ssreeder · 1 year
Reedy whenever you apologize for the future of a chapter just know every time my heart is doing somersaults bc why oh WHY are you apologizing for. What do yiu have planned that requires you to fucking apologize. Reedy? REEDY?
Please imagine me just fucking banging at your door like HELLO? REEDY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAPPEN
-Fragile heart
heheheheheheeeee heeee hereee >:)
I’m being so over dramatic, sorry! I don’t have anything bad planned actually, we are entering a torture free arc in LIAB but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any angst. I don’t think I can write a chapter without some angst…
I am APOLOGIZING because i promised zukka cuddles but I was unable to deliver said cuddles until the NEXT chapter………… oops. <3
i feel the need to give you a key so you don’t have to bang on my door… you can just go ahead & let yourself in! I’ll make some tea :D
<3 were roommates now FHA
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Save the best post for last!!! BEEEESSSH!!!!! Omg. I do not know where to begin!!!! Literal puro thankyou ito mamaya. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am sooo happy and proud of you. You suuuper deserve the grade you got. Wohooo!!! Party na!!! Ok. Serious na. Hahaha. I cant ever be serious, noh? I waited so long to post this pic of us. Crazy padin ako. THANKYOU. Sa lahat-lahat. Di ko na besh mabilang utang na laman loob ko sayo. Thankyou for telling me not to give up. Thankyou for staying in the most trying of times. Thankyou for keeping me focused and leading me to the right ways of practice. Thankyou for reminding me of all the impt things. Thankyou for always eating with me kasi lage nalang akong gutom. Thankyou for making alog my braincells that are always all over the place. Thankyou for many other things!!! Thankyou to infinity and beyond!!!! I thank God I did not graduate last year. Our friendship was indeed spontaneous but it was one of the blessings of my life. You taught me to learn to trust people again and love friends as they should be loved despite the fears of betrayals and being left behind. Love you always. Thankyou for pushing me to keep trying and moving forward; for not judging me for the stories aka chismis youve probably heard about me. For loving me inspite and despite all the drama queen morsels of my body. Thankyou for inspiring me to strive better and be a better musician. Thankyu for believing in me. Words are never enough. I will always, always be here for you and will forever love you my dearest. This reaaaaally iz it beeeesh!!!!! Love always, Drama Queen #3 #pianiste #musician #musicmajor #pianomajor #sisters (at University of Santo Tomas)
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