TechCrunch’s venture-focused podcast, Fairness. On this week’s episode, out there here, Crunchbase Information editor-in-chief Alex Wilhelm and I focus on how a future with out the SoftBank Imaginative and prescient Fund would look, Peloton’s IPO and data-driven investing. Source link
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eridesolutionsau · 3 years
Classy and Iconic: Vintage Electric Bikes from Ezriderz
These days, we live in a fast-paced world where one thing can turn into something serious within the blink of an eye. Some just go with the flow, while some choose to see the fun in the little things! That being said, we believe that there’s nothing wrong with spicing up your lifestyle once in a while. One example would be switching to a fun and quirky vintage electric bike, for starters!
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Vintage electric bikes are a classic take on the usual e-bike. They give off strong retro vibes, and could make you feel like you are on a journey to the 50s or 60s. Nothing combines modern technology and the charm of the good old days better than a stylish vintage e-bike.
In Australia, this type of electric bike has been gaining a following. There has been a surge of enthusiasts who favor the retro café racer style e-bike, resulting to the growth, not just in numbers, but in its sales as well. Various vintage e-bike manufacturers have emerged in the past decade as well, and one of them is Ezriderz.
In this article, we’ll find out more about Ezriderz and take a peek at their collection of vintage electric bikes, and accessories that top off the ensemble!
All About Ezriderz
Ezriderz is an Australia-based manufacturer and provider of vintage electric bikes, accessories, and more. They take pride in their years of experience in the electric bike industry, and have provided Australians with some of the most stylish yet durable retro-style e-bikes there is.
Their vision is simple; for them, it’s all about style and 0% compromise on quality. This means that they focus on producing vintage e-bikes that are aesthetically pleasing, yet tick off all the boxes of an electric ride made with the best materials.
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Vintage electric bikes from Ezriderz are made from components that are top-of-the-line. These cruisers are fast, and can take on just any path! Don’t get these bad boys wrong; they might look like something out of the old movies, but they can ride not just on roads, but on sandy and rocky terrains as well.
Here are some more reasons why an Ezriderz retro-style electric bike is a must-have:
It has all the power you’re looking for. Before purchasing any kind of electric bike, you must be aware that there is a legal limit of 250W for you to be able to ride one on the Australian streets. However, higher wattages can be enjoyed in private properties. So, whether you want to stick to this legal limit, or enjoy your vintage electric bike for a spin around your own property, Ezriderz has your back!
Their powerful vintage bikes can take you up on hills or around the city with ease. You can choose between their 48V 250W or 52V 500W high-speed gear motor, both powered by BAFANG™.
Its full-color display lets you know what’s up. One of the things that sets an electric bike apart from manual bikes is its smart system. Vintage electric bikes from Ezriderz do not fall far behind in this technology, as their units are equipped with a full-color LCD display that shows you all the essentials!
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The trusty little gadget shows information such as Pedal Assistant System (PAS) level, current speed, max speed, odometer, trip, battery life, daylight and night mode selection, and more! Never worry about not knowing how fast you’re going, or draining your battery in the middle of a ride! Just take a peek at the monitor in front, and you’ll know what to do!
Set it in motion with the push of your thumb! Unlike some electric bikes which can be hard to control, the opposite goes for an Ezriderz vintage-style electric bike. The brand’s electric bikes are equipped with a left side thumb lever control for its throttle.
You can control everything at the touch of your thumb; from powering it on, setting your speed, and turning your high beams on and off. This half twist throttle is very powerful and convenient, you can just zoom into the day without difficulty!
It’s made safe and stable. Some might think that having the perfect retro look is the most important to a vintage electric bike. While that is right, Ezriderz makes it a point that safety is taken seriously too. With customers’ safety in mind, they made sure that their units are fast, powerful, but stops whenever they need to.
Their vintage electric bicycles are equipped with hydraulic disc brakes, which ensure a stable and well-balanced weight distribution. The powerful brakes are there to make sure that the bike stops when needed, avoiding accidents that can bring damage not just to the bike, but to the rider, most of all.
It boasts of a powerful gear selection. When you get a vintage e-bike from Ezriderz, you are sure to get the most powerful and versatile out there! Don’t let the visuals fool you, these bikes are powered by 7-speed Shimano Altus gears that provide amazing pedal assist.
Shimano is known to provide high-quality gears globally. This only justifies that Ezriderz wasn’t lying when they said that they don’t compromise quality! With gears like this present in your e-bike, tackling steep hills and cruising around the sandy beach is as easy as pie!
You can choose from their accessories to complete the vintage ensemble. Finding a good supplier of vintage e-bike accessories can be quite a challenge for some, but not when you purchase an Ezriderz unit. There are distributors like us here in E-ride Solutions who carry not just their e-bikes, but their accessories as well.
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You can easily complete your vintage vibe aesthetic with a rear pannier bag, or easily replace an old tank cover; Ezriderz has all the necessary fixtures for you!
Now that you have an overview of what’s in store for you, let’s take a look at the pride of Ezriderz—its vintage electric bikes!
Vintage Electric Bikes from Ezriderz
Ezriderz Sledz Vintage Electric Bike
Price: Starts at $2,680.00
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If the words power and elegance could materialize, then the Sledz Vintage Electric Bike from Ezriderz would be it. It has a motor wattage that ranges from 250W to 1000W, and comes in a two-tone color theme that exudes a simple yet stylish aura. Often categorized under electric city bikes, this model has the charms of a vintage electric bike as well! However, don’t let its look fool you! This powerful vintage e-bike is made for off-roading and can traverse over the roughest terrain! Its fat tyres from Kenda ensure a stable yet thrilling ride that can satisfy the classy yet adventurous side in you.
It’s also very lightweight; but it can carry a load of up to 150KG! This comfortable off-road vintage electric bike is definitely a package that has a lot of surprises in it!
Key features:
Take your pick with the choices of a 250W/500W/Dual 500W/750W/1000W motor for power that matches your riding needs.
Ride up to longer times and reach distances of 60km to 120km within a single full charge of this electric bike’s battery that matches its motor.
Enjoy rides over even the most inconvenient of terrain as if it was nothing with the durable 20-inch tyres equipped on this electric ride.
Go at a pace that suits you and enjoy better shifting times with its 7-speed shifter, guaranteed make your riding experience a comfortable one.
Ezriderz Z Vintage Electric Bike Price: Starts at $3,290.00
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Next, and capping off this brief list, is the epitome of the saying “vintage never dies”. The Ezriderz Z Vintage Electric Bike proves that and more with its retro café racer design, and its smart and powerful system. This modern beast comes in different colors, and a classic steampunk design that would definitely turn heads anywhere you go.
Not only that—the Z Vintage Electric Bike is powerful enough to take you to places you want and need to be. Its motor wattage ranges from 250W to 750W, and has a range of up to 60km. It’s also fitted with 26” x 4” tyres, which makes the remarkable vintage e-bike almost indestructible. Although the bike might look robust, it only weighs 31KG (battery included), and can carry a load of up to 140 KG.
To top it all off, it comes with a full-color LCD display that’ll show you all the essentials in a single screen. You can easily enjoy cruising through off-roads and beaches, with its comfortable features, and smart system!
Key Features:
Classic looking. Design patent owned by CIVIBIKES.
48V 250W BAFANG™ High-speed gear motor Australian street-legal 25kph. 52V  500w BAFANG™ High-speed gear motor only for use on private property 40kph or 750W BAFANG™ High-speed gear motor only for use on private property 45kph.
Full-Color LCD display gives you all information you need: Odo, trip, speed,  battery indicator. Drive mode selection. Daylight and Night model selection.
Front/Rear Tektro™ Hydraulic Brake stops ezriderZ at any time if needed.
Half twist throttle. Twist throttle, ezriderZ will take you anywhere.
Buy Ezriderz Vintage Electric Bikes from E-Ride Solutions!
As experienced distributors in the electric rideable industry, we know a promising brand when we see one! Fortunately, we are able to house brands like Ezriderz, and make the best vintage electric bikes accessible to every Australian. For all your vintage electric bike needs, you can check out our collection of Ezriderz products! We offer not just their awesome rides, but the essentials as well!
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Looking for other electric rides? You can also head on to our website www.eridesolutions.com.au! We offer not just the best electric bikes in the market, but a wide variety of electric rides like electric scooters, e-hoverboards, and more!
Get in touch with E-Ride Solutions today! You can call us at our toll-free number 1300-617-339, or reach out to us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Don’t miss out on the best deals on all-electric rides. Contact us today!
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