#also not to be catholic but we have the same confirmation saint and i don't KNOW if i consider that a + or -
reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
ugh hate my brain. guy told me he had a crush on me a couple months ago while he had a girlfriend, they break up over break and he's still got a crush on me (as of thursday), he asks if i like him that way at all and i honestly say "no"
and right after that then he lets me ramble and says it's interesting and it's fun seeing me so excited about stuff. guess what fuckin happened
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yellowjacketslesbian · 6 months
What do you think Van's relationship with religion is like, before and after the crash?
hey!! I love this question because I actually have a whole hc for this!!!
pre-crash I hc that Van was raised catholic and went through catechism (with Nat & Laura Lee). I think she partially did confirmation because of family pressure, but also because I think she has always been someone who searches for meaning in the world around her, and I think she looked to the church as a way to find that meaning as a kid because it was all she knew. (I think Van's parents were probably more along the lines non-practicing catholics, and only really went to mass for major holidays, but they still really pushed for her to get confirmed to keep up appearances with extended family).
I think Van left the church sometime in middle school after she fully realized / came to terms with being a lesbian. (I personally hc that Van's dad left when she was 12 or 13 and her mom's issues got worse after, so she also didn't have the same family pressure to stay in the church). however, I believe she still held onto some of the mysticism of the church / saint lore, etc. she grew up with and she more was rejecting an organized religion she knew wouldn't accept her, rather than all of the beliefs (though I don't think she would necessarily admit that to herself).
as far as immediately pre-crash, I think Van probably used humor to cope and deflect from any religious trauma by high school and probably would have described herself as a recovered catholic / atheist, if it ever came up.
I also think having that common background of being raised catholic and rejecting that upbringing was something she bonded over with Taissa pre-crash (it's canon that at least Tai's grandmother was catholic). I can definitely picture them being their sarcastic selves together and making quips back and forth through an entire Christmas Eve midnight mass they both got dragged to.
I also think having that common background adds some additional context to their fight in the attic in S1E10. like if rejecting religion and supernatural explanations for the world around them, is something they bonded over, there's an added layer there when Van suddenly believes in this supernatural thing and Taissa is still firmly an atheist.
(I could write a whole thesis separate thesis here on why it makes so sense that Van believed so fervently in the supernatural element and embraced the cult practices as a way to make sense of that terrifying time in the wilderness, assuming a catholic upbringing. tldr: in my personal experience, it's fairly common for people who have dealt with specifically catholic religious trauma to be more susceptible to that type of influence because of the beliefs we were raised with).
anyway, post-crash I think Van struggled a lot to cope with the things they did in the wilderness and kind of just completely shut off all belief in anything instead of actually facing what they did. I also think she's going to go back to her belief in the wilderness after being cured of cancer in S3 because she never actually worked through any of her trauma, and therefore, is still very susceptible to falling back into that acolyte role.
also, if the crash never happened, I think Van would've been the type of recovered catholic who gets into like spirituality as a way to make sense of the world (tarot cards, astrology, etc.)
tldr: I think Van was raised catholic but is an atheist both pre and post-crash
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Omg!! How did you get into working with different deities? How do you make it work with the Bible and how was God's reaction to it?? Would love to know !!❤️
Hi! <3 Thanks for the ask. Long answer inbound so be warned lol.
So I grew up Catholic, baptized, raised, and confirmed. When I was a kid, I always preferred praying alone or in nature - I had a little prayer corner (basically an altar) in my closet and I loved chatting with God by the rosebushes we had. I never liked the idea that your relationship to God, Mary, Jesus, the saints, etc., had to be dictated by the strict rules of the modern church, so I fell out of regular practice but still prayed in my own ways.
I have also always had a fascination with the natural world, the supernatural, and the occult, and done things I couldn't really explain with just Catholicism. I collected crystals even though I didn't really believe they did anything special. I collect figurines of dragons and pretty daggers and things, especially those with Celtic knot designs (for heritage reasons). I had a set of tarot cards and runes that I loved using even though I told myself I was just doing it for fun - and yet every time I used them, I was encouraged and given accurate advice. Beyond this, I've also always been creative. I find myself drawn to creating stories about fire, power, deep space, and the meaning of humanity.
About a year ago, I had an extremely strong desire to use my tarot cards. I wasn't entirely sure why, but it felt necessary in the same way that prayer felt necessary. When I did finally get out my deck, on a whim, I asked if anyone was reaching out. I'd been seeing more and more "witchtok" and similar content on social media, so it was on my mind. I got a definitive "yes," but was also told to figure out who it was on my own.
So I did more research and found Brigid, and it just felt like coming home. It was such a strangely calming and welcoming feeling, like sinking into a warm bath. Things about me and my life suddenly made way more sense and I felt instantly more connected to my faith than I ever had before. She's the patron of poets, a fire goddess, and a goddess of healing and motherhood, among other things, all of which resonated with me in terms of my history, my values, and my interests.
Obviously, this caused a bit of a crisis, as I still believed in God and was worried about the idea of being seen as sinful for practicing witchcraft, so I went to the Big Man about it directly. I went to my church and spent some time praying alone in a quiet room and again, I had that warm, welcoming feeling. It felt right. When I finally dipped my toes in and made my altar, I was so comfortable and happy that I kept going without question.
Since then, I've been learning about folk Catholicism and Christian witchcraft, and the more I learn, the better I feel about my faith and the more connected to my world, heritage, and deities I feel. I've grown to have a relationship with other deities and spirits as well. I think of it as simply having a different way of believing - I don't worship any particular deity above any other, I just give them each the respect they deserve and see them as powerful partners and friends.
As for how it all works with the Bible...as controversial of a take as this is, I take most direct phrasing from the Bible with a big pinch of salt. I can't read Hebrew or Greek, so I have to rely on translations, and all translations are bound to be biased to some degree. I also don't fully understand the cultural context of the original text, so it would be impossible for me to pick up on the nuance and wordplay used by the original authors to convey their meaning. I see the Bible as a resource, but not a textbook if that makes sense.
All of that being said, I don't believe the passages referencing the banning of witchcraft are talking about all magic but instead specific magical practices of the time that were either dangerous or immoral. I also recognize the commandment "You shall have no other gods before Me" as saying that the Abrahamic God prefers to be worshipped as the creator and powerful being that He is, not as just another deity in a pantheon. This to me doesn't read as "there are no other gods and you're not allowed to believe in them anyway" so much as "respect Me for my place as the creator of all things, then respect the other gods as champions of their domains."
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ynhart · 6 months
Hello fellow sister in Christ! I have a story and question for you.
On the day that I was baptized and received into the Catholic Church, the confirmation saint that I chose was Saint Rose of Lima. The reason I chose her was because I thought her name was pretty and I wanted her name as my confirmation name. Afterwards, I felt like I regretted my choice because I felt like she just didn't "fit" my circumstances. I started to wish that I had chosen Saint Kateri Tekakwitha or Saint Joan of Arc to be my confirmation saint... But then, I started to reflect on my decision to choose Saint Rose of Lima and I came to the realization that God probably had me pick her specifically for a reason. Not just for the name, but because she dealt with family problems as well.
She was also a very kind and caring soul who ended up joining a Third Order after not being allowed to join a convent. I'm someone who has wanted to join the religious life myself, but in all honesty, I'd probably need to join a Third Order as my option due to certain health conditions I live with. And as for being kind and caring, those are qualities I hope to embody to the best of my ability as a social worker. So, in the end, I think I made the correct decision of choosing Saint Rose of Lima as my confirmation saint.
With all of that being said, my question to you is: Who is your confirmation saint, and why did you choose him or her?
@ramen-chan-27 (Asking on anon since this is my sideblog)
Hi! Thanks for sharing your story <33 I actually didn't know much about St. Rose of Lima so thanks for letting me know! I'll definitely read more about her. All I can say is that all vocations are wonderful and I'm glad you were able to find which one's best for you :D
About my confirmation saints, I don't have one actually. I don't think we have that tradition of choosing a patron saint for our baptism/confirmation.
But if I were to choose one it would be St. Michael Archangel. As you know, my name is Micaela, which is like the female version of Michael, and I have this vague memory, from when I was little, of my parents teaching me about him and saying that we have the same name. I love that our names mean "who is like God?" it's awesome lol. So I like to think that he's my patron Saint!
And another friend Saint I have is St. Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer! He's a modern Saint so he kind of feels very close to us and can relate deeply to his emphasis on sanctifying through our jobs and ordinary lives.
How beautiful and different are all the saints, right?
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
i took your saints quiz as a fun little anti-boredom activity for this catholic trauma-possessing teenager over here but then i was called out by joan of arc. wooo hello i'm different. abnormal. quirky even.
i didn't think much of the result at the time but now i can't get it out of my head. i want to research her but i also have a dehabilitating fear of death (catholic upbringing does that to many. hello gerard way). wish me luck.
ohhhh bestie bestie bestie my whole heart and soul is with you on this. we are in the same little boat i am holding your hand and we are on this journey together. fr though you should research her!!!!! i am also a Catholic Trauma Kid™️ and saints like,,, even when everything else about the church makes me feel Vividly Uncomfortable, saints are still a safe and beautiful thing for me, you know? and i think that they can be something sooo special to a person no matter what and i highly encourage you to get into joan of arc if that's something that feels like it's going to appeal to you. warning that gerard way joan of arc outfit Will do things to your brain chemistry if you are invested in her. seeing those images made me write a whole quiz in a fugue state.
fr though joan of arc is such an iconic and beautiful and tragic and heartwrenching story. i don't know to what extent your fear of death is gonna impede ur process in this but trigger warning that she gets burned at the stake i guess </3 GOD but the image of her keeping her eyes on the cross until the last moment. ripping my own heart out to throw it into the flames with her.
ALL THAT TO SAY that i am wishing you so much luck nd again holding your hand while you're on this journey! :) recommending reading/seeing the play "mother of the maid" if you want some multimedia joan of arc content. it fucked me up when i watched it. glad that my saint quiz made you a little insane about saints through pure contact </3 love u wish u the best
+ you're the only one using this quiz correctly btw. ppl think "assigning you a catholic saint" means i'm like. personality assigning you. ppl going 'well i got confirmed with This saint but—' no!! i am handing you a saint like a stuffed animal. something to hold. something to work with. ur not assigned a saint to Be. i'm assigning u the saint that i think you need. anyway glad to see it both work as intended + be used as intended much love to you
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yieldfruit · 2 years
Hi, same Catholic person. I would confirm that you are correct we do ask saints and Mary to intercede in prayer and we also pray to God. I can understand your point of view. Personally, I have viewed it as being inspired by their love for God and wanting to live holy lives like they have. Next, the sculptures/depictions of God are like you stated “worship aide”. I would regard it as art or celebration of love for God. We can agree to disagree. Anyone who worships God is a friend of mine. 😊
Thanks so much, I don't think the sculptures/depictions of God are worship-aide though personally, I do view that as idolatry as it is making a carved image ("Do not make idols or set up carved images, or sacred pillars, or sculptured stones in your land so you may worship them. I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 26:1). I do believe Jesus is the only intercessor (Romans 8:34) as I do not see how biblically other intercessors are supported nor should we pray to humans who died on Earth - and Christ is more than sufficient. : )
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kinghippoiii · 4 months
By King Hippo III "As for the aridity you suffer, it seems to me that Our Lord treats you as someone He considers strong: He wants to test you and see if you love Him as much in moments of aridity as when He sends you consolations. I think this is a very great favor for God to grant you." - Saint Teresa of Ávila
Every new convert to the true faith knows what it's like to have your heart on fire throughout the first six months, or more, of your conversion, going to mass is exciting and Sunday morning, or whatever time you go to mass, is the highlight of your week, don't get me started on prayer, in this period of consolation, staying a long time without praying is the same as staying a long time without eating, each prayer is answered with consolation and graces from God and if the person is inclined to intellectual life, they will benefit from the infinite knowledge and meditations offered by the Catholic Church, in her moral life they notice that they is being sanctified every day and that whoever they once were no longer exists, they will be baptized if necessary, will be confirmed and attend confession regularly, everything is going very well.
After a certain time, never defined, they begin to notice that going to mass is not as exciting as it was, prayer is not as consoling as it was and cracks begin to appear in her moral life, sin is no longer as easy to resist as before.
They begins to notice that the mass lasts an hour, a whole hour! They thinks, they also begins to resent the fact that they are forced to go there on weekends, when they would previously sleep next to the altar if it were possible, and ends up noticing and resenting several factors around her, which were already there from the beginning, but now the aridity allows her to see them, they notice that they are one of the few, if not the only, person at mass under the age of thirty or forty and has no one to talk to about their experiences, they notice that without God's consolations, the mass can be quite monotonous, to the point of making them question, "Why am I here on a Saturday night?", don't get me started on prayer, an Our Father or a Hail Mary gives them an idea of what it would be like to drag a steel ball through the desert and keeping a righteous life in the eyes of God becomes a nuisance and not following the recommendations of a father who loves them.
At this stage, unfortunately, many leave the faith due to lack of discipline, but most of all, knowledge and spiritual direction, we don't do a good enough job of letting our brothers and sisters who are still on their honeymoon know that is what they are experiencing, their honeymoon with Jesus and his Church, which predicts the eternal honeymoon we will have in the afterlife if we remain faithful.
Every couple goes through this, from the beginning of dating until marriage everything is rosy, but at one time or another the relationship cools down to the point where the butterflies in the stomach disappear, husband and wife become little more than roommates, in their routine, that doesn't mean they throw everything up and ask for a divorce, or they shouldn't, because they understand the lack of great feelings does not automatically mean that something is wrong, their parents taught them this as a child, even if unintentionally.
Anyone who starts a new self-improvement routine knows that in the beginning everything is easier and more exciting, the first walk, the first day at the gym, the first day drinking two liters of water, however, at one time or another this process becomes more difficult and is this is where many give up, notice that your local gym is full in January due to those who say, "I'm going to the gym this year!" But they no longer return in February, others understand that regardless of the lack of emotion, the results persist and, therefore, it is worth continuing.
God, seeing that the prodigal son returns home, dresses him in the best clothes, puts a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet, kills the fatted calf and celebrates! But who thinks that the prodigal son did not return to his father's service the next day? Therefore, let us also return to the service of our father.
Dryness is not an indication that something is wrong or much less that you did something wrong, many saints go through dryness, it is non-negotiable, it is a requirement, you must prove to God that you love him unconditionally just like Job did, If you only love God when he fills you with consolations, you do not love him, but you love yourself!
Well, what now? What to do?
Keep praying, keep going to mass, keep learning more about your faith, all this daily or in the case of mass at least on Sundays, if you persevere in your relationship with God, you will fulfill what Saint James says, "Happy is the man who endures temptation. For after suffering the trial, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him." Consolations will return, but they will also disappear again, which is why it is so important that we pray for the virtues of discipline and perseverance and exercise them every day.
In fact, when Jesus was in the desert, what do you think he was feeling?
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authorofemotion · 2 years
hey friend!!
if you don't mind me asking, what's your conversion story? those are always interesting to me :)
(you can always answer this in dm's too)
oh heck yeah i love talking about this!! people’s conversion stories are always super interesting to me too :) I’m putting mine under the cut cause it’s super super long
So I grew up in an ultra-conservative branch of the Church of Christ, which identifies as non-denominational and also not protestant, because they don’t recognize the authority of the Catholic Church at all. Their whole thing is the Restoration movement, building back the church Jesus established in the Bible from the ground up, using only the Bible as their guide. They have no concept of Church Authority. The Bible is their only authority.
They were super rigid in their culture because they followed everything the Bible said or seemed to say down to the letter. They did baptism by faith, no instruments in worship, and women weren’t allowed to lead prayer when baptized men were in the room (even middle schoolers). My dad was a preacher. The thing is, since they didn’t recognize any kind of authority to tell them the correct interpretation of scripture, everyone was left believing they were right, so everyone felt superior to everyone else just because of how the system is. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of wonderful people in the Church of Christ, and a lot of them are wonderful Christians. But the way their church is built is fundamentally going to lead to destruction every. time.
We moved around a lot when I was younger because every congregation we went to split apart through arguments. But no definitive answer was made through the arguments because that would be claiming authority to interpret scripture—gosh it makes me so tired.
ANYWAY both of my older sisters started looking into other churches and the differences in theology when they were in their early teens. The sister I share a room with went to the March for Life one year with a Catholic group, because they were a church group that was going who would let her join. My parents told her “we’ll pay for you to go, but you aren’t allowed to become a Catholic.” XD
she came back INTENT on converting all the Catholic heathens from their sinful ways. But she knew that she had to know their theology well in order to refute it. So she started reading Scott Hahn, and the early Church Fathers. Then she picked up a liturgy of the hours and a couple icons. then she started attending rcia…
So my parents banned her from talking to me about it. My other sister was going through a similar process but she actually became Orthodox (with strong Russian influence). However, they weren’t good at not talking to me about it. The sister I share a room with would get frustrated a lot with misconceptions people have about Catholicism. Like where they try to convince you on how it’s wrong to pray to the saints because “no other god” but like. that’s not even how it works?? so she would rant to me about REAL catholic theology. Being a middle schooler who didn’t super care, i’d listen and be like “huh. that makes sense. it’s a different way of understanding, but it doesn’t contradict the Bible.”
So I was kinda in a situation where I unlearned the misconceptions people say about Catholicism before I had the chance to learn them. And I also trusted my sister’s judgement, and firmly believed that she was following God, so I was in a position where I thought “we’ll, Catholicism doesn’t seem WRONG.”
My parents had banned her from getting confirmed before she turned 18 because they knew dealing with the extended family would be a nightmare (they were right; my grandparents still think we might be going to hell). The year she was going to turn 18, which was 2020, the two of us went with the same Catholic group to the March for Life. the guy running it asked if i thought i was interested in catholicism and i was like haha…not really
then we went into lockdown!! my mom told me “I’m going to join RCIA to try and understand why she’s doing this. There’s a question on the form that asks if I have any kids interested—are you?”
and it was a question that I didn’t know the answer would be yes to until it was asked. She signed me up.
then we went to our first mass! it was a saturday night covid mass, complete with masks and social distancing and a small crowd in the cathedral. we sat at the back and watched. I remember feeling strongly pulled towards it, like I almost started crying. the call and responses sounded like it filled the entire room like the pews were full, even though they were far from it. I remember just thinking, over and over, with the fiercest longing I’ve ever felt, “they have something I don’t. they know something I don’t, and what they know is true, and I want to be a part of that. I want to know what they know.” I still have the clearest image in my head of that mass when the priest raised the Eucharist above his head for consecration. come to think of it, the consecration is really where that overwhelming longing happened.
I think that was my real moment of conversion, before I knew much theology at all. I attended RCIA and youth group after that, and I read books far ahead of what we were covering in either. The whole time, my heart was already converted. I didn’t grapple with any of the topics like my parents did, I just listened and learned as much as I could. My sister was my sponsor. And on November 1st of 2020, my mom and I were confirmed together!
My dad joined RCIA a few months after we did, and he was confirmed in January of 2021 :)
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paula-of-christ · 3 years
What’s your opinion on Saint Sergius and Bacchus being used to justify homosexuality in the Catholic faith?
I'm so glad I have never seen this argument before, and no, I don't really want to. But any argument for homosexuality in the Catholic faith comes from a place of desolation and heartache, and must be treated with the utmost care and mercy and grace.
After doing a quick Catholic Encyclopedia search on them, it's clear to me that the argument one would make was because Saint Sergius was the primer solider, and Bacchus like his foot solider. Of course, being like a servant, we know that even the servants of the house were converted when the family converted. Therefore it also makes sense for them to love one another "as Christ has loved you," as St. Paul rights.
Often, in the Scriptures and especially the Letters of Paul, it talks about love and many different kinds of love. Christ asks Peter three times if he loves Him, using a different kind of love each time, but when Christ uses the most intimate, the sacrificial love, Peter responds by saying "of course I love you like a brother."
Love, in the most intimate way, the kind of love we think is only for our spouse, is integral to the Church and the Christian life. We do not show this love the same way to everyone, but it is the same type of love, that of being willing to give ourselves up no matter the cost to ourselves. Today, we consider that romantic and assign to it that it can only be between two lovers, but it is also the duty that Christ assigned to priests to love the Body of Christ, and by extension of our baptism, us to each other.
Now, in Roman society at the time, still around 200 years before the official fall of the Roman Empire, it's definitely possible that St. Sergius and St. Bacchus could have had a relationship, being as they were together and he was Sergius' foot soilder, that represents a homosexual relationship. However, they are not saints because of this nature of their relationship, if this was the state of their relations, but in spite of. We believe, that despite whatever shortcomings they had in life, whether it was the possibility of a homosexual relationship, or maybe they were gamblers, or what ever other sin you want to assign to them, they willingly endured torture and death for Christ. And, through a martyr's death, they were washed in the blood of Christ and sanctified by Him, to go to Him in Heaven.
So, unless you plan on dying a martyr's death, I wouldn't use these saints as a reason why one can be in a homosexual relationship. It is not even a confirmed relationship, but allegory and projection.
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Is it just me or is the catholic vs protestant thing in this series like Balkan racism with how much they have a hard on for hating each other? As a polytheist it just confuses TF out of me how they just go, "Yeah we believe in the same God but uhhh... I want their lunch money." so someone pls explain.
Well it has a long history.
In theory: Yes, yes they do believe in the same god.
It's basically the way they practice their religion that separates them - or more what separated them, since - as you probably know - this separation only happened around 500 years ago - thanks to Martin Luther.
I could go into details that probably lead too far...
So I am giving you a few basics.
Maybe you have heard of:
"Solus Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, sola scriptura"
It's something Luther coined for Protestantism.
solus Christus: "Jesus Christ alone"
sola gratia: "Alone through mercy"- meaning the humans get God's mercy without doing anything and they are justified
sola fide: "Alone through the faith" - The salvations comes to the people if they accept Jesus Christus
sola scriptura: "Alone through the Holy Script" - The bible is the source of the faith, the knowledge of God and the scale of how a Protestant has to act.
In theory everyone could preach.
But the Catholics don't see it that way. You need priests who tell you what the words in the bible mean, to interpret it for you.
Also priest cant get married and are only men.
While the protestants believe that the bible itself is all you need, the only source of the word of god, the Catholics believe that tradition too is very important.
Those traditions contains things you don't find in the bible: Praying to Saints and Mary, the purgatory etc.
The Protestants reject praying to the Saints and Mary because they believe only Christus and God should be prayed to.
Then there is the Pope.
The Catholics believe that he is the "Vikar Christi", Jesus and Gods representative on earth and he has the ability of "ex cathedra" - his word is supposed to be infallible and definite for all Catholics.
The Protestants believe that no human is infallible and Jesus alone is and should be the head of the church.
Then there is the way the faithful people get salvation.
Protestants believe that humans are already saved and justified if they only believe, because Christus is so kind and he already died once for the sins on the cross.
The Catholics believe that there's more to it: They have to earn it. Like this they need to participate in the Seven Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders).
[I might add more here, when I find the time.]
From what I know those conflicts are even more extreme in England and I am not too familiar with them, so maybe somebody can help us out here.
And of course you are free to correct me/make/send me your additions.
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berylkelsey3-blog · 7 years
Don't Touch A Factor '" The Honest truth.
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paula-of-christ · 2 years
[Note from Paula: I don't feel like commenting on this other than to respond to the TLDR; just because the laity believe it to be Christian, doesn't make it a Christian practice. What matters is what the AUTHORITIES of the Church say. So no, the authorities of the faith and the magisterium of the Church and the big T traditions of the Church, have not co-opted pagan practices. The rest of this post is submitted by another user.]
This kinda became, longer than i intended so I'm not doing it via anon messages.
I'm not surprised you didn't find anything about St. Gregorjevo. Because it's Sveti Gregor. (If you google it, you are most likelly to find settlements named after the saint.) The "jevo" is like "'s" so calling it Gregorjevo is like calling it George's.
Citing sources will be, difficult since they are all in slovene and I do not recall any translations in english? For example there is "Praznično leto Slovencev" by Niko Kuret  you could search for "The Festive year of Slovenes" as a potential english title for it, which covers all folk traditions that take place in slovenia, their origins and meaning.
It HAS been a very long time since I read it(i should really buy it at some point) and I don't recall the other books I was reading at a similar time.
Also I wish to preface this that I am not writing to you with any ill intent. I myself had a catholic upbringing, but after my confirmation it seemed like the world did not want me to attend sunday mass and the extra faith classes we had in the year after our conformation. My current religious stance is ???. I'm not pagan, even if i wished to be pagan, the religion of my ancestors is..., unlike ancient greek, roman or norse religions, there's no concrete facts about it, only religious items, traditions and practices. I believe in a higher force/power/being, but I do not have the confidence to put a name to it, as I am a mere human, and I am weak and uncertain. I do have an interest in theology, it is the one big thing that stayed with me from faith class. And at the minimum I have to be educated in it if I wish to have a good understanding of art history, as many great arts WERE made as commissions by the catholic church, or pious rich folk (nobles, merchants etc.)
And above all, I have read your blog. And you seem like a really likable person. You feel good natured and I honestly wish you happiness and that you will be joyful once you enter the cloister and are able to be closer to God and your worship of him. <3
Now to talk more about Gregorjevo, It is mostly associated with him thanks to, well,  it taking place on his name day.
I am not sure if name days  are still an important thing in America? Or if they ever were... Funfact, in Slovenia birthdays didn't used to be celebrated on your, day of birth, but on your name day. The tradition still presists, by people wishing you well when its your name day.
Back to Gregorjevo, since saint names tend to be slovenized in slovene. It's probably named after Saint Gregory the Great. I think. St. George is usually slovenized as Sveti Jurij. (More on St. George later)
On Gregorjevo there are quite a few, traditions to be done so to say.  But they arent done all over slovenia, because again it's folk traditions, small things. One such thing is letting candles float down rivers. Iirc, from slavic paganism, it is the start of spring and a ritual to the gods sending wishes for the new year.  (Another spring related tradition is pust, but its more of a pre-spring, scare away winter type of thing)
How is that connected to St. George the Great? Ummm. Theres a legend that he came to his parents in a glowing boat.
No literally. Thats what the priests say. Its a story I recall being said whenever it was the saints name day in morning mass. I can't find, anything, that implies that that happened to the real St. Gregory, maybe it happened to some other saint Gregor and its just a mix up because of the same name? The candles that go down rivers in some areas are inside small church building boats, again to paint it christian.
Then there is Jurjevanje that happens on Jurjevo. Jurjevo again takes place on spring. St. Georges day. It's an important day, especially for herders  since snakes arounf this time are supposed to wake up and come out from the underground. St. George who is known to have killed a dragon, was then believed to come out again on this day to kill the snakes. (dragon/snakes, etymologically the same thing in slavic languages, or atleast the same root word, zmaj, dragon, zmija, snake). So whats Jurjevanje? Its when a young boy dresses up as Zeleni Jurij (Green George), all dressed in green  he would then go around the village to stick saplings or the like at doors, to bring good luck, to ward off the snakes. Zeleni Jurij is supposed to be an aspect of Svet Jurij. Kind of how Marija zavetnica (s plaščem) (Mary the protector (with a cape)), is an aspect of Mary, specifically the part of her that protects worshipers. Depicted usually with a cape that she opens up and covers ovef the worshipers. But its also very likely that Zeleni Jurij is, Yarilo, (I should have mentioned that j is pronounced like y earlier than this) a slavic god of spring time, especially since he doesn't show up anywhere else.
It is really just local traditions that get this overpaint of Christianity, and since they are so local and small, and rural people aren't that important, there's not really much talk about them outside of their regions.  If you ask any grandma who regularly goes to church, she will call them christian. And so will the priests, they won't call them traditions that are practiced everywhere.  Its like how coloured eggs are prepared differently for Easter in different regions, they are all Christian but a different local tradition. Scholars on the other hand will figure out and look where something might have come from, why do these people do these things, and others do not.
This is getting kind of long and I'm sorry about that. But this topic has really sparked up my curiosity and I will need to do some research again. I also wrote this fully on my train ride home, so I couldn't really double check anything and had to rely on my memory. So I also apologise if there are any grammatical mistakes or if I on accident do not make sense.
Hopefully our villages priest might have some time this weekend, because now I wish to ask him about some of these things. If he doesn't then I will have to remember to ask him on Easter since he always managed to visit my Godfather then.
Thank you for reading this and I hope that you'll have a lovely weekend and have a pleasant All Saints' day.
Tl;dr: its local festivies, ask a priest or grandma and they'll call it and believe it christian even if the vatican doesn't practice it.
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