#also if im missing any daigo stories that have translations please lemme know tyty
You know your art of Daigo makes me want to get into Yakuza, but I have no way of playing the games and no time to watch walkthroughs ☹️ maybe I’ll just research Daigo and get a the basic summaries from the wiki like I did with snake and Metal gear. Btw I’m not that Daigo Anon from a few days ago. But seriously your art of Daigo is so gorge it hurts it makes me sad he don’t look like your art in games 💙🌙
feels bad man that you cant play the games or watch a playthrough, but if you're only interested in daigo then you don't have too much to worry about in terms of missing out: at max he's only in the series for about six or so hours over the span of 10 games (two being spin offs) that average at about 20-40 hours of gameplay each installment
i DID have a daigo compilation of all his scenes in the games but i didn't save it right and lost the file, so as much as i'd like to have been able to drop that on you to watch over time I Cannot :(
if you have time to read though, i have some RGGO (Ryu Ga Gotoku Online) stories for you that center around daigo that i’ll put in the Read More below !
MAJOR and i mean HUGE shoutout to the lovelies who took the time and energy to translate these stories (RGGO is a japanese-exclusive mobile game, so it's a huge labor of love these chaps have done and i cannot thank them enough for it)
NOTE: while most of the stories obviouslly contain minor spoilers, one story contains a MAJOR spoiler that i've labeled as such since it's a key element of the game's ending. i recommend you find out yourself through playing the game or watching a playthrough, but if you don't care about spoilers read on
The Trials of Daigo Dojima (Pre-Yakuza 2, 2001) translated by Dojima Dragon's Girl
Daigo (2006) (Yakuza 2, Dec. 2006) translated by @|cryingcow
A Man's Promise (Post-Yakuza 2, Dec. 2006~Early-Jan. 2007) translated by @|maddogofshimano
Character Story - Daigo (Post-Yakuza 2, Pre-Yakuza 3. Jan. 2007) translated by @|cryingcow
i'll also include RGGO stories involving yoshitaka mine and yayoi dojima since daigo features in them as well and can help give an idea of what his character was/is like
Character Story - Yayoi (Yakuza 2, Dec. 2006) translated by @|cryingcow
The Man Called Yoshitaka Mine (Pre-Yakuza 3, 2007~2009) translated by @|skelabra
Character Story - Mine (Pre-Yakuza 3, 2007~2009) translated by @|cryingcow
Mine and Daigo - Kirin's Dream (Yakuza 3 + Yakuza 3 Epilogue, Mar. 2009) (Contains MAJOR spoilers for Yakuza 3's ending) translated by @|cryingcow
have fun readin !
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