#Zakhaev Twins
applbottmjeens · 5 months
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(HD Ver. On my Patreon)
Happy 2024! The twins are canonically in their early early 20s this year and I'm hoping to make more content about them and their hot sociopath uncle everyone forgets is a terrorist sometimes. tried to do a thing with the eye colors of the twins reflecting onto makarov's and where Nikita has more light on his face than the more nocturnal/secretive Nikolay bc idk 
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jokest3r · 4 months
What do you think about Mat and Kolya?
I feel like Matvey and Kolya would be close and it would make Kita feel threatened (bc hes so used to having his twin be close to him)
I feel like it'd also be sad considering how Kolya changes over time under Makarov's care, becoming essentially a murder machine :(
When Matvey was younger, he was an emotional one in the family, never hid much of anything and wasn't good under too much pressure. He would've grown up alongside the twins, only having a month or three difference in age(Matvey being the youngest in the trio.)
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Matvey never was trained with the twins, quite the opposite really, he was the sheltered child, more of a bystander and was made to live a "peaceful" civilian life away from the cause. He'd be there if his presence was mandatory but most of the time was kept at an arm's length in regards to the family business beyond words spoken to him, certain details lasting on him given his observant nature.
Kolya and Matvey at least on Matvey's end saw the other as an older brother, the person he should be and look up to, something he would also see in Kita but to a much lesser extent since sometimes Kita's antics grated on his nerves. Matvey would try to include Kita in whatever him and Kolya did even if most of the time the twin would refuse, Matvey not understanding how he seemed to threaten the tight-knit bond between Kolya and Kita.
After Matvey's self-proclaimed "failure" in his formative years, a "failure" that most now would call a blessing in disguise he would go to his cousins most of the time just to see if they'd implore him and teach him what they learned that day or ask them how things were going, all the while swinging his feet back and forth.
I do think Matvey and Kolya would stay close in their teens, even when Kolya started to become more and more entangled with Konni/the Ultranationalist Party, he would always be family, no matter what happens.
Matvey would still notice how his cousins have changed. How he doesn't recognize them anymore, something he's starting to find too common in his family. He would stop asking about what they've been doing or what his father was having them do, he was understanding the reality now. He just didn't want to acknowledge it and wonder how much blood they had on their hands.
Right before he runs away he'd seclude himself from them, slowly, a move that's pretty obvious, in hopes to prepare himself emotionally before he takes off. Similar to a cat hiding away before it passes. He doesn't tell either of them how he truly feels or how fucked up things have gotten not because he doesn't want to, but because he can't trust them anymore. And it makes him grieve. He does end up stealing a few of their keepsakes before he leaves, to look at whenever he's feeling particularly lonely.
Matvey doesn't think he can separate his cousins as enemies, or hurt either of them. As he still believes there is a chance at redemption. Despite being on opposite sides, he still cares for them deeply, something he would be called naive for. Any confrontation presently would likely be as angsty and soul-crushing like you'd expect it to be.
SOOO... I decided to draw the three as to what I think they would've looked like as young'uns(they should be 10-11 years old here.) Kita gets an emo haircut along with a sonic hoodie and Kolya gets a much more relaxed fit. They are so adorable honestly. (Context for the photo is that Matvey won his first junior gymnastics competition and the twins came to see him compete(Nikita will get in trouble if he doesn't hug for the photo.)
They are my babies now srry (ง •̀_•́)ง @applbottmjeens
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applbottmjeens · 2 months
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Notes for Improvement.
(With exclusive and free alternate photos on my Patreon.)
Makarov raised and broke these boys. Documented their transformations meticulously as he shaped his sister's son's into soldiers after her death. Losing Oksana broke them- but it would be enough to put them back together into something much, much better.
I've gotta make more twins content, but everytime I do I end up making angst instead!
Eventually gonna make some actual COD Aces stuff ft. them vs Tommy but who rlly knows!
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applbottmjeens · 13 days
do I wanna work on more Anna art or do I wanna draw Zakhaev Twins thirst traps for the People
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
Nikita Viktorovich Zakhaev
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AKA: Kita, Niki, The Right Eye, The "Charming One", The Leader, "The Cocky Brat", Gemini-1, "Just a kid" (Kate Laswell, MW3)
16-17 (Modern Warfare 2, 2022)
18 (Modern Warfare 3, 2023)
30s (Call of Duty: Aces AU)
Blood type: AB
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'11
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: Slavic (Russian, Partially Chechen)
Languages Spoken: English, Russian, Arabic
Religion: Russian Orthodox
Marital Status: Single
Faceclaim: Ernest Klimko + Yuri Pleskun + Other References
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Imran Zakhaev - Paternal grandfather (deceased)
Viktor Zakhaev - Father (deceased)
Yulia Zakhaeva - Step-Mother (unknown)
Oksana Makarova - Mother (unknown, presumed deceased)
Vladimir Makarov - Maternal Uncle, Mentor (unknown)
Nikolay "Kolya" Zakhaev - Brother (alive)
Nikolaj and Nikita Zakhaev were born through the extramarital affair of Viktor Zakhaev and Oksana Makarova, the older sister of Konni Group commander and ultranationalist leader Vladimir Makarov in 2005. Although their legitimacy was a point of contention through the family, Viktor's involvement with their childhood was somewhat minimal, leaving their uncle as their father figure and influence.
Oksana didn't want her children to follow in the family business, but hoped that they'd have a place in the new world order her younger brother aspired to create out of the ashes of the western world.
Both boys attended relatively good schools and lived their lives publicly under the "Makarov" surname, only dropping it when they were old enough to join the movement, and have their legitimacy acknowledged by their grandfather before his death in his will.
Both Kita and Kolya received informal training under their uncle and their family friend, Yuri. It was Kolya who was the more "naturally talented" and gifted of the two. Makarov encouraged Kolya to nurture his sadistic and ruthless tendencies, and had Nikita keep his more fragile brother's mind from breaking.
When working together, they are a threat almost equivalent to Makarov himself, perfect extensions of his power in the form of two young lieutenants. Should anything happen to him, they will carry on what he started.
Kita was a troublemaker and heartbreaker in his youth, popular amongst his peers and always involving his more introverted and sensitive twin. He was a massive momma's boy and will lash out at anyone speaking ill will of her- even his own father and stepmother.
He enjoyed sneaking vapes and cigarettes and skating when he was younger, with his favorite game being Sonic growing up, often fighting with Kolya over who got to play next.
Everything this young charlatan does is with a grin and a wit, ale to coax answers out of someone without the other even knowing (in comparison to Kolya, who prefers the direct approach of "torture until they talk.)
All in all he fears one day he will lose Kolya to the whims of Perseus and their uncle's plans- whatever it may be...
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
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Nikita's Thirst Trap
i wanted to draw some tiddies and realized i haven't slutted out Nikita who is a canonical slut anyway
(bonus reply from Nikolaj oops)
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
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neat faux cinimatic thing ft. two babyfaced war criminals
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applbottmjeens · 10 months
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"It's an honor to meet you, Captain Price."
Makarov reveal has me thinking about the Zakhaev twins again.
If Price gets sent to the gulag i swear this is gonna be the first thing he sees lmao
Don't worry! The boys will take very good care of the old man.
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applbottmjeens · 6 months
nsfwish under the cut my guy
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He might not call you after this.
Wanna be ontop? Spend some time with his brother instead.
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
Hi Appl!! 💕💕
Hope you're doing well!
For the ask game! 💤 For my favourite twins!!
No pressure my dear!
Love ya! 💖
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Nikita is definitely the type to pull an all nighter but SOMEHOW wake up at the right time. (Insane internal alarm clock)
That sonic shirt has def seen better days.
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applbottmjeens · 3 months
I feel like I’m being annoying for asking this but got any more art on the Zakhaev twins 😋
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Here's a sneak peek of something I'm working on with the boys :)
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No context, (yet)
just pain ♡
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applbottmjeens · 3 months
I love it when people discover the Zakhaev twins and tell me how much they want Nikita even though I made him a Fuckboy
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
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How many songs are there yet to come?
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applbottmjeens · 10 months
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following the makarov reveal and how the modern warfare reboot might be expanding more, i decided to age down the Zakhaev twins and save them as sort of Makarov's last hope for a better world, not really wanting the boys to become a part of the mess that is the family business (i mean, cmon. it's inevitable.) but prepping them nonetheless and mentoring them.
Maybe their uncle's inevitable demise will lead to the two becoming the Gemini Snipers in the future, but who knows!! (I cannot wait for this campaign.)
I guess canonically as of 2023, Kita and Kolya are still lil baby teenagers who are going through a bit of rebellious self discovery.
Kolya is still quiet and shy and more responsible, only thought to be smoking because he was "holding" Kita's cigarettes and vape for him.
Nikita is def the more sneaky, rebellious, social butterfly while Kolya just wants to keep his head down and try not to stand out.
But yeah! The Zakhaev twins are teens as of MWIII and they still v much look up to their Uncle.
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applbottmjeens · 5 months
Any more trivia or fanart on the Zakhaev twins or there mother? Not trying to rush you take your time :) also I would like to know about there relationship between there father and step mother
I'm working on an Oksana piece actually! Not finished yet but I'm working on it.
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(taken from my Instagram story lol)
As for the twins' relationship with their father...it's a bit complicated. Nikita is favored because of his stronger personality and what Viktor sees as proper leadership, and he generally tries to "toughen up" the meeker Nikolay, (canonically fed his allergic son seafood in an effort to get him over his allergy..) and he sort of pushes him aside. It gives Makarov an opportunity to mentor Kolya more, and we all know how that ended up...
As for their stepmother, Yulia... She kind of tolerates them and is generally nice and polite, but nothing more. She does however hate their mother, which can be complicated as they're massive mama's boys through and through. Nikita had actually almost fought her over something she said about his mother offhand, and Viktor had to calm him down.
After Viktor dies, they sort of get closer to Yulia, sort of seeing her as an aunt and eventually another maternal figure when Oksana dies. Yulia sees the twins as the last remaining parts of her husband, as do the twins to her.
Viktor as a father wasn't bad necessarily. He was a bit absent because of his work, and he did have a bit of a traditional view on how his son's should be raised (Oksana and him did argue over what religion they'd grow up in) but he loved them both in his own way.
Nikita has a much more positive view of his father, seeing him as a mentor and someone to live up to next to Makarov.
Nikolay...Is complicated. He sees his father as his first bully, first obstacle, and first person to prove wrong.
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