#all the forces opposing the players are dragging charlie back to the server kicking and screaming and you know what
razberrypuck · 9 months
thinking about elquackity playing the grieving father card with charlie and trying to get him on his side. thinking about elquackity kidnapping dapper without being caught. thinking about how bbh and baghera and cellbit and everything they care about is in so much danger. thinking about elquackity telling cellbit that maybe this time you'll learn to mind your fucking business. thinking about the teasers of juanaflippa and tilín in the federation's cryo chambers (tilìn's captioned with "time's up.") thinking about how elquackity WANTED bbh and baghera and cellbit to find him. thinking about how it seems like elquackity might want charlie in the federation. thinking about the federation making a scavenger hunt for charlie's birthday. thinking about elquackity's threats toward bbh and baghera and cellbit. thinking about how charlie tried to kill every egg on the server the first time juanaflippa died. thinking about all the scavenger hunt presents being traps and bombs and escape tools. thinking about codeflippa.
thinking about elquackity's larger plan. thinking about all the pieces falling into place. thinking about how integral charlie may be to whatever hell elquackity/the codes/whoever else wants to raise. thinking about how they all seem to be targeting charlie specifically, because it's more difficult to put the puzzle together when the most important piece is nowhere to be seen. surely they won't be able to prepare for this.
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