#also i def didnt mean to draw their heads that close together whoops
flames-tstuff · 1 year
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Your cortisol levels are higher than normal. You appear to be: distressed. 'Play' is an important part of adolescent development.
"H-hey, wait—Bahaymahax!"
Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated. This indicates that you are: happy.
First time I've drawn in a hot minute so I just went for it after I got a burst of inspiration from nowhere
Seriously I usually spend approximately 34689321 days on a drawing, whereas I spent like an hour (or maybe a little more) on this. It was nice to not worry too much and just MAKE something for a change :)
Also I feel the need to shout out—I'm fairly certain @carrie-tate's style was sitting in my brain the entire time I worked on this XD
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