#also dni if you ship mohg/miquella that was not my intent and this post is not for you
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
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Okay so I'm def. not trying to defend Mohg here bc at the end of the day he's still a creepy son of a bitch who kidnapped someone so that he could have access to unlimited power, but this item description is really just driving home my theory that Miquella turned the tables on his kidnapping situation and started to use Mohg as a feeding supply for his maturation vs him just passively waiting for Melania to come return him to the Haligtree. The fact that Mohg's cult seems to be centered around simply giving donations of blood to feed Miquella to become a god paired with the fact that Miquella is particularly known for his ability to make people adore him so that he can get what he wants. ("The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection" - Bewitching Branch)
Which again- it's still pretty fucked up that Mohg kidnapped his half-brother to become his consort, there's no way it isn't- but claiming that he's a 'gay pedophile' who 'raped Miquella to death' like I've seen a lot of people saying really isn't something that I'm picking up here (even though it def. would be the case in Game of Thrones, which this is thankfully not). What I'm mostly getting here is that Mohg is a power-hungry, ambitious warlord who thought he got an easy way to become a lord, and was easily manipulated because of it. His sexuality has nothing to do with it, and he pretty clearly has zero attraction to children considering the fact that his goal is to aid Miquella's metamorphosis into an adult before he does anything (which just so happens to be something Miquella himself has been attempting to trigger for a very long time)
Other points of note:
-Despite Mohg being immensely powerful and having a whole cult of followers, he's simply waiting on Miquella for his dynasty to commence. Sure, recruiting is happening (just look at Varre), but actual efforts beyond feeding Miquella don't seem to be the priority- the focus on undoing Miquella's curse and raising him to a true god is. Which, given the fact that those were Miquella's goals in the first place and that Mohg himself is banking on the quite fragile assumption that Miquella would allow him to become his consort, and you have a pretty fragile setup for a dynasty going on right now. They're functioning entirely off of something that Miquella himself was already gunning for, with recruiting more followers for blood coming in second, and conquering lands for said dynasty coming in last. It's pretty suspicious if you ask me
-Miquella himself is actually growing within the cocoon. In the opening cutscene, where Mohg is taking him away, he's absolutely tiny (and kind of freakishly proportioned but that's usual with Fromsoft's designs). In the boss arena, his arm is huge, larger even than his sister, so even though he never responded to Mohg, the blood sacrifices are working
-Miquella has a very...eerie aesthetic going on, similar to his sister. While Melania's motifs are butterflies and fungal rot, Miquella's appear to be some sort of wispy, cobweb-like substance around him, and (in the trailer at least), an odd sort of iridescence. He gives me very strong insect vibes, and upon learning that there is a species of parasitic moth that would kill an ant queen and trick the colony into feeding it until its pupation or their death, I'd think that would match well alongside Melania's butterflies and scarlet rot.
-Him being heavily tied to insects would also work with his 'curse' of seemingly eternal youth, as many insects remain in their infantile form for the vast majority of their lives before they undergo metamorphasis, which Miquella himself appears to be doing in his cocoon. Pair that with the fact that there is a fungus that looks just like Melania's scarlet bloom, and that it blooms thrice in its lifetime + Melania is said to become a goddess after it blooms a third time, and I think that it's safe to say that Miquella's lifecycle mirrored that of a pupating insect
-Miquella is known to have the 'wisdom and allure of a god', and is considered the most fearsome Empyreon by Melania. Which, sure, could be her being a supportive twin, but the fact that she says that and then Gideon was like 'well as long as he's still sleeping then all will be well' + the few item descriptions we have for him detailing his intelligence and willingness to reject the Golden Order when it doesn't give him what he wants paints a picture of terrifyingly cunning god who would have the wits required to turn a situation into what he desired
-It really would not feel off for there to be a plot twist where the big bad creepy guy that looks like Satan with dire creepy plans to match ended up being the victim of the person that he captured. Biting off far more power than you can chew and then being consumed or used by it in the process isn't exactly something new to Fromsoftware's storytelling (cough cough healing church and the old blood cough)
TDLR: Mohg's absolutely a creepy fucked up dude, but Miquella himself is probably even creepier and is not nearly the innocent victim that most people think he is. Given how intimidating both Ranni and Melania are in terms of wit and sheer power, + the fact that his mind is more than his body, and I think that it's safe to assume that Miquella turned the tables on Mohg and twisted a terrible situation where he was vulnerable into something that suited his needs regardless of the circumstances
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