blind0raven · 2 years
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yeonanak · 3 years
(Draft and summary of a dumb fic that I’m no longer writing)
Saiki makes the awful mistake of allowing his friends to throw him and Teruhashi a joint 18th birthday party, since their birth dates are only 10 days apart. It’s loud and crowded, two things Saiki dislikes, but he tries not to mind too much. All of the attention will be on Teruhashi, anyway.
That’s what he thinks. But then the doors open to an extravagant ballroom filled with blue and pink lights, flowers, and jewels. Everyone is wearing gowns, dresses, and suits.
With Saiko’s money, they had gone all out. It looked like an over-the-top gender reveal party.
Saiki and Teruhashi are taken to be seated at the very front of the room, on a stage with their own table facing their guests and the dance floor. With the light shining down on them, Kokomi’s cream dress can be mistaken for white.
Saiki is wary, because he can hear a loaded question hanging in the air. A question filled with panic and overwhelming dread:
Is...this a wedding reception?
His friends are idiots.
There are other tables to the left and right of them seating their close friends, and even some family members. Makoto is giving him rude gestures. Chiyo is giving him an evil smile. Aiura is pouting quite a bit.
Yo’ boss. What’s going on here? I thought this was your birthday party?
Yumehara took advantage of our friends’ stupidity and planned a damn wedding reception without them realizing, he answers back.
Next year can we share our birthday parties? her eyes gleam excitedly.
You’re a Virgo.
The presents he and Teruhashi receive are gender neutral and simple, but their friends get them matching sets in pink and blue. Saiki’s present from Kaido is a pastel pink baking set with a dainty gold whisk, ceramic, cat-shaped measuring spoons, and a cat-printed, pink, plastic spatula. It’s a little cute for his tastes, but he doesn’t mind it.
What he minds is that Teruhashi gets the matching set in blue, but with dogs.
“They match your hair colors!”
“…Thanks, Kaido.”
Worse, from Hairo they get a shared “His or Her” bath towel set and pink and blue 20lb weights.
“You can use these for when you work out! This was the only thing I could find in pink and blue!”
It didn’t have to be pink or blue!
But it’s when Nendo pulls out a small velvet box that his stomach drops to the floor.
When he sets the box on the table in between them, Kusuo makes no move to accept the gift. He even has half a mind to throw it back in his face. Anyone would understand.
See? Even Kokomi is thinking of it. She just can’t because ‘the perfect bishoujo can’t turn down a gift’.
(there’s the other half of her that’s begrudgingly delighted.)
“Thank you, Nendo!” Teruhashi smiles and opens the box to reveal what she was expecting to be a matching set of plastic jewelry. “Friendship rings!”
However, her jaw drops when faced with beautifully cut jewels.
“Oh?” Nendo chuckles, “No, those are wedding rings. Ma told me to give them to someone special. You and Aibou are special to me.”
They did get married! He could hear hearts shatter across the room.
“NENDO.” Kaido and Kuboyasu shriek in horror in the background.
“What the hell are you doing, moron?!” Aren roars.
“I’m giving Aibou his wedding present.”
“Wedding?” They snap at him like he’s the only stupid one, but then his friends take a long pause, their faces turning several different shades of red and purple as they seem to actually see the room they’re standing in for the first time.
There’s only shocked silence.
Nendo turned out to also be the one who chose the triple tier, chocolate mocha wedding cake. But Kusuo wasn’t going to complain about that. (Teruhashi wasn’t either, happily spoon feeding him bites in between her giggles.)
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