#also click clack for HQ plzkthnx tumblr compression makes me wanna dieeeeeeeeee
amuhav · 11 months
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[ D R E A M S H A D O W ]
Born tiny and frail, Rynnaia's parents feared she would not survive beyond her first year. Outside her family, however, there was little sympathy to spare for the infant princess. Though unspoken, her delicate health was regarded as further evidence that her existence was a mistake, alongside the union that beget her. Against all odds, the princess not only defied expectations but flourished and grew stronger at a pace far beyond that of her peers. Such a miraculous turnabout led her father to call her "Little Butterfly", a nickname both parents continue to use into her adulthood. Despite this, those who disapproved of her birth have rarely reconsidered their prejudices. As her magical abilities manifested, the endearing epithet bestowed upon her by her parents was soon distorted by her detractors. Dreamshadow; first uttered in sarcastic reverence with the intent to ridicule, Rynn instead adopted the moniker as an unofficial title, one she carries with defiant pride. The dreamshadow butterflies, carefully reared in the White Woods for their silk, possess exceptionally dangerous wings. When threatened, they shed scales that, if inhaled, can induce a deep, horror-filled slumber. Refined, they can be used to concoct a near-incurable poison. If her enemies had meant to harm her with such a name, they should have chosen one with a less stark warning.
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