#alec is a terrible bf lets be real
I (mod aimee) was having a Thought re: Sandy, which is that although he and Ralph don't like each other he doesn't seem to find Ralph threatening to his and Alec's relationship (at least in my analysis.) I would hazard a guess that this is because he can tell that Ralph isn't looking to get back with Alec, which means he's "safe" from that angle, whatever Sandy might perceive Alec's feelings to be towards Ralph. I would however say that Sandy probably feels a bit of a third wheel intellectually when he, Ralph, and Alec are in company, because Ralph clearly thinks Sandy isn't that bright and Alec also seems to view him as a little less smart (or maybe less deep a thinker?) than himself and Ralph. I don't think Alec rubs that in on purpose, or that he necessarily expresses this to Sandy in so many words, but he does seem to view Sandy as less mature and developed in his mind than Alec himself, or than Ralph. Which, fair, but I bet it stings Sandy a bit, especially since Ralph definitely doesn't hide his opinions, so it probably feels like they've got a bit of a coalition going on sometimes.
Also, speaking of being less deep as a thinker, Alec complains about Sandy's fits of jealousy and histrionics, which, also fair, but it never seems to occur to him that he directly contributes to that by repeatedly engaging in the exact behavior that he knows causes those fits. Sandy's definitely responsible for how he chooses to act, he's a grownup with his own agency. But Alec pushes his buttons all the time and then wonders why he gets a response.
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alumi-san · 6 months
So season 3 will have 21 episodes, 18 contestants, and 3 teams. This means that we'll have 9 contestants from each season and 6 people in each team. Today, we'll talk about who will be and/or won't participate in this season.
Who definitely will return
S1 cast
Tom & Jake
They ended up on a good note in s1 finale, but to get together, they need to grow as people (mostly Jake). Considering that All Stars gonna air 2 years after season 1 (if we gonna believe that s1 was airing in 2021, s2 in 2022 and s3 will be airing in 2023). Jake should have his character development. (Imagine Tom in the casual outfit or police uniform). I want my gay boys to be back together(
Oh, she definitely returns! She needs to resolve things with Tomjake and money (especially money). Plus, more Gabbellie internationalizations!!
I want her back! I want more of christmas color duo! I want Gabbellie to enteract more! I want Gabby and Jake to reconcile and be on good terms (I still have hopes for queer quartet), and if Ellie returns, she definitely will, too!
Alec & Fiore
The two of them need to reconcile cus I swear to God! Alec, please get her away from those terrible parents. Plus, they left the whole "Alec has a bad relationship with his son" thing unresolved.
You know, the NPC? This season should give him justice! Just... do at least something with him!
Will & Ashley
The couple! I need more of them! I feel the season is the perfect opportunity for characters who got eliminated early.
S2 cast
Let's be all honest. We like him, but he didn't do anything besides helping James to have a character development. It would be nice to see him doing something without his bf. Like interconnecting with Lake, Riya, Yul, and Jake (maybe him giving advice regarding Tom through his experience with James).
Oh, she's returning! Her being a villain throughout the season? Yes, please!
Hunter, Ally & Tess
The power couple! Tho I think they'll be split out cus their too strong together. Hunter could be an unexpected antagonist cus he's the "player." Seeing Ally and Tess interact more without Hunter would be nice. Plus, you know I need Tom and Hunter to interact. If they won't be confirmed as brothers, at least make a running gag that everyone assumes that they're related.
She was robbed! I need her to be at least in the final 5. Her friendship with Aiden and rivalry with Yul are things that I want to see.
He didn't get a chance to be a real antagonist because of how early he was eliminated. So this season could redeem him.
Who definitely won't return
S1 cast
Her character arc is finished. She learned that she doesn't need to prove anything to her parents. There's no reason to bring her back.
S2 cast
Her arc ended. Just let her be happy with Kai.
Has his arc ended. There's no reason to bring him back.
It could be fun seeing him always lose control around Yul, but yet again, his arc ended.
She already made her return in episode 9. Don't see it happening again.
Characters who could return
S1 cast
She won the money, and her arc is finished, but I think she could return for Jake and Tom. I will be happy if she does cus Miriam is an icon. #MIRIAMISANICON
Maybe? Sorry, I don't really care for her.
I think they could do more with him, but eh?
The boy deserves a second chance! Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew!
S2 cast
I would like him to come back, but he already won a million and doesn't care about popularity. I don't think there's anything left for him. Maybe for Aiden, but I'm not sure. I don't want them to break up or get toxic (I have trauma from the total drama series).
Rosa Maria
She has money thanks to James. I don't think she'll return. Maybe for Lake, tho.
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faejilly · 5 years
The counter to this is that Alec gets AGENCY, he gets to make decisions about his life and act on them -> what does it matter when he either fails or is there to prop others? in the end of the day he accomplished NOTHING. You can see clary/clace save the world twice, izzy was AWESOME all around, especially in s1&3b, magnus saved everyone and the world, etc. while alec was there either doing nothing or making things worse, no alternative. he didn’t even save his bf bc instead of actually doing >>
>> something, I.e. becoming a vampire, he simply threw a fit and Izzy, clary, and lorenzo did the actual saving :/ now alec used to be my favorite character but the writing made it impossible to root for him . he is just too frustrating to watch and I don’t think he deserves all the credit he gets at all. and magnus could do so much better than him
oh nonny
While the show worked for me in a way it clearly didn’t for you, I was going along with that first message just fine. (As a side note though, Alec chooses to prop people up rather than act for himself all the time? That’s a character action that I can get behind, even if the execution might not work for everyone.) They sell out Alec’s competency all the time to make other people look good, they stick him in no win situations and then let other people break the rules and win anyways, and it’s unfair in a way that stings in a fictional narrative even more than it does in real life because they chose to make it unfair for him more than anyone else.
I adore him, and can make the show work for me anyway, but I see where you’re coming from... up until ‘threw a fit’ and that last line there omg nonny
Both on an individual level (Alec is a stunningly sincere, determined, and devoted soul, why wouldn’t someone like Magnus whose entire history is about loss and endless change find that attractive?) and as a concept. Magnus doesn’t deserve someone else’s version of better, he is in love with who he (quite clearly) wants to be in love with. (That sentence is terrible, sorry, I’m not entirely sure where I’m trying to go with this besides, oh no.)
Love isn’t about ‘doing better’ or ‘deserving’. It’s not about logic, you don’t ‘earn’ love. It’s given, or it’s not, because it’s how you feel, or it’s not. It’s not duty, or owed, or even really quantifiable. (It’s ineffable! Can you tell what other show I’ve liked recently? Sorrynotsorry.) That’s why we keep writing stories about it. It’s never the same thing twice, it’s always different, and yet it’s also always at some level recognizably the same. And to dismiss the depth and quality of the Magnus/Alec relationship because you don’t like how the show portrayed Alec is 100% your prerogative, different things work (or don’t) for different people, but I’m not going to be able to agree with you. 
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