#also can you tell that andorians are my fav star trek race
uss-feynman · 4 months
some of the crew for the uss feynman!
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in order from left/right & top/bottom:
commander/captain james k’wayyd (he/she)
- aenar-andorian. doesn’t have a traditional andorian name due to being raised on earth by a human-vulcan couple. struggled a lot with identity growing up away from andorian culture, but later in life left his first ship (USS cerritos) as a junior lieutenant to live on andoria for a few years before returning to starfleet to assist with conflict. was formerly navigation/command division before switching to sciences, combining his navigation skills with astronomy.
lieutenant commander dhy’la byre (she/her)
- bajoran. very much chill but serious about her work, doesn’t take lightly to messing around during work hours. she’s loud and can yap your ears off, but people tend to enjoy listening to her anyways.
ensign/junior lieutenant rhea m’ghon (she/her)
- orion-trill. likes to stick with herself. doesn’t like most people but still desperately wants everyone’s approval. doesn’t speak much about her home life. admires dhy’la from a distance.
chief medical officer isothaal “iso” ch’loya (they/them)
- aenar. tired disaster lesbian. always in some heartbreak or love triangle. midlife crisis all the time. everyone loves them and they love everyone. they are almost completely blind, only able to detect some light levels through their eyes.
ensign o’lynn maalh (he/they)
- vulcan-andorian. mostly nonverbal. botanist, spends basically all his time in the lab. feels like plants get him better than most people. despite this, shark tries desperately to be their best friend. he does have a soft spot for the andorian and lets her be “annoying”.
junior medical officer shark zh’kayo (any)
- andorian. super high energy all the time. most people can’t handle it, but she doesn’t mind. spends a lot of time with o’lynn and t’penne, although the three were closer before he got promoted.
ensign t’penne (she/they)
- vulcan. t’penne has an untraditional mindset regarding emotions and logic. still stoic and monotonous in her ways, she is much more expressive than vulcans typically are (which, albeit, isn’t much). she believes it’s illogical to repress emotion as far back as vulcans do, especially when it doesn’t cause any harm or disruptions in her life and work.
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