#alvalon journal
alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 23, 2020
Day 5 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, and Papi
Woke up this morning to Deirdre running up to remind me of the new villager moving into our town, Papi! After stopping by to welcome our new friend, I started heading towards Nook's Cranny to check out what Timmy and Tommy had in their shop for the day. But on the way there, I found Kiki and Deirdre singing at the plaza, and just had to stop to listen to their performance for awhile. Honestly, one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
Once I had finally made it in and out of Nook's Cranny and shot down a balloon just to have the present land on a group of weeds and vanish, I decided I was sick of all the weeds and spent a good 45 minutes to an hour ridding my island of them, which was honestly more satisfying than i expected it to be.
So, I finally was free to head to the beach, where i ran into Guliver! He was in urgent need of help after apparently crashing his ship and washing up on our shores. I helped him gather the missing parts to his "communication device" and was FINALLY able to start fishing and making them bells, which I was eventually able to use to pay off my third loan and ask Tom Nook to add a new room to my house, which will be done by tomorrow!
I finished off the day fishing, catching bugs, and decorating my island. Overall another very fun day in Alvalon.
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Applauding Deirdre and Kiki's wonderful singing
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Me after decorating Deirdre's yard for her a bit!
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Kiki inspecting a bug she found with a magnifying glass
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 25, 2020
Day 7 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, and Truffles
Soooooo I may or may not have stayed up until 5am last night playing this game, so some of what I'm noting in this journal actually happened before I went to bed. But since it still happened today, and after I posted yesterdays entry, I'm lumping it in with today's entry.
So, last night I was watching @crankgameplays Animal Crossing stream on youtube. After he was done for the night, before ending the stream, he sent us over to raid fluffypkmn's stream on twitch. At first, I just planned on stopping in for a minute, following them, and going to bed. But I was having a lot of fun and kept telling myself, "just a few more minutes". But then they set a dodo code for people to come to their island and I got in and I just got so caught up in the moment that next thing I know its 5am and when i got back to my island Tom Nook was doing the daily announcements. It was a lot of fun, and I don't really regret it, but yeah that was a thing that happened. They're super sweet, i'd totally check them out if you're someone who, like me, is looking for more Animal Crossing content!
So, after I went to bed and woke back up around noon, I officially began day 7 in Alvalon! There isnt a whole lot to note, I spent most of the day grinding for bells so I can hopefull pay off my loan tomorrow when the Resident Services building is open. I forgot to buy extra nook miles tickets yesterday like I planned to so I couldn't go to any small islands and hunt for the tarantula island like I was planning too. But that's ok! I still had a lot of fun fishing, catching bugs, decorating, and talking to my villagers.
One thing that DID happen that im pretty excited about, I ran into Celeste! I love Celeste! Not only is she just super adorable and sweet, but she reminds me a lot of a close friend of mine, so I was pretty happy to see her. She also gave me the DIY recipe for the star wand! I cant make it yet as the materials are kind of hard to come by and I don't have a large star fragment, but im very excited to try it out once I can!
Other than that, I'm probably gonna spend most if the rest of tonight fishing for a stringfish. It's the last thing I need to get for the museum before March ends. But, I have a feeling its gonna take me awhile, so wish me luck! Im excited to see what happens tomorrow!
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Pictures taken during fluffypkmn's stream!
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The raddest gnome I've ever met in my entire life
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 27, 2020
Day 9 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, and Truffles
Today was a lot of me just catching as many coelacanths and various other fish and bugs as possible to work towards paying off my loan, but some more exciting stuff did happen!
To start off, I got my third room! Right now, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. For now, it's kinda just a bug/fish room. But eventually I'd like to do something else with it, but I'll figure that out once I get more furniture.
We also held the ceremony for the campsite today! The campsite public works peoject was one of my favorite features in New Leaf, so I'm pretty excited to see who comes to visit my town! I'm honestly even considering finally buying amiibo cards at some point when I can afford it. I'd like most villagers to come naturally, but I do have a list of villagers in mind and there are a couple I'd be willing to use amiibo cards to get.
That's about all that I can think of worth noting for today. It rained all day, and I wound up catching 4 coelacanths, so that was pretty cool. But the rest of my day was spent chilling out, visiting islands, fishing, bug catching, ect. I hope someome visits my campsite tomorrow. If they do, I'm excited to see who they are!
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The caterpillar suit Deirdre gave me
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Ceremony for the campsite!
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One of the coelacanths I caught
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Kiki reading her book
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 26, 2020
Day 8 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, and Truffles
Ya boi had a GREAT day today! We started the day off with some absolutely wonderful news, the resident services building was finished AND ISABELLE CAME TO JOIN US ON THE ISLAND! I love isabelle so much, she is adorable and I'm so glad to finally have her here.
When I walked in to check out the new building, Tom Nook asked a favor of me! He said he wanted me to set up a campsite so we could get more residents in and eventually, hopefully, K.K. Slider will come visit our town. After running that quick errand for Tom, I decided to mess around with the town flag and town tune. I was able to make a flag I liked pretty easily, I just made it a cute little picture of my cat, Alphonse. But after awhile of struggling to come up with a town tune I liked, I got kind of frustrated and, for now, decided I'd just use the same tune I used for my old town.
By the time I was done with that, it was about 4pm. Stringfish are active between 4pm and 9am and it was the last fish I needed to catch before March ends. So, I began making a bunch of bait and hunting for this fish. It took me HOURS, but then, around 12:30, I caught two in a row! So, to me, it was made well worth it.
Now that the ABD is finally accessable and I have so many Nook Miles from not spending any yesterday, I think I'm gonna spend some time searching for the tarantula island before going to bed for the night. Im excited to have my campsite finished tomorrow! Im hoping that means I can have more villagers move in soon.
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Me standing under my town flag!
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Ceremony for the opening of the resident services building! ( look at Isabelle I love her! )
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This was taken last night, but we can't ignore how cute Celeste is looking up at the stars!
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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April 2, 2020
Day 15 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, Marshall, Twiggy, Greta, and Beau
Today was a day of accomplishment, my friends. I finally got my island up to 3 stars, which means K.K. will be visiting tomorrow AND I will finally get to try terraforming! I cannot out into words how excited I am. So far, I only have some basic ideas to spiffy up my island, but I'm excited to experiment and decide what works for me! Most of today was has been spent traveling from island o island, making bells and looking for the last villager to move into my town. But some other exciting stuff has happened too!
I started today off by stopping by my new neighbor's, Beau! I ran into him on an island and invited him a couple days ago. As usual, hes spending his first day unboxing and cleaning his new house. But he should be out and about tomorrow and Im very excited!
After leaving Beau's house, I noticed a new face wandering behind his house. I ran over to investigate and met CJ for the first time! He had me catch him 3 squid-sized fish and then bought them from me for a high price. I spent quite a bit of my day, when I wasnt island hopping, fishing and selling them to him. He also said I could give him 3 of the same fish to have his partner ( Flick ) make me a sculpture of them, which I plan on doing, but I still need 2 more Koi and I dont know when he leaves so we'll see how it goes.
Our first staircase was also finished today! I'm really liking how the area around it is coming along. I'm not sure if it'll be permanent since I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do with the terraforming tools, but as of right now I think it looks very nice. I'm hopping I keep that area, but we'll just have to see.
That's about it for today. I'm really happy and proud of how it went, and I'm VERY excited for tomorrow. I can hardly wait!
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Marshall being fuckin BABY
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CJ stealing my heart
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 28, 2020 - March 29, 2020
Day 10 & 11 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, and Marshall ( as of Day 11 )
Quick note: Yeah, soooo I messed up. I oopsied. I did a bad thing. What was this bad thing? Well, I forgot to post yesterday! But hey, just one of many mistakes I have and will continue to make in my life. To make up for this, I will summarize both yesterdays and todays events!
[ Day 10 in Alvalon ] (I just went ahead and posted what I had typed out in my notes from yesterday)
"This morning was very exciting for me. I got to check my campsite today and I found Marshall chilling out in my town! I was able to convince him to move in and his house will be finished tomorrow. wouldn't say Marshall is one of my all-time favorites, but I do have a great fondness for him so I'm pretty happy about it.
I also went ahead and set up another house plot and spent some time searching for another villager on islands. I decided if i didnt find anyone I really liked, I'd leave it up to Tom Nook.
That's pretty much all that happened today. I spent a bunch of time grinding for Nook Miles and got to visit quite a few islands. So far, I still havent found anyone I want to invite. But I did get to strip each island of all its natural resources for my own gain so that made it worth it. Overall, a very fun day, as it always is here in Alvalon."
[ Day 11 in Alvalon ]
I fished A LOT today. That's pretty much all I did. After doing the usual daily stuff, like collecting materials, finding the money rock, finding the gold spot and planting a money tree, ect, I decided today was the day I'd complete the "Cast Master" Nook Miles achievement. There were so many times I screwed up. There were even a couple times I'd beaten my last record and then screwed up and had to start all over again. But, in the end, I did it! I got a thousand nook miles out of the deal and a couple hundred-thousand bells, mostly from all the coelacanths, red snappers, tuna, and blue marlins I think.
The house plot I set yesterday hasn't been sold yet, so I also went ahead and went to an island in the hopes of finding the rare tarantula island and/or a villager I really like. Sadly, the villager I found was kinda cool, but he was smug and marshall already fills that spot. So, I'm probably gonna wind up leaving it up to Tom Nook, unless somehow the plot isnt sold tomorrow, and hoping we at least get a villager type we dont already have.
That's pretty much all I have to note for the last couple days. Sorry again for missing yesterday, and I'm excited for tomorrow! Not only should Marshall be out and about, but the Able Sister's should finally be open!
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Isabelle being adorable and sniffing her flowers
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One of the three coelacanths I caught today
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Hanging out with Deirdre and Papi on the plaza
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Papi studying the flowers next to Kiki's house because he's adorable ( I planted some hyacinths around his house after I took this )
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 24, 2020
Day 6 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, and Truffles
Today was a pretty laid back day in Alvalon. I didnt play as much today as I have the last couple days due to waking up late and having chores to do, but still had a lot of fun!
I started the day off decorating the new room in my house! I decided, for now, I'd make it my bedroom and spent some time moving around furniture and trying to decide the way I liked it the best. My main room is pretty empty now, but I'll fix that once I get some more living-room-like furniture.
After finally getting done with that and leaving my house, I headed over to greet my new neighbor, Truffles, who...to be honest, I'm not fond of. I went ahead and said hello, but I dont think i'll be interacting with her too much in the future. Not unless I need to in order to get her to leave faster. I would just rather have someone else filling the spot shes taking right now.
In better news, I did come across a pleasant surprise while roaming the beach! Last night, we had a meteor shower. I actually wished on a bunch of them, trying to get a good picture. What I didnt realize was that a star fragment would wash up on shore for every star I wished on. In the end, I wound up with a total of 10 fragments! I originally thought about selling them, mainly because they reminded me of the star fragments from botw, which I would normally sell. But I figured I should hang onto them for now in case they'll be useful for something later, like rare DIY furniture or something.
Once that was done, I figured I'd grab a couple Nook Miles Tickets and explore a couple islands. The first island wasnt anything special, but the second island had cherries on it! I wasnt even sure you could get any fruit besides your native fruit on those little islands, but I guess either I was just getting really unlucky or its a rare to get anything else. Cherries are actually my favorite Animal Crossing fruit too, they were my native fruit in both my Wild World and New Leaf towns, so it was pretty exciting to find them on this island.
After hopping back on the plane and heading back home, I got a visitor of my own! My partner, Snips from @direcliff-island , came over for a bit to hang out. We spent most of the time running around the museum, goofing off, taking pictures, and chasing eachother. It was great fun, and I'm glad we got the chance for him to come visit.
After Snips left and it was getting late, I ran into Wisp while wandering around looking for tarantulas. I spooked him quite a bit, causing his spirit to scatter. After realizing I wasnt a ghost, he asked me to find all the pieces of his spirit and bring them back to him. As a reward, he gave me....a bathtub....huh....was he trying to tell me something?
The rest of my night will be spent trying to grind for nook miles so I can buy as many nook mile tickets as possible before I go to bed. The resident services tent will be closed tomorrow, as it will be under construction for the new building! As happy and excited as I am, I'm not sure if that means I wont be able to spend my nook miles. So, just in case, i figured it was better to be safe than sorry. Very excited for what's to come in the future!
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My room after I was done filling it with the few furniture items I have
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Me after finding those cherry trees!
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Deirdre telling me she'd name her pet moth after me ( I love her so much OOF )
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@direcliff-island and me goofing off in the museum
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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April 1, 2020
Day 14 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, Marshall, Twiggy, and Greta
Woke up to a beautiful bright day today to cherry blossom trees, hidden eggs, and our good friend, Zipper, visiting our island! April is here and its beautiful, in Animal Crossing anyway.
Though i did find a lot of eggs while going about my usual buissness, I didn't actually focus on anything Bunny Day related today. I spent most of my time, once again, preparing the town for K.K. Slider. This time completely focused on developing my town instead of moving in new villagers. I set up a set of stairs, a fountain, some benches, a water fountain, and moved around some flowers and trees. I still have quite a ways to go, but i like how its coming together so far!
Greta moved in today too. I don't dislike her as much as I dislike Truffles, but i'll definitely be happy to see her go. Tomorrow, Beau will be moving in, so thats a plus anyway!
Thats about all for today. I plan on visiting an island for awhile and getting some tarantualas caught, but other than that, thats about it. Tomorrow, I'll do a bit more decorating for K.K. and then maybe I'll start collecting the Bunny Day furniture!
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Papi sleeping by the river
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Deirdre vibing under a tree
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 22, 2020
Day 4 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, and Kiki
Today was another exciting and beautiful day in Alvalon. I got to start off the day by saying hi to a new friend, Kiki! I met her for the first time yesterday while visiting other islands for resources and invited her to come stay on my island. She was busy settling in today, so i didnt get to see her much. But she should be out and about tomorrow!
After greeting Kiki, I headed over to the museum, which was finally finished and ready for me to explore! There wasnt a whole lot in it as i hadnt had time to donate much to it, but even without much on display, it was a beautiful sight to behold. I've never been more excited, bound and determined to finish the museum.
After donating a couple things and exploring the museum, I was pleasantly surprised by not one, not two, but three visitors on my island! I got to speak to Mable, Daisy Mae, and Harvey all in one morning! Mable was sitting in front of resident services tent, selling clothes. I gladly bought a couple of items from her and then headed over to talk to Daisy Mae, who introduced herself and sold me 10 turnips. While walking home to store my turnips until i could sell them, I ran into my good friend, Harv! Harv was shocked to see me as he thought the island was deserted, but after talking for a bit he invited me over to his island! I didn't have much planned at the time other than collecting some fish and bugs, so i took him up on his offer and went to check it out. I couldn't do much since I dont have any amiibos other than K.K., Isabelle, Cyrus, and Reese. But it was still nice to drop by and check it out.
After getting back to my island, i stppped by the resident services tent to check in with Tom Nook, who gave me something exciting! After handing me DIY instructions for a wooden wardrobe and having me build it, he gave me 50 customization kits to mess with! I probably spent way too much time messing with this because certain items let you use your custom designs on them, but once it was all set and done I had a black wooden wardrobe, a black wooden simple bed with a custom design as the blanket, and a black wooden mini table with a cloth to match the bed.
The rest of the day was mostly spent fishing on the beach. I figured itd be a good idea to try filling the museum more, and it was raining so i was hoping to get my round little hands on a coelacanth, which i eventually caught and donated to Blathers!
Today was a more laid-back day, but still very fun and exciting! Looking forward to tomorrow!
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The ceremony for the grand opening of the museum!
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The coelacanth I caught!
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🐌 Snail 🐌
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Watching the fish with Deirdre at the museum
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 31, 2020
Day 13 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, Marshall, and Twiggy
I spent a lot of time trying to raise my islands rating today. Started that off by going to some islands in search for a new villager and actually found someone I liked, Beau! I asked him to move in, and now we have two sold plots! Greta is moving into one and Beau is moving into the other. This will make a total of 8 villagers, meaning our island should bump up to two stars!
After that, I headed back to my island, I decided to do some decorating on my island. I had mostly waited to do this because I dont wanna have to move everything around once I get my terraforming permits, but I need to in order to get the 3 stars I need for K.K. and I guess it wouldnt hurt to lay out some stuff. So, I started planning out a couple pathways with one of my designs and realized my residential area is uneven, which really really bugged me. At first, I tried to get over it. But there was no way for me to make a pathway I liked unless I moved each house on the right over one square. So, I did it. I'm starting off today by moving truffles and then tomorrow I'll move her back but just one square to the right, and then I'll do the same thing for Marshall and Greta.
But, in order to do this, I need a lot of bells. Moving a villagers home costs 50,000 bells each time, which means I'll need a total of 300,000 bells to do this. So, I booked another Nook Miles Ticket and headed out to get some bells. I landed on a bamboo island and decided to try that trick where you remove EVERYTHING so that tarantulas will spawn. It worked, and by the end I had almost filled my entire enventory. I wouldve filled it completely, but my net broke and I forgot to bring supplies or a spare.
That's about all I did today. I have a feeling raising my islands approval raiting will take longer and more work than I expected, but I'm ok with that! Developing my island has been a blast so far, and I'm very excited!
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 30, 2020
Day 12 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, Marshall, and Twiggy
I don't have a whole lot to report today. Most of my day was spent catching up on sleep, but I did play some early this morning and before dinner! I spent time doing the normal daily routine, hitting rocks, gathering materials, talking to villagers, ect. After that, I checked out the Able Sister's store, which was finally open! I didnt spend a whole lot of time in there, but I'll be sure to check it out more tomorrow!
Another exciting thing that happened was Twiggy moved in today! I found her on an island yesterday and though she was really cute, so I invited her to come live on my island! So far, I really like her. Alvalon is slowly growing and it's exciting to watch!
So, I don't have a whole lot to share, but even so, the little I did get to play today was exciting and fun for me!
I'm hoping to get back on a normal sleeping schedule so that stuff like this doesnt happen again. It also caused me to miss Daisy Mae on Sunday, which really bugged me. Still, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, which should be at least a little better!
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The grand opening of the Able Sister's!
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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April 3, 2020
Day 16 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre, Antonio, Kiki, Papi, Truffles, Marshall, Twiggy, Greta, Beau, and Bob
Today was really fun and exciting! We started the day off with the K.K. Slider concert on the plaza, which was honestly extremely satisfying to watch. It made me feel very accomplished and proud of how far I've come so far with my island! It was really nice watching all of my villagers gather around to listen and enjoy the performance and im so happy to have put this time and effort into my town.
Once the performance was over, Tom Nook stopped by to talk to me about landscaping and terraforming! He sent me the app for island designing, which started out just having the basic path laying tools. In order to mess with cliffs and water or get other types of paths, I have to buy them with nook miles. So after greeting my new villager, Bob, I spent my morning grinding for 6,000 nook miles to buy the cliff tools, to start off with. Once that was done, I messed around with some cliffs and pathways and set out some stuff like fountains, fences, benches, ect. And set up a spot for a staircase. I couldnt do all of the cliff terraforming i had planned because im still in the process of moving houses around, but once thats done I'll be free to mess with the cliffs as much as I want. I may take a break from fixing the housing plots once Marshal and Bob are where I want them to be just so I can finish messing with the cliffs.
For now, all I'm probably gonna mess with are the cliffs and paths. But tomorrow I'll spend more of the morning grinding for Nook Miles so I can buy the water designing permit and some DIY recipes and furniture to out around my island. The next few days are gonna be a lot of fun designing my island just the way I want it and im very excited!
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The village gathered around for K.K.'s concert
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!!! Bob !!!
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Kiki putting on a performance of her own!
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 19, 2020 - March 20, 2020
Day 1 and 2 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre and Antonio
Day 1 in Alvalon was a short one, but a good one! I was able to open my game as it launched ( 11pm for me ) and was pretty pleased with the cards that were dealt to me. I got a green airport, apples ( which partly inspired the name of my island, along with my cat, Alphonse ), and one of my all time favorite villagers, Deirdre! After setting my tent and finishing all of the tasks Tom Nook had for me, I was not only able to pay off my first loan with Nook Miles and upgrade to a house, but I also was able to set up Blathers tent! By the time I was done with my first day, it was 2am. I saved and quite my game, and went to bed excited for what would await me the following day.
Next day comes and I book it over to Blathers tent, excited to finally give him what was left over of the bugs and fish I collected the night before. After he gave me my first pole vault and a DIY recipe for a flimsy shovel, I was finally free to explore some more of my island to collect fossils, fish, bugs, and materials. Blathers was soon able to begin preparations for the new museum after I donated enough stuff. Then I headed over to the plaza to sell some stuff to Timmy, who then asked me to start collecting materials for him and Tommy to set up their shop, to which I happily obliged. After exploring my island a bit more and even flying to some other islands, I had enough and was able to provide him the materials he asked for.
So far, life I'm Alvalon is looking up. I'm very excited to see what the future holds!
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alvalon-island · 4 years
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March 21, 2020
Day 3 in Alvalon
Islander name: Kotey
Native fruit: Apple
Current villagers: Deirdre and Antonio
Today was a very exciting and productive day for Alvalon! We start the day off with Tom Nook giving us some big news, the museum is under construction and Nook's Cranny is finally open for business, which made tools and medicine a lot more convenient to get my hands on.
After stopping by the store to talk to the boys, I headed over to the resident services tent to check in with Tom Nook, who had a very important task for me. He had been in contact with 3 potential residents, to whom he had each promised a fully furnished house for them to come stay in on the island. It was my job to set each plot and provide furniture for both the interior and exterior of each house. I spent a majority of the day gathering materials and building furniture for these houses, but it was made well worth it, for after plotting the second house i was finally given the DIY recipe for the ladder and was free to explore all of my island! I was also given fencing once every last plot was fully furnished, which was a nice upgrade from the log stakes i was using in front of my house before.
After that, it had started raining, so i spent some time fishing in the hopes of catching a coelacanth. I didnt manage to catch one, but i caught plenty of other fish I hadnt caught before, including a tuna fish. So in the end it was still well worth my time.
Finally, we come to my favorite part of the day, visiting my wonderful partner's town @direcliff-island ! We spent some time playing hide and seek, catching bugs and fish together, hitting eachother with nets, joking around, and just having a lot of fun! After awhile, I did have to head back to Alvalon. But I had a blast visiting Direcliff and im excited to do it again in th future and/or invite Snips over to my island to hang out!
So far, my time in Alvalon has been nothing short of a near perfect experience. I cant wait to see what happens tomorrow!
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The ceremony celebrating the grand opening of Nook's Cranny!
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Me enjoying the rain and watching the fish in the pond
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Me holding up a tuna bigger than myself
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Sitting in the plaza with Deirdre (taken last night)
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My house after setting up the fencing from Tom Nook
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Chilling by the campfire with my partner, @direcliff-island 💚💙
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