#Yuto Inukai Fanfiction
welcometothedopeworld · 6 months
Rocky Road Ice Cream ~ *Yuto Inukai*
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Summary: After being threatened with blackmail, Yuto has asked you out. Now he's waiting for you at the ice cream parlor. Surely, you will come right?
Pairing: Yuto Inukai X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 1059
Warning: N/A
Yuto was having internal panic. On the outside, he may look a little nervous, but on the inside, he was one second away from running away and hiding. He couldn't stop his fingers from fidgeting or his leg from bouncing. He wanted to leave so badly, but he told himself that he promised you he would be here, and so he stayed.
See, what happened was a week ago, Yuto had been convinced into asking you out. More like forced to ask you out by the rest of GokuLuck. Apparently, they were beyond annoyed seeing his "terrible" attempts to flirt with you. He thought he was being smooth, but according to the others, he was failing miserably. 
After being threatened with blackmail, Yuto managed to scrape together enough courage to ask you on a date. He was surprised when you said yes and even more surprised when you suggested an ice cream date. It's not that he didn't like ice cream. It's just you had the idea at the ready it seemed. It was almost like you were waiting for the day he'd ask you out. Which seemed absolutely impossible to him.
He had been sitting in the ice cream parlor for about twenty minutes and his anxiety was through the roof. He wanted to find you, ask why you were so late, or better yet, just go back to the prison and pretend like none of this had ever happened. That was a better idea. He would knuckle under any taunting he'd receive from GokuLuck. All he knew was he couldn't stay here a second longer, lest he burst from pure anxiety.
However, just as he was about to get up to leave, the bell on the front door rang and you walked in. Though you were positively frazzled, the bright smile on your face made his heart stutter to a stop.
"Yuto! Boy, am I glad to see you! You will not believe the kind of traffic there is out there! And I overslept on top of it! I thought you would have left by now! I am so glad you're still here!" You sighed.
"Oh um," He was about to tell you he was just leaving but realized almost a second too late that that would have been the wrong thing to say. So instead, Yuto said, "I got a table."
"Excellent! Have you ordered yet?" He shook his head and you giggled. "Well c'mon then! It's my treat."
"Oh, no. I should pay." He went to grab his wallet but your hand on his arm made him stop.
Your lips were pulled into the cutest pout as you said, "I'm serious, Yuto. I will fight you on this. I am paying and that's that. Besides, it's the least I can do since you got us a table and you waited for me!"
"O-okay." He stuttered and allowed you to pull him to the counter. He barely paid attention to the choices before him, instead watching you carefully make your selection. When the worker asked him what he wanted, he was so flustered, he picked a random flavor before him.
Soon, he found himself back at the table he was before with you across from him. While it was his first time ever trying it, Yuto found he liked rocky road ice cream quite a bit. Or maybe it was just because you were talking animatedly about anything and everything that some of the overwhelming amount of love he was feeling for you transferred to the ice cream.
He appreciated that the conversation wasn't one-sided. While he tended to be a man of few words, he found it easy to open up to you and answer all of your questions. They were silly, the kind you ask a person on a first date, but it felt like he was being completely vulnerable to you at that moment. He wondered if you knew you had his whole, broken heart in your hand and in this very moment, it felt like the safest place in the world for it.
As you finished your ice cream, you smiled at him. "That was really good, wasn't it?"
He gave a bashful nod. "Yes, it was."
"See, I told you I knew where the best ice cream in town was. And when we come back next time, maybe we can share a banana split or something!"
If he had any ice cream left, Yuto was sure he would've choked on it at your words. "N-next time?"
You nodded. "Absolutely! You didn't think this was going to be a one time thing, did you?"
"Yuto." You stopped him and took his hand. "I want you to know that I was absolutely over the moon when you asked me out. See, I have really strong feelings of admiration towards you and I want to see where this relationship will take us. I'm not sure if it's love yet, but I do know that I want to keep going on dates with you. So please, can we go on another date next week?"
He was frozen for only a fraction of a second before he nodded. "Yes. We can."
"Excellent. I'll let you pick what we do this time around."
"How does dinner sound?" He blurted out. "I-I can make it."
Your eyes widened and your grin stretched wide. "A home-cooked meal made by you? Absolutely! Count me in! I am so excited I can hardly wait!"
He smiled, the tension he was feeling in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. "Perfect."
As you stood up and the two of you said your goodbyes, he froze once again when you pressed your lips to his cheek. "I had a wonderful time, Yuto. I cannot wait to do this again next week!"
"Me neither." 
As he waved goodbye, he sighed. Though he was still annoyed at the rest of the guys for pushing him to ask you out, he was begrudgingly thankful that they did. If they hadn't, he never would have entered this relationship with you, one that he was so excited about. And now he had a date to plan! While he made his way back to the prison he made a list of all the things he needed to buy, making sure to add rocky road ice cream to the list.
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