#Windell Oskay
Open Circuits
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet that picks up where the old, good internet left off. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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Every trip to Defcon – the massive annual hacker-con in Las Vegas – is a delight. Partly it's the familiar – seeing old friends, getting updates on hacks of years gone by. But mostly, it's the surprises, the things you never anticipated. Defcon never fails to surprise.
I got back from Vegas yesterday and I've just unpacking my suitcase, and with it, the tangible evidence of Defcon's cave of wonders. My gear bag has a new essential: Hak5's malicious cable detector, a little USB gizmo that lights up if it detects surreptitious malicious activity, even as it interdicts those nasty payloads:
(In case you're wondering if it's really possible to craft a malicious USB cable that injects badware into your computer and is visually indistinguishable from a regular cable, the answer is a resounding yes, and of course, Hak5 sells those cables, with a variety of USB tips:)
But merch is only a sideshow. The real action is in the conference rooms, where hackers update you on the pursuit of their obsessions. These are such beautiful weirdos who pursue knowledge to ridiculous extremes, untangling gnarly hairballs just to follow a thread to its origin point.
For the second year in a row, I caught a presentation from Joseph Gabay about his work on warshopping: slicing up shopping cart wheels and haunting shopping mall parking lots during resurfacing to figure out how the anti-theft mechanism that stops your cart from leaving the parking lot works:
And of course, I got to give one of those presentations, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification," to a packed house. What a thrill! It was livestreamed, and if you missed it, you'll be able to catch it on Defcon's Youtube page as soon as they upload it (they've got a lot of uploading to do!):
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After my talk, I went back to the No Starch Press booth for a book signing – which was amazing, so many beautiful hackers, plus I got to share a signing table with Micah Lee. As I was leaving, Bill Pollock slipped me a giant hardcover art-book, and said, "You're gonna love this."
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I did. The book is Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components, by Windell Oskay and Eric Schlaepfer, and it is a drop-dead gorgeous collection of photos of electronic components, painstakingly cross-sectioned and polished:
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The photos illustrate layperson-friendly explanations of what each component does, how it is constructed, and why. Perhaps you've pondered a circuit board and wondered about the colorful, candy-shaped components soldered to it. It's natural to assume that these are indivisible, abstract functional units, a thing that is best understood as a reliable and deterministic brick that can be used to construct a specific kind of wall.
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But peering inside these sealed packages reveals another world, a miniature land where things get simpler – and more complex. Inside these blobs of resin are snips of wire, plugs of wax, simple screws, fine sheets of metal in stacks, wafers of plain ceramic, springs and screws.
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Truly, quantity has a quality all its own. Miniaturize these assemblies and produce them at unimaginable scale and the simple, legible components turn into mystical black boxes that only the most dedicated study can reveal. Like every magician's trick, the unfathomable effect is built up through the precise repetition of something very simple.
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A prolonged study of Open Circuits reveals something important about the hacker aesthetic, a collection of graphic design, fashion and industrial design conventions that begins with this realization: that the crisp lines of digital logic can be decomposed into blobby, probabilistic lumps of metal, plastic, and even wax.
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It reminds me of George Dyson's brilliant memoir/history of computing, Turing's Cathedral, where he describes how he and the other children of the scientists building the first digital computers at the Princeton Institute spent their summers in the basement, hand-winding cores for the early colossi their parents were building on the floors above them:
You can see my hacker aesthetic photos in my Defcon 31 photo set:
In this video, Eric Schlaepfer illustrates the painstaking work that went into decomposing these tiny, precise components into their messy, analog subcomponents. It's pure hacker aesthetic, and it's mesmerizing:
But Open Circuits isn't just an aesthetic journey, it's a technical one. After all, Oskay is co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Labs, one of the defining places where hardware hackers gather to tear down, pick apart, mod, improve and destroy electronics. The accompanying text is a masterclass in the simple machines that combine together to make complex assemblies:
Defcon is a reminder that the world only seems hermetically sealed and legible to authorized parties with clearance to crack open the box. From shopping cart wheels to thermal fuses, that illegibility is only a few millimeters thick. Sand away the glossy outer layer and you will find yourself in a weird land of wax-blobs, rough approximations, expedient choices and endless opportunities for delight and terror, mischief and care.
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Back my anti-enshittification Kickstarter here!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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‘Open Circuits’ Slices Everyday Electronics to Reveal Their Surprisingly Stunning Insides Whether the invisible circuitry that powers our phones or the bundled cables that transport sound and data, it’s easy to appreciate common technologies for their functional purposes and simplification of daily life. A recently released book from No Starch Press, though, treasures these components for the artistry of their engineering and highlights the intricacy and elegance inherent within each design. Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components features photographs of 130 technologies cross-cut or altered to reveal their otherwise hidden elements. More Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article ‘Open Circuits’ Slices Everyday Electronics to Reveal Their Surprisingly Stunning Insides appeared first on Colossal. https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2023/02/open-circuits-book/
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commodorez · 1 year
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Open Circuits by Eric Schlaepfer & Windell H. Oskay
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sanctuaryofsurasthana · 2 months
hey!!!!!!! could i have a book recommendation thing for a miu iruma with books about math and engineering?
The Joy of X by Steven Strogatz
This is one book that I actually own, and I very much enjoy and recommend it. It explains very basic mathematical concepts to very complex ones in a very interesting and engaging way.
Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components by Windell Oskay, Eric Schlaepfer
I haven't read this one yet, but the preview makes it look interesting. Here's the synopsis from B&N:
"Open Circuits is a photographic exploration of the beautiful design inside everyday electronics. Its stunning cross-section photography unlocks a hidden world full of elegance, subtle complexity, and wonder."
The Design Of Everyday Things by Don Norman
From Amazon:
"The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how -- and why -- some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them."
The reviews are pretty nice, too!
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honyakusho · 6 months
10月20日(金)には27冊の翻訳書が発売予定です。 クリスマスを見すえた児童書が多数出ます。 そのほか、ロックバンドのピンク・フロイドで初期にリーダーだったシド・バレットの詩集、米FRBの元議長ベン・バーナンキの著書なども気になります。
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カーク・ディーター/著 クリス・ハント/著 阪東幸成/翻訳
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ジョナサン・ブレイニー/著 ジェーン・ウィンターズ/著 サラ・ミリガン/著 マーティ・スティア/著 ほか
マレー進攻航空作戦 1941-1942
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マーク・E・スティル/著 橋田和浩/監訳
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フィリップ・ラクー=ラバルト/著 ジャン=リュック・ナンシー/著 柿並良佑/訳 大久保歩/訳 ほか
ルーシー・キャベンディッシュ/著 ジャスミン・ベケット-グリフィス/イラスト 福山良広/翻訳
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シド・バレット/著 ロブ・チャップマン/解説 ピーター・ジェンナー/著 茂木信介/翻訳
高森顕徹/著 高森光晴/著 大見滋紀/著 『歎異抄ってなんだろう』翻訳チーム/翻訳
オープンサーキット 美しい電子部品の世界
Eric Schlaepfer/著 Windell H. Oskay/著 秋田純一/翻訳
エディス=ウンネルスタッド/著 小宮由/翻訳 さこももみ/イラスト
ゆきうさぎの クリスマスげきじょう : クリスマスのちいさなおはなし
レベッカ・ハリー/著 木原悦子/翻訳
株式会社 世界文化社
新装版 ゆきうさぎの ねがいごと : クリスマスの ちいさな おはなし
レベッカ・ハリー/著 木原悦子/翻訳
株式会社 世界文化社
新装版 ねずみくんの クリスマスの おうちさがし : クリスマスの ちいさな おはなし
レベッカ・ハリー/著 木原悦子/翻訳
株式会社 世界文化社
新装版 ゆきうさぎの おくりもの : クリスマスの ちいさな おはなし
レベッカ・ハリー/著 木原悦子/翻訳
株式会社 世界文化社
AIファースト・カンパニー : アルゴリズムとネットワークが経済を支配する新時代の経営戦略
マルコ・イアンシティ/著 カリム・R・ラカーニ/著 吉田素文/監修 渡部典子/翻訳
まほうのよるに : はじめてサンタのそりをひいたトナカイのおはなし
マット・タバレス/著 前沢明枝/翻訳
株式会社 世界文化社
M・S・メータ/著 清水俊介/翻訳
ダニエル・ミテル/著 五十嵐多香子/翻訳
クリストファー・クル=ワント/著 ピエロ/イラスト 望月由紀/翻訳
ジョセフ・M・シラキューサ/著 一政祐行/翻訳
フィリッパ・ペリー/著 高山真由美/翻訳
日経BP 日本経済新聞出版
関係の世界へ : 危機に瀕する私たちが生きのびる方法
ケネス・J・ガーゲン/著 東村知子/翻訳 鮫島輝美/翻訳 久保田賢一/翻訳
ティム・バークヘッド/著 キャサリン・レイナー/イラスト 水野裕紀子/翻訳 樋口広芳/著
シェリー・ダスキー・リンカー/著 AG・フォード/イラスト 福本友美子/翻訳
エリー・パターソン/著 ダン・テイラー/イラスト ゆりよう子/翻訳
21世紀の金融政策 : 大インフレからコロナ危機までの教訓
ベン・S・バーナンキ/著 高遠裕子/翻訳
日経BP 日本経済新聞出版
クリスチャン・ルース=スミット/著 山本文史/翻訳
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thxnews · 9 months
Tesla: Leading the Electric Vehicle Revolution
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  In the world of technology and innovation, few names are as well-known and reputable as that Tesla. Founded in 2003 by CEO Elon Musk, Tesla has become one of the most successful companies in the world. It offers a variety of state-of-the-art electric vehicles and energy solutions that are revolutionizing the way we think about transportation and renewable energy sources. But what was Tesla like when it first started? How has it changed since then?  
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  Tesla Then: A Brief History.
Tesla is a name synonymous with innovation and forward-thinking. Founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in 2003, the company has revolutionized the way we think about transportation, energy production, and more. They founders named the company after electrical engineer/inventor called Nikola Tesla. Less than one year after the company was formed, Elon Musk invested $6M and eventually became CEO in 2008.  The company gained initial notoriety when it unveiled its first vehicle – the Tesla Roadster – in 2008. This car was revolutionary because it could travel up to 244 miles on a single charge, making it the longest range of any electric vehicle on the market then.  
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Nikola Tesla portrait. Photo by Thierry Ehrmann. Flickr.  
Early Innovations.
The history of innovation is a long and complicated one. Many famous names have been credited with major inventions, from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs. However, one name stands out as an undisputed leader in the field: Nikola Tesla.  Tesla was born in Serbia in 1856, and his innovations have impacted the world since then. He worked on advances in electricity and magnetism that would eventually lead to inventions like laser beams, alternating current (AC) power systems, robotics, remote control technology, and so much more. His works are still relevant today; some of Tesla's technologies are even used by present-day companies such as Apple or Google for their devices or services.  Tesla's pioneering work continues to influence many aspects of modern technology today, from the power grids that keep our cities running to the wireless communication devices we use daily.  
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Tesla's Store and Service Center. Photo by Maxim. Unsplash.  
Developing the Brand.
Tesla, Inc., the American automotive and energy company, has been a leader in electric vehicles since its inception in 2003. Over the last 17 years, Tesla has made incredible strides in developing and innovating their brand to become one of the most recognizable names in automobiles.  Today, Tesla is present in over 30 countries, and their electric vehicles are some of the most sought-after on the market. Through revolutionary products such as Autopilot, solar roofs, and even a pickup truck slated for production later this year, Tesla continuously pushes boundaries that were once thought impossible. Innovation from CEO Elon Musk has been a major factor in Tesla Inc's high-level achievements by pioneering electrification technology within the auto industry.  
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Tesla Model S as electric taxi. Photo by Otmezger. Flickr.  
Recent Accomplishments.
The Tesla company has been making waves in the automotive industry recently. Tesla has unveiled several products, including electric vehicles like the Model S and Model X, as well as new energy storage solutions such as Powerwall and Solar Roof. In addition to these products, Tesla is also working on autonomous driving technology and self-driving cars. Some innovations have given consumers access to safer transportation options that reduce air pollution levels and lower overall carbon emissions. Tesla's accomplishments don't stop there; they have recently announced plans to expand their operations globally by opening new factories in China and Germany.  
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Tesla production line. Photo by Windell Oskay. Flickr.  
Future Prospects.
At present, Tesla has not only made significant strides in becoming an established leader in electric vehicle production but it also is providing energy storage solutions for homes and businesses. With a passionate customer base and ambitious plans for the future, the company looks to continue its growth and further expand its influence worldwide.  In recent years, Tesla's innovation has greatly expanded its global presence with multiple car factories located around the globe. This expansion into new markets will enable Tesla to develop a larger customer base while continuing to provide quality electric vehicles that are efficient, stylish, and affordable.  
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  Impact on Automotive Industry.
The automotive industry has experienced a major shift in recent years, largely due to the impact of Tesla. The revolutionary electric car manufacturer is responsible for some of the most significant changes in the industry since its inception. Tesla has revolutionized both vehicle production and design. The company's use of cutting-edge technology has enabled them to create vehicles with longer ranges and faster acceleration than traditional gas-powered cars. They have also introduced innovative features such as Autopilot, which allows drivers to navigate independently without any physical input from the driver. These advances have allowed Tesla to dominate the luxury electric car market and significantly impact how other automakers are designing their vehicles today. Tesla's success has been largely driven by its focus on customer satisfaction and its commitment to environmental sustainability.  
In conclusion, They have come a long way from their humble origins. The company has grown from a small, independent manufacturer to a global leader in the automotive industry. Tesla's innovative approach to design and technology has revolutionized the industry and given us a glimpse into the future of transportation. Their commitment to sustainability and environmental protection is even more impressive, making them an example for other companies. As technology advances, so will Tesla and its unique vision for our future on the roads.   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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ihgdbook · 1 year
Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components - Windell Oskay
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newsbuzzfinderblog · 2 years
Open Circuits made me fall in love with electronics again – TechCrunch
Open Circuits made me fall in love with electronics again – TechCrunch
It’s no secret that I’m a sucker for photography — I’ve been known to take a photo or two in my time — and I have a hell of a weak spot for electronics, to boot. In the upcoming Open Circuits from No Starch Press, authors Windell Oskay, co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, and Eric Schlaepfer, creator of the popular collection of vintage competing Twitter account Tube Time, talk about…
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isfeed · 2 years
This book made me fall in love with electronics all over again
This book made me fall in love with electronics all over again
It’s no secret that I’m a sucker for photography — I’ve been known to take a photo or two in my time — and I have a hell of a weak spot for electronics, to boot. In the upcoming Open Circuits from No Starch Press, authors Windell Oskay, co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, and Eric Schlaepfer, creator of the popular collection of vintage competing Twitter account Tube Time, talk about…
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Some Individuals Excel At 3D Printed Clothes For Sale And A Few Do Not - Which One Are You?
Some Individuals Excel At 3D Printed Clothes For Sale And A Few Do Not - Which One Are You?
Oskay, Windell H. "Sneak Preview: The Evil Mad Scientist 3-D Printer Undertaking." Feb. 24, 2007. (Sept. Feb. 10, 2011. (Sept. Gardner Publication, Inc. January/February 2010. (Sept. Esslinger and Firm. "Solidscape Fast Prototype." 2008. (Sept. For instance, the automotive industry has used 3-D printing technology for a few years for rapid prototyping of latest auto half designs. These sites additionally provide you with the option of establishing a web-based store, allowing you to generate income when others buy 3-D prints of your design. Remember to verify on the machine periodically to ensure there aren't any errors. There are also some firms that promised to make use of 3D printing know-how in their footwear. MIT licenses firms to develop merchandise that use 3DP, but to qualify, the company should use some distinctive combination of powder and binder materials. MIT licenses companies to develop merchandise that use 3DP, but to qualify, the company must use some unique combination of powder and binder materials. Their goal is to develop an agile supply-chain and create on-demand merchandise that are extra comfy and durable. The 3D printing course of and the work on the 3D designs that they're creating are permitting to make pieces more adapted to the body and to its movements.
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Can steps be taken to stop folks from using 3-D printers to make guns, knives and different weapons? A tastier application of 3-D printing expertise comes from the chocolate trade, which has developed machines that can create distinctive confectionary objects. Designers won't be required to create prototypes when they can get a $5000 SLA desktop printer and do their work from their studio. Kinematics software allows the designers to customise and print dresses and other garments that may be worn straight out of the printer by printing them in a folded type, reasonably than in multiple sheets. Another advantage is that you can incorporate a wider number of colours and materials in the process, Clothes Printing Machine including metals and ceramics. Research firm EADS has an even bolder ambition for 3-D printing: to manufacture aircraft parts themselves, together with a whole wing for a large airplane. Step 3: Switch to AM Machine and STL File Manipulation - A consumer copies the STL file to the computer that controls the 3-D printer.
Step 2: Conversion to STL - Convert the CAD drawing to the STL format. Most 3-D printers can use STL information along with some proprietary file varieties similar to ZPR by Z Company and ObjDF by Objet Geometries. Binder 3-D printing has just a few advantages over direct 3-D printing. Although there’s been no shortage of 3D printed static items - resembling jewellery and eyeglass frames - which don’t must bend as part of their design, there have been few makes an attempt over time at 3D printing a full outfit. After we caught up with a representative of 3D printing company Shapeways a couple of months in the past, she gave us the impression that one of many industry’s predominant challenges in terms of vogue is being able to create designs in tender-form supplies just like fabrics. One of the primary issues when trying to print an merchandise as large as a costume is the limitation of the scale of the 3D printer’s chamber.
Thinking outdoors the field allowed Nervous System to give you a plan that included printing the dress in a rolled up form, reasonably than a folded one, to make it doable to nonetheless print a costume bigger than the printer itself and that’s made from uniquely shaped parts. Moreover, 3D printing is perfect to make several iterations for these sorts of gown, to be sure that they respond accurately to the movements of the mannequin. While the wonders of 3D-printing know-how make it attainable for powdered Nylon to transform into a 3-dimensional garment, it is the inclusion of the carefully designed articulation that turns the plastic attire into a material that echoes the flexibleness of textiles. It's now attainable to make use of additive manufacturing to create costumes for the movie industry, but additionally for video video games. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing strategy that is similar, although not similar, to direct 3-D printing. The plastic used for most 3-D projects also has its personal issues. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is one type of sintering used in 3-D printing. Subsequent, let's examine the general process of printing three-dimensional objects, which applies it doesn't matter what approach you are using.
source https://creative-3d-simplification.blogspot.com/2022/05/some-individuals-excel-at-3d-printed.html
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newseveryhourly · 6 years
Unboxing a vintage gear set By Windell Oskay on June 11, 2018 Editors Note: We previously posted about this on twitter. At the Electronics Flea Market in Silicon Valley, we recently picked up this vintage spiral bevel gear set. It’s still sealed up in its original 1950s US navy packaging. Let’s ... https://ift.tt/2MhdvbX
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hudsonhardwear · 6 years
Distributor spotlight Evil Mad Scientist @EMSL
Distributor spotlight Evil Mad Scientist @EMSL
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  Hello! This week we are shining a spotlight onto our distributor Evil Mad Scientist! Lenore Edman and Windell Oskay started Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories as a project blog in 2006. They began selling kits and components in 2007 to support the projects. The business grew gradually and expanded from just soldering kits to include drawing machines like the EggBot, WaterColorBot, and more…
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quantum-c0mputer · 6 years
The End of the Candy Rainbow
About a decade ago [Windell Oskay] and [Lenore Edman] spun out of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories to work on CandyFab, an inexpensive 3D printer using sugar as its medium. Wondering what happened to CandyFab? It's been nearly that long since we last wrote about their work and Maker ... source https://hightechnologyevolution.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-end-of-candy-rainbow.html
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Qualcomm, Broadcom meeting over acquisition deal imminent
Qualcomm, Broadcom meeting over acquisition deal imminent
Windell Oskay Qualcomm and Broadcom will meet on Wednesday to thrash out the details of a potential merger, according to reports. In November last year, Broadcom revealed an unsolicited bid to acquire US chi… Latest news
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soymarc · 6 years
Día 17, día de karaoke. Hoy toca compartir un tema que haya cantado a dúo alguna vez. La verdad es que podría haberme marcado una licencia y haber escogido Here comes the weekend de Roxette porque la interpreté a dúo con mi primera novia “de verdad” en el teatro de, colegio, pero… aquello era playback (o lip sync que le llaman ahora). Finalmente no he usado ese comodín porque la sensación de ridiculous en un karaoke es mayor (o no. Depende de la ingesta de alcohol). Así que hoy toca recordar tiempos mozos con Pueblos del mundo, extinguíos.
Si lo primero que te viene a la cabeza al ver la imagen destacada de este post es: “¡Vaya pedazo de CD!”, eso es sinónimo de que no has vivido los años dorados (nunca mejor dicho) de los karaoke con Laser Disc. En concreto tengo el recuerdo de dos lugares en los que llegamos a cantar muchísimo en mi época de adolescencia/juventud: el que había en Malgrat y en el que llegamos a pasar muchas tardes enteras por el precio de una Coca-Cola y el “Haceros Especiales” de Barcelona en el que la bebida ya pasó a ser cerveza. Tengo también el vago recuerdo de haber entrado una vez a cantar a Nick Havana, también en mi ciudad natal. Era de noche, recuerdo vasos de tubo con hielos… es todo muy confuso, la verdad.
En mi época más temprana recuerdo que asegurábamos el tiro y solo cantábamos temas de grupos españoles: Duncan Dhu, El último de la fila… incluso Mocedades y su “Eres tú” había sido destrozado por nuestras cuerdas vocales en alguna ocasión. Más tarde, en los años preuniversitarios me desgañitava con Sex Pistols, o incluso nos atrevimos con Bohemian Rhapsody (que Freddie nos perdone). Hay un tema que sirve de nexo entre ambos tiempos, y es el que da título a este post, y el seleccionado para compartir hoy.
Recuerdo, no sé en qué época del año, que fuimos unos cuantos compañeros de instituto a pasar unos días al caravaning en el que pasé los fines de semana y las vacaciones de los 14 a los 22 aproximadamente, cerca de Malgrat. Fuimos a ese karaoke en el que cambié la Coca-Cola por mediana de Estrella Damm y me subí al escenario, creo recordar que con Sergi, para empezar a gritar que ya no hay trilobites en el mar.
Es curioso como funciona la memoria. No recordaba esos días, pero fue poner el vídeo que tienes aquí abajo y desencadenarse multitud de recuerdos a partir del “Esas palmas, coño” que entonamos en aquel local que solo ocupábamos un grupo de unos 6 “jóvenes rebeldes”. Madre mía… qué tiempos aquellos.
Imagen destacada: Laser and video discs 24 de Windell Oskay
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yohacks-blog · 11 years
(What's the) Big Diff?
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(img: CC BY-SA 3.0)
Multiple people working on the same project requires coordination. For free and open source software makers, there are tools like Git, Subversion, and Mercurial that provide version control (or revision control) and, with public repositories, allow multiple contributors to work in tandem. These tools are crucial. As Chris Anderson notes, "Until your project is in a public version-control system, it's open source in name only. Odds are, nobody will help you build it."
What about for open hardware projects? Turns out the physicality of objects is a real onion in the ointment. The title of Anderson's article is, "Wanted: Version Control for Stuff", and he discusses some existing, imperfect attempts to provide a solution.
One (very) partial type of version control for 3D objects and hardware employs "visual diffs". A "diff" is a direct file comparison. Windell Oskay, on his Evil Mad Scientist site, describes how they might be used to track differences in circuit designs, for example. 
It makes me think of the "what's different between these two photos?" puzzles they run in the Apple Daily in Taiwan. 
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(img source: Apple Daily)
Found all the differences? Good. Now, what about 3D objects that are more physically and materially complex? It seems that a good solution for collaborative open hardware development needs to track many potential change "vectors", from materials or parts used to manufacturing/machining techniques, in addition to "code" (which in this case might be CAD files). Making changes in these variables easily visible to collaborators is a tall order, but for open hardware to proliferate in the way that open source software has, some good solutions seem necessary. I'm sure many smart people more familiar with these development issues than I am are thinking about this.
Gary Hodgson has created a template for tracking and sharing objects on Github called "Githubiverse" (a nod [of protest] to Thingiverse). He is also behind a proposal for tracking and sharing things called "Thingtracker" that would not be limited to the walled garden of one site/service.
What else are people working on out there for object sharing and version control?
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