#Wulf Diamond Jewelers
wdjewelers · 2 months
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idwsonicshowdown · 1 year
64 Character Line-up
Here is the intended 64 character line-up that we'll be running with once the bonus polls have decided who'll get through. Details on the bonus polls and reasons for selection can be found here Please note, the list below is not the order they'll be competing in for the tournament and is instead just alphabetical order:
[Classic or Modern Amy]
[Background Citizen bracket winner]
[Chao bracket winner]
E-117 Sigma
E-123 Omega
[Classic or Modern Eggman]
[Hard Boiled Heavies bracket winner]
[Classic or Modern Knuckles]
[Metal Knuckles bracket winner]
[Metal Sonic bracket winner]
[Original Diamond Cutters bracket winner]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 1]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 2]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 3]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 4]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 5]
[Scrapnik bracket winner 6]
[Shadow vs android backet winner]
[Classic or Modern Sonic]
[Classic or Modern Tails]
Tails Doll
[Zeti bracket winner]
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mytherbalegwladys · 1 year
My Sonic Heroes Teams
Team Sonic: Good
-Sonic l'Hérisson (Leader) -Miles "Tails" Prower le Renard -Knuckles l’Échidné
Team Dark: Good
-Shadow l'Hérisson (Leader) -Rouge la Chauve-souris -E-123 Oméga
Team Rose: Good
-Amy Rose (Leader) -Cream la Lapine & Cheese -Big le Chat & Froggy
Team Chaotix: Good
-Espio le Caméléon -Charmy l'Abeille -Vector le Crocodile (Leader)
Team Dimensions: Good
-Marine le Raton-laveur -Silver l'Hérisson -Blaze la Chatte (Leader)
Team Freedom: Good
-Sally Acorn l’Écureuil terrestre (Leader) -Nicole le Lynx -Rotor le Morse
Team Fighters: Good
-Antoine le Coyote -Saffron Bee l'Abeille -Bunnie la Lapine-cyborg (Leader)
Team Atlantis: Good
-Méra le Dauphin (Leader) -Fly la Raie-léopard -Clamp le Homard
Team Gem: Good
-Honey la Chatte -Ray l’Écureuil Volant -Mighty le Tatou (Leader)
Team Babylon: Neutral
-Jet le Faucon (Leader) -Wave l'Hirondelle -Storm l'Albatros
Team Diamond: Good
-Tangle le Lémure (Leader) -Jewel le Scarabée -Whisper la Louve
Team Hooligan: Evil
-Fang la Belette (Leader) -Bean Dynamite le Canard -Bark l'Ours Polaire
Team Wild: Good
-Lupe la Louve (Leader) -Ominotago (Omi) la Chouette effraie -Sticks le Blaireau
Team Underground: Good
-Sonia l'Hérissonne (Leader) -Manic l'Hérisson -Mina la Mangouste
Team Destructix: Evil
-Scourge l'Hérisson (Leader) -Speedy l'Oiseau -Fiona la Renarde
Team Witchcarter: Evil
-Falke Wulf le Loup -Carrotia la Lapine (Leader) -Bearenger le Grizzly
Team Starline: Neutral
-Surge le Tenrec (Leader) -Kitsunami le Fennec -Thrash le Diable de Tasmanie
Team Rebel: Good
-Éolithe le Tenrec -Raven le Corbeau (Leader) -Julie-Su l’Échidné
Team Light: Good
-Tiara Boobowski le Manx -Tekno le Canari -Ebony la Chatte
Team Desert Raiders: Good
-Spike le Porc-épic (Leader) -Sonar le Fennec -Trevor Burrow la Taupe
Team Dragon: Good
-Trip le Cordyle géant (Leader) -Murray le Poisson-dragon -Tunnel la Taupe
Méra, Fly, Clamp, Raven, Éolithe et Murray sont mes OCs.
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greeneyedwildthing · 4 years
turn your url into song titles
thank u for the tag @aryasbadbenergy & @yanak324
lmfao thanks 12 yr old christina for thinking of a long ass url love u for that
g - Get Some by Ghosted (hands down funniest nsfw song I know)
r - Raise Hell by Dorothy (because it’s my aesthetic)
e - Eyes On You by Chase Rice (I’m a country girl ;) )
e - Easier by 5 Seconds of Summer (what a mooood)
n - NFWMB by Hozier (god I love this song)
e - Einstein by Double Lyrical and Jroon (running out of songs that start with e)
y - Young Man by Justin Timberlake (because it’s wholesome AF)
e - Exoskeleton by Bensbeendead (idk what genre this is but I love this song so much)
d - Diamonds or Twine by Ryan Hurd (I will get married to this song)
i - I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons (This song and Polaroid by IM got me through so many tough days it’s like a sucker punch of positivity)
l - LIFE by Jon Bellion (I used to write PRAY on my wrist to remind myself to keep fighting through my mental health problems. but aside from that literally all of his songs are fireee)
d - Don’t Throw Out My Legos by AJR ( I would kill to see them live )
t - Two by Sleeping at Last (they have a whole album with songs dedicated to each enneagram number!! Look up yours and listen to it with your eyes closed!)
h - Hot Girl Bummer by Blackbear (the bass hits different)
i - I Like That by Janelle Monae (sometimes you just need a good jazz/pop song and a set of heels to pump up your self esteem)
n - Nobody Speak by DJ Shadow and Run the Jewels (so absurdly funny)
g - Goodbye by Who Is Fancy (remember when this song was super popular?)
I have some 3,000 songs saved on my spotify but this was so fun! I love sharing my songs :) 
tagging: @tigereyes45 , @playstationstartupnoise , @starks-deserved-better , @padmesgreene , @rougeam @youknownnothingjonsnow0303 and anyone else with hella long urls ;)
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@this-is-gizmo I remember a while back you wrote your birthday and I MAY or may not have put it in my calendar so I could write this for you??? ahhh anyway enjoy???
“Okay, so we all know the plan right?” Pascal tapped against the board a serious look on his face. His little army nodded, equal looks of seriousness on their faces. 
Lace was sitting next to Wulf, looking rather unnerved over how Mahogany was stretching their leg over his and Wulf’s legs. God, legs for days on the gangly noodle that was intent on getting kids out of all of them. Wulf had slung an arm over his shoulder and was playing with his collar in a way that made extra four eyes open up slowly. They all ignored the silent scream Wulf made as he pulled Lace closer into his arms. 
Sal was sitting on the other side of Mahogany, eyes half shut as Wulf’s fingers (from his other arm being slung over Magpie’s shoulders) gently scratched into his head. Pascal wondered if Sal minded the fact that Wulf was causing his little apple head to bobble but...he didn’t. Huh. Well, Dae was probably wondering the same thing as he doodled figures of them all and wrote down the plan next to the figures. 
“Operation; Seduce the ghost that haunts our life amazingly is a go!”
“O-ok! Here we are!” Lace beamed as he led Rhys into the living room. The blankets had been sprawled out with ice cream floats resting next to some spice cakes that Dae had baked (he had baked too much so Lace had took some off his hands.
“I figured we could sit, read, cuddle and uh-” He cleared his throat and ignored the small grin on Rhys’s very cute face. “Snuggle.” 
“Aye. M’sure it’ll be fun love-lace.” Rhys was adorable when he smiled and the taller man found himself nodding dumbly, flushing when Rhys took his hand and walked to sit down with him. Lace was rather proud when he heard the small noise of pleasure as Rhys settled down on the blanket. Oh, he looked so small and Lace wanted to pick him up and carry him away where he’d be safe- 
“Lew?” He was brought back to attention when he noticed that Rhys had started to sip his float, Ferret padding along and squeaking as he clambered onto Rhys and immediately started to dig because obviously Rhys carried tuna in his crotch. The monster felt his heart melt when the pale man had laughed and stroked a finger along ferret, cooing to him. God, maybe Mahogany was onto something when they demanded kids. 
But for now, Lace smiled softly and settled down on the blanket, pulling a slow arm around his small boyfriend and ignoring the questions about where Wulf and Dae were. He’d see soon. 
“My jewel, I t’ink yer may have gone a bit overboard...” But Rhys was smiling so Dae sighed carefully and took his hand, letting his sweet boyfriend take in all the smells and “sights” of what he had baked. He had baked a lot of things, mostly coffee flavoured things but Dae had made himself a small collection of coconut flavoured treats because he knew that Rhys would demand it. 
“Ah-and? Y-you deserve it, no doubt ah-about th-that.” A part of him still felt nervous about saying such things in such a manner, but when you had six partners that fussed and split you precious chores apart? You kind of had no choice but to gain some confidence. And this day was all about Rhys so he definitely deserved more and...was certainly going to get it...
The pale man beamed and Dae felt like he was walking on air, like was completely delighted, which he was because Rhys liked what he had made and put work into with as much love as possible. The diamond-studded man felt weak in the knees when Rhys practically moaned in delight as the first taste of the treats. “I j-just wan-wanted to m-muh-make sure you had puh-plenty to enjoy.” After all, he and Wulf always worried over how thin half of the group seemed. With Rhys at least, they could do something about it. 
“I love it, darlin’. Jus’ a shame dat Sal an’ Pascal couldn’t be here t’enjoy it.” Rhys said and Dae shrugged, nervously handing his marshmallow a plate to take into the living room with him. 
“W-well,” He tried to not wince when he heard the choked gasp from Rhys as they went in and saw the dining table full of stews, broths, Irish breakfasts and more desserts laid out. “I’m sure th-that they’ll have puh-plenty later.” 
“Steady, little love.” Wulf smiled as he led Rhys on, being sure to tell him small facts about the trees and flowers they were passing. There had been amazement (and a few tears) on Rhys’s gorgeous face, but nothing was comparing to now where he led the smaller man into a clearing of Álfheim.
It was meant to be night, but Álfheim never really was dark thanks to the beauty and light of Frey but it was at this time that the elves of the realm would gather and dance into the brighter light with their flutes and wines being celebrated. Sadly, they wouldn’t be able to join in, Light Elves were sensitive about who could be among them for such a tradition, but at least he and Rhys could sit some distance away and watch the show together. It was really quite spectacular. 
The Elves started out slow but it wasn’t long until all Wulf could see of them was dazzling twirling lights. Smaller pixies and forest spirits had started to appear by the edges too. Pixies, Dwaves, Huldras and even Slattenpattes had arrived, although this made the Asgardian wrap an arm around his lover to keep Rhys closer. He could see interested eyes flicking over before they too were eventually dragged back to the stunning sight of the elves. Good, the last thing Wulf wanted was for the most special person in his life being whisked away by something more magical than he was. 
“Next time,” The wind rider whispered, pressing a kiss to Rhys’s forehead and loving the pleased noise the smaller man had let out. “I’ll take you to the realm of the Dwaves. They’re very good drinkers.” 
Rhys had glanced over and in that moment, Wulf could have sworn that Frey and Freya had blessed this man he loved so dearly. Who he would give up his very own apple of immortality for. Rhys seemed to have been glowing as brightly as the elves themselves, a stark contrast against the black rock shirt he wore. His beaming grin alone could have had any god on their knees and swearing eternal loyalty to him and him alone. 
“Oh, Wulf, I-” Rhys didn’t get to finish what he was saying because Wulf was pulling in the man he loved most to kiss him and cup his sweet face in his rough hands. He would make tender love to Rhys tonight and would smile softly when the smaller man would chat excitedly to Mahogany and Lace about what Wulf took him to see and he would laugh at the embarrassed noise of jealously that Lace would make.
“A-ah! S-starshine, are yer sure dat d’is is safe?” 
Sal prided himself on the fact that he didn’t roll his eyes at Rhys’s panic. Pascal had said that “You’re really unhealthy man” and that apparently equalled to “you’re going to sit with me, Wulf and Rhys to talk about your feelings every week”. It was dumb but...Sal could tell Rhys he loved the dumb sap much easier now and there were...softer moments between them both that made everything easier. Although Rhys still needed hints as to when Sal suddenly needed space. Mahogany was good at tugging Rhys away at those times and stopping an outbust. 
“Yeah Moodle-doodle, you’re all good babes.” The hybird grinned and took Rhys’s hands, floating them a little higher and bathing in the full moon’s love. He had kissed the pale man in his star form, mostly ‘cause everyone else seemed to be doing heartfelt and super mushy gestures and Sal...wasn’t good at those. He got nervous at the romantic stuff Rhys did (and sometimes the taller man went a little to far and it always made Sal cry) and Sal could never figure out what would be good enough for the man who loved him most. 
He wanted to be able to give Rhys something good. Something Sal yet...romantic. He didn’t know what he would have given if he knew romance as easily as the others did but...He could try, right? Kissing Rhys in his star form and taking him flying, one of the best things in the world to Sal, seemed like a good thing. Rhys looked beautiful, dark skinned with twinkling white spread across his body. He was missing a mouth and most human features apart from overly large white eyes and Sal adored the sight. He wanted to put his arms around Rhys and twirl them in the great dark sky forever and ever. “Wouldn’t let bad shit happen t’ya. Y’know that.”
The taller man seemed to soften at that and Sal felt himself get pulled closer, let himself gently nudge his head against the other’s and closed his eyes. He wanted to stay in this moment forever, just him and Rhys and the stars that would burn on until they didn’t. 
“I love yer Sal.” Rhys muttered against him, parts touching where their lips would have been and Sal wondered if the other man liked being so far away from what he originally ever was. “I know yer wouldn’t, no matter what.” Sal wanted to scoff at that and tell Rhys that maybe he would so there, nyehh. But...fuck, he was sappy and he just shrugged and squeezed tighter around his neck. 
“Yeah, I...love you too, Moonie.” He squirmed slightly, feeling small in more ways than just physical and wanted to melt into everything that Rhys wanted and be it for him. Be what Rhys wanted and needed. 
That is, until Rhys spun him and made Sal squeal. He’ll never forgive that pale and lovable dummy for that....until tonight. For now, they grinned and cuddled in the air while Dae waited on the ground below, blankets and hot drinks waiting for when Rhys returned back to normal.
When Rhys squealed in joy, Mahogany chuffed in delighted and ran faster. They were large and wild looking, a long whipped tail swinging around as their toes, padded and hoofed at the back. Their mouth was long and dripping thick drool but the most impressive thing was their horns. Flesh and bone twisted together to form roots against the thick mane of their hair, hair that wrapped around their sweet little mate to keep him safe against the winds and speed they ran at. 
They ran past trees that bent slowly as they ran and the wendigo fluffed up when they began to slow down, padding softly by the trees and letting their horns brush against the bark. They could feel Rhys panting in excitement as he ran fingers through their tangles and Mahogany trilled when he leaned down and gave a kiss to their head. 
“Magni, thank yer! How’d yer know dat I’d always wanted t’ride yer?” He grinned and Mahogany beamed at his sweet red cheeks. He felt so warm on them and they just wanted to roll him over and cuddle and kiss and do everything sweet and loving with Rhys. He was everything to them and Mahogany wanted to share the freedom that they always had and Rhys always deserved. It still infuriated them that his old pack had been awful because Rhys was perfect and deserved a pack of wildly different and perfect people who just wanted to love him.
“Don’ yer al’ways wan’nah ride me?” They grinned when they could smell Rhys’s sweet scent turning slightly spicy. Another thing they adored about him was how easily Rhys was happy to love and and ravish with them (another word they had learnt from him and Sal was happy to give them a physical show of it). As their lover shifted off of them, the wendigo brushed their cheek against his puffer jacket, pulling up the hood to make sure that the fur inside the hood kept their sweet little bunny warm. “Yer wan’nah go walkin’ near t’lakes? I can catch a bird an’ even not eat it!”
Rhys smiled and they felt a flutter in their stomach. “Aye, sounds wonderful baby. As long as t’birds aren’t in pain, yea?” Mahogany nodded and pushed their head into his arms, huffing in a pleased manner when he squeezed them. “Aye!” 
Their mate grinned and Mahogany butted heads softly with him, purring as he let their hair tangled around his arm and led them off through the woods and home. They loved their big and impressive pack and Mahogany wanted to be with all of them always but they adored being able to stare at Rhys’s amazement when they reached the lake and Mahogany taught Rhys to catch his own fish. Wulf insisted that it was cooked and made them sulk until Dae agreed to eat the fish raw with them.
“Alight, this is Billy...” Pascal handed the american short hair into Rhys’s arms, beaming when he heard a noise of delight come from the other man as the kitten mewed. “Billy Meowish.” 
The gasp of delight turned to a groan and Pascal took that as his cue to press a kiss to his very beautiful boyfriend’s cheek. “I love it when you spend time with me. And tell me that you love me. And hold me. An-” He wasn’t silenced by a kiss, but rather a small paw being pressed to his lips. 
“’Scal, yer too cute and I love yer! I’ve wanted t’meet yer kittens all week after yer told me!” Rhys grinned and this time the other blind man leaned up to kiss him. God, he knew Rhys was short because of bad reasons but still....he was small and Pascal loved his tiny boyfriends. They lifted like the sweetest dogs and it made him melt every time. 
“Thanks, I know I usually show you the dogs but I figured that maybe you’d like to see the cats? I know Ferret is basically a little cat and you have Zuko...And Mahogany. But! More cats the-” 
“The meowrrier?” 
“Exactly!” Oh my god, he was going to marry this man. Someone who finished his awful puns without any future vision? He really was in love with the hottest fae around. Pascal beamed and wrapped an arm around his lover’s waist, using his other hand to give a little scritch-scratch to baby Billy’s head. The kitten squirmed in pale arms and looked up with big eyes that Pascal assumed were blue still. “You’re perfect, has anyone ever told you that?” 
“Aye, plenty of times by plenty of people I adore.” Rhys said and Pascal had no choice but to go awww and press his forehead against Rhys’s, moving his hand away from Billy and curling a finger through beautiful white hair that went in his mouth every time he slept next to Rhys and woke up. There was nothing more he wanted than to be able to wake up near this man every day for the rest of his life. 
Pascal sighed and kissed the beautiful man, smiling into his lips. “Well, I’m glad we can do that for you. Gotta put our asses to some use, am I right?” He wiggled his free hand’s fingers in a magical gesture, pumping his eyebrows for some extra measure, despite the fact that neither of them could see it. “Besides, I was thinking that later tonight...we could take Korra out and eat fast food in the park? They’re gonna be playing Disney movies and I definitely did not bend them into playing treasure island followed by Lilo and Stitch...” 
It was wonderful to see the smile on Rhys’s face get even bigger and yeah, he was rather proud of thinking of something so romantic. He liked being able to live up to the levels of Wulf and Dae, even if he was the height halfway for the both of them. He was looking forward to a romantic night where they could have good food, good movies and their sweet little daughter snoring softly nearby. But speaking of daughters...
“Y’know, looking after these kittens is great practice for when Magpie finally milks some kids out of us.”
Rhys choked and Pascal took Billy off him when the little guy started to squirm in discomfort. One thing better than how gorgeous Rhys looked when he smiled was how cute he was when he blushed. 
“Now this is what I’ve been want’in,” Rhys moaned when he slid into Mahogany. “All dis’ time.” 
“Well...ya could’a said, Moonstar.” Sal scoffed but he was cut of when Wulf (gently) pulled his hair back to kiss the shorter man. He moaned when his lip was roughly bit before gasping when Wulf lifted him and placed him on top of Mahogany’s face. “Wha- Wulf!” The hybrid glared because Windy Wendy knew that he didn’t appreciate being manhandled like that. 
But before he could yell at the big lug, Sal was cut off by a flustered moan when the wendigo started to lick happily, filling him up with their broad tongue as pale hands came up to hold his thighs and keep him sitting on his face. “Aye, what our sweet star says, little love. Even from his little throne.” His joke got a snort from Rhys but they all knew Wulf would be paying dearly for that later on. 
Rhys smiled sweetly, leaning down to take Sal’s ridged cock into his mouth (no one could convince Sal yet that they loved him as he was. Wulf could see where he and Rhys had so much in common). Meanwhile, Wulf had finally taken up his position, admiring Rhys’s beautiful back, stunning thighs and positively enchanting behind. He groaned softly as he began to push in to the warmth of Rhys’s hole. Odin’s beard he was tight, Dae had really taken the time to stretch Rhys out and Wulf would kiss the diamond-studded man for it if he could. 
Speaking of, their sweet redhead was squirming between Pascal and Lace, looking rather flushed as Pascal murmured praises into his ears while Lewis moved and circled his palm slowly and hard into Dae’s crotch. Suddenly there was a loud crack from Dae’s....special place and all heads whipped around, Wulf and Rhys already being ready to pull out and rush over to check over their most sensitive boyfriend. 
But rather than suddenly screaming in pain, Dae had begun to moan loudly before his voice cut out and he silently squirmed and slumped against their monster lover, legs twitching as Pascal grinned and slowly rolled his hips into the scarred man’s. 
“...Well shit.” Sal blinked and started to laugh before it cut off when Mahogany took their cue to stretch their tongue into him, rolling and curling it against his inner walls. The wendigo rolled their hips and seemed to chuff in delight as Sal gently rolled his hips on their face, whining as they gave an affectionate kiss to his pretty and warm little hole. They felt Rhys’s shadows start to play at their useless hole, making them spread their legs wider in order to take more of Rhys’s love. They couldn’t wait for the first pup to make their pack even bigger. Especially when their pack’s siblings came to visit. “Did anyone know if tha-that’s a g-good thing or not?”
“I hope it is,” Rhys frowned, pulling away from a whining Sal. “We’ll give him a thorough check later, yea?” The frown turned into a small smirk and oh, a lot of stomachs in that room were suddenly flipping at that moment. 
“Aye. But for now?” Wulf thrusted his hips and the sound of Rhys’s moan set a heat into his stomach and Wulf knew that their little lover wasn’t going to last long at everything going on around him. Let alone the feeling of being filled so nicely in his ass and mouth, let alone the tight and soaking cold he was being pounded into lovingly. “We’re going to ensure you know how deeply we care for you and to give you every inch of our affections aye?”
“Aye.” Rhys grinned before Sal pushed back into his mouth and started to thrust at a hard pace while Wulf gave slow rolls. Mahogany whined, feeling themself drip as their own holes got filled nicely as Dae whined when Lace began to fuck him, his body shifting to molten lava, which was perfect for Pascal to fuck into as he could easily stand the heat, having a sun within him after all. 
And in an hour, they would argue over who wooed Rhys best and then get laughed at for how goofy they all where. And then gang up on a squealing Dae in order to check him over and properly thank him for the breakfast he cooked despite it being Wulf and Lace’s turn today. 
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in-de--wulf-blog · 6 years
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In De Wulf
The new Chanel ‘Code Coco’ 
The delightful creativity of Chanel Horlogerie is illustrated again in this period of Paris Fashion Week. The Maison de la Place Vendome has unveiled a new revolutionary watchmaking creation called Code Coco which deserves no doubt that we stop there. This is a luxurious women's watch that has two features that should be highlighted.
The first is of a "technical" order and totally revolutionary.
Indeed, the cylindrical clasp that splits the face of Code Coco into two sub-dials is articulated.
Thus, rotate it 45 ° in the vertical alignment of the dials and press the push button located at the base of the box at 6 o'clock. Hold down the safety button and lift the bracelet: your watch is open.
Pass the code Coco watch around the wrist and fold the bracelet on the box until you hear a little click. Secure to finish the closing by turning the clasp by 45 ° by putting it back in horizontal position.
Reinventing the principle of the classic wristwatch which is attached to the wrist on the side of its inner side via a pin buckle or folding clasp, Chanelinvents a simple and fluid gesture and completely new: Code Coco seals on the wrist side dial .
Those who have not understood these explanations can go take a look at our Instagram where they will find a little video shot Live - it's HERE .
Implemented here on a model with a steel bracelet - we'll be back in a moment - it can also be declined in the future on all types of bracelets - including leather bracelets. In the latter case, in addition to the innovative side of the system, it will have the advantage of preserving the leather of the bracelet in the same way as a folding clasp.
The second particularity of the Chanel Code Coco watch is aesthetic.
This quartz watch is inspired by the emblematic 2.55 bag Chanel appeared in 1955 which borrows not only its iconic clasp (we have just mentioned) but also its quilted identity of the style of the House creations.
The result is an incredibly supple "pavé" bracelet, with each polished square capturing the light beautifully, making Code Coco both a watch and a jewel.
The Maison de la Place Vendome has not been mistaken. If one of the dials gives the time, the other, also in lacquered black, is adorned with a diamond in the center.
Chanel finally declines Code Coco in two steel versions, one of which has a bezel set with 52 diamonds. In both cases, the result is truly sumptuous and incredibly feminine.
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wdjewelers · 2 months
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Stunning Gold & Diamond Jewelry | Wulf Diamond Jewelers
Discover the stunning jewelry selection at Wulf Diamond Jewelers, the leading jewelry store in Crown Point. Today, Wulf Diamond Jewelers stands as the top destination for Northwest Indiana residents seeking bespoke jewelry, diamond engagement rings, and expert jewelry restoration services.
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wdjewelers · 2 months
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wdjewelers · 2 months
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wdjewelers · 2 months
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wdjewelers · 3 months
Buy Latest Designer Diamond Rings - Wulf Diamond Jewelers
Buy Latest Designer Diamond Rings at Wulf Diamond Jewelers . Choose from a wide range of modern designs in Diamond Rings online.
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wdjewelers · 3 months
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Stunning Gold & Diamond Jewelry | Wulf Diamond Jewelers
Explore stunning diamond and gold jewelry crafted with love. From engagement rings to bracelets, find the perfect piece for any moment. Shop now!
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wdjewelers · 3 months
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wdjewelers · 3 months
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