#also people pls rec me aroace books I am in desperate need
heyyy~ i have been wondering if you have anymore new recs on books i can read? i have been trying to look for some and i do not even know where to start so i thought i should ask you first~ your recs last time were amazing~ also are there any new aroace novels~ have a great day~
HOW SWEET ARE YOU??? Ahhh ❤ I'm extremely and utterly flattered that you liked my book recs!!
Tbh, I cannot remember what I had recommended last time, but I'll rec some of the books I probably haven't recced before :) ❤
The Emperor's Soul - Brandon Sanderson
This is a very cool fantasy novella which has zero romance and a super cool premise, I really enjoyed reading it especially because most fantasy that's not YA fantasy is so long it was refreshing as hell to have a short fantasy read that was so good!
2. The Good Son - You Jeong Jeong
This is a Korean book which is basically a 'why-dunnit' if you're interested in murder mysteries! Basically this boy wakes up one morning and finds his mom dead... and then he realises that HE killed her, but he cannot remember why. So the book is his journey of discovering why he did it. It's a bit of a heavy book though, so don't read it if you're in the mood for something lighter
3. Four Dead Queens - Astrid Scholte
If you're into YA fantasy, this is a book I really enjoyed! I loved the main character, the premise and the way everything unfolded. Definitely a fun read
4. Proxy - Alex London
This is dystopia sci-fi with a queer protagonist, very action-filled, very fun and the characters are pretty damn adorable
5. People Like Us - Dana Mele
This is dark academia set in an all-girls boarding school. The story is a little ridiculous but honestly it is SUCH a fun read and it's got queer main characters and dark shit and lots of drama and it's just a good time
Aroace books... I recently read Elatsoe which has a Native American canonically ace (and very aro coded) main character. While I enjoyed a lot of the individual elements of the book, I felt like as a whole it kinda felt flat :/ Kinda like how I felt about Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy as well. Honestly Loveless is still leading the charts when it comes to best book with an aroace mc.
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