#also I wanna read more outsider POV of Neil
jingerhead · 3 years
I need more of Marcus Watson’s pov in my life it was so good! Love reading andreil from an outside point of view, always so funny xx
Oh anon thank you so much! I love outside pov fics as well, they're always so entertaining. I'm quickly growing attached to Marcus and the other OCs that me and @frisslimbim made for this hehe, and I can't wait to share the whole thing in the future! For now, enjoy another tiny drabble - I don't wanna give away too much of the fic before it's done ;)
(Also side note, google translate translates the lines pretty accurately except for the last one...and I 100% trust my German friend's translations more than google translate's PFF. And I'm still debating on telling anyone the translations before I post the fic, which will definitely have them!)
The two of them seemed to have a system in the way that they argued. Andrew always did it with a bored look, only once in a while showing anything other than apathy when saying something. Neil, on the other hand, always seemed to get this glint in his eyes, sometimes smiling or smirking when saying something back. Marcus never understood what they said, but they said it in such sharp voices and low volumes that he was beginning to think they were death threats.
Well, it wasn’t his job to make them stop, and he was sure that if they genuinely wanted to kill each other they wouldn’t waste time arguing every day. But still, Marcus couldn’t help but think that it was strangely considerate of them to argue in German. Somehow, it was less awkward to hear them growl to each other in a different language, and it was slowly becoming routine, at this point. Marcus knew he heard the most because his locker was the closest to Neil’s, and that was usually where they were when talking.
But they didn’t just argue in the locker room. They argued during practice, in the parking lot, and even during games. Apparently, they really didn’t like each other.
Marcus wasn’t sure why he was so focused on them today, because usually he only cared about the game, but today’s practice had been exhausting, and the two didn’t do anything to make it easier. Currently, he was changing out of his jersey, grabbing his things for a shower. The rest of the team was talking quietly, all just as exhausted and ready to go home. While Marcus was grabbing his things, some teammates walked by, heading to the showers, and one of them was Andrew. Out of the corners of his eyes, he could see Andrew deliberately pause just behind Neil for a second, but he apparently decided he didn’t want to say anything, and continued on.
For a moment, Marcus thought that Neil would let Andrew walk by without saying anything. He was quickly learning he didn’t know Neil at all, yet. “Gefällt dir, was du siehst?” Neil asked, looking over one shoulder after unlacing his pads, raising an eyebrow in Andrew’s direction.
Andrew stopped walking, not taking his eyes off of Neil as he walked up to him. “Ich werd dich in zwei Hälften biegen,” he said, voice almost a whisper it was so quiet. Not quietly enough that Marcus couldn’t hear, though.
“Schaltest du mich aus?” Neil asked back, grinning.
Marcus started walking away. He didn’t want to stick around if they were just going to argue for a few minutes. He wanted to shower and go home to his fiancé and forget about exy for a while.
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~KISS AU writings 23~
The end is here, KISS fam and it’s a long one!! Thank you so much for reading my crazy stories~ I hope you all enjoyed!
~MODEL AU Part 10~
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guests: Peter Criss, Vinnie Vincent, Gene Simmons, Mick Mars, Vince Neil, Heather McMann (OC created by @misslivvie ~)
Summary: As Bruce and Paul start a relationship together, an old friend comes back into Paul’s life~ (told from Bruce’s POV)
The sun would be up soon.
I gently stroke Paul’s hair. He’d fallen asleep holding me tightly with his head laying on my chest and he’d never left my side throughout the night. Being with him makes me feel…I just don’t have to words to describe how good I feel. I lay there thinking of his loving kisses and soft touches. The way he watched me undress. The loud moans of my name as he climaxed. It was perfect..just like him~ I hated moving him but I slowly lay him on his back so I can get up and make coffee. 
Paul’s going to have quite an interesting day today. Dinner with his boss and his ex? It has to be stressing him out a little, even if he doesn’t want to worry me by showing it. I want to do something for him to ease his tension for tonight, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it will come to me over coffee. As the scent of drifts everywhere I hear my bedroom door finally open. Paul comes out dressed only in his robe, yawning and rubbing his eyes. “Mmmm..that smells heavenly~” I pull him close and kiss his forehead. “It should be ready soon. Why don’t you get yourself all prettied up? I want to take you out today~”
“Oh~? What’s the occasion~?” 
“No occasion..I just wanna spoil you~” 
“Are you sure~? I might get used to it~” 
“Would that be so bad~?” 
“Well haven’t you heard? I’m a selfish, bitchy diva~ All I do is shop and complain about my weight~”
“I also heard that you’re incredibly beautiful~” 
“Careful..all that flattery might go to my head~”
“I’ll risk it~” 
I kiss him again and go to make our coffee while he goes into the bathroom. I think that was a really good start to the day~
After we’ve both showered, changed and had breakfast I take him to Rodeo Drive where he could shop until his heart was content. It was adorable watching him fawn over clothes, makeup and jewelry. He was just so wonderfully, uniquely feminine~ It also amazed me how much he knew about fashion, how he could tell one brand from another or how he could spot a counterfeit from 10 miles away. It just proved my point that there was so much more to him than his appearance. While in the Dolce & Gabbana store he starts looking over various suits with great interest. “Brucie..when’s the last time you were fitted for a suit?” I’m a little taken aback by the question. He’s not thinking what I think he’s thinking..is he? “Um..I’m not sure. The last time I wore a suit was for my brother’s wedding so..its been a few years.” He shakes his head vigorously. “Oh no that just won’t do. If you’re going to parties with me I’m going to make sure no one else gives you dirty looks ever again.” I couldn’t possibly! The least expensive suit in this store costs over $2,000! “Paul, NO.” 
“Yes, Brucie~” 
“These prices are outrageous!” 
“Only the best for my Photopup~” 
I obviously no longer have a say in the matter. He’s already called someone over to take my measurements. I guess I’m going to have myself a nice fancy suit for the next party~
Back at my place Paul tries on some of his new clothes, asking for my opinion on how he looks. He should know better. I’m absolutely biased~ One outfit however looks particularly fetching. A black tank top under a purple off the shoulder top made from the finest lace, black leather pants and glittery purple boots. With heels of course~ “That’s perfect~ Wear that tonight~” He smiles and kisses me. “Thank you, Brucie~ Will you do me a favor while I freshen up? Time me?” I raise an eyebrow. “Why?” He blushes and looks away. “People are always telling me I take too long to get ready. I want to try to..not do that as much..” I laugh and kiss him again. “How about this? I give you a time limit and see if you can stick to it?” I look at my watch. “It’s 4:00 now and your dinner’s at 7:00. Think you can get ready in an hour?” 
“A-an hour..? I don’t know..” 
“Okay I’ll go easy for your first time. Hour and a half.” 
“I can try..” 
“Good! Your time starts now! Off with ya!” 
He makes an adorable squeak and heads off to the bathroom. I love him so much~ I keep a close eye on my watch while he’s in the bathroom. I hear the door open at around 5:15. He comes back into the living room looking amazing. I knew he could do it~ “Congratulations, you beat your time limit~”
“Oooh do I get a reward~?” 
“Later tonight~” 
He pouts. “You’re gonna make me wait?” 
“I don’t wanna mess you up before your dinner date~” 
“Fair enough~” 
We sit on the couch and watch one of his favorite tv shows before he decides it’s time to leave. “You’re going to be fine~” I tell him, kissing his cheek before he goes out the door. I still worry for him as I watch him drive away, but I know he’ll call me if anything happens. 
He doesn’t come back until well after midnight. I hear him come into my room, undress and get into bed with me. He rubs my shoulders and kisses my ear. “I’m home, baby~” 
“Mm..did you have fun..?” 
“It was wonderful~” 
“I’m glad.. Sorry..I can’t give you your reward tonight..” 
“It’s okay..you have plenty of time to make it up to me~” 
I turn so I can hold him, and we fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
As the months pass Paul and I only grow closer. He spends so much time at my place he practically lives there~ I continue taking photos as a freelancer for Catwalk. Mr. Criss never hires me officially but I don’t mind. It just means I can be close to Paul without worrying about being fired~ One August afternoon while we’re doing a shoot in the studio Mr. Criss comes in carrying a gold envelope. “We’ve been invited to a birthday party.” Paul becomes ecstatic. “Oh yes, Vinnie’s birthday is this weekend! You’re gonna tell him we’re going right? It’s only one of the biggest fashion social events of the season!!” Mr. Criss rolls his eyes. “I suppose I am. You’ll bitch at me for weeks if we don’t go.” 
“Damn right I will~” 
“Yeah yeah I’ll do it. Get back to work, Diva Star.” 
“Yes, sir~” 
Looks like I’m finally getting an opportunity to wear that expensive suit that’s been sitting in my closet for months. 
Sunday night Mr. Criss drives us to Vinnie’s Malibu beach mansion for his birthday party. Paul and I sit in the back seat together so we can hold hands. “You look so good in that suit, Brucie~ Do you like the cuff links I bought you~?” I smile and adjust my sleeves so I can admire them again. They were smooth turquoise stones set in silver. “I swear you’re trying to spoil me rotten. These are really too much~” He giggles. “Oh, hush up and let me spend money on you~ I haven’t had a good boyfriend in a long time~” Mr. Criss sighs loudly. “Will you two shut up before you give me diabetes?” We laugh. It’s nice to know he’s not serious all the time~ 
We’re lucky to find a parking space once we get there. The property is packed with cars for miles around. One of the biggest social events? Looks like THE biggest to me. I suddenly start feeling a little anxious. I’ve never been around this many people before. Paul squeezes my hand. “Hey~ If you start feeling like it’s too much we can always go.” I nod and smile. I love that he understands~ We go inside, weaving through the crowd to look for Vinnie. Fortunately he always dresses in gold so he’s incredibly easy to find~ We finally find him by the bar getting his glass refilled with champagne. A taller man dressed all in black leather and a copious amount of silver jewelry stood beside him with his arm around his waist. Paul’s curiosity is immediately piqued. “Vinnieeeeee~ Who is this and why haven’t you introduced me to him yet~?” Vinnie turns with a smile on his face, welcoming Paul with a long hug.” The gold glitter on his eyelids and lips make him look fantastic~ “Paulie, I’m so glad you finally made it~!” He comes over to hug me. “Lovely to see you again too, Bruce~” 
“Thank you, Vinnie~ Happy birthday~” 
“Oh, thank you~ It’s so nice to have all my friends here tonight~” 
Paul motions to the guy in leather again. “So who’s this friend~?”
“Mmph I’m being so rude aren’t I? This is Gene~ I met him while on a trip to Israel last month~ Isn’t he gorgeous~?” 
Paul can barely contain his excitement. “He’s a dream! Is he your boyfriend?!” Vinnie’s blush is all the confirmation he needs. He covers his mouth to keep from squealing too loudly. “Oh, Vinnie I’m so happy for you! What do you do, Gene~?” 
“Fashion designer. I’m hoping to showcase some of my new styles in the U.S.” 
“Ooh I’m intrigued~ If you need a model give me a call~” 
“I’ve found one already but I could always use more~” 
“Really? Who?” 
“Take a guess, Paulie~” 
That voice makes our blood go cold. Vince Neil stands behind us with the same cocky smirk he had at the last party. If he was here to start trouble with Paul again I wasn’t going to have it. 
“Sorry, Paulie. Once again you’re stuck with second place~” 
Paul crosses his arms. “Maybe so..but you can’t sleep your way to the top with him.” Vinnie clears his throat loudly. “Pardon me but I will not having anyone starting fights during my birthday party. Take it outside if you must.” Paul just turns and goes to the bar for a drink. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you. I’m just here to have a good time.” Vince is glaring daggers now. If there’s one thing he hates it’s being ignored. “Are you afraid to face me? Why don’t we go outside? It’ll save ya from being humiliated again~!” I’m just about to give him another piece of my mind when a woman’s loud voice cuts me off.
Annoyed, Vince turns to her. “What do you want, bi–!!” He doesn’t even finish his sentence before she decks him right in the face! He hits the floor, making everything screech to an abrupt halt. The woman flips her blonde hair with a satisfied look on her face before looking around. “What? None of you can tell me he didn’t have it coming.” With no one coming forward to disagree, the party just continued as usual. Mr. Criss stands beside her with his arms crossed, and right next to him is Mr. Mars. “I think your boy needs some help, Mick. Why don’t you take him home? He’s already had too much.” Nodding, Mr. Mars picks Vince up off the floor and carries him to the door. “That’ll teach ya to open your big fat trap next time won’t it?” I hear him say. It probably won’t but we’ll just have to see~ Paul looks at the woman in shock. “H-Heather..?” That name sounds familiar. I'm sure we've met before. She snorts. “Oh, you remember my name? Miracle of miracles! Now come over here and gimme a hug, you idiot~!” Paul laughs and hugs her tightly. “Of course I remember! It’s so good to see you again..it’s been so long! Where have you been?” 
“Oh, I went out of the country for a while to ‘find myself’ or whatever you wanna call it. While doing some makeup work in Milan I happened to stumble into in one of Vinnie’s fashion circles, and when he invited me to his party I figured what the hell? I had no idea you were here too, but Peter ran into me and brought me over~” With tears in his eyes he hugs her again. “I’m so glad he did~” I smile and rub his back. “O-oh..um..Heather you remember Bruce. He’s my boyfriend now~” She smiles at me and shakes my hand. “Nice to meet you officially~ Any friend of Paul’s is a friend of mine..but listen, tall, dark and handsome..I love Paul here like a brother. If you disrespect him in any way I won’t have any problems punching your lights out too.” She laughs to lighten the mood but I know that she means it. I spend the rest of the night with Paul as he catches up with Heather, who agrees to come back as Paul’s makeup artist. He’s overjoyed at the news and I love watching every moment~ We watch Gene lead Vinnie out to the middle of the floor and dance a special waltz with him for his birthday present. For the first time in our lives Paul and I don’t have a worry in the world. 
We have each other~ 
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