#also: where tf does that mviera face 2 “earring” hang from? hair?
neriyon · 1 month
5 Character Associations - Yulan
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Embarrassment: Bit too worried about how others see him.
Curiosity: World has lots to see and learn.
Anxiety: Meeting new people can be very stressfull.
Temperemental: Quick to show his anger or annoyance.
Passion: His dedication to his work cannot be doubted.
Royal Purple
Metallic (like after touching coins)
Big gold "earring": Vaguely reminicent of the shape of a spear. Memento from someone already passed, he's never seen without it.
Jewelry: Usually dressed in more than one handmade piece.
Boquet of flowers: While it take a while for him to warm up, he likes gifting flowers to others.
Bagfull of bits and bobs: Stuff kinda... gathers itself into his bag. At least it's very useful to always have materials handy for emergency fixes?
Mammet: He both makes and collects mammets. There's usually at least one trailing after him.
Body Language
Arms crossed: His own little barrier against the world.
Bright red blush: What? No! Go away!
Thumping: Both from annoyance as well as having to wait.
Hiding behind others: Sometimes you just want to hide from the awkward encounter behind someone familiar and safe.
Gently tugging loved one's clothes or hand: For someone quick to show annoyance, he's rather subtle when asking for attention from someone close.
Messy workshop with tons of projects and various papers scattered around.
Sunny garden with rows of colorful flowers.
Paint splatters on hands and face.
Beautiful gemstones, carefully laid out on soft velvet.
Moment shared with a loved one, just the two of you.
Hey guess who forgor they were tagged again for this? That's right, me. And since I have bunch of ocs anyway, I thought: why not do the thing again but with a different character?
Anyway! Thank you for tagging me @mimble-sparklepudding ! (Previous version with Hawu'li can be found here.)
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