#also changing up how I do colored sketches a tiny bit and I'm really happy with it!
piranhartist · 11 months
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Just a couple of strange bugs
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bestbouy · 9 months
i think i just love the idea of the different universes with their like, styles???
like how Gwen's is totally watercolor and Hobie's is all scrapbookish punk n newspaper, y'know???? and, of course, Miles and Pavitr's are both more "normal" but they still have that... you know... v i b e... they're both normal but they have elements that make it their own. Like how Pavitr's universe is mainly super warm colors?
anyways this got me thinking y'know how it's super obvious Hobie has a different universe style?? not so much for Gwen because hers is a little different, but with the whole. changing skin, the OUTLINE, it's very obvious
I think it'd be super cool if in Hobie's universe, it's kind of like the opposite for anybody who's not from it? They have their own like, radius of... their own dimension???
I'm only comparing this to Hobie's dimension, it's very obvious none of this would happen in CANON so I'm literally just spitballing. Also because Hobie is the only one with the outline and funny overlay thing, and it'd be fun to play around with the other three's possible like,,, vibe!!
Gwen would leave like, imprints of watercolor? like dabbing it on a piece of paper, leaving color that dries out back to normal over time?? it would bleed into the world around her, it might even mimic her emotions with the color!
If she was upset it would be harsh, spread more, it would come out in spiked reds and blacks?
happy would seep in a lot more subtly, and cover a lot more space, but you wouldn't realize how much room it's taking up just because it's so slow to take it up and really is only at about.. idk, 20% opacity, slowly builds up the happier she gets? it would be more visible in puddles, just like with normal watercolor (Compared to anger, which would be very in-your-face and obvious)
It would rely a lot on her emotions, methinks, the stronger they are, the more visible the color!
Miles would have a sketchy, drawing-like atmosphere to him, kind of like what you can see on the spot y'know? and, since the spot came from Miles' dimension, I think it makes sense!
It would be less noticeable, but the things he interacts with would probably turn into a slightly stylized version of itself? A cup he holds or drinks from wouldn't change DRAMATICALLY, but it might copy his look and have sketch-like lines around it. Nothing huge, but enough that you can tell what he's touched in the past few minutes/hours
Pavitr would have a similar vibe to Gwen's, but with warm colors instead! His effect wouldn't change with emotions like hers, but it would probably bleed in the same way as hers. He would leave behind trails of warm oranges and yellows wherever he goes and leaving it behind on what he touches. He wouldn't notice this, but it would be veeery obvious to Hobie or anybody from his dimension.
Actually, I think the way that we can spot Hobie because of his differences in outline/radius effect would highly apply to them in his dimension! Everybody in Hobie's world can CLEARLY tell that Gwen, Miles and Pav aren't from there, and while the common person might not recognize they're from another universe, they might get the same feeling as if you were seeing like.. a skinwalker, or something. They're human, but it doesn't feel like it.
ANYWAYS back to Pavitr
He has a warm, cozy vibe, I think unlike the others his can seep more into emotions, I think he's an empathetic person and that melts into his little area effect. if he's super happy or excited about something the people around him get a tiny bit happier too!! when he's sad (and it's rly hard to make him sad bc this boy is POSITIVE THINKER #1) his colors get a bit colder, but I don't think they would affect other people like his happy ones do, honestly just SEEING such a normally happy guy so sad would do enough to ur mood than some radius effect lol
ANYWAYS that's just a lil thought. they are silly. and this is going into my ideas folder. have a good one n remember to drink water
(I would go on but this is super long already XD)
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genericpuff · 5 months
Absolutely love the rendition to the panel of Hades holding Persephone. Lovely to see it rendered as a more mutual act with Perse holding onto Hades instead of just letting Hades hold her, and ofc seeing Persephone actually look like an adult woman. (Not to even mention the colors and rendering because whoaa those were lovely)
And I have a question about this new rendition if I’m allowed to make it! The original had very dramatic and sharp composition with the angles and being off centered which conveyed much of the emotions and style that made early LO very striking. In adapting it, was it a conscious choice to change the composition or what were the deciding factors that made you and banshriek decide centering Perse and Hades worked better in this situation? :0
Ahhh thank you ;w; It took a few rounds of sketching to get the pose just right, the flats thankfully weren't as difficult as I was worried they'd be, but the challenge was definitely in trying to get the pose right while maintaining the height difference that's there.
As for your question, a lot of the posing and sketch composition is something I do, and then Banshriek typically goes wild with the backgrounds while making adjustments to those compositions if necessary, often times I leave the backgrounds up to their discretion as they're 10x more skilled at that sort of thing than I am and they often bring new perspectives to the table. This means that it often ends up being a game of give and take between what we contribute, sometimes I'll have sketches that they feel need to be adjusted, other times I'll have to add little tweaks to their backgrounds if it's missing something. We're both working off a base rough sketch, but we both get to contribute to the final scene in our own ways; splitting it between background and character flats has been a happy middle that's worked well for us :)
Depending on the scene, sketches can range from minimal to more detailed. Here's the original base sketch for that scene:
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So originally there was a larger tree working over the side but I didn't really know how detailed we wanted to be in the actual full background, much of it depended on how complex Banshriek wanted to get. You can also tell that Persephone's face was originally buried into Hades' chest in the original panel, which I originally flatted in, but then wound up changing because I wanted her eyes to be visible to reflect both of their expressions of relief at the same time.
That said, with the pose changing from what it was in the original (from Persephone almost laying on Hades vs. him holding her and lifting her up) the composition had to change with it so I decided to just make them a bit more centered, that way the focus would be fully on them and the balance of the scene wouldn't feel "off" due to the pose change. I tend to follow the Rule of 3 here !
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So yeah! That's pretty much why centering it felt a little better in this case. Though part me of does wish I was able to keep the original pose, when breaking that scene down into its bones I found it had to take a lot of liberties with its anatomy and proportions, as many LO scenes do. You can't really tell just on a surface level but Persephone's head is huge and the rest of her body is tiny (her hips literally come up to Hades' sternum and her feet meet at his knees). With the character design changes made in Rekindled to make Persephone a little less tiny and more consistent in her body type (while still maintaining the size difference between them) and to reflect their character arcs at this point (as I'm not rushing them into intimacy quite like the original comic did) certain things have to change to balance it out and accommodate. If you're a math person, think of it like solving algebra equations - what you do to one side of the equation needs to be reflected and adjusted on the other side.
And of course Banshriek did a lot more to really exemplify the mood shift in the almost labrynth-like forest Persephone grew within Tower 4. There are still trees and plant life everywhere, but instead of feeling like an endless maze with its tones of deep red that we saw Hades navigate, it now feels like a soft and gentle meeting point for the two. Like the original scene, the color change is used to change the mood of the scene and reflect the calmness of Hades and Persephone as they've found one another.
At the end of the day we did what we ultimately thought would work best for the way Rekindled is drawn, giving both Banshriek and I the freedom to fully utilize our respective skillsets. That way we were able to pay tribute to that original scene while also creating something new out of it <3
That said, I'm sure @banshriek can also chime in with their own design notes on this episode, if they have a minute to spare! I'm sure they'll have lots to say about the fun they had working with those new brushesヽ(・∀・)ノ
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beltransadie · 1 year
A Chat Under the Haitang Tree
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Happy New Year! I've been practicing on my samsung tab for the whole past week and I wanted to show the culmination of what I've made with this new years art. This is based off of chapter 58 from 2HA where ranwan spent the entire night chatting under the haitang tree for the new years. I'm still not as good on this tab compared to how I am with the Huion, but I think this is pretty satisfactory. The approach is more painterlike in comparison. I do not have the patience for lineart (I've tried) on this, so it's mostly draw loose then clear it up.
The Journey to This Illustration
What else have I done while practicing? Honestly, most of them are ranwan art. Animatic making had made me proficient in drawing Chu Wanning and Mo Ran gahahaha and they're both fun to draw anyway.
At first, I wasn't used to drawing on a samsung tablet, so most of what I've done are doodles. I also spent majority of my time traveling (like since I got home which was an 8 hour bus ride, I had to go travel again for Christmas and back again, and then the day after I had to accompany my mom for another outing).
Day 1 (12/22)
Here, I slept for 4 or so hours, and find myself having to leave at 5AM. I managed to catch a bus ride home (where, unfortunately, one of my friends weren't able to ride because they waited at the wrong stop), and overall the ride was pretty chill. I spent most of my time chatting with my cousin, sleeping, and drawing. Here's some of what I did during the time. Most of it are Chu Wanning because I feel really comfortable drawing him.
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Day 2 (12/23)
I didn't have any place I have to travel to yet, so I went out of the house to draw at a cafe. I still didn't feel comfortable coloring so there's none yet >_<
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Day 3 (12/24)
Most of Day 3 was spent outside too coz I had to travel again to visit my grandparents. It was also when I started Yuwu (it has been chill so far, and I'm leisurely enjoying it). I didn't draw anything on the tablet.
Day 4 (12/25)
Back to the drawing grind here. I figured it was about time I try out coloring and I did two! While I had to commute again early morning, the whole of my afternoon was spent chilling at home. The notable stuff I did on the tab is this cute animation of Wanning finding a tiny Mo Ran in his gift, and two colored pieces.
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The one on the top right I think was a failed attempt. The colors didn't turn out as well as I wanted, and concluded that it was probably because of the background (which was pure white). I changed it to gray and colored like I usually did, and I think it turned out really well.
Day 5 (12/26)
I had to go out and travel again. Most of the stuff I did during this day were doodles.
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Day 6, 7, and 8 (12/27-29)
Gonna compile coz I think most of what I did were at cafes and it all blurs together.
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Here's where I actually start getting into coloring. The first thing I colored was the bottom left one. I really like how curly the lineart of Mo Ran's hair is, and the individual groups of hair on Wanning's ponytail flow together. Next is the middle left one, which was just me thinking about how ranwan had 8+ years together idk lol. I drew Mo Ran as a midget there, I didn't know he was actually almost the same height as Wanning by book 1 (179 vs 181) so that was uhh lol.
The sketches for the top left and the right image I did the same day, but the coloring for the right image I did last. Top left uses some rejected designs I had back when I was reading 2HA. I thought it'd be a fun creative exercise if I derive myself of official character designs, and create designs based on how I imagined them while reading the book. (That's something worth making a post about.) Specifically, the designs are post-story. That was also when I started rendering a bit.
It was at the right sketch when I thought I could try a rendering a bit more. Like clean up the lines a bit. Still the same process.
(This wasn't done on the Samsung tablet, but here's the height comparison). Mengmeng and 1.0 are a bit out of proportion i know lol.
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Day 9 and 10
All of it leads up to the new years drawing at the top. It was tricky trying to render the two characters, because I had to tilt my pen a certain way so the lines made won't be too broad. I spent day 9 doing the sketch and the rough color, spending time on the background too and Day 10 on rendering the characters and polishing the background.
The app I use (Infinite painter) has a built-in playback function which is pretty neat because I always forget to record my drawing process. I ended up changing the background a couple times because I misread the actual scene lol. But yeah here's the process.
Overall, drawing on this tablet is more painterly compared to how I color on PC gahaha. So many brushes to choose from, and almost no keyboard input >_< it's a bit tedious coz I like having my brushes binded on keyboard, and here I have to move my hand around on screen and sometimes I end up pressing the shortcut for the undo button. But yeah, I think I can make more colored art outside now. Learning to get used on this is fun.
Happy new year, guys!!
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QueennNnn!! Your art isn't awful! Its friggin beautiful and you can't change my mind!!💖💖💖💖💖 Also, while I'm sending an ask, can I have some more information about your adorable babies👀👀 (I wanna make more drawings for them uwu💕)
Ahhhh alrighty alrighty, I’m not gonna argue with you sweetie hehe😂💖! I’m just,,, super happy that you all like my art so much huhuhu, and thank you for always being such a dear to me💖💖💖!!!
AahhaAAAAh, about the babies—-🙈🌠💖! I’d be absolutely honored and delighted to tell you more about them!!! I don’t know if I should put this under a cut or not though because…. phew…. it’s gonna be a bit long xD (and I also don’t have any good drawings left of them and unfortunately need to use some terrible old sketches because??? I don’t draw our children often enough??? Pffff that still needs to change💕)
here’s a warning for me being indulgent and swooning over my Crachelle babies up ahead xD!
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She’s a true Daddy’s girl through and through xD Her hair color is actually a very light pink but with slightly purple undertones, basically a mix of Angel’s and Big Mom’s hair- aaaand she got my bright, blue eyes😂 Trifle is a very open-hearted and kind girl, although she tends to be a bit too dreamy sometimes! Her father is her ultimate hero and she wants to be just like him while growing up. Many of her clothes are actually mirroring that as well, and she even started to put a special kind of fire-crackers into her hair to further showcase her close bound with Papa Cracker lol. Unfortunately though… she never really knows what she actually wants and is more than once lost in her own little fantasies, which can occasionally come to bite her. Flambe is Trifle’s favorite aunt and often helps her when she’s dealing with yet another girl crush again huhu xDD
Fun fact: when she was little she used to plant ‘magic seeds’ (rocks) in our garden, hoping that they would grow to give her a little sister someday. (yes, Cracker and I really regret watching Thumbelina with her)
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Although Trifle tries to imitate her Papa as good as possible, it’s actually Pretzel who is stuck with resembling Cracker the most- but only appearance-wise! As you can probably tell, he’s the spitting image of his dad… minus the lack of eyebrows and some other little details haha xD Pretzel is a bit of a shy boy who tends to overthink certain things and often has some difficulties with making new friends- but once someone spends a bit of time with him, he truly thaws up to be one of the coolest people around! His relationship with his father is rather strained, mostly because Cracker has many high expectations for his oldest son, and if he doesn’t live up to them…. well, things can get a bit problematic xd Pretzel also got a hearing problem and communication is a little difficult, but he’s always doing his best to let people know about how he feels! His favorite uncle is Oven, who often helps him with training and getting stronger.
Fun fact: Pretzel actually dislikes his name. A lot. The fact that he was basically named after a sword constantly haunts him, even if he tries not to think about it lol
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Nothing about her ever stays the same for long, since Eclair is a true free spirit! Her natural hair color is a rich brown with some lilac undertones, but it can be rather hard to tell because she loves to change it on an almost monthly basis! Out of all the siblings she’s probably the smartest and most cunning, and always knows just how to get her way xD Eclair often pretends to be naive or even somewhat stupid so people will leave her alone or to avoid certain duties lol, but depending on the situation she might actually show her true colors to help those that are dear to her! She prefers to do things that bring her fun or pleasure rather than strict chores, and one of her favorite hobbies is painting pictures to express herself! She’s the anti-social bee of the family, although her parents often nudge her to be a bit more open and find friends xD Her favorite uncle is Mont-d’Or and she also enjoys spending time with Amande, since they can both understand her more introvert behaviour and love for artistic outlets!
Fun fact: she’s actually a bit short-sighed and supposed to wear glasses, but she never does! And if her parents were to ask her about it, she’ll simply respond and say that she ‘lost’ them again lol
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Did you ever ask yourself… ‘what if there was a kid that’s basically just like Cracker, only 100 times worse?’ no? Well too bad, because that is exactly what you’re getting with Dodger! Oh boy, where to start… as far as appearance goes, he’s a pretty solid mix of his parents- his hair is similar to mine (only more wild and spikey) while his eyes and face resemble his father. But his personality is just…. too much to handle for the both of us! Dodger is truly the definition of ‘troublemaker’, as there is not a single day where he doesn’t get caught up in some drama! He’s an unstoppable bundle of energy and keeps his good traits hidden for most of the time, since it’s soooo much more fun to just get on people’s nerves xD To make matters worse, he also has a deep love for stabbing things. Mostly inanimate objects though, but still!!! Best be careful around him! Other than that, he actually dreams of becoming strong and powerful like his Papa, and sometimes sneaks into the Seducing Woods to train his ‘intimidation tactic’ on some unsuspecting homies. (He basically wants to be able to make them wither away in fear, similiar to what Cracker did xD) His favorite aunt is Angel, whom he always plots new pranks with!
Fun Fact: His relationship with his Pa is pretty good, but there was one incident that left Dodger slightly fearful of him…
Last but not least, Cherry!
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Cherry is,,, the currently reigning baby of the family- she’s just,,, hhh,,, so tiny and precious ;^; With her big ruby eyes and bubblegum-pink hair she really looks like a wildcard, but there is at least one physical similarity she shares with her father- the lack of eyebrows xD Cherry loves her parents more than anything (and tbh gets a bit coddled by us too), but that doesn’t mean she won’t get into trouble! She’s an adventurer at heart and likes nothing more than to run into a forest, befriend some random animals, and discover new things! Together with her pet bunny Bun Bun she’s ready to take on any adventure, and of course, be home again by dinnertime! 
Fun fact: when she was still a very smol baby, her older brother Dodger once tried to ship her off to an orphanage because her babbling/crying was too loud lol
in conclusion: I love my babies very much, thank you xD And I definitely need to draw them more often!!! hhhHHh there are a few small comics I’m already working on but psssssttt xD Also I’m really sorry for the bad sketches on this one, I just don’t have enough good pictures aaahh
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tswatch · 7 years
I am getting a bit tired of this. I am other/fiction kin and I use it as a way to cope with depression and anxiety. I'm 16 and will be 17 later this year. I been mocked by an EX friend who was older than me for choosing a life style. Saying it was "cancer" and that I need "help". They blocked me. It's hurtful, because my life has been rather dark, grim and unhappy. I always been rather downhearted, and tend to make gashes on my face or arms due to it... advise?
we apologize for the late answer, how have you been doing since you send us this message?
I am honest with you, I have my opinion on otherkin and fictionkin and it’s rather ambivalent and it really depends on the individual and their situation. But all in all I have nothing against it. Just so you are aware of this, but please remember this is just my opinion and my opinion should not matter to you too much. I am just one out of a million and more people.
Let’s start with your former friend. I am really sorry that they hurt you so much, this is not okay, this is not fair of them and they are clearly not aware of how badly words can hurt someone. Don’t listen to their words. Just like I said before, one person out of so many other peple, their opinion should not matter to you, there are so many people out their who love you and will love you for who you are. There will always be people in our lives that try to make us down, but there will be people who will love us unconditionally as well.
That brings me to my next point, all of us will meet people who will make us down for something, for something and it doesn’t even matter what. People will use the weirdest reasons to excuse their behaviour. If someone does something different than they do, they make them down. If someone doesn’t like what they do, they will make them down. If someone deals with something they have no experience with, they will make them down. Someone could not like the colour green and get called annoying for that. Someone could make a cake different than someone else and they called stupid for that. Someone could suffer from a mental disorder that someone else has no experience with and they get called a psycho. Someone could not like the band someone else does and gets called a loser.
My point is, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous the reason seems, people will always find something that annoys them and they will make someone else down. Why do they do it? Most likely because they have problems on their own, because they are desperate, because they hurt others to cope with their feelings, because they just don’t understand the other person.
You are not cancer and we all need help with things. But I think you need help with your depression and anxiety, not for using otherkin and fictionkin as a way to cope with it. Which brings me to the next point. Are you harming someone with being otherkin or fictionkin? No. Is this helping you to deal with negative emotions? Yes. So why the hell should you stop with it or change it? You seem aware of the fact why you do this and that you are actually a human, not a dragon, a wolf or a fictional character. Here is where my personal opinion comes in, as long as it helps someone to deal with things, a long as it makes someone feel good, as long as they are still aware of the reality, everything is cool. However I talked to people where this got out of hand and they were not aware of reality anymore and of how things really are and that is where I say they need help. But even then, who am I to judge, if they are happy with how things are and no other people get harmed with it, why should they change something? Just because I say so or someone else? No.
That is a topic I could probably talk about forever, but before this reply gets way to long I will stop right here. I think I made my point clear and I hope you understand what I mean.
Back to your former friend, don’t listen to them, you are lovable, you are amazing, you are beautiful, you are important, you deserve to be happy and alive.
There is something else that I would like to talk about. You said that because of all the things happening in your life you harm yourself.
I know that harming yourself seems like a way to cope with negative feelings, but it is not. It may help for a short moment, but after that you will feel like you messed up and you won’t feel good about this at all. Self harm only causes more problems and makes life harder than it already is.
There are better ways to cope, ways that are healthier and will help you so much better over a long period of time. Learning these ways may not be easy, you will fall back into old habits, you will feel like the new ways don’t actually help, but they need practice. A lot of practice. You will get used to them in time, you will see them help in time, you will find the right things to do in time. Keep trying, even if it’s a long and hard way.
Depending on how strong the urge to harm yourself is, you can try different things. The stronger the urge, the more things you should do in a row for the urge to stop.
Let’s start with a small urge to harm yourself. When you feel that, you should try to distract yourself, usually that will make the urge go away so that you can think clear again. Here are some ideas what you can do.
•  Listen to music or sounds of the nature•  Sing•  Play instruments or learn a new instrument•  Watch a funny movie•  Read a book•  Paint•  Draw•  Paint your nails•  Go out for a walk•  Listen to the sound it makes when you walk over stones or leaves•  Write down your feelings or good memories•  Make some origami•  Call or skype with a friend•  Dress up or try on old clothes•  Write creatively•  Talk to someone•  Do some sport•  Eat or drink something delicious•  Do some baking•  Make funny faces in a mirror and take pictures•  Read inspirational speeches• Learn a magic trick •  Mess up your room•  Watch some videos on Youtube•  Clean your room•  Learn something new like knitting or how to make a Tumblr theme •  Go to the zoo and name all of the animals•  Jump up and down, do rope jumping, or jump on a trampoline or your bed•  Meditate or do some Yoga•  Play a game•  Go shopping•  Recite a favourite monologue•  Watch the sky•  Do a puzzle, crossword or sudoku•  Meet up with friends•  Sleep •  Do your homework•  Watch your favourite TV program/show•  Make up a roleplay about something you’d like to happen•  Play with a pet•  Have a bath or a shower •  Make a scrapbook•  Decorate your wall with inspirational quotes•  Dance around your room like an idiot•  Make a new Tumblr blog•  Color your hair•  Leave nice messages in someone’s askbox•  Take some pretty pictures outside•  Get your friends and family and play board games •  Tie a small string or a rope into knots •  Make a tiny gift for your best friend •  Make a bucket list •  Smile to at least 5 people, bonus points if they are strangers •  Go out and perform one act of kindness •  Watch how the wind makes the leaves of the trees move. •  Do volunteer work •  Give your blog a makeover •  Write a letter to a friend •  Donate all the clothes you don’t like anymore •  Go to a park and sit on the swings, be a little kid again •  Plan your outfits for the week •  Give someone a hug •  Simply relax, and enjoy your life
Here are websites to distract yourself.
• The Quiet Place • Relax Exercise • Thouhts Room • Dawn Room • Pixel Thoughts 60 Seconds Relaxation• Emotional Baggage Check• Automatic Flatterer • Silk• Neon Flames • Painting• Sand• Stickman• Koala Mosaic• Sunshine and Rain• Rainy Mood• Mood Turn• Magic Button• Secret Door• Geo Guesser• Make some Music• Soundrown• The Colour Game• The Universe• Free Rice• Watch A Dream• Imagination• Make Music With Circles• Make Music With ToneMatrix• Fatal to the Flesh (Trigger Warning)• Play Super Mario• Cute Online Games
Try out a few things and see what helps you the best. Once you found things that help you, write them down, keep these things close to you in a box or something so you can do them right away when you feel like harming yourself.
If the urge gets stronger and simple distractions don’t help anymore, try to do things that help you to get out your emotions like anger, sadness, fear or guilt. Here are some things you can do.
• Scream really loud into a pillow• Let yourself cry• Go to an open space and shout all the things you hate right now• Scribble on photos of people in magazines• Tear apart newspapers, photos, or magazines• Throw a ball/stone/ice cube etc. against a wall• Listen to music and sing along loudly• Beat up a stuffed animal or a pillow• Blow up balloons and pop them• Build a fort of pillows and then destroy it• On a sketch or photo of yourself, mark in red ink what you want to do;cut and tear the picture• Write your feelings on paper, then rip it up or burn it• Make a soft cloth doll to represent the things you are angry at;cut and tear it instead of yourself• Break sticks or old things you don’t need anymore• Cut up fruits• Pull weeds in the garden• Put on nail polish, then peel it off• Splash your face with cold water• Slash an empty plastic soda bottle, or a piece of heavy cardboard, or an old shirt or sock• Instead of punishing yourself by self-harming, punish yourself by not self-harming •The Butterfly Project: Draw a butterfly on the place(s), where you would like to harm yourself.If the butterfly fades without self-harming, it means it has lived and flown away,it’s like giving a sense or feeling of achievement.Whereas if you do harm yourself with the butterfly there, you killed to butterfly.If that does happen, you can start again by drawing a new one on.You are not allowed to wash of the butterfly, it has to fade on its own.You can also name the butterfly after someone you love.•Think of a loved one [a friend, family member, or anyone else who cares about you]and write their name on the place(s) where you want to harm yourself.When you want to harm yourself, remember how much they careand how they wouldn’t want you, to harm yourself.• Talk to someone about how you feel• Create a safe place to go• Try to imagine the future and plan things, you want to do• Make a list of all the positive things in your life• List all the reasons, why you don’t want to harm yourself• Remember why you want to recover
Try out as many things and possible and try to figure out what helps you the most. Once you did this, keep the things that help you on a list or keep them in a box close to you, so that you have access to them right away. When you feel a stronger urge coming, do 1-2 things of the stuff named above and then distract yourself with 1-2 of the listed distractions.
When you get a really, really bad urge to harm yourself, try alternatives to harming yourself. These will either trick your brain into thinking there is blood when there is no real blood, or by making yourself feel something. Doing some of the alternatives, you can even feel some kind of pain, but it doesn’t harm you in a bad way. Here are some examples.
• Draw red lines on the places you want to cut, or use red watercolor,and put it on the place where you want to cut; it will look like it’s bleeding• Viciously stab an orange or an apple• Eat something really sour• Do sport, like running, strength training, jumping on a trampoline,dancing etc., until you are completely exhausted• Take a hot/cold shower or bath• Drink freezing cold water• Wax your legs or plug your eyebrows• Bite into a hot pepper or chew a piece of ginger root• Rub ice across your skin, where you want to harm yourself,or hold it in your hands• Put rubber bands on wrists, arms, or legs and snap them
Like with the things before, try them out and see what helps you the most. Make sure you have fast access to them. When you feel this really strong urge, start for example with a cold shower, then scream into a pillow or tear apart paper, and then distract yourself with something.
Make sure to write the things that help you down, so you don’t have to start thinking about what to do with yourself everytime you get the urge to self harm.
If you feel like you cannot deal with all of this on your own, please reach out for help. There are people out there able and willing to help you.
Take care of yourself!
- Belle
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