#Whumpee’s hitched sob hearing those words over and over until they give Whumper the answer they’re looking for
letitbehurt · 2 months
Interrogation/torture scenes where Whumper is just as gentle as they are cruel.
Their voice is soft even as they slide a serrated knife beneath Whumpee’s skin, methodically drawing out screams. Between rounds, they crouch on their heels as if calming a scared child, tilting their head to peer underneath a sweaty curtain of hair.
They ask guilessly, as blood drips steadily from the knife in their hand, “Should we try this again?”
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livelaughwhump · 2 years
Whump Fic: Part 2
Part 1 here
. . .
Several hours passed since caretaker left whumpee's door, and whumpee had yet to leave their room. Thinking they must be starving, caretaker prepared whumpee's favorite meal and brought it to their door.
Caretaker gave a gentle knock. "Whumpee?" There was no response. Caretaker sighed. "Whumpee, I know you're mad at me, and that's okay, but I brought you something to eat." Whumpee still didn't respond. "It's your favorite!" Silence. Curious, caretaker tried the doorknob, only to find it unlocked. Looking up, caretaker pushed the door open and entered whumpee's room.
Atop the bed in the center of the room, whumpee lay curled up in a fetal position. Caretaker almost thought they were asleep, until they noticed whumpee's muscles tense. Caretaker frowned. "Hey," they tried. Whumpee didn't move. "I brought a peace offering." They held up the plate in their hands, but whumpee didn't look over.
"Do you regret adopting me?" Whumpee's small voice said.
Caretaker's eyes widened and they hurriedly sat beside whumpee on the bed. "No, of course not."
"Do you regret saving me?" Whumpee's voice shivered this time.
Caretaker's eyes burned and their breath hitched. They laid a hand on whumpee's leg. "Whumpee, the only thing I regret is not protecting you enough. I don't know what whumper did to you, but-"
Whumpee tensed again and caretaker's words died in their throat.
Whumpee sniffled and finally looked up at caretaker. Whumpee's eyes were red and puffy, as if they hadn't stopped crying the entire time they were alone.
"Why didn't you just tell me you didn't want me anymore?" Whumpee asked. Caretaker opened their mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Whumpee sat up and faced caretaker. "If I had known you were so unhappy, I would've tried to be better. I would've tried to be someone you could be proud to call your family."
"You don't think I'm proud of you?" Caretaker asked. "Whumpee, you are still so young, but you've gone through more than anyone should ever have to in their entire life, and you're still you. You didn't break, you didn't lose yourself. You are so strong, and I couldn't be more proud."
Whumpee's gaze wavered. "Just not proud enough to want to keep me?" they whispered.
Caretaker's heart dropped. "Oh, whumpee..." They gathered whumpee in their arms, guiding their head to rest on their shoulder. They rocked whumpee back and forth, rubbing soothing circles into their scarred back. Whumpee whimpered pathetically against caretaker's chest, gripping their shirt with a vice-like hold. "I am so sorry for all of those horrible things I said. I don't want you to think you're a burden, because you're not. You're still recovering, and you're making so much progress, and I'm so proud of you."
By now, whumpee was crying, their tears soaking through caretaker's t-shirt. "You don't have to lie," they sobbed. "I know I'm a screw-up, but I can be better, I promise. I can be useful, just please don't throw me away. I have nowhere else to go. Please."
Caretaker's heart broke upon hearing whumpee's desperate, broken pleas. Guilt swelled in their stomach. "Whumpee..."
"I can be good, I promise. I'll do whatever you say, I'll be whatever you want me to be. I know, you don’t want me, but please give me another chance. I swear, I can be good."
By now, caretaker's eyes were overflowing with tears as well. "Whumpee, there is absolutely nothing in this world that could make me even consider throwing you away. I love you, and I would never ask you to be anyone but yourself."
Whumpee sniffled and pulled themself out of caretaker's embrace. "Then-Then, what was all that on the phone? Why were you talking about sending me away?"
"I wasn't. I was talking about getting you a therapist." Whumpee's gaze wavered. "I know you won't talk to me, but I figured you might want to talk to a professional. Someone you can be sure won't judge you or make you feel unwanted. I think it would benefit both of us."
Whumpee turned their face away, their cheeks flushing red. "I feel so stupid," they whispered.
"You're not stupid, whumpee. It was just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry I said all of those things. I should never have made you feel unwanted. Adopting you was the best decision I ever made."
Tears welled in whumpee's eyes again, and they once again buried their face in caretaker's chest. "Thank you," whumpee sobbed. Caretaker raised a confused brow. "Thank you for wanting me, and taking care of me. Thank you for being so kind to me."
Caretaker smiled sadly and kissed the top of whumpee's head. "Of course. You deserve every good thing in life, and I will make sure you believe that someday. I will do everything in my power to make sure you love yourself the way I do."
Whumpee sniffled. "I love you, caretaker."
"I love you too, darling. I never want you to forget that."
Whumpee didn't even mind that their food had gone cold.
. . .
Sorry this is so long. I didn't mean to make this two parts, but I have a tendency to overwrite
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rat-father · 3 years
Had to build up some confidence but finally decided to write some scp whump <3 well d-class whump more specifically
for my whumpers who aren't in the scp community : scp 012 for more context
Tagging; @sideblogformindtrash
-- tw;; blood mention / unintentional self harm, blood loss, passing out, lab whump, multiple whumpees, panic, mild implied dissociation / derealisation, implied previous child abuse, temporary whumpee turned caretaker, miscommunication, multiple whumpers / caretakers --
„I said that I was cold, not that I wanted to cuddle.“ Vivek complained.
„Well, this is what my dad would do in the winter when it got really cold. We would sleep in the same bed and share our body heat to keep us warm,“ Sakari said. „And considering the fact that you're hugging me back, I don't think you're against it.“
He huffed, chin resting on top of their head as they hid in the crook of his neck. Their hair was still damp from the shower, smelling mildly of cheap shampoo. „I guess it does help,“ he begrudgingly grumbled.
„Doesn't mean I like it! And don't you dare say that I do.“
Sakari's laugh got muffled by the fabric of his shirt. A mix of feelings stormed inside their brain, feeling that everything went by too fast those 3 short days. From the invitation with promise of money, to the pick up in the lone street, the pain of fresh ink burning letters into their skin, and now laying in bed with a murderer. Ultimately, their thoughts kept bringing them back to their dad, sick on the streets with nothing to help. It was stupid accepting such a sketchy thing, 30 days of work for 50k, it was too good to be true. But what other choice did they have?
A hiccuped sob escaped them, accompanied by silent tears.
„I miss him,“ they admitted, more to themselves then the prisoner next to them.
He hummed sympathetically. „Homesickness is something you'll get over.“ He was quiet for a couple seconds, quickly adding. „Maybe 'home' isn't the best word, uh.“
They gave a small smile. „I get what you mean.“
„If they take you for testing, then,“ Vivek inhaled deeply. „You don't have my permission to die.“
„Wasn't planning to, but I'll keep it in mind.“
Vivek attempted to focus on the words coming from the blabbering prisoner sitting in front of him. He was more interested in whatever he was going on about than the mushy food they expected him to eat. It was better quality then other prisons he'd been to at least, and didn't taste like salted cardboard. He couldn't ignore the other's foot constantly tapping against the ground, leg twitching in sync. He looked like he had to much sugar and caffeine for breakfast, words rolling off his tongue non stop while making wild gestures with his hands. Vivek didn't even know his name, he hadn't bothered introducing himself before starting his rant.
„Were you zoning out just then, Vi?“ 83' chuckled.
83' didn't care to give his name either, but he was distinct enough to recognize even without proper name. Significantly older then everyone else, hair whiter then his skin and surprisingly fluid in his movements. He wondered how his muscles still worked so well. His voice was gentle, albeit croaky.
Vivek glanced at the others, deep in conversation. „Yeah. Don't care for what he's saying.“ He leaned back, reading the numbers on the shirt of the guy in front him. 6499.
83' clapped him on his back. „He is a talkative young man for sure. My son had ADHD. He also used to talk for what felt like hours on end sometimes.“
He nodded along, mind drifting back to Sakari. They certainly enjoyed starting conversations as well. He remembered seeing them talk to minimum 4 different people before the introduction speech.
„You don't have my permission to die.“ His own words echoed in his head, replaying like a broken record. Those words meant nothing beyond the surface, it wouldn't stop them from getting killed in this place. Permission to die was stupid. He might as well pretend to put a spell on them to make then invincible, that would be about as useful.
Sakari's heart pounded in their chest, deafening the voice attempting to reach their ears. Worry and dread knotted together in their stomach, confusion blanking their mind of rational thought. Their stayed fixated on the paper in front of them, stepping forward without a choice. It was harder to breath. Humidity around them heating their body. They felt awfully aware of their own existence, yet distant from the world. It was one blur, except for the urge to finish the song. That one. That song. The song and dance they played. The one their dad played. Pain seared through them as he hit them, as blood trickled down. Clotted blood running down their arm. Seeping in their fingernails, burning through paper like acid. Acid he spat as he insulted them, cutting deeper inside. Pounding got louder to the beat. It was a joke he was. A small joke. A small note on the page. The face they saw, they closed their eyes. The skulls were nice. The bunnies weren't prevalent. Speedy bunnies running, hitching their breath, invading their lungs. Those unwritten notes, unwritten until end of time. Their legs felt weak under them, fountains of water rolling down them. Written welcoming warmth.
Vivek held back a sigh hearing the metal door open once more. He sat up in his bed, expecting to see another guard there to take him. He nearly jumped in relief instead seeing Sakari walk in, clutching their lower arm. They meekly smiled at him, sitting down next to him. They curled up on their side as he moved to give them more space. Their feet were inches away from his leg, digging into the hard mattress.
„Are you okay?“ He asked. A stupid question, he thought to himself, the answer was pretty clear.
„Could be better,“ they mumbled, thumb absentmindedly rubbing over their arm.
„What happened? You look like you're about to pass out.“
„Lost a bit of blood is all. Wouldn't be an issue if I had eaten beforehand. But alas.“
„Let me see,“ He didn't wait for them to react, pulling their arm away from their chest. He rolled up their sleeve, inspecting the bloodied bandage wrapped around them. They sat up, wincing at the grip.
„What did they do?“
„Would you believe me if I said I did it to myself?“
He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He shook his head. „You wouldn't do that.“
„You haven't known me for that long, I very well could be someone to do that,“ Sakari paused. „But you're right, I wouldn't do it. I'm not entirely sure what happened. I do remember waking up in some infirmary, and getting a cookie.“
„A.. Cookie?“
„Yeah! And apple juice. That was good. Turns out you pass out faster from blood loss if you haven't eaten for hours.“ They laughed.
Vivek sat appalled, staring at them with wide eyes. „You nearly died and you just.. Don't care?“
„I'm not dead, am I? After all,“ they leaned forward. „I don't have your permission to. So what's the point in worrying about something that could've happened, but didn't?“
He rolled his eyes. „Alright. Fair point. I guess I'm just worried about you,“ he mumbled quietly.
„You? Worried about me?“
„Shut the fuck up.“
His words cut them deeper then the wound, flinching before they could stop it. They silently climbed out the bed to move up to their own. He called after them, grabbing them by their sleeve to hold them in place.
„What's wrong now? I wasn't being serious!“
Sakari glared at him through the corner of their eye. He groaned.
„I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you were sensitive.“
He caught a glimpse of their teary eyes as they shook their head. They pulled themselves out his grasp, entering the small bathroom off to the side. He stood in place, baffled by what happened. Reluctantly he jumped back onto the bed, crossing his arms. The shower turned on, steaming water filling the empty silence for the rest of the night.
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