#am i really watching s5 of druck??? i guESS I AM
druck-in-love · 4 years
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na-klar · 2 years
idk if u have answered this already. but what are ur fav skam versions as well as ur fav seasons? im curious hahaha
to answer this i have to mention that the only versions i've watched every season of are skam og, druck, skam nl and wtfock. i've watched s3-4 and half of s5 of skam france, s3 of skam italia, s2 and half of s3 of skam españa. haven't watched austin at all sadly :(
i gotta say - and this is no big surprise - that druck is my fav remake (even despite everything going on with the current season). it might be because i'm german so it's easiest to relate to these characters, but i was especially drawn to how they changed things up from the original. the characters are so great too.
i really really loved skam nl as well and i mourn it every day 💔
my favorite season has to be druck s5. that season was perfect in every aspect imo. i couldn't have asked for anything better. nora is an awesome main and the perfect character to introduce the new gen to us, her relationship with josh is one of the most beautiful relationships i've ever seen on tv, they depicted her mental illness so well and with so much care and mina is just a phenomenal actress.
my 2nd favorite season is druck s3. i love matteo and i LOVE that they gave us trans even. so so so so so important and even though i didn't like some of the plot choices they made (david's outing) it was overall wonderful! their sex scene is still one of the most beautiful scenes ever. the boy squad is also my fav boy squad of all the remakes
guess i'd put skam s3 on 3rd. it has a special place in my heart because that's when i started watching skam and just the memories of desperately trying to find a working google drive link make me smile :) i'm also still blown away by the chemistry between tarjei and henrik, haven't ever seen anything like that before
i also really loved skam españa season 2, wlw representation means so much to me and cris and joana are just wonderful together <3
very honorable mention to wtfock s2!!! my fav noorhelm season out of them all. they're the first remake that actually made me like the william character. really enjoyed that season. i absolutely hated wtfock s3-5 though so that kinda overshadows it :(
yeah idk this was kinda messy and i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words (especially in english and especially at 7 am) but there you go :)
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lucidpantone · 3 years
I am completely new to Druck so could you please tell me who it was that Ismail bullied and what the situation is there?
Oh let me give you the newgen bully plot TLDR style. Its long but condensed. If you don't want to watch s5 & 6. Here is it.
Druck new gen is composed of 2 (kinda of 3) groups of friends the cash queens and the instas and Josh and Yara are sorta of their own group because they are best friends and don't belong to either group (totally platonic besties Josh dates Nora). When the show starts they introduce the instas as sorta of being the mean girls of the school......and they are. They do a slew of shitty things over the 2 new gen seasons. Some of them get better over time like Zoe and Kieu My but they definitely did a multitude of shitty things in the past or stood by and allowed shitty things to unfold in front of them and never spoke up. So they are all complicit at differing levels.
Anyways Nora and her buds are the cash queens. We find out that Ava endured some pretty brutal bullying at the hands of the instas particularly Ismail and Constantin but they all sorta of second hand participated. It got so bad that Ava talks about being terrified to go to school and she was having actual physical ailments like stomach aches every school morning because it was bad. Eventually she left the school all together and moved to Alaska for a year. At the beginning of Nora's season she is back and is definitely more assertive and is sorta of on the road of finding her voice again. During Nora's season Constantin and Ismail are both dicks to Nora's multitude of times until Nora breaks down in class and tells everyone her mother is an addict (gonna preface this by saying Ava starts this convo by being super frank and says "just cut an addict off") and Nora tells everyone its not that easy that sometimes as the child of an addict you do things your not proud because you don't want them to hurt anymore.
Finally, this gets some sympathy from dumb and dumber and Constantin apologizes to Nora because Ismail tells him too. Season 6 we get more details on the insta via Kieu My and her romance with Fatou. Kieu My acknowledges that she never spoke up when peeps were bullying Ava and that it was wrong of her too. We also see a hint of how this bullying may have looked like when there is a scene that the instas ridicule Fatou and Kieu My just sits there and says nothing while Fatou tells her "she thought she wasn't this person (meaning a bully) but she really is" then Fatou runs off in tears. Ava at the time is very sus about Kieu My and tells Fatou who is her bestie why is she befriending someone that actively made her life miserable. She is also sus about Zoe btw. She sends some text where she is a bit apprehensive to hang out with her too. Ava basically trust none of the instas. Kieu My apologizes to Ava and Zoe kinda becomes the middle man trying to get the groups to make peace. I wouldn't say Ava forgives them(Kieu My and Zoe) but I think it creates a door in which they can walk through to work on building a friendship. However Constantin and Ismail have never apologized to her. Ismail finally acknowledges the bullying at the end of fatou's season saying that Constantin was the catalyst for the bullying but now we are learning that's kinda of BS. Because now we are starting to find out that Ismail had some sort of history with Ava and they may have even been real good friends at one point and then he turned on her. We are starting to see that Ismail tends to have a tendency to behave like this towards Sascha. Basically he is the kinda of friend that will drop you and pick you up when ever it serves him best. Just to put it out there Ismail has never been presented by druck as a "good" person. Druck acknowledges that this is a grey character he definitely has some major flaws. Thus why some people find it hard to empathizes with him because he has done and continues to do some shitty things to people. I guess in their season Ismail is finally gonna face the repercussions of all the shit he has been doing.
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hanna-water · 2 years
The new druck writers really lowered the bar. I don't think they cared about honouring the characters or their stories in the compelling and thoughtful way they had been intended. I would have liked to be optimistic about everything but after s7 that seems too naive. My standards are very low. I still can't quite believe how far druck has fallen! But since I assume this is the last season (of this gen), I'll at least give it a chance.
Hey anon :) I agree, in s7 it was very noticable that there were severe changes in the way some characters were written and that certain storylines were simply avoided (Avas plot for example). They should have never changed the writers. period. I dont know if the rumours are true that some of the old writers were fired after s6 criticism or if it was originally intended to change the writers-team after 2 seasons (I heard both theories). But whatever happened behind the scenes kind of destroyed the show. I dont want to tear s7 down because even besides all the flaws this season meant a lot to me personally and Isis character is very close to my heart. Still it feels like we were left with so many questions after s5 and s6 and instead of finally getting answers (about the insta group dynamic, more about Ava overcoming the mobbing, whats the real issue with Consti, ...) we were left with even more questions and plotlines that had been prepared in the first two season have been dropped completly. I wrote so many posts about what I thought was wrong with s7 so I will stop here ;) but I think a lot of us can agree that s7 felt unsatisfying and dissapointing in many ways. The feeling I had after week 10 of s7, I had after no other Druck or Skam season :(. Its even hard for me to rewatch the season as a whole now because I know some things will not be explained or solved properly in the end. I dont trust the creators anymore and the lack of s8 promo just increases the feeling that they dont really care about the viewers or the fan activity and just want to get done with this gen. I might sound harsh but I feel very emotionally connected to the Skamverse and I am sensitive if I feel like the creators don`t put enough effort into the show. I am going to watch the first few clips of Mailins season, simply because I already know I will be too curious to not watch it. These 10 weeks will be the last chance to follow the german adaption "live" and to interact with the fandom "live". So I know I would regret it if I would miss that chance, in case its better than I thought. If the first week deeply dissapoints me or makes me angry, I will only continue to watch the scenes that contain the other characters and the social media content. So I will give it a chance just like you, I guess.
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evakuality · 3 years
Druck, s5 episode 10 - belated thoughts and overall season impressions
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I really like that Nora is still being shown with her symptoms here.  She’s reconnecting with people, and letting people know things about what’s happening, but that doesn’t magically fix everything.  And it’s good that she takes the chance to talk to them a little bit about everything.  It does feel a bit sudden in a lot of ways - she was just anxious about telling the therapist all this stuff and being labeled crazy (I assume - that’s certainly the vibe she gave off) and now she’s super happy to tell the girls all this stuff.  I’m happy that she wants to and feels like she can, but it also feels quite quick.  But that’s the nature of something like this, I guess.  Everything needs to be resolved now.  The whole business with the merch is weird too, with the way she just goes ‘yeah sure, I’m emotionally numb so I’ll draw lots and lots of pictures on lots of things.’  Again, the girls are nice about it, but I guess she feels a bit guilty because it was her who stuffed it up so it feels like there’s some pressure there, even if they don’t mean it.  And ugh, poor Ava when Kieu My turned up - I mean I get that most of this group don’t necessarily know how bad the whole thing was for her but it feels really weird that the focus is on Fatou’s nerves here rather than actually dealing with some of the bigger and more serious stuff that’s floating around with this.  I know it was more the others, but we know from later that this was pretty shitty for Ava.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I really hope the bullying gets addressed properly and not swept under the table.  The fact that Nora is still happy to be around these people after her experiences with Constantin and Ismail makes me wary.  But I do still have hope that all this will be worked through.  If they are combining the squads (and it looks like they are), then they can’t have this unresolved, not when it’s such a big thing for Ava (and should have affected Nora more if she hadn’t been so numb to everything).
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I understand why they have this scene with Kiki about being allowed to stay in the flat by themselves, and I think it’s goods that they deal with all of that (the way Kiki came running as soon as she felt she was needed - it’s not good for her, as they all seem to realise and I’m glad everyone is getting to do what’s working best for them), but it felt very rushed (I suspect I may say that a lot about this episode - it’s all stuff that needs to happen and it’s already quite long, but it feels too fast for me).  And the same with Nora’s comments about therapy.  She says she quite likes it and wants to continue and yet we didn’t see that.  What we saw was a very closed off and belligerent Nora who was only just starting to thaw in that session.  And yes she has a reason to make it all seem more cheerful than she really feels, but it’s still very abrupt as a change.  This is probably the only time I haven’t found a scene with this family compelling and that’s a bit of a shame.
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And another rushed moment.  There was a lot shoved into this one clip (Josh, merch, a bullying session, a concert we never heard of til now, a random half-baked apology from Constantin) - for some reason, the show thinks Ismail and Constantin still need to be assholes for no reason.  I mean, clearly it’s designed to show that Kieu My is ‘better’ than they are because she engages and is willing to do ‘12 year old stuff’, but again, if we’re connecting these two squads then this sort of stuff has to stop.  I know I get worked up about this, but it really bugs me.  This behaviour is childish and I’m finding it boring to watch.  Even the apology from Constantin (which does seem sincere) isn’t enough to balance how stupid this ongoing behaviour is.  Hopefully they deal more with that later too and don’t just drop it.  My other take away from this: Nora has to draw 76 things already????  This is going to take forever and I have no idea how she’s going to manage that alongside her classwork.
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Oh, I love this little mis-matched table and chair thing they have going on.  It’s so cute and I feel like it really perfectly fits them and their vibes, you know?  This whole friendsgiving idea is so cute and I love that they took what Ava was saying and tried to do something nice for her.  They really are a sweet group of kids.  And her face when she saw it is just ... perfect.  Ugh, when am I getting my Ava season?????  This little conversation between Nora and Josh is very good, too.  You can feel him trying and how hard it is for them both.  I do wish they had dragged this part out a bit longer, either pushing the original break up to earlier in the season or by spreading this into another one, but I like that they’re showing this part.  It IS awkward and difficult to be friends with someone you have feelings for and good on Josh for saying that he just can’t do it.  It hurts and it’s hard, but honesty really is key.  And that, for me, is the biggest thing Nora has had to learn this season.  You can’t hide behind a face and expect things to be okay.  So all these moments of honesty that she’s facing and dealing with, those are so important to her growth.  And then we end with the girls supporting each other which I also really love.  They are all super adorable!
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This last clip is also nice.  I still think this sudden ‘live concert’ coming out of nowhere in this last episode is a bit rushed, but the execution is cool.  Ava and Fatou are adorable together and I need a lot more of them singing.  I’m not 100% feeling the thing with Josh and Nora, which is kind of ironic, but it is cute.  I just wish this had all been given more time.  In fact these are the things I wish had more space: the Cash Queens reunion/reconciliation (it needed more conversation/discussion), the Constantin/Ismail/Kieu My stuff being dealt with in more depth (though hopefully this is coming), the Machwitz siblings deciding to live together and Kiki being okay with it (that one needed another clip or two, I think), and the Josh/Nora reconciliation.  Some things have been done really well.  I do think Nora’s mental health was done well, and I liked that it makes clear in this episode that she isn’t totally well and doesn’t expect to be in the near future.  Having said that, I’m not a huge fan of the ‘minute by minute’ idea being moved here.  In some ways it works (this is about a mental illness, after all, and so it fits in that way), but in others ... that’s so iconic for a specific situation and this doesn’t fit in with that one.  Even needed it in a very specific way, and Nora needs something, sure, but I don’t think quite nails her specific needs and I wish they had thought it through for her a little more thoroughly.
Overall, I like the episode.  My biggest issue with this episode is that it’s trying to do so much in such a short time.  Every clip has so much packed into it that nothing really feels like it has time to breathe.  I assume there’s a reason why they’re sticking to 10 episodes, but I wish that either they didn’t have to or that they had paced things more evenly through the season.  The great strength of Skam and Druck is, I feel, that everything is allowed to be paced as it needs to be.  That things happen in a way that gives weight and meaning to lives in a way that isn’t dramatic and isn’t overwrought, but which shows truths about people and their lives.  That this episode hasn’t been able to do that in the same way is a shame.  It’s the ending; it should be the strongest one.  Having said that, I think the friendsgiving clip manages to do exactly that and I love it for it.  It is my favourite clip of this episode and one of my favourites of the season.  This probably feels negative and like all I’m doing is criticising the episode and the season, but that’s not true at all.  
Overall I really enjoyed this season, particularly the sibling dynamics and getting to know the new girls.  It has its flaws, but so do my absolute favourite seasons, and I think it’s a really nice entry into a new gen and some new characters.  The mental illness plot was good to see and I really liked some of the decisions they made around showing its build up and how it affected Nora.  The lighting chosen, the framing, some of the shots they chose - it all built that part up very well.  And while the resolution to it did feel a bit rushed, I do like the acknowledgement that it’s still part of Nora and she’s going to be dealing with it into the future.  And while I’m not on board with Kieu My being the love interest until and unless they address the bullying properly, I do like that we have plots already brewing for next season.  Ava is clearly not cool with it (that whole ‘you deserve better than her’ thing she said to Fatou), and Fatou was clearly thinking she had a chance until the Freindsgiving business and so things are set up for the new season.  It’s a really decent intro to the new era, and solidly sets up characters while telling a story that is good and even compelling in places.
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canonicallyanxious · 3 years
hi, If you are still doing taking asks for the top 5 of whatever, I have one. Top 5 (or 10) scenes in the skamverse?
anon this is a really good ask and i’m unfortunately absolute trash for the skamverse so it’s gonna have to be my top 10 skjdnfskjdnfs in the interest of fairness though I’m going to try my best to limit myself to one scene/clip per season [also cut on this one bc it got long oops]
1. Minutt for minutt [og skam s3]
Words cannot express how much this scene still means to me four years after i first saw it. Like this is the scene that made Even and Isak’s relationship so special to me, this is probably the scene or at least one of them that tipped this show from “oh this is really good” to “i will fucking die on this hill for skam” for me. like, just the tenderness of Isak quietly watching Even as he sleeps. the soft physical affection a mentally ill character is allowed to have on screen. this beautiful yet grounded dialogue about coping with mental illness which cheesy as it might sound is also something i’ve very often taken to heart in my own struggle with coping with mental illness since. like god. truly groundbreaking, honestly.
2. David’s coming out scene in druck s3 ep 8 - “i am a boy. i just have to try a little harder” [druck s3]
this scene came very, very close to beating minutt for minutt and honestly on a different day it might have done so, just today i decided to put minutt for minutt at the top simply because it’s been with me for longer. but i think this was probably the most emotionally moving clip for me in the entire season, and i had the privilege to watch it in real time which makes it even more special to me. it was everything i could have ever wanted from david’s coming out - soft, aching, quiet, devastating writing that broke my entire heart. and “i am a boy; i just have to try a little harder” is probably a line that’s going to stick with me for a very long time. i can’t think of another trans person’s coming out scene in mainstream media that has touched me as deeply as this one.
3. Fatou and Kieu My’s museum date in druck s6 ep 6 [druck s6]
this scene has everything. EVERYTHING. space imagery! soft and tender kisses! hands brushing in the dark! yearning looks! playful banter! serious conversations about feelings that move forward both their development! like it just reminds me so viscerally of falling in love for the first time as a teenager. druck in general i think does a very good job of portraying teen romance but the fact that this teen romance is about two wlwoc [one of whom is vietnamese like bitch!!!!] means EVERYTHING to me. like this more than anything else in the entire skamverse is something I wish my teen self had gotten to see. i’ve probably seen this clip about twenty times because part of me still can’t believe it exists.
4. The Carnival scene at the end of the last episode of skam austin s1 [skam austin s1]
honestly i think the entire last clip of skam austin s1 is just pure excellence [even if they made me watch Meg and Marlon have sex in a car wash smfh]. like one of my favorite things about og skam was how it really gave their characters room to breathe and take their time with their conversations and i think this clip is probably one of the ones that come the closest to capturing that energy for me [no wonder i guess since julie andem was so involved with this season]. but i love the carnival scene in particular because i love the energy it captures in meg’s dynamics with the other characters and it’s just such a nice opportunity for them all to finally breathe after a difficult season. also i will never ever forget the pure euphoria of watching Shay become a confirmed lesbian on screen in real time [even if i still think the way it was done was kinda meh]. i think i was giddy for the rest of the fucking night after i saw that.
5. Nora breaking up with Miquel for good in skamesp s3 ep 8 [skamesp s3]
i actually think skamesp s3 is one of the best remake seasons of the skamverse. An incredible feat for skamesp to make me rank a NOORHELL season near the top, but honestly skamesp s3 is much more than a noorhell season, like i think the story it tells is hard to watch but very important to tell. i especially love this clip because it’s just such a well thought out culmination of Nora’s arc throughout the season. and it’s so devastating in how understated it is. the acting is phenomenal, the lighting is gorgeous, my breath was taken away by the way Nora said “don’t touch me” with her hair blowing gently around her face. just very good.
6. Josh and Nora’s second break-up scene at the end of druck s5 ep 9 [druck s4]
what does it say about me that this is the THIRD BREAK UP CLIP on this list skdjdnfksdnfsdkn. i genuinely did have a really hard time picking one clip for s5 [other top contenders include the last clip of ep 8 and the cuddle clip at the beginning of ep 6] but i went with this one because a. i love to suffer and b. the way josh plays with nora’s jacket and then she gently pulls away and his hands still linger bc he can’t quite bring himself to let her go just yet fucking HAUNTS ME. watching this scene genuinely made me feel like i was going through a break up myself, maybe because it reminded me so much of my own first break up in a lot of ways. kudos to the strong writing and stellar performances from the actors here.
7. Best of Islam [og skam s4]
Yousana the true og m/f relationship i was overly invested in... i miss they... anyway this clip is really good just on its own and i think it’s a good encapsulation of everything i wanted this season to be. i love that Sana got to talk about her experiences and her relationship with her religion; i love that yousef listens to her carefully and talks about his own experiences and feelings; i love their playful energy; I LOVE YOUSEF GIVING SANA THE FLOWER. truly it doesn’t get better than this.
8. Amira and Mohammed get back together at the end of druck s4 ep 7 [druck s4]
i love this scene because i think it showcases the very best of Amira and Mohammed’s dynamic. the way they listen to each other, their playful manner with each other, how utterly taken they are with each other. i love also that Mohammed finally got to talk about his experiences as a refugee and how that connects to his religion. and the whole exchange about baklava still has me so ;-; ;-; the chemistry these two have is absolutely unreal. i will never get over Amira being cheated of the last few episodes of her season. the greatest injustice to experience after a clip like this, truly.
9. Life in Italics [skam austin s2]
aside from the first ep this might be the only clip i’ve actually seen from this season but i stand by this choice sorry not sorry shay dixon performing an absolute bop in a pink wig is just too iconic
10. Crisana cuddle scene in skamesp s2 episode 6 [skamesp s2]
I think I’ve loved basically every remake version of the iconic s3 ep 5 cuddle clip i’ve seen but this one has stuck with me in particular just because it was really special to me to be able to see two girls be so soft and gentle and loving with each other. no excessive make-up, no hypersexualization, nothing glossy or glamorized about it. i honestly often have a really hard time connecting to teen wlw romance but this was one of those times it actually felt real to me. also the song choice for this clip is simply chef’s kiss
Ask me my top 5/10 anything!
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whocaresaboutmyurl · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by @davidfors5 like 5 years ago sorry, i am late
1. fave character from each remake and why?
I haven't watched them all yet
Druck: Matteo! I see so many things of me on him.When i was a teen on school i suffered from social anxiety a lot. The scene of the party when he had a mental breakdown hit me so hard, it was like looking at my old self on a normal friday of 2011-2014. (I actually got emotional just thinking about it) And if you want to get deep on this (warning of oversharing, but who cares this is tumblr, is oversharing culture) all the comments about his mental health made me realize that i was depressed. And i feel connected to him in an emotional level now.
Skam España: she is not my favorite character but Viri is a very interesting Vilde. I love that they have been building her story since the beginning, can't wait for her season (i wouldn’t be mad if we see Nora/Alejandro story from her pov)
Skam France....i don’t have one but i think that Imane?
Skam Italia...don’t have one, maybe Eleonora?
Skam OG: SANASOOOL! 🌻💗🌞 you didn’t ask for this but she is my favorite, i love her so much. I learned from her a lot and not only in her season. When i see Sana my faces is literally heart eyes.
2. fave musical moment?
i had a mini mental breakdown doing this, there a lot of iconic musical moments!
i think that the music of Samstag 20:55 (davenzi first time) is genius, I love how it describes David. I love that is calm, it feeled so intimate. I love how it confirmed that they are soulmates forever. 
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen? 
i wrote this so many times, i had an idea and then it evolve. Is very messy, sorry
I really want a season which doesn’t involve a romantic interest. Because a lots of teens don’t experienced romance during their school years.
And i would like to see a character dealing with their insecure about the future, about their talents, about what they want to do in life. This could work with Noora because she looks like she does very good at school, but that doesn't mean that she knows what she wants to do. Also, she is know as someone who is very “idealistic” and peaceful person, so the struggle of wanting to change the world but don’t knowing how being just a teen is interesting for me. Or maybe Crisss because we didn’t knew much about her :( 
I would like topics about social anxiety, for personal reasons, and because adolescence shows a peak on this.
4. rank the sanas ( I’m evil I know )
jaajajajajajajajjajajaj dgkhsagfhdh 
5. you Sana Italia
4. can't
3. rank Imane (she deserves better)
2. them Amira Mahmood / Amira Naybet
1. Sanasol
5. fave season from each remake and why?
Druck: Matteo!! For a lot of reasons! I relate to him in a superior level, the cinematographic, the acting, the music is *chef kiss* and they said Trans rights! But s4 is coming with Amira (and Mohammed) so this answer could change. I love Yousana story and i feel that Druck is going to fix all those things that we didn’t like about og s4.
Skam France....do i need to answear this? i guess that s3? but not really...(s1 and s2 are the same as the og, and s4 is a mistake in the universe...) but i didn’t feel comfortable watching s3 neither
Skam italia...the only one i was actually involve was s2
Skam España: WLW RIGHTS!!! (i haven’t watched s1 yet...sorry not sorry)
I tag @davidfors5 @bbibbicoolee @2ndbest @moony2121 @hufflevpuff @florenzied @floraflorenzi 
(sorry for tagging you again, you don’t have to do it if don’t want to)
1. if you could audition for any character which would it be?
2. Which character is underrated in skam universe?
3. Favorite visual symbolism?
4. Favorite soundtrack season? for any remake
5. if you could travel to any of the remakes location which would you choose and why?
6. What country would you like to have a remake?
7. What do you prefer ... S5-S8 of OG or the remakes?
8. Did you watched the og live?
9. Which girl/boys squad would you join?
10. Rank the Eskilds 😈
11. i really don’t know what to ask, so...how is your day going? 
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My favourite shows at the moment, the shows you can’t stop me obsessing over:
Lovleg (s2) -  A Norwegian real time show from a high school in the countryside. I have fallen so in love with this show and with the main Gunnhild, nothing beats it.
Druck (s3) - The German Skam. Yeah, I have fallen in love with this season too, especially Matteo and David and their lovestory.
Russian Doll -This. Is. So. Cool. Make sure to avoid spoilers and go watch it.
Skam España (s2) - Yeah, another real time show. I fell in love with this show when I checked it out for a second time. It’s very different from original Skam in many ways, and that’s refreshing.
The Umbrella Academy - There are some problematic things with this show, yeah, but i can’t help it. I love it. It’s strange and unpredictable and so good.
Star Trek Discovery (s2) - You just gotta love a sci fi show that has a relatively optimistic view on the future. No, but seriously, it’s really good. I am enjoying myself so much with this show.
The OA (s2) - This strange show could possibly be triggering for some, but I love, love, love it. I even tolerate the talk about angels (I’m not a believer).
Magnus - An amazing Norwegian fantasy/ humour show.
Well, and original Skam, of course. Always.
Shows that are promising / I am following them just because:
Blank (s2) - Season 2 follows Zehra (19) and her dream to go places with her music. I really like it, and i guess the only reason I’m not obsessed yet, is the fact that I follow too many shows at the moment.
Skam NL (s2) - I love the acting and the chemistry and a lot of the writing but I am tired of the s2 story so I don’t follow this in real time right now. I have become a Friday-watcher! Oh dear.
Skam Austin (s2) - Same as with SkamNL, basically, but there’s not much chemistry. I love some of the characters, though, and it’s worth it to watch just because of them. Mostly.
Shows I am planning to watch as soon as possible:
Heimebane (it’s about soccer but it still sounds really good)
American Gods (s2) - Aaah I gotta watch this!!! I haven’t figured out where to watch it yet, though.
Good Omens - I am so looking forward to this. 
Stranger Things (s3) - comes in July
Game of Thrones (s8) - Yeah. I guess I don’t need to say anything.
Black Mirror (s5) - I need to catch up on this show, and watch the new season when it comes.
Ragnarok - I mean, Norse mythology and a high school environment? sounds amazing)
Twin - a man kills his twin by accident and must take his place.... Sounds dark, but also intriguing and Kristoffer Hivju makes it worth to chech out.
So. 2019 is/ is going to be busy. :D
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evakuality · 3 years
Druck s5, episode 7 - belated thoughts
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So we’re going straight into more ‘not good’ for Nora, huh?  I guess it serves to show what things are like for her but it’s pretty heavy to watch.  She’s just really disconnecting herself from everyone, huh?  How consciously she’s doing it is a bit hard to tell, but the upshot is that someone who naturally seeks company and connection is withdrawing quite significantly.  And her expertise in lying is shielding those around her from noticing it.  Zoe doesn’t seem concerned at all when Nora tells her she’s totally awesome, and the breezy ‘sorry fell asleep’ business too - this is ingrained in her even though she’s clearly worried about herself considering she’s doing all that googling.  It’s also really sad that she still feels enough of a connection to reach out to her mother and how awful that right now she’s just not in a position to be the mother.  There are people around Nora, but she feels alone because of the loss of this one person.  
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And here we go with Constantin again.  He really needs to get over this whole ‘betrayed sad boy’ thing he has going on.  It’s been WEEKS and they didn’t seem to be together for that long, so really he’s just annoying at this point.  It’s like Sara’s histrionics over Matteo.  Ridiculously overblown reactions to these break ups.    Poor Josh is having a really hard time trying to work out what’s going on here, which is reasonable tbh - she’s acting very odd considering that they just got together and how excited she seemed at the start.  It doesn’t help that she’s still pumping out the lies.  I get that she’s trying to protect herself and keep her life together but this is painful to watch because it’s so clearly having the opposite effect to the one she wanted.  He can tell something’s wrong and he’s trying to be there for her, but the tight grip she has on keeping herself closed rn is taking its toll.
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It’s really understandable why Nora’s lying, but it’s totally falling apart around her.  Telling the girls the increasingly thin lies about the copy shop is plain stupid, but she can’t see it.  No wonder they’re getting annoyed with her.  She’s distant when she’s with them (not her fault of course, but they don’t know that because she keeps lying), she appears to be focused on Josh rather than them and I’m sure it appears that she’s just as bad as her sister and her friends - not taking the thing seriously.  We know none of this is what’s going on, but she’s in such denial (ironic considering she’s worried and keeps trying to figure out what’s up with her) that she can’t be honest with them.  Telling lies and protecting her image/face is so normalised to her that she can’t see what’s going on.  It’s pretty obvious that she wants to help and be connected with the girls but also that she really has no idea how she can.
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It’s fascinating how much darker everything is now in terms of settings and camera work etc.  Even the brighter, lit up spaces are often more muted.  There was something similar with Hanna and Jonas when things were tumbling around them and while it’s fairly simple in terms of filmmaking techniques it has a strong effect.  And the fact that there are so many close ups on Nora, really tight in, makes it all a lot more claustrophobic and unsettling.  And the thing with Zoe is all sorts of painful.  You can see where Zoe is coming from, obviously - she’s always been embarrassed by her mother and so it’s natural that she wants to be able to spend time in her space with her friends now that she feels she can.  But also the things she’s saying to Nora are really hurtful.  I can’t remember if Zoe was around when Constantin said his little tirade about her mental health, but I’m sure it wasn't the only time he mouthed off about it even if she wasn't there; he hasn’t exactly been shy of being a dick to and about her in Zoe’s presence.  So Zoe must know what these words are doing, or could do, to Nora.  It’s all very realistic in terms of siblings and how they act to each other, but yikes.  
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And it seems that after a week or so of no Constantin and co being annoying they’re back with a vengeance.  I know we’re supposed to be annoyed with them because we’re in Nora’s PoV, but honestly I’m just sick of how childish they are.  Bullies who take some sort of delight in laughing at everyone else’s misfortune are just not my favourite type of people.  And we have more of these really tight close ups on Nora, and even more than before they’re coupled with backgrounds which are out of focus or otherwise fuzzy and it’s all putting us in a spot where Nora is so trapped inside herself with so little sense of the world outside her that it’s a wonder she can even function at all.  This merch reveal is uncomfortable anyway, what with Constantin and Ismail sitting there being really ... bleh.  But the way Nora is shown, particularly in contrast to the other girls, is so uncomfortable.  
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I’m really pleased I didn’t watch this live tbh.  It’s all a lot to deal with and while it’s potentially more concentrated when seen all in one go like this, I think I prefer it to watching this slow spiral of Nora’s over the days and weeks.  She looks worn down and defeated and totally checked out even when she’s with people she cares about.  Josh tries, but she’s not in a place where she can give him anything let alone the answers he deserves about what’s going on.  His support is almost oppressive for her, and when we think back to how she was at the start of the season that’s a really big change.  Also, I have major issues with heights so this scene is troubling for me in a lot of ways.  Yes Nora, I am scared.  So just step away from the edge pls.  ‘I hope you’re making just as great progress as I am’ is so messed up, though I guess it’s good that she broke from the litany of cheesy lies into this far more truthful moment even if she was trying to hide it behind a bright and bubbly exterior.  
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Okay, so either Romi can actually act after all. (MAJOR PLOTTWIST!) Or the script was just really bad. Because tbh I kind of liked her in this interview. She seemed at least a lot more relaxed than Kato. Especially after the wtFOCK segment. If I understand correctly, the major disappointment for Romi seems to be that she expected a role with more depth...which just obviously never happened.
About the interview itself: the guys that run the program (especially the dude in the pink sweater on her right) are just very over the top (as is the editing btw, good god, they should’ve asked Robbe IJzermans!). So maybe that was a bit too intimidating?
But yeah, the fact that she spoke so openly about wtFOCK suggest she either doesn’t have a contract anymore or will have some serious issues with the writing team in the near future... 😶
1 final thing: the questions they asked were also 50 shades of ridiculous so there’s that. (Like the fmk between two 🐭 and a 🐢) 🤷‍♀️
I have said it time and time again I don’t think wtfock s5 failed because of one person or one thing it was just the perfect storm and a domino effect. Inexperience writer  --> 1st time director --> 1st time lead role actress + covid. I am not saying this is an excuse because Druck had 2 out of 4 and their season is incredible. They also had covid in their season and Mina-Giselle was a newcomer as I think same for Falvie from Skamfr it was also her 1st big role (need to double check that). I just think that something never quite clicked and in the end s4 embodies just that. Everything feels so forced. Oh and then the sponsored content is so aggressive. Like they had it in s3 but it felt intentional like the tunnel scene was an ad too but it felt so natural but s4 it honestly just felt like one big ad with sub par acting/writing/ & directing. I hate to be so crass but it really feels like the B team went up to bat and just struck out (sorry europeans its a baseball reference). So am just hoping s5 we get the A team back and are hyper cautious to mood board, story plot/pace and have a clear social media strategy going into s5. Like cover all the bases ya know and the B team can go back to being supportive crew members. I know that seems harsh to say but its clear they weren't ready. Also I asked about why she is talking about wtfock I guess the actors can run it past the team if they can participate in some stuff. Because this interview was such soft ball questions like FMK maybe they ok-ed it for her (who knows....). I personally haven't heard anything about Romi’s feelings concerning the show after the meeting she called. Also anon did she say she expected a role with more depth? or is that what you’re gathering from her answers?  what I could tell watching the vid is she had a small role before but she was just playing a typical hot girl....so I can see her wanting a role with more material. Makes sense.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Druck is objectively better than all remakes at making a pointed effort to do better with their pic reps. They actually take in the feedback of their audience and try to execute a better product. There are problems with druck and 80% of it is the fandom. Ofc all remakes have issues tho, so ppl should chill. Druck fans unapologetically shit on other remakes while, wtfock fans and skam fr fans have the courtesy of slyly getting their digs in there. It's quite amusing to watch from the sidelines
this is super long but for you anon.
So I think we need to look at these three remakes as what I call the og period and the original period because they do change alot once they get more freedom some for the absolute worse. Ok so lets talk first about the OG periods. To be perfectly honest s1 in all these remakes are just ok. Jana & Jens are a bit unbearable but Jana as a whole is fine and am happy she doesnt end up with Jens. Same with Hanna and Jonas they aren’t unbearable per-say but I am also not gushing over them but I do like Jonas being a heart throb music man sometimes but once again they dont burn into my core but am happy they reunite. Love Emma and love Yann just not together its that simple. S2 is where we really start to see the difference. Charles is the devil so I hate skamfr s2 and like really Manon stays with him??? ughh why?? Daphne is right at almost bursting into laughter when he talks about doing philanthropy. Ok bruh....sure. Winterberg is fine I dont hate them and I dont love them they are just okay to me. S2 happens to be wtfock best season so its kinda hard to stack them up because this is the best they ever looked. All of the s3 for all these remakes are good. To say they aren’t would just be nonsense some are better then others but all are above average. Now S4....... well well well. What can we say the elusive goldstar Sana season is yet to be made (I will say the script for Italia s4 is fantastic, THE SCRIPT).
Skamfr s4 was a mess and ridiculous and Druck’s s4 was lazy and harbored accents of prejudice all over it.Both seasons undercut their woc and both miss the opportunity to write deep meaningful stories that explored the societal struggles of muslim women. Skamfr s4 just happened to really just shows us their colors but honestly am not shocked this is skam the micro racist decisions are all over the verse. TBD on yasmina season.
 NOW......this all changes when we talk about the original seasons because this is when we see the shows on their own and also we get to see if they have been listening and absorbing the fan commentary or not. So let’s get the obvious out of the way wtFOCK was an absolute mess and maybe the worse season ever created in the skamverse the only thing that made that season even slightly bearable was the Moyo arc which I hear it actually continues in s5 so in a weird way s4 is actually about Moyo since his story continues but we already know thats only because if the fans saw Kato on the screen for a matters of seconds the volcano of hate would explode. I despise how Noa has become the pseudo main of s4 but didnt get the credit. It kills me they did this to him. Maining Romi is the worse mistake ever made by any remake and thats just fact. Now do I want to see a newgen out of wtfock? hmmmm ask me after s5 but am leaning towards probably not but am on the fence. Now skamfr .....let me say this one thing skam fr is nothing without their cast. Talk about fucking talent. Those kids can act their ass off but their writing is atrocious. s5 could have been good they had all the ingredients but the writers bomb it. S6 once again flavie amazing the writing a shit show. S7 lucie was amazing the writing was better but still needs work I think it pretty obvious skam fr is going to step into the thunderdome and finally do what no skam has done before and main bilal but should I really applaud it taking 8 seasons and 35 plus skamverse seasons to get here??? Probably not, but since no one else is gonna pull the trigger I wish them well and at least skamfr listen and lamifex is super rich in diversity and they are honestly a fabulous newgen. They are such a ridiculous squad but god I love them and Jo is an angel. Please please skamfr please write a good story for a brown boy I beg of you!!! Now druck s5 all I can say is Bravo!! If skamfr is their cast then Druck is their writers. That s5 season is a fucking beast. Thats how you write an original skam season. They also listen the cast is super diverse. The girl squad feels natural and their age I actually like that the insta squad are problematic as fuck and happen to be queer. Like just cause your a gay baby doesnt mean you arent an ass. s6 for me personally was ok maybe its unfair of me but I expect amazing writing out of druck and s6 to me was not their best. It could have been amazing they touched so many topics but never deeply explored them and I wanted more for fatou. Also def got the vibes at the end they were panicking on who to main next season so everyone got a little plot thread but that also distracted me from fatou but I love the Mailin plot it was really smart and done well. I didnt hate her but boy did she bug the shit out me.That how you write modern day racism and white privilege. I just wish Ava’s plot was spread more onto fatou they were moments but i wanted more. So I guess I do think out of the original seasons druck s5 is the best. Nora being white didnt matter because she was written well but i do think Tiff being the main out of skamfr wasnt the best choice but then seeing Lucie act am like ok i get it but honestly I expect that from that cast they can all kill it so why not let someone else be the main and not tiff. BTW druck’s cast is good too I just dont think they are as good as the skamfr cast on the acting front but they are some members that are very very good. Like you said because Druck does listen I hope they listen to the honest criticism of s6. I know some people are like its the best ever but like its not....am sorry s5 was way better then s6 and that makes me sad because i want my black girl magic.... I do expect s7 to be good because when the writers for druck have the room to take their time they always kill it but I also feel like they are about to pull a Tiff on us and main Ismail(plus constantine as the side plot) but if I trust anyone with not fucking it up its them. Concerning the fandoms I live off tag and I do that for a reason. The fandom tags are alot but the druck one is almost hostile and honestly you would love the show more if you didnt interact with it. The skamfr tag is hilarious because they are no anti’s its just a bunch of arm chair critics making memes at how ridiculous the frenchies are but in away it makes the remake super fun because no one cares anymore. The wtfock tag has really high highs and really insane lows. When its low its really low so I have decided to live off tag. For those who haven’t..... god speed. Your brave souls!!
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