airoxitube · 20 days
The Lifesaving Flow: Exploring the Importance of Water Movement in Biofloc Aeration
In the bustling world of fish farming, every ripple counts, and one silent hero often goes unnoticed: water movement. Particularly within the innovative world of biofloc technology, ensuring proper aeration through water movement isn't just important—it's indispensable. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the many benefits of water movement, explore the potential consequences of its absence, and zoom in on the remarkable role of bubbles in biofloc aeration.
The Important Role of Water Movement
Water movement isn't just about creating pretty patterns in a tank; it's about sustaining life within aquatic ecosystems. In biofloc systems, where microscopic communities thrive and fish rely on a delicate balance, water movement is the beating heart that keeps everything in harmony.
1. Oxygenation: Picture this: fish gasping for breath in still water. Without enough oxygen, aquatic life suffocates. Water movement ensures that oxygen-rich water circulates throughout the tank, providing a lifeline for fish, shrimp, and the tiny creatures that call biofloc systems home.
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2. Nutrient Distribution: Just like plants need water to transport nutrients from roots to leaves, aquatic organisms depend on water movement to distribute essential nutrients and food particles. Without this movement, some areas of the tank become nutrient-deprived, hindering growth and productivity.
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3. Temperature Regulation: Water movement plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal water temperatures. It prevents thermal stratification, where warmer water accumulates at the surface and colder water sinks to the bottom. By promoting uniform temperatures, water movement creates a comfortable environment for aquatic life.
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4. Waste Removal: Imagine living in a room without windows or doors—eventually, it would fill up with trash. In biofloc systems, water movement prevents waste from accumulating by carrying it away from the living areas of aquatic organisms. This reduces the risk of water pollution and maintains clean water quality.
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The problems caused by low water movement
Now, let's think about the bleak scenario of stagnant water within fish farming systems. Without the gentle movement of water, life within biofloc tanks would spiral into chaos.
1. Oxygen Deprivation: As oxygen levels drop, fish and other aquatic organisms struggle to breathe. Without enough oxygen, they become stressed, vulnerable to diseases, and ultimately face suffocation—a sad fate for creatures that rely on the very substance dissolved in the water around them.
2. Nutrient Imbalance: In the absence of water movement, nutrients and food particles settle at the bottom of the tank, creating localized hotspots of abundance and barren deserts elsewhere. This imbalance disrupts the delicate ecosystem dynamics, leading to stunted growth, malnutrition, and increased competition among organisms.
3. Temperature Extremes: Still water becomes a breeding ground for temperature extremes. Without the moderating influence of water movement, surface waters may become excessively warm, while deeper waters remain frigid—a recipe for thermal shock and stress among aquatic inhabitants.
4. Toxic Buildup: Waste products, such as ammonia and carbon dioxide, accumulate in still water, poisoning aquatic life. Ammonia, released as a byproduct of organic decay and excretion, reaches toxic levels, impairing fish health and compromising immune systems. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide accumulates, lowering pH levels and further exacerbating the toxic environment.
The Marvel of Bubbles: Aeration in Biofloc Systems
Now, let's zoom in on a fascinating aspect of water movement in biofloc systems: the role of bubbles. Bubbles aren't just whimsical spheres dancing in the water; they're tiny messengers of life-saving oxygen. AirOxi diffusers and aeration tubes are some of the examples of this kind of aeration which also provides water movement. You can find out more information here www.airoxi.com  and buy the airoxi tubes here www.buy.airoxi.com
1. Oxygen Infusion: Bubbles act as carriers of oxygen, ferrying precious air from the surface to the depths of the tank. As they rise through the water column, bubbles release oxygen molecules, enriching the surrounding water and sustaining aerobic microbial activity.
2. Mixing Magic: As bubbles ascend, they create a whirlwind of motion, stirring the water and promoting mixing. This turbulent action prevents stratification, ensuring that oxygenated water reaches every corner of the tank and revitalizes the entire ecosystem.
3. Surface Splash: When bubbles burst at the water's surface, they create a splash that enhances gas exchange. This process facilitates the removal of carbon dioxide—a metabolic waste product—and replenishes oxygen levels, rejuvenating the aquatic environment.
4. Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond their functional benefits, bubbles add a touch of whimsy to biofloc systems. Watching bubbles dance through the water can be mesmerizing, fostering a sense of connection with the aquatic world and inspiring awe in observers.
Expanding Horizons: Harnessing the Power of Bubbles
In the journey for optimal water movement and aeration, harnessing the power of bubbles becomes paramount. Here's how we can maximize the effectiveness of bubbles in biofloc systems:
1. Bubble Dynamics: By optimizing bubble size, distribution, and release rate, fish farmers can fine-tune aeration levels to meet the specific needs of their biofloc systems. Smaller bubbles offer greater surface area for oxygen transfer, while controlled release ensures efficient oxygenation without causing turbulence-induced stress to aquatic organisms. Ensure that the AirOxi tube that you select for aeration is of proper size and is as per the blower that you have decided. To see which blower is suitable for your aquaculture you can read our previous blog here www.airoxi.com  (which blower is suitable)
2. Aeration Devices: Investing in high-quality aeration devices, such as fine-pore diffusers or air stones, enhances bubble performance and longevity. These devices create a fine mist of bubbles that linger in the water, gradually releasing oxygen and promoting sustained aeration.
3. Strategic Placement: Positioning aeration devices strategically throughout the tank ensures uniform oxygen distribution and prevents dead zones where water movement is limited. By targeting areas prone to stagnation, such as corners or beneath dense biofloc mats, fish farmers can mitigate the risk of oxygen depletion and promote optimal conditions for microbial growth and nutrient recycling.
4. Monitoring and Adjustment: Regular monitoring of water quality parameters, including dissolved oxygen levels, allows fish farmers to assess the effectiveness of aeration strategies and make timely adjustments as needed. By maintaining a delicate balance between aeration and water movement, they can optimize the health and productivity of their biofloc systems.
Conclusion: Riding the Wave of Biofloc
In the ever-changing world of fish farming, the importance of water movement in biofloc aeration shines brightly as a beacon of innovation and sustainability. From the life-sustaining benefits of oxygenation and nutrient distribution to the mesmerizing dance of bubbles, water movement holds the key to unlocking the full potential of biofloc systems. By embracing the marvels of modern technology and harnessing the power of nature, fish farmers can ride the wave of innovation toward a future where thriving aquatic ecosystems coexist harmoniously with sustainable fish farming practices.
As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of aquaculture, let's remember the crucial role of water movement—a lifeline for aquatic life and a cornerstone of sustainable fish farming. By understanding and harnessing its power, we can pave the way for a brighter, more resilient future for our oceans and the communities that depend on them. Together, let's continue to explore, innovate, and protect the precious resources that sustain life beneath the waves.
Contact AirOxi for your aquaculture aeration requirements
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bungoxy · 4 years
New Program CJDW Network 2020. #oxy #oxycjdw #airoxy #cjdwnetwork #cjdwmetamorph #networking #lawancovid19 #newnormal #hidupsehat #healthylifestyle #airkesehatan #foodsuplement #sehatjasmani #sehatfinansial https://www.instagram.com/p/CBn8RJfAO5z/?igshid=e6ml0n59w4r
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How to choose the Industrial Oxygen Generator Plant?
Following are some most important steps for industrial oxygen generator plant. With one key exception, the Pressure Swing Adsorption method for a Pressure Swing Adsorption industrial oxygen generator is identical to the procedure for a Pressure Swing Adsorption nitrogen generator. Its adsorptive material is constructed of zeolite rather than carbon, as is the case with a nitrogen Pressure Swing Adsorption device, and it is contained inside a molecular sieve. Compressed air that has been funneled through the oxygen generator system will be split into its constituent gases during a typical procedure. High purity oxygen gas will pass through the zeolite molecular sieve and onto a product gas outlet after selectively adsorbing nitrogen that comes into contact with the molecular sieve. Airoxy also creates an industrial oxygen generator that provides the zeolite vessels with low-pressure blowers and regenerates them with a vacuum. In addition to our Pressure Swing Adsorption version, we also manufacture an industrial oxygen generator for sale.
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mizuco-alkalien · 3 years
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Mau order #airalkali ? #mizuco ini lebih hemat 1 btol mizuco bisa jadi 200 btol air 600ml kemasan keren kan? alkaliherbal.com #wa083117714851 #agenmizuco #agenair #airsehat #oxy #milagros #milagrosindonesia #milagro #airoxy #airoxygent #airionnalynch https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1Go7onLEB/?igshid=iag42tyt0w4o
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quikstartup · 4 years
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AirOxy Tube - Bihar - AirOxy Spider
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theblondegoesabroad · 4 years
Day 133
Thursday 11th June 2020
Another day in the factory, another big physical day! And wow, I am tired. I started work at 7am, got straight into it, drilling holes in concrete, screwing in pipes etc. I was working in a massive concrete tank and installed all the system that it needs to be sold as a airoxy.. which is essentially a septic tank with air diffuses which creates a aerobic bacteria clarifying the water. I put it all together, it involved a lot of drilling, a lot of cutting and a fair bit of calculating, but it was a rather productive day! This afternoon I had a meeting at 3 which I almost fell asleep in! I finally asked to leave at 5, because after 10 hours of work, the last thing I wanted to do was listen to another meeting! Gosh what a hard day! When I got home, I threw my clothes in the wash, heated myself up a waffle - which Benoit spent the day making - and jumped in a bath. So relaxing and so needed. Absolute bliss! Anyway too tired to keep writing and my brain is shutting down, off to make some pasta for dinner! Love Kate xxxxxx
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trueads · 6 years
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justbaazaar · 6 years
AirOxi Tube
AirOxi Tube – Aquaculture Aeration Solutions in Gujarat
AirOxi Tube located in Sthapatya Apartment, Saral Society, Gotri Road, Vadodara, Gujarat 390021
AirOxi Tube provides complete Aeration solutions for Commercial aquaculture. Successfully installed in hundreds of Acres of Aquaculture ponds.
Our Services Feature-
Self Sring Ariation Tube
Airoxi Tm Tubes
Airoxi Tm Tubes Gird
Airoxi Tm Floating…
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airoxitube · 2 months
Which AirOxi Aeration tube is suitable for your Aquaculture Pond
In fish and shrimp aquaculture, maintaining optimal oxygen levels is paramount for the health and productivity of aquatic organisms. Among the various aeration solutions available, AirOxi tubes stand out as efficient and versatile aeration diffusers for delivering oxygen to aquaculture ponds. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of AirOxi tubes, exploring their sizes, types, and applications in various aquaculture settings.
Understanding AirOxi Tubes:
AirOxi tubes are specially designed aeration devices that utilize innovative membrane technology to efficiently dissolve oxygen into water. These tubes come in various sizes, materials, and types to suit different pond sizes and aquaculture needs. Unlike traditional aeration methods, AirOxi tubes offer superior oxygen transfer efficiency and durability, making them an ideal choice for modern aquaculture operations.
Types of AirOxi Tubes:
One of the key advantages of AirOxi tubes is their availability in a wide range of sizes to cater to different pond volumes and stocking densities. From small-scale backyard ponds to large commercial aquaculture farms, AirOxi offers tubes in sizes ranging from a few inches to several feet in length. Choosing the right size of AirOxi tube is crucial for ensuring adequate oxygen distribution throughout the pond, thereby promoting healthy aquatic life and optimal growth.
AirOxi offers a diverse range of aeration solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of various aquaculture setups. Understanding the different types of AirOxi tubes is essential for selecting the most suitable option for optimal oxygenation and water movement in your pond or tank.
Most AirOxi tubes are available in regular material and algae resistant material. The regular material is commonly used for brackish water with salinity 10 ppm and above. The algae resistant tubes are more commonly used in fresh water where algae and fungal growth is expected to be higher.
AirOxi high efficiency tube (AO125250) and Algae Resistant tube 25 mm (AO125250-AR) : These AirOxi tubes are made with special elastomeric material to get micro bubbles giving it high efficiency in oxygenation
   - Oxygenation Capacity: High   
- Water Movement: Medium
   - Maintenance Needed: Medium
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT Blower
   - Recommended For: Growout ponds, nurseries
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2. AirOxi low pressure tubes – regular Yellow Line and Algae resistant Green line Tubes AO125225 : These special AirOxi tubes have low wall thickness and work easily with low pressure blowers like air pump and ring blowers
  - Oxygenation Capacity: High
   - Water Movement: Medium
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: Ring Blower
   - Recommended For: Growout ponds, nurseries, biofloc tanks
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3.  AirOxi Star Special Tubes for Biofloc tanks and ponds (AO-125250 Star) : This AirOxi tube is a special patented design for high water movement
   - Oxygenation Capacity: High
   - Water Movement: High
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT and Ring Blower
   - Recommended For: Biofloc tanks
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4. AirOxi Pearl - Smooth Tube for RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems): This AirOxi tube is very smooth and has very fine bubbles giving very high DO levels
   - Oxygenation Capacity: High
   -  Water Movement: Medium
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT Blower   
- Recommended For: RAS setup
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5.  Large Diameter Tube with High Airflow (AO250380): This is one of the largest size aeration tube in the world and has a very high flow rate. Also available in algae resistant formulation
   - Oxygenation Capacity: High
   - Water Movement: Medium
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   -  Blower Suitable: ROOT Blower
   - Recommended For: Biofloc ponds and tanks
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6. AirOxi XTRA – This AirOxi tube is made of a different membrane material for low maintenance and low maintenance. It has large bubbles specially for biofloc tanks. This tube has a rough finish
   - Oxygenation Capacity: Medium
   -  Water Movement: Medium
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT Blower
   - Recommended For: Biofloc tanks
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7. AirOxi 19  – This AirOxi tube is a special aeration tube made for nurseries. It has low wall thickness, needs low pressure to operate and gives high water movement needed in nurseries. It is suitable for 1-2 seasons.
   - Oxygenation Capacity: Medium
   -  Water Movement: High
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT Blower + Ring Blower
   - Recommended For: Nursery
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8. AirOxi 1020  – This AirOxi tube is made for use with air pumps with a smaller inside diameter that fits with air pumps.
   - Oxygenation Capacity: Low
   -  Water Movement: Low
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: Air pump
   - Recommended For: Small tanks with air pump
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9. AirOxi NC-16  – This AirOxi tube is a very thin wall, single season use tube, made of perforated food grade material. It is ideal for mud bottom ponds.
   - Oxygenation Capacity: Low
   -  Water Movement: High
   - Maintenance Needed: Low
   - Blower Suitable: ROOT + Ring Blower
   - Recommended For: Growout pond with mud bottom
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These are just a few examples of the diverse range of diffusers available to suit different aquaculture needs. Whether you're managing growout ponds, nurseries, biofloc tanks, or specialized RAS setups. You can contact us for other special diffusers that AirOxi makes.
You can also contact us for technical data sheet and more information on any of these AirOxi tubes.
Applications in Aquaculture Ponds:
AirOxi tubes find versatile applications in various aquaculture setups, including intensive shrimp farming, fish culture, and hatcheries. In shrimp farming, AirOxi tubes are used to maintain optimal oxygen levels in high-density ponds, thereby preventing oxygen depletion and ensuring healthy shrimp growth. Similarly, in fish culture operations, AirOxi tubes play a crucial role in promoting oxygenation and reducing stress among cultured fish species. Moreover, AirOxi tubes are widely utilized in hatcheries for providing oxygen-rich water to developing larvae and fry, thereby enhancing survival rates and growth.
Factors to Consider When Choosing AirOxi Tubes:
When selecting AirOxi tubes for aeration in aquaculture ponds, several factors must be taken into account. Pond size, water depth, stocking density, and the type of blower. Additionally, factors such as oxygen transfer efficiency, durability, ease of installation, and maintenance requirements should also be evaluated. By carefully assessing these factors, aquaculture operators can choose the most suitable AirOxi tubes to meet their specific needs and maximize aeration efficiency in their ponds.
AirOxi tubes represent a cutting-edge solution for aeration in aquaculture ponds, offering superior oxygen transfer efficiency, durability, and versatility. By understanding the different sizes, types, and applications of AirOxi tubes, aquaculture operators can make informed decisions to optimize oxygen levels and promote the health and productivity of their aquatic organisms. As the aquaculture industry continues to evolve, AirOxi remains at the forefront of innovation, providing sustainable aeration solutions for aquaculture operations worldwide.
Contact us
A simple table is provided here for easy reference
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airoxitube · 3 months
Preparing Your Existing Shrimp Farming Pond for Restocking
Restocking shrimp in an existing pond or tank requires careful preparation to ensure the optimal conditions for shrimp growth and survival. Whether you're replenishing your shrimp stock after a harvest or introducing new batches, proper preparation is essential for maintaining water quality, minimizing stress, and maximizing productivity. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to prepare your existing shrimp farming facility for restocking.
1. **Water Quality Assessment**: Start by assessing the current water quality parameters in your pond or tank. Test for pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen levels to ensure they meet the ideal range for shrimp farming. Make necessary adjustments using appropriate treatments or additives to create a suitable environment for shrimp.
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2. **Pond Maintenance and Cleaning**: Before restocking shrimp, thoroughly clean and maintain your pond or tank to remove any accumulated debris, sediment, or algae. Use a net or vacuum to clean the bottom and sides of the pond, and perform necessary repairs or maintenance on equipment such as aerators or filters.
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If you have installed aeration equipment like aeration tubes, you need to clean them thoroughly. You can find the proper guide to cleaning aeration tubes on the free resource www.airoxi.com or https://www.airoxi.com/downloads or access it here https://www.airoxi.com/files/catalog/download_brochure/How%20to%20get%20best%20results%20from%20AirOxi%20tube.jpg
3. **Biosecurity Measures**: Implement biosecurity protocols to minimize the risk of disease introduction and spread. Quarantine new shrimp stock before introducing them into the main pond or tank, and monitor for any signs of illness or stress. Restrict access to the farm to prevent contamination from external sources.
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4. **Soil Treatment and Substrate Management**: If your pond has a soil substrate, treat it appropriately to maintain optimal conditions for shrimp. Apply lime to stabilize pH levels and reduce acidity, and incorporate clay to improve soil structure and nutrient retention. Ensure the substrate is well-aerated and free from toxic substances.
5. **Aeration and Oxygenation**: Proper aeration is crucial for maintaining adequate oxygen levels in the water, especially in densely stocked ponds or tanks. Evaluate your existing aeration system and consider upgrading or adding additional aerators, such as AirOxi aeration tubes with blower, to improve oxygen transfer and circulation.
6. **Nutrient Management**: Monitor nutrient levels in the water and implement strategies to prevent excessive nutrient buildup, which can lead to algae blooms and poor water quality. Use nutrient-absorbing materials or biological filtration systems to remove excess nutrients and maintain a balanced ecosystem.
7. **Feeding and Nutrition Planning**: Develop a feeding plan based on the nutritional requirements of shrimp at different growth stages. Use high-quality feed formulated specifically for shrimp farming, and adjust feeding rates based on water temperature, stocking density, and shrimp behavior. By proper planning you can reduce the COD and then good aeration through diffused aeration and blower system will ensure that the BOD and COD both are properly fulfilled
8. **Stocking Density and Population Management**: Determine the appropriate stocking density for your pond or tank based on its size, water quality, and management capabilities. Avoid overstocking, as it can lead to increased competition for resources, poor water quality, and higher risk of disease outbreaks.
9. **Monitoring and Record-Keeping**: Continuously monitor water quality parameters, shrimp behavior, and growth performance after restocking. Keep detailed records of water quality measurements, feed consumption, mortality rates, and any observed abnormalities. Use this information to adjust management practices and improve overall efficiency.
10. **Harvesting and Harvest Management**: Plan for future harvests by implementing proper harvesting techniques and equipment in advance while stocking. If partial harvest is to be done then plan the water gates accordingly. Regularly monitor shrimp growth and size distribution to determine the optimal time for harvesting, and ensure proper handling and processing to maintain product quality.
By following these essential steps, you can effectively prepare your existing shrimp farming pond or tank for restocking. Proper preparation is key to ensuring the success and sustainability of your shrimp farming operation, maximizing yields, and minimizing risks. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create an optimal environment for shrimp growth and achieve profitable returns from your investment.
To know more call us at:
+91 – 9652122060
           [email protected]
#envirment #everyone #airoxitube #airoxi #airoxidiffuser #airoxiproducts #aquarium #aquaculture #fishing #fishingfarm #shrimp #shrimptank #fishtank #tank #RAS #aeration #aerationsystem #bubble #post #postoftheday #oxygenation #hatcheries #shrimpfarm #aqualife #blower #microbubblegenerator #transportationaeration #turbineblower #submersibleaerator #biofloc #growoutponds #nurseries #oxygenconcentrator #diffuser
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airoxitube · 4 months
AirOxi: Pioneering Aquaculture Advancements Through NFDB Empanelment
In the dynamic world of aquaculture, where innovation and reliability are paramount, AirOxi stands out as an example of excellence. With its 2nd time empanelment with the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), AirOxi has solidified its position as a trusted partner in the aquaculture industry. This partnership not only underscores AirOxi's commitment to quality but also assures aquafarmers seeking the best aeration systems for their aqua farms.
The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainable aquaculture practices and fostering growth in the fisheries sector. Established under the Government of India's Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, NFDB is tasked with implementing policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing fish production, improving infrastructure, and empowering stakeholders across the value chain.
Empanelment with NFDB signifies more than just a stamp of approval; it represents a seal of trust and credibility within the aquaculture community. For AirOxi, this association not only validates the quality and efficacy of its products but also serves as a testament to its commitment to upholding the highest standards of excellence and quality. By meeting NFDB's stringent criteria for empanelment, AirOxi has demonstrated its dedication to delivering solutions that meet the evolving needs of aquafarmers and contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the sector.
So, what sets AirOxi apart from its competitors and makes its empanelment with NFDB such a significant milestone? Let's delve into AirOxi's innovative product line and explore how each offering addresses the unique challenges faced by aquafarmers, ultimately contributing to improved productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.
Aeration Tubes: AirOxi's aeration tubes are designed and manufactured to provide optimal oxygenation in biofloc and RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) setups. With various sizes and specifications available, these tubes ensure uniform oxygen distribution, promoting healthy growth and vitality among aquatic life. The inclusion of algae-resistant additives further enhances durability and longevity, making AirOxi tubes a preferred choice for aquafarmers seeking reliable aeration solutions. Eight different types of AirOxi tubes are registered with NFDB for this category empanelment.
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Aeration Diffuser – Spider: The AirOxi Spider offers a convenient and efficient solution for diffusing oxygen in aquaculture ponds. Featuring a robust base and six algae-resistant tubes, this ready-to-use diffuser system ensures uniform oxygen distribution, thereby improving water quality and dissolved oxygen in the water. With a high flow rate of 30 LPM per meter, the AirOxi Spider is capable of meeting the oxygenation needs of diverse aquaculture setups. The hollow base allows the user to put in weight as required in the setup. The inlet nipple is of 0.5 inch size for more information visit www.airoxi.com or to buy visit www.buy.airoxi.com
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: Designed for versatility, AirOxi's flexible plastic coarse bubble diffusers provide efficient aeration with a flow rate of 2 m3/hr or 30 LPM per meter. These diffusers are ideal for applications where coarse bubble aeration is preferred, offering excellent oxygen transfer efficiency while minimizing energy consumption. These diffusers are very low maintenance and easy to clean
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Complete Aeration Kit: AirOxi's complete aeration kit offers a comprehensive solution for aerating aquaculture ponds with ease and efficiency. Featuring a two-stage turbine or ring blower, along with 20 AirOxi spiders and a manifold with all necessary fittings and valves, this kit is designed to streamline the aeration process. Whether managing fish or shrimp biomass, aquafarmers can rely on AirOxi's complete aeration kit to maintain optimal oxygen levels and promote healthy aquatic environments. More details can be found on the AirOxi website. www.airoxi.com
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: From floating to submersible models, AirOxi's aerators are available in various sizes and configurations to suit different aquaculture requirements. With oxygen dissolution rates of approximately 1.2 Kg per HP per hour, these aerators ensure efficient oxygen transfer, supporting robust growth and development of aquatic species. Whether it's a small-scale fish farm or a large commercial operation, AirOxi's aerators are tailored to meet the diverse needs of aquafarmers. These are low cost easy to use plug and play devices. You can see the videos of AirOxi Squid and AirOxi Octopus in operation on https://youtu.be/CRN06GNcXIk?si=LSd5ilT9Yy1oVg3d
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Water Testing Kit: AirOxi's combo water testing kit empowers aquafarmers with the tools they need to monitor and maintain water quality parameters effectively. Verified by the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, this comprehensive kit includes tests for dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite, alkalinity, pH, hardness, phosphate, hydrogen sulfide, and free carbon dioxide. By enabling aquafarmers to assess water quality accurately, AirOxi's testing kit plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and productivity of aqua farms for more information visit www.airoxi.com or to buy visit www.buy.airoxi.com or to view videos visit www.youtube.com/airoxitube
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Oxygen Generator: Sustainability is at the forefront of AirOxi's offerings, as evidenced by its oxygen concentrators designed to deliver high-purity oxygen with minimal energy consumption. With a concentration of 93% +/- 3% and a flow rate of  LPM, these oxygen generators provide a reliable source of oxygen for aquaculture operations, reducing dependency on traditional aeration methods and giving very high dissolved oxygen levels for more information visit www.airoxi.com
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Ceramic Plate Diffuser: AirOxi's ceramic plate diffusers offer precise and efficient aeration with a flow rate of 5-7 LPM, ensuring optimal oxygen transfer in aquaculture ponds and tanks. With their inert material of construction and very fine bubbles, these diffusers are suitable for continuous operation through air pumps and ring blowers. More details can be found on the AirOxi website. www.airoxi.com    
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AirOxi's empanelment with NFDB is a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability in the aquaculture industry. By offering a diverse range of cutting-edge aeration products tailored to the evolving needs of aquafarmers, AirOxi continues to redefine the standards of efficiency and reliability in aquaculture practices.
Trusted by industry professionals and endorsed by NFDB, AirOxi remains at the forefront of driving positive change and empowering aquafarmers to achieve their goals of productivity, profitability, and sustainability. With a legacy built on quality, integrity, and innovation, AirOxi is poised to shape the future of aquaculture aeration and contribute to the global quest for food security and environmental conservation.
Contact us: +917041004098
#airoxitube #airoxi #airoxidiffuser #airoxiproducts #aquarium #aquaculture #fishing #fishingfarm #shrimp #shrimptank #fishtank #tank #RAS #aeration #aerationsystem #bubbles #bubble #post #postoftheday #oxygenation #hatcheries #shrimpfarm #aqualife #blower #microbubblegenerator #transportationaeration #turbineblower #submersibleaerator #biofloc #growoutponds #nurseries #oxygenconcentrator #diffuser # #NFDB and #national fisheries development board
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airoxitube · 5 months
Breathe Easy, Grow Big: AirOxi Tube - The Oxygen Hero for India's High-Density Fish & Shrimp Farms
Across India, waters are teeming with possibilities. Fish farmers chase dreams of bountiful harvests, and shrimp ponds bubble with ambition. But packing more fins and claws into smaller spaces demands one invisible hero: high dissolved oxygen (DO). Enter AirOxi Tube, a tried and tested aeration technology that's changing the landscape for high-density aquaculture in India.
Say goodbye to clunky diffusers and inefficient air stones. AirOxi Tube aeration system is marvel of modern engineering, a micro-perforated tube designed to unleash the magic of oxygen. Imagine millions of tiny holes whispering microscopic bubbles into the water, boosting surface area for oxygen-water contact by up to 50% compared to traditional methods. It's like turning up the volume on your pond's oxygen supply!
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Now, let's dive into the ripples of benefits this micro-bubble magic creates:
Happy, Healthy Fish & Shrimp: More oxygen means more smiles on those fins and whiskers. Expect faster growth, improved survival rates, and stronger resistance to disease. Your pond will be a picture of aquatic vigor!
Energy Savings That Make You Cheer: Forget gulping energy bills. AirOxi Tube's efficiency needs less air pressure to achieve optimal DO. That translates to lower running costs, leaving more rupees in your pocket to invest in your dreams.
No More Stagnant Zones, Just Happy Zones: Those micro-bubbles are more than just oxygen carriers; they're tiny water movers. They prevent water from layering, ensuring consistent DO and nutrient distribution throughout your pond. No more dead zones, just happy zones thriving with life!
Waste Management Made Easy: Imagine a natural cleaning crew working 24/7. AirOxi Tube's increased water movement encourages natural decomposition, breaking down waste and reducing harmful ammonia and nitrite levels. You'll spend less time on water changes and more time basking in your pond's success.
But AirOxi Tube isn't just about benefits; it's about adaptability. Whether you're a seasoned shrimp farmer or a fish farming newbie with trying new technologies like Biofloc and RAS, this modular design lets you customize your aeration needs like a pro. From sprawling shrimp farms to backyard fish tanks, AirOxi Tube has your back.
And because we believe in doing good for the water we love, AirOxi Tube is crafted with eco-friendly materials and requires minimal maintenance, minimizing waste and resource consumption. It's a win-win for your farm and the environment.
AirOxi Tube isn't just a product; it's a partner in your high-density aquaculture journey. Experience the difference of micro-bubble technology. Witness healthier fish, higher yields, and a sustainable future for your farm. Contact us today and let AirOxi Tube be your oxygen hero on the path to your aqua farms growth!
To know more call us at:
+91 – 9652122060
           [email protected]
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airoxitube · 6 months
Increasing Shrimp Nursery Efficiency with AirOxi Aeration Tubes
In the ever-evolving landscape of aquaculture, shrimp nurseries are becoming more and more important for survival of shrimps and getting sufficient return on investment from shrimp or prawn farming. And so ensuring the optimal conditions for shrimp nurseries is very important to success.
Adequate aeration plays a crucial role in creating a thriving environment for shrimp larvae, and among the various aeration methods available, diffused aeration using aeration tubes stands out as an innovative solution. This blog delves into the advantages of diffused aeration, specifically when utilizing AirOxi aeration tubes, shedding light on how this technology can improve shrimp nursery operations and help increase shrimp survival rates.
The Importance of Aeration in Shrimp Nurseries:
Maintaining proper oxygen levels is critical in shrimp nurseries, where factors such as high stocking densities and the rapid growth of larvae demand an increased oxygen supply. Inadequate aeration can lead to stress, slow growth, and increased vulnerability to diseases. To address these challenges, aquaculturists are turning to diffused aeration systems, and aeration tubes have emerged as a preferred choice due to their many benefits over traditional aeration methods.
Understanding Diffused Aeration:
Diffused aeration involves releasing fine bubbles into the water, creating a large surface area for efficient gas exchange. Aeration tubes, designed to evenly disperse bubbles throughout the water column, offer advantages such as increased oxygen transfer efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and the ability to create a more uniform environment for shrimp larvae.
The AirOxi Advantage:
Enter AirOxi – a leading brand in aeration technology. AirOxi aeration tubes are engineered to deliver optimal performance in aquaculture settings, particularly shrimp nurseries. The unique design of AirOxi tubes ensures a continuous release of fine bubbles, promoting efficient oxygen dissolution and water circulation. This not only enhances oxygen transfer but also helps maintain consistent water parameters crucial for the well-being of shrimp larvae. Shrimp nurseries require high water movement as well an AirOxi tubes are designed with the perfect balance of aeration and water movement.
Benefits of Diffused Aeration with AirOxi Tubes:
Optimal Oxygen Transfer Efficiency:
The fine bubbles generated by AirOxi tubes maximize the surface area for oxygen transfer, ensuring that shrimp larvae receive an ample oxygen supply.
2.Uniform Water Circulation:
The even dispersion of bubbles throughout the water column promotes uniform water circulation, preventing the formation of oxygen-deprived zones and maintaining a consistent environment for shrimp larvae. The water movement created by the AirOxi tubes is also important for health of shrimps.
3. Energy Efficiency:
Compared to traditional aeration methods like paddle wheel aerators, diffused aeration using AirOxi tubes consumes 70% less energy, contributing to cost savings for shrimp farmers.
4. Durability and Longevity:
AirOxi aeration tubes are built to withstand the harsh conditions of aquaculture environments, ensuring long-term durability and reliable performance.
5. Ease of Installation and Maintenance:
The user-friendly design of AirOxi tubes facilitates easy installation and maintenance, reducing downtime and streamlining nursery operations.
Incorporating Innovation into Shrimp Farming:
As shrimp farming continues to evolve, adaption new technologies becomes crucial for success. Diffused aeration using AirOxi tubes shows this commitment to innovation, offering shrimp farmers a reliable and efficient solution to improve water quality and optimize production, as well as reduce cost of production per ton of shrimp.
In conclusion, the integration of diffused aeration with AirOxi aeration tubes represents a transformative approach to shrimp nursery management. By prioritizing optimal oxygen levels, water circulation, and energy efficiency, this technology contributes significantly to the overall health and productivity of shrimp larvae. As aqua farmers endeavours strive for sustainability and efficiency, adopting advanced aeration solutions like AirOxi becomes not only a choice but a necessity for a thriving shrimp nursery.
To know more call us at:
+91 – 9652122060
           [email protected]
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airoxitube · 7 months
AirX tube Latest technology in aeration hoses now in India
Vannamei shrimp farms need a very efficient aeration system. The bubbles of a diffused aeration system need to be very small. Especially for large farms – more than 2 acres in size, the aeration required is quite intense. Farmers usually provide aeration only on the periphery using paddle wheel aerators or diffused aeration using blowers and aeration tube. But for large farms of 2 acres and more, aeration needs to be much more uniform and there cannot be any dark areas where DO is low, so providing aeration only in the corners with a paddle wheel aeration system or with a regular aeration is not sufficient.
Such issues are faced in cage farms also, where the distance of the floating service area is very far from the actual cages and fish. Cage farming in India is a relatively nascent industry. Due to the natural flow of water in reservoir and ocean, most water parameters are balanced naturally. There is no sludge or waste to worry about and most of the time the dissolved oxygen, ammonia, pH etc are within the limits because natural flow of water and the eco system ensures they are suitable for marine life.
However there are still times when the dissolved oxygen levels within the cage go very low. And at such times a suitable aeration system is needed. In cage farms submersible or paddle wheel aerators cannot be used. And diffused aeration with aeration tubes and blower is not efficient since the depth of cages is around 10 feet or 3 meters. Hence low pressure fine bubble diffusers along with blowers are needed in such situations.
 Identifying the aeration needs of farmers, AirOxi is proud to offer the AirX tube. It is a special double walled EPDM tube which has very fine bubbles. The special 2 perforated wall structure ensures that that bubbles and pressure are proper throughout the length of the tube.
Any standard aeration tube can be used upto a maximum of 3 meter length because the pressure drop is quite high. But with the AirX tubes, the pressure drop is so low that it can be easily installed upto 20 meter length and still get uniform fine bubbles all along the length of the tube.
The material of construction EPDM is inert and this tube can be used in salt water and fresh water as well as RAS (recirculating Aquaculture System).
The tubes have very fine bubble that release at very low pressure so this product is ideal for grow out shrimp farms, RAS and transportation. However the water movement provided is very low so they are not very suitable for nurseries or biofloc.
Since the bubbles are very fine, the SOTR (Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate) is quite high. This makes them the ideal diffuser to use with oxygen cylinder and oxygen concentrators / generators.
The technical details for AirX tube are given below.
AirX tube technical details
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Material – EPDM double walled tube. Inert and safe to use with most liquids
Dimensions – Inside diameter – 12 mm. Outside Diameter – 20 mm.
Compatible fittings - Fittings of ½”/ 16 mm
Standard roll length – 100 mtr
Usage - Compatible for wide range of industrial, commercial, aquaculture in fresh, brackish or salt water, as well as effluent and sewage applications
Air Flow – Optimum – 5 LPM / 0.3 m3/hr. Maximum – 15 LPM / 0.9 m3/h3
Holes – Micro holes all around periphery and in both inner and outer tubes. Hole size is 0.2 mm
Usage length – Flexible and can be made into any grid or shape. Maximum length with single injection of air will depend on depth of installation and air pressure. Due to double wall holes, long lengths are possible with minimum reduction in pressure along the length unlike in single wall diffuser.
To know more call us at:
+91 – 9652122060
           [email protected]
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airoxitube · 9 months
AirOxi®  Spider – a versatile aeration device for shrimp farming
Shrimp farming is a very complex aquaculture system. The common shrimps farmed in India are:
Pacific white shrimp (L vannamei or P vannamei)
Giant tiger prawn (P. monodon)
Shrimps respond immediately to changes in dissolved oxygen levels
Although shrimps are scavengers and will eat almost anything, the farmed species are very sensitive to environment factors and micro- organisms. They are very susceptible to viral and bacterial infection, unlike the native fish which are a lot more resistant and hence easier to manage in a farm environment.
Even within the 2 major species farmed in India, L Vannamei is the more common species and they are very susceptible to the smallest changes in the environment like temperature, salinity, pH, stocking density, dissolved oxygen ammonia, salinity, etc.
Like all aquatic animals, the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the water have the highest impact on survival, immunity and growth of shrimps. Their entire metabolism changes in the presence of sufficient DO.
All other parameters remaining same, when proper dissolved is made available, feeding becomes better and faster. In shrimp farms, the difference in feeding time has been observed to reduce from 45 minutes to 10 minutes for the same amount of feed. This shows a huge difference in the health and growth of the shrimps.
Types of aeration for shrimp culture
There are many ways to provide aeration in an aquaculture farm. But the basic principle is the same – mix air and water together and this will dissolve some oxygen in the water.
take in air or oxygen and pass it through.
The paddle wheel aerators do it by splashing water in the air and this causes the droplets to dissolves some oxygen in the droplets as the come down. However these drops of water are very large and the surface area available is very less so the volume of oxygen that dissolves is very less
Submersible aerators like jet aerators are the other way to aerate shrimp and fish ponds. These suck in air from the atmosphere and pass it at high speed just below the surface of the water. The AirOXi®    Squid and AirOxi®    Scorpion are examples of this. These are better than paddle wheel aerators but still the velocity of air is so fast that the time available for oxygen to dissolve in the water
To get a proper exchange of air with water, and hence proper dissolution of oxygen, there are 3 things that are needed
Slow speed of air in water to increase time of air in the water
Small bubbles to increase surface area available for dissolution
Long distance of travel by the bubbles in the water so time available is longer
Aeration tubes are designed so that the bubble size is small and some special aeration tubes are designed so that pressure is low and the tubes work well with both, root blower and ring blower. The aeration tubes like AirOxi®   are also designed so that they reduce the pressure and velocity of air coming from the blower, and so the bubbles rise up at a slow speed.
And finally to ensure that the distance is long enough to dissolve more oxygen, the aeration tubes must be installed near the bottom of the pond, ideally not more than 15 inches above the pond bottom.
The AirOxi®   Spider is a ready to use self sinking aeration device that is only 5 inches high and is very easy to assemble and use. It has one inlet of 0.5 inch and 6 outlets of 0.5 inch
These outlets are designed so that the high velocity and high pressure of air from the blower is divided properly and reduces the speed of bubbles in the water, and also breaks them into smaller very fine bubbles.
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All these 3 conditions for good aeration in shrimp aquaculture ponds are met when one uses the AirOxi®  Spider. However if any shrimp farmer wishes to change the height of the AirOxi®   Spider, the lid is reversible and that will add another 2 inches to the height. More height can be added by tying the box of the spider with concrete blocks.
The box is hollow and weight can be put in it as per the water depth and buoyancy.
However if any farm requires customized height adjustment, then they can use just the 6 way of the self sinking aeration device and use any wooden stick to attach the tubes to this 6 way connector
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AirOxi®  spider is very versatile
Any type and size of aeration tube with inside hole of 0.5 inch / 16 mm can be attached to it
The length of aeration tube that can be used with it can be changed from 1 mtr to 3 mtrs
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The weight that is filled inside the empty Spider box can be changed as required
The height at which the aeration tubes are releasing air can be changed as needed
The pressure and velocity of air can be changed as required – slow air for high aeration, and fast air for high movement of water
This self sinking aeration device can be installed in any type of pond – nursery, growout, biofloc / BFT or  RAS
It can be installed in any type of water body – mud bottom pond, PE lined, Cement tanks, HDPE tanks, Fibre tanks.
The AirOxi ®  Spider will work with any blower – Diaphragm Air Pump, Ring blower, Two stage ring blower or Root blower
This versatility, ease of use and ease of assembly makes AirOXi (R)  Spider one of the best aeration devices available for aquaculture today.
You can visit the manufacturers website for more inforamtion and even buy it directly from their website
AirOxi is a registered trademark
 To know more call us at:
+91 – 9652122060
           [email protected]           
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airoxitube · 1 year
Best Aeration Solution for Hatcheries? – AirOxi Oxygen Concentrator, trusted brand, best quality, reliable results
Proper aeration is as important as good feed and healthy environment for healthy growth of marine life in aquafarms. In fact, despite nutritious feed and a good pond, if the management of dissolved oxygen is improper or inadequate, then the produce will be negatively affected.
Brand AirOxi, offers varied range of aeration solutions for proper management of dissolved oxygen, depending on the type of pond. Over decades, it has now become the most reliable brand and our clients have shown immense trust in the quality of our products and services.
In this blog, we will refresh the benefits of AirOxi Oxygen Concentrators - the best aeration solution to get proper dissolved oxygen, conducive for optimum growth in hatcheries.
 So let us review the major reasons why AirOxi Oxygen Concentrator the highly preferred solution by hatcheries:
1)     Discharge capacity of 93% pure oxygen/litre/minute.
2)     Oxygen flow rate is 10 litres/minute
3)     Compatible under most weather conditions as it operates well in temperatures from 5 degrees to 40 degrees.
4)     It facilitates higher yield, that too without increasing the quantum of feed.
5)     Designed and developed by an ISO????? certified company with a manufacturing experience of 50+ years.  
6)     AirOxi manufacturers believe in research & development, innovation and very high-quality standards.
7)     The power consumption is low, i.e. 0.5 kw only, hence can be easily operated using an inverter.
8)     Cost of operation is just 10% of the cost of operation of oxygen cylinders
9)     It comes with a compressor and dehumidifier that help to keep outside impurities at bay.
10) The operation creates very low pressure, leading to minimal water movement. This ensures that the fingerlings /larvae are not disturbed.
 For more details on advantages of oxygen concentrator, please click here: https://www.airoxitube.com/airoxi-oxygen-concentrator-an-ideal-solution-for-hatcheries/
Product Specifications:
AirOxi Concentrator weighs about 30 kg, and dimensions are  is 0.3*0,3*0.5 meters (length*width*height) high with a diameter of 0.3*0.5   It needs input voltage of 220 volts AC 50 HZ and consumes 0.5 kw of power. For detailed description of pro please click here: https://airoxitube.blogspot.com/2022/06/airoxi-partners-with-redox-of-norway.html
Furthermore, AirOxi Oxygen Concentrator is easy to clean, highly efficient, flexible and simple to extend and has an excellent distribution capacity. Click here for a video of this product:
   To avail this excellent product, or to know more, contact us as: +91 7285017087 / www.buy.airoxi.com
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