#also if the doctor regenerates does that inspire some new time tot times???
oogaboogasoup · 8 months
Something that's been on my mind, which affects only a very niche group of Doctor Who fans (us Doctor Rose shippers who reject the majority of canon that is) is despite there being some dozen or so major stories rewriting various seasons of DW to include Rose, most of them conveniently write out the possibly of them having children???
Now, to make things clear here I'm not about to suggest a repopulate the Earth Gallifrey type story but I think it's strange how many people seem to just reject the Doctor and Rose having kids??
I feel like there's plenty of reason to think these are characters that would eventually want some children
Of course the main reason I'm sure a lot of people don't go this route with their various Rose stays around/Rose is somewhat immortal or altered by Bad Wolf story is just because if you're rewriting canon it becomes way harder to stick to that if you have a bunch of extra tiny people to factor into things
As a coward myself I'm not sure how you would actually manage to rewrite the show like that without inadvertently benching Rose or having the kid(s) locked away in the TARDIS for the majority of the story
Anyway that's all just to say I think there's a lack of the Doctor and Rose bouncing around time and space with a bunch of little kids in the universe despite the Doctor being pretty regularly shown as being good around kids and there's really only one instance of 20 year old Rose making a couple comments about kids being annoying to support the whole "they wouldn't want kids argument"
Just imagine the longstanding storyline of the Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS with a big happy family over the span of a few centuries, I've only seen one big story play with this kind of storyline and I just think there should be more brave souls tackling this kind of story
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