#also handmade meme - go casey
potato-jem · 22 days
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casey being so real
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wiihtigo · 4 months
5, 23, 29, 31 for the Casey ask meme. Also my own question is is casey an introvert or an extrovert? cause they seem to love attention and hate people
ask meme
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
she tries to dress professionally, but her personality ends up bleeding through in things like her cardigan being a little ratty and always sliding off her shoulder (and a blazer or something making more sense for classiness which is what shes supposedly going for) and her skirt being like too short for the fact she doesnt wear tights underneath LOL ... def on the side of aesthetics, she takes a lot of pride in her appearance even though her style isnt like spectacular or anything, she thinks shes rocking it
23. how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
i do have a voice for casey in my head but im so bad at describing things like that... a little high pitched but tired sounding at the same time...a little nasally....grating. they cannot sing, but they dont let that stop them
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
if i had to pick between these, fire? shes intense
31. do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
he would LOVE getting gifts if anyone GAVE HER ANY.... he'd love any old materialistic thing. including gift cards and stuff like that. he'd probably actually think handmade heartfelt gifts were cheaper than straight up just giving cash. he'd probably ask for stuff like expensive clothes or anti aging serums with gold flakes inside. or something he saw on tiktok
casey doesnt give gifts because she is selfish and thoughtless
LOL..SHE LOVES ATTENTION BUT HATES PEOPLE....that really sums her up... thats kinda why she finds the idea of being a movie star so attractive, she wants to be on the other side of the camera where people cant reach out and grab her. she does ok and can be pretty good at socializing with others but she does have a bit of a loners soul, the 'dealing with coworkers/networking/making smalltalk' part of it all is 100% work. she doesnt find much enjoyment in it. all she really wants is to ego search herself and get 100 love tweets and fancams and for interviewers to say shes awesome and inspiring and so on. aaack. im leaning towards introvert. but maybe like... smack dab in the middle of the line. she doesnt get shy or socially anxious at all and she can be outgoing and confrontational ...but yeah like you said she just straight up doesnt like people LOL..so theres my answer
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syethe · 3 years
Some more 2012 Turtles headcanons. More people liked the other way more than I thought they would so here’s another.
•Mikey may seem innocent, but he’s the one on the internet all the time. He can quote vines and memes word for word. *Raph hits him once* “MOTHERTRUCKER DUDE, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!”
•In order of most likely to least likely swear is Casey, Raph, Karai, Mikey, April, Leo, and Donnie.
•Donnie once worked for a week straight, it took all four of his siblings, Casey, April, AND Splinter to get him out of his lab. Leo, with the help of Mikey, then put him on room arrest. There is now a little calendar for Donnie that Mikey handmade so he can’t do that again.
•Leo is such a mom. He will go mother-hen mode on any of his siblings along with April and Casey.
•Mikey invites the Mighty Mutanimals over for weekly sleepovers. Slash and Rockwell are always hesitant while Pete and Leatherhead are the first to arrive. It’s a great way for everyone to relieve stress without anyone getting injured, most of the time.
•No one ever brings up Leo’s weird crush on Karai. If they do, they better prepare to have something thrown at them.
•Leo’s crush on Karai was just mostly him meeting a girl for the first time, and not only a girl, but a badass girl too.
•Mikey would be the first one to 100% date an actual human. Snacks and video games are a good way into someone’s heart.
•The Hamato siblings each have their own favorite shows. Donnie watches documentaries, whether it be true crime, history, or nature. Leo watches anime and cartoons from the 80’s to early 00’s. Mikey watches cartoons, modern and older. He also watches crime and paranormal shows. Raph specifically watches Ghost Adventures and wrestling. Karai watches romantic shows while making fun of them and also watches wrestling.
•Contrary to popular belief, Mikey is rather smart. He just decides not to show it because after the whole thing with Shredder happened, he realized that their family needed someone positive and optimistic to help cope.
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30 Day Character Meme Challenge: Day 4
Day 4:
Favorites and habits:
What are some of your character’s hobbies? Leonardo enjoys reading, playing strategy and puzzle games the most. He also spends time doing calligraphy, water color, and tending what few plants he can get to survive underground. 
What do they do with their time? While free time is something that it would seem Leo has a lot of, what with not having a 9-5 kind of job, he actually doesn’t. He spends hours our patrolling and when he isn’t patrolling a good portion of his day is sectioned off for practice, and exercise. He takes his martial arts quite seriously and does meditate for a few hours each day. So with whats left he usually just tries to relax.
Favorite color? While Leo likes blue, it isn’t his favorite. He is actually partial to greys, though a nice slate blue is a color he is fond of. He also likes black and white.  
Favorite food? Leo’s favorite food is fish, not necessarily sushi, just any kind of fish. Cooked, raw, bakes, seared, basted, fried, it doesn’t matter how it is made he just loves fish. 
Favorite drink? This one is pretty obvious and it is tea. Though trying to get a favorite tea out of him is impossible. He drinks what suits his mood and the time of day, but he just loves tea in general
Hot drinks, soft drinks, or alcohol? Since tea is is favorite he preferes hot drinks. He doesn’t drink that much soda, but he will occasionally imbibe alcohol. More than he used to actually. While Leo doesn’t really set out to get drunk, he does enjoy a nice warm buzz on occasion.
Favorite animal? Most people would expect turtle or rat, but this isn’t the case. Leo is particularly fond of wolves. He finds their behavior fascinating and thinks they are beautiful. There is something wild and free, yet still kind about how they look. Their pack nature reminds him a bit of his own family. 
What is their favorite time of day?  Leo is fond of his early morning routine. While his schedule is opposite of what most people’s is since he is active at night. What is “early” morning for him isn’t what is early for everyone else. Still his favorite time of day is right after he has woken up. It is the most relaxed he usually is all day.
Favorite weather? Leo likes warmth with a nice cool breeze. He prefers warmer temperatures to colder ones, but doesn’t like when it gets too hot and he feels sticky and uncomfortable. A cool breeze helps with that and as much as he rarely gets to enjoy it, he prefers a sunny day. 
Season? Spring, Leo loves spring. Everything is refreshed and renewed. He starts to feel warmth again. The days are getting longer. Spring is just a wonderful time and he does try to get outside when he can. There are certain times of year that he and his brother take off to April’s farm house. She had left it to them. They go there a couple times of year to visit their fathers grave and to just get away from everything. Leo insists they go in spring so he can actually enjoy it. 
What sort of gifts do they like? Leonardo is particular about receiving gifts. He tolerates it from his family, but would feel uncomfortable if an outsider gave him anything. He feels like he should give something in return. However, if it is a gift giving situation, Leo is not materialistic. He prefers heartfelt gifts, handmade things, or something that shows the person is paying attention to his likes and needs. Leo is a huge fan of practical gifts, and doesn’t care if people think its boring. Getting him something he can use, or something he needs is always a winner for him.
Where do they like to spend their time? When he is spending time on himself, Leo tries to be as close to the surface as possible. At least during the warmer seasons. He has a favorite storm drain that is positioned in a place that is out of the way. He has not really seen many humans there. He can sit in the safety of the shadows, and look up at the sky. Day or night he will find time to spend at least a few minutes here if not longer. 
What relaxes them? A great many things relax Leo. Peace and quiet, not being bothered while reading, a good cup of tea, some whiskey in his coffee. Sometimes he can talk Raphael into giving him a therapeutic massage focusing on his shoulders and arms. It is where he tends to carry his tension. Though massage is a loose term, Raph beats the crap out of Leo’s muscles until the tension goes away. It hurts for a few hours, but after that Leo feels much better.
Do they have any bad habits? Yes, everyone does. In the past he had difficulty seeing the value in others opinions, preferring to only follow his own. Compromise was difficult for him, but he has eased up quite a bit. He still has some control issues and falls into the habit of trying to control every situation, even ones that he should step back and let someone else take over. He has a few other bad habits, like waiting until the last minute to do laundry, sometimes talking while eating, and drinking beverages from their cartons instead of using a glass.
What are some of their pet peeves? A great many things annoy Leo, but honestly the stuff that really gets to him he keeps under wraps. He dislikes willfully ignorant people and displaying a lack of common sense will get under his skin. It was why it took so long for him and Casey to get along. He also cannot stand high pitched and repetitive noises. Like tapping and clicking. He has a difficult time tuning them out and it drives him a bit around the bend. Excessive vulgarity and rudeness is another peeve. He doesn’t understand the need for it. He can see situations where both are called for, but there are limits and he tends to excuse himself from these situations.
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