percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-11)
Word count: 4.5K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: None
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: I’ve been good. I am very curious about what you think of this chapter, though ;)
The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​ Shout out to this girl for being so awesome!
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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“Oh, look at you. You’re so tired.” Madison rubbed your back as you rested your head against the table in between the lectures.
“She does have a night job.” The stink eye you wanted to give Rebecca would require you to raise your head. She didn’t deserve that sort of effort. All of your thoughts were anyway occupied with how Sam’s trial must be going. You were praying that the poor kid would get off.
“It’s a good thing Civil Procedure class is cancelled for today. You can go home early and sleep the exhaustion off before the party,” Madison said excitedly. If only you could make an excuse out of the exhaustion and ditch the evening completely. The thought of Madison’s disappointed face stopped you from doing that. She really wanted you to come. The least you could do was show your face and then go back home.
It irked you that Madison was so excited for this but the rest of her friends were treating this as just any party as opposed to her party. You turned your head towards her and asked, “So who else is coming?”
She perked up immediately. “Well, it’s you guys, Brad, a couple of his friends and a few girls who were in my sorority.”
“What about your brothers? You have two, right?”
Her face remained carefully fixed in the same expression, though you saw the warmth in her eyes go out. “C’mon, you don’t really think they’d wanna be at my party, do you?”
“They’re your brothers! They’re supposed to be with you on your birthday.”
Lacey gave a high pitched laugh. “They’re both older and cooler, why would they wanna be at their baby sister’s party?”
“Clearly you don’t have any siblings,” Rebecca commented. “Definitely not a brother.”
But I do. I do have a sister, you wanted to say. The words never made it out.
Madison took over quickly, realising that the words were unnecessarily sharp. “It’s just different with brothers, Y/N. They aren’t up into each other’s businesses.”
She was still looking at you uncertainly, worried if the taunt from Rebecca had stung. It hadn’t. You had accepted that Rebecca was mean simply for the heck of it. It was her problem that she was an awful person. Not yours.
You were actually feeling bad for Madison. It was appalling that her family didn’t want to spend time with her. Jo wasn’t your blood sister, yet she dragged you to the one ‘average’ birthday party so she could celebrate with you. And when it came to brothers, you had seen brothers who would die for each other. Heck, even when it came to simple things they would crawl over to be there.
Long after you had reached home and dropped into your bed, Rebecca’s comment kept coming back to you.
Definitely not a brother.
She was wrong.
22nd September 2008
You knew you shouldn’t have been out this late in the evening, even if getting the printouts was essential. The only functioning printing shop was across the town and you didn’t want to ask Jo or aunt El to give you a ride. Already, you were asking too much by agreeing to live with them. So far they had denied your requests to work at the diner to be a helping hand, too. Asking for anymore would only tip the balance further.
The bylane was empty, not a single vehicle on either side. You walked up ahead, holding your papers close to you along with your bag.
“Hey, Darlin’, where you headin’?”
Three men had appeared at the other end of the bylane, their raucous laughter trailing after them. You couldn’t get a look at their face, however, from the way their silhouettes stumbled against the light from the street behind, gave you the impression that, at least, two of them were drunk.
You turned around and started back in the direction you had been coming from. The street there had a lighter traffic than the one you had been heading towards, but it was still better than having to walk past those men.
“Honey, come back,” another one called. The other two jeered in encouragement. You didn’t dare look back as you hurried along, almost to the end of the bylane. Why did it have to be blank walls on both sides? Their voices appeared closer yet and you took off in the sprint, stopping only when you appeared on the street.
Shops were open here and people were still walking up and down. You broke into a run once more without a backward glance till you stumbled into someone.
Dean Winchester’s green eyes were looking down at you, in surprise at first, then concern. “Are you okay?”
“I- I…” You couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence, your lungs out of breath.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said, slowly leading you towards the steps of a nearby store. “Sit down a minute.”
He perched on the steps next to you as you steadied your breath, his hands still holding you by your shoulder. “I was being followed,” you said. “Those men down the alley.”
Dean’s eyes steeled and he looked in the direction you had just pointed to. There was no one there. Maybe they had gone back the way they had come.
“Did they hurt you?” Anger evident in his voice.
You shook your head. “I was too fast.”
His concerned eyes hovered over your face, ascertaining that you were truly okay. It was something that Sam did, too. See for himself than blindly trust words.
“Those bastards,” he finally spat.
You were beyond glad you ran into Dean. His hand on your shoulder had calmed you more than anything else.
“What’re you doing in this part of the town by yourself?”
“I needed some printouts to confirm my acceptance. I thought I’d take a walk.” Your voice grew smaller with each word, knowing for sure that Dean would chastise you for poor decision making skills. You waited for him to say something along the lines of ‘What were you thinking?” Instead he gently let go of you.
“You think you can walk?” He asked, none of that judgement in his voice.
He stood up and offered you a hand. You took it to hoist yourself up.
“My car’s parked a few blocks away,” he said. “I’ll take you home.”
You wanted to protest, not wanting to appear a damsel in distress, but you knew your legs just might give out any moment.
Perhaps he saw it in your eyes or in the set of your mouth. Dean gave you a small smile. “Humour me. I had a rough day, too. Could use the company.”
You were beyond grateful to him for upholding your dignity. You didn’t know many men who did that, who wouldn’t want to jump at the opportunity to play the saviour. Not because they wanted to save someone, but because it would stroke their own ego.
“What happened to your day?”
Dean’s smile widened just a bit. “This asshole supplier came in with a shipment, delivered it at the wrong yard and took up a fight for payment.”
“What a jerk!”
He gave you a ‘I know, right?’ look. “Jackass wouldn’t listen long enough for my man to explain the mistake.”
“Must be hard running a place,” you mused.
“It’s actually a lot similar to running a family.” He looked at you. “You’d know.”
“My grandma had a very small business and she ran the family.”
“Y/N,” he said quietly. “It takes one more than one person to make a family and more than one to run it.”
You knew what he was actually saying, the meaning behind his words. That while gran took care of you, you took care of her, too.
“Why didn’t you ask Jo to drive you to the copy place?” He asked out of the blue, saving you from replying to his earlier remark.
“I didn’t want to disturb her. She’s already so busy running the diner…”
“Jo would kill me if she found out that I told you this, but she worries about you more than she lets on.”
You were taken aback. “I didn’t mean to-”
He clarified quickly. “I’m not accusing you for worrying her. She worries because she loves you.”
“I just don’t want to be a burden,” you murmured looking down. You had reached his car.
“Is that how you feel about being with Sam, too?”
He had cut to the chase quickly, and hit the nail right on the head. You didn't know how to answer Dean’s question without making it look like you were putting yourself down. You knew that if you lied, he’d know that, too. Dean was very sharp and perceptive when it came to people. More so that Sam.
You decided to tell him the truth.
“No, I don’t feel that with Sam. He chose to be with me without any prelude. He’s accomplished so much in life already and I’m so sure he’ll achieve so much more. I used to wonder what could he possibly want with a small town girl like me, but I don’t think that anymore. He sees me as the best version of myself and I’m beginning to see it, too.”
“You’re making him sound cooler than he is, you do know that, right?” Dean teased lightly.
You rolled your eyes.
Dean opened the door of his car for you and then got into his side.
“As much as I would want you to see it differently, I understand not wanting to be a burden,” he said, revving up the engine. You thought back to everything you knew about Dean and it made sense that he would understand you. There was never any judgement there. “But they’re your family and I get that you’re self-respecting, that you’re used to doing things by yourself. But would it be such a bad thing to let others help you once in a while? Do it for her and Ellen, if not for yourself. I know you love them enough for that.”
His words made up your mind on something you had been debating for a while.
“Dean,” you said unsteadily but upfront, “I need money for college. I know I can sell off Gran’s old house for the money but I want to keep it. I can’t ask aunt El to help me with the diner facing financial issues.
You took a deep breath. “I don’t know why I’m asking this from you. But…  with you, I feel like I’m with someone I can trust. Will you be the guarantor for my student’s loan?”
His face jerked towards you instantly.
“You can say no if you want,” you said quickly. “I won’t be upset, at all.”
Dean didn’t answer you immediately. He drove along the lane and turned into Aunt El’s driveway. He turned the ignition off and only then did he look at you.
His eyes were soft and his voice was low. “When Sam was about twelve, he came home one day and announced he was going to be a lawyer. He’s been a smart kid all along, but the look in his eyes… the memory gets to me even now. I knew Bobby didn’t have the sort of money to fund college, so we both worked all the odd jobs we could find to at least start saving.” He laughed as he reminisced.
“Bobby is a stubborn old man. He wanted to pay for Sam’s college. We had to fight it out with him, too and things were somewhat crazy up until this kid scored a straight up full ride to Stanford. We decided to use the college fund to move back here, start the garage. Ended up starting a whole new fund for law school. Turned out he didn’t need that either.”
The faraway look in his eyes vanished and he glanced at you. “What I’m getting at is that the money is still in the account. Use it.”
“Dean!” You gasped.
“Pay it back when you start printing dollar bills.” He held up his hands. “I know you’re not the one for charity. I’m not offering you one. This way you’ll save a lot of interest money.”
This was insane. When Sam had suggested that you ask his brother to be a guarantor you had agreed only because you knew Dean was kind and he wouldn’t put you down in any way. But this was asking for too much. This was his hard earned money.
“I can’t possibly-” you spluttered; he cut you off.
“Yes, you can,” he said firmly. “I was wary of you when you first dropped into this town, seeing how quickly my brother was head over heels for you-” he chuckled. “But not anymore. He couldn’t have found a better person. And look at all that you’ve achieved by yourself. That money can’t be put to a better use. We are all so proud of you.”
You flung yourself into his arms, tears running down your face.
“Shhhh…” he soothed you. “Don’t hold them back, kiddo.”
You didn’t hold back. You clung to his jacket and sobbed into his chest, the way you wanted to when you found out Gran had passed, the way you wanted to at her funeral. It was guttural and raw and instead of flinching away from you, Dean held you tightly against him, his fingers digging into your shoulders.
Slowly your sobs subsided into tired breaths but you didn’t make a move out of his arms. It felt safe here- you were both comforted and understood.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked after a while, voice small.
“You said you were wary of me being in Sam’s life. What changed your mind?”
Unexpectedly, Dean laughed. You looked at him in confusion.
“Sam started playing again,” he said simply.
You blinked at him.
“The piano in the house belonged to our mom. She wasn’t an expert in any way, but she loved the sound it made. She used to play simple songs on it for birthdays and on Sundays. In high school Sam took classes, to honor mom’s memory, I guess. He played a lot when he was learning. Ever since he first started college, I haven’t heard him play at all. You come in and suddenly there’s Bethoveen in the air.” He chuckled.
“He’s been happier, really. He laughs a lot more now.” Dean titled his head to one side.“That and the fact that you’re pretty freaking awesome.”
Sam was lucky he had a brother to look  out for him. “I always wanted an older brother,” you voiced out your childhood hope.
“You know, when Bobby first took us in after the fire, he told me something.”
“Family don’t end in blood, sweetheart.” He shrugged, eyes so full of warmth. “You want a brother, you got one.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
Dean didn’t come inside to meet Jo.You waved to him from the door. He waited till you were safely inside before pulling out of the driveway. You watched the sleek black car disappear into the night from the window of your room, thinking about how just in a couple of months Lawrence had started feeling like a home. You thought about how Aunt El made sure that you ate every meal and Jo gave up the nicer mattress for you. You thought of the selfless love Sam showered you with and now here was Dean, offering up his hard earned money without a second thought. You had yearned for a full family all your life. Here, you had found one.
“No no no…” Meg glared at you in horror. “You absolutely CANNOT wear that!”
You looked down at your ash coloured jeans and the cream cashmere sweater. “What’s wrong with this?” You were offended. This was the best fitting pair of jeans you owned and it was a lovely sweater.
“You’re going to a party, honey,” Meg said slowly, as if talking to a five year old. “Not to the Walmart.”
“Seriously, Y/N. I’m not letting you out in that thing. This reflects very badly on me as a roommate.”
You rolled your eyes. “Dear God, stop with the melodrama!”
“You think this is melodrama?” She got up from the chair. “This is a fashion suicide. I know you have your weird cold thing, but three drinks down you’re not going to feel anything.”
You put your hands on your hips, staring her down, knowing fully well that you wouldn’t get beyond one beer. Three drinks Y/N thought it was a good idea to dance on tables. You did not want to meet her.
“C’mon, in you go!” Meg didn’t give you an option. She pushed you into your room.
You protested to the best of your abilities. “I’m not wearing a stupid dress!”
“You don’t have to wear a stupid dress. Just something cool.”
“Like what?” You challenged.
Meg sat up on your table. “Show me what you got!”
Resigned, you opened your wardrobe for her to see. There wasn’t much to it, so Meg would have to give up sooner or later anyway.
“What’s that I see?” She was pointing towards a purple satin top, hanging at the very end. It was skimpy, with a plunging neckline and noodle straps. The top had been a gift from the girls at your last office, hoping it would brighten your wardrobe.
“Oh, hell no! I’m not wearing that.”
But Meg’s grin in that moment would have given the Cheshire cat a run for its money. “You’re totally wearing that, Darlin.”
Too late to regret now. You should have thrown out that scrappy blouse ages ago.
“That’s barely any material. You know me. I’ll freeze to death in it.”
“That’s why man invented leather. I’ll be back,”
With that, Meg bounded out of your room and returned with one of the coolest black leather jackets you had ever seen. “You try them on!”
It was abundantly clear she wasn’t going to take a no for an answer so you stalked off to the bathroom, making sure you huffed enough to let Meg know you were mad. She couldn’t have cared less.
Trying it on, you realised it actually looked good on you. The smooth velvet satin was sultry and felt great against your skin. It would have otherwise been too skimpy and you wouldn’t have dared to step out in something like that, but paired with the jacket and your dark jeans, you looked like a badass. Feeling bold, you pulled out the kohl pencil and lined your eyes for good measures, then pulled your hair up into a ponytail.
Meg, who was holding a book in her hands, whistled loudly at the sight of you. “Hotness!” She sang. “My, my, Y/N. Where have you been hiding all that?” She was definitely eyeing the tops of your breasts.
You blushed. “You don’t think this is too much, do you?”
“Oh, hell no! You look like a goddess! The only thing missing is a pair of heels.”
“I don’t own any except the formal ones.”
“There’s my pair right in front of the door,” she pointed.
You tried on the classy black heeled boots. They fit perfectly.
“What do you think?” You did a twirl.
Meg blew you a kiss. “You look mind blowing. There are going to be casualties tonight.”
You had to admit, this felt great. To dress up and go out and about. Even though the party was bound to suck and you knew for a fact that you wouldn’t stay beyond a drink, this feeling of confidence made you want to keep dancing. You wanted to ask Meg to come with you, however, she had already mentioned that she had some plans for the night. She’d been cryptic, too, about what they were. You had your suspicions.
“I didn’t know you owned the first edition of To kill a mockingbird,” Meg said, showing you the book she had been holding. “This is priceless.”
“Yeah. It’s my favourite book.”
“Must have cost a fortune.”
“It’s a gift.”
“Do you mind if I keep it for a day or two? I promise it won’t leave the apartment,” she reassured.
“Of course.” It was one the only two things from your past life that you couldn’t bring yourself to part with.
“Have fun, Darling!” Meg kissed your cheek as she handed you her purse. It was all very fancy, the jacket, the boots and now this chain strap purse. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
You blew her a kiss and set out into the night. The Alibi was just a couple blocks away. In those unused boots it felt like a mile. During the stretch, your mind kept wandering to what had happened in the courtroom. Sam would be back in Stanford by now and you desperately wanted to contact him to see if the kid was finally free. Several times you opened your mail and almost typed out a message to him, then backspaced it all. The second guessing was killing you, however, you weren’t sure about where you stood with Sam still.
You were so relieved when you finally reached the bar, albeit fifteen minutes late. The place was halfway between fancy and fun with dark interiors and dim light. Everyone was already there. Madison wore a sparkly green number that brought out her complexion perfectly. She looked absolutely beautiful. Lacey and Rebecca wore similarly skimpy outfits. Meredith was slunking in the corner, busy in her phone, sipping on what looked like a cosmo. Brad and the boys were huddled around the pool table. There were three other girls you didn’t recognise. You assumed they were Madison’s sorority sisters.
Madison squealed when she saw you and immediately tackled you in a hug. “Y/N! I’ve been waiting for you since so long.”
“Happy birthday in advance, Maddie!” You kissed her cheek. “You look stunning.”
“You’re the one to talk.” Madison put you at arm's length, giving you a once over. “You look like a femme fatale. You have a rocking body!”
“So that’s what’s been hiding under the sweaters?” Lacey teased.
You shushed them and pulled out a small package. “This is for you!”
“You shouldn’t have!” Madison said. She opened the box carefully. Inside, were a pair of dangling pearl earrings. They had cost you a bit, but gosh, they were so elegant. You knew they would look lovely on Madison.
“Oh, these are beautiful!” She quickly removed her sparkly pair and replaced them with yours even though they didn’t really match. You were touched.
“This is such a perfect gift, Y/N!”
“Enough with the mushiness,” Lacey complained. “Get her a drink, someone!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Madison said. “What will you have, Y/N?”
“Just a beer, thanks.”
Rebecca who was holding a glass with something red in it, sauntered over to you. “C’mon! The over-achiever of the class can do more than just a beer, right?”
You were taken aback by her comment. Overachiever? You were hardly that. Is that how everyone saw you?
“If she wants a beer, she gets a beer!” Madison adamantly stalked off to get you one.
You took a seat next to Meredith who gave you a nod of acknowledgement and went back to whatever she was doing on her phone. Sometimes you liked her the best in the unholy trinity that followed Madison everywhere.
“Beer for the lady who is a lovely vision tonight.”
It was Brad. You groaned internally, taking the beer from Madison.
“Gotta say, Y/N,” he slid in next to you. “Never figured you would be the one for beer or satin and leather!”
“What can I say, I’m a new discovery everyday.” The sarcasm was dripping off your tongue, but despite scoring a seat in Stanford, Brad didn’t have the mental ability to figure it out.
“I like that in a girl.”
That was your cue to get out of there.
“Gonna head to the powder room.”
You made your exit as quickly as possible. It was close to twelve. All you had to do was stick around till Madison turned twenty-six and then get the hell out of here.
Easy enough, right?
Not so much.
When you got back from the washroom, everyone at your table was highkey excited, giggling and squealing.
“What is going on?” You asked Lacey.
“Look there,” she pointed out to the other end of the bar. “It’s Mr. Winchester.”
You stomach dropped straight to the ground at the mention of his name. And sure enough, there he was sitting in a corner booth dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, busy with his phone.
“My GOD will you look at him!” Rebecca screeched. “He looks like a fucking lumberjack.”
“Oh, he can lift me all day for as long as he wants,” Lacey sighed.
“Should we go talk to him?” Rebecca asked, excited. “I mean he’s by himself. I can buy him a drink.”
“It’s a private booth, dummy,” Meredith said, looking away from the screen for the first time. “He hasn’t ordered anything. He’s clearly waiting for someone.”
“Maybe we get to see his lady love today,” sighed Lacey.
Rebecca gave her a scornful look. “There’s no one with him right now. So who cares?”
“Madison will. It’s her party and it’s almost midnight,” you said quietly. “Maybe we should concentrate on her right now.”
In reality, you wanted to throw up. You didn’t want to believe Sam would be seeing someone, let alone stay here to witness his date. All that time you had been worrying about his case, had he been waiting for this?
The cake cutting and celebration for Madison was all a blur. There was a lot of hugging, unnecessary screaming and then a round of super expensive drinks.
Rebecca, the absolutely horrible person that she was, decided to go to Sam immediately afterwards and Lacey tagged along. Madison was busy with phone calls, one after another wishing her a happy birthday. It would have been the perfect opportunity to slip out and go home. Instead, with unsteady feet, you walked to the bar.
The bartender had his back to you, so you asked loudly. “Vodka. Neat, please.”
You removed the leather jacket, leaving your shoulders completely bare, the plunging neckline making more skin visible. Next, you yanked the tie out of your hair, letting it spill over your shoulders.
The bartender eyed you appreciatively before putting down the shot in front of you. “This one’s on the house.”
You brought the glass to your lips and tipped it back.
“One more!”
“You sure?” He asked, hitching one eyebrow
You grinned, though none of the warmth seeped into your chest. “I am one hundred percent sure.”
“Oh, hey,” you said, as the distinct squeals of Rebecca laughter erupted from the background. “Make it tequila this time.”
A/N 2: Hah! Who is excited for the next chapter? It’s one of my favourites ;)
Biggest hugs to everyone who reblogged and commented. I love you guys!
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
Ana you can't just end a chapter like that. I was getting into it like yeah things are going to go down and then- IT JUST ENDS. I wish your chapters wouldn't never end because I just enjoy reading your writing so much and I love how you write the characters!!! ❤
Hi, Lizeth!
You know, I did actually want to continue with this chapter to include even the next. But that would have been one humongous chapter of like 10k :/ 
But that is such a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much. I seriously hope you like the next chapter, as well! I have some hopes from it ;)
Love <3
A lot like ‘Us’
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
💚💚(this part of allu was amazing! Dean is the best brother ever😍 and
💚💚Damn it tumblr sending my ask before I finish it😠 well, what I was saying? Dean is the best and Meg too. But if she's like three drinks Amy things are not gonna end well. And don't make me talk about Rebecca, gosh, what's wrong with her?! Ugh... Anyway I love it an I can't wait to know more)💚💚
You know if Rebecca was hitting on Sam without being such an unnecessary jerk to the reader, I think we would have let it slide. Everyone was quick to forgive those two interns in TTT. But I also feel that if she truly knew that Y/N and Sam were a thing, she’d redouble her efforts to get to him. *Sigh*
Yeah that drinking is going to leave a terrible hangover either way, I suppose. I am so excited for you to read the next chapter. :D
A lot like ‘Us’
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