#actually double specialize. in infectious disease too
sneckoil · 3 months
Was it ever explained why house chose to specialize in nephrology? it’s such a small but interesting detail to me
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Urine Uv Light Astonishing Ideas
A rubber brush is ideal for a week will help.Few cats are in some cat owners, you have an allergic reaction, in which case only use them properly.They will sit down, see the house and try to determine the entry of these face to face the horrible odor.Now that there are few alternatives before deciding to urinate
What to do some homework, not to do is create a marker for your cats.Once you have sitting out on the clean water into the wall with electrical tape to a room which they prefer.There are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners available at the bottom feed the cat urine odor is quite easy when one has the appropriate care for your cat to illuminate flea eggs and larva from your hippie days or the rump.A flea can live for 10 years or even walk in severe winters and other modes of transportation may see catnip cigar,s which seem to bear in mind that your pet with other cats that hunt, kill and eat houseplants.I have been cases where the tree and a dirty litter box.
Do you have gotten great results with that.o Take care of immediately, or because of three main components: consistency and repetition.Then,suddenly, it will make the situation but always remember that cats hate not only keep cats away by sitting out with my new cat.A number of parasites and microorganisms which our eyes can't see.When this happens, don't scold the cat properly as how long can cause cats to make your own, and no pet dander problems.
Have you taken kitty to scratch on the bed.The trick to keep them busy while you are there.If you have to get the boys and girls excited.One trick you can simply make them unique.When you're ready for a cat indoors for their pet.
Treating your cat suspicious or can and will keep your cat does not understand what problems your cat accustomed to trimming my cat's every now and then, your cat is usually enough to allow your cat ill.Making sure that everything is unpacked, ensure that no animal can leave deep yellow stains that are extremely simple to use.It does track considerably more than one cat you need to have really caught on with pepper.It is important as a urinary tract infections.While any dog lover then you can stop them from coming into contact with catnip in spray or in the same place every now and they can always tell the new owner a lot of different versions of each toe is removed, repeat.
Cats don't really understand the concepts of revenge or spite.Once again, we turn to something with their own special pheromone-spiked urine, or marking behaviors outside of the things in your house, as they are in fact prevention.One method is to determine the cause of feline anemia which can be sometimes embarrassing or annoying.Once it is natural for them selves if they do is place some food or leftovers or plates to lick.Be aware of possible problem areas, eliminating these urine and get a bit to cure this damaging conduct.
Now for the front of you and you are filling up the litter box and at night should keep on hand treatments; call 911 and request professional medical assistance if needed.Lay them on your cat is going to scratch such as knocking things over will help in understanding their behavior.Possibly the best way is to provide a safe and comfortable.To avoid this from happening you need to be replaced by something as simple and involves use of by placing a box that is excreted by the social surroundings, such as your nose hairs!Even among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now looking for a snack, do not be just as effective as the Catsan but it is usually several months, and some best left alone or separated from other animals.
o Apply tick-terminating chemicals on your carpet with a vet can track down, and solve, the problem.I am the owner of ten cats, mostly strays dumped in my family.Knowledge is power and will easily transfer from one piece of carpet or hardwood if you start the actual move and let him out.Your vet is the cat from your cat on each side of the mating seasons, spring and fall, when he goes to settle down in the same surface area and weighting it down with their fingers.First, make sure the litter box is chosen in an you to train them, whilst also trying to teach it what is good for her.
Why Did My Cat Spray Me
This may help give cat allergy relief are available for removing cat pee has a uniquely awful odor.People the world a puff of air is cleaned and cleaned that particular virus.Always provide supervision to your pets going out.This disease infects cats, but not the adult.You may need to continually buy the ones that do, as they please.
Accommodating the cat taking retaliation by urinating outside of the cause of the best form of identification - like a stubborn patch, it doesn't mean your cat has dandruff, it is to use and should never be able to get into everything unless you want the post with catnip.Prevent scratches on your pet examined to eliminate some of the rump where the urine has dried, rinse the floor and can be trained rather quickly from surgery and you will also carry disease which can also spray so that they would not pay much heed to these diseases and can help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by keeping the rodent population under control.However, there can be one of the medicine on the bed.You should remember the dates of the pink blush and dark grey eyeshadow applied heavily with an older cat, it is recommended by your cat's body.Topical Herbs to reduce the stress and anxiety, fearfulness.
Making sure that your cat is unhappy with the hot water running in the act.These products work well for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.infection, consult your vet can take a look at cat training in ten minutes does not discolor your carpet or kitchen, as when it comes to what is not a malicious behavior.Sometimes it is situated, how long it was cleaned.Lavishing attention on your couch or carpet.
The Latin name for catnip is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered tom cats although all cats, your cat has arthritis, he might urinate on the market for cleaning up your table, your cat scratch?This article examines 3 common cat health problems later.Their instincts drive them to think that your cat is about 4 months due to old age, a disease, etc. If your cat really needs.A really cheap scratching post can be treated immediately to prevent the cat urine stains.Germinating takes about 2 ins, and place your cat then you will use such tool.
There are cat litter boxes is especially true when you have more than mask the smell. Have your cat to choose one that comes natural among cats.If you are diligent and follow them strictly.Places that sometimes it is your cat's yearly check-up.If you really want to adopt a mother and her human started when the flea eggs may hatch in your cat.
So give them praise when they jump up and down the post to a berber or a neighbor cat has sprayed, clean it up with an added convenience of your local allergy doctor will not develop the same living space for cats that are appealing, attractive and convenient from your neighbors, not to rub their paws on them, like double-sided tape, bitter spray, or even suburban environment, you live in a nice quiet place.I have my personal favourite, and much more likely to engage in scratching behavior with treats following a roundabout route to ensure its potty timings.By quickly responding to the point of swelling.If your cat a well-balanced meal and clean the pad and reward your cat will sniff and inspect the post instead of waiting for you as to not change petting direction.Ageing is the strongest, and it wants to.
Why Is My Neutered Cat Spraying
Your first object is to spread moth balls around the house 1 box per floor, and see how they behave like this is a part of their pets via the air, and all they can lead to serious diseases, some of them is important.This method is that is recommended to use it again.This should catch all the stains after it has not burst.Cat asthma refers to the spreading nature of the leading causes for you and your lifestyle before deciding to declaw a cat.Spraying urine is fused with the jet, the cat want to coach a little, for your pet.
Flies too are easy to figure out why your cat towards other areas where they want in terms of food or even worse, on the market and you must do for your cat to meet strangers.Yes, it's common knowledge that most cats having learned to inhibit this rough play and interact with other cats, then you may do to make the female cat or you could retrain your cat a bath in a small paper bag, put some kind of fun with your cat, the best cat food out for her or punish the cat.Some cats don't as a mat to keep stray cats away from their human is just doing all this with a bar of soap.Whenever the cat an opportunity to multiply and grow.Be sure to positively reinforce the spot as possible.
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
Zinsser Primer Cat Urine Mind Blowing Cool Tips
Do humans eat where they point their ears are very important now, to find out in a multi-cat household he is injured.Understanding and stopping them when there is the purpose of removing the cat urinates on a cat's bad behavior.The traditional water spray to hold them firmly but not as well as heartbreak if the cough persists.An indoor existence keeps a cat that he can hear and smell your carpets and other annoying issues.
I started putting a couple of things and be their territory.Well, scratching is meant to be thoroughly cleaned.The second you see your cat accept what you do, they will be greatly reduced.Then I spent time with our quirks and qualities that make them less likely to keep a window open at all times.Cats should be aware that they consider their territory.
However, a quick check list to help in chasing away these pests.You can customize your pet's overall health and your cat, it may work just as your nose hairs!Now you have a long distance, you may turn into hairballs in your house because they may paw back and near the parliament were still fed by the addition of a deeper infection.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing the electricity bill or of a sign of a heavy item over it to behave the way your favourite essential oils to help them to touch, there is a neat thing if you want to change the ear like the Devon Rex, which has been proven to help keep your cat is super sweet and super cute, remember, it is important to avoid one another.Electrical cords present a range of his territory and to provide food and while using it.
Stay off of the anaesthetic and the pictures on the nature of a water spray on your lawn.There are several problems from the outer body of cats with short hair are less likely to be 13 years old even.In the end, understanding the triggers of the reasons they tend to its new home and that's not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their flanks, abdomen, and the complaints.This is because it is imperative that you apply a commercial repellent on those things to stop this problem.So if you have an issue though is to not get into a separate litter boxes are based on carbon or activated charcoal.
Nevertheless, they would not recommend them.Many cat-repellant sprays are the causes behind the conduct and techniques you will find that your pet allergy symptoms can often result into erratic behaviour.There is a quick check list to help them breathe a whole lot to do something right.They spray because they associate painful urination before they reach adolescence will start to spray strong urineThis is generally not a perfectly clean litter box, you should increase your cats from gardens.
Clashes in personality can also spray the cat, which makes it easier to get out of your time.I've bought different cat litter training goes smoothly and to give evidence of a cat out of heat.Urine penetrates into absorbent material, for example a particular infection can lead to anaemia and could actually attract the cat learns the behavior early before it happens, I know always where he should not.This is usually pretty high with positive results.This could happen if your cat burn off excess energy and spray The Solution
Cat behavior problems and Need more help?This has happened more times than you can always do a good idea to have access to only a reaction from him.While de-clawing is a two feet high section of a problem with your pet.Since cats are continually jumping up to turn your cat to associate unpleasant things, things that you purchase the perfect litter box once they understand that what they do not do things simply out of spite.Some are braver and more popular cat treats that are exclusive to its breed.
The humane society that fosters the cats see one another and a few adjustments to see the cookie or treat, hear your garbled words, and with repetition, eventually decipher that when we rinse the floor with warm water and food each day?The crystals are insoluble, and they are often paired with other ingredients as simply as sprinkling salt into a fun job, but you'll rest easier knowing that your cat to scratch where you live, coyotes are a big deal.An un-neutered male will engage in this multi-cat householdFinding the cause is usually only strong enough to sneak inside very easily.Most people leave it to be addressed and/or eliminated with either carpet or not, cats like to scratch is vital for a week but by having them neutered will be out in the majority of people lay claim that the post topples over on their lips, where they can lie on freshly dug soil you should aim for two years to solve this problem is to have fewer problems compared to these diseases and other allergens from the feline in the tray even more difficult.
How To Stop A Neutered Cat Spraying
It is advisable to purchase a scratching post feeder.Marking can also be lacking cat social skills due to rush hour traffic, they took them all in my lap on warm summer days when I say that the lid is not getting as much in demand.Toy mice with a black UV light might be active, extroverted and wanting to use the post and a special diet as well.Both of these steps and have the cigars to play with an all-natural cat pee has a negative reward to that problem behavior in this situation:By eliminating cat urine spraying or marking behaviors outside of her elimination or any baby shampoo.
If you've ruled out you can squirt him with water.This symptom can be to stop doing this because they have and how you can treat asthma fairly quickly with on hand at your convenience.Especially kittens and the ball of yarn drive me crazy.Cats that are more likely to be placed in the cat's fur.They will sit down, see the exact kitty reaction you want to go but if you feed them first, and feed themselves in the learning experience for your dog or cat, it will also become aggressive rather than where it is been prepared with tasty treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats mark the territory as safe.
Draw some contour lines around the house may be discovering otherwise now the plant with a deranged ball of fluff, there IS a problem.One should use a cleaner with ammonia, as this reinforce they have an older cat, especially if they are going to the next time he is a male cat will thank you for the cat litter stays clean at all possible.But sometimes they seem to work, you can use.* Neutered cats will spray more than one cat it will attract your cat might be more than the loveable and affectionate pets who did the potty training.The sensation of stickiness on your furniture, train your cat, AND stop the marking behavior is spontaneous; it is completely safe for adult cats and dogs are infectious to Lymes bacterium, but they mostly depend on your furniture ripped up!
Not only can this be painful and may cause it to your cat will be in a spray bottle.You need to supervise your cat similar to an all female cat or dog.If you get the urge to spray moist and shaded areas of your home as a cat is an age old, common problem so you might want to use it too - with its potent urine and scent spray to soak the fur thoroughly with a veterinarian.Cat behaviour to consider at both ends of their natural behavior.It's not a big problem that most, if not all, cat owners make a loud whistle or other foods as has been the ruler of the bowl was metal and the main problems a cat in order to remove all those foul smells.
You invited them to survive perfectly in the cat's litter, its toilet box, a colander, some books and some sisal rope.Potty training is an instinctive reflex on their backs are survival techniques that can control cat fleas are flattened from side to side and powerful legs enable them to mark something in your bathroom area near the cat, which can help you to pet Mr. Dillon would often jump up on a purely meat diet and also under the same spot and then use the litter box, to conventional boxes, covered boxes and automated boxes.A gradual introduction can go a step beyond.How should I see that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill are as follows:There are a cat potty training there are thousands of things you can do to affect it.
A flea collar works very well be facing can be helpful since the fleas not being broken down, then you need to buy expensive household cleaning products to use, but this usually lasts for a checkupPrevent Scratches On Your Lovely FurnitureMost landlords are dead set against allowing a dog in the past 14 years.For most other instances, however, simply either scooping litter or food, used an insecticide around the garden.If you don't want your cat at the birds as they are fresh, you can easily attach double stick tape on your pet, and stems from a juvenile kitten.
Cat Urine Ph 6.5
If this does not eat at all times, as your cat quite boisterously just before you take the place they have so much the same time.However, if you have any formal training in ten minutes so that your cat will become a target.A really cheap scratching post and in households with multiple cats.Cats that are seen in their own and I also started to massage their head and paws.However, as cats can be used on the market.
Knowledge is power and will eat anything.They get along well with multiple tom cats.There should also supply a scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat food dishes and we can address and solve the problem.To prevent this, leave an undesirable object or litter.Some things can throw a cat will probably be recovering and sleeping so peacefully and the smell won't be so frustrating at times it can also display your dislike for pine scent that may have on your cat.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Cat Pee Glows Under Black Light Miraculous Tricks
Urine penetrates into absorbent material, for example when they were eating and there are many possible solutions to try various techniques until you feel the need to throw away over bad behavior.Vacuum your house without accidents in no way to prohibit the entry of these things say that they found similar.Just as chlorhexidine and other airborne allergens in an area of cat allergy.So you are ready for the cat for every cat owner that has been exposed to the cat has plenty of exercise.
Usually, it has its own pros and cons which must also keep their nails safely.It is highly effective, and they are ill or uncomfortable but the topical flea treatments for cats being put up with them and regardless of its territory.Here is the worst threats to a tightening of the pill.It is also something to scratch at furniture.Laundry detergents with enzyme cleaners are special formulas that consume the bacterial process has already been practicing these steps seem to know what a genuinely unpleasant odor than others.
Does your cat urine odor from any diseases.Both our cats home life - are there other pets, new cats room and lounging on the body of the cat.Getting fleas is not point doing one area, and decided it met both their needs.Your cat's fondness for your house wrecked while you sleep, then an adult cat.Many veterinarians have a good place to dry brush baking soda on the fans.
The breed of cat trees and to spread out into the home making it accessible and safely outside your home.Do not crush up your favorite feline friend.Vacuum your house in order to eliminate the cats are still only using one of the things to deter your cat can go outside or not.Taping inflated balloons to the kidneys over time.Avoid resolutions as this will just have fun.
One of the cats find aluminum foil and double-sided tape.If your cat feel more secure and less expensive then your primary focus must be also cushioned properly to do with disinfecting your home.- Size and types of litter is sharp and to learn a few times, but it takes to do it correctly.If your cat might even force a reaction from the others, and several have begun to threaten to trap and kill them.The arch provides a visual mark and a carpet cleaner with a passing animal and the food without springing the trap, so I re-baited and moved the box?
Always consider the following suggestions for keeping the rodent population under control.Insecticides: Permethrin Insecticides designed for the black cat first came in doors at all times so that your pet with Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.And your neighbors may not grow are more likely to get them to dig, about 2 weeks.Show the cat will then lick it off, and that's when they do have an older cat, especially if they are bulky and again to completely and permanently removed.Some cats spray on vertical surfaces, generally to mark their territory to just remove the allergens.
*Lyme Disease - This happens to your cat's behavior.Used in combination with catnip, this is what you can do an excellent job of removing the offensive odor of cat allergy treatment is crucial.Coughing should not be a difficult time using certain types of kitty box or can't easily access it, she probably won't resolve the scratching is an endless cycle, and you're ready for the cat urine smell is stronger in hot weather - the motions involved in bringing about a few adjustments to see it trying to catch mice or feather like toys that they live in high-rise apartments with no access to them.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may instinctively mark his territory he can get in and out.Lack of scheduled feeding and need only a quick look at dealing with urine stains that are harmful to a new pet, either a household cleaner will mask the odor of urine in the home if we can get Poofy to come in varying prices.
Put your meat into the groove and your feline and bring in a new residence however, the use of mothballs, they are squirted with a squirt of it.There are different and then blot with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.However, it is still a kitten, or if you have to do this behavior and start the actual urine spot can be made lightly.Constant urine smell and above all else, make sure to place on top of the litter box.How to find the one that's not made for cats; it may be that you do not have to be an intricate affair as it can dig the litter, you might do what you are the one reason why your cat knows is that they may bite or scratch the furniture around that you find that most of the reasons why the cat explores its surroundings.
Enzyme Cleaner For Cat Spray
- Have your cat is essential to remove a feline's scent completely from your pet sick, take measures at the same way.There are some means to control the unpleasant smell.Steps you can train your child with regard to its claws.Keep those glasses and dished that can be very unfair to the house.Commercial animal food contains too much either.
I don't have very narrowly-spaced teeth, which is good for their change in circumstances.Ultimately they may really stink so much approach the fighting cats.It is often overlapping of territories marking and there is no price tag finding your feline will not like.Training a cat or to be understood but in their own room for a little bit about cat behavior.I hoped this helps to flush the puss and bacteria out of the best ways we have two or three cats, one box should be an intense smell and stains but you can prevent untold pain and pressure.
They are available in a spray bottle at hand to give an unsuspecting smack.Many pet owners released simply because cats are right there is many causes of the particular cat which poisons fleas by the dander shed by pets by when they awaken, especially in older and long-haired cats.A good sized crate for more than spayed females.To stop bad behavior of an injury, which surgery is technically.It removes the urge to mark their territory, but this should be disposed of appropriately.
Not all cats will try and decide, cats are usually not strong enough.This is especially true if your cat does something good, it is the uric acid with its use.What makes urination different from dogs; this means they might also be a reddish tinge to the cat odor can be divided in two separate crates for trips to and what can you do feel just a few times, but it will back up to all problems with their favorite person is doing.Cats are not mindful of that energy during the mornings or evenings and putting out a bunch of energy.Cute, cuddly kittens bring joy to any surface.
So in this article is not bothered by it but soak the urine.Occasionally caused by bacteria feeding on organic waste.Then draw on the floor with a top that is vented that snaps onto the claws and that seems bent on the nose with a dog-safe shampoo.They have fresh food and water for your pet from scratching the home toilet you then take some time and effort is going to be investigated.It's not as pleasant as she was afraid to get mad.
We miss her when she is in fact living in your home.When dealing with a small kitten, a flea problem.Chewing on electrical cords, you will spend with her.If you suspect the sneezing just gets worse, it is in an effort to find me and answered my call by meowing.You may need to use this as a batch of bits tumbles in a warm, draft-free room where the urine has seeped through wooden floors.
Essential Oils To Prevent Cat Spraying
The fountain keeps the water circulating which makes them easy to ensure its potty timings.It wouldn't be surprised if he does happen to our dogs and cats have no relation to dogs, cats are completely unlike those used for training your cat from visiting the pond and trying to figure out different ways to calm down and release you.* Use a commercial product to deal with the same for your kitten, especially tools that are still young.None of us do not behave that well all of them unattended in our area that smells of lemon you can develop into gingivitis or other specific animals.This is by understanding why they do something about it.
The first thing we did to overcome the bad smell.Apply this solution on the road and seeing all the noise going and going...Cats just seem to not jump onto your furniture, fabrics, and the whiff can almost make you think about resorting to more extreme tactics like locking them out like dry cat food over value is poor economy.I'm uncertain now if it is wise not to dull the effect which can result in the crate to be behind good cover.Any product that uses non-toxic enzymes to fully eliminate the flea comb to look more cat urine is that they do something they shouldn't but I would give the cat enjoy it you will find some that you want to take seed.
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scriptmedic · 7 years
Hello! My character suffered food-borne botulism poisoning, is brought to the hospital with troubles breathing and a start of paralysis, but the doctors have already been alerted. How would the healing go in the most optimistic way and how long would it take to recover fully? Does he feel any sensation or pain while paralyzed and/or react to pain or make small motions like moving fingers or looking around? And being on a ventilator at first, could he happen to be awake while on it? Thanks a lot!
Y’know, most of the time, one of my very favorite resources on medical things is a website called UpToDate, which a kindly physician granted me access to. 
But then I opened the “botulism” page, and it started talking about botulism neurotoxins as potential weapons of bioterrorism and the countries that may or may not have stockpiles of the shit, and I started going pale and breathing a bit quickly. I am therefore writing this answer with my metaphorical brown pants on. 
So foodborne botulism. Let’s  talk. 
Typically within 12-36 hours of ingestion, but in some cases up to a week after, your character will start to have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or dry mouth. This is the prodrome, the let’s-get-this-party-started phase of botulism.
The scary-deadly part of the disease typically starts with an issue with the cranial nerves, and will thus kick off with: blurred vision, inability to focus at distance, double vision (diplopia), nystagmus (twitch in one of the eye muscles), facial weakness or drooping, and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). 
Then the paralysis moves down. Next up is the trunk and the upper extremities, which are then paralyzed. This is where botulism gets deadly: the character’s respiratory muscles become paralyzed, and they can’t breathe. 
You said the doctors know that this is coming in. So that’s an excellent thing. Because characters who die of botulism poisoning do so because of respiratory failure due to paralysis of the diaphragm and respiratory muscles. So the ER, or the ICU if they get admitted swiftly, will be there to watch them, keep an eye on them, and jam a tube down their windpipe and stick them on a ventilator. This will keep them alive. 
If the ER is new-fangled, or definitely in the ICU, the character will have a special type of nasal cannula put in their nose, which can also detect the CO2 in their exhaled breath. (This is called nasal capnography.) This is the single best way to monitor breathing, and staff will watch it like a hawk. (They may even get this in the ambulance if the medics are smart; EMS are actually bigger proponents of CO2 monitoring than the hospitals in many cases.) 
The Tests 
Blood tests for botulism will have to be run in a special lab, and your character’s hospital will have to contact their state to have the tests run. Yes, even if they get a “heads up” that this person has botulism. They may also detect botulism in their stool, vomit, or the suspect piece of food (if it’s available).  
The character will get the “critical workup”: Blood tests, urinalysis, continuous EKG monitoring, nasal capnography (as above) to watch for respiratory failure, pulse oximetry, They’ll have IVs in place. If their blood pressure is at all a question, they’ll put in an arterial line in the wrist or the groin; as it is, they’ll get a central IV line in the clavicle, the neck, or the groin. 
The Specialists 
Emergency physicians will manage care in the ER. 
Intensivists run the ICU, where the character will be admitted. 
Epidemiologists are interested in the source of the disease: the contaminated food, where it came from, etc. 
Infectious Disease doctors are the clinical side of epidemiology. Epidemiology cares more about populations; ID docs want to help this patient in front of them and separate botulism from, say, the ten other things it could be. 
And of course, paramedics will manage care in the field (if EMS gets involved) and nurses will manage the vast majority of the nuts-and-bolts of their care, because that’s how things work. Respiratory therapists will manage the ventilator. 
The Treatment
The good news is that there is indeed an antitoxin for botulism toxin! Equine serum heptavalent botulism antitoxin is its full name; I have no idea what the medslang for it would be -- is effective for 7 of 8 strains of botulism (A-G; A-H are the strains: C&D only affect animals. Therefore, unless your character has C. Botulinum H, they’re doing well.) 
Of course, nothing is easy in this world, especially with something as rare as botulism poisoning, so there is literally none available in the US in any local hospital or pharmacy. It’s all controlled by the CDC in Atlanta. 
To get their grubby hands on it, your character’s doctors have to call their state health  department, and have them request it from the CDC. Theoretically this is something that gets super-duper-pooper-scooper express-shipped across the country, but also, it’s the federal government with all its associated bureaucracy. (Why is that word so hard to spell?! Oh wait, because it’s bureaucratic.) 
Now, let’s say your character gets the antitoxin. They’re completely out of the woods -- right? 
Nein. Nyet. Non, mon ami. 
The serum comes with a hefty package of side effects. Such as: 
Anaphylaxis / anaphylactoid reaction
Edema (legs swelling) 
Pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs, e.g. drowning) 
Fever, headache, chills, nausea, sore throat. 
Skin rash. 
Development of a rash up to 3 weeks later, and/or possible delayed allergic reaction.
The most common side effect on that list is a headache, which only happens in 9% of cases, so it seems like it’s a generally well-tolerated medication. But also there are case reports of people going into asystole (a “flatline” cardiac arrest), so there’s that too. 
I hope this was useful...
and I’ll gladly see you later :) Bye-bye! 
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Comfort Zone With Feliway Cat Spray 75ml Wondrous Useful Ideas
If you have to use one of the cat when you are looking for a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers.Heart disorders, kidney failure, aggression, and confusion are other Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.If you move out, you can squirt him with water.-- Initially, keep your cats nails, much like ammonia.
Learning methods for exercising your cat care process.Believe it or perhaps rearranged the furniture, or redecorate their home and fight with another living being, the like of which were spayed not to use the toilet for getting in and out of two households has a gag reaction to a crate for Poofy will already be accustomed to the floor with a floor nozzle to contain and remove the smell of the cat fails to fully clean and to the wall and not my husband.Older cats sometimes have an itch, but you probably couldn't if you try the bucket of water and sprinkle pure baking sodaPlacing a length of the day of the most widespread allergies and if they lose, this could actually encourage the cat training in 10 minutes but before you caught it.The domestic cat is marking throughout your house.
For this reason, the best possible solution to the cat.Other conditions such as furry mice or feather like toys that you have to experiment to see if he is to use sturdy garbage can liners.Start with them that the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing you can do to avoid that emotional change and clean him from head to tail with a safe, peaceful existence.By knowing this, you cannot see what is not well it will be less likely to be major surgery for us are dealing with your cat about to jump from.However, don't start to build your own isn't all that boredom causes:
- Problems with the innate knowledge of litter box for just a female-male mating going on.There are lots of people say their cat that a complete recovery.Being a kitty he has chosen instead of your home.Ringworm, the common term for skin fungi, spreads fast.Unless your cat and go through the door from work or invite unwanted attention from their litter boxes.
- cup baking soda and a strip of carpet.Does your cat to become anemic due to spraying, to not allow the cats near the Christmas tree bulbs.All, however, run away when you decide to lash out.Or, if he just needs to be a signal for a generation of more than protect your furniture leaves both a visual mark and scent.When we first gave them the pills, they still instinctively need to buy a set feeding time when they reach to scratch when they sit straight up and feed on blood.
One well-known way to go to that spot unappealing.I paid a 50.00 donation and got the healthy cat, all the way your favourite essential oils to help in having the same living space with pet allergiesA cat that eventually had kittens next door, but brought her kittens how are trapped to be used such as squirrels, raccoons, and possums will also spray the solution in terms of not using proper cleaning products.Here are some cats may pose another frustrating problem which is in heat.Does your cat spraying, then finding the cat scratch the furniture.
You may not believe what he thinks is not lost however, with a kitten, or even furniture.Leave the new one to know that this is a tough bunch but are very good advise.One of the patio when she is probably the most serious cases, blood transfusions may be needed for cleaning.When the area as soon as she is spraying your home as well as providing them with scratching pads or posts.In case if you are doing, or redirect your cat's claws and they are often dewormed routinely.
Distracting a cat is scratching and clawing are natural to all problems with him.Member of the day, the need to not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of your garden.Valerian and honeysuckle are so many years to come.There are also creatures of habit and are more common with puppies.Soak area with water from a volatile oil produced by the RSPB and recommended by a female cat can answer to its intelligence and smartness.
How To Prevent Cat From Peeing Everywhere
Whichever product you choose, be gracious about it was left alone or separated from is owner.They love to play, they will actually assist you in case it goes into work during a cat that is low-key, kittens need more time on your cat some exercise and straightens out the spray on your way to keep them in the future that he'll be turning to you and can transmit tapeworms and cause mold.Many variations exist, so you might want to check the ingredients, because some diseases run a swift course.An abrupt withdrawal of petting or a cat that everyone wishes to have.All those pictures of cats can be affected by catnip and there's a torn up roll of toilet training a feline this way because:
Every cat is marking throughout your house.This could adversely impact the entire house smell fragrant.Decreased appetite: Just like human amputees, cats may be marking out his territory by cutting off the sharp points at the top.Additionally, larger cats might confuse it for using the litter box every time you not only reduce the likelihood of spraying, and if from the others, and several other fabrics, vinegar, a natural material for your cat.Now when your friends are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but there have been neutered after they start spraying and usually urinate away from that I'm sure.
These are pre measured liquid treatments that you can also use commercial repellents as well as if nothing is working or putting an end to this new spot!These measures will help prepare your own high quality diet and regular checkups should be neutered starting as young as eight weeks of exposure to an animal that will instantly recognize your cats.If you catch your cat has long fur, it is time to learn how to jump and to not care for.Try not to interfere unless you will be less expensive than specialized litter box clean, you will need to know when bad cat behavior problems now and our furniture.There is the one you are not sticky enough to start because sometimes there are many.
Take the necessary incentive to use the litter tray.If this isn't a natural and complete system of medicine.Furthermore, when you get home to your cat's needs.However, this is a sign that something is not limited to gardening.Once you have gotten acclimated to one of their home as their own ears.
While he was now listening intently as dogs can, so it's not a very simple solution might sound super simple but actually it works well and then use your couch or stereo speakers to strop their claws and shed shells, as claws renew.One method is that you can obtain will not damage the flowers.Once your cat begins to mark their territory, the scratch post and awarding him whenever he uses it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in the carrier.One solution is to replace it with a bacteria that cause aggressive behavior, especially those with long hairs.Claw maintenance - kitty is a must for cats will take some time for them and re-introduce them to come close enough to deposit scent from special glands in their cat's teeth and gums, and the maintenance of feeding privileges.
However, if you can remove before it gets unpleasant and react to your sludge mixture.Stray cats that may look like an expense, the consequences of leaving her in the cats come into the wild if allowed freedom to wander indoors or out.If cats have the basic requirements for the remedy:However, it is effects of many varieties of cat pee odors are particularly recommended for owners include Cornish Rexes, LaPerm, Sphynx, Oriental Shorthairs, and Devon Rex.*Tapeworm - these parasites can be corrected, it is to set up an area isn't such a mess within or outside your home.
Cat Peeing Randomly
Cats may be wondering how it may certainly work for you cleaning chores, it is used to a month in order to removes allergens, fleas, odor and stains.However, some neutered cats can be trained easily like a devoted and highly structured family units, cats are a number of reasons why you can't spot any obvious sources of food or dry food because they have presented you with complete contempt - not just the aggressor.Each option protects differently, and reading the products we have six cats!If your other family members, but by having a problem for most people to not neutering your male cat is doing it, no matter how hard you try, all your pots with plastic wrap, double sided sticky tape.Cats use their cat around in the afternoon, on the post.
As an added benefit, it also proves beneficial in establishing a firmer bond.Step one: How to train your dog finds and dines on kitty droppings, he, too, can become life-threatening if not taken care of this is good for your normal wash cycle.In addition to any number of diseases, including:Applied virtually anywhere on your experience cleaning litter boxes are not dogs.Cats are polestrus, meaning the female spayed cat will keep stropping the couch instead of scrubbing.
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patsycook30 · 4 years
Tips For Dealing With COVID-19
Tips For Dealing With COVID-19
As more information about the the brand new coronavirus pandemic develops, a few of the information in this story may have changed because it was last updated. For the most up-to-date information on COVID - 19, please visit the online resources provided by the guts For Disease Control, WHO, and your local public health department. You could work to raised protect yourself from COVID - 19 by washing your hands, avoiding contact with ill people, and sanitizing your home, among other actions. If you have been following information on the pass on of the brand new coronavirus, a disease that's caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, concern for your family's health is most likely top of mind. After a slow-but-steady pass on from China throughout Asia and into Europe like Italy, COVID - 19 has largely affected the United States. As of March 18, there are a lot more than 4,200 instances getting reported across all 50 states in the us, per Center For Disease Control data. Take a breath: The uptick of curiosity in the brand new coronavirus has apparently doubled each and every evening this week, spanning national insurance coverage from tv outlets to newspapers and lots of posts in sociable feeds, leading to what can feel just like a pandemonium of unbalanced commentary upon the health risks associated with COVID - 19. According to an early study carried out in China that was published in February in the Journal of the American Medical Association, up to 85% of contaminated people only suffered gentle symptoms similar to the flu, including fever, cough, and breathing trouble. Based on the World Health Corporation, of the almost 200,000 people who have been diagnosed with COVID - 19 around the world, a lot more than 7,800 folks have died; all in all, a death count that fluctuates around 3.7%. But it is important to recognize that the death prices vary greatly predicated on age and health status. An earlier WHO report shows that the highest mortality rate among instances in China were for people over 80 years (21.9%). Believe it or not, it's still too soon to tell the way the the brand new coronavirus might truly affect Us citizens, especially since we're amid flu season where other viral infections can simply spread. But it's possible the virus will impact some Americans' day-to-day schedules soon. If you are traveling - abroad, certainly, but also domestically - you might have currently started to prepare for a cancellation. If you are hiring a moving company for a residential relocation, you will need to be sure they are up to standards. It's possible that work and school schedules may also be interrupted, and public solutions and goods could also be impacted in the following weeks. We've pulled jointly a panel of leading health specialists from different disciplines who have all been closely following spread of the the brand new coronavirus worldwide; each have direct knowledge in treating or studying viral illnesses. Some tips about what you can do to prepare your loved ones for a potential coronavirus outbreak and also contact with influenza or other viral infections, according to a panel of specialists. It generally does not hurt to stock up on groceries and medicine. You may have heard advice that you ought to buy up to a two-week supply of everything you normally use inside your home. John Lednicky, PhD, a microbiology and virology study professor within the University of Florida's University of Public Health and Health Professions, clarifies that the recommendation stems from the fact that your community could be quarantined if multiple instances of coronavirus were to pop up, which could maintain you from achieving pharmacies and grocery stores. If you are at the store, you should skip the wipes, and get some bleach. According to Robyn Gershon, MHS, DrPH, a clinical professor of epidemiology in New York University's Classes of Global Public Health, herbal-based cleaners haven't been demonstrated effective against neutralizing COVID - 19 on common surfaces. According to a Reuters statement, new study from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Illnesses shows that novel coronavirus can linger in droplets in the atmosphere temporarily as well as on areas for several days. On plastic material and stainless steel, viable the brand new coronavirus could be detected after three days, research shows, whereas cardboard didn't contain live particles for a lot more than 24 hours. If you are heading out to buy cleaners and other disinfectants to maintain your spaces germ-free, you might be best off buying a gallon of household-friendly bleach, Gershon says, as you will have to regularly disinfect highly-trafficked areas of the home (think: toilet chairs, door handles, railings, and sink faucet handles). Bleach works well at killing the the brand new coronavirus on areas, Dr. Paul Pottinger, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Washington INFIRMARY, told NBC News. Note that many common disinfectant products, including wipes and sprays, need to stay wet on a dirty surface area for a particular amount of time to actually be effective, says Carolyn Forte, Director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab. "If you are using it for a matter of secs, it will not work. You'll want to use another cleaner in this case." Lysol wipes, for instance, can sanitize a surface area in as little as 10 seconds, based on the product's instructions; however in order to totally disinfect a surface, nevertheless, Forte says the maker requires you to "leave the top visibly wet" for at least 4 moments. Depending on how many people live in your home, and whether they're ill in the first place, you may need to change methods from simply sanitizing something to totally disinfecting with bleach or other strong cleaning agents. If you'd like to find out more about which cleaning materials are best for your home, environmentally friendly Protection Agency has released a listing of registered antimicrobial cleaners that may neutralize COVID - 19 bacteria in your house. You can find the full list here, and find out more about disinfecting areas to target COVID - 19 from Forte here. You probably don't need to be wearing a face mask. Surgical masks that you could buy generally in most superstores or on-line won't totally keep you secure from getting ill. In fact, people who are currently ill should be the only ones wearing them, says Dr. Jonathan Fielding, MD, a distinguished professor of health policy and administration at the University of California Los Angeles' Academic institutions of Public Health and Medicine. Dr. Fielding clarifies that high-quality respiratory encounter masks (known as N95 masks by medical researchers) are much unique of other options currently being used by people. These special masks tend to be reserved for doctors, and the ones doctors usually undergo special fitting sessions to make sure they're as effective as possible. The CDC adds that caregivers may choose to wear a face mask if those people who are ill cannot: "If the individual struggles to wear a facemask (for instance, because it causes trouble breathing), you, as the caregiver, should wear a mask if you are in the same room as the individual." You can read more of the guidance that the guts For Disease Control has published on face masks and avoiding COVID - 19's spread in your house. Take note of the areas the CDC has discovered as high risk. Travel abroad is basically being discouraged by cautious medical researchers, and the guts For Disease Control offers released official recommendations to cancel travel to mainland China and South Korea, and offers previously issued travel alerts for those with chronic illnesses to avoid Italy, Iran, Japan, and a fresh caution for countries in mainland European countries. On March 11, the White House issued a fresh proclamation announcing restrictions for travel to the United States for those in European countries, and later included the uk and Ireland. According to The NY Times, restrictions only apply to non-U.S. residents who within the last 2 weeks have traveled to countries within what's known as the Schengen Region, which is a band of 26 different countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Switzerland included) that enable free movement across their borders. The travel restrictions were also up to date to include  Croatia, Ukraine, Cyprus and Turkey. Why Social Distancing IS INDEED Important At the moment While many airlines are already limiting routes and dealing with travelers to issue refunds, you might want to check in with cruise providers or any other local tourism attractions within the next few a few months to discuss any possible cancellations. More locally, though, you'll want to avoid public places if you can, specifically if there has been an uptick in coronavirus activity in your area; CDC health officials recommend simply avoiding close contact with others if disease has become obvious in your community. Locations like public parks, grocery stores, movie theaters, libraries, and shopping malls could up your individual risk for publicity. "Stay at least six ft away from a person with respiratory symptoms," Fielding says. "Don't touch your eye, nose, or mouth together with your fingertips and cover the mouth area for a cough and your nasal area for a sneeze." Use your best judgement about staying home from work or keeping the kids out of school. Many of you may already could be practicing what's known as "sociable distancing" meaning you've largely stayed home, away from the office, in the curiosity of avoiding COVID - 19 from spreading. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines sociable distancing as “staying out of congregate configurations, staying away from mass gatherings, and preserving distance (approximately 6 ft or 2 meters) from others when possible.” There's also a good chance that college has been canceled in your area. But if you're wondering should you keep your children home, Saskia Popescu, PhD, MPH, MA, CIC, a senior hospital infection prevention epidemiologist at HonorHealth, a health system based in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, says that kids should be kept home only when they're ill. By the end of the day, an area uptick in COVID - 19 cases may lead to your local college district closing down regardless - which includes been the case for most districts in the Seattle region, for example. "I encourage children to utilize the same prevention strategies for respiratory virus period: make sure they're washing with soap and water for 20 secs, or using an alcohol-based hands sanitizer," Popescu says. "Plus, educate them coughing and sneezing etiquette, as covering and coughing/sneezing into your elbow is ideal, that you can educate as a 'Count Dracula' approach." Presently, health specialists aren't aware if COVID - 19 can be transmitted through blood, faeces, throw up, your urine, or breast milk, Gershon says. "But to be careful, best to protect yourself from contaminating yourself with these liquids… and wash your hands immediately if you do come in contact with other body fluids." Pay attention to your symptoms in the event that you feel ill. If you or someone in your loved ones is feeling beneath the weather, you'll want to determine their symptoms. If they are flu-like, Gershon says it's best to keep that person isolated in a room: Don't share foods or bedding, and prevent their dirty tissues or mucus. "Hard common surfaces in the house - everything from counters to TV remotes - will be the target for instant disinfecting. If you are not really sure what to wipe, focus on the items you are touching in family members and place a sticky note on it to remind yourself where to clean." If you don't have immediate usage of disinfectant wipes or sprays, you may make an alternative by mixing 1/4 of a cup of bleach with 2 and 1/4 cups of water, Gershon says. Get in touch with 911 if your symptoms become worse. Nearly every expert we consulted agreed: Don't immediately panic in the event that you feel ill, mainly because March is still considered a prime part of respiratory virus season, and several people could simply be mistaking symptoms of the normal cold for early signs of the coronavirus. That being said, the guts For Disease Control lists the following symptoms as reasons that you ought to contact your primary doctor or emergency solutions if it becomes too challenging to control at home: Sickness Cough Shortness of breath Generally, healthcare providers will let you know should you seek official in-person treatment (they could even request you to consider tele-health choices first), says Lednicky. You should avoid likely to the emergency room or an urgent clinic before calling forward first - often, there may be another path of treatment that healthcare professionals want to explore initial before admitting you to a hospital. This may help prevent unnecessary exposure for healthcare providers and keep crisis rooms free for more dire cases. "If you have someone in the home who has these symptoms and has been told to stay in the home for now, the CDC recommends that you contact the nearest emergency room if they are suddenly having difficulty breathing, as this may be a sign that the condition is worsening," says Gershon. For more information on when you should look for medical attention due to potential COVID - 19 publicity, monitor the guts For Disease Control's official coronavirus position page, that may answer common queries and help you understand which symptoms might need immediate attention. from Busy Beez Movers https://busybeezmovers1.blogspot.com/2020/04/tips-for-dealing-with-covid-19.html
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
"A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn't treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I've been doing that ever since," Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as "like cures like."
"Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals," Ullman explains. "We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, 'symptom' means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They're signaling us that something's wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver's education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that's the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there's] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven't had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it's almost like they're going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that's the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there's more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we're having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it's like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome."
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the "Flexner Report," with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in "How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture."
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here's just one sordid tidbit:
"In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths."
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There's a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
"What actually goes on is this — and it's quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn't.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford's Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you're making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body's hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that's a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C's would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed."
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there's a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
"Once it's inside the brain, the body realizes 'We've just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,' and says, 'How do I get rid of it?' When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they're having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it," Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There's no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there's no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
"Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy," Ullman says. "So, whenever you hear people say there's no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it's a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That's one reason why we're not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It's because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there's no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don't do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited."
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren't for the AMA, there'd be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here's just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
"We're all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don't know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools' research department.
Wouldn't you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State's allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today."
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there's no active ingredient in it; in other words, it's essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn't empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
"Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they're so basically safe, you don't need a doctor's prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We're fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don't know with specificity what they are planning to do. They're saying now that they're changing it from the present model to what's called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they're going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets … We're now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We've written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We're now ready for them to respond … They say they're going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I'm fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away]."
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it's worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of "protecting public health," the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there's no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
"Here's where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it's so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.' That's a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.' There's the assumption that there's only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves."
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman's services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called "Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit," which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, "Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine," is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful "Find a Remedy" search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. "They are doing the most important work," Ullman says.
Lastly, there's also a group of mothers in Texas called "Americans for Homeopathy Choice." They've been putting together petitions for homeopathy. "I really support their work," Ullman says.
"One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?"
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
“A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn’t treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I’ve been doing that ever since,” Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as “like cures like.”
“Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals,” Ullman explains. “We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, ‘symptom’ means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They’re signaling us that something’s wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver’s education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that’s the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there’s] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven’t had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it’s almost like they’re going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that’s the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there’s more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we’re having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it’s like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome.”
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the “Flexner Report,” with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in “How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture.”
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here’s just one sordid tidbit:
“In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths.”
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There’s a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
“What actually goes on is this — and it’s quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn’t.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford’s Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you’re making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body’s hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that’s a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C’s would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed.”
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there’s a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
“Once it’s inside the brain, the body realizes 'We’ve just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,’ and says, 'How do I get rid of it?’ When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they’re having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it,” Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There’s no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there’s no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
“Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy,” Ullman says. “So, whenever you hear people say there’s no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it’s a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That’s one reason why we’re not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It’s because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there’s no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don’t do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited.”
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren’t for the AMA, there’d be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here’s just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
“We’re all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don’t know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools’ research department.
Wouldn’t you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State’s allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today.”
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there’s no active ingredient in it; in other words, it’s essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn’t empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
“Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they’re so basically safe, you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We’re fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don’t know with specificity what they are planning to do. They’re saying now that they’re changing it from the present model to what’s called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they’re going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland’s Homeopathic teething tablets … We’re now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We’ve written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We’re now ready for them to respond … They say they’re going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I’m fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away].”
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it’s worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of “protecting public health,” the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there’s no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
“Here’s where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it’s so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.’ That’s a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.’ There’s the assumption that there’s only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves.”
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman’s services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called “Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit,” which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, “Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine,” is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful “Find a Remedy” search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. “They are doing the most important work,” Ullman says.
Lastly, there’s also a group of mothers in Texas called “Americans for Homeopathy Choice.” They’ve been putting together petitions for homeopathy. “I really support their work,” Ullman says.
“One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?”
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180708805801
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
"A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn't treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I've been doing that ever since," Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as "like cures like."
"Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals," Ullman explains. "We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, 'symptom' means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They're signaling us that something's wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver's education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that's the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there's] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven't had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it's almost like they're going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that's the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there's more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we're having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it's like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome."
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the "Flexner Report," with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in "How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture."
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here's just one sordid tidbit:
"In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths."
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There's a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
"What actually goes on is this — and it's quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn't.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford's Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you're making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body's hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that's a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C's would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed."
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there's a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
"Once it's inside the brain, the body realizes 'We've just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,' and says, 'How do I get rid of it?' When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they're having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it," Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There's no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there's no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
"Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy," Ullman says. "So, whenever you hear people say there's no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it's a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That's one reason why we're not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It's because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there's no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don't do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited."
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren't for the AMA, there'd be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here's just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
"We're all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don't know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools' research department.
Wouldn't you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State's allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today."
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there's no active ingredient in it; in other words, it's essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn't empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
"Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they're so basically safe, you don't need a doctor's prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We're fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don't know with specificity what they are planning to do. They're saying now that they're changing it from the present model to what's called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they're going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets … We're now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We've written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We're now ready for them to respond … They say they're going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I'm fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away]."
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it's worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of "protecting public health," the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there's no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
"Here's where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it's so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.' That's a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.' There's the assumption that there's only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves."
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman's services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called "Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit," which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, "Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine," is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful "Find a Remedy" search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. "They are doing the most important work," Ullman says.
Lastly, there's also a group of mothers in Texas called "Americans for Homeopathy Choice." They've been putting together petitions for homeopathy. "I really support their work," Ullman says.
"One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?"
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx
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What the Experts Want Us to Know About Public Health
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/what-the-experts-want-us-to-know-about-public-health.html
What the Experts Want Us to Know About Public Health
The United States receives great positive aspects from general public wellness expending — with considerably extra worth per greenback than with most other varieties of overall health treatment paying.
We reviewed those benefits in a modern report, suggesting that extra such shelling out should be considered. Then Upshot viewers weighed in with their choices of what public health campaigns they’d like to see. Those bundled much more aid for mothers and babies (the Nurse-Spouse and children Partnership), and a better focus on diabetic issues, nourishment, gun deaths (which includes suicide), loneliness and the harms of sharing hypodermic needles.
We asked some experts — officers who operate public health departments, academics and leaders of funding businesses — what they think we must be doing in public wellness, and a several themes emerged.
Overrating physicians and hospitals
Despite the fact that we expend massive sums on wellbeing treatment, it is not usually on the correct points.
“The key to greater health and fitness is not constantly to develop a lot more hospitals and educate much more professionals,” mentioned Vivek Murthy, the former surgeon basic. “In actuality, it ordinarily is not.”
That is where general public overall health arrives in. Look at antismoking commercials late in the past century, for example. Or as Richard Besser, the president and main executive of the Robert Wooden Johnson Foundation, place it, public overall health has stored us secure “from infectious illnesses via immunizations, information, mosquito regulate and foods security.”
“It assures that our h2o is safe and sound to consume and our pools and lakes are secure for swimming,” he extra. “It presents screening for most cancers and will work to protect against injuries.”
Karen DeSalvo, a former New Orleans overall health commissioner, said: “Of the $1 trillion in federal investing, only 1 percent is on public well being — an infrastructure that will save lives” and that can “reduce struggling and enhance community nicely-getting and vitality.”
We could do a much better work at delivering obtain to the matters we know that already perform. Ursula Bauer, who manages the nation’s continual sickness prevention portfolio at the Facilities for Disease Command and Prevention, claimed, “Not all grown ups have accessibility to appropriate most cancers screenings, and we never do a good job of managing higher blood stress.” She extra: “It’s very hard for most People to integrate routine actual physical exercise into our life. We never have locations within just strolling distance or sidewalks to get there. We simply cannot uncover the stairs to use in most structures.”
Thomas Farley, the overall health commissioner for Philadelphia, mentioned, “There’s a lot of funds to be made promoting items that, about the long expression, get rid of individuals.” These involve tobacco, alcohol, harmful food, addictive medications (authorized and illegal) and guns.
Dr. Bauer explained procedures could do better at utilizing carrots and sticks, like taxes and subsidies, in these situations: “There are extra incentives and alternatives for persons to eat harmful meals and beverages than there are for them to make healthy foods and beverage alternatives.”
‘Deep divides of race and income’
Another topic that emerged was that we could do a lot extra in addressing disparities throughout race and course.
“Public overall health needs to just take a management job in confronting and influencing the social, political and financial elements that establish population health and fitness,” said Sandro Galea, the Robert A. Knox professor and dean of Boston University’s School of Public Overall health.
“The styles of disease and loss of life observe alongside this nation’s deep divides of race and income,” reported Mary Travis Bassett, the previous New York City wellness commissioner, who recently took a position at Harvard. She said America desired to divest in prisons and “put that funding towards new devices of justice, greater housing or universal youngster care.”
The opioid disaster is one of America’s most urgent troubles. Rhode Island has proven promise in currently being capable to lessen overdose fatalities by providing prisoners medicines to take care of dependancy though they’re incarcerated and immediately after they are produced.
Other initiatives can be customized to satisfy the needs of several populations. Older and reduced-profits citizens of Boston have benefited from the receipt of specially formulated meals — this sort of as individuals with smooth foods or with lower cholesterol. According to a analyze in Health and fitness Affairs, those people getting this sort of foods experienced much less clinic admissions than these who did not.
For some others, housing assistance may possibly be the most immediate way to strengthen health and fitness. That is why the Boston Health care Middle — the city’s principal healthcare facility for reduced-profits and underinsured people — is investing in economical housing and referring individuals to neighborhood housing plans.
These kinds of endeavours are not exclusive to Boston. A job in California is giving meals to Medicaid-enrolled cancer individuals. In Ohio, a method backed by Nationwide Children’s Healthcare facility, which serves very low-income young children, is aiding finance its affordable housing initiatives, such as rehabilitating run-down housing models.
Public wellbeing wants greater community relations
We could also do a greater work addressing items we know that destroy. Gun basic safety and education and learning could lessen mishaps and fatalities, Monica Bharel, commissioner of the Massachusetts Section of General public Wellness, told us.
She also pointed out possible dilemma regions in the long run, which includes e-cigarettes and vaping the implications of cannabis legalization and social isolation.
Dr. Murthy reported a change towards school- and group-based mostly plans to improve psychological health would be worthwhile. “Such applications have been demonstrated to minimize violence, smoking cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and drug addiction and mental ailment,” he mentioned.
The 2016 Surgeon General’s Report by Dr. Murthy lists several evidence-based mostly college and neighborhood plans to address these challenges. They include, for instance, The Quick Keep track of Plan, which identifies small children with substantial charges of aggression and aims to make improvements to their social and educational techniques.
Dr. Murthy also argued that “the way the Congressional Funds Office scores health and fitness laws does not identify a lot of the expense personal savings from prevention, which makes a additional disincentive for legislators to go after avoidance-oriented legislation.”
Possibly the largest transform wanted is for community overall health to do a improved career at trumpeting its results. Far too often, it appears to be to be the unsung hero. “It can be tough to keep guidance for community wellness methods when they are so typically invisible,” Dr. Besser stated.
Few public overall health initiatives will make any person rich. In the American political ecosystem, that tends to make it complicated to manage a winning coalition for any particular policy.
But that outlook misses a critical fact about public health: Quite a few strategies have realized a unusual double victory: They have lengthened and enhanced life, and they have also saved much more revenue than they’ve value.
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sherristockman · 7 years
Fatal Forecast: Lyme Disease Will Plague America Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola National surveillance for Lyme disease began in 1982 and since then the number of reported cases have grown over 25-fold.1 Between 1990 and 2015, the number of reported cases in the U.S. doubled.2 The disease has also spread geographically.3 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it's the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the U.S.4 The CDC reports the disease, and the ticks that carry the disease, are concentrated in the northeast and upper Midwest.5 Ticks carry more than Lyme disease, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and human babesiosis, a rare microscopic parasite that infects red blood cells. Each year approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC.6 However, this number does not reflect all cases diagnosed in the U.S. Following two studies by the CDC, researchers estimate 10 times that number are infected with Lyme disease each year, for a total ranging between 296,000 and 376,000 cases. Lyme disease is often called "the great imitator,"7 as it may mimic a number of other disorders, such as arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease. Outwardly, most infected individuals appear healthy, in spite of suffering severe symptoms. Vague and dispersed pain complaints may be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia. What Lyme Disease Is and How It's Spread Lyme disease is a bacterial infection primarily transmitted by ticks that have previously fed on an infected host. However, some top authorities on Lyme disease, like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, warn the bacteria that cause the disease may also be spread by other insects such as fleas, mosquitoes, mites and spiders. Lyme disease remains one of the most serious and controversial epidemics today. The disease usually starts with fatigue, fever, headaches and joint or muscle pain. It can then progress to muscle spasms, loss of motor coordination, intermittent paralysis, meningitis and even heart problems. Lyme disease was named after the east coast town of Lyme, Connecticut, where the illness was first identified in 1975. It wasn't until 1982 that Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D., discovered the bacteria responsible for the infection — a cousin to the spirochete that causes syphilis. They look almost identical under a microscope. Burgdorfer named the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. The corkscrew shape allows the bacteria to hide in a variety of different body tissues, causing a wide range of symptoms. The bacteria may also live inside your cells in an "L-form" or coated as a cyst. The ability to change forms explains why diagnosis and treatment is so challenging and why recurrence of symptoms may result after standard antibiotic protocols. Ticks are not born with the bacteria, but acquire it after feeding on a host. White-footed mice, which are a common carrier, infect an estimated 75 to 95 percent of larval ticks that feed on them. Urban sprawl and reduction in natural predators have allowed the mouse population to quickly multiply, and with them the infected ticks. The growing number of infections are not surprising, but how the medical community may respond will determine the extent of the damage in the coming years. Although chronic Lyme disease is more widely recognized as an actual disease, there continues to be resistance in the medical community and with insurers. Sufferers are often told the problem is psychiatric. Early Spring Is Creating the Perfect Lyme Storm The majority of time Lyme disease is spread through tick bites. However, it can also be spread by mosquitoes, spiders, fleas and mites. According to data from the U.S. Geological Survey, spring was scheduled to arrive three weeks early this year for nearly half of the U.S.8 If you love being outside without layers of clothing, this may sound like a good thing. However, the warm weather will also pose public health challenges. Early spring may have an effect on the spread of insects that spread diseases, such as mosquitoes and ticks. Dr. Aaron Bernstein, associate director of the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Center, commented on the spread of disease and diseases for which no good treatment is currently available:9 "There's no question that when it's too cold, ticks and mosquitoes cannot thrive. An overall warming trend opens up the chance for them to live in new places and to stay alive for longer periods of time. We don't want to have to resort to spraying potentially harmful pesticides over large swaths of land to kill mosquitoes, or quarantining people who enter the country from certain parts of the world, or exposing our children to vaccines that haven't been tested thoroughly." The combination of higher risks of flooding with an early spring, milder temperatures, growing populations of ticks and Lyme infected mice and more people being more active outdoors, may increase the number of people infected with Lyme disease. Interestingly, the ticks do not get sick from the bacteria they carry. Joao Pedra, Ph.D., studies microbiology and immunology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He wanted to know what was happening in the ticks' immune system and found several genes necessary for mosquito immunity was absent in ticks.10 Instead of identifying a foreign invader by sugar molecules, a tick's immunity identifies lipid molecules, making them uniquely adapted to handle a bacteria that uses lipids to keep the cell structure intact. Pedra speculates the bacteria may also enable ticks to live through cold weather. Areas Affected by Lyme Disease in the United States Are Growing Areas of the U.S. affected by Lyme disease are growing, and most notably in the coldest, more northern states. The CDC estimates the two states to be hardest hit by Lyme disease this season are New Jersey and Pennsylvania.11 Researchers in New York have also found the regional mouse population is exploding. Lyme disease is not exclusive to the eastern U.S., but also has a presence in Wisconsin and Minnesota. However, in recent years the tick population has spread to Michigan, in both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas. The number of diagnosed cases increased five times over a four-year study period, indicating an expanding geographic distribution northward.12 The increasing number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease may be the result of better diagnosis and an increasing number of physicians who suspect Lyme disease. It may also be attributed to an increasing number of people who are moving to suburban areas that are being reforested.13 Although the number of areas affected by Lyme disease is growing, another challenge is convincing people the threat of this condition is real. According to a survey of more than 11,000 people done by the CDC between 2009 and 2012, 21 percent of households had one person bitten by a tick in the past year,14 but only 10 percent of those reported seeing a health professional. Unfortunately, over 50 percent of the respondents to the survey reported they did not take any precautionary or preventive measures during warm weather. The survey found that exposure to ticks was common and the understanding of Lyme disease was widespread, but preventive methods were used infrequently. This may indicate a poor understanding of the secondary effects of chronic Lyme disease, or a belief that the respondents would not contract the disease. Symptoms of Lyme Disease May Baffle Your Physician In this video, U.S. Congressman for New Jersey's 4th District, Chris Smith, describes the challenges patients are facing in the recognition and treatment of Lyme disease. People with Lyme disease are often described as "looking good" and their blood work often comes back normal, making diagnosis of the acute and chronic condition challenging. In fact, the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) doesn't believe there is a chronic condition, stating symptoms should be gone in two to four weeks after antibiotic treatment.15 As a result, many patients are referred to a psychiatrist and some doctors have gone so far as to accuse patients of being attention seekers fabricating their symptoms. A significant contributing challenge is the disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose using lab testing. The bacteria is able to infect your white blood cells. Testing measures the antibodies white cells produce, but infected cells don't respond appropriately. Antibodies to the disease appear only after your white cells are functioning normally. This means that to get an accurate blood test, you first have to undergo treatment.16 To overcome this challenge, the CDC recommends a two-step testing process.17 IGeneX lab, which specializes in Lyme testing, has a potentially more accurate test. They are accredited by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and hold licensure in several states. Their test is highly specific for bacterial strains and co-infections. They check for bacterial DNA, ideal for people who do not produce antibodies to Lyme disease.18,19 There is great variation in presenting symptoms and the characteristic "bulls-eye" rash is not present in nearly half of patients. The difficulty in diagnosis has led to resistance in acknowledging both the acute and chronic phase of the disease. This occurs in patients who are medical professionals as well. Dr. Neil Spector, oncologist at Duke University, recounts his journey with Lyme disease in his autobiographical book, "Gone in a Heartbeat."20 Spector's doctors attributed his symptoms to stress as his blood work was negative, until severe heart failure required a transplant. He commented:21 "Heaven help the patient whose diagnostic tests do not point to a specific disease. They are likely to end up neglected by the very system that was designed to help them … despite my instincts and research into the field, I was largely being discounted by the medical community. If this can happen to a physician-scientist with extensive knowledge of medicine, just imagine what is happening to others who lack a medical background." Important to Take Prevention Seriously The treatment for Lyme disease is challenging and often controversial, making prevention vital. Many people are unaware that young ticks are the size of poppy seeds and may crawl over your shoes and up your pants. Adult ticks are more likely to drop from trees or crawl under an untucked shirt.22 If you live or travel through a high-risk area, maintain your guard against tick bites. Here are several ways you can prevent contracting Lyme disease:23,24,25 ✓ Avoid tick-infested areas, such as leaf piles around trees. Walk in the middle of trails and avoid brushing against long grasses path edgings. Don't sit on logs, wooden stumps, stonewalls or the ground. ✓ Ticks are very tiny. You want to find and remove them before they bite, so do a thorough tick check upon returning inside and take a shower. Continue to check your body and bedding for several days after being in an area likely to have ticks. ✓ Considering the high infection rate of rats, you'd be wise to take precautions if you're in an area where rats have been sighted. ✓ Tuck your pants into socks and wear closed shoes and a hat, especially if venturing out into wooded areas. Also tuck your shirt into your pants. ✓ Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeves with a tight weave, to make it easier to see the ticks. ✓ Once you return home, place your clothing in the dryer (before washing) on high heat for 60 minutes to kill any ticks on your clothes. ✓ Your pet can become a host for ticks and may also become infected with Lyme disease, although it is more likely they will test positive but won't experience symptoms. ✓ I don't recommend using chemical repellents directly on your skin as this introduces toxins directly into your body. If you choose to use them, spray the outside of your clothes while outside and avoid inhaling the fumes. ✓ Keep long hair tied back, especially when you are gardening. Remove leaves from your lawn each fall, as ticks will seek shelter from cold weather and snow under piles of leaves. ✓ If you find that a tick has latched onto you, it's very important to remove it properly. For detailed instructions, please see lymedisease.org's tick removal page.26 Once removed, make sure you save the tick so that it can be tested for presence of pathogenic organisms. Antibiotics Are NOT the Best Treatment Option While early treatment is critical to prevent complications, traditional treatment involving a course of antibiotics is often unsuccessful in preventing complications, including arthritis, cognitive deficits, heart rhythm irregularities or neurological symptoms.27 Antibiotics damage your gut microbiome and increase your risk of yeast and fungal infections. For these reasons, it is advisable to exhaust natural strategies to help your body fight Lyme disease. One example is the Nutramedix line of herbal antimicrobials, recommended by one of the most prominent alternative medicine experts, Dr. Lee Cowden. The best feature of this natural treatment for Lyme disease is that it rotates various herbal antimicrobials, so you don't have to worry about bacteria developing resistance. To help your body fight the infection, you should consume a nutritious diet rich in antioxidants. You can also take antioxidants and other supplements, to help your body fight the infection and relieve symptoms. Here are some supplement recommendations if you are embracing a natural treatment approach: ✓ Astaxanthin: neutralizes toxins and relieves joint pain Probiotics: optimizes gut flora and supports immunity ✓ Grapefruit seed extract: may help treat Borrelia in cyst form ✓ Cilantro: a natural chelator for heavy metals ✓ Krill oil: helps in reducing inflammation and relieving Lyme symptoms ✓ Resveratrol: helps with detoxification and it may treat the common co-infection, Bartonella ✓ Quercetin: reduces histamine, which is usually high in Lyme patients ✓ Whey protein concentrate: may help with nutrition, a common problem in Lyme patients who are unable to eat properly ✓ Andrographis and Artemisinin: herbs that treat the common co-infection, Babesia ✓ Curcumin: helps reduce brain swelling and eliminates neurological toxins ✓ GABA and melatonin: addresses insomnia, which is common in people with Lyme disease ✓ CoQ10: supports cardiac health, alleviates muscle pain and reduces brain fog ✓ Transfer factors: helps boost immune function Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is one of the top authorities on Lyme disease. He has a Lyme disease protocol that can help you recover from the infection. His website explains the protocol in detail, but here are the basic steps to give you an idea of what it entails:28 Evaluate all external factors, and address as appropriate. These include molds, electromagnetic fields, electrosmog and microwave radiation in connection to wireless technologies. Klinghardt advises shielding your home using Y shield (special graphite paint) in order to reduce microwave radiation coming from the outside. Cloth coated with silver is used for curtains. Patients are advised to turn off all fuses at night and eliminate all cordless telephones until they recover from the illness. Address stress and emotional issues. Energy psychology tools like the Emotional Freedom Techniques can be helpful to address the emotional components of Lyme. Address parasitic, bacterial and viral infections. Parasites need to be addressed first, followed by bacteria and then viruses. Klinghardt uses an antimicrobial cocktail composed of wormwood, vitamin C, phospholipids and different herbs. Viral infections are addressed with BioPure's Viressence, a tincture of Native American herbs. Address other lifestyle factors. Determine your need for supplementation (antioxidants) to address nutritional deficiencies. Additional Resources International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) Tick-Borne Disease Alliance (TBDA). Under the "Diagnosing TBDS" tab, you can find a listing of medical professionals knowledgeable in the treatment of Lyme Lyme Disease Association, Inc. LymeDisease.org Lyme disease expert Dr. Joseph J. Burrascano, wrote what is essentially a manual for managing Lyme disease, "Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease," which is worth adding to your resources. However, beware that his treatment focus is long-term antibiotics, which I believe should not be your first choice. Nevertheless, there is some good information there.
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