#also after going home i finally feel the christmas spirit a little but.... hahhh
imagine-fe · 4 years
AND (idk if there's an ask limit BUT OH WELL) could i get felix with together, joy and present? thank you sm!!
youre most welcome!! ♥
J: JOY what is the happiest memory they connect to christmas season?
while they would spend christmas itself with their respective families, christmas season was often spent with dimitri, ingrid, sylvain and glenn if he had time. their awe when exploring the festively decorated town, the wonderful smells and tastes, playing in the snow (sometimes getting in trouble)… even if he denies it, those times are very precious to him and especially during christmas season he sometimes finds himself wondering why things had to turn out the way they did
P: PRESENT do they give hand-made presents or do they prefer to buy them? how long do they take to select them and how good are they at choosing ones people will like?
definitely bought. he says he just can’t be bothered but in truth he just doesn’t have a hand for making things himself. even if he acts like he doesn’t care, he actually pays a lot of attention to others so he would be quite good at choosing ones they would enjoy (even if usually in the sense of them being useful). since he will be familiar with their wants and needs, he just goes straight to whichever shop he can get their gift from without dawdling or second-guessing.
T: TOGETHER who do they celebrate their christmas with? friends, family, their s/o? or do they prefer to be spend it alone?
he always spent it with his family as a child, but after glenn died it just became… tense and he now tries to avoid it altogether if possible. still, it’s not impossible to get him to celebrate christmas, but it’d need someone he cares about who’s willing to do some… persuasion. nevertheless, he probably wouldn’t spend christmas with someone else’s family unless they were his s/o (and even then they’d really need to convince him) because he knows how christmas can be and he’s not exactly looking to be caught up in someone else’s family drama.
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