#again this doesn't make sense w their canon dynamic but i think it hurts more if az was the first one to say it out loud
p4nishers · 10 months
what if aziraphale said "we're on our own side" first?
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romanticizingmurder · 2 years
i know ur blog has more of a jason focus not a dick focus but since u posted NTT it unlocked a memory: at some point (i think batman year 3?) dick compares loving bruce to loving an alcoholic father, like directly compares bruce's dependency on crime/he can be a good dad sometimes but he just... gets wrong sometimes! it's a take that i personally am obsessed with but idk what ur thoughts on it are/were, maybe esp w/r/t say, jason's backstory? >:3c
I've seen that page!! I really like it. So I think this is one where I have to make the disclaimer that I think actual canon on Bruce as a parent is incredibly inconsistent. Especially wrt Jason, his post-crisis time unfortunately was just so short I don't think we had time to see how that dynamic might have played out. The Cult has some interesting stuff in it (and gorgeous art) with Jason having to be in charge at points while Bruce is unable to be but that's only a 4 issue series.
So! Headcanon central:
I tend towards the idea that Jason was the kid Bruce most acted like a parent towards as a child. I don't think the level of parentification that Dick had was nearly so present for Jason and I think that kind of reflects in how they think about Bruce! Dick has this fear of disappointing Bruce but also of his absence harming Bruce. He feels like he needs to be there to watch out for Bruce and be his support.
Otoh, Jason's major post-resurrection crisis is fueled by this belief that Bruce has failed him as a father by not avenging him. In some ways I think part of why Jason can hurt Bruce so badly is that Jason doesn't feel that obligation to protect Bruce or be in any way the bigger or more mature person - that's his Dad.
I think one of the tragedies of Jason and Bruce is that they can't go back. Some things change who you are so completely you can never turn the clock back. Jason is still Bruce's son, but they'll never be like that again. I actually desperately want canon to have them both acknowledge that - that they're both grieving the loss of each other, and the loss of the boy Jason was who will never return. And maybe they can't have that story back, but they can write a new one, figure out how to exist with each other in ways that don't hurt, how to fit their sharp edges together. Okay sorry that was a tangent I have a lot of thoughts on changing and mourning re: Them.
In terms of the alcoholic analogy I honestly think Jason could go either way with it? Something I was thinking about with this is I think out of the Gotham vigilantes, Jason, Cass, and Bruce are the least likely to put down the mask. I'm not going into Cass because I'm not qualified but! For Jason, his civilian life is...over. He's been removed from the non-cape world for years. I don't think he's ever going to build it back up in a meaningful way - even when I picture him retired, I can't really picture him with non-cape friends. That's just me, though. But Bruce... Bruce can't stop, because he can't. He has a life outside Batman, but the guilt and fear and shame and sense of duty won't let him leave the cowl behind. So I think on one hand Jason might agree with the alcoholic analogy because his situation is different to Bruce's, on the other hand he might kind of just view them all as dependants on this lifestyle. They're all going to die in their masks (some of them twice).
And just in general, my preferred Bruce is deeply flawed but trying Bruce. I think Bruce is at times a pretty terrible father, in canon. Not for lack of love, but because he's a man with severe mental health concerns who refuses to get help and spends his nights in an endless and largely futile quest fueled by survivor's guilt. That doesn't make the best formula for a stable father but, at least for my headcanons, I like to think that he tries so damn hard. He loves his children. The tragedy is never a lack of love.
Sorry I don't know if I really answered your question but I guess here's a long ramble on Bruce and Jason's family dynamics?
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irkimatsu · 1 year
problematic trope!: incest, possessiveness, snuff
Oh boy! *rubs filthy hands together* Three in one! This is gonna be fun!
Gonna put a read more cut. What this is about is already written on the tin, guys. Don't click it if you don't want it! I won't go too in-depth, but still!
1. Any of my ships that fit it: Ichi/Jyushi is the big one here. I do have some other BLMatsu ships - Oso/Choro is in a firm second place - but Ichi/Jyushi have my heart in a delightful death grip. Falling in love with this ship lost me some friends. Worth it.
2. General Opinion: I don't think incest is in itself a kink of mine in the sense that it can be the only reason I ship something, but if I already like the dynamic, making it incest can add some extra spice. I already loved Ichi and Jyushi's close friendship and the way they complement each other, for example; I'd ship them even if they weren't brothers. But they are, so there's that extra taboo to work around, with how their brothers react and the guilt they deal with. (Though in some scenarios their brothers are just as disgusting as they are, so it's fine.)
Also worth noting that I'm much more interested in same-generation incest, like siblings and cousins, or maybe stuff like aunts and uncles with nieces and nephew if the gap isn't too wide. If the age gap is too wide, no thanks. I'd say about... ten or so years is my limit? I haven't watched much R&M but fanart of the ship gives me the squigs, sorry
3. Any ships that aren’t canon it But I’d read w/ the trope: Does Ichimi/Jyushi-senpai count as a separate ship? They're not related in their AU, but the idea of Ichimi as a scary little sister who wants to keep her niisan all to herself by any means necessary is pretty tasty.
1. Any of my ships that fit it: Ichimi/Jyushi-senpai is the one that's possessive in canon. Ichimi set her rivals on fire and went after Jyushi-senpai with a chainsaw. She's a little needy. I love her for that
2. General Opinion: I really like possessiveness in ships that are obviously written to be dumpster fires. For it to hit right for me, the receiving party has to not like it, or at least have reservations that they can temporarily move past. In that sense, it's a delicious horror ship. I only like the receiving party seeing nothing wrong with this if it's setting up for them to deeply regret it later. Less Twilight, more yandere, is my point on this one.
3. Any ships that aren’t canon it But I’d read w/ the trope: It's not strictly canon, but widespread fanon - possessive niisans in BLMatsu ships are delicious. In particular, with my two big BLMatsu ships, Oso and Ichi respectively are terrified of change, of growing up, and of anything taking away their best friend in the world. They will do anything to keep their precious little brother with them... I think Oso's possessiveness would only escalate to stuff like sabotaging Choro's attempts to improve and being a pouty pissbaby when Choro wants a life outside of him (that second one is canon), while Ichi would go a little further, with creepy possessive talk that borders on emotional abuse. Jyushi would never, ever leave him, right? If Jyushi left, Ichi doesn't know what he'd do... he might even kill himself... if seriously pushed, he may even need to take Jyushi with him...
Jyushi really being in love with Homura, but staying with Ichi just because he doesn't want Ichi hurting himself... intriguing...
1. Any of my ships that fit it: Once again we've got Ichimi/Jyushi-senpai. Pretty sure she killed him with a chainsaw in canon. (He got better.)
2. General Opinion: I need to be in the mood for something very dark to read snuff, but sometimes it can hit just right, especially when paired with possessiveness. "If I can't have you, no one else can"... yanderes, good shit. Cute girls being affectionate with their lover's mangled corpse... not even death can get in the way of true love! <3
3. Any ships that aren’t canon it But I’d read w/ the trope: Snuff might be too far for regular 'verse IchiJyushi, but if you want to take Ichimi as a terrifying look into Ichi's head, at emotions he knows he shouldn't be having and instead vents using fiction... I don't think he'd really kill Jyushi to keep him with him. But maybe something can be done where he gets close, then breaks down when he realizes what he's almost done. Ichi, you're a disgrace
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newagegs · 2 years
Tumblr media
basics name: donna troy hero/vigilante/etc alias: troia age: twenty seven (i fink) date of birth: january 26th, 1994 fandom: dc faceclaim: natasha liu bordizzo height: five foot ten inches pronouns/gender identity/sexual+romantic identity: she/her, cisfemale, korisexual/royromantic
moral alignment: lawful neutral
dusted in the snap or not: not dusted
if they weren’t dusted, what did they get up to in those five years, be as in depth as you want, the more the better:  FUCK A DUSTING, miss girl died in a fight alongside her teen titans. blackfire had come back to earth wanting to claim her spot as the rightful heir to the throne of tamaran. donna threw herself infront of blackfire's orbs to protect koriand'r bc she's............. well............. you know........... anyways. she died, everyone cheered. 
are they aligned to any specific team/groups/etc and if so, how did they join and why if not, are they looking to join a team and if so, why: YAASSSS teen titans, donna was one of the founding members and was kinda just placed there bc diana prince is a villain who can't raise her little sister properly  where do they currently live/been living since the return snap:  star city, gotham; i'm sure she has little shithole apartments everywhere.
what have they been doing personally and/or professionally: with donna esentially losing her livelyhood: or what she knew as her real life ( her husband and son ) once coming back i think she was ready to just toss donna troy under the rug. she's hurting a lot knowing she truly can't have her family back, she's in a mourning period of a life she thought was hers. BIG TROIA W you know how it goes fighting space monsters and literally slay boots-ing the house down. 
ramble a bit about them, their past, what their current motivations are, go as in depth as you like. again, the more the better:  they thought they buried her but of course hippolyta got her dirty little crusty fingers on donna's body - they ressurected her on themyscira but she was stolen by.............. space royalty ?? bro i don't know donna's history makes no sense so, instead donna has very vivid dreams (memories) about being on the titans but her memory was pretty much wiped, she became a space queen and ruled over a kingdom with her husband who she had a child with. the planet was taken over and donna couldn't handle/didn't know how to use her powers and her husband and son both died (yikes am i right).......... the titans found her and yay!!!! she was saved this was probably in like the last two-three years or so i haven't rlly worked out canon yet 
one plot idea, big or small, you’d like to do with them or connection/dynamic to explore: I WANT TO SEE DONNA MENTOR SOMEONE, doesn't personally have to be a wonder-person but i really like her dynamics with people younger than her: especially after losing her son i think she feels inclined to like her motherly duties that she never got to experience </3 give her a little dweeb to punt into the hero world 
mun details:
name/alias: athena age: 22 pronouns: she/her timezone: cst
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butchhamlet · 3 years
hal and hotspur for the character asks
Sexuality Headcanon: i think hal said bisexy rights HOWEVER. as you know damn well. i am also partial to a lesbian hal SKDHFKHFDS Gender Headcanon: see again it depends on how everything is played because like... i see CANON hal as a guy (i haven't thought about transing him. but trans hal with his father's expectations to be the Right Kind Of Man would kind of slap) but also i think all the time about when you, pan, and i talked about femme hal vs. butch hotspur and the unique experiences of gender and misogyny both of them would have and i start levitating A ship I have with said character: .........i am a halspur person i'll admit it i have terrible taste and tunnel vision for any set of foil characters. i'm not saying it's healthy for either of them i'm just saying i want to study them. alternatively he definitely had a thing w ned poins A BROTP I have with said character: i don't LIKE falstaff but the hal/falstaff dynamic is so interesting A NOTP I have with said character: this one depends on staging but his relationship with catherine of valois as henry v... like i'm sure you CAN do it in a way that doesn't feel skeevy, but the inherent political power dynamic makes it seem to me like an uphill battle A random headcanon: is it a headcanon to say i always picture shakespeare!hal with the historical shrewsbury scar? otherwise my headcanon is that killing hotspur weighed very heavily on his mind for pretty much the rest of his life (+ that hotspur's sense of justice and courage was to some degree something he drew from as king) General Opinion over said character: garbage but he's MY fucking garbage. no but genuinely hal's character arc over the henriad is honest to god one of my favorite parts of the shakespearean canon that i've experienced so far he is SUCH a good character and also immediately made it on my list of dream roles because of course he did
Sexuality Headcanon: once again hotspur is a bi legend BUT i am partial to lesbian/wlw hotspur because... oh my god hotspur my beloved Gender Headcanon: re: canon hotspur is definitely a guy (and again i haven't thought about transing him but now i'm itching to think about it) but i think butch lesbian hotspur is something that can be so personal. it's about the complex relationship with masculinity and the desire to protect your loved ones A ship I have with said character: re: i'm a halspur person BUT at the same time hotspur's relationship with kate is just so. it's so. it's SO. like. what can i even say they're both hurt and hurting and traumatized but they love each other SO much i'm so. hghghgbgbbg A BROTP I have with said character: ...oh my god does hotspur have ANY friends. does he have any friends or does he just have kate and relatives who control him. i need to sit down anyway kate is his bestie A NOTP I have with said character: i think this means romantically (in which case of fucking course i'm not shipping him with his father and uncle) but in general can we get him OUT of there and away from northumberland. like. please A random headcanon: autistic hotspur my fucking beloved. i don't think he stims in public because he's focused on being the image of a proper knight so he mostly restricts himself to pacing but when he gets very worked up some of the handflapping slips out. he DOES stim in front of kate who is also the only person allowed to casually touch him without getting an uppercut to the jaw General Opinion over said character: HOTSPUR I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT YOU AND LOSE THE ABILITY TO FUNCTION AS A NORMAL PERSON / 100/10 / my favorite asshole / the only histories character i love more than and would rather play than hal / characters who would go in my beloved heart locket gifs
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