#Yumi Kumazaki
liyatv · 1 year
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ゆん: 【実話】思わせぶりしてくるメンヘラ地雷男さんへ。
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kirbydevpostarchive · 6 years
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HAL Laboratory イシダHAL_Laboratory 04/20/2017 4:32 AM
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Hi, everyone! Long time no see! This is Satoshi Ishida, from HAL Laboratory.
I'd like to celebrate the recent release of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, a downloadable game for Nintendo 3DS, with a message from the game's director, Ms Todo.
"Hang on, wasn't the director Mr Kumazaki?" you ask. Well, yes, Mr Kumazaki was the GENERAL director, but the director for the minigame Team Kirby Clash, and subsequently for Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, was Ms Todo. So without further ado, I'm handing over to her.
"Hello, I'm Yumi Todo.
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is a levelled up version of Team Kirby Clash, a minigame from Kirby: Planet Robobot, and it's available to download now!
Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is a cooperative fighting game in which four Kirbys join forces to defeat powerful bosses. You start by picking one of four possible roles and then set out on a quest. Team Kirby Clash Deluxe can be played in single-player with CPU allies, and if you get a group together you can play via local wireless!
All that's pretty much the same as Team Kirby Clash, but what's new in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is that you can choose your weapons and armour from over 80 different items!
For intrepid Kirbys, I'd recommend the fiery sword known as the Crimson Blade, while those more concerned with style might like the fabulous, sparkly Magical Girl Coiffure.
We've also added more quests, and this is the first time that you can fight for real against a certain someone. Who's that, you say? Have a closer look at the logo...
There are lots more great new features to discover in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, so I know some of you might be thinking: "How much is all this going to cost?"
But here's the cool thing: it's free to download, and you can use in-game items called Gem Apples to help you progress through the adventure. Gem Apples can be harvested every day in the game, but are also obtainable by entering a password. We'll be releasing passwords in various places, so please keep an eye out for them!
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イシダ 04/20/2017 4:38 AM You can also purchase Gem Apples from the fair keeper of the Shoppe. Here is a tip from him: "If you buy lots, the Gem Apple Tree will grow taller and taller, and give you more and more Gem Apples!" So why not swing by the Shoppe sometime?
As for upcoming games, we're going to let Kirby loose in a 3D world this summer in Kirby's Blowout Blast, and we're also planning an action fighting game for next winter.
There are going to be lots of games to celebrate Kirby's 25th anniversary, so I hope you're excited!"
That was all.
I bet you're all intrigued by Kirby's Blowout Blast and this new action fighting game in the winter. But first, I hope you'll check out Team Kirby Clash Deluxe!
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liyatv · 3 hours
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ゆん: 深夜授乳で目が覚めたから、入院中の本音を気持ちのままに喋る。
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liyatv · 4 days
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ゆん: 生まれたて新生児と新米パパママのはじめての母子同室を密着。
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liyatv · 9 days
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ゆん: 【質問攻め】産後すぐ、家族に出産報告をしてました!〜何時間で産んだ?〜
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liyatv · 16 days
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ゆん: 【コルク初登場】産後3時間後、出産の余韻に感動しながら語るママ。
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liyatv · 21 days
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ゆん: 【パパにお手紙】計画自然分娩で出産する、前日の夜と当日の朝のママとパパ。
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liyatv · 25 days
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ゆん: 【ご報告】シルクとゆんの赤ちゃんが産まれました。
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liyatv · 1 month
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ゆん: 【超爆笑】夫婦でマリオパーティ本気対戦したら笑いが止まんないwww
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liyatv · 1 month
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ゆん: 【ポケカ】豪運夫婦でクリムゾンヘイズ2箱開封したら強運すぎて怖いwww
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: 旦那と同棲中のプライベート新居を、更に帰ってきたい家へ🏠❤︎〜キッチン用品爆買いして胃袋を掴み続けたいのよ〜
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: 【出産準備】ベビー用品大爆買い👶ママとパパで初めての購入品紹介🛍【アカチャンホンポ】
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: 【遂に妊娠後期】ばぁばから初孫へ!初めてのプレゼント👶🏻🎁〜大きくなったお腹が愛おしいねぇ〜
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: 夫婦で激ハマり中のワンピースカード開封したら喋りすぎて大渋滞⚔🔥
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: 【超絶大興奮】ゆん姉とシルク兄から弟へ。世界に1つの特注コントローラーをプレゼントしてみた🎮🎁
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liyatv · 2 months
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ゆん: バレンタインだったし、夫婦で初めての恋愛相談に答えてみます🍫♡
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