keyblack · 2 months
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Warlord sketches from the plane (Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet inspired by A Riddle by Lamplight bc I can't get enough of that fic)
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keyblack · 5 months
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"Shameless!" Cale sprang upon the unsuspecting warlord with the savagery of his former life's desperation, "COWARD!"
Had to draw more of this fantastic fic. I am being fed...
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keyblack · 2 months
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"I'll be sure to give your regards to Master Talpa, whelp! Ahahahaha!"
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keyblack · 4 months
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Mia screamed, and the horrific apparition's face mirrored hers, but instead of sound, billowing red smoke bled forth from its eyes and mouth. The emanation coiled briefly between them, a darting serpent that struck quickly, flowing into her, and then...
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keyblack · 2 months
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"Finally, with their leader's sudden interjection, each man was wrent from their exhaustive journey, and found themselves faint, as if being jarred awake mid-slumber..." "Dais remained silent, observing Badamon's drawling with a leery, depthless gaze. He was quite good at playing this game, and was certain that his cohorts would not notice the fact that had he attempted to stand, he would have brought his jaw into rapid contact with the nearest piece of floor." "Sekhmet's eyes rolled as he held his head, sitting awkwardly in a loose yukata that would have been considered unseemly in their formal setting. Cale had quickly dismissed his old clothes..."
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keyblack · 5 months
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keyblack · 4 months
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"Mankind's final days are upon us! You've failed!" Dr. Koji's supernatural rage twisted his expression to something Mia could hardly recognize. It was frightening to the point of tears. "N-no, Grandfather! I didn't-!" "It's too LATE, don't you see? Don't you understand?" "Please! I found them! I found the Ronin Warriors, they're-" "IT'S TOO LATE!"
hi there's a new chapter and WHOOGHGFH
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keyblack · 4 months
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His hunched posture had him hovering over their unconscious prisoner, and as he reached a withered hand out to stroke her face and neck in loving anticipation, his eyes shifted to observe the four. The brush of her skin blackened his digits as a flame to wood, and as he retrieved his hand to allow the process to reverse, the mortal condition of his cohorts did not disappoint.
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keyblack · 5 months
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Emperor Talpa's ghostly form faded with the snuffing of the candle flames, leaving the quarrelsome lot to their task... ...the warlords' raised voices recounted near successes and heaped excuses of subsequent failures...
good implied scene from Delicious Fic (otherwise known as an Average Day in the Evil Dynasty)
meanwhile, Talpa, probably:
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keyblack · 4 months
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"FOOLS, all of you! Here you're boasting as if having single-handedly returned with the five ronins' heads!"
now see this, THIS is the STUFF
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keyblack · 5 months
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"I'm hurt! No touching speech for me this time?"
y'all oh my g o d
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keyblack · 5 months
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Anubis's breath caught momentarily. His body stiffened, and his eyes stared in shocked shame at the shadowed floor beneath his master… …Anubis didn't need to look, he knew Cale's vindicated smirk by sound alone…
the Fic Art will continue until morale improves
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keyblack · 4 months
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UM. GUYS?????
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keyblack · 5 months
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Anubis and Cale leaned forward imperceptibly, both having come closest to ensuring the woman's death, they felt a strange excitement to hear of their master's solution, whatever it may be.
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keyblack · 4 months
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As Anubis's gaze sought the duplicitous ghost, he found himself struck silent by the new presence in their midst. The woman was awake. No longer laid out in an unconscious heap, but sitting attentively, and pliantly midst the four men. Though clothed in strange attire, she was a vision the likes of which had not been seen by the four for centuries.
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keyblack · 4 months
i have no idea what this ronin warriors anime is but i am deeply invested with this fic now??? give me the chaos of a bunch of villains being proven to just be mortal men and fighting over the girl please this is funny
YES. GOOD. JOIN ME IN THIS. Dude it's so good so far, I am in LOVE with the slow burn buildup with the romantic tension. I too will never get tired of the warlords fighting over Mia and not even realizing it ngjsfdkl
I just left a review for the fic author the other day, you gotta let 'em know you're enjoying it too so they keep updating it!!
(link to the fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14301730/1/A-Riddle-by-Lamplight)
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