#a fresh and modern take one the roshone affair !!
elhokar-kholin · 1 year
death. because apparently the fucking skull isnt copypastable. hell on earth
"Come on, pump on the gas or you'll miss it!" Roshone says from the passenger seat.
"I don't know, it's yellow, shouldn't I stop?" Elhokar asks from the drivers seat.
"Psh, you can make it." Roshone says.
"Yeah, you're right." Elhokar says, pumping on the gas.
The light turned red an instant after. Elhokar's car crashed into a run down truck, and everything suddenly became very loud and terrifying as the airbags went off in his fancy car and his tires squealed. Everything hurt, and as he managed to look out the window, he saw the truck he ran into was all but destroyed.
(3 days later)
"Vehicular manslaughter." Gavilar announced. "The elderly couple in that car died from the accident."
Elhokar's stomach sank. "They... died? I..." he became dizzy.
"Roshone was the one driving." Gavilar announced.
"What?" Elhokar demanded, still reeling. "No, I was driving! What are you talking about? Wait, you don't mean..?"
"It's his word against yours." Gavilar explained. "Roshone was driving, and he ran the light and killed that couple. He will be charged with vehicular manslaughter for his recklessness." As he said this, he glared his son in the eye.
Elhokar felt very small, and his head still spun from learning those people had died. "But... okay, fine. But I was in the passenger seat goading him on. He shouldn't go to jail, he should pay the fine instead. It will ruin him, but..."
"Fine. But he will not be associated with us from this point on." Gavilar said.
"I understand." Elhokar responded, swallowing.
(3 days later)
"Three hundred thousand dollar fine?!" Roshone exclaimed. "I'm going to have to move back to Detroit. This is awful."
(Several years later)
"Wow, the new mayor of Detroit is really awful." Kaladin said.
"Is he really bringing back the draft?" Tien asks.
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