#also sidenote: the insinuation here that the people who are focused on trying to survive don't need art/don't make art?
bondsmagii · 2 years
Hey rat my dude, it's okay if I rant a little bit here? Lately I've been struggling with wanting to be an artist like I want to make art but it feels so stupid like dude there are people dying and you want to sit there writing little stories and stories that BTW will never reach them because the most imporvished communities in the world don't have acess or even time for your little stories. it feels like 2/3 of the world is out there on fire, starving, amidst war and I'm out here making up stories for remaining 1/3 of the world. like fuck mate harry potter isn't helping the kids in africa and Taylor swift isn't improving people's life in fucking haiti. it seems selfish. if there is any art that is helping poor communities is the art of their own communities. not me, a foreigner. It just feels like the people that need the most help in the world won't be helped by art (not my art at least) so Its a foolish endeavor to pursue it while there is so much suffering.
Tldr: feeling like absolutely shit wanting to be an artist bc art is for the 1/3 of the world that is not too preoccupied trying to survive
I've actually received a couple of asks exactly like this over the last few months, and I've been wondering how to address it, and ultimately I just have to be honest. this is not going to be the answer you were hoping for, but I hope you consider it and really try to think about what I'm going to say here.
this is not a sane way of thinking. I mean this completely 100% seriously. this is a level of delusional guilt-bearing that you should be seeking help for. I understand why you feel this way, because the internet is absolutely saturated with the message that you're not a good activist or ally unless you feel crushing guilt over every good thing you have and you're analysing and critiquing everything you like/desire, but this is not an attitude that you should be taking on. I know it might seem virtuous, and it might make you feel like you're not part of the problem, whatever that problem is -- or if you are, you're at least conscientious of it -- but this is an insane way of thinking and it makes you a liability. nobody has time to alleviate your guilt over issues that aren't yours. when going into spaces where somebody else's struggles are meant to be the focus, you're not being a good person by making it about your own angst.
not to mention the fact that this line of thinking just does not add up. it's unfair and wrong for all creators to be held to this standard. we're not here for other people. we're not here to be good examples. we're here to create, and if we want to work in political or social issues into our work, we can. if we want to use our art to draw attention, we can. but we should also be allowed to just create. in the same way as we all know it's bullshit to only assign value to things if it's making money, we should not be assigning value to our art only if it's making a political statement. that's just bullshit.
if you sincerely wish to assist people, look for things you can actually do. donate money. volunteer at shelters or soup kitchens. donate your old clothes. buy directly from impoverished communities. go out there and get active. if one day you do succeed as an artist, you're now rich -- congrats. all of that money can go towards important causes, if you want it to. but the one way to get nothing done -- not helping others, nor personal achievement -- is if you angst over completely delusional things like this. I'm sorry if other people have made you feel like your art isn't worth anything because there are people suffering, because that isn't true. but if you sincerely believe this, and you sincerely think this way, I urge you to get help. this kind of guilt complex is literally a mental illness. it's absolutely shocking that it's considered a sign of a good person these days, and in terms of real activism, it is absolutely useless and even offensive to most people actually living these things.
I'm sorry if this response seems harsh. I'm not attacking you, and I don't think this is your fault. this is just the thinking that people are being exposed to, some of them from very early ages. but you seem to be caught very deep in it, and sometimes being harsh is the only way to adequately make a point like this. I hope that you get out of this way of thinking, and I wish you luck with everything you want to achieve.
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