#alexander III
tiny-librarian · 4 months
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"What Alexander the Great accomplishes, seems like something out of myth....and yet he did it."
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wgm-beautiful-world · 7 months
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Pont Alexandre III - PARIS
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minneofrussia · 5 months
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"I recently met the Tsarevich and his wife at Orlov’s for breakfast. I liked him: his clean and open face."
I. S. Turgenev - about Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich.
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ykzzr · 1 year
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St. Petersburg 1865
Grand Dukes Alexander Alexandrovich, Vladimir Alexandrovich with their cousin Prince Nicholas Maximilianovich and Prince Albert of Saxe-Altenburg.
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oceanlilacs · 9 months
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💌 “We must expect anything, even a disaster. All I ask of Russia is to hold fast. She will hold. Don't doubt it!” - Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna (Miechen) to Maurice Paléologue
💌 “It seems that all are mad... I am absolutely depressed. All that happened is so terrible... My God, what awaits us and what will that end with?” - Marie Feodorovna, in a message to Xenia, after the Archduke's assasination, 1914
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 4 months
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Ladies of the House of Romanov, second row (left to right): Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, Empress Maria Feodorovna (Alexander III), Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Nicholas II). First row (left to right): Empress Catherine the Great, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Nicholas I), Empress Maria Alexandrovna (Alexander II), and Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna.
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loiladadiani · 10 months
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Alexander III and his niece Victoria of Wales
I like these two historical figures although I admit that for what we know about their personalitie, neither one would be precisely soft and cuddly.
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ciderbird · 4 months
no Russian emperor crowned after 1800 can introduce successful reforms. All they know is censorship, be depressed, support old crusty European monarchies, mary Germans and lie
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Emperor Alexander III of Russia
Russian vintage postcard
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graceofromanovs · 10 months
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Emperor Alexander III (then Grand Duke) was born as the second son of Emperor Alexander II (then Tsesarevich) on 10 March 1845, during the reign of his grandfather Emperor Nicholas I. He was christened a week later at 10 am in the Winter Palace Church, St. Petersburg, by the Confessor of Their Imperial Highnesses. He had six listed godparents:
NICHOLAS I, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather was one of his godparents present at his christening. Mainly remembered in history as a reactionary whose controversial reign was marked by geographical expansion, centralisation of administrative policies and repression of dissent. He died in 1855, when the Alexander was only 9 years-old, just a week shy from his 10th birthday.
LOUIS II, GRAND DUKE OF HESSE AND BY RHINE - his maternal grandfather was another of his godparents, but was absent at the christening. The hessian grand duke, like his paternal grandfather, was also considered a reactionary leader, he was in conflict with parliament almost his entire reign. The German revolution in 1848-49 proved his inability to govern. On March 5, 1848 he named his son Louis III as co-regent, and a year later he died.
GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-aunt, the wife of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, stood as one of his godparents. Born as Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she became a close friend of Alexander's mother the Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and was known as an intellectual. She was also considered the most exceptional woman in the imperial family since Catherine the Great.
GRAND DUCHESS OLGA NIKOLAEVNA OF RUSSIA, QUEEN CONSORT OF WÜRTTEMBERG - his aunt was one of his godparents present at the christening. She was the younger sister of his father. Attractive, cultured and intelligent, she was considered to be one of the most eligible princesses in Europe. Just three years after her nephew was born, in 1846, she married Crown Prince Karl of Württemberg. Alexander's older brother the heir apparent Nicholas died just two months before their aunt Queen consort of Württemberg. With his death, he became the next heir apparent, the 'Tsesarevich'.
GRAND DUCHESS MARIA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA, GRAND DUCHESS CONSORT OF SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH - his great-aunt was another of his godparents. One of the daughters of Emperor Paul I, the grand duchess married a German prince Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1804. She was an intellect, interested in both arts and sciences. German poet and novelist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hailed her as one of the worthiest women of his time. She was the great-grandmother of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Queen Victoria of Sweden.
PRINCESS MATHILDE CAROLINE OF BAVARIA, GRAND DUCHESS OF HESSE AND BY RHINE - his aunt, the wife of his uncle Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, was listed as one of the future emperor's godparents. She was the eldest daughter of King Ludwig I of Bavaria. Her marriage to Louis III was childless. She died of cancer in 1862 at the age of 48.
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krasivaa · 1 year
Romanovs men edit💋
my edit made by using capcut!!
i'm in love help mee😩😜
They are all so handsome, gentle and clever
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tiny-librarian · 3 months
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Royal Birthdays for today, March 10th:
Qian Liu,  King of Wuyue, 852
Vasily II, Grand Prince of Moscow, 1415
Ferdinand II, King of Aragon, 1452
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503
Maria Elizabeth of Sweden, Duchess of Östergötland , 1596
Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia, 1776
Alexander III, Tsar of Russia, 1845
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, 1964
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minneofrussia · 5 months
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"It's always a pleasure for me when someone tells us that we sound the same and that we look alike."
Alix to Minnie 💗
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ykzzr · 1 year
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The imperial family on the skating rink in the garden of the Anichkov Palace 1890.
Tsar Alexander III, Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, Grand Dukes George Alexandrovich, Mikhail Alexandrovich, Alexander Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich.
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adelinacarlito · 1 year
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“I hug you with all my heart, my beloved Sasha, and ask God to bless you and dear children. Yours for life. Your faithful and devoted Minnie”
Maria Feodorovna to Alexander III
(From the book 'Imperatritsa Maria Fedorovna' [by Yu. V. Kudrina] )
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