#also ppl keep giving poor tyelpe panic attacks and then feeling bad for making him feel like that.... but also like they're right.
dialux · 2 years
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“Can you get up?” asks Gil-galad quietly.
Celebrimbor drags his eyes open. “I’ve gone to battle in worse situations.”
“I’m not asking you to go to battle,” Gil-galad tells him calmly. “I’m asking if you can make it to the kitchen.”
[Celebrimbor returns to life in Aman, but finds his new lease on life unwelcome: his mother refuses to speak to him, his grandmother abandons him for her own pilgrimages, and the rest of his kin seem to have spent the intervening years going steadily insane. But there is joy to be found here, too, and love, and brightness; and, at the end of all things, every Finwean has a method to their madness.]
Written for Fandom Trumps Hate 2022, for Willow, who requested a Galadriel and Celebrimbor fic with Celebrimbor in Valinor, and him making the Elessar for Galadriel. This story has become, in response, a behemoth, as well as my ode to worldbuilding in Valinor on a scale I’ve never really done before. Hope y’all enjoy :)
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