#also my bf simultaneously got me into yugioh again (the show) and for the first time (the tcg) so blame him for my absence
kadoodles-on-ao3 · 11 months
Quick Update: I've been busy with many things good and bad, but I've been working on updating the Xenoblade articles on The Cutting Room Floor with my findings! :)
So far I've done the main party members' unused battle lines, found a tonnn of unused cutscene lines, and added some bugs (everything from the Riki Gem Crafting section on!)
All that's left is to do the temporary party members' and the bosses' lines! I'll probably end up giving the bosses their own subpage... if I'm allowed to do that lol
I've also edited all the playable characters' dialogue articles as well as added info on the bosses' lines to their respective individual pages over on the Xenoseries wiki! :) Too many pages to link here so I'll give you Shulk's and then you can find the rest by searching!
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