#adding law and bonney small moment just because
kbondoxxxxav · 1 month
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supernova captains eat a lot
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Luffy and Zoro, equality presented by Wano Arc...?
The feeling of equality between Luffy & Zoro has been sitting on my mind a lot lately, so I finally decided to write down my chaotic thoughts on that matter. 
First, to be precise: I’m not talking about power levels between Straw Hats because One Piece proved on many occasions that power alone is not a good measure how one character will fare in a fight or that beating X does not automatically guarantee beating Y. In Thriller Bark Perona took down Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Franky without a problem, but lost to Usopp out of all people. At the same time, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji will always be the main fighters of Straw Hats no matter the gap of power between them. Everyone is powerful on their own, but they may fare better in different fighting settings. I personally tend to think that Luffy and Zoro are closer to each other in terms of power, raw strength and will, but this is not exactly the matter of equality I wish to talk about. What I wish to talk about is how the Wano arc set Luffy and Zoro apart from the rest of the crew in a more tangible (visual) way.
Even before Wano Arc, Luffy and Zoro were singled out by narrative on various occasions. The most memorable is: the first meeting with Shichibukai (and Mihawk acknowledging them both), taking a beating in Mock Town to Nami’s dismay and Bellamy Pirates’ amusement, earning the title of Supernova and with that becoming part of the Worst Generation, independently attacking Charlos/Tenryūbito (though sadly, Zoro was stopped by Bonney) or killing together a dragon on Punk Hazard. In all cases, Luffy and Zoro were set apart from the rest of the crew and even other pirates, sharing unspoken understanding of other actions and needs or becoming a part of something bigger and more dangerous. 
Luffy will always be the captain (leader) and as the main character, the hero saving the day at the end of the arc. At the same time, Zoro may never be officially called the vice captain by other crew members (which is fair, Straw Hats Pirates don’t care nor have any need for ranks) but narrative puts him as the protector of crew (i.e. Kuma), the leader in the absence of Luffy what consistently is marked by narrative boxes (i.e. “Zoro team”,”Zoro side”) and the layout of frames (Zoro taking the central position that normally belongs to Luffy) or even having some confrontation with the final boss (Arlong, Hody). Zoro is also treated like the voice of reason; even if his words are harsh and emotionless, he will speak what must be said for the Luffy and crew’s sake (Alabasta, Davy Back Fight Arc, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Zou). He is also the one that provides Luffy comfort and support in dire situations (Usopp leaving the crew). 
Luffy cares equally about his nakama, yet the narrative likes to single out Zoro as someone usually standing by him but also as someone taking Luffy’s position of captain very seriously. Further details adding to the feeling of equality set up by narrative include the visuality of their most notable scars (under left eye/left eye and middle of chest), the running joke of people mistaking Zoro for an actual captain of Straw Hats Pirates or acknowledging him as a dangerous “beast”, Luffy and Zoro’s very similar mindset and attitude towards fighting powerful enemies and all the parallels in which both captain and first mate* did the same things on various points in the manga or color spreads/covers (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x).
In general, the story established how despite their different nature of extrovert and introvert,  Luffy and Zoro are similar when it comes to the serious and trivial matters about whose I could talk for days. What is vital though, for years such treatment of Zoro created the feeling of equality between him and Luffy. Not in the power sense per se because narrative has never been objective about that, but how they progress from rookies to men getting closer and closer to fulfilling their dreams.
And now the Wano Arc seems to single them out in ever more visible ways.
For one, anime dropped the individual eye catchers for the whole crew, except for Luffy and Zoro. At the end of each, all Straw Hats are showed standing together:
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In both cases, Zoro is on Luffy’s right and both carry similar looking katanas: Kitetsu II and Sandal Kitetsu III. The swords may have different colors, but their tsuba have the same patterns, which double the feeling of equality between those two. 
Manga provides similar moments, starting with chapter 912
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and cover of volume 91 (which was used for Luffy’s eye catcher apparently) and inside illustration included in volume 92
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Then from all the crew, only Luffy and Zoro were pretending to be ronin (the masterless samurai), seen in box info
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while the rest Straw Hats played the role of ninja (Chopper), kunoichi (Nami), ghost (Brook), geisha (Robin), toad oil salesman (Usopp), carpenter (Franky) and soba cook (Sanji). Even Law, another Supernova and equal to Luffy, hid his identity pretending to be some sort of wandering monk. And thinking logically, Law would be better ronin because unlike Luffy, he knows how to use sword in fight. 
Another visually prominent detail - Zoro and Luffy are the only one Straw Hats who have kimonos with ornaments resembling the sun that may be a symbol of the coming dawn, foretold by Lady Toki. A dawn that will end Kaido and Orochi’s reign on Wano.
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Luffy’s ornament is straight taken from the crest of the Kozuki clan (and resembling the symbol Alabasta Kingdom). I have much more to tell about Zoro’s design but that will need wait for another time. For now, though it looks much sharper is no less reminiscent of the same solar symbol. Adding to the sign their status of ronin and we may call Luffy and Zoro, figuratively speaking, the samurai bringing sun (hope, new era, peace) to a country plunged in darkness, most likely in nearest future fulfilling late Kozuki Oden’s desire to defeat Kaido and open Wano  to world.
Of course, all Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, Minks and people of Wano are working together to defeat Kaido but Luffy and Zoro were visually set apart from everyone from the beginning of the arc. There is also their personal, strong connection to Oden’s children: Momonosuke and Hiyori who both were very impressed and protected by Luffy (Momonsuke) and Zoro (Hiyori).
Another detail binding Luffy and Zoro more to Oden and setting them apart from the rest of characters are new things they have acquired through the course of the arc. Namely, the better understanding & advanced techniques of Busoshoku Haki (Luffy) and late Oden’s great sword Enma (Zoro). Both things are capable of hurting Kaido.
Usually, during the arc, Luffy gets separated from the crew for the longest part of the story. And indeed, he gets struck first in prison (where he managed to win over imprisoned there samurais) and now, during battle, is running to face Kaido escorted only by Jimbei and Sanji (who wandered away in chapter 997). Surprisingly, Zoro too was separated by quite a long period of time, in which he met and befriended Yasue, Hiyori and Toko before he rejoined the crew for the final battle. Luffy and Zoro are the Straw Hats that openly admit they want to face Kaido in fight.
Another detail setting them apart from the rest of the crew: interacting with (and in case of Zoro, beating down) other Supernovas. They met Hawkins at the beginning of arc and fought him (Sanji too, met Hawkins and Drake once in public baths but ran away, securing Nami, Robin and Shinobi well being), then Killer and Kid before and during battle, Apoo and Drake which whom they had small crash, but now Drake were working with Roronoa against Apoo. Ironically, Drake is a friend with Coby who is a friend of both Luffy and Zoro. Coby literally met those two before Nami debuted. Also, the Supernovas allied with Luffy are learning in hard way that dealing with Zoro is not less stressing that working with Luffy.
How the Wano arc will turn out will show the upcoming chapters, for now though, not only Straw Hat has a strong connection to people of this land. For one, there is Tama, that both Luffy and Zoro came to like very much and literally started wreaking havoc in enemy territory because of her. Twice. Then there is mentioned connection to Oden - symbolic samurais of dawn and carrying Momonosuke and Hiyori’s wish to defeat Kaido and save the country but also Zoro’s personal connection to Shimotsuki clan that was hinted time after time and briefly explained in SBS that may or may not play bigger role, especially since Shimotsuki clan support Kozuki family. Which only adds to the whole connection between Luffy and Zoro and (good) people of Wano.
I feel like Wano arc was set up to establish the equality of Luffy and Zoro, not in the power sense that so many fans love to argue about, but as the relationship between them. Not just as captain and (powerful) subordinate but more like partners, the way Roger and Rayleigh or Kid and Killer are seen. The manga put a lot effort in creating parallels and the visual similarity between those two characters to dismiss the potential hints of Luffy and Zoro slowly falling apart from the crew in the sense of the role they will play in this and maybe future arcs.
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empresskira · 7 years
Our Loving Angel (ch.9)
Fanfiction | AO3
After spending the summer adjusting to their home, the school year began and Luffy had it hit off with many people within the first month and gained more along the way. On the other hand, Ace and Sabo were having a hard time placing themselves as they were looked oddly upon. Though there was two people who first talked to Ace in interest of being friends and noticed Sabo came along with the package. Izo and Thatch liked Sabo, but they were still trying to figure him out since they knew someone similar to how the blond interacts, so it left them only feeling a bit awkward when alone with him for anything—not that he made much effort to socialize.
Currently like Izo's situation right now as he waits with the ever-quiet man sitting a comfortable distance, but not saying he was completely ignoring Izo. These points of time had Izo working hard to find a good conversation to start with as they waited for the two that had detention. Thatch and Ace didn't mean to get it, they had been caught up with something with three other troublemakers and accused of being part of the ploy. Not wanting to cause too much trouble, they willingly went to detention after school for the hour and half that it lasts.
"Nah, Sabo?" Izo begins, showing a trail of curiosity stringing in his voice as he gathers a hum and the tilt of the head. After just a minute longer, as Sabo had been reading, those green eyes drag to find him with a neutral look, but it was slightly aloof. "How exactly did you meet Ace? If you don't mind me asking, that is…" A look of slight searching is there before Sabo shifts to sit up a bit more and marking the book page with a thumb so it may rest to his lap closed on the finger.
"I do not mind…" A smile lingers along Sabo's lips and gives a short chuckle in remembrance. "It wasn't exactly what you would expect, but the first time we ever met he told me he hated my guts." Izo is surprised by those words and is on his way to speak, but Sabo gives a soft snort to stop him. "He hated everyone's guts when we were kids, to be fair." This information added has Izo nodding a bit more in understanding before crossing an arm over his crossed leg while the other arm moves for a hand to have fingers rest under his chin.
"I was about to say, I found that unfathomable as you two are really close." Izo mentions while smiling as it seems to please Sabo at the comment, and it always left the blond as a mystery to him. A soft chill runs up his spine at the slight breeze, noticing as fall really was seeming to come to an end in the next couple weeks. "Oh yes, you two should join our family for a Christmas Party, it won't be on the Eve or Day of, but the weekend beforehand." The words come out as Izo adjusts himself, fixing his sweater shirt he is wearing, choosing a light one but knew he would need to gather his heavier ones out soon.
"A Christmas Party?" Sabo inquires with an eyebrow raised, already knowing Ace would be on board with it completely without details. "I will ask my guardian, but I am sure he will be alright with it, especially since Ace will most likely be allowed." A nod of agreeance is there, Izo aware of the two's guardians associated from the last place they moved from and even lived next to each other now.
"I do have to warn, though, our other family members will be back as well. We have quite a bit of brothers and sisters, so if either of you need a minute it's not a big deal." Izo reassures, knowing his family—though not really by blood or even fully adopted—can be overbearing especially when it came to friends of any family member, which is how Bay and Doma got dragged to gatherings a lot as well.
"That is thoughtful, I appreciate it." Sabo mentions with a smile that Izo is used to never reaching his eyes, but it would if it was Ace. It had Izo ponder if it was because of the fact they have been friends for so long, maybe the blond had been like that in the beginning as well with Ace? Once they both getting past each other's exterior? Nothing about their childhood was ever brought up, but he knew by a slim chance of Ace speaking reassuring to Sabo about his scars that it was a big part of it. It was coincidental, Sabo seeming to have a low point and his friend was immediately catering to show his compassion while they were more in a private area.
"When you both come over and shown a tour of the home as most likely Haruta or Namur will be eager to," a soft chuckle leaves Izo at the thought alone and there is a short chortle of amusement leaving Sabo when remembering the first meeting the two freshmen. "Then I will comment on where to get the most private space, though someone might check on you."
"Again, it is greatly appreciated." Sabo continues with a tone showing he was, but those eyes stayed a clean slate of no actual meaning to his words, giving a show of not truly meaning it though he probably did in some way. Most could over look such a thing, but Izo had grown used to it as one of their brothers was sort of similar, but they had grown to Marco through childhood so it was second nature not to think on it with him.
"Did you see when Bonney freaked out about Kidd slamming her pie into Law's face?!" Thatch's voice rings through the air after the door to the school opens to let them out. A hand is hitting to Ace's arm and the two were busting up laughing again while trailing over to the two sitting and waiting.
"Took long enough!" Izo complains haughtily with his nose to the sky and earns a whine from Thatch before a grin of mischief.
"You really did miss me~!" It's clearly showing a string of being flirtatious and fully meaning it, unlike with others where he did for fun.
"As if," a huff leaves Izo with a soft blush lingering his cheeks, hating when the other was trying to be flirty towards him.
The two had been 'tip toeing' around each other as they live in the same home, different rooms, and were told that it would not be seen odd. That clearly embarrassed them both when their father pulled them aside during the summer before senior year to explain that they could only date once out of school. It was to play everything safe and let them test the waters as they may be 'family' but were not related or signed by legal documents as Thatch was a foster child, but Izo was considered a runaway that just happened to stay with them now after his home life was too bad to withstand.
"We are busy the weekend before Christmas!" Ace cheers as he is up next to Sabo and grinning widely in excitement.
"I heard," Sabo comments with endearing eyes glimmering to his friend and it shows a hint of yearning, having Izo question on the two's relationship. It especially raised questions as Ace was showing a similar longing within dark eyes, but the two were merely smiling to one another.
"We should wear matching sweaters!" Ace suggests, gaining a chuckle from the blond who is enjoying the way Ace flops next to him on the water fountain ledge, the fountain bare of water as it was turned off.
"No fair! You told me no!" Thatch complains, gaining Ace to kick legs out with a laugh and throwing an arm around Sabo's shoulders. Hands shifted, losing place in the book, but not one reaction was there of such a thing bothering him as he let himself be pulled closer.
"That's because Sabo would like my sweater idea better!" Ace points out his free hand in explanation and gains a snort from Sabo.
"All ugly Christmas sweaters are the same to me." The blond explains, gaining a laugh from them all and Ace keeps his arm in place before letting it slip behind the other for a small lingering touch. Though, it only lasted for a mere moment before he was leaning forward to stick his tongue out at Thatch.
"Well, of course! Here I thought I was your best friend!" A feigned expression of hurt lingers with a hand to a forehead and Thatch leans back to the side more to make an exasperated noise. "Blasphemy!"
"You are my best friend, Thatch!" Ace yells up with laughter and it suddenly felt like all systems shut off as Sabo stares to his friend, schooling his face perfectly as that of neutrality.
Inside, Sabo is raising in panic on how suddenly someone else could be in the same place as him. It was unheard of and caused a mild panic to linger in his veins as they thrummed loudly in his ears. A feeling stirs as he looks to Thatch with a slight clench of his jaw, not understanding how he could be placed in such a spot. It made Sabo want to make that known fact disappear, but wasn't sure how to do that as his first thought is to make said man disappear. Though, he couldn't as he held back that side of him since Thatch isn't a threat on being too close as he had those amber eyes at Izo for something more, though they never admitted to such things.
"We should head to that karaoke place!" Thatch suggests after he was happy to know that he was seen as such with Ace, no one noticing the inner turmoil in Sabo.
"Sounds fun!" Ace hops up in a chirp of excitement, Izo getting up to brush off his long skirt that he loves to wear—which when he started to wear such things took Thatch to make anyone back off. Sure, some people still poked fun at his choice to dress more comfortably with women's clothes, but they didn't push too much as they were a part of the Newgate family, and no one liked messing with that family.
"Could we not wager this time?" Izo asks in exasperation as Ace and Thatch usually start a song battle, hard to judge when they knew Ace would always get a definite vote.
"No promises!" Thatch comments while moving up to him and then Ace was gripping to Sabo's hand.
"Come on~!" Ace is grinning brightly and Sabo makes sure the other can't tell how bothered he is by what he had just heard, letting himself smile.
"Impatient as ever." The words linger as he stands and lets the hand tug him lightly before it lets go. "You should sing that one song again…" Sabo suggests as he gets his book into his sling of a bag and Ace is right next to him as they trail behind the other two that begin bickering—Thatch mostly teasing.
"What? The one by Hozier?" Ace questions and gets a smile in return, having him show a brilliant one back with a bump against the blond. "But you sing it way better, Sabo." The comment has green eyes flicker in surprise and a dusting of pink finds its way to rest along cheeks. "You should really sing it, you would win any of these battles, hands down." Ace keeps on, causing Sabo to stir in delight at the compliments and having to swallow thickly.
"But the way your voice dips makes it better," Sabo starts back as he craves to see a stirring in the other that only he knew how to draw out perfectly if he does it well enough. Confusion is showing lightly with a tilt of Ace's head and this is when Sabo smirks. "Plus, the way you make a throaty growl with those deeper notes, it makes everything better." It does as he predicts, freckled cheeks flushing with eyes dilating somewhat and a scowl shows as Ace is pleased with such things said.
"I don't get why you like that stupid gravelling noise." It's a show of a pout and clearly shy about the compliments.
"Because I enjoy the sound, protective and enticing." The words spill from Sabo, biting the inside of his cheek as he didn't mean for that to come out. He is pleasantly surprised though as he hears a soft whine, barely audible if it weren't for the fact he lingered next to his friend. Chancing it, green eyes flicker to notice Ace pursing lips with red cheeks and looking away as some shaky breaths comes from nostrils.
The sight pleases Sabo as his veins thrum for more.
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