#also and etsy shop would require going to the post office a lot which is like the ADHD nineth circle of hell
recently-reanimated · 6 months
I like to knit and baking as hobbies, and I understand where people are coming from when they're like, "When are you opening your etsy shop/bakery!!!" Like i get it, they're just giving me a compliment its nice. However, sometimes I just want to scream, "ID RATHER DIE THAN LEARN HOW TO DO BOOK KEEPING FOR A BUISNESS LET ME ENJOY MY LITTLE HOBBY WITHOUT CAPITALIZING ON IT"
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
What can I do to limit Amazon’s* negative impacts without harming vulnerable communities who rely on their services?
* or any similar company that people are forced to use to survive if they are poor, disabled, elderly, rurally isolated, or any combination of the above
My post on Amazon has been circulating pretty far these past few weeks, and a lot of people keep trying to argue about what can be done right now. 
1. Contact your representatives
If you live in the US, there are several sites you can use to figure out your senators (you have two) and your representative (you have one). Call them if there’s a phone number. Email them if there isn’t. They’re obligated to have SOME form of contact. If your rep is already on your side, they can use your email as evidence for how citizens feel about the issue when Congress is in session to argue. If your rep is NOT on your side, they will see the email as evidence that a portion of their constituency is NOT willing to reelect them if they don’t play nice, and that scares them a lot. Either way, make yourself heard. Harass them if you have to.
(For more local issues, especially things like minimum wage and labor laws, you can find your representatives for your state or city government, like your mayor or governor or county rep, and contact them as well. Make yourself heard.)
Write emails in your own words about one of the following subjects:
Supporting the USPS. It’s the backbone of the US shipping industry, and major shipping companies like UPS, FedEx, and Amazon use it for overflow.
Monopolies and antitrust acts. Reference past antitrust acts leveled against oil, railroad, and telecom monopolies.
Raising the minimum wage. Reference inflation.
Enacting a marginal tax rate on high earners (re: the 1%, but phrased in a way that they’ll take seriously). Reference the marginal tax rates of the fifties.
Increasing disability benefits. Try to work something in about how stringent the requirements to qualify are, and how benefits don’t cover enough for medical care, transportation, assistive technology, and so on.
Increasing social security benefits for retirees. People pay into this fund all their lives as part of their income tax; it’s supposed to benefit them right back! (You can circle back to marginal tax rates and how the rich usually have savings and don’t need social security, but the poor often don’t have savings and rely on it.)
Enforcing corporate taxation. Find some statistics on who paid corporate  taxes in the past few years and who didn’t. Make sure to find a few big names and what their tax rate SHOULD have been. Emphasize how much extra money the government would be making.
Nationalizing the health care industry. Reference how well it works for countries like Canada, Korea, or Sweden, and how often hard-working Americans are bankrupted by unexpected medical emergencies.
Enacting or enforcing higher standards of employee rights. Did you know that minimum wage employees in Indiana don’t have the right to a lunch break unless they’ve been working at least twelve hours?
Legal repercussions for predatory pricing practices. Walmart is the best-known for this, but Amazon does it too, and they’re a fair bit sneakier about it.
Capping rent prices. Housing costs are among the highest financial pressures Americans face right now, and the fact that housing costs have risen SO much faster than the minimum wage is why it’s impossible to rent a one-bedroom apartment on a minimum wage anywhere in the US right now.
Capping upper management incomes. A CEO should not be earning several thousand, or several million, times as much money as their employees. It’s a long stretch (so argue the more achievable things first), but imagine if we could convince the government to say “actually, you can only make up to twenty times as much per hour as your lowest-paid employee.”
Banning police as threats against unions. UNIONS ARE GOOD THINGS. SUPPORT THEM.
Anything else that comes to mind! There are lots of subjects. This list is not an exhaustive one.
2. Vote
Pretty self-explanatory, I think. Vote in every election. Sometimes you won’t be able to vote for your top choice, and that sucks, but remember that our system is fucked and you have to go for the lesser evil that’s still capable of winning. So vote Blue (because ambivalence to our desires is better than glee at our suffering), and then send as many emails and make as many calls as you can to force them to recognize that, since you helped them get into office, they have to honor the deal to actually represent you now.
3. Support small businesses
Okay, so supporting local businesses probably isn’t too easy in a pandemic. You can’t just walk to your nearest mom and pop store to see if there’s an affordable option. That said, if you can afford to do so, try to see if there are small businesses in your area that are doing delivery or curbside-pickup.
If you live in a more rural area, see about ordering from small online businesses for non-essentials. If you’re thinking “hey, I’d like a new scarf” or something, check Instagram or Etsy first. All faults aside, Etsy is only a marketplace, not a seller themselves, so they rely on the vendors using their site to remain in business. (Whereas Amazon tries to drive their vendors out of business to take over their market share.) You can also use Google Shopping, eBay, or Craigslist.
4. Don’t Use Amazon (or similar), but don’t shame people for using it either
Some people rely on loss leaders to survive. That’s a fault of the American economy being a horrifying mess, and I listed a whole litany of the causes above. Money talks, so avoid using Amazon unless there is NO other way to get your product, but if someone you know uses Amazon, and you know they’re struggling, keep your mouth shut. If they’re not struggling, mention your distaste for Amazon but don’t push the issue; they’re more likely to come around if they feel like you’re not passing a moral judgement on them for it.
5. Recognize that many fairly-priced products are more expensive than you’re used to
The example I usually use is fashion. We’re used to a shirt costing ten or twenty dollars, even at places other than Walmart or Target. This price is what we’re led to believe is reasonable, but it’s really a factor of incredibly underpaid workers, usually overseas. If you can’t afford it, feel free to blame the low minimum wage (I certainly do), but remember to take a step back and remind yourself that it’s not that the piece is expensive, it’s that you are underpaid, and the current system is trying to teach you to expect cheaper items as the norm so they can get away with paying even more people less than they deserve.
Yeah! There are a whole lot of nonprofit agencies that focus on issues that relate to this topic. I prefer to donate to organizations that focus on enacting systemic change through legal or institutional channels, like the ACLU and AAPD, but there are a lot of options, some of which focus on more direct help, or on specific parts of the country. Figure out one that speaks to you, check it against a trusted charity rating system like Charity Navigator, and set up a monthly donation if you can afford to. Constant support can cause compassion fatigue, but consistent support is how you Get Shit Done.
7. March
Join an activist group and march. Sometimes there are other major events going on (hijacking one of the current marches against racism and police brutality in favor of one about monopolies would be in bad taste AT BEST), but there will come an opportunity to make your voice heard by showing up on the street and just yelling with a sign.
Now go forth and unleash hell.
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i-anand-mishra · 5 years
Money Making Small Business Ideas for Womens at Home
Whether you're a stay at home business ideas for moms, housewives, entrepreneur, or just want to work for yourself instead of someone else, starting a small business can be the answer you're looking for. We've gathered together some of the best small business ideas for women that require nothing more than your own talents and passions.
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Women have many talents that they can tap into, especially moms and housewife who need to be creative on the go with their kids and home running tasks. How do you know which of these talents will make the best work at home ideas for moms? We need to first ask the questions “What are you most passionate about? and “What are you good at?” Choosing a business idea works best when its something that you really enjoy doing and do well.
For example, are you really good at organizing events or planning? You could make a business helping people organize their events, parties, or just their lives. Maybe you are great at giving advice and tutorials? Become a blogger and get paid for your knowledge!
Many of these options are great business ideas for housewives and make great work from home business ideas for moms. They can pay well and will give you that freedom you want to spend more time with your family and do more in general. Let's get started!
Suggested Read:  Five Stages of Negotiation - From Preparation to Agreement
Top Small Business Ideas for Womens At Home
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It may not sound like something that you can easily make money doing, but blogging really pays off. Blogging is one of the best business ideas for moms because you get to work on your own schedule. It not only brings in a decent amount of money, but it also lets you help others. Even better, you don't need to spend any money to get yourself going. There are many blog sites, like WordPress, where you can create your blog for free. You just need to keep in mind that it can take some time to start earning a lot. There are many guides online that will show you how to create a blog that is successful.
Affiliate Marketing
This is linked to blogging and is what makes the money for most bloggers. The way it works is simple. You write blogs about different services or products that you recommend to your reader base with links to that service or product. For example, you can be an affiliate on Amazon. When you sign up as an affiliate you get a unique link to use in your blog for that product. When people click that link and buy through it, you earn money in the form of a commission!
Freelance Writer
Aside from blogging, those who love to write can earn money as a freelance writer. You can start out by joining some freelance writer sites, where you choose the articles you want to write and get paid for it. It may be small amounts at first, but you can quickly build a client base. You can also create a free website or advertise your service on social media with your rates.
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For those who have an eye for the little details, proofreading for others is another of the great work at home ideas for moms. If grammar errors and misspellings make you cringe, this is a good job for you. Many blogging sites and article writers rely on proofreaders. If you have ever seen some of the glaring errors left on news sites and the like, you know that proofreaders are needed.
Read Also: Anand Mishra’s Success Story – A Motivation for All Aspiring Entrepreneurs
As a housewife or stay at home mom, you are probably the one who does all of the budgeting. Why not put that skill to use to make some extra cash? Bookkeeping as a service doesn't require you to have previous experience either. You can help teach people the art of creative budgeting.
Life Coaching
If you like to help change lives and can inspire people, why not become a life coach? You can set your own hours and rates, and do either one on one coaching or group coaching.
Thrift Shop Flipper
This is a great choice as a business idea for housewives who love visiting thrift stores and flea markets. You can easily buy items at a real bargain, upscale them, fix them, and then sell them for a profit on sites like eBay and Etsy. You would be surprised how many people have made a real business out of this.
Drop Shipping Shop
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If selling products is something you would like to do but you don't have the space to keep inventory or run around to the post office, using a drop shipping company can be the answer for you. You can create your online shop, sell those third-party products, and they will do the shipping for you. What you make in profit depends on what you are charged by the drop shipping company and how much you sell the item for. For example, a drop ship company may charge you $1.50 for an item, and you sell it on for $ 5.00. That's a profit of $3.50 on one item. Do this with loads of items and you have yourself a profitable little online shop.
Companies will hire people to listen to audio files and transcribe them into a document for them. You get busy managers, audio and video bloggers, all of who need someone to write down their thoughts in a coherent document file for them. If you have a good ear for this, it could be one of the best small business ideas for women meant for you.
Virtual Assistant
For those stay at home moms who have a knack for a variety of things, a virtual assistant may be the perfect startup business for you. Skills like managing social media, tutoring, writing, graphic designing, researching, editing, data entry...the list goes on! People often need assistance with these things and it can all be done from home.
Amazon Seller
Amazon has an FBA program that lets you sell through them. If you have a gift for finding bargains at physical shops, you can use Amazon's FBA program to resell these at a higher cost. It's a lot like flea market flipping.
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Another of the good business ideas for moms is being a tutor. What are you good at doing that you can teach others? It can be anything from helping kids with homework to teaching someone how to knit. A lot of teaching can now be done online too, so if you are knowledgeable in a particular subject, put that knowledge to use for you. Some of the inline teaching sites may require you to have had previous teaching or tutoring experience.
If your passion involves looking after children, why not consider running your own childcare service. It not only makes you money, but it also helps your kids learn to socialize as well. You do need to check whether you need any licensing in your area and make sure your home owner's insurance endorses childcare to do this but it can be a very rewarding business.
Are you the family photographer that has a gift for catching amazing pictures? Put that skill to use! Most already have a decent camera they can use already. You can offer to take family portrait photos as a service or take pictures for companies, such as real estate agents. Your pictures can even be uploaded to stock photography sites where you get paid when someone downloads your image.
This is just a small list of some of the small business ideas for women who have kids, are housewives, or just want to work from home. They aren't too hard to get started and they tap into skills you already are good at. So sit down with a pen and paper, make a list of your talents, and see what you can do with them!
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audiovisualrecall · 3 years
I want to make more art and I want to sell prints and I want to make it a small business, but when I have a day off from work I don't end up making art. I started working on an art portfolio website for the 6th or 7th time and I think I have the right idea for it now, but it takes so much time and I get frustrated or have to walk away bc I get antsy sitting still for too long especially working on a laptop/screen, so anyway I didn't finish the website and I'm basically at the same point I was with the previous website but then I messed up something and couldn't reset it and didn't want to struggle to recreate it so I just. Made a new one???? So yeah I spend like 3 hours on that and ate way too much candy. I have a message on etsy about a custom order request that I'd like to take so I need to reply, set up the order, and then make the pride cat, none of which is very difficult or would take very long except idk if I know how to set up rhe custom order so I'm Stuck and am avoiding dealing with it, I have the other etsy order where my dad used super high quality instant glue to mend the crack, so now I just have to retouch all the paint and maybe seal the piece which wouldn't take long but I'm not doing it for some reason, and then I have 2 new orders for stickers which will be really easy to take care of bc I have some already printed of each afaik, so it shouldn't take much work or very long at all but again I'm not doing it because I really wanted to paint but I'm not doing that bc I'm not doing the other stuff and I'm not sure I want to work on any of the paintings I have started or if I want to start something new and I really also would love to fill a sketchbook with full page paintings like I've seen ppl do, but I'm not doing that unless I bind a new sketchbook of paper that can tolerate paint, first, and there's no time to do that rn....oh and I've been sitting on the die-cut stickers I ordered of the autisticat in black and holo, and the gay/rainbow and bi pride cats, instead of posting them for sale like I meant to ages ago. And I need to order a print of one of my paintings for this lady who paid me half of my price upfront so I need to order it but I'm dithering on where to order from and what kind of paper or print and the cost and whether I should order more than one print so I can sell copies in my etsy shop too, and then I really should have multiple copies of all or at least some of my prints in stock, but none of the ones I have listed are selling, so it's a gamble to order prints to have in stock instead of buying one or two at a time on demand, but maybe I just need to revamp my etsy a bit, and it would feel more real to have stuff in stock, but then I ought to have an actual space for my etsy stuff besides boxes and folders in my parents' dining room under the side table, like it'd be nice to have an office and shelving with the stuff on the shelves.... but that requires either using the guest room/steph's bedroom for an office too, but that's where my easel and paintings are and where my grandfather stays when he sleeps over once a week until he can replace his car, or it would require finishing the basement reno we have been crawling on for ages. It needs to have insulation and lights and actual ceilings and we would have to go through so much junk and find or make homes for a lot of stuff and throw out some things and it's never going to happen. And beyond anything else there's the issue of my brains executive dysfunction plus my job meaning I don't make art or work on etsy stuff when I do have time and I hardly ever have time and I could make time but I can't bc executive dysfunction, disinterest, lack of motivation... all I do is feel sucky and negative and frustrated at myself bc I always fail to do anything. Bc I don't feel like doing the things I want to do or the things I need to do because I'm not doing the other ones and on for forever.
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cindylouwho-2 · 3 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles, podcasts, videos and infographics I came across since the early March report, although some may be older than that.
I am hoping to launch a new ecommerce resource page on my website in May, although that is looking a bit ambitious with everything else I have on the go. (I've released the latest version of my Etsy search ebook, and am working on updating the keyword research ebook this week as well as still drafting a few new blog posts on Etsy search.)
If you have any questions, please drop me a line here on Tumblr, reply to this post, email me, or contact me on Twitter.
Etsy Ads have been turning themselves on without sellers taking any action. There are threads here, here, here, and here. There is a video here with more people reporting the issue in the comments. A few cases seem to be related to using vacation mode, and at least one person reports a much higher budget than they would have chosen. So go check to make sure they ae still off (unless you want them running).
eBay, Etsy and some other marketplaces have formed a coalition to lobby against proposed laws they say could harm small sellers and microbusinesses. The Coalition to Protect American’s Small Sellers (PASS Coalition) is currently fighting the INFORM Consumers Act, which “would require online marketplaces to disclose third-party seller information to consumers, including name, address, email and telephone, or face civil penalties.” An Etsy rep said that this would be problematic because it would affect the privacy of sellers, and could potentially move communications off-site meaning Etsy would have less “ability to ensure seller integrity and consumer protections.”
PayPal is now allowing Americans to pay using cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin; this is rolling out over the next few months.
Remember when Etsy Ads got way more expensive and stopped working for some people? Here’s the technical explanation of what they changed. [It is very technical in some parts, so most people will struggle with a lot of it] Note they explain that the Etsy Ads algorithm “ranks listings based on their bid price, multiplied by their predicted click-through rate”, and that they added contextual factors such as the time, the day of the week, and the buyer’s platform to tailor the bidding, and the expected order value is supposed to be part of the final bid calculation. They also mention that the current system is using the “30-day listing purchase rate” as a factor. The results of testing: “[t]he buyers saw more relevant results from ads (+6.19% CTR), the buyers made more purchases from ads (+3.08% PCCVR) and the sellers received more sales for every dollar they spent on Etsy Ads (+7.02% ROAS).” It’s clear that Etsy Ads are designed for the really big spenders, not small shops.
April’s attribute updates include candles and desks.
In their latest sustainability initiative, Etsy will now offset carbon emissions from packaging.
Etsy’s “disaster relief fund” has launched, but it is only available to US sellers, which is something not stated until you click to the application form. The FAQs actually state it is available to “all sellers”. Because everyone on Etsy is American, right?
Etsy donated $500,000 to two groups working against Asian hate. Ironically, they also got called out for having an algorithm that was surfacing “erotic” photos of Asian women as recommendations on listings that were completely unrelated items with only “Asian” as a common keyword. The issue was also noted in searches for “Asian photo”. Etsy’s response was to remove 3 listings and to promise to “continue to work on improving our algorithm to avoid surfacing recommendations where not relevant or appropriate.”
The Spring and Summer Trend Report is out, with the usual detail on trending items and keywords used. Some of the search trends:
“143% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for checkered prints”
Things like mushrooms, and “waves and squiggles” are hot
Outdoors, plants and gardening, staycations & decor related to travel are all expected to continue to be popular
“286% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for vintage colored glassware”
“42% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for pendant necklaces”
“86% YoY increase in searches on Etsy for clothing patterns”
If you are fairly new to SEO for search engines such as Google, you may find that it seems way too complex, and you might worry that you are missing something. Here is a great basic checklist for websites. Most of these items will not apply on marketplaces such as Etsy; e.g., Etsy rewrites the file name, and doesn’t allow you to create an URL separate from the listing title, or a meta description different from the listing description.
One of the most common questions I get is “how do I get backlinks”? Fortunately, Moz just came out with the Beginner's Guide to Link Building.
You know that links are very important for Google ranking, but do you know how Google decides that? Read this, and you will. [text with lots of graphics]
If you really want to know everything about SEO, Search Engine Journal compiled a fabulous list of resources. Some get very technical, so this list is definitely not for everyone.
A new study says that ⅔ of Google searches do not result in a click; people are getting the information they seek from various Google features on the search page. The study does not separate out simple searches such as the temperature outside, or a spelling check, in which users wouldn’t benefit from clicking. But while the click rate is dropping, users are still growing, so the total number of clicks continues to increase. Here’s a bit of commentary on the study.
Although Google says it likely won’t change ranking much, here’s a good overview of the upcoming Core Web Vitals algorithm update.
Good news! Bots don’t hurt your Google ranking.
SEO for videos on Google, appropriately in the form of a video. [links and highlights in the video’s description]
Former Google employees are involved in Neema, a subscription-based search engine which will protect users’ privacy. The site is currently in beta and there is a waitlist.
(CONTENT) MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails)
Trends in the best headline/caption/title for sharing have changed. BuzzSumo’s review of 100 million posts shows that emotional phrases are no longer as big as they were in 2017, and the most shared headlines are now shorter: only 11 words/65 characters. There is a lot of analysis of Twitter and Facebook as well as general info here.
Ideal image size is different on every social media platform; this infographic gives you all the sizes for the major sites.
Reminder: don’t buy Instagram followers. A lot of the services sell bots and inactive accounts, which means you won’t get any engagement. The article ends with a few tips on how to get authentic followers that will actually help you.
Coming to Instagram: the ability to save drafts of Stories.
Reddit has opened a Canadian office, a logical decision since Canuck Redditors are the third-largest country base, and are increasing by 40% a year.
Which app was downloaded the most in the first quarter of 2021? You will be unsurprised to hear it is TikTok.
You can’t know how successful your ads are, or how they could be improved, if you aren’t paying attention to several different metrics. Here is what to watch on Facebook.
Here is an overview of what we know about how Google is doing away with advertisers’ third party cookies; the new set up is called Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC).
Ad design can be tricky; here are 11 tips for creating Facebook ads that will work.
TikTok is forcing users to see ads related to their TikTok history; as of April 15, you will not be able to opt out of ad personalization. You can still refuse to let them use your activity on other sites, though.
Here’s an overview of how the new version of Google Analytics works.
Facebook Analytics will be retired June 30, 2021, and some people do not feel there are adequate alternatives.
Poshmark now has listing videos. Any videos added also show up on a seller’s Posh Stories. eBay is also rolling out videos on listing pages and storefronts.
Walmart’s Marketplace now allows sellers from outside the United States; the first new group is from China.
Hudson’s Bay Company is the latest to invite third-party merchants to sell on its site, the Hudson’s Bay Marketplace. There isn’t much there yet, though.
Half of Americans hate seeing the same ads all of the time. 40% were interested in learning about deals through ads, while almost as many want ads that are “entertaining”.
Make sure you are using the correct words to get buyers to convert. This infographic lists some of the most useful psychological trigger words, depending on your goals.
Increasing the average order value is a smart way to increase your income without adding more new customers. Here are 4 pricing strategies to get you there.
Ecommerce spending is projected to continue increasing, and installment plans have been popular early in 2021.
How fast a website loads is directly related to sales and conversions. “If a page’s load time slowed from one second to three seconds, the chances of a bounce increased by almost a third (32%). And going from one to five seconds increased bounce rate by a whopping 90%!”
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knittinginfrance · 7 years
Hi there, how are you today? I hope you had a nice weekend and that this week has been a success so far. I had a nice and relaxed weekend myself. I did not quite as much knitting done as I would have liked but I did enjoy working on my projects and that is all that counts.
Today is not going to be my regular post with updates on my projects and so forth because today I’m doing the Maker of the Month February edition.
I have planned to introduce you to a new maker every month and those will be either yarn dyers, pattern designers or other kind of makers that are involved in the knitting/crochet/fibre world. I have already planned interviews all the way to next July which is very exciting and if you have any suggestions for a maker I should check out and maybe feature here please do let me know.
So the Maker of the Month this February is yarn dyer Christy Houghton of Yarn Cafe Creations. I’m sure some if not all of you have already heard of her and maybe  you even follow her podcast The Girls in the Yarn Cafe.
I heard of her first on the Periscoping sisters podcast I believe because she was collaborating on a kit with Amy and I just absolutely LOVED her yarn for that kit and went ahead and bought a couple of skeins. Since then I have subscribed to her YouTube channel and follow her on social media and of course I continue buying her yarns:)
The first yarn I bought from her was a fingering weight yarn and the colorway was called Ocean Mist
I think it is just such a mesmerising colorway.
And I ofcourse knit a pair of Simple Skyp Socks – my first pair of those actually.
Since then I have aquired a few more skeins, all in 4 ply fingering weight because I absolutely love her fingering base and of course I love knitting socks.
These two are waiting to be turned into socks. The one on the left is Mermaid Party and the one on the right is Calgary.
And actually I’m currently knitting with one of her yarns because like I told you in my latest post, I have decided to join in the Lovealong kal that is being hosted by Dani of Little Bobbins knits, Amy Meeks of the Periscoping sisters who designed the pattern and Christy whose yarn was used to design the sock. And to be able to have 3 times the chance of winning something in this kal I of course decided to knit with one of Christy’s yarns. The yarn I chose is again her superwash merino 4 ply base and the colorway is called Banana Split.
Beautiful, right? And once it’s been wound up into a skein, this is what it looks like:
So colorful and yet subtle and it totally lets the pattern shine. I feel this was a great match for this pattern as both the yarn and the pattern are equally beautiful and don’t overshadow each other.
This is where I’m at currently
But enough about me. It’s time I shared the interview with Christy so here goes:
Hello Christy and welcome to the Knitting in France blog.  To start off would you please tell us a little bit about yourself ?
When did you learn to knit and do you remember who taught you, if you learned from a person that is ?
I learned to knit, after years of crocheting, by watching YouTube videos. I knew I likes the look of knitting more than crocheting but had always been intimidated by it. Once I started knitting, I couldn’t stop! It became my new passion. That was about 7 years ago.
Do you have a favorite type of project to knit? I for example am a big sock knitter and always have a ton of those on my needles.
I will go through phases where I am in love with sock knitting and then I find a sweater pattern that I just can’t put down. I have recently discovered shawls and wraps and am finding these an absolute joy to knit!  I guess I don’t have a favorite type of project, I just like to continuously challenge myself with new knitting projects. 
Do you crochet, spin and or weave as well ?
I only crochet but hope to learn spinning someday. 
Do you knit in public and if so, do you have a favorite spot to do so?
I knit in public all the time!  My favorite place to knit in public would be at a conference. I am constantly attending conferences for my job and find it easier to focus on the speaker if I’m knitting. 
I see that Yarn Cafe Creations opened on  Etsy in 2015 and I was wondering if you had been selling elsewhere before then or if your yarn dyeing adventure began in 2015 with your Etsy shop?
I started on Etsy in 2015 and it was first and only attempt at selling yarn. I feel like I found the right place to sell my yarn and have been very happy with the results. 
What prompted you to start your own yarn dyeing business?
I discovered hand-dyed yarn on Instagram and couldn’t believe how expensive some of the yarn was. I decided to research it to see if the bare yarn was expensive. I wanted to know if it was worth the money to buy hand-dyed yarn. I found that there was bare yarn available at very reasonable prices and felt like I could make a quality product to sell at a more affordable price.  I knew that  there were probably people out there who couldn’t afford to pay what some of these yarn dyers were charging. I wanted to make it more affordable for people who may not be able to afford this type of yarn. 
Where does the name of your shop, Yarn Cafe Creations come from?
My boyfriend actually came up with it. I love coffee and coffee shop decor so he thought this name would represent me well. 
Where do you get your inspiration for your colourways from ?
Well, color is not my strong suit. I usually look at clothing fashion to see what colors people are wearing that season. Then I will look at online color palettes for inspiration. I also love to look at nature photos to see what beauty I can find out in the world. 
What is your most popular colorway? and/or  most popular yarn base?
Ocean Mist on Fluffy Sock. 
Do you have a target audience/clients? I mean do you try to cater especially for say the sock/accessories knitter or do you also try to appeal to the garment knitter with larger dye lots?
I have stocked many different yarn bases in my shop but have found that I sell much more sock/fingering weight yarn than any other yarn type. I would love to carry many different yarn weights but have tried to cater to what sells. Sock yarn is much more popular for sock knitting, shawl knitting, and other light knits. 
Do you accept custom orders?
I do custom orders all the time and really enjoy doing them. 
Do you dye yarn full time or do you also have a “regular” job ?
I work full-time as the Director of Quality over 7 medical offices. I am also a marriage and family therapist and own my own practice. I see clients 1-2 nights a week. Yarn dyeing happens on the other weeknights and on the weekends. I like being busy. 
What does a typical workday look like for you?
I start my day in the morning by dropping off packages at the post office and then heading to my medical job. There are a lot of meetings during any given week and a lot of tasks that require my attention. At about 5:00, I will then go see a therapy client or head home if it’s not a therapy night. When I get home, I will usually do a couple of batches of yarn and then get orders ready to go out the next day. Then it’s off to bed!
What have you got planned for Yarn Cafe Creations in 2017? and where do you see your company in say 5 years from now?
I have many collaborations with bag makers and pattern designers coming up in the next few months. I’m hoping to continue to grow this business while still being part of the medical community. I have a passion for both. In 5 years, I hope that people will still love my yarn enough to still be purchasing it. This will allow me to continue to do what I love. 
You also have a podcast called The Girls in the Yarn Cafe that you do with your daughter and I love watching that podcast every time you publish an episode. Can you tell us a little bit more about the podcast like when you started and what you show and discuss for those that might not yet be familiar with your podcast ?
Our podcast started with just me. I made a couple by myself and it was called The Girl in the Yarn Cafe. I decided to have my daughters come on as guests, just for fun. Trysten is my only knitting daughter and after she was a guest we found that people loved us together. She and I have a great dynamic on our podcast and we have so much fun doing it. I think we do it for our own entertainment and are just so happy that people enjoy being part of it. I hope we can continue doing it for years to come. 
What is the best way/best place for people to follow you on social media?
I am most active on Instagram and Ravelry. I do have a Twitter and a Facebook page but I’m less active on those.
Thank you, Bogga, for your interest in my yarn business!  I appreciate your support!!
Thank you so much to Christy for accepting my interview and for sharing her knitting and yarn dyeing life with us. And Christy has also generously donated a skein of her yarn for a giveaway! This is on her 4 ply superwash merino Fluffy Sock base and the colorway is called Pumpkin Carving and it is gorgeous!
To join in this giveaway all you need to do is go over to Christy’s shop Yarn Cafe Creations browse her gorgeous yarns and then come back here and leave a comment with your favorite colorway. I know choosing is close to impossible but just write down one of the many you love :) You have until February 14th to join and leave a comment and I will draw a winner using random number generator and announce the lucky winner here on the blog on February 15th. The winner will then have one month to claim his/her prize and if not claimed I will draw a second time.
That’s it for today. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to spend time with me. I hope you enjoyed the interview with Christy and I wish you the best of luck with the giveaway. Next time the post will be all about my knitting and my new knitting needles that I love so much I have to share so you too can try them out.
Take care and happy knitting :)
The Maker of the Month – Yarn Cafe Creations Hi there, how are you today? I hope you had a nice weekend and that this week has been a success so far.
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everythingbychoice · 4 years
While there’s no registration fee on Etsy’s website, it might feel like a daunting task to make a decent income by selling your handmade goods online. Before you set up your digital shop, first establish a strong brand identity that represents the kinds of products that you want to sell. With careful marketing strategies and proper advertising techniques, you’ll be ready to set foot in the world of online commerce!
[Edit]Creating a Brand and Etsy Shop
Decide on a product to sell in your Etsy store. Look on Etsy’s main website to see the most popular shops and products that customers are viewing. While many handcrafted items require years of skill, some crafts are relatively easy to learn. Choose a niche in the creative industry that’s easy to learn and inexpensive to pursue.[1]
For instance, knitting and crocheting don’t require a lot of money to pursue, and they aren’t overly difficult to learn. Fine carpentry, sewing, and 3D-printing, however, are not easy skills to pick up in a short amount of time.
If you’re already skilled in an art or craft, try using that talent in your Etsy shop!
Pick a catchy and memorable name for your store. Draft a list of possible names for your shop before registering on Etsy’s website. As you brainstorm, avoid generic themes and names that could be overlooked. Instead, try and think of fun plays on words or other clever titles that can grab a potential buyer’s attention.[2]
For instance, “Tamara’s Handmade Animals” might not stand out a lot to a buyer scrolling through different listings. A name like “Tamara’s Tremendous Toys” is a lot more engaging to your customer base.
Try writing down any idea that comes into your head, even if it’s mundane. You can always mix and match different name ideas!
Design a distinct logo for your shop. Think about the kind of store you want to create. As you brainstorm, think about the audience you’re trying to sell to, and what kind of visual identity would appeal to that group. If your products are geared toward adults, you might want to use a simplistic, elegant symbol like a diamond, circle, or square. If your wares are designed for kids, you might want to explore a chunkier design with bright, fun colors.[3]
Your logo doesn’t have to be intricate or complicated. Think of symbols that relate to the kind of wares that you’re selling.
For instance, if you sell wood carvings, your logo could have a tree in it.
Register on Etsy to set up your store. Use your professional email (or an email you’ve created specifically for your business) to make an account on the main website. Next, click on the “open a shop” button and fill out the various required fields, like your bank account and payment info. Add your logo in addition to your listing photos to make your store’s appearance stand out to customers.[4]
You’ll have to confirm your email before you can do anything on your new Etsy account.
Upload high-quality photos of your goods to your shop. Use a professional or high-quality phone camera to take pictures of the items you plan on selling. Try photographing your products in a well-lit area without any clutter in the background. Additionally, choose a simple backdrop that doesn’t distract from the products that you’re trying to sell. Make sure that the details and purpose of your item are evident in the listing picture.[5]
For example, if you’re selling handmade earrings, you’d want to include a zoomed-in shot of the jewelry, as well as a picture of someone modeling the item. If you’re selling rugs or blankets, you might want to upload a picture of the blanket lying on a bed and a close-up of the details and pattern.
Use caution when shooting near reflective surfaces. Depending on your camera angle, your reflection might faintly show up in the pictures.
Try to take your photographs in identical areas. If your product pictures look too different, it might make your shop look disorganized.
If you choose to use the camera flash, try to angle your camera lens to prevent any excess flare in your photos.
Set a fair price for your wares. Calculate how many hours you spend making a single unit of your product, then factor in the cost of different supplies. While you don’t want to overprice your goods, you always want to make a profit with your sales. Compare your price listings to other stores to see if you’re offering a fair and reasonable deal for your handmade products. Additionally, try to price your goods based on the hours of labor that you put into making them.[6]
If you run a knitted hat shop, take a mental inventory of how much the yarn will cost. Next, factor in how long it takes you to make each hat. If the yarn costs around $5 and it takes you 2-3 hours to make a hat, it would be fair to price each hat at a minimum of $25.
Set an hourly wage for yourself that feels comfortable and fair when compared to other Etsy shops. For instance, don’t set a $25 hourly wage for yourself when other people are setting an hourly wage of $15 or $20.
[Edit]Implementing Good Marketing and Sales Strategies
Publish a clear sales policy on your store. Use Etsy’s store interface to specify your shipping details and restrictions. If you allow worldwide shipping, specify if and what the cost difference will be. State a firm return policy for your items as well, so your potential customers have a greater understanding of how your shipping process works.[7]
If you don’t set a clear shipping and return policy, you could be setting yourself up for awkward conversations with your customers.
While worldwide shipping can increase your customer base, it will also increase your shipping costs.
For instance, if you sell handcrafted furniture or another heavy ware, you might only want to ship domestically and not allow returns.
Communicate promptly with your customers. Pay attention to your email, mobile app, and website interface for any customer notifications. As soon as you receive a message or comment from a potential buyer, do your best to respond to it quickly and efficiently. Use a cordial tone, so the customer feels valued and respected.[8]
If a customer is unhappy or unsatisfied with their order, make an effort to go the extra mile. For instance, try offering them a discount or a free product.
Try saying something like this: ”Hello! I’m so sorry that you had a negative experience with our homemade soap collection. Can we make it up to you with a free soap bar and a 50% coupon for your next order?”
Observe successful Etsy shops to see how they operate. Follow or “favorite” popular shops that sell similar products to your own store. Pay close attention to the way they portray their brand, how they price their items, and how they respond to customer comments. If you’re having trouble establishing a customer base, you might be able to model yourself after more successful businesses.[9]
When researching other brands, look at small, purposeful ways that your shop can improve. Do you need to create a stronger brand presence? Do you need to tweak your prices, or add more listings?
Network with other Etsy sellers to gain a new perspective. Search online to find other stores that sell to a similar customer base. Send them a message through Etsy’s website, mentioning that you’re new to the site are looking for advice. If you speak with other sellers, you might be able to get some insight into how you should be running your store.[10]
For instance, you could get the inspiration to use customized shipping labels by speaking to another seller.
You can also try connecting with other Etsy sellers via social media.
Use SEO tools to find out what your customers really want. Utilize an online keyword searching tool to figure out different keywords that you could use for your store. Use these results to update the product listings for your store, which allows your store to come up more frequently in search engine results. If you’re looking for a free resource, try using SEO Review Tools, Wordtracker, or Kparser to get started.[11]
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, helps companies pinpoint what kind of content individuals are looking for by generating lists of relevant keywords. Companies then incorporate these keywords into their blogs and websites, which makes their web presence more noticeable online.
For instance, if you sell jewelry, the keyword “jewelry” won’t be enough to distinguish your store on Etsy. A term like “handcrafted beaded jewelry” will help make your store more specific and distinguishable.
Keep shipping supplies around your home. Go to your local post office or other packing supply store to stock up on bubble wrap, mailers, boxes, packing tape, and anything else that you need to successfully and safely ship your goods. Try and keep tabs on these supplies, so you don’t constantly have to go out and buy more.[12]
Only buy what you need. If you sell soft, handmade toys, you won’t need to buy large cardboard boxes. On the other hand, if you sell large, complex garments, you might need to invest in larger boxes.
[Edit]Advertising Your Shop
Print business cards that you can give to other people. Use a word processor, photo editing software, or other design resource to create a business card for your new Etsy store. Place your logo in a prominent area of the design where customers will be able to see and recognize it. Additionally, include your name, email, store URL, and/or relevant social media accounts so potential buyers can know how to contact you.[13]
If your social media handle is identical to your brand name, save space by only including a social media logo (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
Make a Facebook account for your shop. Use the email connected to your Etsy account to register on Facebook, so you can create a page for your products. Use Facebook’s analytic features to determine how many people your posts reach, and if people seem to be clicking on any links that you post. Focus on advertising your products, as well as mentioning any upcoming sales in your store.[14]
Social media is a great way to keep in touch with your customers. Keep an eye on your phone or computer to see if anyone is trying to reach you.
If you’re planning on using multiple social media accounts, try saving time with programs like HootSuite.
Create a Twitter account to connect with possible clients. Use Twitter to upload short messages and photo posts, which provide an efficient overview of your Etsy store. Keep your posts within the 280 character limit, and take note of the 4 picture photo limit per post.[15]
Pay attention to your notification tab! If your customers use Twitter, they might reach out to you there.
Encourage your customers to share pictures of your products on social media and tag you in them! This will make it easier to interact with new customers.
Post pictures of your goods on Instagram and Pinterest. Select your best product photos and upload them to different photo-sharing sites. If you’d like to improve the lighting of your picture, try applying a filter or making a few edits ahead of time. Feel free to share multiple product pictures at once![16]
Engineer a website for your Etsy store. Use Wix, Weebly, Wordpress, Google, or another website builder to help you create a more established digital presence. Include links to your store, as well as widgets or buttons that lead customers to your social media accounts. Additionally, include a digital storefront and/or photo spreads of your products so potential customers have an idea of what they can expect.[17]
You don’t need a lot of coding skills to create your own website.
Several builders will let you design a free site, as long as you include their domain in the name.
A public domain only costs a few dollars per year, depending on which service you use.
Develop a partner blog to go with your Etsy store. Generate more interest in your products by writing different text and photo posts about your creative process. Use relevant tags that can transfer interested readers to your website. As always, include a link to your store in a central, focal part of the blog, like the center of the home page.[18]
For instance, if you sell handcrafted paintings, try posting blog entries about your creative process. Dedicate an entire post to the different ways you find inspiration, and another post to how you prepare your workspace. Potential customers might enjoy seeing a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process!
If you stitch dresses and other high-end garments in your shop, consider dedicating a blog post to your assembly process, or how you go about tailoring different items of clothing.
DIY content is appealing to a wide customer base.
[Edit]Things You’ll Need
[Edit]Developing a Strong Brand
Business cards
[Edit]Implementing Successful Marketing Strategies
Bubble wrap
Shipping boxes
Packing tape
If you plan on starting a newsletter or holding a lot of sales, consider making a digital mailing list for interested customers.[19]
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/what-to-sell-on-etsy/67553338536
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/7-steps-to-a-successful-start-on-etsy/22421860924
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015568007-Creating-an-Account-on-Etsy
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/7-steps-to-a-successful-start-on-etsy/22421860924
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/a-simple-formula-for-pricing-your-work/26192517008
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/7-steps-to-a-successful-start-on-etsy/22421860924
↑ https://www.theworkathomewoman.com/be-successful-on-etsy/
↑ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tiSBPaIq1Uo&t=1m17s
↑ https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/marketing-sales/marketing-promotion/online-marketing/facebook/benefits
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/how-to-market-your-business-on-twitter/30134171093
↑ http://www.morgannield.com/blog/2017/2/8/branding-101-branding-basics-for-your-etsy-shop
↑ https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4661-starting-a-business-website.html
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/6-ways-to-create-blog-content-your/51843794149
↑ https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/a-field-guide-to-email-marketing/215119356692
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samuelfields · 4 years
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020
I’ve worked from home my entire career.
Seriously, my last office job was as a marketing intern at the American Alpine Club after college.
And I’m never going back, I’m all-in on working from home. I’m not the only one either, 91% of remote workers say it’s a good fit for them.
But what if there aren’t any remote gigs open? How can me make the jump to working from home?
I put together 10 ways to make money from home, along with tips for getting started. Anyone can do these and they don’t require any previous skills. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make the jump to working from home too.
1. Virtual Assistant
If you’re a seasoned office worker or former secretary or assistant, working as a virtual assistant could be a great way to earn money from home. Sites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Fiverr feature numerous virtual assistant jobs for people proficient in data entry, project management, business software tools, and other tasks.
If you’re organized and well-versed in technology, you can have your pick of virtual assisting jobs. It’s also important to be a good communicator, as you’ll often work with entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need tasks accomplished quickly.
One downside of virtual assisting is that it’s quite competitive. And much of that competition is international which can do work at much lower rates since they have a lower cost of living.
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you. If you’re just starting out, one strategy is to browse through existing profiles. See what kind of services other virtual assistants offer. You’ll see everything from data entry and transcription to graphic design and customer service support.
When it’s time to set up your profile on job sites, be specific about what types of skills you offer. Try to focus on a single skill set that has more demand than others. You’ll be able to charge higher rates and get more work.
As you accumulate reviews, you may even find that users seek you out. Many experienced virtual assistants have long-term customers who keep them busy with work.
2. Online Teacher or Tutor
Do you have a teaching degree? Or maybe you’re an experienced tutor. If you have an education background, online tutoring might be the perfect work-at-home job for you.
With the increasing popularity of virtual schools, there are plenty of job openings for remote teachers. Online public schools like K12 and Connections Academy hire qualified teachers to work with students in a virtual classroom.
If you like the idea of tutoring but you don’t have a teaching degree, don’t worry. There are still plenty of opportunities for people who have a passion for working with students.
For example, sites like Tutor Me and Skooli offer tutoring opportunities for people skilled in a particular subject area. While you don’t necessarily need a teaching background to qualify, you must possess certain education or mastery in the area in which you would like to tutor.
If you qualify, virtual tutoring can be quite lucrative. Skooli tutors earn $25 per hour. Tutor Me pays its tutors $16 an hour, and the site gets great reviews from tutors on Glassdoor.
3. Airbnb Host
If you have a spare room or second home, you can put it to work for you by becoming an Airbnb host. Airbnb has become massive, many folks have built entire businesses off it. In the little over 10 years Airbnb has operated, its listings have grown by more than 100 percent every year.
If you’re a property owner, you can join the ranks of homeowners making extra income by renting out rooms or properties. According to one report, 82 percent of people who offer listings on Airbnb say it’s a good way to make money.
On average, Airbnb hosts make $942 per month on their properties. If you have the ability to rent out a small apartment or separate floor on your property, you could possibly make more.
4. Social Media Manager
Many business owners make the mistake of thinking social media is easy. Once they create an account and start posting, however, they quickly realize that creating effective social posts is more difficult than it looks.
  In some cases, business owners lack the skills or bandwidth to manage their company’s social media channels. Coming up with content, posting regularly, and responding to folks simply takes too much time. It’s easy to de-prioritize.
This is where social media managers come in. If you love all things internet, and you’re a good writer, running a company’s social media accounts could be the work-at-home job of your dreams.
To get your foot in the door, it helps to have experience in building social audiences. If you can point to profiles that you’ve grown and have engaged audiences, you shouldn’t have any problem getting clients. Even if you’re starting from scratch, take 6-12 months to get good at it and then look for work. Anyone can do this.
You can find social media manager opportunities on various sites, including Fiverr, Indeed, and Monster. When you search these sites, just make sure to narrow the field to show “remote” postings only. That way you’re not wasting time combing through on-site jobs.
5. Craigslist or eBay Seller
You don’t need your own ecommerce site to make money selling products online. If you’re a savvy bargain hunter, you can resell the items you find on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
These sites make it easy to post items for sale in exchange for paying the site a small commission on the money you earn. If you work out of a home office, you may even be able to write off many of your office supplies and other business-related expenses on your taxes.
You can find a ton of inspirational stories about successful eBay entrepreneurs, such as the mom who started a five-figure business reselling items she found in stores and thrift shops.
To get you started, check out our guide on how to make money on eBay.
6. Graphic Designer
Because graphic design is a visual artform, it lends itself to an online business model. Graphic artists can work from anywhere.
Moreover, the majority of businesses can’t thrive without an online presence. This means they need logos, social media header designs, custom signatures, and more. There’s plenty of design work to go around.
Sites like Fiverr, Dribbble, and 99Designs are great places to showcase your work as an artist. Talented graphic designers on Etsy offer everything from custom logo design to entire branding packages.
7. Child Care Worker
If you love working with children, you can use your babysitting skills to earn extra money at home. Sites like Care.com and Sittercity let you list your profile and qualifications so interested families can connect with you online.
You can make your profile stand out by earning relevant certifications. For example, being qualified in CPR or basic first aid can help separate you from the crowd. As a bonus, having these specialized skills means you can charge a higher rate for your services.
If you’re flexible, you can even expand your offerings to senior care and pet care. In some cases, people looking for these services may prefer you to come to their house to work. However, you may also be able to find families willing to let you carry out your duties in your home.
8. Freelance Writer
If you’re good with the written word, content writing or copywriting might be a career path worth pursuing. I did a lot of this myself in the early days. If you have specialized expertise in a certain area, that’s a great way to stand out.
When I was getting started, I got certified in Google Analytics. There were plenty of Google Analytics experts that couldn’t write. And plenty of writers that didn’t know anything about analytics. I was one of the rare exceptions that could do both. This is how I got my first big gig at an analytics startup that led to a full-time remote job.
Sites like WebMD and hire physicians and other health professionals to write articles for their websites. You can find job postings on Glassdoor as well as the WebMD job board.
But what if you don’t have a doctor’s lab coat lurking among your professional qualifications or a certification like I had? Get one. The certification I got cost me $100 to take the test and a few weeks studying a book that cost $30. So only $130 in total. Peruse the technical section at book stores and look for professional software manuals that could lead to certifications.
Getting a certification isn’t a requirement but it does help.
However, you should definitely be proficient at writing. It also helps to have experience writing for the web. If you’re new to online writing, you can start by creating your own blog and posting regular content. Once you have a portfolio of work posted online, you’ll have a much easier time when applying for gigs.
When you’re ready to look for writing jobs, some great places to search are Media Bistro and the ProBlogger job board.
9. Artist
Are you a skilled artist, woodworker, painter, or craftsperson? You can turn your hobby into a profitable side business by listing your wares on sites like Etsy. The company is the top destination for buyers looking for unique and custom artwork, jewelry, and crafts.
Etsy’s user base and profits reflect the site’s popularity. At the end of 2017, the site had 33.4 million active buyers and earned $1 billion in gross merchandise sales.
One woman launched her own design and furniture-making business using locally sourced reclaimed wood. Her Etsy business became so popular, she was able to transition to selling pieces on her own website as well as popular home goods stores like Wayfair and Houzz.
10. Bookkeeper
If you have accounts receivable or secretarial experience, consider bookkeeping as a work-from-home job. You don’t need an accounting degree to build a successful bookkeeping business, but you should possess relevant experience or certifications.
You can find a number of affordable bookkeeping courses offered online, with most taking just a few months to complete. You may also be able to sign up for a certification course at a local community college in your area.
The great thing about bookkeeping is that it never stops. Every business needs to do it every month. So once you get a client, you’re likely to keep them for awhile.
Once you have the skills you need to work as a bookkeeper, you can find plenty of job opportunities on Indeed, FlexJobs, and ZipRecruiter.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-from-home/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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kennethherrerablog · 4 years
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020
I’ve worked from home my entire career.
Seriously, my last office job was as a marketing intern at the American Alpine Club after college.
And I’m never going back, I’m all-in on working from home. I’m not the only one either, 91% of remote workers say it’s a good fit for them.
But what if there aren’t any remote gigs open? How can me make the jump to working from home?
I put together 10 ways to make money from home, along with tips for getting started. Anyone can do these and they don’t require any previous skills. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make the jump to working from home too.
1. Virtual Assistant
If you’re a seasoned office worker or former secretary or assistant, working as a virtual assistant could be a great way to earn money from home. Sites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Fiverr feature numerous virtual assistant jobs for people proficient in data entry, project management, business software tools, and other tasks.
If you’re organized and well-versed in technology, you can have your pick of virtual assisting jobs. It’s also important to be a good communicator, as you’ll often work with entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need tasks accomplished quickly.
One downside of virtual assisting is that it’s quite competitive. And much of that competition is international which can do work at much lower rates since they have a lower cost of living.
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you. If you’re just starting out, one strategy is to browse through existing profiles. See what kind of services other virtual assistants offer. You’ll see everything from data entry and transcription to graphic design and customer service support.
When it’s time to set up your profile on job sites, be specific about what types of skills you offer. Try to focus on a single skill set that has more demand than others. You’ll be able to charge higher rates and get more work.
As you accumulate reviews, you may even find that users seek you out. Many experienced virtual assistants have long-term customers who keep them busy with work.
2. Online Teacher or Tutor
Do you have a teaching degree? Or maybe you’re an experienced tutor. If you have an education background, online tutoring might be the perfect work-at-home job for you.
With the increasing popularity of virtual schools, there are plenty of job openings for remote teachers. Online public schools like K12 and Connections Academy hire qualified teachers to work with students in a virtual classroom.
If you like the idea of tutoring but you don’t have a teaching degree, don’t worry. There are still plenty of opportunities for people who have a passion for working with students.
For example, sites like Tutor Me and Skooli offer tutoring opportunities for people skilled in a particular subject area. While you don’t necessarily need a teaching background to qualify, you must possess certain education or mastery in the area in which you would like to tutor.
If you qualify, virtual tutoring can be quite lucrative. Skooli tutors earn $25 per hour. Tutor Me pays its tutors $16 an hour, and the site gets great reviews from tutors on Glassdoor.
3. Airbnb Host
If you have a spare room or second home, you can put it to work for you by becoming an Airbnb host. Airbnb has become massive, many folks have built entire businesses off it. In the little over 10 years Airbnb has operated, its listings have grown by more than 100 percent every year.
If you’re a property owner, you can join the ranks of homeowners making extra income by renting out rooms or properties. According to one report, 82 percent of people who offer listings on Airbnb say it’s a good way to make money.
On average, Airbnb hosts make $942 per month on their properties. If you have the ability to rent out a small apartment or separate floor on your property, you could possibly make more.
4. Social Media Manager
Many business owners make the mistake of thinking social media is easy. Once they create an account and start posting, however, they quickly realize that creating effective social posts is more difficult than it looks.
  In some cases, business owners lack the skills or bandwidth to manage their company’s social media channels. Coming up with content, posting regularly, and responding to folks simply takes too much time. It’s easy to de-prioritize.
This is where social media managers come in. If you love all things internet, and you’re a good writer, running a company’s social media accounts could be the work-at-home job of your dreams.
To get your foot in the door, it helps to have experience in building social audiences. If you can point to profiles that you’ve grown and have engaged audiences, you shouldn’t have any problem getting clients. Even if you’re starting from scratch, take 6-12 months to get good at it and then look for work. Anyone can do this.
You can find social media manager opportunities on various sites, including Fiverr, Indeed, and Monster. When you search these sites, just make sure to narrow the field to show “remote” postings only. That way you’re not wasting time combing through on-site jobs.
5. Craigslist or eBay Seller
You don’t need your own ecommerce site to make money selling products online. If you’re a savvy bargain hunter, you can resell the items you find on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
These sites make it easy to post items for sale in exchange for paying the site a small commission on the money you earn. If you work out of a home office, you may even be able to write off many of your office supplies and other business-related expenses on your taxes.
You can find a ton of inspirational stories about successful eBay entrepreneurs, such as the mom who started a five-figure business reselling items she found in stores and thrift shops.
To get you started, check out our guide on how to make money on eBay.
6. Graphic Designer
Because graphic design is a visual artform, it lends itself to an online business model. Graphic artists can work from anywhere.
Moreover, the majority of businesses can’t thrive without an online presence. This means they need logos, social media header designs, custom signatures, and more. There’s plenty of design work to go around.
Sites like Fiverr, Dribbble, and 99Designs are great places to showcase your work as an artist. Talented graphic designers on Etsy offer everything from custom logo design to entire branding packages.
7. Child Care Worker
If you love working with children, you can use your babysitting skills to earn extra money at home. Sites like Care.com and Sittercity let you list your profile and qualifications so interested families can connect with you online.
You can make your profile stand out by earning relevant certifications. For example, being qualified in CPR or basic first aid can help separate you from the crowd. As a bonus, having these specialized skills means you can charge a higher rate for your services.
If you’re flexible, you can even expand your offerings to senior care and pet care. In some cases, people looking for these services may prefer you to come to their house to work. However, you may also be able to find families willing to let you carry out your duties in your home.
8. Freelance Writer
If you’re good with the written word, content writing or copywriting might be a career path worth pursuing. I did a lot of this myself in the early days. If you have specialized expertise in a certain area, that’s a great way to stand out.
When I was getting started, I got certified in Google Analytics. There were plenty of Google Analytics experts that couldn’t write. And plenty of writers that didn’t know anything about analytics. I was one of the rare exceptions that could do both. This is how I got my first big gig at an analytics startup that led to a full-time remote job.
Sites like WebMD and hire physicians and other health professionals to write articles for their websites. You can find job postings on Glassdoor as well as the WebMD job board.
But what if you don’t have a doctor’s lab coat lurking among your professional qualifications or a certification like I had? Get one. The certification I got cost me $100 to take the test and a few weeks studying a book that cost $30. So only $130 in total. Peruse the technical section at book stores and look for professional software manuals that could lead to certifications.
Getting a certification isn’t a requirement but it does help.
However, you should definitely be proficient at writing. It also helps to have experience writing for the web. If you’re new to online writing, you can start by creating your own blog and posting regular content. Once you have a portfolio of work posted online, you’ll have a much easier time when applying for gigs.
When you’re ready to look for writing jobs, some great places to search are Media Bistro and the ProBlogger job board.
9. Artist
Are you a skilled artist, woodworker, painter, or craftsperson? You can turn your hobby into a profitable side business by listing your wares on sites like Etsy. The company is the top destination for buyers looking for unique and custom artwork, jewelry, and crafts.
Etsy’s user base and profits reflect the site’s popularity. At the end of 2017, the site had 33.4 million active buyers and earned $1 billion in gross merchandise sales.
One woman launched her own design and furniture-making business using locally sourced reclaimed wood. Her Etsy business became so popular, she was able to transition to selling pieces on her own website as well as popular home goods stores like Wayfair and Houzz.
10. Bookkeeper
If you have accounts receivable or secretarial experience, consider bookkeeping as a work-from-home job. You don’t need an accounting degree to build a successful bookkeeping business, but you should possess relevant experience or certifications.
You can find a number of affordable bookkeeping courses offered online, with most taking just a few months to complete. You may also be able to sign up for a certification course at a local community college in your area.
The great thing about bookkeeping is that it never stops. Every business needs to do it every month. So once you get a client, you’re likely to keep them for awhile.
Once you have the skills you need to work as a bookkeeper, you can find plenty of job opportunities on Indeed, FlexJobs, and ZipRecruiter.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
paulckrueger · 4 years
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020
I’ve worked from home my entire career.
Seriously, my last office job was as a marketing intern at the American Alpine Club after college.
And I’m never going back, I’m all-in on working from home. I’m not the only one either, 91% of remote workers say it’s a good fit for them.
But what if there aren’t any remote gigs open? How can me make the jump to working from home?
I put together 10 ways to make money from home, along with tips for getting started. Anyone can do these and they don’t require any previous skills. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make the jump to working from home too.
1. Virtual Assistant
If you’re a seasoned office worker or former secretary or assistant, working as a virtual assistant could be a great way to earn money from home. Sites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Fiverr feature numerous virtual assistant jobs for people proficient in data entry, project management, business software tools, and other tasks.
If you’re organized and well-versed in technology, you can have your pick of virtual assisting jobs. It’s also important to be a good communicator, as you’ll often work with entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need tasks accomplished quickly.
One downside of virtual assisting is that it’s quite competitive. And much of that competition is international which can do work at much lower rates since they have a lower cost of living.
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you. If you’re just starting out, one strategy is to browse through existing profiles. See what kind of services other virtual assistants offer. You’ll see everything from data entry and transcription to graphic design and customer service support.
When it’s time to set up your profile on job sites, be specific about what types of skills you offer. Try to focus on a single skill set that has more demand than others. You’ll be able to charge higher rates and get more work.
As you accumulate reviews, you may even find that users seek you out. Many experienced virtual assistants have long-term customers who keep them busy with work.
2. Online Teacher or Tutor
Do you have a teaching degree? Or maybe you’re an experienced tutor. If you have an education background, online tutoring might be the perfect work-at-home job for you.
With the increasing popularity of virtual schools, there are plenty of job openings for remote teachers. Online public schools like K12 and Connections Academy hire qualified teachers to work with students in a virtual classroom.
If you like the idea of tutoring but you don’t have a teaching degree, don’t worry. There are still plenty of opportunities for people who have a passion for working with students.
For example, sites like Tutor Me and Skooli offer tutoring opportunities for people skilled in a particular subject area. While you don’t necessarily need a teaching background to qualify, you must possess certain education or mastery in the area in which you would like to tutor.
If you qualify, virtual tutoring can be quite lucrative. Skooli tutors earn $25 per hour. Tutor Me pays its tutors $16 an hour, and the site gets great reviews from tutors on Glassdoor.
3. Airbnb Host
If you have a spare room or second home, you can put it to work for you by becoming an Airbnb host. Airbnb has become massive, many folks have built entire businesses off it. In the little over 10 years Airbnb has operated, its listings have grown by more than 100 percent every year.
If you’re a property owner, you can join the ranks of homeowners making extra income by renting out rooms or properties. According to one report, 82 percent of people who offer listings on Airbnb say it’s a good way to make money.
On average, Airbnb hosts make $942 per month on their properties. If you have the ability to rent out a small apartment or separate floor on your property, you could possibly make more.
4. Social Media Manager
Many business owners make the mistake of thinking social media is easy. Once they create an account and start posting, however, they quickly realize that creating effective social posts is more difficult than it looks.
  In some cases, business owners lack the skills or bandwidth to manage their company’s social media channels. Coming up with content, posting regularly, and responding to folks simply takes too much time. It’s easy to de-prioritize.
This is where social media managers come in. If you love all things internet, and you’re a good writer, running a company’s social media accounts could be the work-at-home job of your dreams.
To get your foot in the door, it helps to have experience in building social audiences. If you can point to profiles that you’ve grown and have engaged audiences, you shouldn’t have any problem getting clients. Even if you’re starting from scratch, take 6-12 months to get good at it and then look for work. Anyone can do this.
You can find social media manager opportunities on various sites, including Fiverr, Indeed, and Monster. When you search these sites, just make sure to narrow the field to show “remote” postings only. That way you’re not wasting time combing through on-site jobs.
5. Craigslist or eBay Seller
You don’t need your own ecommerce site to make money selling products online. If you’re a savvy bargain hunter, you can resell the items you find on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
These sites make it easy to post items for sale in exchange for paying the site a small commission on the money you earn. If you work out of a home office, you may even be able to write off many of your office supplies and other business-related expenses on your taxes.
You can find a ton of inspirational stories about successful eBay entrepreneurs, such as the mom who started a five-figure business reselling items she found in stores and thrift shops.
To get you started, check out our guide on how to make money on eBay.
6. Graphic Designer
Because graphic design is a visual artform, it lends itself to an online business model. Graphic artists can work from anywhere.
Moreover, the majority of businesses can’t thrive without an online presence. This means they need logos, social media header designs, custom signatures, and more. There’s plenty of design work to go around.
Sites like Fiverr, Dribbble, and 99Designs are great places to showcase your work as an artist. Talented graphic designers on Etsy offer everything from custom logo design to entire branding packages.
7. Child Care Worker
If you love working with children, you can use your babysitting skills to earn extra money at home. Sites like Care.com and Sittercity let you list your profile and qualifications so interested families can connect with you online.
You can make your profile stand out by earning relevant certifications. For example, being qualified in CPR or basic first aid can help separate you from the crowd. As a bonus, having these specialized skills means you can charge a higher rate for your services.
If you’re flexible, you can even expand your offerings to senior care and pet care. In some cases, people looking for these services may prefer you to come to their house to work. However, you may also be able to find families willing to let you carry out your duties in your home.
8. Freelance Writer
If you’re good with the written word, content writing or copywriting might be a career path worth pursuing. I did a lot of this myself in the early days. If you have specialized expertise in a certain area, that’s a great way to stand out.
When I was getting started, I got certified in Google Analytics. There were plenty of Google Analytics experts that couldn’t write. And plenty of writers that didn’t know anything about analytics. I was one of the rare exceptions that could do both. This is how I got my first big gig at an analytics startup that led to a full-time remote job.
Sites like WebMD and hire physicians and other health professionals to write articles for their websites. You can find job postings on Glassdoor as well as the WebMD job board.
But what if you don’t have a doctor’s lab coat lurking among your professional qualifications or a certification like I had? Get one. The certification I got cost me $100 to take the test and a few weeks studying a book that cost $30. So only $130 in total. Peruse the technical section at book stores and look for professional software manuals that could lead to certifications.
Getting a certification isn’t a requirement but it does help.
However, you should definitely be proficient at writing. It also helps to have experience writing for the web. If you’re new to online writing, you can start by creating your own blog and posting regular content. Once you have a portfolio of work posted online, you’ll have a much easier time when applying for gigs.
When you’re ready to look for writing jobs, some great places to search are Media Bistro and the ProBlogger job board.
9. Artist
Are you a skilled artist, woodworker, painter, or craftsperson? You can turn your hobby into a profitable side business by listing your wares on sites like Etsy. The company is the top destination for buyers looking for unique and custom artwork, jewelry, and crafts.
Etsy’s user base and profits reflect the site’s popularity. At the end of 2017, the site had 33.4 million active buyers and earned $1 billion in gross merchandise sales.
One woman launched her own design and furniture-making business using locally sourced reclaimed wood. Her Etsy business became so popular, she was able to transition to selling pieces on her own website as well as popular home goods stores like Wayfair and Houzz.
10. Bookkeeper
If you have accounts receivable or secretarial experience, consider bookkeeping as a work-from-home job. You don’t need an accounting degree to build a successful bookkeeping business, but you should possess relevant experience or certifications.
You can find a number of affordable bookkeeping courses offered online, with most taking just a few months to complete. You may also be able to sign up for a certification course at a local community college in your area.
The great thing about bookkeeping is that it never stops. Every business needs to do it every month. So once you get a client, you’re likely to keep them for awhile.
Once you have the skills you need to work as a bookkeeper, you can find plenty of job opportunities on Indeed, FlexJobs, and ZipRecruiter.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-from-home/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 4 years
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020
I’ve worked from home my entire career.
Seriously, my last office job was as a marketing intern at the American Alpine Club after college.
And I’m never going back, I’m all-in on working from home. I’m not the only one either, 91% of remote workers say it’s a good fit for them.
But what if there aren’t any remote gigs open? How can me make the jump to working from home?
I put together 10 ways to make money from home, along with tips for getting started. Anyone can do these and they don’t require any previous skills. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make the jump to working from home too.
1. Virtual Assistant
If you’re a seasoned office worker or former secretary or assistant, working as a virtual assistant could be a great way to earn money from home. Sites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Fiverr feature numerous virtual assistant jobs for people proficient in data entry, project management, business software tools, and other tasks.
If you’re organized and well-versed in technology, you can have your pick of virtual assisting jobs. It’s also important to be a good communicator, as you’ll often work with entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need tasks accomplished quickly.
One downside of virtual assisting is that it’s quite competitive. And much of that competition is international which can do work at much lower rates since they have a lower cost of living.
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you. If you’re just starting out, one strategy is to browse through existing profiles. See what kind of services other virtual assistants offer. You’ll see everything from data entry and transcription to graphic design and customer service support.
When it’s time to set up your profile on job sites, be specific about what types of skills you offer. Try to focus on a single skill set that has more demand than others. You’ll be able to charge higher rates and get more work.
As you accumulate reviews, you may even find that users seek you out. Many experienced virtual assistants have long-term customers who keep them busy with work.
2. Online Teacher or Tutor
Do you have a teaching degree? Or maybe you’re an experienced tutor. If you have an education background, online tutoring might be the perfect work-at-home job for you.
With the increasing popularity of virtual schools, there are plenty of job openings for remote teachers. Online public schools like K12 and Connections Academy hire qualified teachers to work with students in a virtual classroom.
If you like the idea of tutoring but you don’t have a teaching degree, don’t worry. There are still plenty of opportunities for people who have a passion for working with students.
For example, sites like Tutor Me and Skooli offer tutoring opportunities for people skilled in a particular subject area. While you don’t necessarily need a teaching background to qualify, you must possess certain education or mastery in the area in which you would like to tutor.
If you qualify, virtual tutoring can be quite lucrative. Skooli tutors earn $25 per hour. Tutor Me pays its tutors $16 an hour, and the site gets great reviews from tutors on Glassdoor.
3. Airbnb Host
If you have a spare room or second home, you can put it to work for you by becoming an Airbnb host. Airbnb has become massive, many folks have built entire businesses off it. In the little over 10 years Airbnb has operated, its listings have grown by more than 100 percent every year.
If you’re a property owner, you can join the ranks of homeowners making extra income by renting out rooms or properties. According to one report, 82 percent of people who offer listings on Airbnb say it’s a good way to make money.
On average, Airbnb hosts make $942 per month on their properties. If you have the ability to rent out a small apartment or separate floor on your property, you could possibly make more.
4. Social Media Manager
Many business owners make the mistake of thinking social media is easy. Once they create an account and start posting, however, they quickly realize that creating effective social posts is more difficult than it looks.
  In some cases, business owners lack the skills or bandwidth to manage their company’s social media channels. Coming up with content, posting regularly, and responding to folks simply takes too much time. It’s easy to de-prioritize.
This is where social media managers come in. If you love all things internet, and you’re a good writer, running a company’s social media accounts could be the work-at-home job of your dreams.
To get your foot in the door, it helps to have experience in building social audiences. If you can point to profiles that you’ve grown and have engaged audiences, you shouldn’t have any problem getting clients. Even if you’re starting from scratch, take 6-12 months to get good at it and then look for work. Anyone can do this.
You can find social media manager opportunities on various sites, including Fiverr, Indeed, and Monster. When you search these sites, just make sure to narrow the field to show “remote” postings only. That way you’re not wasting time combing through on-site jobs.
5. Craigslist or eBay Seller
You don’t need your own ecommerce site to make money selling products online. If you’re a savvy bargain hunter, you can resell the items you find on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
These sites make it easy to post items for sale in exchange for paying the site a small commission on the money you earn. If you work out of a home office, you may even be able to write off many of your office supplies and other business-related expenses on your taxes.
You can find a ton of inspirational stories about successful eBay entrepreneurs, such as the mom who started a five-figure business reselling items she found in stores and thrift shops.
To get you started, check out our guide on how to make money on eBay.
6. Graphic Designer
Because graphic design is a visual artform, it lends itself to an online business model. Graphic artists can work from anywhere.
Moreover, the majority of businesses can’t thrive without an online presence. This means they need logos, social media header designs, custom signatures, and more. There’s plenty of design work to go around.
Sites like Fiverr, Dribbble, and 99Designs are great places to showcase your work as an artist. Talented graphic designers on Etsy offer everything from custom logo design to entire branding packages.
7. Child Care Worker
If you love working with children, you can use your babysitting skills to earn extra money at home. Sites like Care.com and Sittercity let you list your profile and qualifications so interested families can connect with you online.
You can make your profile stand out by earning relevant certifications. For example, being qualified in CPR or basic first aid can help separate you from the crowd. As a bonus, having these specialized skills means you can charge a higher rate for your services.
If you’re flexible, you can even expand your offerings to senior care and pet care. In some cases, people looking for these services may prefer you to come to their house to work. However, you may also be able to find families willing to let you carry out your duties in your home.
8. Freelance Writer
If you’re good with the written word, content writing or copywriting might be a career path worth pursuing. I did a lot of this myself in the early days. If you have specialized expertise in a certain area, that’s a great way to stand out.
When I was getting started, I got certified in Google Analytics. There were plenty of Google Analytics experts that couldn’t write. And plenty of writers that didn’t know anything about analytics. I was one of the rare exceptions that could do both. This is how I got my first big gig at an analytics startup that led to a full-time remote job.
Sites like WebMD and hire physicians and other health professionals to write articles for their websites. You can find job postings on Glassdoor as well as the WebMD job board.
But what if you don’t have a doctor’s lab coat lurking among your professional qualifications or a certification like I had? Get one. The certification I got cost me $100 to take the test and a few weeks studying a book that cost $30. So only $130 in total. Peruse the technical section at book stores and look for professional software manuals that could lead to certifications.
Getting a certification isn’t a requirement but it does help.
However, you should definitely be proficient at writing. It also helps to have experience writing for the web. If you’re new to online writing, you can start by creating your own blog and posting regular content. Once you have a portfolio of work posted online, you’ll have a much easier time when applying for gigs.
When you’re ready to look for writing jobs, some great places to search are Media Bistro and the ProBlogger job board.
9. Artist
Are you a skilled artist, woodworker, painter, or craftsperson? You can turn your hobby into a profitable side business by listing your wares on sites like Etsy. The company is the top destination for buyers looking for unique and custom artwork, jewelry, and crafts.
Etsy’s user base and profits reflect the site’s popularity. At the end of 2017, the site had 33.4 million active buyers and earned $1 billion in gross merchandise sales.
One woman launched her own design and furniture-making business using locally sourced reclaimed wood. Her Etsy business became so popular, she was able to transition to selling pieces on her own website as well as popular home goods stores like Wayfair and Houzz.
10. Bookkeeper
If you have accounts receivable or secretarial experience, consider bookkeeping as a work-from-home job. You don’t need an accounting degree to build a successful bookkeeping business, but you should possess relevant experience or certifications.
You can find a number of affordable bookkeeping courses offered online, with most taking just a few months to complete. You may also be able to sign up for a certification course at a local community college in your area.
The great thing about bookkeeping is that it never stops. Every business needs to do it every month. So once you get a client, you’re likely to keep them for awhile.
Once you have the skills you need to work as a bookkeeper, you can find plenty of job opportunities on Indeed, FlexJobs, and ZipRecruiter.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-from-home/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 4 years
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020
I’ve worked from home my entire career.
Seriously, my last office job was as a marketing intern at the American Alpine Club after college.
And I’m never going back, I’m all-in on working from home. I’m not the only one either, 91% of remote workers say it’s a good fit for them.
But what if there aren’t any remote gigs open? How can me make the jump to working from home?
I put together 10 ways to make money from home, along with tips for getting started. Anyone can do these and they don’t require any previous skills. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make the jump to working from home too.
1. Virtual Assistant
If you’re a seasoned office worker or former secretary or assistant, working as a virtual assistant could be a great way to earn money from home. Sites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Fiverr feature numerous virtual assistant jobs for people proficient in data entry, project management, business software tools, and other tasks.
If you’re organized and well-versed in technology, you can have your pick of virtual assisting jobs. It’s also important to be a good communicator, as you’ll often work with entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need tasks accomplished quickly.
One downside of virtual assisting is that it’s quite competitive. And much of that competition is international which can do work at much lower rates since they have a lower cost of living.
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no space for you. If you’re just starting out, one strategy is to browse through existing profiles. See what kind of services other virtual assistants offer. You’ll see everything from data entry and transcription to graphic design and customer service support.
When it’s time to set up your profile on job sites, be specific about what types of skills you offer. Try to focus on a single skill set that has more demand than others. You’ll be able to charge higher rates and get more work.
As you accumulate reviews, you may even find that users seek you out. Many experienced virtual assistants have long-term customers who keep them busy with work.
2. Online Teacher or Tutor
Do you have a teaching degree? Or maybe you’re an experienced tutor. If you have an education background, online tutoring might be the perfect work-at-home job for you.
With the increasing popularity of virtual schools, there are plenty of job openings for remote teachers. Online public schools like K12 and Connections Academy hire qualified teachers to work with students in a virtual classroom.
If you like the idea of tutoring but you don’t have a teaching degree, don’t worry. There are still plenty of opportunities for people who have a passion for working with students.
For example, sites like Tutor Me and Skooli offer tutoring opportunities for people skilled in a particular subject area. While you don’t necessarily need a teaching background to qualify, you must possess certain education or mastery in the area in which you would like to tutor.
If you qualify, virtual tutoring can be quite lucrative. Skooli tutors earn $25 per hour. Tutor Me pays its tutors $16 an hour, and the site gets great reviews from tutors on Glassdoor.
3. Airbnb Host
If you have a spare room or second home, you can put it to work for you by becoming an Airbnb host. Airbnb has become massive, many folks have built entire businesses off it. In the little over 10 years Airbnb has operated, its listings have grown by more than 100 percent every year.
If you’re a property owner, you can join the ranks of homeowners making extra income by renting out rooms or properties. According to one report, 82 percent of people who offer listings on Airbnb say it’s a good way to make money.
On average, Airbnb hosts make $942 per month on their properties. If you have the ability to rent out a small apartment or separate floor on your property, you could possibly make more.
4. Social Media Manager
Many business owners make the mistake of thinking social media is easy. Once they create an account and start posting, however, they quickly realize that creating effective social posts is more difficult than it looks.
  In some cases, business owners lack the skills or bandwidth to manage their company’s social media channels. Coming up with content, posting regularly, and responding to folks simply takes too much time. It’s easy to de-prioritize.
This is where social media managers come in. If you love all things internet, and you’re a good writer, running a company’s social media accounts could be the work-at-home job of your dreams.
To get your foot in the door, it helps to have experience in building social audiences. If you can point to profiles that you’ve grown and have engaged audiences, you shouldn’t have any problem getting clients. Even if you’re starting from scratch, take 6-12 months to get good at it and then look for work. Anyone can do this.
You can find social media manager opportunities on various sites, including Fiverr, Indeed, and Monster. When you search these sites, just make sure to narrow the field to show “remote” postings only. That way you’re not wasting time combing through on-site jobs.
5. Craigslist or eBay Seller
You don’t need your own ecommerce site to make money selling products online. If you’re a savvy bargain hunter, you can resell the items you find on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
These sites make it easy to post items for sale in exchange for paying the site a small commission on the money you earn. If you work out of a home office, you may even be able to write off many of your office supplies and other business-related expenses on your taxes.
You can find a ton of inspirational stories about successful eBay entrepreneurs, such as the mom who started a five-figure business reselling items she found in stores and thrift shops.
To get you started, check out our guide on how to make money on eBay.
6. Graphic Designer
Because graphic design is a visual artform, it lends itself to an online business model. Graphic artists can work from anywhere.
Moreover, the majority of businesses can’t thrive without an online presence. This means they need logos, social media header designs, custom signatures, and more. There’s plenty of design work to go around.
Sites like Fiverr, Dribbble, and 99Designs are great places to showcase your work as an artist. Talented graphic designers on Etsy offer everything from custom logo design to entire branding packages.
7. Child Care Worker
If you love working with children, you can use your babysitting skills to earn extra money at home. Sites like Care.com and Sittercity let you list your profile and qualifications so interested families can connect with you online.
You can make your profile stand out by earning relevant certifications. For example, being qualified in CPR or basic first aid can help separate you from the crowd. As a bonus, having these specialized skills means you can charge a higher rate for your services.
If you’re flexible, you can even expand your offerings to senior care and pet care. In some cases, people looking for these services may prefer you to come to their house to work. However, you may also be able to find families willing to let you carry out your duties in your home.
8. Freelance Writer
If you’re good with the written word, content writing or copywriting might be a career path worth pursuing. I did a lot of this myself in the early days. If you have specialized expertise in a certain area, that’s a great way to stand out.
When I was getting started, I got certified in Google Analytics. There were plenty of Google Analytics experts that couldn’t write. And plenty of writers that didn’t know anything about analytics. I was one of the rare exceptions that could do both. This is how I got my first big gig at an analytics startup that led to a full-time remote job.
Sites like WebMD and hire physicians and other health professionals to write articles for their websites. You can find job postings on Glassdoor as well as the WebMD job board.
But what if you don’t have a doctor’s lab coat lurking among your professional qualifications or a certification like I had? Get one. The certification I got cost me $100 to take the test and a few weeks studying a book that cost $30. So only $130 in total. Peruse the technical section at book stores and look for professional software manuals that could lead to certifications.
Getting a certification isn’t a requirement but it does help.
However, you should definitely be proficient at writing. It also helps to have experience writing for the web. If you’re new to online writing, you can start by creating your own blog and posting regular content. Once you have a portfolio of work posted online, you’ll have a much easier time when applying for gigs.
When you’re ready to look for writing jobs, some great places to search are Media Bistro and the ProBlogger job board.
9. Artist
Are you a skilled artist, woodworker, painter, or craftsperson? You can turn your hobby into a profitable side business by listing your wares on sites like Etsy. The company is the top destination for buyers looking for unique and custom artwork, jewelry, and crafts.
Etsy’s user base and profits reflect the site’s popularity. At the end of 2017, the site had 33.4 million active buyers and earned $1 billion in gross merchandise sales.
One woman launched her own design and furniture-making business using locally sourced reclaimed wood. Her Etsy business became so popular, she was able to transition to selling pieces on her own website as well as popular home goods stores like Wayfair and Houzz.
10. Bookkeeper
If you have accounts receivable or secretarial experience, consider bookkeeping as a work-from-home job. You don’t need an accounting degree to build a successful bookkeeping business, but you should possess relevant experience or certifications.
You can find a number of affordable bookkeeping courses offered online, with most taking just a few months to complete. You may also be able to sign up for a certification course at a local community college in your area.
The great thing about bookkeeping is that it never stops. Every business needs to do it every month. So once you get a client, you’re likely to keep them for awhile.
Once you have the skills you need to work as a bookkeeper, you can find plenty of job opportunities on Indeed, FlexJobs, and ZipRecruiter.
10 Legit Ways to Make Money From Home in 2020 is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-from-home/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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6 Adorable Ways to Make Money With Animals
https://120profit.com/?p=2644&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Want to save this post for later? Click here to download as a PDF! If you’re a typical animal lover, getting paid to be around animals might sound like a dream come true. Well, start living the dream! I’m always researching how to make money on the side. Recently, a friend who knows about my money-making obsession asked me how to make money with animals. I put together this quick list for her, and I thought I’d share it with you! Here are 6 fun and easy side jobs that will put extra money in your pocket while you spend time with your furry friends. Which of these ways to make money with animals would you try? By the way, some of my posts contain affiliate links. That means if you buy something after clicking one of my links I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my site! Dog walking Wondering how to make money with dogs? You’re in luck – dog walking is probably the easiest and fastest way to make money hanging out with pets. This is a great option for people who don’t work a typical 9-5 job, such as students or stay-at-home parents. Lots of people are looking for someone to take their dog out for a hour while they’re stuck in an office all day. If your schedule allows you to get out in the middle of the day, you can help the owners out, get some exercise AND get paid for doggy playtime. Everyone’s a winner! You can easily find clients by starting locally. If you know any neighbours or friends with dogs, let them know what you’re offering. You could also advertise on a Facebook local page, put up a sign in a pet shop or vet’s office, or even hand out fliers. If you don’t have any local contacts, you can try an online service like Tailster to match up dog walkers with owners in need. Of course, if you go through a website or agency, they’ll take a cut of your profits. But on the plus side, it’s more regulated. Since the work involves going to strangers’ houses, it can be safer to have a record online.   Pet sitting / boarding If you enjoy walking dogs for money, why not take it one step further and have a pet to stay for a few days? Lots of pet owners are looking for pet sitters or boarders. This could be for a few hours each day while they’re at work, an occasional overnight stay, or even a couple of weeks while the owners go on holiday. Pet sitting is when you drop by the owner’s house to feed and play with the animal. Boarding is when the pet comes to stay with you. If you want to do the latter, just make sure your house is pet friendly. And don’t forget to clear it with your landlord if necessary. I’ve been kind of obsessed with the idea of dog boarding since I read about Francesca’s experience on From Pennies To Pounds! She uses a site called Tailster to find clients. You can set your own rates and bid on jobs through the site. Pet sitting is not just for dogs. You could get paid to look after cats, rabbits, reptiles and more. It’s also a great way to experience what it’s like having a pet, without any of the costs! This could be one of the simplest businesses you can run from home for animal lovers, as it can slot neatly into your family life and you don’t need to invest in any equipment. Why not give it a go? Sell stock photos If you have an animal friend of your own at home – and if you’re handy with a camera – consider selling photos of your pet to a stock photo site. Adorable animal photos are always in demand, especially if you can capture unusual or funny shots. Stock photography sites like Shutterstock will pay you from 15%-50% every time somebody downloads your picture. If a picture of yours becomes popular, this could be a nice source of passive income. Plus it gives you an extra reason to mess around with your favourite pets and take some fun snaps! Offer grooming services If you have a knack for cleaning and styling a mucky pup, why not consider opening a grooming business? You don’t necessarily need a shop front for this. You could always offer mobile services, where you come to your client. This is more of a serious business idea than the other side hustles on this list, so it will probably require some upfront investment in your tools and supplies. However, people will pay very good money for quality grooming services, so this could turn into a profitable business! Please check if there are any regulations or licences that apply in the area where you live. Turn your pet into a social media star You’re not alone in your love of animals. Pretty much the whole world is obsessed! Cute and funny animals pictures are one of the most popular types of content on any social media platform. If you want to make money off your dog or cat, how about starting an Instagram or YouTube channel for them? All you need is an adorable animal, some photography equipment (an iPhone will do) and a little social media savvy. Pet accounts can go viral very quickly. Once you have a few thousand followers, you can start to look for sponsors. Sponsored Instagram posts start at around $50 per post for smaller accounts, but they can pay up to several hundred dollars as your influence grows. You can also monetize a social media account with affiliate marketing (where you recommend products and get paid a commission for sales) and by releasing your own branded products. At the upper end of the scale, Nala the cat has 3.5 million Instagram followers and brings in an estimated $15,000 per sponsored post. Boo the Pomeranian has a publishing deal and a line of toys. It might take a while to get to that point, but at least you get to have fun with your precious pet along the way! Sell pet supplies If you’re a pet owner yourself, you’ll know that people are willing to spend a LOT of money on the furry, feathered and scaly members of their family! You can cash in on this by finding a niche and a product to sell to pet lovers. The best thing about this side hustle idea is that there are so many different options, and you can combine it with your other hobbies and skills. For example, if you like cooking you could produce a range of homemade pet treats. If you’re good at woodwork you could build dog houses, small animal cages or toys. If you’re skilled at writing and research, you could produce some short ebooks or guides on different aspects of pet care. You can sell your creations on Etsy, local craft fairs or on a community Facebook page. You could even sell animal-themed t-shirts and mugs on Amazon! As an animal lover yourself, you know what makes owners tick, so choose a niche and come up with a product you’d be happy to use yourself. Other ways to make money with animals When I was putting together the ideas above, I wanted to include some of the easiest and fastest ways how to make money working with animals, as well as some slightly more outlandish ideas! I’ve mainly focused on ways to make money with dogs and cats in this post, as these are the most popular pets. But if you love all members of the animal kingdom, think big – there are endless ways to get paid working with pets! If you’re a horse rider, you have options like horse grooming or teaching riding lessons. If you enjoy working with more unusual animals (and you have a big enough garden), why not keep chickens or bees to sell their eggs and honey? And if you’re wondering how to make money helping animals, there are more traditional careers such as working in an animal shelter or veterinary surgery – although be aware that these jobs don’t typically pay very well. Which other ways do you know to make money with animals?   Pin this for later Related 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=2644&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
18 Work at Home Jobs for Moms (Well-Paid, Flexible and Fun)
Wouldn’t it be great if you could have it all – be with your kids as much as you want but still have a fulfilling job that you enjoy? It sounds a little too good to be true.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, approximately 21% of employees work from home on an average day. I’m sure a significant proportion of these people are mothers who are taking care of their children simultaneously. It can be hard to juggle so many responsibilities, but the key to making it work is finding a job with the perfect fit – one that has built-in flexibility, reasonable compensation and engages all of your greatest strengths.
There are many offers of jobs that promise easy money for little to no work. Those actually are too good to be true. The following work at home jobs for moms are legitimate but do require time and effort. Find the category that best suits your abilities and interests.
For moms who are a people person
1. Social media consultant
All of those hours spent on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can finally be put to good use. Social media has become a vital component of advertising and PR for companies in many different industries. If you are a savvy social media user, you can use your skills to manage social media accounts for a business and get paid for it.
Get the job here: Mashable, Appen, $99 Social
2. Home daycare
Do you wish you could get paid for staying home and taking care of your kids? Opening your own at home daycare is the next best thing! With the outrageous cost of childcare, there are many working parents seeking a trustworthy and budget-friendly alternative.
Look up what your state’s laws are regarding an at-home daycare at Daycare.com and figure out if it would be a good route for you to take. Let your mom friends know about your business and post to local sites to find potential customers.
Get the job here: Care.com, Sitter.com, Childcare Center
3. Virtual assistant
If you are looking for an office job that doesn’t require you to go into an office, becoming a virtual assistant could be a great fit. Tasks will vary depending on the company but can include things like scheduling appointments, data entry, organizing records, email management, social media management and editing. Contacting bloggers, online companies and websites directly can be a great way of finding job opportunities, in addition to advertising in and responding to job boards.
Get the job here: Fancy Hands, Red Butler, Persist, Assistant Match
For moms who love helping people
4. Dog walking/sitting
Do you love being around dogs but can’t commit to having one of your own? There is a big demand for dog walking for people who work long hours away from the home as well as dog sitting for when dog owners go out of town. This would give you and your kids the perfect opportunity to have fun with a four-legged friend without having to adopt one of your own.
Get the job here: Rover, Fetch!, Petsitters
5. Rent out baby gear
If there’s one thing that moms have a lot of, it’s baby gear. When families with young children go on vacation, they don’t have the ability to bring all of their gear along. Items like cribs, strollers, car seats, high chairs and swings are not very portable but can make or break a vacation experience.
Set up an account, list all of the gear you have available for rent, and decide on the prices and delivery area to get started.
Get the job here: Babierge , Baby’s Away, goBaby
6. Errands/Odd Jobs
If you’re a mom that likes to be out and about and don’t mind picking up a few extra errands, this option can become a considerable source of income for you. Sites like TaskRabbit connect you with local users who are looking for a variety of tasks they need help with. These tasks can vary from furniture assembly to grocery shopping. Pick the tasks that fit your abilities and your schedule.
Get the job here: TaskRabbit, Zaarly, Gigwalk
7. Online stylist
Do you have a flair for fashion? Do your friends always compliment you on your amazing sense of style? If so, becoming an online stylist could be your calling. Many upscale fashion subscription boxes are offering the services of a personal stylist to help them create individualized and professionally curated boxes. Use your skills for profit and help others improve their wardrobe at the same time.
Get the job here: Stitchfix, Bombfell, Rocksbox
For moms who are natural-born teachers
8. Tutor
Moms are fairly gifted in helping their own children learn new concepts and ideas, and this skill is easily transferrable to being an online tutor. The higher level of education you have in a certain subject, the more money you can make. Ages of students that need tutors range from elementary all the way to college. You can use websites to connect you with students, post an ad, or let people know about the services you are offering by word of mouth.
Get the job here: Tutor.com, Chegg Tutors, TutorMe
9. Teaching English as a second language
Since you are reading this article, that means you have a skill that many people around the world are seeking – knowing the English language. Learning to read, write, and speak English has become an invaluable asset in industries based in the U.S. or that are global. Specialty websites and local resources can connect you with people looking for an English teacher to learn from and converse with.
Resources: italki, Lingoda, VIPKID
For moms who are excellent writers
10. Freelance writer
For those moms who are talented writers, there are many opportunities to get paid for contributing quality content. Blogs, websites and magazines are always looking for experts in their particular niche who have a way with words. The topics you can write about are endless, and you will be able to utilize your creativity and writing ability to generate substantial earnings whenever you have time to write.
Get the job here: Wizzley, Contena, Freelance Writing Jobs
11. Blogger
As blogs continue to gain popularity as a go-to resource for recipes, fashion, parenting, current events and more, the number of blogs out there are higher than ever. Blogging is the perfect job for moms because of the flexibility, lack of deadlines and freedom of content. Many moms use their mothering knowledge and experiences as a basis for their blog content.
It is possible to make a steady income from blogging but it takes time, dedication, and promotion to successfully monetize a blog. It can be a great platform for creativity and unfiltered expression through writing.
Get the job here: WordPress, Blogger, Medium
12. Translator
If you are proficient in a second language, becoming a document translator is an option you should definitely consider. Not only would this job pay more because of your unique qualifications, it will also help you to maintain and improve your language skills. There are job opportunities in a wide variety of industries that require document translation into other languages, and this is a job that can be easily done at home.
Get the job here: Gengo, Unbabel, ProZ
For the creative moms
13. Graphic designer
Every website on the Internet needs a graphic designer in order to look professional and unique. Whether you have graphic design experience or you’re just starting out, there are opportunities available for you to demonstrate and hone your design skills. Create your own website and use it as a platform to showcase your work. You can also look for work on freelance websites to get additional work experience on your resume.
Get the job here: Coroflot, Behance, Krop
14. Photographer
Even though most people have access to a high quality camera through their smart phones, photographers are still very much in demand. Professional photographers are required for special occasions (weddings, portraits, maternity) and are compensated well for their services. Taking stock photos offers another opportunity for a photographer to earn money. Stock photos are in constant need by websites, blogs and online publications.
Get the job here: Alamy, Shutterstock, Getty Images
15. Homemade crafts
I’m sure you’ve heard of or even purchased items from Etsy, the most well-known website for buying and selling homemade items. If you are crafty and can create products that people would be interested in buying, this can be a very lucrative work from home opportunity. The categories of items that are the most popular include: home decor, jewelry, clothing, toys, craft supplies, and kids/babies.
Get the job here: Etsy , Artfire, Handmade at Amazon, Cargoh
For moms with a degree
16. IT support
If you have a degree and training in technical support, repair, installation, networking, software debugging, and other IT-related disciplines, you are in a great position to work remotely and get compensated well. Many companies rely on remote technician support via the telephone or online, and this is one of the highest paying work from home jobs out there.
Get the job here: Apple, Computer Assistant, Dell
17. Consultant
Companies are constantly seeking consultants with a knowledge base in a variety of different areas including medicine, social work, administration, finance, marketing, IT, human resources and more. You can use your college degree and prior work experience to find a consulting job that you can work at from home. Both short-term and long-term assignments are typically available, which offer a great deal of flexibility.
Get the job here: Guru, FlexJobs, Upwork
18. Actuary
Have you ever heard of an actuary? In the past, it was used to describe a person who analyzes statistics in order to calculate risks and premiums for insurance companies. However, the job title has expanded to include many more industries that can benefit from data mining and economic forecasting. If you have a degree in mathematics, finance or statistics, look into getting your license through Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) or Society of Actuaries (SOA).
Get the job here: Be an Actuary, SOA Job Center
Find the opportunity that fits you
As you can see, there are a multitude of options for moms who want to have a career they can be proud of while still spending time at home with their kids.
Whether you prefer a job you can do at your desk, with your hands or out and about, there is an opportunity that is perfect for you. All you have to do is get out there and find it!
Featured photo credit: pixabay via pixabay.com
The post 18 Work at Home Jobs for Moms (Well-Paid, Flexible and Fun) appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2rvaHyq via Viral News HQ
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allineednow · 6 years
<p>A totally doable, not so intimidating self-care survival Manual to 2018</p>
Each editorial product is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you purchase something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission that will help support our journalism.
Following an October week from hell -- when allegations against Harvey Weinstein first started to unravel, Donald Trump threatened to take help from Puerto Rico, girls boycotted Twitter, and historical wildfires destroyed California -- I splurged on a large Blue Raspberry Icee and sat alone at a 12:15 p.m. Saturday showing of . I turned my phone all the way off, and over the course of the next two hours I ugly cried in the dark.
Afterwards, I drove to a bookstore and spent $82.47. I went home, implemented a face mask and collapsed onto my bed, escaping into the pages of one of my new books for hours. I met my friend for supper, cherished every single bite of a cheeseburger, hurried back to my pillow, and fell asleep before viewing re-runs of The Mindy Project.
This was my own private form of self-care.
SEE ALSO: Meditation program aims to help veterans tackle anxiety, loneliness
For so many, self-care has been the unsung savior of 2017. You have likely heard the term thrown around every day, but studying what it means and why it's so crucial will help to practice it in the new year.
Am I doing this thing right?
Self-care methods -- personalized rituals that enable people to take a step back from the messy world to prioritize their well-being and preserve their mental health -- differ for each individual and in each situation, so there is really no right or wrong.
For Hillary Clinton self-care could mean anything from feverish closet cleaning, long walks in the woods, and playing with her dogs, to yoga or sitting down to enjoy a glass of wine. For Michael Phelps, who's conquered the pressures of Olympic competition but has fought with depression and anxiety over the years, it's working out or heading to the golf course. The only constant is that methods of self-care must benefit and focus on you.
"A lot of times people will say 'I spend time with my children,' which is meaningful and great but that's still taking care of somebody else," said Monnica Williams, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and associate professor at University of Connecticut's Department of Psychological Sciences. "When you self-care it's really about you"
Self-care isn't selfish
Some folks abstain from self-care for fear that their behaviour would come across as selfish. They simply can not resist the urge to put other people first.
According to some 2017 "Women's Wellness Report" from Everyday Health, which surveyed 3,000 girls from ages 25 to 65 from the U.S., 76 percent of girls said they were more likely to place their own private needs after someone else. However, more than half of the participants stated that taking time for themselves was the greatest factor in achieving wellness. (Disclosure: Mashable and Everyday Health are owned by the exact same company, Ziff Davis.)  
"You can not be the best you in any other contexts if you are not taking care of yourself."
"It's critical for your mental health and your physical health," Williams said, noting that self-care is anything but selfish. "You can not be the best you in any other contexts if you are not taking care of yourself."
"I heard someone say that it's like putting on your own oxygen mask at a plane emergency before putting one on a child," added Crystal Park, another professor at the University of Connecticut's Department of Psychological Sciences.  
"The healthier and more resilient we are, the more effective we can be in our own lives."
Heading into 2018 with some good self-care guidelines will help you better manage your stress and survive whatever challenges are in store, so here are a few to bear in mind.
Don't be afraid to take a mental health day
Your mental health is essential, but it's also extremely easy to dismiss. When your job becomes too overwhelming or events in your personal life check or distract you from doing your very best work in the office it's time to take a step back.
For inspiration, look no further than one of 2017's viral private tales: the story of Olark CEO Ben Congleton advocating for his employee after learning she had taken time off for mental health reasons.
Following Congleton's understanding email sparked debate about mental health in the workplace, he wrote a article on Moderate further highlighting the need to normalize it.
When you are at work, take additional steps to make your environment a place of comfort. Personalize your desk with a plant, a framed photograph of something that makes you smile, or set the mood with a very small lamp.  
And every so often, book a conference room for lunch with your colleagues to share pizza and a cake you purchase for the sole reason of craving cake. Work will still be there when your lunch break ends, but taking time to clear your head is vital.
Give social media and screens a rest
Social networking usage often starts with the intention of being caught up on current events and quickly spirals into a black hole of negativity.
"So many people are plugged in and immediately alerted to everything that is going on in the news in ways that weren't possible 10 years ago," said Dr. Carolyn Mazure, director of Women's Health Research at Yale.
While platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have been proven to take a toll on self-esteem and mental health, social media isn't all bad.
Here are a few ways to make online communities safer spaces for you:
Follow encouraging accounts like 's, who promotes her self-care-themed Etsy shop.
Unfollow people on Facebook. (This can help you to remain friends with them but hides their posts from your timeline.)
Turn off push notifications.
Use Twitter's mute feature to shield yourself from triggering words.
A post shared by Heart + Hands Store (@janellesilver) on October 17, 2017 at 2:55pm PDT
Transform your cell phone into a self-care hub 
While it's healthy to detach from tech every so often, when you do have your phone by your side these tips can help make the experience more pleasurable.
Use your Do Not Affect function.
Free up some storage space by parting with old text messages you have no intention of ever revisiting, deleting unused apps and contacts, and loading all photos and videos on your notebook so you are left with an empty record.
Download self-care apps related to deep breathing, meditation, list-making, and possibly even a relaxing game or two, like.
Create soothing or empowering playlists so you can easily listen to mood-lifting music on-the-go.
Treat Yo Self, but treat others, also
No matter how small, make a daily effort to treat yourself to an experience or a purchase that will brighten your mood.
Get a massage or pedicure, have a hot bath, go for a walk round the block, go out with friends, or cancel plans to stay in on a Friday night to recharge and binge-watch dumb television, if that's what you require.
And while being good to oneself is critical, Park noted "equilibrium is important" in self-care, and making an effort to give back to others often helps people feel better. Think about volunteering, or clean out your closets and drawers to donate unwanted items to charity.
Put positivity on display
One kind of self-care can be as simple as not being so hard on yourself all the time. It seems simple, but it can be a serious challenge at times. Visual reminders can help.
When in doubt, turn to this handy self-care printable, titled "What's Awful and I'm Not Okay." The checklist presents 16 questions for you to reply and acts as a helpful reminder to stay hydrated, shower, take part in physical activity, and be kind to yourself.
Keep a copy of the printout in your bag for comfort or hang it somewhere you know you'll see it.     (Mashable HQ has one on the wall of the women's bathroom.)
Affirmations are another great way to be kind to yourself and can serve as help. Glancing at inspirational quotes, uplifting doodles, or a few words of positivity can lift your spirits. The Mashable women's restroom also has a few on display. (Very good bathroom.)
Image: nicole gallucci/mashable
Don't be afraid to ask for help
Although the expression self-care sounds like an isolated practice, it doesn't have to be.
If you're somebody who struggles to dedicate to individual self-care routines, or simply takes enjoyment from the business of others, spending time with and opening to a friend, loved one, therapist, or even reaching out to the Crisis Text Line may be extremely beneficial.
Just know that you are not alone on your stress and professionals are available to help.  
"Certainly, if possible, try to see a stressful situation as an opportunity to grow, and consider the ability of reorienting how you face a stressful situation when it arrives," Mazure said.
"Rather than thinking, 'Oh no, not again,' maybe a good self-care perspective might be, 'I have seen stress before. I have got this.'"
If you would like to speak to somebody or are experiencing suicidal thoughts, text the  in 741-741 or telephone thein 1-800-273-8255. Here is a of international resources.  
WATCH: 6 tips on how to cope with tragic issues
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cathleenblanch-blog · 7 years
10 Easy Policy Of celebration.
Five Surprising Realities Concerning party.
Recognizing that both open air and also typical picture cubicles have their very own advantages and disadvantages, it is, as a result, required that a person determines it inning accordance with the spending plan and also expediency. Lots of celebration supply stores and internet site carry celebration prefers and provides particularly meant for bachelorette parties. If you go to a company celebration rentals, it is expected that the rental deposit will be billed. Obtain your little princess those attractive as well as magnificent looks in a night party as well as event. Offer yourself a break to an attractive make over this period and make waves at your next celebration. Both groups will appreciate their little ghost Halloween party decorations that double as event prefers. Saving loan on invites, decorations as well as celebration prefers could be as simple as buying in advance or doing off-season. The cake for your kid's very first communion could be baked or gotten based on the theme of the party. A large range of celebration decorations and supplies that best for every celebration. If your herd of little beasties is old enough to pick up a bowling round, a bowling event is a terrific concept. The pre-prom party on June 2 in Philadelphia included a live Arabian camel, a rented out Lamborghini, Variety Wanderer and also Rolls Royce, three lots of sand, as well as 3 days all putting on customized developed dress costing $1,500 each as well as Giuseppe Zanotti, Versace as well as Yves Saint Laurent shoes at $1,000 to $1,400 per pair. Le mamme americane sono specializzate nell' organizzare dei event a tema e nel creare dei piccoli regali che i bimbi si possono portare a casa e che vengono chiamati event favours. Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Articles matching 'christmas office party city hours tampa; Uithoudingsvermogenverhalen.info, games' in associated posts. Most importantly, do not neglect to give to them an unique treasure at the end of commonly the party. Summary: Preparation a Halloween celebration can be an initiative, from reconstructing the area to picking a costume. Offer guests the possibility to make numerous party favors which do not have to be 1981 relevant. Time for a birthday event and picking a best birthday celebration favor comes to be a centralized factor because these birthday celebration favors are a means to show your guests how grateful you are for their presence as well as what does it cost? you appreciate their presence. With a little creative imagination and also creative thinking, you can develop a fun birthday party for your little one without investing a lot of money. Easter themed party invitations can be handmade, with few arts and also crafts products, or could be pre-made invitations. While searching for the location, try to find the ones that not only offer the hall yet various other facilities too, like event catering, décor and also DJ. There are lots of private celebration places Houston TX where, you could choose the appropriate one. Some fantastic ideas for supports for a Xmas event or other winter occasion would be snowflake accessories with a location for an image in the center. Preparation as well as preparation should start early for your celebration to run as efficiently as possible.
Is party Any Good? 10 Ways You Can Be Particular.
You can do the very same if you are at an event- yet you may produce a different event compared to you expected. Dispersing event prefers is a symbolic concept for having attended your celebration and made it enjoyable and effective. This party suggestion is especially terrific for young adults that delight in going to theme parks often. Preparation a party might appear a little bit overwhelming, but with a little careful planning and lots of creative thinking you could turn out a celebration that any new grad would like. In other words, for a brand-new means to welcome New Year, this is the optimal city to visit. Dance on the beach in the best beats of DJ, under the celebrities, and around the spitters of fire. Write down whatever you have to do prior to you run out and also start acquiring event products or writing invites. He took populism to a whole new extreme, when he smoothly won his initial term in 1828, his following launch was sure to be an event. Just see to it that you state the details of your event in a proper manner. Also, the tableware for this event ought to additionally accompany the motif of the celebration. When it comes to choosing Christmas party places, there are certain yardsticks that assist you make the right choices. If money is tight, as well as with currently having splashed out on Halloween costumes, but still to purchase the Halloween celebration food, then you may not have much left in your handbag to decorate the area. You can also find attractive decors on Etsy or at your local celebration supplies shop.
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A very unique event favor would certainly be to place a little plastic blossom pot, a plastic bag with potting dirt as well as a package of blossom seeds in each present bag. Lastly, hold all the marvel party suggestions well under wraps, warmth as well as companion lacks to fraudulent a shock! Use your listing of hosetesses who have actually organized residence events for could additionally produce ads for random people hosting could organize a mystery person hosting paty where among the visitors will certainly be chosen to obtain all the do not forget to organize your personal event. Classica del pigiama event e' la seduta di bellezza con manicure, quindi smalti per unghie colorati, limette e sticker labels per le unghie, prodotti per price delle maschere al viso, fermagli per capelli e pettini each sbizzarrirsi in nuove acconciature, e sui tavolini ciotole di caramelle, fiori e riviste proprio come in un vero salone di bellezza.
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