#amogus on film
nicostiel · 1 year
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#benoit blanc failing at amogus
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crytoki · 10 months
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crimeboys · 8 months
watching movies with amogus server is a fucking nightmare
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ryniadora · 7 months
Using tumblr on my phone fucking sucks because without my trusty ad blocker I am bombarded with FNaF shit. I don't care. The only good thing about that entire series is some of the music fans make.
Get it off my dash ffs. Interesting that I'm getting regular peoples fnaf content alongside the ads which I don't on desktop. Like the ads affect what content gets added to my feed? Sneaky shit. Same thing happened with the One Piece live action.
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regentzephyr · 1 year
“back in my day, “sus” was exclusively an Antipodean term!”
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spiritcc · 1 year
For the third year in a row we are keeping up with the Summer Months in the Soviet Movie/Series Clubs(tm), this installment gets a self-explanatory title of UNRESTRAINED SUMMER FUN and as per usual, we’ll try out best to run merrily along the coastline with our tiddies bouncing uncontrollably. 
The first summer weekend opens up with summer camp classics, and the honor of opening up the summer vol.3 in general belongs to
A great return from last year that went second that time. Last year, the first film was
That this year goes second, so we’ve switched them around in 2023. 100 days? Summer, poetry, vibes, teenagers, twirling a flower in your hands as you are enjoying a nice summer breeze. Trespassing? POV ur 10 playing amogus. BOTH IN A SUMMER CAMP! So,
Both at 10pm Moscow time on beam, join us to say hewwow to summer xoxo
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sleepymarmot · 5 months
Sunshine (2007)
[Watched on December 16th-17th]
When this movie came out, or at least when I first heard of it, I thought “Nah, not gonna watch it, sounds scary”. Then I forgot about its existence until this year, when I came across a clever diorama based on a scene from it and became mildly curious. Then this week I rewatched the Doctor Who episode “Midnight”, then the Doctor Who episode “42”, and I remembered that there was a movie with a plot that sounded kind of similar. I’ve seen a lot of horror and a lot of stories set in space since 2007, so I should be able to handle this one fine, right?
Well guess what, I knowingly watched an unsettling movie and ended up very unsettled by it. *surprised Pikachu face*
Oh this is the kind of movie clearly tailored to the big screen. This opening shot of the ship is supposed to make the viewer feel tiny.
The very first scene after the intro, and someone’s already acting like a TMA avatar.
Oh all of these nice looking people are going to die gruesomely very soon, aren’t they. Is this a suicide mission by design, are things going to go terribly wrong, or both?
Shouldn’t they have known in advance when they would have a good view of planets? It’s not like they’re flying manually, the course was charted a long time ago…
Only sixteen minutes in, and I’m already so nervous.
Oh, the payload looks like an eye… Like the closeups of human eyes that the film has shown us so often already.
(Disclaimer: I took a day-long pause in the middle of the shield repair scene. And in general I take breaks like every five minutes. This movie is not easy on my nerves.)
I’m surprised they reached Icarus I so quickly and without further misadventures. I was expecting And Then There Were None In Space for another half hour.
They really have only one person on the ship who can operate the payload? That’s fucking absurd. What if he, like, randomly had a heart attack in his sleep? What if something happened to him when he was repairing the shield? Here I thought the mission was about delivering a bomb, but turns out it’s first and foremost about Cillian Murphy’s safety.
Did Cassie just change her mind within half a minute?
This painful-looking rotating blade doesn’t seem like much of a “kindness”.
How convenient of this guy to have killed himself already and free the crew from the responsibility…
And why exactly is our precious irreplaceable protagonist going to confront the amogus all by himself without even warning the crew, let alone taking someone as a backup?
Bro you’re about to burn your pretty blue eyes to two pieces of coal, and how are you going to launch the payload then?
The amogus is monologuing and meanwhile I’m sitting here considering which entities to enter for this film in my list.
He is still not calling for help for some reason. Dude I know you’re an introvert who is only capable of talking when alone with Cassie, but get a grip?
Oh great, now the computer is offline. How did the bad guy even get to the mainframe? Do these people not have passwords? Has the password not changed between Icaruses I and II? I guess “everyone has physical access to the mainframe” at least has redundancy unlike “only one person is capable of finishing the mission”, but why are there NO security measures at all?
I was about to type “Is Michelle Yeoh going to be stabbed in the back while she’s admiring the sapling” and then she was.
A shame that the avatar guy is just stabbing people. He should have had the sun shining out of his eyes, 42 style. Or some other kind of light/heat/radiation themed attack. I thought the genre turn would be into religion or fantasy, not into a banal slasher.
How many times per hour can Chris Evans almost freeze to death?
Gonna lanch your girl inside the bomb into the sun, huh?
Explosive bolts, huh? 2001 says hello.
Weren’t they supposed to be at a very specific point of the sun’s orbit to launch the payload so that it would go into a specific place on the sun?
Why is he going to get into the payload? Does he somehow know Cassie is in there? Does he want to die with her or something?
Icarus burning also looks like an eye, nice.
There’s 13 more minutes. Is most of this going to be end titles, or is the amogus going to sabotage this part of the mission too somehow?
The subtitles say “We're flying into the sun” but what I hear is “I’m flying you into the sun”.
Why did Cassie suddenly wake up and make it worse?
What is going on? What are the stakes? The bomb is already launched; the characters are all effectively dead; is there anything the bad guy can ruin now?
Oh, so because the payload was launched in a weird way, it needs some kind of additional manual on-site calibration?
[End of liveblog]
The cinematography and visual design of this film are gorgeous. Sleek modern cinema at its finest.
Did it have a good story? I literally can’t tell.
Did I enjoy the viewing? Well, as you might guess from the liveblog, no.
Apparently I still cannot handle suspense. Or space. Other people are talking about the screenplay’s merits or lack thereof, and I have no way to saying anything objective about it because I did everything to ground myself and to stop myself from being immersed in the story. I kept thinking that back in the day I must have powered through Interstellar only because I was in the theater with a friend and couldn’t just pause or leave. As you might see from the density of the liveblog, the viewing became easier when the film became less tense and more openly violent, and the script started getting incoherent. Clearly, this isn’t the intended reaction to the film, so I have no idea what the director was going for. I wonder how it would feel on a second viewing, when there’s no more worry about the plot anymore.
I tagged the film as “horror”, and later saw several reviews call it horror too… But only in relation to the slasher segment. That’s the opposite of my own impression! I’d classify it as horror on the basis of 1) the excruciating suspense, and 2) the relationship between the humans and the sun that fits the definition of transcendental horror to a T. Even the close-up of Capa’s face as he meets the sun looks just the closeup of The Lighthouse’s protagonist as he gazes into the light! The sun is the source of deadly danger and awe; it is simultaneously the primary antagonist and the object of the characters’ hopes and aspirations; the protagonist fears contact with it at the beginning, and ecstatically reaches out and lets himself be consumed by it at the end.
While I’m on the topic, here’s a breakdown of character deaths:
Kaneda, Searle, Capa, Pinbacker are fascinated by the sun and are killed by the sun
Mace is fascinated by waves and is killed by cold liquid
Corazon is fascinated by plants and is killed while distracted by a plant
What about Cassie (sun), Harvey (space), and Trey (blade)?
The opening scene gave me the false hope that the film will focus much more on various characters’ different ways of being obsessed with the sun. The theme is still there, but not as much as could have been. I still stand by what I said in the liveblog: unlike most other reviewers, I don’t mind the turn from hard sci-fi, but if it happens, I want it to be even wilder. Go full Desolation avatar on these guys! The sun worshipper should have killed people by subjecting them to the wrath of his god! I think it’s implied that’s what he did to his own crew (by luring them into the observation deck and disabling the filter), and he’s already a bit supernatural (where did that strength come from? do the distortion effects also exist in-universe?), so I think he deserved to pulverize people with light shining out of his eyeballs while hissing something like “Burn with me”. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but the run-off-the-mill episode written by Chris Chibnall in the same year did this better. …Or, you know, the film could stay with hard sci-fi and incorporate the sun obsession in a more realistic way. One of these two.
(The opening scene might still be my favorite part of the movie. And now I want a sun bath. It’s a few days before the winter solstice right now, and I just realized that I miss the sun.)
I think one of the weaknesses of the script is how unconvincing Capa is as a protagonist. At first the film looks like an ensemble story. Then it’s revealed that for some reason the mission depends on Capa alone, and that his life is more valuable than anyone else’s. Then we see that launching the payload is as easy as pressing a few buttons. Then he goes into the payload after the separation and has to fix something inside it. So what was he supposed to do according to the original plan? Was he always supposed to go down with the bomb and monitor it until the last second, was his message for the family to wait for him a lie? The stakes are very unclear throughout the final act.
The ship computer is also immersion-breaking. Why doesn’t it immediately raise the alarm about the misaligned shields, or the fire in the garden, or the intruder on board? Also, the structure of the Icarus, as far as I understood it, was: big shield – payload – smaller shield – main ship, correct? So why did the smaller shield immediately burn up after the separation? Wait, hold on, another question: if everything immediately starts burning if the ship is misaligned even to one degree, and the shield and the payload are always between the sun and the ship — then how does the observation deck with the direct view of the sun work?! This analysis of the ship on Youtube says that the observation window is cut in the middle of the payload section that’s not covered by the same panels as the rest of the shield, which sounds utterly bizarre to me.
I have to say, I lost a bit of respect for Alex Garland because of this script. There’s nothing here even close to the sharpness and nuance I saw in Ex Machina. Did he grow as a writer, or was that a lucky accident?
Media connections:
Let’s look on the bright side: even this film that took my entire weekend still wasn’t as stressful as another story about blowing up the sun that I encountered this year! If you know, you know.
I can’t not mention another soft sci-fi universe that I am currently immersed in and that has been influencing my expectations of spirituality in space stories. The way some characters in Sunshine faced the approaching wave of sunlight reminded me of how the characters in Rogue One faced the approaching wave of the light from the Death Star…
I want to mention “42” again, because I just found out that not only was the episode released almost at the same time as Sunshine, but the ship in it was also called “Icarus” and had to be renamed in post-production (source). That’s hilarious. Find another mythological reference!
Icarus, play “Hellfire” by The Mechanisms. Now that would have been the perfect song for the final titles…
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crowsncorvids · 4 months
oops its 02h30 eeping time B) tmr i will watch cellbo and go see a film (argylle) after amogus
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piracytheorist · 1 year
SxF Episode 16 German dub
I actually watched this some time ago and took my notes then, but I procrastinated posting it because I wanted to make a video edit again, so here lol
When Yor came back home, after Loid had noticed how she's been coming late, he told her "You came back late again." It was not in a berating manner, but still it was a change in how he actually pointed out that she was coming back late.
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Then Loid turned on his amogus mode.
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"You're behaving suspicious," he thought to himself. Yor sus.
Camilla called Yor's cooking "Fraß" which... fair enough. (Reminder that Fraß is used for animal food and derogatorily for human food of horrible quality)
However, when Yor said that getting married is probably what changed her from robotic to more reactive and Camilla acted up, Dominic said "You're a great woman too, Camilla. No reason to be jealous."
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Camilla: Where did you two grow up? Yor: In a small town east of Nielsberg.
That's again, an addition from the dub, unless they know something anime-onlys don't. Was there any mention of Yor growing up in a small town in specific, up to now in the anime?
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"At least it smells harmless."
Idk I feel so free to laugh at the jokes about Yor's bad cooking. I think it's because of how not sexist they are about it. She's just a human person with strengths and weaknesses, one of those weaknesses being that she can't cook to save her life. And it's funny without depending on gender stereotypes to be funny. Also I am a bad cook myself so I probably relate, lmao.
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I think what she means here is something along the lines of "Seeing your faces lifted a weight off my heart/chest". Which is so sweet. Sweet Yor T_T
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When Loid asked Franky why he called him, he also said "I'm busy." Damn right you are. Let him go get some sleep, Franky, pls.
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In the dub Monica's favourite film was called "The Ground Under Berlint." I wonder if that's a reference to an actual existing film. I did find a film with a similar title, but idk enough about the culture to know how relevant it was.
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When Franky said he'll get drunk on Loid's bill, he used the word "scheißen", which means "shit", and I think it was meant in a manner of something like "getting wasted af" or something. If anyone knows German you're free to correct me.
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Pitch for an “Among Us” horror movie:
1) The story is centered on a 10-man crew that is on an expedition to one of Jupiter’s moons, Europa. However, midway into the trip, the ship is infiltrated by two, hostile shapeshifting aliens that takes the place of two crew members. The rest of the movie is about the crew trying to stay alive by finding out who are the imposters among them.
2) The astronauts use colors as their code names. So, “Red” doesn’t actually wear red but is addressed as red by the other crew members.
3) The cast:
* Gabriel Luna as “Orange”
* May Calamawy as “Green”
* Hailee Steinfeld as “Cyan”
* Jon Bernthal as “Maroon”
* Daniel Dae Kim as “White”
* Grace Byers as “Red”
* Pilou Asbæk as “Purple”
* Keir Gilchrist as “Pink”
* Ashley Park as “Black”
* Leigh Whannell as “Blue”
4) The death count:
* Leigh Whannell is killed by the impostors first
* Ashley Park is killed by the impostors second
* Keir Gilchrist is killed by the impostors third
* Pilou Asbæk is revealed to be the first impostor and is killed by the crew
* Grace Byers is killed by the second impostor, revealing that there were two impostors in the crew the whole time
* Daniel Dae Kim is killed by the second impostor while the ship goes into a blackout (aka lights got sabotaged)
* Jon Bernthal is thrown off the ship by the remaining crew members because they thought he was the impostor. In reality, he was framed by Hailee Steinfeld, the true second impostor.
* Hailee Steinfeld is killed by the two surviving crew members in the final showdown
* Gabriel Luna and May Calamawy survive the events of the movie
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mikumutual · 1 year
imagining a film studies class discussing knives out 2. "what was the desired effect of having the detective play among us? was that effect achieved? how does being gay and playing amogus reflect with your experience of 2020?"
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wariocompany · 2 years
Just remembered when Sulfurix showed up in the film at the same time amogus was on my dash
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pogaytosalad · 1 year
Haha, you said among us, just like the 2018 online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio Innersloth. The game was inspired by the party game Mafia and the science fiction horror film The Thing. The game allows for cross-platform play, first being released on iOS and Android devices in June 2018 and on Windows later that year in November. The game was then ported to the Nintendo Switch in December 2020, and on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S in December 2021. While the game was initially released in 2018 to little mainstream attention, it received a massive influx of popularity in 2020 due to many well-known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it.
Among Us takes place in a space-themed setting where players look like colorful armless cartoon astronauts; however, since the release of "The Skeld" spaceship, three other maps have been added in later years: the skyscraper "MIRA HQ", the "Polus" planetary station, and "The Airship" (based on Infiltrating the Airship from the Henry Stickmin series, also developed by Innersloth). Each player takes on one of two roles—most are Crewmates, but a small number play Impostors—which does not alter their appearance. The goal of the Crewmates is to either identify and vote out the Impostors, or to complete all the tasks around the map; the goal of the Impostors is to covertly sabotage the mission either by killing the Crewmates before they complete all their tasks or by triggering a disaster that cannot be resolved.
Among Us is a multiplayer game for four to fifteen players (previously four to ten players), although recommended for at least five. Up to three players are randomly and secretly chosen to be the Impostor(s) each round. As of 2021, a round can take place on one of four maps: a spaceship called "The Skeld"; a headquarters building called "MIRA HQ"; a planet base called "Polus"; or an airship based on Innersloth's Henry Stickmin series called "The Airship".
The Impostor(s) win(s) one of two ways: either by killing most of the crew (to the point that they're equal in number) or by sabotaging a critical system on the map (provided the Crewmates don't resolve it in time). The Crewmates likewise can win one of two ways: either by completing all tasks or by identifying and ejecting all Impostors. Games can also end by players quitting the match if doing so fulfills any win condition (if a Crewmate quits the game, their tasks are automatically considered completed).
At the start of the game, Crewmates are assigned "tasks" to complete around the map (in the form of minigames, minipuzzles, and simple toggles), mostly consisting of maintenance work on vital systems such as fixing wires and downloading data. Impostors are given a fake list of suggested tasks to blend in with Crewmates. However, they cannot legitimately perform tasks and can only pretend to be doing any of the tasks on the ship. Impostors, however, can sabotage vital systems (such as The Skeld's oxygen supply), close the doors to rooms, quickly and covertly travel through the ventilation system (commonly referred to as "venting"), and kill Crewmates when standing near them. To help the Crewmates identify Impostors, there are various surveillance systems on each map, such as security cameras and an admin system on The Skeld, a doorlog system with sensors in MIRA HQ, and a vitals indicator in Polus. Crewmates may also confirm their identity through "visual tasks" (tasks that have animations which play for other players), which cannot be faked by Impostors.
If a Crewmate is killed or any player is voted out and ejected, they become a ghost. Ghosts can pass through walls, watch other players' activities, and see and chat with other ghosts. Living players have a limited cone of vision; ghosts do not. Moreover, ghosts cannot communicate with living players or be seen by them. Ghosts help their living teammates by completing their tasks (as a Crewmate) or performing various acts of sabotage (as an Impostor).
Any living player may call a group meeting by reporting a dead body, or by pressing the Emergency Meeting button on the map at any time (except during major sabotages, when Emergency Meetings cannot be called, but dead bodies can still be reported). During a meeting, players discuss who they believe is an Impostor based on the available evidence. Impostors can be identified beyond all reasonable doubt if they are seen venting or killing. A player may be suspected for many other reasons though. However, all the players form a sort of jury and must weigh the veracity or value of each other's statements and questions during the meeting. A plurality vote is held, and if a plurality is obtained, the player whom the most crewmates voted is ejected from the map and they become a ghost, unless the majority of the crewmates choose to skip vote or there is a tie vote. Players can communicate in a built-in text chat (with some predefined phrases for phone users), but only during meetings, and only if they are alive (though ghosts can speak with one another at any time)
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splattermouth · 1 year
been thinking abt Gigans Big Score LITERALLY all day. i love you amogus gigan. i love you megalon. i love you art film director hedorah. i love you bad bisexual representation space godzilla.
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the-fifteen · 2 years
Gonna be a bit of a sus imposter amogus and vent (sorry)
I have a very frail state of mind around this time of the year because weather changes fuck me up in a major way. It's hot. Now it's cold. Now it's night at 6pm but it's still 30°C. And it didnt help that we saw a film in class called Sound of Metal and holy shit does it hit home since it's about a drummer losing hearing and going deaf and I'm too empathetic sometimes for my own sake
I just want a hug mam
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