#also im doing a lineup like this for my romans i just need to be in a mood for drawing humans only raaahg
nerocoin · 1 month
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this is enough characters for one lineup im NOT working on this one longer theres no way. one day there might be a part 2
click on the image for highier quality please! this took hours separated fullbodies and additional thoughts under cut
my commission prices can be found in my pinned :]
i simplified many things here but the most important to me is slimer's color palette because drawing this made me realise he has 3 separate yellows that are almost the same . how did this even happen and why was i still following this scheme ????? i havent drawn both cecil and v2 in over a year i think it was nice to see them again theres more info about them on my artfight but i still have to revise some stuff for this year i dont really remember what i wrote there .
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29 notes · View notes
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READING FROM THE NEW MOON (JULY 20-24TH -- AUGUST 8TH= “LIONSGATE”, & what’s coming in re: our World during this time, & what to prepare for:
• Picture #1): (above)
••“Hilly & Milly” help me with this Tarot reading today!  Hilly the Faerie & Millicent the Mouse Puppet, are over-seeing this next week ahead, since we need our friends, no matter how big or small, to get us through... the  lineup looks very interesting!••
• Picture #2), below: (The Celtic Cross)= by a new deck I got as a lovely gift! It is the “Enchanted Tarot deck” by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber. LOVE the pics in this deck!
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• This reading covers from the beg. of the last New Moon (July 20th-July 24th) - August 8th (aka “Lionsgate”):  I will explain each section, but first here’s the next 4 cards of the future lineup:
• Picture #3), below:  (future lineup)=
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•  Now, the reason why this time is so important, it’s right after the alignment of many planets that just occurred, (also: at the same time as the Neowise Comet); & the last time these planetary alignments happened, it was similar in nature to what occurred with past pandemics in history, over the Centuries!
••• MOST IMPORTANT planetary similarity is: •••
A) Jupiter & Pluto were in a conjunction pattern with each other= what this means is, Jupiter, & Pluto are side by side very close to each other in the sky for a period of time. There are 3 times that this same pattern have & will continue to occur in this year of 2020, always in the sign of Capricorn:  1) April 4th (4/4); 2) June 30th; & lastly 3) Nov. 12th.
B)  & Saturn, & Pluto also have been in conjunction= They have been traveling in close proximity all year. It began on Jan. 12th that Saturn-Pluto went into conjunction, (when Covid was first introduced into the U.S.) & then in April, (when the first major spike of Covid happened), it just moved into the sign of Capricorn= which represents, Government, structures & the economy, so this alliance of planets, is already revealing its “footprint”.
•• JUPITER-PLUTO CONJUNCTION explained, re: why clashes in our life have occurred & any other times in History, when these 2 planets have been in this pattern in the sky:
• The reason this is important if we compare to what has occurred in history is:  EVERY pandemic that has occurred in History has had this planetary alignment happening at the same time:
• JUPITER represents global connections, & expands everything it touches. In Roman mythology, Jupiter (Zeus to the ancient Greeks) is the god of all gods -- the ruler of the sky & thunder!   VS.
• PLUTO: In mythology, Pluto (or Hades to the Greeks), was the god of the underworld. Astrological lore contends that Pluto rules all things hidden-- from viruses to government conspiracies. This shadowy sign governs death, rebirth, & transformation that “rises form the ashes.”  SO...
• During a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (meetup), heaven & hell essentially come together... (& these conjunctions occur every 13 years.) What history has shown us during past astrological cycles, when Jupiter & Pluto were side-by-side as a pandemic broke out:
• 1) 1918 Flu Pandemic (The Spanish Flu) : Jupiter & Pluto in the sign of Cancer. The 1st of 2 pandemics caused by the H1N1 influenza virus.
• 2) The 2nd H1N1 influenza virus pandemic: Swine Flu (2009) Jupiter & Pluto were in Capricorn, when it first broke out.
• 3) 1981 HIV Outbreak- Jupiter & Pluto were in the sign of Libra, the sign that rules relationships, & in 1994, when it occurred again, it was in the sign of Scorpio, which is the sign that represents the sexual organs, when the antibody test for HIV first came out, & AIDS was the leading cause of death for adults 25-44 yrs. old.
• 4) Russian Plague of 1771: (the Bubonic Plague) Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn:  in Moscow, when first reported, officials were first skeptical & dismissive, & national gov’t was slow to respond, but waited to long to act, & in the end, 100,000 lives were lost in Moscow.
• 5) The Black Death of 14th Century Europe: Jupiter & Pluto were in Aries. 50 million people across Europe perished, since this original Bubonic plague was orig. transmitted through rats, & the fleas that bit the rats, gave it to humans, when they in turn bit the humans.
•• NOTE: Re: this pandemic, it was the year of 1346, Jupiter pivoted between Aquarius & Pisces, as it will again in 2021. Aquarius rules large populations, & Pisces is associated w hospitals & illness. The crucial error that caused the Bubonic plague to spread - like most pandemics- was a slow response or recognition time. The faster we address an outbreak, the better we’ll be able to contain it.••
•• IMP. TO NOTE: For context, it takes Pluto ~247 yrs. to return to each astrology sign. Pluto was last in Capricorn when the United States was founded. It returned here in 2008, & will move to the next sign in 2024.  This has been a time that’s brought massive Plutonian transformation & shakeups to Capricorn-ruled areas of Government & economy.
•• SO, the added weight of Saturn also being in conjunct with Pluto at this same time, is like activating a dormant volcano. As Saturn will return to Aquarius from Dec. 17th- March 2023, we’ll have to be careful (as a society) so there’s not more spikes, esp. during this period of time...
•• JUST thought some of this was important to post about in the midst of this Tarot reading, because some of the symbolism in this reading has to do with what’s directly going on in our world right now...  & has some of these similar sounding themes...
•• The Lions Gate is:  “Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.“ -  & this year it is supposed to be a very strong energy that has a positive effect on us, during the astrological time of Leo (The Lion), which we have just crossed into on the 23rd of June...
• Here’s a website to read more about this, (just for the definition, not what they are then selling in the last paragraphs, ok?)  ... but they give a good lead in re: the history, & how & when this all began:  https://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/the-888-lions-gate-activation/
•• SO, ONTO THE READING: ... I asked the question, what are we to expect: what energies or experiences will we (as a human collective) be experiencing from the time period of the last New Moon (in Cancer) on June 20th, until Aug. 8th, the date of the “Lions Gate”?:
Picture #4, below:  (=Energy of Us All:) = Ace of Hearts (Cups)
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•  Our 1st card: is the card representing the energy of us all (as a human collective), & the strongest energetic pull of the reading= The Ace of Hearts (Cups):
• Usually this placement, speaks of what’s on the mind of the person you’re doing the reading for, & also their energy around them, or representing them in this moment. The Ace of Hearts here, I believe, reps everyone’s opening up to an awareness of what do they really WANT or DESIRE (LOVE to do) in this lifetime that would be their ultimate dream, or make them happy.  =
• Whatever that is for you, the Ace of Hearts, (or Ace of Cups in other decks), speaks of: that we are just leaving the time of Water (Cancer), & the Ace=a period of One (=Ace & for the past mo. at least) w/ us all focusing on our inner desires, or thinking about “What do we want out of life?, now that this pandemic is here, & I am stationary, and not distracted away from my true purpose here on Earth?”... It also can represent a great love coming into (or is in) your life!
• Picture #5, below: (Present Environment):  9 of Hearts (Cups):
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• Our 2nd Card: is the card representing the Present Environment, around us. Here, the 9 of Hearts (Cups) wanted to come out. Taking the theme of “What do we love” further, the 9 of Hearts (Cups) can also stand for our wish fulfillment. Right now, a lot of focus is being put on this question. If there is also a partner in your life, the focus may also be on being IN the energy of, or the company of what you love to do, or also can be WHO you love.
• I actually feel this period will take us through the Summer, ( a period of 9 wks), & into the beg. of Sept. Also, the Ace of Hearts (or Cups) stands for the season of Summer. So, the focus feels like it’s going to be on this throughout the Summer, into Sept.
• Picture #6, below:  (Crossing Immed. Our Path):  Queen of Pentacles=
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• Our 3rd Card: is the card representing the energy that will be Immed. Crossing our Path:  Here, the Queen of Pentacles, came out. First of all, it’s important when you are using a deck you have just gotten (a deck you have not used before, & don’t know the symbolism, let’s say), you are not familiar with the way the cards are drawn for each card. ie) In this deck, it almost feels like there’s a “Wheel of Fortune” (Higher Life lesson card) on her head, as part of her hat= which is interesting...  since the “Wheel” usually refers to the Wheel of Life, & where we all are at on it... here, it seems we’re continuing to question this...
• First of all, the Pentacles as a suit, rep. the time of Earth, and the next time that starts a time of Earth, is in the astrological time of Virgo (Aug. 23rd - Sept 22nd).  So, this person, place or thing, coming across our paths, feels like it will occur during this time.  In this situation, since I asked for the human collective my orig. question, I feel this reps Earth (Mother Earth). But just to see, I clarified this with another card... (see below):
• Picture #7, below:  (Crossing Immed. Our Path, Clarified):  Strength (Higher Life lesson) card=
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• Our 3rd Card: is the card representing the energy that will be Immed. Crossing our Path, & the Clarified card=Strength card:  The Strength card is one of the cards that reps the astrological sign of Leo (July 23rd - Aug. 22nd) in the deck. Besides being a marker confirming what time we’re speaking about, Strength is actually a Higher Life lesson card that asks us to “tame” the beast=the Lion, which reps. our lower instinctual nature vs. staying true to our Higher selves, & higher purposes, during this time. We’re also asked to overcome any lower behavior, or to strive to work on these challenges we all have, esp. during these times of major change happening around us.
• Picture #8, (below):
• Here, the beginning 3 cards (so far) always lay in this formation, in a Celtic Cross:
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• Picture #9, see below:  (Our Goals):  The Tower (Higher Life lesson card):
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• Our 4th Card: is the card representing the energy of Our Goals (the card at the top of the Celtic Cross)= what we are needing to do, or what we want to do:  Here, to get the Tower card, in this position, feels like what we all are wanting to do= to keep pushing through this incredibly unexpected, & hard time of “not-knowingness” of tumultuous change, no matter what. The time of The Tower (which is a Higher Life lesson) shows us things that are unexpected, & at times situations where we are tested. The key message is: to hang in there, and continue moving through this time of grey, & the unknown. - We will get through it, even though it doesn’t look like that at ALL right now...
• Picture #10, below:  (Difficulties in the Past):  7 wands=
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• Our 5th Card: is the card representing the energy of Difficulties in the Past (the card underneath the Celtic Cross)= what energy or who may have affected you along your way (many yrs. ago in the past)=
• NOTE: By the time the card that lands here hits this placement, it usually is showing us how far we have come w the issue at hand vs. where we were at in comparison a very long time ago. ie) In this instance, because this is a human collective reading & not a personal reading, I feel this period of 7 correlates to when this pandemic orig. came into our lives= 7 months ago...
• This card usually reps being defensive /possibly fighting off, or fighting for a person, thing or situation even. Here, it shows a person, (Us as a people) taking a stand for what we believe in, during these tough times, & standing up against obstacles, &/or challenges (the 7 of wands are sticking up at him). = these can be w/ regards to many things: each wand is a separate issue: ie) Keeping healthy during Covid; Political protests supporting Black Lives Matter; Dealing w a Gov’t that didn’t & isn’t helping the pandemic by denying its’ existence; Loss of our jobs; etc.
• A personal visual I found interesting that’s in the drawing of this card, in this particular deck (my opinion)= He is a warrior that is fighting through it all, & even has a shield to protect himself with= showing he’s def. ready for the fight ahead! This is showing hope for continuing to move forward.
• Picture #11, below:  (Last of the Present):  Queen of Hearts (Cups)=
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• Our 6th Card: is the card representing the Last of the Present / = (the card on the Left of the Celtic Cross)= What Just Occurred rt. before the reading:  Here, this Queen reps the time of Water (just like the Ace & 9 of Hearts/Cups, because she is of the Cups suit); & she correlates to the recent past, & to the time of Cancer. (which just ended.)
• This feels like for many people it became very clear, that we all may have to think differently about what else (other abilities we may have), or we can do to make a living; but the key thing was to think of something we ENJOY/LOVE also doing! (not just doing anything...)
• So, my personal belief is it started this way, thinking with regards to work, & this forced us to look at what was/is it that makes us happy? If you already ARE living your dream, this is fabulous!- but then you were being asked “How can you continue to do what you do, make a living still, & have an impact on others, during this challenging time?” =
•=This is what the Queen of Hearts (Cups) asks of us...  Because it’s asking questions of the human collective & of Earth, we as a human collective, are showing up as a Queen here, with these concerns/thoughts. The gender doesn’t matter here, being the female (Queen vs. this being a King) since it really isn’t about gender per se in Tarot, it’s more the energy behind the feeling. Because it’s a bit more receptive energy,  it’s showing up as a female, & as this Queen.
• Picture #12, below:  (First of the Future):  7 Pents=
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• Our 7th Card: is the card representing the First of the Future = (the card on the Right of the Celtic Cross)= What Will Occur rt. after the reading:
Here, the 7 of Pents, I feel, reps. a period of 7 days, (since it’s an immediate period of time), & for the week ahead. The 7 of Pents asks us to pause and look back at the last period of time we are coming from, & if we have made progress. It’s a time of self-assessment, if you will. It also is a time to re-think before moving forward. The number 7 is also a reflective, going-within time, & it will set us up for the beginning of August. (literally ~Aug. 1st).
• Picture #13, below:  (Future Environment):  The Sun (Higher Life lesson card)=
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• Our 8th Card: is the card representing the Future Environment=
• Here, this is the 2nd card in the Tarot deck that reps the astrological sign of Leo- (July 23rd - Aug. 22nd) So, it is re-stating, that this future environment time period will be occurring RIGHT as it turns into August 2020. 
• Also, The Sun (as a Higher Life lesson) is one that stands for several things:
• 1) Things that may have been hidden, will now come into light (or are exposed); • 2) partnerships of all kinds become more significant (business & in the area of love), • 3) It also finds you more clear & in control, & able to direct your mental energy. You’re able to develop great sensitivity towards all form of life & expand your awareness.
••NOTE: With regards to world issues: I feel there def. will be some significant reveals or information that is finally exposed (re: our Gov’t right now) that will be happening esp. during this time. ••
• Picture #14, below:  (Influences from the Outside):  The World (#21) (Higher Life lesson)=
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• Our 9th Card: is the card representing the Influences from the Outside=
• Here, it’s interesting the imagery in this deck!! She almost looks like she’s running FROM the world, or holding it back!.. OK, so on an instantaneous level, I am feeling like mostly this card has to deal w the real-life issue of being in a World health crisis, obviously. 
• I also find it interesting that the building in the background, looks like our monuments in Washington, that stand for our Liberty & Justice! (the Courthouse too...)
• But “The World” is also a Higher Life lesson card & reps. the ending of one cycle, to make way for a new one. Even though this is the imagery on this particular deck, The World card usually speaks about everything is moving according to an intended arrangement. “Your destiny unfolds at its proper pace as you constantly move towards the goals of your lifetime.”
• Also, w this slow & steady movement, the cosmos gives us time in which to actualize our  destinies.
•• BECAUSE THIS WAS BRINGING IN WORLD ISSUES (showing this “World” card specifically), I clarified this placement with 3 cards, to hear more of the story:
• Picture #15, below:  (Influences form the Outside Clarified):  1) Two of Swords;  2) 5 of Swords; 3) Judgement (Higher Life lesson)=
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• Let’s take each one separately: 1) Two of Swords= If you look at the image on this card, the first thing that hit me was, the upside down “V” shape and 2 pillars (that rep the Swords on this particular drawing of this card), made me think of NASA’s symbol, & I looked up when they were to launch their mission to Mars. Also, the feather that is being held by the woman in the middle of the picture, looks like a fish, & I looked up the timeline of when they are to land on Mars, & it correlated to the EXACT date that Pisces begins, Feb. 18- Feb. 19th, 2021! 
• So why is this important you ask?= Because w/ regards to this card, we are clarifying what Outer Influences w/ the World are we going to be dealing w/ in the future... (Even though I asked only for the 1-2 weeks ahead, sometimes Tarot gives you larger-than-life messages, here, about the human collective, & you have to be open to it...)
• So, first, in my opinion from this, it feels like the NASA Mars mission will reveal info. that will affect our World here on Earth, & I kind of feel, we may also find out hidden info. or plans re: the current Gov’t’s plans for possible space warfare.  I think this is only related to our present Gov’t & hopefully, if this is exposed as a truth during this time, hopefully a new person will be in the White House, & we can avoid anything as a country that would’ve been potentially dangerous.
•• CONT’D:
•• Down to the nuts & bolts:  Because all Higher Life lesson cards don’t normally have a time period attached to them, when you see more than 1 of them in a reading, it’s understood they all are happening usually at the same time.                                                                     
• So, in between these 2 Higher Life lesson cards: The World (#21), & Judgement (#20)= there is a message that we as a human collective, are being judged, re: how we handle this crisis, how we treat each other as people during this time, etc.-  & the a) 2 of Swords has to do w/ a decision of sorts that will be made, or 2 sides are being seen, that may be in conflict- this feels like our Gov’t vs. the protests..  I feel this will correlate to 2 months from now= Beg. of October. 
• b) The 2 of swords clarifying the World, & then the 5 of swords we clarified further= 5 swords= deals with conflicts; where the actual meaning involves a battle where there are definite aggressors, who do not listen to any possibilities, & discord exists. ie) Again, a threatened Gov’t (President) will not listen to reason, & in doing so, jeopardizes the whole health & safety of the United States.  His behavior seems like ti will continue.
•• c) NOTE:  Because the 2 of swords is clarifying a Higher Life lesson card (”The World”), & the message is the strongest towards the next card chronologically after “The World” card, this feels like the timeline the cards are trying to say to focus on first. (2 months after Leo/ August)..
• 2) Five of Swords=
• If you check out the 5 swords in this deck, it almost looks like each sword is a lightening rod. I feel around this timeline, we will be having issues with our weather, & major storms from tornadoes, (where because of instabilities caused by natural disasters, it is seeming like we may have another Covid spike due to major weather changes. 
•• a)  So, the 5 wks (represented in the 5 swords card) after the 2 months= feels like this is the full timeline expressed here= these conflicts will fully take us to the time period of beg. to mid-  November.  As a side-note, it feels like conflicts also w the election will be taking place at the same time.. (& another reason for a spike re: our health crisis.)
• 3) Judgement (#20) -Higher Life lesson card=
• If you look at this card, Archangel Michael here is taking on the battle, & hopefully will help the people (=the hand in this image): Usually, in other decks it is Archangel Gabriel that is blowing a wake-up horn, with a Red Cross symbol on a flag, saying we will be awakened from the state of affairs, & receive help. Here, regardless of which Archangel the artist meant for us to see, this Angel is helping the people in the water to have a spiritual awakening too.
• a) Because all of these cards are showing up, it feels like it is referring to more battles that will be coming/ happening in our society as we know it, to the point that Judgement, (or the Archangels Michael & Gabriel) metaphorically are called in, to correct the situation back to balance.
•• NOTE: Everything represented by Judgement, spoken about here, definitely needs to be replaced by harmony & teamwork in the future.
• Picture #16, below:  (Hopes & Fears) Princess of Swords (Page of Swords)=
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• Our 10th Card: is the card representing our Hopes & Fears=
• Here, the Princess of Swords (Page of Swords in other decks), reps. a time of researching & checking facts on information being put out there; also this reps. watching the behavior of another person in a calculated manner.
•• (ie) Because Swords rep. Air, & the next Air sign coming up is Libra (Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd), this feels like we, as a country, and a people, may start to challenge the Gov’t further starting during this timeline, into the next season. (Fall into Winter.)
• Picture #17, below:  (The Outcome card) The Eight of Pents=
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• Our 11th Card: is the card representing The Outcome=
• Here, the Outcome card is the 8 of Pents: This as an Outcome card speaks of two different layers or timelines. Originally, I asked what was coming in (situations, in our world, our health, livelihood, etc.) from June 20th - August 8th, so on One Level, this card reps 1 week after the Leo card (7 of Pents, turns into the 8 of Pents), & this = August 8th.
• In the immediate future of this first timeline, I feel we will continue to focus on what we as a people can do to work together, create new work opportunities, and help each other with common goals, & causes that we’re all interested in.
• On the Second Level, if we follow the Higher Life lesson timeline, after the World & Judgement cards, it looks like this period of 8 is another 8 weeks, on top of the last date we stated, mid- November. So, 2 months after that, will take us to January, & my sense from this card, I am hoping from the feel of what this card usually stands for, we will have a different person in the White House.
• It may take some effort to move him out of there, but this card is ALL ABOUT placing other people alongside of yourself and working towards a common goal, & honestly, that’s not what’s going on w/ the person running our Gov’t right now... so I am hoping my prediction here is correct!
NOTE: I clarified the Outcome Card, and got some more detailed info. I also Clarified the card underneath the deck, (usually known as the Overall Energy of the reading), but I will be revealing those extra cards in the next post!
• Know this was Long, but I so appreciate you checking it all out if this is something either you are interested in learning or just to see what may be occurring in the near future, & why!!
•• I am very grateful for you stopping by!!••  :-)!!!
0 notes
beangods · 4 years
18 21 22
18. Rant about your favorite musician
okay i have a lot of favorites abd i dont actually know anytging about them as people, but here's one i actually have opinions on: goldfinger is good, and they influenced a lot of pop punk from the 90s onward---hell, the frontman went on to be the producer of fucking blink-182, so i really don't like when people hold them up as just "cringey ska lololol" third-wave ska was a genuinely cool moment, and if you think goldfinger is stupid or sounds lame, you need to sit back and take a good long look at what you listen to and how it was (quite possibly!) influenced by them. tldr i fucking love ska as a genre and i think goldfinger is good even though people disrespect them. also i would not be able to recognize the goldfinger dudes if you pointed them out to me---im here for music and music only.
21. What's a conspiracy you believe in?
i don't actually know of any conspiracy theories that i personally believe in. i probably could google around to find one that makes sense, but most of the ones i know about . . . don't. and/or very clearly rely on antisemitism or something similar to push their point. one kinda fringe theory that i do like is that english grammar was influenced to a significant degree by the celtic peoples who had been living in britain prior to, throughout, and after the roman occupation. i don't think it would be a stretch to say that language contact happened between these celts and the anglo-saxons, and that said language contact could account for why english grammar is so different from that of other germanic languages, despite the norse invasions and the occupation by the norman french (which definitely gave us a lot of words and consonant clusters, but doesn't account for the frequent use of auxiliary verbs and english's "meaningless do"). it's not the most interesting tinfoil hat, and it's not even that much of a conspiracy, but to my knowledge not many linguists lend this credence.
22. If you could attend any concert tonight, what would you choose?
ok idk who's touring where or what but my ideal lineup would be silversun pickups, grouplove, and crywolf. anything else, up to and including goldfinger, is a bonus. if i could break it up into multiple concerts, the next lineup i would want to see is (obviously) metric, pansy division, and goldfinger. would any of these parties ever tour with each other? idk probably not, but this is MY ideal concert and *i* get to pick the lineup. why just three bands per night? bc i only have so much energy and have never been to a proper concert before, unless you count the time small pools played at my campus for the start of the semester or whatever the occasion was
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