#also Thena: thinks about him constantly day and night
softquietsteadylove · 23 days
heyyy 🫶🏼🫶🏼
can we have some more spicy ten things I hate abt you AU?? I really loved the last one!!! And can we also have Thena being vulnerable to Gil? I love your writing so so sooooo much 🫶🏼🫶🏼
—- Eternalfanatic (I forgot my account password lmao) 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Thena furrowed her brows, determined to keep on kissing him as their hips moved together. She tangled her tongue with his, trying to dissuade him from interrupting things.
She huffed, pulling away and bracing herself on his shoulders to glare at him. "You keep saying how much you enjoy our intimacy, yet you insist on interrupting it!"
Gil wore a sheepish expression, despite literally being buried inside of her. His fingers tapped on her bare back. "I do!"
"Then why," she growled, leaning forward and forcing him completely under her again. Not that she enjoyed the thought of his eyes having a full on feast of her naked body. But she enjoyed being on top--it gave her the control she so desperately needed, especially at times like this. She dug her nails into his shoulder, "are you?"
He sighed, glancing away as if they were having a light, normal conversation, and not in the middle of having sex. "Well...is something on your mind?"
"Now?!" she barked at him. Neither were close to the point of no return, obviously, but she wasn't exactly ready to call things off and have a little heart to heart, either. "You're asking this now!"
"Sorry," he whined faintly, holding her hips still as she tried to resume their pleasure. He gave her a distinctly concerned look. "I'm happy you came over and all. But I dunno--you seem kind of...angry."
She was.
"If you wanna angry fuck, then fine," Gil amended, holding her hips more firmly. "But I'm not some exercise bike you can use to blow off steam and then ignore."
Her brows raised. It was the first time he had expressed his qualms about their relationship so clearly. He had a right to, of course, and she knew he was right, too. She was using all the benefits of their closeness without offering any return on his emotional investment.
Gil made room for her as she lifted herself off of his completely erect hardness and flopped onto the bed beside him. "Y'know how they say 'don't go to bed angry'? Well, I'm pretty sure they would say don't have spite-sex, either."
She shook her head, staring up at his ceiling with her arms wrapped around herself futilely. "Sorry."
He shook his head as well, also staring up instead of at her. It did make things feel a little easier. "I'm sorry--I should have asked before we got into things."
In all fairness to Gil, she had positively pounced on him as soon as they were in his room. He wouldn't have had much time to voice his concerns before she was undoing his belt and asking if that box of condoms still had anything in it.
"So?" he prompted, slipping his hands under the covers and over the tent in his sheets. "What pissed you off?"
At the moment, he was at the very top of that list. But that also wasn't fair, and she knew what he was asking and how he meant it.
They had met at the party, as promised. And things had been fine. Sersi had found Dane immediately and Thena had happily left the young lovebirds to flirt and giggle through the evening. She and Gil were talking, relaxing a little out of the thick of the crowd. It had been fine.
"Ikaris," she began. Part of her almost wished the solitary statement would have been enough, but she knew it wasn't. She tugged his sheets up more firmly around her. "When I went to find the recycling."
Which there wasn't one, much to her frustration.
Gil nodded, both of them still flat on their backs. "What did he say?"
Thena gulped. Looking up at the white painted ceiling of Gil's room was easier. The spots hastily plastering over something exposed, the edge where ceiling met the brick walls. "He asked me what we were."
She sighed through her nose. She hadn't had much intention of telling him this. Truly, the desire to tell anyone at all any of this was completely absent. But she owed Gil this much. "I told him to fuck off and mind his own business."
Gil snorted.
But the story wasn't nearly so simple. "But he guessed we were together in at least some capacity. He asked...he asked if I was finally ready to get off my high horse and just fuck--in his own words."
Gil sat up partially, his face drawing in and suddenly radiating a righteous indignity on her behalf.
She reached over, pressing on his chest and making him resume looking up at the ceiling with her. It was the only way she was going to get through this.
"His pursuit of me...he did earnestly try to date me. At least, I thought it had been earnest," she dragged out of herself. It was her least favourite thing to remember of all her life, it wasn't coming out easy. "He had wanted to advance rather quickly. I told him I hadn't done anything with anyone and I doubted I was ready for it with him."
Gil waited through her heavy pause.
She sighed, "he laughed, and laughed, and laughed."
"I'll kill him."
She shrugged, "even that would be more attention than he deserves to be paid. I sent him away and he's thought derisively of me ever since. That's why my contempt for him runs deeper than simply him being a prick, and him thinking he has some right to my sister."
"Wow," Gil scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain, "I thought he was a creep but I didn't know he was a disgusting bastard."
Thena inhaled slowly, running her hands over the sheets. "Sersi doesn't even know. I've only told her that she is not to even so much as speak to him."
Gil had the wisdom not to offer his opinion on things, as least just yet. But he reached over under the sheets until he could grasp her hand.
She let him. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
She shook her head again, her hair a hopeless mess on Gil's pillow (and he only had one, so of course he saved it for her). "It's not fair to you."
He sat up, apparently - unfortunately - done with the anonymity of avoiding eye contact. He leaned on his knees, "I guess not."
She had been the one to state it, but his quick and firm agreement still made her stomach clench. "I-"
"But it's not fair to you either."
"Hm?" she blinked up at him. She expected some lecture but he leaned down again, stretching his body out against hers and scooping her waist into the grasp of his strong arm. She sighed as he kissed her.
"I hope I don't have to tell you I'm not like that asshole."
No, he didn't.
He pulled away, looking at her so tenderly that she wondered how she could ever muster the effort to be cold with him. "But I shouldn't have to tell you. You should just...feel it, or something."
He had his own eloquence, and she found it unwittingly charming.
"Thena," Gil frowned, holding her against him, both of them on their sides. "Were you ready--when you first came over, I mean? 'Cause if you weren't, I can't-"
She leaned in, kissing him again to divert the trajectory of that thought. "I came over, I initiated the kiss, I told you I was ready. Is that not enough?"
But he didn't rise to her bait. He stared at her like he would never see her again if he blinked. "I...I...I really like you, Thena."
It certainly wasn't what he had initially started saying, but it still made her freeze like a deer in headlights. Excitement and dread flooded through her in equal amounts.
"I'm not asking you to feel the same," he whispered, and she had to admire that he was strong enough to say that, while she was too afraid to even tell him she liked him in the first place. "But I'd rather you know. And it has nothing to do with, uh, this. I liked you before. I liked you as soon as I saw you glaring at me at the theatre beside Sersi."
She rolled her eyes, because there was no way that was true.
"So, even if you don't wanna hang out anymore, or come over like this," Gil trailed off into a mumble, his eyes drifting downward. "Then, that's okay. But I'll still like you--unless you tell me not to, I guess."
She smiled--even laughed. There was just something so earnest and sweet and charming about this delinquent. She kissed him again, just for the enjoyment of it. It was actually rather dangerous, how much she liked kissing him.
Gil laid his head down again. She really needed to get him another pillow (such a boy thing, to have only one). "Sorry, but I guess I'm glad I interrupted."
She supposed it was out of concern for her. Although there was still a faint ache within her, and the insides of her thighs were quite sticky. "Was angry sex so bad?"
He grinned, satisfied that she seemed in better spirits. He ran his hands over her back again, "not that it's bad. But I prefer making love."
Thena let him lure her into making out again. It was a great excuse not to look at him as he expounded such romantic nonsense. "I've never met a boy who called it that."
"Well, I'd call myself a young man, at best," he protested with a faint pout (before kissing her again). "And I think it's only fitting, if I'm gonna worship you like the princess you are."
She didn't have a clever comeback for that, gasping as he latched onto her neck. "Do you still have that condom on?"
"Yeah, but let me do something."
She half expected him to pick up the firm and nearly frenzied pace she'd had before. To roll them over and start absolutely ravaging her. But all he did was move her onto her back and lie himself over her. He stayed close, his head always hovering within kissing distance.
"This okay?" he whispered as he pushed into her again, much more slowly and gently this time. "If I wanna get romantic with the girl I like?"
It was so juvenile, so trivial sounding. And yet when he said it, her heart and her brain screamed in joy. She never felt so elated, despite her fighting against this very thing.
"Gil," she gasped, her hands on his chest as he thrusted slowly but steadily. They had actually never been in this specific position before. It felt intimate, even fore the act of physical relations. Her legs splayed out on either side of him, but her foot was pressed to his calf muscle, as if scared he would slither away from her. Her hands were on his warm skin, she could feel his rapid heartbeat.
"Thena," he moaned as he picked up speed.
Looking into his eyes was too much. She didn't know where he ended and she began. She was being too vocal and the longer she looked into his eyes the more red spread through her cheeks and down her neck. She clung to him. "Fuck, Gil."
"Thena," he groaned again, panting and grunting and meeting her lips in hasty, open kisses.
"Gil, please," she whimpered, her voice thin and high like the last note on a violin. She didn't want to, but she slung to him desperately. "Please, please come with me."
"I'm there, I'm so there," he confirmed. Neither of them had the stamina of seasoned experts, but she felt so much more acutely than usual every movement and breath he took.
Making unfathomable sounds while rutting her naked body together with a boy she liked: she was no princess. She was just Thena, and she was unfortunately quite in love with the boy in bed with her.
And the boy was quite a fine man, she purred as she felt him come first, within the condom, his muscles twitching as he held himself over her. He stayed close but made an effort not to put his full weight on her.
She accepted it eagerly, lifting her hips as she came around him. Her thighs gripped either sides of him, soft flesh to soft flesh. She had no control over her body, or her voice, although he helped absorb some of the sounds of her ecstasy directly against his waiting lips.
They laid like that, both catching their breath. Gil moved first, but her legs tightened around him, unwilling to part with him just yet, even in his softened state.
"You feel good?" he asked aloud (needlessly). He kissed her cheek.
"Hm," she purred, still languishing in the feeling of his skin against hers. She ran her hands over the sheen on his skin and the hair there, fine as it was. "Don't make me move yet."
"Okay," he chuckled, kissing her forehead and only moving enough to lie himself down not quite on top of her. "Whatever her ladyship wants."
It was a teasing nickname, but she didn't even have it in her to scold him for it.
"Does this mean you'll stay?" he whispered, the light touch of his fingertips on her cheek tempting her deeper into sleep.
"Hm, I shouldn't," she sighed, curling against him on her side, even as her energy left her. That was all she got out on the matter. It was simply too tempting to remain all snuggled up with him. He certainly had no complaints, even as she felt him moving around to clean up or some such.
If he wanted to be her boyfriend, then he could be her boyfriend. And that meant letting her sleep as long as she wanted.
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taran-chan · 1 year
Okay I know its after Christmas but I have to ask for this for science… Number 9 but it’s Thena pegging Gil. I would DIE FOR THIS thank u very much lmaoo
Alright, okay! Finally! Here we go! VERY NSFW, please process it carefully. Just a warning, this is the first time I write something like this and it looked better and sexier in my head but here goes nothing.
9. “You take me so well.”
[Cafe AU]
It starts with a late-night discussion. Gil has closed his shop for the day and they sit down for a nightcap on his sofa. Somehow, the subject falls into sexual fantasies. Thena, a bit tipsy and feeling rather wild, snuggles into his chest and says - half joking and half serious - that she thought about them doing it in the movie theater.
“We were there just last week,” he muses.
“We were,” she agrees, booping his nose.
“Did you think about it then?”
“Of course,” she says, matter-of-factly.
“How?” Now he’s curious.
She taps her forefinger to her lips, “We’d make out, then you’d slip a hand under my dress, telling me to keep looking at the screen. And you– Gil!”
“Hmm?” He looks up from kissing along her neck.
“You’re not listening,” she chides, pinching his love handle. That’s just her excuse to slip her hand under his sweater to feel his skin, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“I am listening,” he has the nerve to pout, “I tell you to keep looking at the screen, and?”
“Uh-uh, I’m done for now,” she shakes her head, “It’s your turn.”
If she’s honest with herself, she’s been curious about this for a while. What does a sweet, wholesome man like Gil have for his sexual fantasies? She’s excited, if not a little nervous, to find out.
Gil swallows and gnaws at his lower lip. She can tell that he’s shy by the red of his ears and the way he constantly rubs at his nose, but he also doesn’t want to lie or brush her off. Thena smiles, taking his hand to stop his fidgeting.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” she gives him an assuring smile. She’s never known to be patient, but she’s learning it from him.
“No, I-I want to,” he admits.
“You can trust me,” she says, reaching up to kiss his cheek, “And you know, maybe I would be down for it.”
“Y-Yeah?” Even his neck is growing a deep shade of red.
She waits.
“Well, this just occurred to me recently, but I think I want to try…anal sex.”
Thena has to strain her ears to hear him. The room suddenly feels hot and she squirms in his arms. She has never tried it with anyone, but she certainly could entertain that fantasy for Gil. The few times that he touched her there, it felt amazing.
“Gil, many people want to try that,” she begins, “You don’t have to feel insecure…”
“No, but…” He cuts in before she gets to finish, “You’re the one who…do it to me.”
“You want to be pegged?” She asks.
He buries his face into her neck and nods. She can almost see the steam coming off the top of his head. So adorable. She has heard about it, and from what she knows, it gives great pleasure. And if there’s anyone who deserves it, it’s her Gilgamesh. Just that thought makes her want to groan.
She hugs him back, dropping kisses to his hair, “Okay.”
“What?” He lifts his head up from her shoulder, his eyes look like two flying saucers.
“We can perform your fantasy.”
“N-Now?” He stammered. Thena has to bite her lips to stop herself from chuckling at the hint of somewhat excitement in his voice.
“No, baby,” she says, moving to straddle his lap, “When I peg you, you’ll be stone-cold sober.”
His moan is cut short by her tongue sticking down his throat.
The next couple of days, she starts researching it, looking up step by step on how to peg a man as good as possible. And like the serious researcher she is, she does it thoroughly as if it was a case file. After telling him about douching and lubrication, she pulls him to sit down with her and look through the strap-on choices. He said he wanted that specifically and not a dildo when she pressed him. Kingo and Phastos choose the wrong moment to step into Gil’s apartment without knocking. Kingo stares at the way his boss slams her laptop shut while the Eternal’s chef pushes the papers they’ve been reading off the coffee table, he doesn’t have to see what it is about to guess the concept of what they were discussing.
“Not a word,” he says on the way out. Phastos is already left, “We didn’t see anything. We do not need to know what is going on. We’ll be back later and we’ll all agree that this didn’t happen.”
The door clicks shut before Thena and Gil sigh.
“We’ll continue at my place,” she says as they gather their documents.
And it’s her bedroom where they are going to try out Gil’s fantasy for the first time. She takes his hand and leads him inside. They’re eager to take off each other’s clothes, but when she tries to push him down on her bed, he maneuvers them and instead she finds herself sitting on the mattress with her legs thrown over his shoulder, him kneeling at the foot of the bed.
“Gil, tonight is about you,” she protests half-heartedly, already panting as he nibbles up her inner thigh.
“Oh, you have no idea how much pleasure I get from doing this,” he grins before pressing his tongue against her pussy and making her see stars. She gasps for air, throwing her head back as she comes into his mouth, one of her hands claws at his back and the other grips the sheet so tightly her nails nearly rip through it.
He puts his chin on her lap, looking at her with a satisfied expression even when she hasn’t even touched him. His mouth is still slick with her arousal. Thena reaches out and cups his cheek.
“Get on the bed and wait here,” she demands.
“Yes, my lady.”
He doesn’t bother to hide his lustful moan when she reappears at the bathroom door, wearing her new strap. He pulls her closer, peppering kisses to her belly as she runs her hands through his hair.
“Lie back,” she says.
Gil moves upward and lies on the pillows, basking in the scent of her shampoo. She smears the lube on her hand, then gets in between his legs. She swoops down to kiss him deeply, coaxing him to relax. His muscles ripple under her fingers and he jolts slightly when he feels the cool fluid she rubs on his rectum. She uses her other hand to pinch his nipples and he moans, pressing his head deeper into the pillows.
“So beautiful.”
“Thena, please.”
She slips one finger inside, slowly and evenly moving in and out.
“I need you to tell me if I’m hurting you.”
“No, it feels good,” he croaks, then after a pause, “More.”
Her second and then third fingers go in, loosening him up easily with a lot of lubrication and soon enough she’s pumping him with a steady speed. Gil is pressing the back of his hand against his mouth, trying desperately and unsuccessfully to stifle his obscene sounds. His rock-hard cock points upward deliciously, his pleasure lies solely in her hands. She’s never felt so powerful.
She withdraws her hand and he looks like he’s about to cry from the sudden emptiness. The reaction almost makes her lose her mind, she chases away the urge of entering him all at once and just presses the head of the cock at his asshole.
He looks up at her predator smile and just spreads his legs wider. Thena tosses her hair out of her face and leans forward, grabbing at his hips. She watches in rapture as the cock disappears into him. Just as it reaches his prostate, he comes with a shout, shooting all over his belly. She keeps still, waiting for him to catch his breath. She can feel her arousal leaking out of the strap as he reaches for her blindly, and they both moan the moment he realizes the cock is still inside him.
“You take me so well,” she grins as she kisses him indulgently, letting his hands roam over her.
“You feel so good,” he manages, finding it harder and harder to form coherent words. He’s getting hard again and he knows she can feel it too, because she begins to thrust, growling back at every sound he makes.
He starts meeting her thrust by thrust, the length of the dildo messaging his prostate over and over. His chest is flushed red, it’s his turn to gasp for air. Tears are falling freely from the corner of his eyes, not because he’s in pain but because it’s just too overwhelming. He isn’t aware of what he’s saying anymore, the only thing in his mind is Thena’s cock slamming into him.
“I like you saying my name,” she drapes over him, sneaking her hand down to wrap around his cock and stroking it firmly.
“Thena, Thena,...” he whimpers, “I’m coming, I’m—”
“Come for me.”
And he falls again, writhing and thrashing in what must be the biggest orgasm he’s ever had in his life. His vision blurs and some conscious part of his mind just understands why they call this “the little death”. His entire body feels like liquid and he sinks deeper into the mattress. It’s her touch that brings him back, petting his hair gently and purring. She’s lying on top of him, her strap has been taken off. She rubs her nose against his when he opens his eyes, and her smile is radiant.
“Hi,” he rasps, his throat is dry from all the screaming. He hopes they won’t get noise complaints from her neighbours.
“You okay?”
“Never better.”
“So,” she traces the laugh lines on his face, “How did your fantasy play out?”
“Well, because it was you, it’s even better than I imagined,” he lifts his head to kiss her, “But I wished I could make you come at least once more, you really blew my mind.”
Thena giggles, settling for a more comfortable position in his arms, “Later, Gil. I’m satisfied now.”
“Later then,” he promises.
“And look, darling, you made a mess on my bed,” she teases before throwing her blanket over them.
“No, you and your cock did that.”
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//Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can remake it. <3 --------------------------------- Trust gets you killed. Love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated. --------------------------------- Athena had found herself traveling to the underworld more and more frequently. At first it had been curiosity that had gotten the best of her. What was really down there? Who was there? What were they like? How strong were they? Many questions that she had asked herself while on her visits. Things that Athena had wanted to find out first hand. But as time traveled during and between each visit she found the answer to each question she had asked herself.. So that would mean her task in the underworld were completed correct? That she would no longer have any desire to visit the underworld and its fellow companions correct? Wrong. There was something else that lured her there. At first Athena couldn't pinpoint at all what it had been. She hadn't had the slightest idea. Had she grown attached to someone there? possibly in an emotional way? No... She wouldn't dare to ever do that. She had promised herself that she wouldn't do that. But what if she couldn't help the emotions that constantly pulled her back, wither it was one sided or not? What was the goddess supposed to do then? They were far too strong for her to ignore; but they were possibly weak enough for her to resist. But did she listen to her mind and what was said to be the 'right thing to do?' Did she keep her distance from the underworld? The question could be answered by Athena's actions as she took yet another trip. Her mind was troubled as she thought to herself what was down there, that was so important? Important enough to get her hated, hurt or even killed. The hell hound. Upon arrival, the simple brunette made her way to the guarded rusted iron gates that divided her from her destination. She weaved her way in, and slipped through majority of the passages unnoticed. There was just one more door that was always closely guarded. She could easily slip past unnoticed, by how many times she had done it in the past. But instead, she cleared her throat, making the slightest sound causing the beast to spark up once more. A wide grin appeared from ear to ear as she studied over the male. She walked over to the male, and then placed her small hand on his left shoulder. Her hand dangled there for a moment, before she slid it down his arm, letting her fingers trace over the many tattoos. "Hello hellpuppy. It seems as if we meet yet again. It feels as if an eternity has passed since i have last visited here." The brunette paused as she reached ever so slightly for his face. Her fingers barley grazing over his cheek as she spoke again with a soft voice. "I do hope you didn't miss me too terribly much." _________________________________ Cerberus' reply: What seemed like a short few days since Athena's last visit had actually been years, or maybe it was really only just a few short weeks since he had seen her last. Time was rather confusing when one did not get to go to the upside very often, and usually it was for something Amara had wanted. The male Hound was quite bored, usually watching the wall and trying his best to not pay attention to the plans and what Amara was saying behind the closed doors. He noticed her presents, he always did. IT did not matter if he let her sneak past or if he stopped her, he always knew when the young Minerva showed up. It was always different times of day or night, it was always something that he would notice. As soon as she stepped into the underworld he knew she was around, this time though he decided to let her sneak past if she wished, though that did not seem to be the case when she made a sound and started to walk up to him. Her touch on his shoulder made his whole body tense for a brief second before relaxing into her touch briefly. He had craved touch for a while now, but not from her. It was welcoming all the same, as he moved to look down in to her face as she spoke to him. "Hello little 'Thena" He spoke softly, his usual cold stripped from his voice as he looked into her eyes. "If I say I missed you will you tell me why you are here for today? Or do I get to continue with this guessing game?" A raise of his eyebrow as he leaned slightly into the touch on his cheek. "If Amara saw you she would be furious you know. So why do you continue? Is it an alliance you want with her? A friendship? Or was I wrong with your intentions?" ______________________________________-- Athena Minerva A warm laugh escaped from the woman as she listened to his 'kind' words. He hadn't always been this pleasant before, so for the male to show so much compassion now had taken the other by surprise. Her light touch on the other had seemed to linger much longer than intended; but deep down the young brunette hadn't wanted to let go. She listened closely to the others words. And couldn't help but smile at the nickname that he had spoken out to her. "I hadn't heard that name in quite awhile; for many seem to be feared to call me other names besides 'Athena', so i do suppose that's a pleasant surprise." She pulled away from the male as she paused for a moment. She allowed herself to be drawn and captivated by his complex appearance. The woman let out a small pouting like face as her narrow icy hues gazed into the others. "And to think, i had been enjoying myself with you. But the mention of amara slightly tampered the mood if i do say so myself. What makes you think my arrival has anything to do with her?" The woman's voice came out like a purr as she looked down upon her own feet. Slightly reaching for the males hands for a brief moment. "Missing me surly can't be as torturous as me missing you.. or your sporadic actions." "Talk about Amara isn't what brought me here today. And sadly its more business than pleasure. As i have a slight proposition that might interest you, and before you resist or decline, it will not involve or interfere with amara; nor put her in harms way in any way." ___________________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus crossed his arms over his chest before Athena's hands could reach his own, his eyebrow raised slightly as he listened to the other speak. He cocked his head to the side at the mention that others were fearful of her, and he couldn't help but exhale through his nose, loudly. "Well, that is what makes me different then, doesn't it? Because I am not scared to call you as I wish, and I believe 'Thena fits you." He gave her a smug look before his facial featured turned back to indifference. "Well, I do know that you are trying to gain her trust or whatever, I know that you have been trying to talk to her as of late, so why would you not be here to see her? That is the logical reason is it not? That you are here to see the queen of the underworld, not her mutt, Im sure." Yet as she continued to speak his eyes grew darker, not in a way of want, more in the was of suspicion, distrust, he was not sure what her proposition would be. He might not even wish to know what it would be, though he doubted that she would not tell him just because he said no. "Is missing me really that bad? I would think one would be happy to leave me and hell behind. I do not understand how you could miss me." He was confused at this, it was rare if ever that the male had found someone beside Amara who cherished his companionship. So for the young Minerva to say something like that, was odd. Maybe there was a double meaning behind it, and Cerberus was not sure how he would feel about that. He took in a sigh and looked her over before deciding if he should let her tell him about her proposition or not. "Fine, tell me. That does not mean that I will accept it though. I can still turn it down after you tell me. _________________________________ Athena Minerva The young brunette watched carefully over the powerful male before him. Everything began to stiffen with the male; and the tension began to grow. Athena tried to break the uncomfortable situation by a small laugh, but it had only seemed to make it worse. His eyes had darkened, and he pulled so far away from the other, it was almost as if he weren’t even there anymore. He looked as if he were battling himself in an argument... and she wasn't quite sure which side of him was winning. It had been strange to her how fast the mood had seemed to change. How fast he could hide his emotions once more. How fast he could look right past the other. Or how fast he was to uneasy the young woman. His actions had been so much sharper than his words to the other and it was unsettling. Her head tilted slightly to the right side as she listened to his beckoning words. Had he really thought that nobody was ever capable of showing any type of compassion to him? Had he not taken note that part of her ‘display’ that she put forth for him had been true emotions that she had pulled forth? As much as the brunette would hate to admit it, she was drawn to him, but she wasn’t quite sure why. She hated the thought of her ever falling for another. She wouldn’t be a fool like her sister and allow herself to fall in love. She had seen how easy it was for love to become a weakness; and it was not going to be the thing that made her fall. Athena shook herself as she checked back into what was being said and going on around her. As she watched Cerberus finish his last words she pressed her thin lips together as she began to slowly speak. “Any decent person who gets to know the underworld would learn to miss its hidden gems that are found within.” She fixed her posture as she continued with her words. “So, my proposition seems to intrigue you. Shall we move in a less open area to speak?” The woman made an exaggerated look around to the open scenery to show that she hadn’t quite trusted the open ears that lurked in the location they were at currently. ______________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus listened to what she said, really listened. He also watched her body language as it changed, and he simply could not understand what she saw in him or about him. He knew the hidden words, and he knew how to see them without them being said. Someplace less private? It must be something she did not want others to hear, and he knew of a few places he could take her if it would ease her mind and have her speak freely. Maybe he could take her to another corridor? Or his room. No he would not take her to his room, that would only cause the others to speak. He did not wish to have them speak, the underworld was terrible gossip. He thought for another moment before he finally spoke. "There are few places that give us privacy, but one of the places I can not take you. The others are still open though I am afraid." He gave a small shrug, and put his hands in his pockets. "The other corridors with less people, there are also few rooms others would go into. Like for instance the library, if you wish to speak privately that would be the best bet. No one really goes into the library and it does have comfortable chairs." __________________________________ Athena Minerva A brow kinked up. There was a place that he wouldn't take her? Why? What had made that place so important? Why couldn't she see it? What was he hiding? So many questions flooded through the woman's mind as her curiosity seemed to get the best of her. "So, what you are telling me..." Her words trailed off, creating a slight amount of tension. "Is that there is one place that we can go, it's secluded and shut out , the best place to choose if we desired to be alone." The woman took another step closer to him as she began to purr her words "But you don't want to take me there? Rather, you wish to take me to yet another open place, with possible lurking ears?" Her soft hands reached yet again for his porcelain face. So perfect, but so hallow. It had been nothing but a shell, a display if you will. Narrow hues scanned over him and her long nails began to slowly dig into his perfect complexion as her grip tightened. "I am beginning to wonder if i can trust you, Hell Puppy." Her words were sharp, slicing right through him. "What are you hiding in that place you cannot take me?" Her dialect had changed so dramatically from a few moments before. She was slightly bitter to the male. She hadn't meant to carry the tone she did, but she couldn't really help it. _________________________________________ Geryon Gabris  His eyes remained indifferent as her nails dug into his skin, he didn't show any sign what so ever to her display. He simply just grabbed her hand and pulled it gently away from his face. "The one place we can go without anyone being around, is my bedroom and if I dare take you there someone will see and they will talk. I doubt you would want them to talk little 'thena." He spat back, moving to check his face. "My room is the only place no one goes, without permission they can not enter. That being said, you would not wish for my room I am sure. That is why I offered the library, it is the second best place to go. It is still secluded, not many go there and if you are lucky no one will. I have not seen anyone enter the library in a long time." He rubbed his face lightly, checking for blood or any other marks. He gave a small sigh and turned back to look at the smaller goddess. "You do not have to trust me, 'Thena. Not many do, I kill people on orders of Haydees. You should not trust me, yet for some mysterious reason you actually do. I do not understand it, I don't know why you would trust me. _________________ Athena Minerva  Her gaze softened to the male as she stopped fighting back. Why hadn't she ever thought about that? Instead her mind had been aimed to the worst. And her small spark of anger had gotten the better of her. Oh how foolish it had been for her to think such things. Now look what had happened. She listened carefully to his words. Trying her best not to jump to any more conclusions. He had been straightforward with her, so there really wasnt any reason for her to judge him the way she had. "I'm... I'm sorry." A deep breath pulled at the young Goddess as her eyes drifted from him to the ground. Without gazing back up she spoke again. "My actions were uncalled for, and you don't frighten me. I understand what it is like to be under someone else's leash, even if it is by choice. My trust in you will never fade, and if that will be the result of my fatality so mote it be." True emotions had pulled at the young brunette as her eyes met back with his. "If you are still inclined to hear what i have to offer i would love to go with you to the library. For you would know best where to go __________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus was taken back, she apologized? He did not understand how or why she would even apologize. He did not see anything wrong with her actions or what she did, and as such he didn't understand why. It was a very odd feeling, to not understand something. Normally he was good at controlling his emotions and understanding why people did what they did, yet Athena always confused him in some way. "I still don't think you should trust me, I don't think anyone should trust me. I cause distruction, I cause pain. I cause emotional turmoil everywhere I go. Yet, for some reason you still trust me." He took a deep breath, and gave a soft sigh. "I don't now why you apologize but you did, so I accept your apology." He licked his lips and gave a nod. "We can go to the library, it is not that far away from where we are currently. If you will follow me, I will lead you toward the library where you can talk as you wish." He smiled softly, and turned to walk down the corridor. His food steps echoed off the walls as he walked, and he turned to look back at the younger Goddess to see if she was following him. He made a few short turns, once left, twice right, before he finally stood in front of two large wooden doors. "And here... Is the library" he said softly, holding his arms out and turned around in a swing motion to show her. A large triumphant smirk on his face ________________________________ Athena Minerva "Trust is never something that i give out lightly; why i have given it to you is beyond me Hell Puppy. I sometimes wish i was more careful.. but things are /different/ with you." The young woman responded without even looking up from her task before her. And that had been the truth. She wasn't quite sure why she had ever thought to trust Cerberus as much as she did, She really shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. Her eyes met his as she listened to his acceptance of her apology. He had clearly been confused as to why the young woman apologized, not seeing wrong in her actions for grabbing him the way she had. But if Athena were to remain loyal in that type of way to the hell hound; her actions can not be repeated. A soft nod came from the woman as her reply to his words, and then again to the rest of what he had to say. Before she had knew it they were on their way to the Library. Walking away from the open and curious eyes that seemed to follow. It was nice to be able to go somewhere to finally be alone. She never had thought that she would be able to pull the hound away from the redhead long enough to even say hello. As they reached their destination the brunette hesitated before she reached for the locks on the door. Was what she was about to do really a good thing? Would her actions jeopardize everything that she has built between the two of them so far? Was this a mistake? Her darken hues danced away her guilty mind, as it focused once more on the golden door handle. 'Just open it Thea.' She thought to herself before giving the door a hard tug. "After you." She spoke as she gestured for the male to go inside.
---------------------------------------- Geryon Gabris How could things really be all that different with him? He was still confused even as they had walked down to the library, he had been in thought, had been thinking about a lot of things and the actions of Athena. It was confusing for sure, he just was not sure what the Goddess was planning and if he should trust her. Though, he did feel like he could trust her and believe her, yet he also admitted that it could be very very dangerous if Amara ever found out. 'After you' it rang in his head for a quick second before he stepped forward into the grand Library, bookcases towering over his head so high that you could not see the top. Filled with books from top to bottom, one would wonder how they even got to the top of the bookcase. It was one of the rooms he felt calm and relaxed in, one of the others being the training room. Another being his own bedroom, and the last being in a room near Amara almost always calmed him down. He turned to look at Athena once more, hoping this would prompt her to say something. ":I do believe you had asked me here because you had something you wanted to speak to me about? I did after all lead you here, so I would hope this time is not spent wasted." He spoke softly, yet the words did seem to come out a little harsher then he had intended. "Or do you simply wish to stare at me? Because I am sure that I can arrange that. You could do all the staring that you would ever want, and I could read a book or look I could go back to the training grounds and practice. I am sure you would not mind seeing me all covered in sweat and a chance to see my muscles working and in action." _______________________________________________ Athena Minerva Athena watched Cerberus walk past her with ease. He hadn't looked too worried over anything that might happen between the two of them. And he acted almost as if he trusted the woman. How had he been so open and caring to just walk with the woman anywhere she pleased to go? Why would he take that risk? Knowing damn well what could happen if Amara would find out. Why would he risk everything for a simple conversation with Athena. It had almost seemed absurd. Her eyes had widened to his taunts. Had he really been amused during this time? A grin emerged from the woman as she inched closer to his body, now closing the gap between the two of them. Her left hand tugged at the bottom of his shirt as she whispered back to him in his ear. "I am sure there is much to you that would catch my eye Hell Puppy, but i am not here for this. Not at this specific time and moment at least." Her words almost came off as a purr. Very flirty for even herself, it wasn't normally like Athena to be this reckless. Her grip on his shirt released once more as she decided not to continue to toy with him. But with the same tone, the woman began to ramble on again. "I do hope you forgive me, my darling Cerberus. As i really didn't mean to dismay your trust in this manor. I just wasn't quite sure how i would get you alone in any other way."Her words trailed off yet again as her gaze wandered around the room. He did find quite an exquisite place to be isolated from the rest, from the voices. The room towered in books and other random objects. It was a place Athena could often find herself coming to get lost in... It was a quiet place. The perfect place. "I could spend all my time in here and still not be done." She had whispered to herself, as she continued to take in the beauty
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