#also that andrew garfield quote that’s like making a garden is plenty…we’re not all meant to save the world all the time…
scionshtola · 5 months
pine 5 and ivy 4 for Cori please? if you're taking these!
ty viking!! 💚
pine 5: Does your OC believe it is better to burn out than to fade away?  Or do they perhaps pretend to believe this, when actually they would be quite happy to retire peacefully one day?
Cori would definitely love to retire one day. They don’t think it’s better at all to burn out. They want to be able to travel and study and maybe some day have a little place where they can tend to their garden and their chocobos without having to save the day all the time. Whether or not they would actually be able to do that depends on how much they are needed, they won’t be completely disappearing so long as the Warrior of Light is still needed.
ivy 4: Does your OC feel any abiding connection to their place of birth?  Has this ever been challenged by conflicting loyalties?  How are they viewed by those currently living in their society of origin?
Hmm sort of. Cori was born in Valnain, a port city in Dalmasca, before it was occupied by the Garleans. They left when they were very young with their mom, who spent most of her life there, for their father’s former village in the Golmore Jungle which was very removed from the rest of the kingdom of Dalmasca and didn’t really concern itself with the imperials.
But Cori grew up hearing about Valnain and other places her mom went, and so I think there is some love and connection there still, even if it’s a bit secondhand. She certainly still loves the sea. And she does feel a need to contribute to free Dalmasca from the occupation, not just because she’s the WoL but because that’s her home, her parents home.
I do think though they have a more personal connection to and abiding love for the forest they grew up in, and it did break their heart a little bit when they left knowing they would never be welcome there again. And like. many people in their village were unkind to them while they lived there but there were others who were kind, and Cori is very grateful they got to grow up so connected to nature and animals. I think after they left the people in their village were not surprised, because the last person who left was their dad 30 or so years before. Maybe it inspired some others to see what was out there as well! Also, I kinda don’t think anyone there knows about Cori being the WoL 😂 I’m just not sure that news makes it back to the village!
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