#ac3 remastered
empireofstarsandsmoke · 4 months
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Assassin's Creed III: Remastered- Screenshots edited
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onewingedangels · 11 months
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jkarrow · 6 months
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i love this game
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ghoul-haunted · 11 months
alright, we replay the desmond era games from start to finish and also origins. I need to find a copy of the original ac3 release somewhere because FUCK the remaster, eat my goddamn shorts ubisoft you pieces of shit
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witchblade · 5 months
i keep having to stop for like ten Minutes at a time because I feel like I'm melting
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theepicalec · 10 months
New(?) upload! Assassin's Creed 3! We're trying out something new today and taking a look at a game from the past for Throwback Thursday!
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year
it was the name wasn't it. he resented edward so much for naming him haytham that he was like fuck you dad I'm becoming a templar
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pswynnavei · 2 years
i’ve been replaying assassin’s creed 2 and i really didn’t remember controlling ezio feeling this terrible last time i played, especially in the auditore crypts the camera just pans so bizarrely when you’re trying to parkour through the ruins. it’s clearly meant to show you where to go like when you’re bouncing off walls but for some reason it just makes me fall off 90% of the time because the game takes away my ability to manipulate the camera to actually control his trajectory the way i want to. it was actually frustrating to reset the timed puzzles from being trolled i just had to close the game
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calnexin · 1 year
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quick doodle for my son’s 267th birthday 🫶
booting up ac3 remastered to beat up haytham for u 😙
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Assassin’s Creed III: Remastered- Aboard the Aquila- Screenshots edited
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especiallyhaytham · 2 months
I feel like I'm going crazy right now, but didn't AC3 have a thing where there were secret Freemason tunnels under the colonies? They were introduced early in the main story so you knew they were there, smt like "Here's how you can escape from soldiers, follow the rats to get out, have fun." And then you had to find the different entrances and map out the system as you went through the game.
I SWEAR that was a thing, but I'm like 75% through the game right now (the original version, not the remaster) and they are NOWHERE. Was it part of a DLC or something? Someone tell me that was real.
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theconfusedartist · 1 year
y'know something that annoys me about assassins creed?
they always make it seem like desmond wasted his life away after he left the farm to become a bartender, that he wasn't fit to be an assassin until he was training in the animus, and that he didn't have any ambition (as said by William in the AC3 remastered opening)
but like. none of that is true. at all
I mean I was just looking at the wiki to see Desmonds accomplishments and bio and apparently it was Daniel Cross that brought him into Abstergo. which. kinda puts Desmond skills in perspective
Daniel Cross was considered the most successful Templar member and, before Desmond, had a really great track record with his missions. Save for the ones that involved PoEs
they had to send him in to get Desmond
also Desmond managed to stay hidden from the assassins AND templars for 9 going on 10 years, since he was kidnapped on like August 30 brought in for the animus September 1, and the only reason he got taken in was due to them getting his fingerprints from the DMV
like. That sounds stupid but think about it. If he was going to the DMV he had to have an entire false identity in order to use a license, bc you need proof of birth, SSN, and multiple legal documents
he just. had that made on the run. Like that actually takes skill or connections or both to be able to effectively be in the system without being found with fake legal papers
And he DID have ambition: he wanted to live normally. Yeah its not some big dream or anything but he managed to stay hidden from two secret shadowy organizations that is all over the world in order to make it happen. that's determination and he only got caught due to his fingerprints being matched
and he easily fights off the abstergo agents in the opening of the first game. I'm not saying that Desmond was near as good as Ezio or Altaïr or Connor at this point, but he can clearly defend himself very well. at the end of AC2 he has no qualms with killing, he just does so with the hidden blade.
look, all I'm saying is, at the very least Desmond had to he quite skilled even before he started using the animus
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sparrow-in-boots · 1 year
So here I am, gathering references for my Desmond study, as one does, and I reach AC3. I brace myself for impact because I have the original un-mastered version, and I find the remaster flattens the models too much and kinda, plastifies them?? which makes figuring out dimensions hard. So I gotta deal with, a lot of lighting and rendering bullshit instead. Fun all around.
I start the game and get to screenshooting, and I notice Desmond has some drastic pale palms going on. Like, oddly so. I shrug it off for now, but then I notice that Bill Miles also has them. And, Shaun? Some more gameplay in and we reach Haytham and, he has the same stark pale palms situation going on. Ngl, I'm baffled.
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Speaking of averages and my own observations, people with pale skin don't get that stark pale palms even when they tan. They get some faint distinction, but it's mostly from a tanning gradient, the undersides of your arms don't get as exposed to sunlight so less tan. Meanwhile people with naturally brown skin do have distinct pale palms that clashes even with their own tanning gradient.
Now, I know for a fact Haytham doesn't have enough melanin in him to have naturally brown skin, that's a white man. He might not burn in the sun but c'mon, this feels too stark. Not only that, but the skintone just, don't match? Their hands are too red undertoned while Haytham's and Desmond's faces are much less so.
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So I decide to do some digging. Now, I have no know-how on how to rip assets in games and god forbid, translate them to something like Blender. But I do know that machinimas were big back in the day, and that includes a lot of AC character models being used for gifs and videos and such, so I delve into DA for some model refs. And indeed, I find them, and...
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Yeah, that's not the same skintone. And after looking at some other screenshots online, even in game the skintone is very much not a match. So what's up with that?
It turns out that as far as I can tell, Ubi did about three skintones (pale, brown and dark) for each gender, by modifying a base skin texture's levels or smth, thus why the palms are so stark. They used the same skintone for the native npcs, Connor, Haytham, Bill, and Desmond. Likewise, Ziio and Prudence share the same skin texture. Which, royally sucks for reference taking, despite being a fairly common game dev trick to shrink asset production.
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Where am I going with this? Nowhere really, I'm simply annoyed. ACR very much whitewashed Desmond, but AC3 did um... something alright.
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dazzlerazz · 4 months
i'm curious which asscreed games you've played!
hehe asscreed
I've been playing a lot of the older ones because the new ones aren't on systems I own or I can't afford them, the nintendo switch has the ezio collection (ac2, Brotherhood, Revelations), ac3 remastered which also includes a small bit of Aveline's stuff which is Liberation, and then the rebel collection (Black flag, Rogue). I don't play ac3 and rogue because I don't like their mechanics or vibe but revelations was my SHIT as a kid I loved it so much, nowadays I love black flag ENDLESSLY because I've always been a fan of a fantasy pirate aesthetic (NOT IRL PIRATES) and I really really wanted to play it years ago but didn't have the means to, so I POUNCED when it dropped on the nintendo switch. It bundled with Rogue which I kinda just outright hate because of how different it is compared to black flag but it's not a bad game yk? Eventually I may pick it back up but I still love black flag with all of my heart
I don't think I've ever played an assassin's creed game past that, because by that time I was getting older and assassin's creed sorta faded from my memory until a few years ago when I replayed skyrim which lead me down the road to the urge to replay games I loved to play as a kid
Eventually I plan to play every asscreed game ever released when I have the money and consoles but for now it's only the ones available on my nintendo switch 😂
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You asked about Assassin's Creed, and in all honesty I haven't played many or finished a single one. I love history when it's presented to me properly and yeah the series isn't fully accurate but that's what caught my attention. So it bugs me when the game pulls me back to the present and reminds me what's going on. The overall story interests me but I also don't care for it if that makes sense.
I started playing 2 years ago but got to the part where it takes me back to the present where something was happening and I had to run off, but I lost interest after that. I was interested in Ezio, but nothing else. Haven't tried to play it since. There was something that bugged me about the gameplay too but I can't remember what exactly it was.
Valhalla grabbed my attention with the title because I've always had an interest in norse stuff. And I do enjoy it. But exploring England distracted me from the main story. There's so much other stuff to do that I happily ran off to do all of that instead. Then I got distracted by other games and haven't played in a bit. Would love to get back to it though, I have so much fun with it.
I also have Odyssey and Rogue remastered for the ps4 but I haven't started those yet.
My personal favourite is Rogue, so please please please please please play that one!
I mostly heard bad stuff about Valhalla, and haven't played any of the mainline games since Origins, because the choose your own adventure/rpg style was not what I wanted from an Assassin's Creed game. I have Origins, but I haven't even installed it yet, because I just kinda don't care to try it.
The gameplay is kinda janky, so I get if that put you off. I think AC4 Black Flag, AC Rogue, AC Unity, and AC Syndicate are some of the AC games with the best balance between side quests and main quests – the modern day story is also lesser in those, so you might enjoy those more than Ezio trilogy.
I like the modern day story myself, but I get that it's annoying to be pulled out of the story all the time – that's why I really don't like AC3, it always switched between history and modern day at the worst times.
Getting distracted by other games is so real though.
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Honestly you wanna know something? I have had more glitching issues with ac3 remastered than in the og game. There's a bunch of really simple issues I've had like the game not letting you move the camera for a second after exiting the map. Like what the fuck. I never had that issue in the original game. Also the graphics don't look that much better so like just pop your 360 disc into your xbone and call it a day.
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