#also Percy being a smug bastard I love it
So I just finished reading the first two volumes of VM origins, and like. I love this group of disasters so much. I especially love when the future-couples meet for the first time
(Minor spoilers under cut)
Keyleth: hi!
Vax, realizing that he is, in fact, not hallucinating due to blood loss, and this random half-elf girl is real and just saved his life:
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Scanlan: I should probably talk to them, you know, since we’re both gnomes and all
Pike: hi!
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And then there’s Vex, who’s like “who is this human we don’t have a human on our team gods dammit Keyleth stop picking up strays oh my gods”, and then she sees that Percy is actually not useless, and so she goes “I’m okay with this actually”
And don’t get me started on Grog and Nahla. Bro literally went up to her and went “me grog. You pretty girl” and she was like “alright” and literally gave him her heart. It’s so ridiculous I love it
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ravenquing · 2 years
Just finished the second and third episodes of TLOVM and HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Spoilers for all 3 episodes under the cut:
Episode One
"The Terror of Tal'Dorei - Part 1" S01E01 of The Legend Of Vox Machina
Not me crying over the twins again, holy balls.
From Vex's sass and charm to her having headaches when in the proximity of a Dragon and almost crying while explaining that her and Vax's mother had died to a Dragon???
And not Vax's sexy/pretty-boy rougish bravado being crushed by the death of those children, one even dying in his actual fucking arms???
Keyleth freezing up and panicking during the whole fight, but trying her best and saving them in the end???
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III being Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III - But animated???
Grog, being simultaneously adorable and also terrifying???
Pike trying her best to keep the group in the right, but still being the fierce little monster we all absolutely utterly adore wholeheartedly???
Scanlan being the chaotic sexual prick we all know and love with reckless abandon???
David Tennant as General Krieg, owning my ass with his voice alone??? #ProudToBeScottish🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Tho Vax holding that child as they died had me in tears, someone go hug my boy rn. 😭😭😭😭😭
I can tell this is only going to get better and better!
TLOVM S01E01 Ranking -
Episode 2
"The Terror of Tal'Dorei - Part 2" S01E02 of The Legend Of Vox Machina
I can't word
I never thought I'd find myself saying something like this... But I'm actually kinda jealous of that toothpick, that lock and those olives. 🤭
Vax and the toothpick scene has low-key become my sexuality~
Also how adorable was Grog when begging Scanlan for a sandwich??? Love him.
Kinda sad the kill was given to Grog in this, originally Vax had killed Brimscythe, but it was still a pretty awesome takedown from the Big Guy.
Also Vax and Keyleth out here being so fucking adorable around eachother?? Vex having none of it at all??
And lest we forget -
The voice is something I'll have to adjust to over time, as beautiful as it is.
It's just not how Gilmore sounds in my head, at all.
But I think it's a great choice.
Also Vax and Gil being the absolute worst with Pike being the tired mom trying to supervise them ahshduhagsg
But the scene I'm most hype for from this episode?
Also Delilah, the queen that she is, calmly sipping tea while her husband turns into a murderhobo outside??? 👑❤️
Definitely a great episode!
Though not my favourite, that I can confidently say.
But I'm definitely excited for more Briarwoods content~
TLOVM S01E02 Ranking -
"The Feast of Realms" S01E03 of The Legend Of Vox Machina
Hahshaha whahGgahab
From Percy's nightmare, to the keep giving me major abandoned Caed Nua vibes, to Vax and Grog being the biggest dumbasses with major "brotherly rival" vibes, to THE FUCKING DOOR, to Fancy Machina...
This was no Crimson Diplomacy, my beloved, but I'm actually really fucking glad that that's the case?
Both episodes are epic for their own reasons.
That look on Percy's face when he first spots the Briarwoods'? I've seen faces like that in anime before and it always cracks me up.
My poor little bastard.
But the scenes that really stole the show this episode had to be when Vax is caught by the Briarwoods.
im deceased
TLOVM S01E03 Ranking -
25/10 (if you know, you know (; )
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dilfbatman · 4 years
I'm the Achilles anon. I LOVED IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH! As for modern!patrochilles headcanons - bring them on! Thank you! Love you!
OMGGGG ACHILLES ANON YOU HAVE MY HEART!!! i’m SO happy you enjoyed it :’) it made me fall back in love w achilles again and YESSSS YOU GOT BRO!!! LOVE YOU TOO <3 i’m a Hoe for modern!patrochilles all the credit to @littlestpersimmon for that au that drove me to love it so much hehe <3
- OKAY MODERN DAY PATROCHILLES AKA MY LIFELINE LET’S MF GOOOOOO!!!! okay as stated before if they’re in school (i just might do college actually) achilles is the captain of the varsity track team and everyone who passes by him is suddenly In Love they just can’t help it, and patroclus is the president of the poetry club and he’s soft and everyone also is In Love with him
- patroclus likes to wear soft sweaters, trousers, always has fun printed socks and a book bag with him (he’s always reading, drawing, and writing poetry in his little journal that achilles bought for him)
- achilles likes his normal white tee and blue jeans and likes to wear hoodies so he can give them to patroclus + is sometimes just wearing his athletic clothes
- they’re both soft boyfriends so achilles goes to patroclus’ poetry club, hypes him up, and one time they went to a poetry reading and patroclus did a poem about achilles that was so beautiful, soft, sweet, that everyone in the room could physically feel the love he was emoting and achilles was crying and in the end while everyone was snapping all you could hear is achilles sobbing about how much he loves patroclus
- patroclus cheers on achilles during his meets (obvi everyone knows he’s gonna win but STILL it’s the thought that counts!) achilles gave patroclus his jersey and he always wears it and patroclus made posters for people to hold up and achilles is all heart eyes
- they both practice self care so they always do their skincare routine together and do those face masks, one time they did the black charcoal face masks and they were both crying and laughing at how much it hurt and how the other person was in pain while also being in pain themselves
- they like to sit on the school grounds bc there’s a very lovely patch of grass where the sunshine hits and to the side is a tree that provides shade, achilles likes to put a picnic blanket down and patroclus rests his head on achilles lap while achilles runs his fingers through pat’s hair :’)
- patroclus called achilles “lily” one time and he melted
- achilles is a slytherin & patroclus is a hufflepuff
- they both read percy jackson and achilles is like Dang Bro This Is Cool As Hell
- kings of fun dates! achilles takes patroclus to amusement parks and wins him all the stuffed animals bc he’s an absolute ace, he takes him to the roller rink, the beach, the movies, to diners & ice cream/pizza parlors :’) patroclus likes to take achilles on picnic dates, to shopping dates, pumpkin patches, and walks around the park (they see the cutest golden retriever puppy who doesn’t have a tag/chip + put posters everywhere and no one claimed him so they now have a small golden child who they name chiron)
- their apartment is filled w knick knacks and it’s a safe haven for them! soft couches, beautiful sunlight, great kitchen and beds :’) they have greek/roman busts/art work and scattered around the coffee table are patroclus’ poems and artwork and on the bookcase is all of patroclus’ books with achilles trophies and medals in a separate case
- achilles is the big spoon, he loves holding patroclus close to him and pat loves feeling his warmth :’) also they both smell insanely good it’s messed up how perfect they are
- they both communicate and talk to each other openly and honestly - patroclus when he’s feeling down opens up to achilles and achilles is great at giving honest, blunt advice and whenever achilles isn’t feeling great, patroclus lifts up his spirits - they both have a healthy communicative relationship
- they are both very well read & intelligent even if achilles acts like a bastard clown
- patrochilles on valentine’s day? they’re going on a picnic where they both give each other presents (pat wrote a book of poems inspired by achilles and achilles is silent for a second and pat is so scared but he sees achilles look deep into his eyes and they’re glistening and he wordlessly hugs pat so tight :’) they kiss and AHH in love always)
- on halloween surprise surprise achilles dresses up as a greek god, there’s a smug face on achilles and someone on the street is like you look like a greek demigod! achilles says yup : ) i do! and throws a middle finger up to the sky while pat is in his adorable pumpkin costume just rolling his eyes
- for christmas achilles bought patroclus the most beautiful necklace that is a golden pendant of a piece of artwork that pat made of them both <3 and a bracelet engraved with “you are half my soul”, and a ring engraved with “philtatos” on it - most beloved. :’) patroclus is speechless and just is overcome w joy and happiness
- they’re always touching in one way or another, whether it be holding hands, arms around shoulders or backs, achilles putting his hand in patroclus’ back pocket, they’re always touching and craving each other
- basically. they’re both in love and in the modern day they’d be as unstoppable as they were back in the old days :’)
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dotshiiki · 7 years
remember that old GA AU?
In honour of the new season of Grey’s (season 14, seriously?), I thought I’d dust it off and continue the ‘episode’ (posted here). 
Like before, surgicalintern!Annabeth, surfer/patient!Percy, and douchebag-attending!Luke--now with a side of intern!Piper, Sally, and cameos from Hazel, Frank, and Will. The total rip-off of the pilot episode of Grey’s Anatomy continues ... (Also, please don’t squint too hard at the medical stuff. I have zero medical training. Everything comes from the show and my adaptations are probably crap.)
(Still rated T for swearing.)
She watches Percy Jackson's surgery from the gallery.
It's a twelve-hour surgery and she has to keep popping in and out because she's on labs today, but she catches enough of it to see that the nerve repair is going well (of course—smug bastard though he is, Dr Castellan is good at what he does) and the prognosis for Percy is good.
Annabeth gets to be the one to tell his family when it's over. She picks out Sally Jackson right away—a brown-haired woman with tired lines and a worried expression on her face, whose tense, unsettled position on the edge of the hospital chair instantly gives her away as a woman whose loved one is under the knife.
Annabeth is willing to bet she spent the night in that chair, worrying over her son.
She recognises the sweet-looking girl with caramel-coloured curls as the third passenger in the car crash, the one who's ostensibly Percy's friend's girl. She has a vague recollection of Piper leading her out of the ER while they treated Percy and Sally … or maybe it was Frank. There's nothing outwardly objectionable about Callie's rosy cheeks, or her pouty mouth, or her button nose that wrinkles in a way that can only be described as cute.
Annabeth dislikes her anyway.
She tells herself it's because girls like that have always been the bane of her existence—all sugary sweet and bursting with the security of being unconditionally and unmistakably loved. She thinks her dad has two new daughters like that (not that Annabeth's bothered to keep in touch with him or the new family he made after he walked out on her and Mom).
But personal feelings have no place in the practice of medicine.
Still, she addresses herself exclusively to Sally Jackson when she explains the surgery and how it went. The woman is Percy's actual relative, after all. (Best-friend's-girlfriend doesn't legally count, whatever crush Percy might nurture for the girl.)
Oh god, is she seriously jealous of Callie? This has to end now.
'He's okay?' Sally looks ready to cry. 'He'll be fine?'
'Yes, ma'am, he's—'
Her pager goes off right then. Percy Jackson, 911.
Oh crap.
She turns and runs without giving Sally or Callie an explanation. She doesn't even bother to wait for the elevators, instead taking the three floors to post-op at a sprint that would make Dr Ramírez-Arellano proud (rule number two, you answer every page at a run!) When she bursts into Percy's room, he's seizing violently, even worse than the one he had when he first came in, a grand mal to end all grand mals. The nurses are struggling to hold him down.
Annabeth freezes—actually freezes, what's wrong with her—at the sight of him flopping around like a dying fish on the bed.
'How do you want to proceed, Dr Chase? Dr Chase?'
'Dr Chase, are you listening to me?'
The nurse that waves her hand in front of Annabeth's face is short and buxom, with a wild Afro. For some reason, Annabeth's eyes sharpen on her nametag—HAZEL LEVESQUE—and it brings her back to her senses.
'Diazepam,' she says, grabbing the chart. 'Give him diazepam.'
Hazel loads him up, but there's no change.
'Try two milligrams Lorazepam. And page Dr Ramírez-Arellano and Dr Castellan!'
'Already have, Dr Chase.'
The machines are all beeping in earnest now. Think, Chase, concentrate!
'Full on Lorazepam, Dr Chase.'
'Phenobarbital,' she says desperately. 'Load him with phenobarbital.'
'Pheno's in.'
'No change.'
Why is she the only doctor in the room? It's only her second day, for crying out loud!
'You paged Dr Ramírez-Arellano and Dr Castellan?'
'I just told you—'
'Well, page them again, stat!'
Percy goes into flatline then and Annabeth's own heart may have just stopped.
'Code blue!' Hazel yells. 'Code blue! Get the crash cart.'
Everything is a blur of voices and swarming green scrubs as the nurses get the crash cart in. Annabeth grabs the paddle, operating on autopilot now. Her mind is screaming as loud as the flatline tone on the heart monitor, but somehow her hands know what to do.
She presses the paddles to Percy's chest.
'Still v-fib.'
'Charge to 300.'
Someone's counting the seconds since he crashed. Nineteen. Twenty-seven.
There's still no rhythm.
'Come on, Percy,' Annabeth pleads. She's only got a minute to get a response. 'Charge to 360!'
Still nothing. No, dammit, this can't be it.
'Sixty seconds!'
'Charge again!'
'At sixty seconds you're supposed to—'
'Charge again!'
At the third shock, the deadly dial tone jumps into a beat again.
'Sinus rhythm,' Hazel confirms.
'Blood pressure's coming up,' says another nurse. 'He's back.'
Dr Castellan chooses that moment to show up. 'What the hell happened?'
'He had a seizure and his heart stopped,' Annabeth gasps. 'What did you do to him in surgery? I thought you fixed him?'
'I did! I—' Dr Castellan stops and stares at her. 'Get a hold of yourself, Dr Chase. What the hell's wrong with you?'
The world is sliding in and out of focus—Luke's face, Percy's, the nurses swarming his bed. Annabeth can feel the gorge rising in her throat. She turns and leaves the room, her ears ringing with the beeping of the heart monitor and the sound of the flatline and What the hell's wrong with you? She barely notices Dr Ramírez-Arellano striding up the hallway, yelling, 'You get a 911, you page me immediately!'
It's all she can do not to break into a run. She doesn't stop until she's left the hospital building, walked right out to the carpark, and that's where she lets go, puking her breakfast out into a clump of bushes.
When she finally turns around, Piper McLean is staring at her. She hands Annabeth a tissue.
'If you tell anyone, ever,' Annabeth threatens, though she doesn't know how she's going to follow that up.
She wipes her mouth with Piper's tissue and, not looking at her fellow intern, heads back into the hospital.
'What was that?' Dr Castellan asks her when she reappears on the post-op floor.
He grabs her shoulders. 'You were completely overwrought.'
Annabeth shakes herself free. 'It was my first code. And I just told his mom he was fine.'
His eyes narrow at her.
'Look, I'm sorry. I just panicked. I didn't mean to—sorry.'
Dr Castellan crosses his arms. She can tell he doesn't believe her completely, and can she blame him? She's not even being altogether truthful to herself.
There's just something about Percy Jackson that makes her feel a little crazy.
She picks up the chart. 'It won't happen again.'
'Fine,' Dr Castellan says. 'And the surgery was perfect. He's awake and responsive now—and his eyes are fixed.'
'Sorry,' she mutters. 'I didn't mean to suggest you screwed up.'
'I'll let it go this time. Although if it were any other intern …'
'Don't,' she tells him. 'Don't do me any favours.' The last thing she needs is to be accused of sucking up. She flips the chart. Percy's post-op scans are on the second page, and they're clean. In fact, they're hardly different from what the pre-op CT showed, besides the now-fixed optic nerve impingement. 'The seizure wasn't from the accident?'
'Seems like it.'
'Do you think it … caused the accident?'
Dr Castellan shrugs. 'Could be.'
'So what's causing the seizures?'
Dr Castellan sighs. 'I don't know.'
Evidently, the mystery of Percy Jackson's seizures is something Dr Castellan can't figure out, because he calls a meeting that afternoon.
Annabeth sinks into a seat between Piper and Will Solace, who's practically inhaling the coffee cup in his hands.
Silena Beauregard leans over from the row behind them. 'Anyone know why we're here?'
Frank Zhang opens his mouth, but Dr Castellan addresses them before he can offer his speculation.
'Good afternoon.'
There are mutters of 'afternoon' in return. Dr Castellan surveys the room. His eyes linger a bit too long on Annabeth for her comfort. (She sinks lower in her seat, hoping no one's noticed.)
'I'm gonna do something rare for a surgeon,' he says at last. 'I'm gonna ask interns for help.'
He lays out the bare facts of Percy Jackson's case—car accident, head trauma, the optic nerve impingement that he fixed, and the seizures that don't appear to be due to the accident like they assumed. 'He's not responding to meds. Labs are clean, scans are pure, but he keeps having seizures—grand mal seizures with no visible cause. If it goes on like this, he's gonna die.'
He doesn't mention the calloused warmth of Percy's hand, or the light shade of green of his eyes that puts you in mind of waves crashing on a Mediterranean beach. Or the gentle smile with the dimple in one cheek that he bestows when you agree to stay a while. Or the funny story he tells about the time he tried to jump over a dolphin on his surfboard, only to have the dolphin leap at the same time and—'Well, I don't have to tell the rest, do I?’
Of course not. These are things only Annabeth's noticed, and they aren't medically important. She shouldn't even be thinking about them. He's a patient. A case. A number in a file.
'I need you all to play detective, find out why Jackson's having seizures,' Dr Castellan says. He holds up a hand to stop the grumbling before it starts. 'I get it—you're tired, you're busy, you got more work than you can possibly handle. So I'm gonna give you an incentive. Whoever finds the answer rides with me. You solve this, you scrub in on the surgery, on an advanced procedure no intern ever gets the chance to see.'
She can almost feel the excitement as the entire room straightens as one, all weariness forgotten now. Except for her. The tiredness weighs down on her shoulders and the fear drags her lower still.
She desperately wants to solve the case, too, but it's not a surgery with Dr Castellan she's angling for.
Solve the case, Percy survives.
How the hell has a guy she's known for barely two days become this important to her?
Piper finds her in the hospital library, scouring through case files and histories.
'Hey,' she says. 'You wanna work together on the Percy Jackson case? If we find the answer we have a fifty-fifty chance at scrubbing in.'
Annabeth peers at her over the top of the New England Journal of Neurosurgery. Two heads are better than one, she figures. 'I'll work with you,' she says, 'but I don't want in on the surgery.'
Piper's jaw drops. 'Are you kidding? It's the biggest opportunity we'll ever get!'
'It's Castellan's surgery,' Annabeth says crisply. 'I'd rather avoid scrubbing in with him.'
Piper's eyebrows shoot up so high, they nearly disappear under her roughly-cut brown bangs. 'What do you have against Castellan?'
Annabeth winces. It may have been better if she hadn't said anything. 'Look, if we find the answer, the surgery's yours. Do you wanna work together or not?'
Piper whistles through her teeth and begins to pull books off the shelf at random. 'Deal.'
Five hours, nine espressos, and eighty-six case studies later, they're sitting on the floor of the library, leaning against the shelves. Annabeth's eyes are watering from all the text she's read—no mean feat for a girl who grew up dyslexic—and they still haven't found the answer. She could hope that one of the other interns have, but somehow she knows it's still a mystery.
Piper groans and closes another book. 'I can't read any more of this.' She rubs a hand over her face. 'You seriously aren't gonna tell me why you won't work with Castellan?'
'No.' Annabeth traces the spine of the American Journal of Infectious Diseases. 'Infection, maybe?'
'No white count,' Piper reminds her. 'Just tell me.'
Annabeth ignores her and grinds the heels of her palms against her eyes. 'No CT lesions, no fevers, nothing in the spinal tap.'
'Come on,' Piper wheedles. 'I'll just make something up otherwise. It can't be worse than what my imagination can come up with.'
'Wanna bet?' Annabeth mutters.
'I won't tell anyone.'
Annabeth sighs. 'He was my mom's protegé.'
From the way Piper takes this as a matter of course, Annabeth knows the stories about Dr Athena Chase's daughter have already made their rounds. So much for keeping a low profile.
'That doesn't sound so bad.'
'We just—we have a history, okay?'
'Ooh, a history. What, like a you-were-sworn-enemies history, or a you-slept-with-each-other history … oh my god.'
Annabeth buries her face in her knees.
'You slept with him.'
'Say that a bit louder, would you?' she hisses.
Piper opens and closes her mouth a few times, and finally comes up with, 'I guess he is kinda cute. I dig the blond, superman look.' She considers a moment. 'Is he good? I mean, he looks like he'd be good.'
'Kill me now,' Annabeth mutters.
'Oh, come on, so you slept with the guy before, it's not like—oh geez. You haven't stopped, have you?'
'I'm not gonna answer that.'
Piper thinks a moment, then goes back to their earlier conversation. 'What about an aneurysm?'
'No blood on the CT, no headaches,' Annabeth says automatically. She thinks they've covered this already. They're going round in circles—how are they ever going to find an answer? 'What if no one comes up with anything?'
'You mean, if he dies?' Piper kneads her forehead miserably. 'I guess no one gets a surgery.'
'He'll never win the nationals,' Annabeth says, thinking about all the dreams Percy shared with her last night.
'The what?'
'Surf Nationals,' Annabeth explains. 'He's a surfer. He was driving back from the regionals when he—' She freezes as something clicks in her head.
'What? Annabeth, what is it?'
'Get up.' She hauls to her feet. 'Come on.'
Percy's awake when they get to his room, chatting with his mom. Callie is nowhere to be seen at the moment, but Annabeth is, for once, not concerned about the cutesy not-girlfriend.
'Dr Chase!' Percy says when she and Piper burst in. 'And a pretty colleague. Wow, the doctors here sure are hot!'
'You didn't tell me he's such a flirt,' Piper says.
Annabeth ignores both of them. 'At the regionals,' she says to him, 'did you do anything out of the ordinary? Like a bad fall, or taking a hit, or—'
'He crashed into another surfer's board,' Sally Jackson says.
'Mom!' Percy looks mortified. 'I swear I'm not usually such a klutz.'
If Annabeth weren't so thrilled that he's basically confirming her theory, she might appreciate how cute he looks when he's blushing and obviously not wanting her to think he's a crappy surfer.
'Is that what caused this? The other doctor said it was something besides the car crash—'
'We don't know,' she tells Sally. 'But we're gonna find out. Sit tight.'
'You've solved it, haven't you?' Piper asks as they shut the door behind them.
Annabeth nods. 'But you're gonna have to tell Castellan.'
Piper insists on dragging Annabeth along, even when she promises to present their diagnosis. Well, Annabeth's diagnosis, but much as she wants to claim credit, she's not going to this time.
The moment Piper opens with, 'Percy's a surfer,' Annabeth knows she's going to have to step in after all. Luke shares her mom's view on competitive sport—which is to say, it's a waste of time and lands too many idiots in the hospital, wasting doctors' time. (No wonder neither of them went into ortho. Annabeth allows herself a moment to consider the possibility—it'd seriously piss her mom off, which makes it equal parts attractive and terrifying.)
Dr Castellan raises an eyebrow. 'That's a shame, but we have to save his life anyway.'
'Well,' Piper says, looking nonplussed, 'he could have burst an aneurysm.'
'There's no indications,' Dr Castellan says, and Annabeth can tell from his face that he's about to brush them off.
'I know,' Piper says quickly—she's persistent, Annabeth has to give her credit for that, 'but what if he has an aneurysm anyway?'
'You're suspecting an aneurysm on the basis of no medical proof.' Dr Castellan is at his most derisive. Annabeth's always hated this side of him. She wonders why she put up with it for so long.
(Probably because it never seems to show when he's charming the pants off her.)
'He fell,' she says sharply, cutting across Piper's babbled explanations about a botched surf wave. 'Crashed into another surfer. It was minor, he didn't even hit his head, but he did fall.'
Dr Castellan frowns at her. 'You know the chances that a fall could burst an aneurysm? One in a million. Literally.'
She crosses her arms and stares him down.
Dr Castellan sighs. 'Order the repeat CT and an MRI. Let's see if Jackson's one in a million.'
'I'll be damned.'
They're peering at the scans, which clearly show a tiny line of blood leading out into the left ventricle. 'There it is. Minute, but it's there.'
'He's bleeding into his brain,' Piper whispers.
Dr Castellan nods. 'He could have gone his entire life without it ever being a problem. One tap in the right spot—'
'Ka-boom,' Piper finishes.
'That's what comes of competitive sport,' Dr Castellan sneers.
'He could have burst it tripping down the stairs,' Annabeth points out.
Dr Castellan rolls his eyes. 'Well, either way, I have to fix it.' He guides them out of the viewing room. 'I'd better go schedule the surgery. Good job, both of you.'
'Um, Dr Castellan, you said you'd pick someone to scrub in if we helped,' Piper says.
'Oh yes. Right.' He looks at Annabeth. 'Sorry I can't take you both. It'll be a full house. Annabeth, I'll see you in the OR.'
Annabeth s too stunned to even protest. It's not until Piper turns on her heel and stomps away that she realises what just happened.
Fucking hell.
'So let me get this straight,' says Percy as she runs the razor over his head. 'You're saying that I made it out of the car crash okay, but because I wiped out bad I might die?'
'First of all, I wouldn't call coming out of a car crash practically blind okay, and B, you're not gonna die, because we're fixing your aneurysm.'
He waves his hand in the air, like details. Annabeth buzzes off another chunk of his hair and he makes a face. 'And you have to shave my head for this?'
'Your hair is a bit of an impediment to surgery.'
'Bummer. Although I never tried the skinhead look. Maybe it'll be cool. Can you make it a mohawk? Or will that be an impediment as well?'
She laughs. 'I promise you'll still look cool.'
'Still, huh?' He gives her that saucy smile with the single dimple and she tries to ignore the way her heart is hammering against her chest.
It's because she had to tell Dr Castellan she's opting out of surgery. That's all.
'So, you gonna be in my surgery this time?'
'Uh, well, actually …'
'Ah, don't tell me. They don't let you interns get to cut? How do you guys ever learn? I mean, I'd never have nailed an aerial if I hadn't got out there and tried it.'
'Well, if you screw up, no harm done. If we screw up, people die.'
'Fair point. Not dying sounds good. So the guy operating on me—I think I've met him like a total of once, and I'm not even sure I was lucid at the time. He's good?'
Her hands pause over his head. Percy frowns. 'Should I be worried?'
'No, no, I don't mean to—sorry, just spaced out for a moment. He's good. He's one of the best.'
'Huh.' Percy scratches at his chin. 'You don't like him, though?'
'Where did you get that idea?'
'You sound like I just spat in your coffee.'
'It's—I'm not—' She sighs and puts down the razor. 'I just have to tell him something and I'm not looking forward to it.'
'What's that?'
'That I can't be in a surgery.'
It's Percy's turn to go quiet. Annabeth picks up the razor and continues her work while he tries to work this out.
'But you said you weren't allowed—huh. Huh.'
'What?' Her voice comes out slightly defensive.
She doesn't believe for a second that it's nothing, but she really shouldn't continue down this conversational path. She shouldn't even have let it take this direction in the first place.
Dr Castellan shows up at the door just as she's finishing up.
'Hey, doc,' Percy says. 'How's it going?'
Dr Castellan doesn't answer. He just beckons Annabeth to the door.
'Wow, he is a douche,' Percy says softly. 'Hope his operating skills are better than his bedside manner.'
Annabeth gives hi a tight smile and goes to the door.
'We're in OR two,' he says. 'Patient prepped and ready?'
'I'm not scrubbing in,' she says, before she can lose her nerve. 'You should ask Piper. She won the competition, too.'
Dr Castellan looks at her long and hard. Annabeth meets his eyes for only two seconds before she has to stare at her feet.
'This is because of last night, isn't it?' he says.
'Last night, and two nights ago, and—' She grits her teeth. 'The point is, I don't want to get picked for surgery because—because I slept with the boss.'
Dr Castellan holds up his hands. 'Okay, stop there. That's not the reason I picked you, and you know it. I know you, Annabeth. This was your solution, not McLean's.'
She lifts her chin. 'So what if it was?'
'So—' He grits his teeth. 'You know what, I can't deal with your insecurities right now, Annabeth. You're a good doctor, and you know it. Scrub in, don't scrub in—you decide whether you want to be a surgeon or not, okay?' He gives her a little shove back towards the bed. 'Finish prepping him. If you want to give away your shot for some lame reason, you go find McLean and tell her. If not, I'll see you in the OR.'
Percy arches his neck so that he's looking at her upside down. 'The guy's a douche, but he's right. You're a good doctor.'
Annabeth feels her face heat up. 'You heard us?'
'Well, yeah.' Percy drops his head back to a comfortable position. 'And you should scrub in.'
'You know, most people wouldn't want the newbie cutting into their heads.'
'I trust you.'
'You've known me two days!'
Percy shrugs. 'I'm a good judge of character.'
'Well, as long as it's an accurate reflection of my surgical skills …' She sighs. 'It's not about whether I'm good or not. It's—'
'I get it. You don't want to be picked for surgery because you slept with your boss.' He winces as if the thought of it pains him. 'But you were here from the start. I'm your patient. And from what he said, you were the one who solved my case, not the big shot douchebag doctor. You should get the chance to stick with me if you want it.' Percy's face reddens. 'Um, I didn't mean stick with me as in stick with me, I meant—uh, never mind.'
Annabeth smiles. 'I know what you mean.'
'Good. 'Cause you shouldn't let the fact that you had sex with the guy get in the way of you taking your shot.'
'I … didn't think of it that way.'
'And if you're worried about getting picked for the wrong reasons, maybe—' He bites down on his lip so hard, Annabeth can see a tiny drop of blood form.
'It's … not really my place. Sorry.'
'No, tell me, what?'
His brow furrows, and she get the irresistible urge to put her fingers on it and smoothen it out. The words spill out of him quickly, almost tripping over one another. 'Maybe sleeping with Dr Douchebag isn't the best idea? Not that I'm judging or anything, and obviously you have your reasons, and you're really great, and … crap, I need to shut up, don't I?'
Annabeth's breath leaves her in a little puff that might be laughter. She can't tell—Percy's honest, bumbling advice is both endearing and a stab in the gut. 'No, you're right. Nothing ever good came of sleeping with your boss.'
'That's not the only reason I'm saying it.'
'It's not?'
He shakes his head. 'It's because you deserve someone better than him.'
The nurses must have been sleeping on the job when they cleaned this room, because the dust is besieging her eyes. And her throat. Goddamnit, she can't even swallow properly because of it.
'Let's get you prepped,' she says.
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skiplo-wave · 7 years
Grindelwald changes Percival into a vampire, based off this (x) @wanderingquill @funkzpiel
Percival sat in a dark room underground tied up. Only light source was a light bulb hanging in the middle of the ceiling. He’s not sure if it’s day or night, how much time has passed being kidnapped, make matters worse Grindelwald mange to block out his magic making him useless. Speaking of the dark wizard it was rather concerning he hasn’t been harmed yet. The man would only  talk to Percival  about what he did as him. It pissed him off to no in but Grindelwald just ignore smirking, Percival swore he saw fangs.
The hell are you planning you sick bastard
Percival was getting more and more frustrated. Grindelwald was up to something, when Percival was sleeping in the shadows he spot the man just watching him.  Sometimes he can here Grindelwald mumble to himself saying stuff like ‘soon’ and ‘you’ll thank me for this’. Percival was worried best way to put it. He noticed whenever Grindelwald talked to he give Percival look a hungry one it sent chills down his spine. Percival woke up-or rather woken up being pushed down on the floor no longer in the chair. He huffled feeling something heavy on his chest hands grabbing his neck. 
“ W-what are you doing !?”
“ Giving you a  gift now hold still don’t want to make a mess.”
Percival didn’t have time to process the statement his eyes widen seeing full on fangs form in Grindelwald’s mouth. Percival screamed trying kick and punch the dark wizard but he didn’t seem phased at all.  Huffing Grindelwald waved his hand causing Percival’s body to freeze, “ Ah much better you’re going to love this gift.” Percival closed his eyes seeing the man-monster getting closer to his neck. He wanted scream but couldn’t feeling  cold breath on his skin followed by a sharp sting into his flesh. It was  excruciating felt like  he was being poisoned but also own blood leaving his body. Percival felt like he was dying is dying, heart slowing down, mind fading in and out. Couldn’t even noticed is fingers twitching then nothing. Percival just shut down. Grindelwald got up smiling at his work, And now we wait.
Percival eyes open feeling like he just experienced a horrible nightmare. He paused realize he can move no longer tied up. Looking around he was still in the same room expect something was off, where was Grindelwald? “Oh good you’re awake! Had me worried for a second.”Percival turned around seeing Grindelwald in his usual corner giving him a smug look, Percival charged at bastard pinning him. “ Temper temper Percy. Act like that you won’t get to eat.” Percival narrowed his eyes, “ The hell you talking about!?” Grindelwald smiled lifting his index finger the nail turning into a sharp claw, bringing it to his neck he cut making it bleed. Percival felt  shift in his body feeling very hungry all of sudden, mouth becoming wet, teeth aching , he couldn’t keep his eyes off the bleeding flesh before him. 
“ Good boy. I’ll make this quick you are now vampire and I’m your maker. A your welcome by the way making you immortal. And might I add pale is good look on you.”  Percival was speechless why on earth would he do that turn him into a monster what is the purpose? Percival couldn’t bother on the question too focus on the blood sliding down Grindelwald’s neck.  Right now he really wanted to drink it much to his disgusted about all this, he’ll figure this out later. Percival bit into Grindelwald’s neck he hated how good the man’s blood tasted. Grindelwald smiled pushing Percival’s head closer into his neck. 
You’re going to be a very fun vampire Percy
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