#acv magazine
hiles-fr · 8 months
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Carmela, Emma Tholot for ACV Magazine
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gummiesrun · 1 year
LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies Reviews: Shocking Report Reveals Must Read Before Buying
➢Product Name —   LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies 
➢Main Benefits —   Weight Loss
                                     Health Benefits
                                     Burn excess fat
                                     Better gut health & promote digestion
                                     Improves heart Health
                                     Control your appetite
➢  Price                  $59.95
➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound
➢ Side-Effects—No Side Effect
➢ Rating: —⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➢ Availability — Online
➢ Where to Buy - Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
In order to boost ketosis and weight loss, LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies combine the advantages of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB).
Gummies LifeBoost Keto ACV
LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies Current Issue of Outlook Magazine
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Dream sequence paintings for group healing
Mekh Limbu, a Nepalese artist, believes that while discussions about suffering and repression are necessary, discussions about the healing process are as crucial. He works to preserve Adivasi tradition and languages through his paintings, which feature dream sequences.
Abhik Battaraney
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Letters from an Unknown City
Cities are remembered in images and recollections as much as in prose and poetry, stone and masonry, statistics, and data. A screen print memoriography by artist Seher Shah maintains a city.
Analysis by RAKHI BOSE
The Strength Of Art
The Strength Of Art
In a column, Premjish Achari discusses the value of art festivals in the twenty-first century.
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Molded by War: Ukrainian "Stone Bread"
Molded by War: Ukrainian "Stone Bread"
Zhanna Kadyrova, a Ukrainian artist, arranges stones found in riverbeds to resemble the delicious Palianytsia bread that is popular in her homeland. In a country that has been devastated by conflict, these river stones in the shape of bread serve as a symbol of identity and defiance.
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Outlook > > https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/natures-cbd-gummies-reviews-is-nature-s-one-cbd-gummies-effective-or-not--news-217308
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Natures Boost CBD Gummies is a nourishing cannabidiol-related item that has been incited with a few nutrients as well as proteins. It might support your whole framework and subsequent to consuming it, you might feel loose.
Natures Boost CBD Gummies Surveys, North Carolina: Throwing a tantrum body away from issues resembles a fantasy for individuals these days. Prior, individuals used to remain fit since everybody had a propensity for accomplishing actual work over the course of the day yet today, as a result of current innovation, everybody has extremely sluggish and doesn't do proactive tasks as they used to do before. Individuals work over the course of the constantly. To make money for them as well as their family, they have neglected to deal with their wellbeing. This is extremely unfortunate as eventually, on the off chance that you discuss your advanced age, no cash will help you in the event that your body isn't sound and has caught in bunches of real issues. Thus, you should deal with it. There are various obstinate issues like uneasiness, stress, ongoing body torments, throbs, low center levels, no clearness, lack of sleep, smoking compulsion, and so forth. This multitude of issues are getting exceptionally normal, and this is disturbing.
As we examined, in the event that you do proactive tasks everyday and deal with your wellbeing, you can avoid these issues. In any case, assuming you are rehearsing each action and are as yet not ready to battle these medical conditions, then, at that point, we would propose you change to healthful enhancements which you can easily get on the web. Items like Natures Boost CBD Gummies 10 mg are normal and powerful in their work. These items are prompted with different proteins as well as nutrients and assist in easing with bodying throbs as well as assist you with having great psychological well-being. This item is accessible at a reasonable cost range and in the wake of consuming it, you might feel loose and might have the option to battle different substantial issues without confronting trouble.
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(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy Natures Boost CBD Gummies For The Lowest Price Right Now
About the Enhancement?
Natures Boost CBD Gummies is a dietary cannabidiol-related item that has been instigated with a few nutrients as well as proteins. It might support your whole framework and in the wake of consuming it, you might feel loose. This item is protected, all-regular as well as successful. You need to consume one sticky of this item everyday and everything your work is finished. On the off chance that you're not ready to do regular exercise schedules or continue everyday strolls, then don't stress as this item's measurements doesn't request you to do a heavyweight gym routine day to day as it might help you by its powerful parts as it were. This item is accessible in various packings and can save a great deal of your cash on the off chance that you buy greater packs of it. The organization that sells this item has said that it may not zero in just on one piece of your body yet may assist you with working on your whole framework by battling a few medical issues. The Natures Boost CBD Gummies are exceptionally famous in North Carolina, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, California, Georgia and so forth
What fixings are included the thinking about this wellbeing related supplement?
Natures Boost CBD Gummies 10 mg, as the name proposes is an enhancement that has cannabidiol as its principal part. This item has great cannabidiol oil blended in it which is liberated from any sort of hurtful parts like tetrahydrocannabinol. The organization that sells this item has said that they have proactively taken out THC from this part and afterward they have added it to this item so it must be viable for every individual who consumes it and gives no sort of issues to anybody. Aside from this, this item has been made with a few proteins as well as nutrients and to that end this item might work by supporting your whole framework so you could raise your resistance levels.
How might a solid eating regimen be helpful for your wellbeing?
It is extremely fundamental to Follow a solid eating regimen. Our carelessness drives us to draw in a few issues day to day. That is the reason, in the event that we follow sound schedules like getting up early so you can loosen up your brain as well as body and continuing everyday strolls so your actual wellbeing can be kept up with, then you can avoid heaps of issues in your day to day existence. Furthermore, you should investigate your dietary patterns. You ought to eat food having heaps of proteins and nutrients with the goal that it functions as a feeding specialist for your body and doesn't hurt it in any capacity. You ought to hydrate everyday since, in such a case that your body won't be hydrated, then it will deal with bunches of issues including stomach related medical problems as well as blockage.
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(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy Natures Boost CBD Gummies For The Lowest Price Right Now
How does this wellbeing related item work on your body?
Natures Boost CBD Gummies 10mg is a nourishing enhancement that might work by giving various advantages to your wellbeing. This item might work by decreasing all your uneasiness as well as pressure. In the event that it sees that your feelings of anxiety are expanding, it might work for taking them back to typical. On the off chance that you are feeling any aggravation while doing any proactive tasks, this item might assist you with decreasing all your constant torments as well as hurts It might assist you with zeroing in on things you are doing in a superior manner so you don't daydream and it is really great for your efficiency too. This item might assist you with lessening your smoking enslavement by diminishing your desire to smoke cigarettes at whatever point you feel worried or blissful. This item is great to assist you with your neurological wellbeing framework and along these lines "Natures Boost CBD Gummies Michigan", you might have the option to inspire yourself better to take care of business over the course of the day without delaying.
What are the advantages you might get subsequent to consuming this item?
Natures Boost CBD Gummies is a viable enhancement. It has different advantages to propose to every single one of its shoppers. Its different advantages might include:
May decrease nervousness and stress
"Natures Boost CBD Gummies North Carolina" may diminish your degrees of tension and stress so you don't feel worried at whatever point you are having a rushed day or on the other hand in the event that you are having an unpleasant day. This might assist you with having great emotional well-being also.
May assuage constant torments and throbs
"Natures Boost CBD Gummies Ohio" may assist you with supporting your efficiency by assisting you with diminishing your ongoing body hurts so you don't feel torment at whatever point you are doing any essential task of your day. In any case, you feel agony and you don't want to do anything which incorporates actual power.
May assist you with having solid rest
Natures Boost CBD Gummies Illinois may likewise assist you with having sound rest around evening time. This implies that it might loosen up your psyche so you can stay in bed time without burning through much time. As a result, it might assist you with getting up promptly toward the beginning of the day so you can awaken feeling new.
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(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy Natures Boost CBD Gummies For The Lowest Price Right Now
Natures Boost CBD Gummies Costs:
In the event that you are buying three jugs of Natures Boost CBD Gummies, you will get two containers free. Each container will cost you $39.99. Assuming you buy two jugs, you will get one jug free. Each jug will cost you $49.99. Then assuming you buy just a single container, you will get one jug liberated from cost and each jug will cost you $60.
Where Could I at any point Purchase Natures Boost CBD Gummies?
Anybody can without much of a stretch buy Natures Boost CBD Gummies from the authority site. To begin with, top off a structure and afterward pick the right parcel. After this compensation for the item and afterward the organization will begin with the transportation cycle.
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healthactivex · 1 year
Luxe Keto ACV Gummies Scam Reviews is a new weight loss supplement that claims to help you lose weight faster by generating fat-burning ketosis. The technique, which has been highlighted in magazines such as Women's Health and CBS News, promotes weight loss without the use of diets or exercise.Luxe Keto ACV Gummies has the following benefits since it causes fat-burning ketosis:
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silverlab101 · 2 years
Colloidal Silver For Canines: A Natural Antibiotic For Sick Canine
Contact a veterinarian for advice if any of your pets have been immediately uncovered to your cat. Amazingy.com is an internet webshop selling natural, mineral cosmetics & natural skincare – and it is the spine of Amazingy Magazine. It’s great to hear about private experiences, and what’s extra, attention-grabbing in regards to the argyria and contaminated colloidal silver… I should look additional into that. This article about tips on how to assist that might be helpful to you. So except the product has an general drying properties, it shouldn’t cause drying.
Contact all visitors and other relations who got here in direct contact with your cat. If they find any pores and skin lesions on themselves, they should see their physician. Cats with ringworm may or may not have seen skin lesions. Those who do have seen skin lesions typically have flaky bald patches primarily on the top, ears, and legs. TheCatSite.com is a community of cat lovers devoted to quality cat care and cat welfare. Ringworm is well spread by the sharing of private objects like towels, garments, sports activities equipment, and even hairbrushes, so keep away from lending or borrowing items that may become contaminated.
Eczema can be extra prone to type in specific ways in folks of shade. For instance, there is a larger chance that the rash may be papular, characterised by a sequence of small bumps like goosebumps. It is crucial colloidal silver for ringworm for medical professionals to understand how well being issues can present on the total range of skin tones. We're confident that EMUAID® will work on your ringworm. Most customers see a noticeable improvement in lower than 24 hours.
While on remedy, it's best not to miss a dose and to proceed with the therapy for a few days after all the signs have disappeared. A mixture of prescribed, house and natural remedies could assist you to get rid of ringworm fast. Use the antifungal properties of raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar to help get rid of ringworm infections for good. Before applying colloidal silver for ringworm apple cider vinegar on your pores and skin, you should dilute it with equal components of water (don’t apply undiluted ACV as it could possibly burn your skin). Soak a cotton ball within the diluted apple cider vinegar remedy and apply to the contaminated areas of pores and skin. Repeat the applying 2-3 times a day until you no longer have itchy patches of pores and skin with blister-like bumps on it.
Inhibition zones diameters obtained by both diffusion assays for AgNP, KTZ and AgNP–KTZ towards M. Furfur CBS 7019 are summarized in Table3 and may be noticed in Fig.three. AgNP–KTZ association showed slightly improve within the inhibition zone in comparability with KTZ alone. However, this improve was larger utilizing AgNP–KTZ in gel formulation. Therefore, carbopol did not negatively modify the antifungal activity of medicine. In order to evaluate the in vitro antifungal activity of the gel formulations by agar well diffusion methodology towards M.
I know there are not any quick cuts, I am maintaining the setting clean and everything, simply wish to assist these poor infants the most effective I can. And clear them as much as prevent infection of my different fosters and my very colloidal silver for ringworm own animals. They are additionally now on a oral medication for ringworm that the vet prescribed. I even have been doing the dips with a solution of 4oz per gallon however I hear 8oz per gallon is recommended, so I purchased extra and can combine up that solution as soon as I am out of my current one.
Essential oils are too strong for animals, particularly cats. To avoid the staining of black walnut and the odors of essential oils, consider using colloidal silver to battle scalp ringworm. As with the other cures, apply colloidal silver to the patches of tinea a minimal of twice a day. You can treat most circumstances of ringworm at residence with over-the-counter antifungals.
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aphony-cree · 2 years
hey not sure if u realized but the acv shot post u reblogged was in the context of bulimia/anorexia, could u maybe tag that kind of content if ur gonna reblog it
I've no idea why the person was taking apple cider vinegar, they didn't give a reason in the post. Using it like that isn't always a bullimia/anorexia thing. There are a lot of people who think doing it that way is cleansing because it works so fast, they don't know it's causing harm. I don't follow the OP but someone I do follow reblogged it and I was concerned. That's the nature of Tumblr, it doesn't always matter what OP's intentions were. If a post is worded in a way that appeals to a lot of people, it will reach a lot of people. The apple cider vinegar thing has been popping up all over, including mainstream magazines and websites, a lot of people think it's a "cleanse." Someone I follow reblogged that post and I wanted to spread the word that taking it that way can be harmful
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grad602studiotv · 2 years
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Front cover inspiration
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gummiesrun · 1 year
LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies Reviews (Critical Warning!) Real Scam Complaints?
➢Product Name —   LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies 
➢Main Benefits —   Weight Loss
                                     Health Benefits
                                     Burn excess fat
                                     Better gut health & promote digestion
                                     Improves heart Health
                                     Control your appetite
➢  Price                  $59.95
➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound
➢ Side-Effects—No Side Effect
➢ Rating: —⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➢ Availability — Online
➢ Where to Buy - Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
✅Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now✅
In order to boost ketosis and weight loss, LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies combine the advantages of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB).
Gummies LifeBoost Keto ACV
LifeBoost Keto ACV Gummies Current Issue of Outlook Magazine
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Dream sequence paintings for group healing
Mekh Limbu, a Nepalese artist, believes that while discussions about suffering and repression are necessary, discussions about the healing process are as crucial. He works to preserve Adivasi tradition and languages through his paintings, which feature dream sequences.
Abhik Battaraney
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Letters from an Unknown City
Cities are remembered in images and recollections as much as in prose and poetry, stone and masonry, statistics, and data. A screen print memoriography by artist Seher Shah maintains a city.
Analysis by RAKHI BOSE
The Strength Of Art
The Strength Of Art
In a column, Premjish Achari discusses the value of art festivals in the twenty-first century.
Expo Kochi-Muziris
Molded by War: Ukrainian "Stone Bread"
Molded by War: Ukrainian "Stone Bread"
Zhanna Kadyrova, a Ukrainian artist, arranges stones found in riverbeds to resemble the delicious Palianytsia bread that is popular in her homeland. In a country that has been devastated by conflict, these river stones in the shape of bread serve as a symbol of identity and defiance.
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nawapon17 · 2 years
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bzalma · 3 years
Unambiguous Policy Condition Must be Followed
Posted on October 5, 2021 by Barry Zalma
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To Obtain Full Replacement Cost Insured Must Repair or Replace Within Two Years of Loss
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Railroad Avenue Properties, LLC (“Railroad Avenue”) sued Acadia Insurance Company (“Acadia”) for breach of contract. The dispute concerned the amount of insurance coverage available under a commercial property insurance policy for damages sustained by a fire at 11 Railroad Avenue. In Railroad Avenue Properties, LLC v. Acadia Insurance Company, C. A. No. 19-40155-TSH, United States District Court, D. Massachusetts (September 29, 2021) the court ruled on Acadia’s Motion for Summary Judgment.
Acadia insured the property and adjusted and paid for damage arising out of the fire loss. Acadia argued that it had no obligation to pay Railroad Avenue for the difference between the replacement and actual cash value for any property loss or damage because the property was not repaired or replaced within two years after the loss, as it set forth in the Policy
The Policy provides “We will not pay on a replacement cost basis for any loss or damage: (1) Until the lost or damaged property is actually repaired or replaced: (a) On the described premises; or (b) At some other location in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and (2) Unless the repairs or replacement are made within a reasonable time, but no more than 2 years after the loss or damage.”
Findings of Fact
Acadia issued a Businessowners Policy, providing insurance coverage to Railroad Avenue in the event of various casualties, including loss due to fire. On November 18, 2017, the Property sustained severe damage from a fire. Given the extent of the damage, the building was determined to be a total loss and would require a rebuild.
Acadia was notified promptly. The Fire Loss was caused by an unidentified arsonist. Railroad’s public adjuster agreed with Acadia’s estimate to replace the structure but reserved the right to seek an additional $25,000 in ordinance or law coverage arising out of the anticipated need to install sprinklers when the building was rebuilt.
After the fire, Railroad hired a contractor, RGN Construction Management, LLC, (“RGN”) to design and construct a replacement building.
On February 22, 2018, Acadia received a Proof of Loss executed by Railroad Avenue. The Proof of Loss indicated that: (a) the Replacement Cost Value of Repair (excluding the potential $25,000 code claim) was $808,468.13; (b) the Actual Cash Value was $610,928.46; and, (c) after deducting the deductible amount ($10,000) and the advance payment ($25,000), the net Actual Cash Value was $575,539.67.
Christopher Redmond inspected the Property on September 27, 2018. Redmond observed that the subject building had been razed, all debris had been removed from the premises, but there was no indication that any reconstruction had begun. Railroad Avenue requested a six-month extension on November 5, 2019, about two weeks before the two-year anniversary of the fire, stating that construction would done in four months. Acadia did not grant an extension to the two-year rebuild requirement under the Policy.
Legal Standard
In deciding a case on summary judgment, the Court views the facts in the light most favorable to the non-moving party and makes all reasonable inferences in that party’s favor. Once the moving party shows the absence of any disputed material fact, the burden shifts to the non-moving party to place at least one material fact into dispute.
Under Massachusetts law, the interpretation of an insurance contract is a question of law.
Railroad Avenue claims that it was entitled to the replacement cost to repair and/or replace the Property and seeks to recover the difference between the replacement cost and the ACV. Railroad Avenue also asserts that it is entitled to payment under the Ordinance or Law provision of the Policy which entitles it to recover increased costs incurred in connection with the repair and replacement of damaged property to bring the repaired/replaced property into minimum compliance with building, zoning or land use ordinance or law (here, a sprinkler system).
Acadia contends that the clear and unambiguous language of the Policy provides that the Railroad Avenue is not entitled to replacement cost or ordinance cost unless the damaged property is repaired or replaced within two years of the date of loss. Because it is undisputed that Railroad Avenue did not repair or replace the Property within two years of the date of loss, Acadia argues that Railroad Avenue was not entitled to recover replacement cost or ordnance cost.
The plain language in the Policy provides that Railroad Avenue is not entitled to recover replacement or ordinance cost under the Policy until the damaged property is actually repaired or replaced. Moreover, such repairs or replacement were to be made as soon as reasonably possible and must have been completed within two years of the date of loss.
The requirement that the damaged property be repaired or replaced is a condition precedent to the insured being entitled to replacement cost and ordinance cost proceeds. That is, the insurer is not liable to pay either replacement or ordinance unless and until the insured has met all necessary conditions, i.e., repaired or replaced the damaged property. If the time by which the condition must be fulfilled ends the condition remains unsatisfied, the obligor’s duty is discharged unless the obligor excuses fulfillment of the condition.
Replacement cost coverage is not triggered until the damaged property has actually been “repaired or replaced” by Railroad Avenue, and is only available if Railroad Avenue makes such repairs or replacement “within a reasonable time, but no more than 2 years after the loss or damage.”
Railroad Avenue argues that the condition was satisfied because it intended to rebuild, was in the process of rebuilding, others caused delays, and because it had executed construction contracts within two years of the loss,
Performance of the condition precedent was not excused. Therefore, Railroad Avenue is left to argue that Acadia breached its obligations under the Policy and prevented the condition precedent from being met. Moreover, the burden of proof is on Railroad Avenue to establish that Acadia prevented it from complying with the condition that that the damaged Property be repaired and replaced within two years of the Loss.  The undisputed evidence establishes that Acadia acted promptly in investigating the loss, providing its estimate and paying the claim. Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment was granted.
The District Court applied the clear and unambiguous language of the policy. The insured failed to repair. In fact all they did in the two years after the loss was demolish the fire damaged structure. They asked for an extension of the deadline only two weeks before it expired which request was denied and the condition precedent applied. Insurance is a contract and if its conditions are clear and unambiguous they must be applied if not excused.
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© 2021 – Barry Zalma
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE, now limits his practice to service as an insurance consultant specializing in insurance coverage, insurance claims handling, insurance bad faith and insurance fraud almost equally for insurers and policyholders.
He also serves as an arbitrator or mediator for insurance related disputes. He practiced law in California for more than 44 years as an insurance coverage and claims handling lawyer and more than 54 years in the insurance business.
He is available at http://www.zalma.com and [email protected]. Mr. Zalma is the first recipient of the first annual Claims Magazine/ACE Legend Award. Over the last 53 years Barry Zalma has dedicated his life to insurance, insurance claims and the need to defeat insurance fraud. He has created the following library of books and other materials to make it possible for insurers and their claims staff to become insurance claims professionals.
Go to my articles at https://zalma.substack.com,  the podcast Zalma On Insurance at https://anchor.fm/barry-zalma;  Follow Mr. Zalma on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bzalma; Go to Barry Zalma videos at https://www.rumble.com/zalma ; Go to Barry Zalma on YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCysiZklEtxZsSF9DfC0Expg; Go to the Insurance Claims Library – https://zalma.com/blog/insurance-claims-library/  The last two issues of ZIFL are available at https://zalma.com/zalmas-insurance-fraud-letter-2/  podcast now available at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zalma-on-insurance/id1509583809?uo=4
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grad602studiotv · 2 years
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FKA: PROFILES not interviews.
Thematic intro visual ideas:
- type based + photography? - portrait of billie?
- POP - small at the bottom? using hierarchy 
Editorial Intro:
POP - People, Objects and Places {INFLUENCE ISSUE}
POP stands for “People, Objects and Places”. We are a print publication dedicated to telling stories of young urban adults who are based in Auckland. 
The publication is comprised of a series of interviews with young designers, thinkers and musicians. The profiles provide an insight into each individual and their influences and inspirations growing up.
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marianajacqueline45 · 3 years
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Murió Carlín Calvo a los 67 años, fue su gran amigo Javier Faroni, con un conmovedor mensaje en Twitter, quien comunicó la triste noticia. “Fuiste todo lo importante en mi vida... Me enseñaste de chico a ser quien soy. Nunca pensé que este momento llegaría pero fui feliz teniéndote a mi lado, amigo. ¡Te amo con todo mi alma! Descansa en paz, Caaaarlloossss”, escribió el productor, acompañando su posteo con una serie de fotos juntos, tomadas a lo largo de toda una vida compartida. Carlín había sido internado el sábado 23 de noviembre por una infección generalizada que habría sido producida por la mala colocación de una sonda vesical. Su salud se encontraba delicada desde hacía años, después de sufrir un accidente cerebro vascular (ACV) en 1999, y otro en 2010. #Collage #ProgramaCollage #Cine #Historiadecine #revistacollage #esterno #movie #magazine #revista #programa #televisión #series #90's (en Montevideo, Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqI_LDAI91/?igshid=1waw53d3991mf
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treadmagazine · 4 years
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rdclsuperfoods · 4 years
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Dr. Brian Cole is a nationally acclaimed orthopedic surgeon and sports-medicine doctor who cohosts the popular radio show Sports Medicine Weekly. Whether you want to know about bunions, better sleep, or running your first marathon without getting hurt, Dr. Cole can offer an expert’s take. Eric Haunschild, his research assistant, also contributes to this column. Have a question? Email [email protected]. The doctor is in.
Does apple cider vinegar actually do anything for your body or gut, or is it just something Goop has been selling us? If it is good, how should we be supplementing with it?
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted as a holistic cure-all for decades, and it’s as popular as ever in the wellness world. Proponents claim the pantry staple has all sorts of positive benefits: reducing inflammation, slowing down aging, and promoting weight loss, to name a few. And in theory, certain properties of ACV suggest that these claims may have some truth to them. For example, ACV contains B-complex vitamins, which do have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. But the anti-inflammatory properties of these vitamins haven’t been studied in the context of vinegar consumption. That’s the problem with most of the claims people make about ACV—they just haven’t been proven, one way or the other.
ACV also has plenty of antioxidants, and researchers think antioxidants may help reduce chronic disease burden as we age. However, scientific studies on antioxidants have been inconclusive, and there isn’t really any research about ACV’s antioxidants and their effects. When it comes to the gut, it’s possible that the acetic acid in ACV could aid our digestion and thus ease gut issues, particularly as we age and produce less of our own stomach acids. In theory, adding another acid may help achieve the same thing, but whether it actually works is also, as yet, unproven.
However, there are a few evidence-backed, measurable physiological effects, including increased satiety: in a small study from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, participants who supplemented a standard meal with ACV reported feeling more full than those who didn’t. Another randomized controlled trial, in the Journal of Functional Foods from 2018, found that regular supplementation of two tablespoons of ACV daily for three months contributed to modest weight loss of a few pounds when compared to controls. So it seems apple cider might offer a small boost for those interested in weight loss—but that’s not necessarily a health benefit, unless you’re working toward a specific goal that you and your doctor have agreed would be beneficial for you.
ACV has also been shown to offer a small amount of help modulating blood sugar and insulin levels after you eat a meal, but not so reliably that it could replace traditional treatments and medications. A recent meta-analysis in the Journal of Advanced Nursing reported that in studies that collectively evaluated over 300 Type 2 diabetics, ACV supplementation did have beneficial effects on blood-sugar levels. However, most of the individual studies used small sample sizes, and while the results were promising, they were still pretty minimal.
If you’re interested in experimenting with supplementation, it’s safe to take ACV in small doses. Recommendations vary, but an ounce a day diluted in water is a safe place to start. The only notable side effects of overconsumption are an upset stomach and, if you take it undiluted, a sore throat or weaker tooth enamel over time. Just don’t expect a miracle, and remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 
I’m obsessed with my Theragun and generally any type of self-myofascial release, like vibrating foam rollers. Is it possible to overuse tools like this? The Theragun feels fantastic, but it’s also pretty aggressive. 
From Theraguns to Hypervolts, it seems like everyone (including myself) nowadays is raving about the benefits of self-percussion therapy devices. Manufacturers claim that these devices accelerate recovery and muscle repair, improve blood and lymphatic flow, and relieve stiffness when regularly used before and after exercise. While some of these claims are likely overblown, there is some evidence that these devices can alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness—and as long as you aren’t finding that the tool is leaving you achier than you were when you started, you’re probably fine. The key here is to listen to your body, and stop if it starts to feel painful. 
Most of the benefits listed above are anecdotal; of the above claims, the only one with scientific evidence behind it is that these devices can reduce soreness following vigorous exercise. A 2014 study in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research examined delayed onset muscle soreness. One group received vibration therapy after exercise, and another group had regular massage therapy. Those who received vibration therapy had a greater reduction in pain 48 hours after an intense workout compared to the massage-therapy group.
When using a percussive device, you can expect to feel some transient, mild soreness over the area being massaged, but you should use common sense. If you are percussing over areas that result in significant and increasing pain of a different character than simple muscle soreness, back off. These devices should only be used on muscle—other sensitive areas, such as an inflamed tendon or bursa, may benefit from a mild manual massage but should not be aggressively percussed. Percussing bone, in addition to being extremely painful, has no benefit. With these considerations in mind, using a Theragun on tired muscles may fast-track your post-workout recovery, and as long as you pay attention to your body, there is no real risk of overuse or injury.
via Outside Magazine: Nutrition
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Baby backs, cooked lower and slower than last time. No wrapping in foil stage instead mopped with mop sauce (butter, ACV, some spices) every 15 min and still did the same BBQ sauce-ing at the end.
Grilled carrot and avocado salad - used some fancy recipe from a BA magazine. Came out ok.
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