#alicel- y1w2
skeletorsims · 6 months
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FIVE! read it FIVE! Babies were born this summer in Alicel. Lloyd Hollowbreast and Latika Rao were married, followed quickly by the surprise that Dimitry Lace had proposed to Henriqueta Ruiz. Taking advantage of the witnesses and preparation, they also tied the knot. Maybe it wasn't that surprising because quickly following the birth of Latika Hollowbreast's beautiful little girl Saanvi, was the birth of twins: Theodore and Santiago Lace. Despite their marriage, Dimitry Lace still had not forgiven Jeremy Teeth for having had designs on Henriqueta (although many report it was the other way around!) Feeling this additional pressure (the fights were getting rather tedious!) Mr. Teeth struck up a deal with Mr. Liu and they decided to pool their resources to get a plot together. Both they and the Hollowbreasts have moved out of Mr. Lace's home. There is rumor that a new caravan has left on its way to Alicel, which will be useful as quickly after the birth of their sons Mrs. Lace found she was pregnant again. At the end of the season she gave birth two another pair of twins! The Laces will certainly need some help with Rosa and Anthony joining the family!
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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It is late when Jeremy finds Mr. Liu playing chess. Despite the fact they live in the same house, it sometimes seemed they lived in different worlds. They were both not men of means, that was obvious enough by Mr. Liu's clothes and the meager belongings he had brought with him, and yet while Jeremy spent nearly all of his waking hours outdoors doing yardwork and tending to the animals, it seemed sometimes that Mr. Liu had not stepped out of the house at all. Despite the fact that it had been hours, Jeremy was still unable to stop scowling, the anger was still curling in his gut, his hands still clenched. Wei does not notice him until he speaks. "You have nearly everything for your plot, am I right, Mr. Liu?" He is usually left alone, but he manages to keep the surprise off his face as he looks up to see Jeremy Teeth, his expression sour. Wei has to pause for a moment, try and remember if he could be the cause of this poor mood. "I do. I just require the wood material. I, unfortunately, think that will hold me back from moving out this season. I don't have the skill to fell trees yet." Mr. Teeth smiles at this, and Wei can't help but narrow his eyes, attempting to find what would cause this; what his angle for asking could be. People did not often make small talk with him, and Mrs. Hollowbreast (how strange it was to call her that, but she was his only real friend in Mr. Lace's home and she had looked rather upset when he had forgotten) was now very busy with her husband.
Oh, and the child. But Mr. Teeth's smile is charming, better than the scowl, at least. "What is this about?" He asks finally, when there is no reply. "Sorry, I was just thinking. I have all the wood I need and, well, things have become rather unwelcoming for me here. I am sure you have noticed." Wei supposed it would be rather hard not to. He wasn't aware of the reason but it was difficult to ignore the fights, and the unpleasantness at meals. "And what are you getting at?" Wei says with a sigh. "Well, surely you will need some help establishing yourself. Perhaps it would be best to head out sooner with me." "Are you going to make a move, or are we just talking?" Mr. Liu says suddenly. Jeremy blinks at him. "I am not quite sure what you mean, Mr. Liu?" "Do you know how to play?" Wei replies, in a tone suggesting he is clarifying, but still leaving Jeremy confused. "I feel as though I am not quite following, sir, apologies." He says again, brows drawing together. "Chess, Mr. Teeth." Wei clarifies, "I would like to know before we discuss further if it would be alright to play or if you intend to do so as well." Jeremy can't help but smile, relieved; a little amused. "Oh. Well. Can you teach me?" "Yes. And while I do let's speak about this further." All in all, it is a productive conversation.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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It surely cannot be about Henriqueta anymore, Jeremy thinks, his mouth smarting from the punch. However, it was true on this occasion that he had knocked into him on purpose, tired of the dirty looks, of the way Dimitry Lace glares at him across any room. If he had an issue he should speak to it; a fight would be better than this strained silence. And a fight is what he got. Both of them unaccustomed to fighting, Jeremy who has spent his days chopping wood and sawing logs for his homestead, gets the upper hand, pinning Dimitry under him. "I'm out. I'll be moving at the end of the season." He says, snarling down at the man, who despite his finery had hands as calloused as his own. Dimitry snorts. "And how are you planning to do that, you hardly have the skills to set out on your own." With a final shove, Jeremy pushes himself off the other man. "I'll find a way. You can advertise for another man. I will not be working for you any longer."
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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"Oh. Are you not pregnant anymore?" Wei asks while they are sitting again in the parlor. Latika smiles in bemusement. Months had passed and yet it was like Liu was still stuck! "The baby is upstairs, Mr. Liu, surely you have heard her crying?" "Oh, I suppose I have." He replies, eyes already drifting back to the book. "It's a good thing that you can sleep through it I suppose, with the Laces having twins now." But he doesn't seem to hear her, offering a hum in response.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Theodore and Santiago Lace! "Perhaps I can understand your vehemence earlier." Dimitry says, holding one of his sons, looking down at him with wonder, with confusion. How did that happen? Suddenly there were children. People who depended on him. He swallowed, looked at his...his wife. "You did well." She glared at him in response before looking down at the child in her arms. "Dearest Santi, try your best not to end up like your father." But there was something joking in her tone. Behind her Dimitry smiled holding his son close to him, ensuring he supported his tiny little head. "I suppose that means you can do whatever you would like Theodore." "I heard that!" Henriqueta replies from the stairs. "Bring him up, we should put them down."
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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A string of curses pour out of her mouth as Dimitry walks in. "Calm down, let's get you to bed." He stands there for a moment longer, as though stunned. She grits her teeth, holding back a cry of pain: "Don't tell me to calm down, filho da puta. Fode, help me, Dimitry or I swear to God-" It's only then he approaches, putting her arm over his shoulder, supporting her waist: "Yes, yes, come on. Upstairs we go."
She is breathing heavy now, her face buried in his neck as he helps her walk up the stairs. "You are such an asshole, Dimitry." He smiles, sounding nearly charmed: "You say that like it's a surprise, dearest."
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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When it starts, she first feels the panic, the fear coursing through her.
"She's early!" She says to the room, the only one in the parlor being Jeremy Teeth. He gestures to the couch: "Lay down, please Mrs. Hollowbreast. I'll get Lloyd." When it is over, breathing hard in her bed with only Henriqueta next to her, the house is so still for that moment that she can hear Lloyd pacing outside. Then Saanvi begins to cry. And she cries herself, in relief, full of love. "Lloyd! Lloyd come here and meet your daughter."
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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"I'm going to be a father, Kuai." He says to the cat, who stares up at him before bumping its head against his knee. "What do you think about being a father? I am sorry to say I think I can probably be a better one than you. Yesterday you were looking for a mouse that was sitting right in front of you." He leans down to properly pet him. "I bet you would lose your kittens all the time. They could be in the same room and you would still be searching for them, wouldn't you?"
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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It started raining just as Dimitry spoke: "Please stay for just a moment longer." Henriqueta looked at him incredulously. Now? They were marrying now? He glances at her, the corner of his mouth sloping down. "Surely it would better with everyone here, before you start showing more?" She can't control the look on her face. Small, shy Queta who was only brave when no one was looking, when others told her to be. Perhaps Alicel was changing her more than she considered. She smiled, only a little forced. "Yes. You're right. Dimitry and I would like to continue the nights celebrations." She says. Latika gives her a look, surprised and overjoyed. If only she knew! Her eyes scan over the crowd, meeting the eyes of Mr. Teeth, before quickly moving away. What was there to see on his face in the dark? Hurt? Indifference? Would it matter? "Well, then, shall we?" He asks, motioning towards the small archway Latika and her had been weaving for weeks. How strange to think that this would be hers now. Properly. All because she was too swept away by a pretty man. She sighed, smiled again, nodded her head. Was it genuine? That smile as he said the vows? Hers felt so weak and inauthentic, but he was smiling and it seemed nearly real. "I think we kiss now, Dimitry." She says as he pauses after she repeats the words. "Yes. Certainly." He says, as though to just say something. Maybe, while it started to rain around them, she thought this might not be so bad.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Latika is really showing now. Even Mr. Liu wouldn't fail to notice! She doesn't have any intention to hide it (what does she care about scandal! It isn't as though Mr. Lace could hire anyone other than Lloyd to work with the animals even if he wanted to.)
With her and Lloyd so close to being read to set out anyway, it hardly matters.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Mo loves the parlor window. It is only looking over at him that Wei notices the ring on Latika's finger.
"When did that happen?" He asks, reflexively.
He supposes it might not be the right thing to say, but Latika only laughs. "Mr. Liu you need to start looking up from your books! I bet you haven't even noticed I have starting showing. You must be the only one in the house who hasn't." He cocks his head at her, looking her over. "Oh, I suppose you have. Who is your intended?" She blinks. "Mr. Liu...surely..." She beings before she smiles at him. "Mr. Hollowbreast. We have been seeing each other for some time now." He squints his eyes at her, not in judgement but in confusion; attempting to process all that he has apparently missed. "Oh." Is all he says. Latika is a little surprised at the lack of congratulations, or any other comment, but when she looks over Mr. Liu is already back to his book.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Chopping trees is no easy task. Of course, it's easier to do when you know it's for a good reason.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Talking about showing... Henriqueta has been denying it to herself for weeks now. Surely not...not now. Ms. Rao may have the confidence to walk around barely engaged and pregnant, but Queta doesn't have what she has...doesn't have someone to support her through it.
She did think she loved him once; Dimitry. It wasn't like she did anything with Jeremy, a few flirtatious remarks. It wasn't as though Mr. Lace had wanted anything more than her body anyway, and it was obvious enough. He played at being a serious man, but even when they were together he seemed distracted.
And now she (she!) has to ask this of him. The anger seems to sit in her chest, her body a pot roiling on the inside.
"I know what you presume to think of me, Mr. Lace, however-" And she has to hold her tongue here (how silly of Latika to think she was hot headed when poor shy Queta had to control her tongue like this!) "However, whatever you may think, nothing occurred between me and Mr. Teeth." Not that she knew why it mattered to him anyway. He stared imperiously at her, and how was it that a coal miner could look so patronizing! Of course, he had never said, but the coal beneath his fingers was evident, dark marks one could never get out; as though the mines itself marked their workers. More, even, than it had already marked him. "I...cared for you. I-" And it pained her to say because of how true it was, how frustrating it was to admit it to even herself. "I still do. And as we have both found ourselves in this situation I believe it is your duty to do right by me."
He blinked at her, taken aback. "What do you mean, Ms. Ruiz?" "I am expecting."
The only sound in the room was an exhale, sharp and confused.
The silence frustrated her, prompting even her to wanting to raise her voice, tell him she would go at it alone, then. That she didn't need him, after all. Instead he grits his teeth. How Charming. She raises her eyebrows, waiting. "Ms. Ruiz, would you do me the honor, then, of being my wife?" She nearly slapped him. Instead she smiled sourly. "Of course, Mr. Lace. I would be delighted."
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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She was out in the garden when the contractions started this time and Dimitry was not dressed. Still, there was no time. With no midwife or doctor, there was no one else who could assist except him and Mrs. Hollowbreast. Still, the birth seemed easier this time. Although, he couldn't help the look of surprise on his face when suddenly there were two babies. Again. He can't help but to blink at his new son and daughter. Two more children. Henriqueta looks at him, sweaty and tired, glowing, even. She gives a small chuckle, just a tinge of panic to it. Welcome Rosa and Anthony Lace!
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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"Dearest, it seems as though we are expecting another child." She says at breakfast the next morning. He smiles, overjoyed, and yet says: "Oh, are we looking to populate the town ourselves, then?" She rolls her eyes at him, goes back to her meal; but later that evening he takes her out onto the balcony, asks her to see the stars with him. Maybe he is not so awful after all.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Long nights led to Jeremy Teeth out in a rainstorm. The next moment, a blinding light flashes and he is stuck to the ground. For someone who had previously felt as though he was lucky, Summer is not going the way he had planned.
As he attempts to clean up, washing ash from his body, he wonders, wryly, if Lloyd with his pretty wife and his healthy child, had taken all of his good fortune. At least, if it had to be anyone, Lloyd deserved it the most out of all of them.
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