#admittedly i walked into the er on my own & if it weren’t for the emts at the event i was at insisting i get stitches i probs would’ve
So back in August i had an accident that resulted in me getting a really deep cut on the back of my ankle. Despite being after 10pm on a Friday in a pretty major city the er was empty so I ended up with a very concerned, kind, & good plastics doctor stitching me up to save me from his boredom. As a result i have a very straight & relatively unnoticeable scar on my ankle — the running joke I have a literal Achilles heel that he encouraged I use — and was given doctors orders to finish watching the Witcher the next day.
Now, not to be too gross, the initial injury was Pretty Bad & everyone was real worried I might have severed my Achilles tendon due to how deep it was. Thankfully, I didn’t & no surgery was needed only 11 stitches. 3 internal & 8 external. It heeled really nicely! Though it still hurts at least once a week. Sometimes the skin, sometimes the muscle, sometimes both. I know things take time to heal & believe me I babied the stitches the whole time I had them. Still it’s been over 6 months now & I just want it to be good now.
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Response Time (Captain Allen x Reader)
Request: Could you do a gender neutral EMT!reader who's always patching up the swat team and just goes "If I didn't know any better I'd think you guys were trying to get hurt"
This honestly reminds me of that episode of 30 Rock when Jenna makes Kenneth eat strawberries to get an allergic reaction so that the cute EMT comes lol like big mood™️
i don’t actually know anything about being an EMT so pls excuse if i don’t portray that correctly ahhh
Tags: @connorfixinghistie @wiredhawkes 
The first time you’re dispatched to treat the Detroit Police SWAT unit, you admittedly prepare for the worst. After all, you’ve only ever had to deal with local emergencies so far, like car accidents, scuffles that’d gone south, and the occasional call to bring elderly to the hospital. While you’ve aided your fair share of officers and detectives, you’ve never once been in contact with the SWAT unit.
Until today, that is.
Now, you watched a lot of television growing up, and so you’re well aware what kind of situations the SWAT team normally responds to. You expect there to be bloodshed, explosions, fatal gunshot wounds; you know, the standard stuff you see in action movies.
That’s not the case, however.
The SWAT team comes out unharmed. Well, mostly unharmed. You treat a few of them for some cuts and grazes, but nothing that requires immediate transportation to the ER, surprisingly.
Not to mention, you notice that the guys don’t seem to be bothered by the whole ordeal. Whatever situation they dealt with must’ve been child’s play—or maybe they’re simply used to responding to all sorts of violence by now. Still, it’s unsettling to see them joking around as if they weren’t being shot at by armed hostiles only a few minutes ago, but you suppose all that means is that you aren’t cut out to join the SWAT team. 
There’s just one guy in particular who remains quiet the whole time you examine him, which is unnerving in a different way because he’s the most handsome of the lot. Hell, he’s the most handsome guy you’ve ever met, and you wish he’d talk more because it’s getting increasingly difficult not to gawk at his perfectly sculpted face while dressing the cut on his neck.
Still, it’s not his obligation to make small-talk with you.
Not that you don’t try.
“Any other injuries?” you ask once you finish up, smiling at the expressionless SWAT member. He doesn’t return your smile, simply getting to his feet.
“That’s it. Thanks,” he says, giving you a curt nod. You offer him a small wave as he walks off, and you have to stop yourself from staring at his retreating back.
You don’t expect to see him again as quickly as you do, but not even a week later you’re once again gazing into the unimpressed face of who you mentally refer to as “SWAT Guy”. Of course, you know that there are other members in the squad, but only one of them looks like there’s a piece of shit right under his nose all the fucking time.
The situation they just handled appears to have been more dangerous than the last one, considering this time a few of the guys actually did sustain gunshot wounds. They’re immediately sent to the ER, and you’re left to check the other officers.
SWAT Guy at first glance looks alright, but you notice that he winces when you ask him to take a seat. He’s not bleeding, to your relief, but there’s no doubt he’s in pain. You have him remove his gear when he admits that he’s suffered a pretty nasty fall, and while your only goal is to tend to his injuries, you still can’t help yourself from feeling slightly flushed when he removes his black hoodie and shirt so you can examine his bruises.
You really try not to stare at his scarred six-pack and tattooed biceps.
It’s truly unfair that the only time an extremely gorgeous man strips in front of you is when he needs you to clean and bandage his wounds, but you would honestly consider these frequent exchanges with SWAT Guy to be one of the most intimate relationships in your life right now.
At this point, you’ve gotten used to working with Michigan’s finest SWAT unit. Either Detroit truly is in shambles or the DPD just sends these guys out for every little thing because there’s no way it’s normal how often you’re called to deal with them.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you guys are trying to get hurt,” you tell SWAT Guy one day. Considering he’s barely started speaking more than three words to you at a time, you never thought you’d live to see him actually laugh at one of your jokes but he suddenly does and the first thing you think is that it’s beautiful and you’d love to hear more of it.
“Shouldn’t this be good for you?” SWAT Guy replies with a small smirk, and you subconsciously swallow at the sight. “This means you’ll always have a job.”
“That’s true,” you agree with a devilish grin of your own, handing him an icepack for his many bruises. “I get paid per bone that you break.”
“I haven’t broken any bones.”
“Well, that’s why I keep telling you ‘break a leg’ every time we’re done here, huh?”
SWAT Guy shakes his head, but you swear you see the corners of his lips twitch upwards.
“I should really start handing out stamp cards,” you say jokingly as you apply antiseptic to the large cut on the SWAT captain’s forehead. You’ve already finished patching up the rest of the squad because the man always insists on being the last one checked out, regardless of the injuries he’s sustained. It’s pretty stupid, and on more than one occasion you’ve ignored his request, but still, you can’t help but admire his stubborn dedication.
In response to your teasing, Captain Allen—whose name you only discovered a few days ago—rolls his eyes, but he’s too slow to hide the smile that always seems to grace his lips during your brief exchanges. You grin and finish bandaging the wound, and you’re too focused on the task at hand to notice that Allen’s eyes never leave your face.
“All better!” you chirp, patting the freshly-dressed wound lightly. 
“That was quick.”
“Thanks to you guys, I’ve gotten really good at dressing cuts. I can do it with my eyes closed.”
Allen fake-scowls and you’re furious how someone can look so effortlessly attractive. ���You better fucking not.”
“What, don’t you trust me? After everything we’ve been through?” you gasp, holding a hand over your heart, which hammering in your chest at a thousand beats per minute right now. You can’t help it; not with Captain Allen sitting in front of you looking so calm and edible. He’s unbelievably charismatic and you’re a little annoyed that it took him so long to open up because he’s actually quite hilarious and you can’t get enough of him.
His job worries the shit out of you and of course you’d never wish for him to have to be sent out just so you can see him, but you definitely get a thrill every time you’re told to aid the SWAT team.
At your questions, Allen raises an eyebrow, and fuck if that isn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever seen a man do. “What makes you think I don’t trust you?”
“I can see the doubt in your eyes, Captain,” you sniff dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear from your eye. Allen chuckles at your antics once again before a more serious expression crosses his face.
You take note of this and frown. “What’s wrong?”
He suddenly hops to his feet, eyes wandering over to the SWAT vans where the rest of his team is mulling about.
His answer is unexpectedly sharp. “Nothing. Thanks again for your help.”
So much for trust, you think disappointedly as he stalks off.
Seeing Captain Allen evokes a combination of giddiness and fear in you that’s morally questionable for someone in your profession but regardless, you can’t help but look forward to treating him. Sometimes you find yourself feeling disappointed when you’re sent on a regular call, which is pretty fucked up because you’re definitely not supposed to have preferences as an EMT, but it’s gotten really hard to control yourself around a certain SWAT member.
Besides being unforgivingly handsome, he’s an exceptional leader and more level-headed than you can ever hope to be. He’s stoic and fearless to a fault, sure, but then he smiles and it knocks the wind out of you.
Uhm...you definitely don’t have a crush on him, though. That would be entirely unprofessional.
No, no. You just admire the man.
“Yesterday a kid called us because he didn’t want to go to school,” you tell Allen, who hasn’t sustained any injuries but decided to come talk to you anyway. You try not to read into that but you’ll be lying if you say you’re not extremely giddy right now. “We spent like, thirty minutes trying to figure out whether or not we actually had to take him anywhere.”
Captain Allen snorts, crossing his arms as he leans against the ambulance doors next to you. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Nope. His mom eventually figured it out and I’m pretty sure he’s dead by now.”
“You should be fired for leaving someone to die then.”
“But then who’ll be there to patch up the local SWAT team?” you ask playfully, glancing up at the captain with a mischievous glint in your eye. The man is obviously trying not to smile but he almost gives in when he sees you waggling your eyebrows at him.
“I’m sure we’ll find a replacement.”
“Yeah, right. Who else is willing to come out every other day just to take care of your asses?”
Allen is full-on grinning now. You suddenly feel the urge to wipe it off his face with your lips. “Are you getting tired of us?”
Never, you think right away, but fuck if you’ll actually admit it. “Maybe a little. You take up all my free time, you know.”
“I apologize you have to do your job,” Captain Allen replies sarcastically and you laugh at that.
“I don’t mind if it’s you,” you reply without really thinking, and your eyes widen when you realize what you’ve said. Allen looks a little surprised but it’s nothing compared to how horrified you are right now by your own careless words. You chuckle nervously, pushing yourself upright and taking a few steps away from the captain. “Uh, because I wouldn’t want the SWAT team succumbing to their injuries or anything. Yeah. Imagine how fucked we’d be without you guys around, you know? Anyway, I have to go now. People be dying.”
It takes Captain Allen a good few seconds to process the complete bullshit that’s just spewed from your lips before he shrugs and steps away from the ambulance. He follows you quietly as you trudge over to the driver’s side of the vehicle, and you’re too busy mentally kicking yourself to notice him until he opens the door for you.
You blink. “Oh. Uhm, thank you.”
Allen nods distractedly. He waits for you to climb inside the cab and gently shuts your door. Starting the engine, you offer him a brief, sheepish smile. 
Before you can drive away, he suddenly taps on your window and you jump.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you lower the window, hands shaking a little in anticipation—for what, you don’t exactly know. Still, you did sort of accidentally admit to Allen that you’re interested in him, so there’s no way he’s stopping you just to say bye, right? Maybe he wants you to clarify? Does it mean he actually feels the same—?
“Hey, I think you’re forgetting someone,” Allen’s voice cuts into your thoughts, and when you only continue to gape at him, he simply points to the distance where the rest of his team is, along with…
You almost left your partner.
“I was just warming the car,” you spit back as Allen shamelessly laughs at your mortified expression. You flush and sink backwards into your seat, covering your warm face with your hands in an attempt to block the world out.
You’ve never felt so fucking embarrassed in your life, and the fact that Captain Allen is the one to witness everything makes you want to crawl into a hole and fucking die.
Your stomach drops when you hop out of the ambulance and see at least six different police cruisers and two SWAT vans haphazardly parked outside a decrepit warehouse. There’s already another ambulance on scene and you mentally curse the Detroit traffic for slowing you down.
“I heard they’ve already evacuated half the team,” you hear your partner say from beside you, and for a second your world halts as you imagine a certain grumpy someone lying cold and lifeless somewhere in that warehouse. The thought shakes you to the core and you’re momentarily floored by how terrified you are for someone you barely know.
“Do you know who’s still in there?” you ask shakily, your ears ringing as you stare at the entrance of the warehouse for any sign of movement—any indication that SWAT Guy is alive and well.
“I know as much as you.”
The sound of several gunshots in the distance silences your reply and for a split second, everything stills. The world only gets much louder and livelier when you notice that SWAT members are now entering the premises.
“Why are they going in?” you ask nobody in particular, and as much as you want to run into the warehouse to see for yourself, you know better than to be that careless. Out of the corner of your eye, you see your partner shrug.
Truthfully, you don’t realize how invested you are in Captain Allen until you finally see a group of men walking out of the warehouse doors. You suddenly find yourself charging into the sea of commotion, weaving between officers to get close enough to the SWAT team because you have to know—
And there he is.
He looks agitated, if anything, running a hand through his slicked-back hair as he barks orders over his earpiece. You’re rooted to the spot, staring at him, transfixed, as though you’ve never seen him before, and you barely notice that he’s caught sight of you and is now headed in your direction.
Captain Allen begins to say a quick greeting when he reaches you, but he doesn’t even get a word in before you’re grabbing him by the front of his gear and tugging him down for a reckless, impulsive kiss.
He makes a noise of surprise and you feel him grip your shoulders, but instead of pushing you away like you expect, his hands only slip downwards to your waist and he pulls you so close you can feel every bump on the bulky vest that always seems to be attached to him. You sigh into his lips and he smiles at your contentment.
When you finally part, Captain Allen smirks at you. “Is that what I get for filling my stamp card?”
“Shut up,” you mutter, silencing his laughter with yet another kiss, hopefully just one of many more to come.
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