#also can we just appreciate them giving her the bisexual haircut this season....
lesbianjamies · 2 years
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Ava and her little (gay) hat
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thewrongmoon · 2 years
El's Possible Queercoding
been meaning to actually documents my findings on this for awhile, so I'm gonna go over some reasons I think its possible that El is gay, specifically just how I think she may be attracted to girls, whether you think that means lesbian, bisexual, pan, etc etc.
El's interest in femininity:
I think to further understand why El has an interest in feminine things, we have to look at how she was raised:
The children in the lab were pretty much stripped of a gender identity entirely. They all had the same haircut and hospital gowns. They all played with the same toys, most of which were puzzle games which have no societally assigned gender. It's worth noting that these short haircuts do have a masculine association (at least in modern western culture) and the kids also pretty much solely interacted with men. Really the only indication of their gender was the pronouns that they used for them.
The concept of different genders acting differently was probably completely foreign to El when she had just escaped the lab. We can see that she tries to strip in front of Mike, Lucas and Dustin and is confused when they all react negatively.
Being surrounded by all this masculinity, seeing someone feminine like Nancy for the first time (or at least the first time in years) is magical to El.
El takes a very quick interest in feminine things. Long hair, pastel colors, dresses...
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What sparks more of a queer connotation is her interest in the feminine form. We see her appreciate the ballerina in Nancy's music box, which would very well just be because she thinks the dress is pretty or something, but she also singles out the figure on Mike's trophy.
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Obviously I don't mean anything explicit by pointing this out, but as a lesbian I remember having a similar reaction to things like mannequins of women at a young age.
There's definitely a duality of her longing for a childhood where she's able to express her femininity that I don't want to dismiss, though. There's a shot where she stares at Nancy's childhood photos, and it's pretty clear she's wondering what her life would be like if she were raised like a normal girl. That storyline is further explored when she visits the Ives in season 2.
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El was also previously not interested in Mike's nerdier hobbies, but when Max shows her comics, specifically ones with female superheroes, El is intrigued. She assumed comics were just about boys at first. We all poke fun at Mike for having a crush on Superman, but maybe we should stop to question if El had a thing for Wonder Woman?
Fashion choices - Mirroring other girls:
A classic quandary for anyone with same-sex attraction. Do I want to be them, or do I want to be with them?
We talk a lot about how Mike tries to wear and do things Eddie does (this was confirmed by the costume department), and how that totally makes it look like he has kind of a crush on him. But what about El?
In season 1 we definitely assume El wants to be Nancy. Her attempts of mirroring her are clumsy and largely influenced by Mike, Dustin and Lucas. After the wig comes off she just gives up, surrendering to her fate of never being "pretty."
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In season 2, she wears mostly boys clothes provided by Hopper. The main makeover of this season is done by Kali, who turns El into her mini-me. This time we see El refer to her new look as "bitchin'" rather than "pretty."
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Her new look is very punk inspired. Punk subculture has close ties with the LGBT community. As the punk scene is all about questioning/rejecting societal norms, queer people flocked to it.
In season 3, her makeover revolves around Max. While Max tells El to pick something that she likes, El still kind of chooses to resemble Max. In the beginning of s3, her hair looks like this:
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But after her trip to the mall with Max, she chooses to part her hair to the right like she does.
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They later have both their hair tied up:
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Middle parts for both of them:
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This is all to say, she mirrors Max's looks, because she likes Max. Not necessarily romantically? And there's also no way to tell if she's doing this consciously. But I feel like there's something in El's brain that just goes "pretty girl = I have to steal her look"
Which brings us to season 4:
Now, there's no makeover scene for her in this one. Disappointing, I know. But she's had a considerable glow up since season 3.
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Her hair is now down past her shoulders. Now you may be wondering who her style inspiration is. And the obvious answer is Joyce, because she looks just like her.
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But I would actually like to propose an alternative to her hair style inspo:
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We can see that Angela pulls up the sides of her hair but still has bangs framing her face, similarly to how El styles hers.
Angela is an awful human being who bullies her, but she's also everything El wants to be: pretty, well dressed, well-liked by the people at school. This is precisely why she chooses her to lie about being friends with. She thinks Angela is cool, so Mike will think El is cool if he sees she's friends with her.
Let's move on to her fashion.
El's style is dependent entirely on layering in this season. But she has one staple in her closet, which we also see in seasons 2 and 3-- flannel.
The wardrobe department head has stated that they specifically wanted it to seem like she was wearing clothes from Will's closet.
Will has always been associated with flannel, wearing it almost exclusively in every season besides season 3. This is interesting because flannel is generally seen as masculine, and gay men are usually stereotyped as more feminine. He does wear those short shorts in s3 though so I guess it balances out idk, this is besides the point, moving on:
Flannels when worn on women are associated closely with lesbians. There is some historical basis here; back when women were first being allowed to wear pants (1940s), lesbians were some of the first to jump on it. Jeans were seen as most normal for women to wear, and flannel was usually paired with it. Flannel was warm, durable and practical. A lot of women in the work force wore it because it held up well. Usually work boots (doc martens in particular) were worn as well, which is why they are also associated with the queer community today (though it was more of a practicality thing than a fashion thing back then.)
From my research, it seems like lesbians wearing flannel became a stereotype in more popular media sometime during the 90s. This doesn't necessarily mean it didn't exist during the 80s, I honestly wish I could find more info on when exactly it became a well-known signifier of lesbians, but alas, I cannot find any good sources. Doesn't change the fact that we as an audience know of it's existence, though.
Wearing flannel definitely makes El stick out from the crowd. It was probably considered really normal in Indiana, where the temperatures are cold, but in California you really have no use for flannel in your wardrobe. The late 80s was also known for it's focus on loud colors and bold prints, which isn't at all like the muted, practical nature of flannel. You would definitely see waaay more men than women wearing it.
So El being seen almost exclusively in more masculine fashions would have probably been one of the points of bullying for her. I think her neurodivergent coding was also a factor, but that's an analysis for another time.
El's bullying: possibly homophobically charged?
So this is the furthest stretch I'm gonna make in this post. But upon noticing how often she wears flannel, I jokingly said in my head, "I wonder if they just saw her constantly wearing flannel and assumed she was a lesbian and that's why they started bullying her." And then I was like oh wait but what if actually that's what it was.
I'm assuming she was probably labeled as a tomboy for just wearing her brother's clothes. But then I began to imagine her interactions with girls like Angela which would have caused their hatred for her.
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El has a habit of calling other girls "pretty." One of the first thing she seems to notice about other girls, actually. So imagine that Angela sees this girl in men's clothing, and the first thing El probably does with her is call her pretty. Would it be a stretch to assume Angela may have thought El was hitting on her?
I don't think she was, I honestly don't know if El knows how to hit on someone at all. But the perception of Angela and the school at large could have just been... "Jane is a lesbian."
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We see other girls avoiding her. This would be a good reason (not morally, but logically, especially considering the time period) for them to do so.
There's also this line from Angela: (0:09-0:14)
Now, I first noticed this when editing a completely different video. And I had to rewatch this clip like 50 times to see if I was crazy or not (I still might be, lol.) But, does it not sound like Angela is.. saying "boyfriend" in quotes?
So I went back to rewatch Angela entering the roller rink, and her and her friend group seem surprised that she has a boyfriend. Now this could be just because El is unpopular and has no friends (that they know if.) But just like Ted Wheeler saying "our son with a girl?" could just be a dig at Mike being a nerd, other context makes me wanna look closer into this line.
Did they maybe think El only got a boyfriend to mask her "real" sexuality? It's definitely possible.
Paralleling El to other characters who are queer or labeled as so
This is a point I'm going to need to further expand upon on a later date. But in watching movies off the s4 inspo board, I've found a couple where the characters are meant to parallel El:
Let The Right One In-
I have a whole post on this parallel, if you want to read it.
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So basically, El is Oskar in this parallel. Oskar is a character who is bullied for 2 things: being fat (this is better shown in the book the movie is based upon) and being possibly gay (this is also shown better in the book.)
Oskar does end up having a romantic relationship with a character who is gender-nonconforming. Not gonna go into that particular character's exact gender bc it's kind of debatable and their backstory is sad, but the character, in their own words, is "not a girl." Oskar himself seems to be bisexual, again, you could maybe debate this, but he is non-straight at the very least.
The character he's in a relationship with, Eli, has also had their gender identity stripped away from them, which could make another interesting parallel to El, character wise.
Welcome To The Dollhouse-
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So this parallel is a bit less concrete, but the only one I could draw from it is that, once again, the main character being bullied is referenced in El's own bullying.
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The main character of this film, Dawn, is bullied for two things: being "ugly" and being a lesbian. She is not actually a lesbian, but the kids bully her for being one, and girls avoid her. One goes as far to claim she was "making a pass at her" when all Dawn did was have a conversation with her.
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Being paralleled to two different characters who were bullied for being gay is definitely a weird coincidence.
El's relationship with Max:
El has pretty unarguably romantic themes with Max.
It could just be the Duffers trying to break free from a trope, but in S4 Max takes up a damsel in distress role while El takes on a hero role, for like, the 4th time, please give this girl a break omg.
We see both Mike and Lucas attempt to save El/Max, but at the end of the season Max and El save each other. You could say this was with the power of platonic love, but there are some lines that really make you question if it could be something more.
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I feel like El being gay is a theory that has some legs to stand on! You could definitely go even further and find a lot of rainbow imagery with her, maybe some other small details. This was just my own findings.
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akajamesbarnes · 6 years
Can We All Appreciate I, Tonya For A Second
!!! Spoilers I guess but this a real-life event and also this movie is 5 months old so !!!
- Yes I know I’m late to jump on this bandwagon but C and I watched I, Tonya last night and all I can say is holy fuck
- To start off with can I please say that Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie are both amazing actors and are so good in this movie
- Also Allison Janney wow
- The academy slept on Sebastian Stan this award season you can fucking fight me if you disagree
- And apparently, he went into the audition WITH THE MOUSTACHE??? 
- Fucking iconic
- Also, my simultaneous attraction to both of them while Seb has the moustache, which, by the way, I hate that it totally grew on me throughout the movie, and Margot had the bad haircut (i think it’s a bad haircut) really did confirm that I am, in fact, a raging bisexual
- I love how they made it from both Tonya and Jeff so that the audience can see the story from the two (main) sides
- It lets us kind of decide for ourselves what we think happened and I kind of like that 
- Because even while real legal things happened in real life it gives us the main opinions that matter and lets us choose whether to think it was all bullshit or not
- And some of the scenes that conflict/contradict each other are kind of hilarious I’m not gonna lie
- Especially ones with Jeff and Tonya
- But like we should appreciate that they made a biographical movie actually entertaining?? Even though the real-life story is fascinating it’s still super fucking hard to do
- And the way that the gave the characters so much depth
- Like there are so many changes in your opinion as you watch this movie regarding the characters
- Especially Jeff like holy fuck there were way too many moments in this movie when I felt way too sympathetic even though he was an abusive piece of shit
- But that was probably partially Sebastian Stan so I may be biased (Don’t get me wrong I still hate Jeff)
- I was actually very surprised by how emotional this movie was I wasn’t expecting it
- Mostly the scene right before her competition (was it the second Olympics I already forgot??) with her pretty much having an emotion breakdown/anxiety attacks because her laces broke or something it was so sad 
- And the court case scene oh my God I was so close to crying
- Which, you know, really just shows you how amazing Margot Robbie is
- One last thing, I loved Tonya’s mum parrot so much
- So much
- I’m sure there are way more amazing things about this movie that aren’t coming to me right now but that’s basically all I wanted to say
- In conclusion, Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie and fucking amazing actors and this movie is a masterpiece
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